ARGENTINA: Best country in the world? | Overland Travel Documentary

ARGENTINA: Best country in the world? | Overland Travel Documentary

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[Music] the Argentina Expedition on this Overland Journey we're  setting out to uncover the true essence   of Argentina from the high deserts of the  altiplano to the Snowy Peaks of Patagonia   the vast Untamed Wilderness and regions  so remote they're far off the beaten path   this isn't just about taking off tourist  hotpots it's about discovering the real   Argentina the one that shines brighter than the  sun on the country's flag every corner promises   something unexpected every mile reveals the New  Frontier the Argentina Expedition will take us   along the backbone of South America through the  mighty andies and all the way to the southernmost   Riches of the Americans join us as we explore  a country that's as vast and diverse as it's legendary we are Nick and matild and we've left  everything behind to travel to Seven Continents   with our land River Defender the Albatros  Europe North America South America Antarctica   Australia Asia and Africa a world tour for real  we want to see it all this is the next Meridian [Music] Expedition October 2023 Northern Chile  we've been driving through South America for   months and then since Peru we've been traversing  the altiplano the second highest and largest   plateau in the world battered by the cold and the  Sun at grueling altitudes we're now approaching   the northern border border of Argentina our dream  of completing the paname highway is finally Within   Reach This expedition across Argentina will  take us along the spine of the South American   continent starting from the Towering Heights  of the North through the wine region of mendosa   and all the way to patagonia's Lake District  ending in the far Southern latitudes of Tira   Del fuo it's the Journey of a lifetime and through  Argentina we will reach the end of the panamerican drive is it the only and last gas station that  we have uh yeah I think so this is what it looks   like it looks interesting good water and good  fuel you told me it was portable so I think so   so fingers crossed yeah we're standing at the  edge of the Puna Plateau we nearly decided to   bypass it little did we know then this would  turn out to be the most breathtaking Drive of   our entire world tour and here we are meeting  up with Convoy partner to share the road with   us everything is set the whole team is here  we've got the Black Mamba so the black van is   back we have Rosie which is the white troopy  and then us so it's just the three of us [Music] [Music] [Music]   together we Brave the harsh corrugated mining  tracks leading to Old Sulfur mines the only way   into the Puna armed with little more than a few  maps and satellite images we had no idea what lay ahead oh I'm a little bit tired yeah this was a  horrible Drive I was almost sleeping yeah it's   it's super straight super boring the rumble of  heavy mining tracks faded away leaving us in ear   silence in the distance we saw it the  gates of the deserto Diablo Devil's desert [Music] [Music]   it is 3:30 we didn't plan of starting any barbecue  before 6 but some people need projects cheers like   us no woo the Ready's whole bam you guys enjoying  your drink it's super awesome the entertainment   is on point onions pepper Bells potatoes and  zucchini and now with the steaks are cooking   and then it's going to be a feast is it hot  ready yeah it's hot not enough dinner is served [Music] this is day two on the Puna Plateau just climbed this little Hill  we're high in elevation so it's hot to   breathe the camp is waking up today  we have another nice program I don't   regret any second that we took the  decision to do the Day Tour till here [Music] [Music] they two started smoothly until  we bumped into a first challenge for our   Convoy partner black mamba duato is stuck  he went up but then uh got stuck so now   he's going to come back down and go full  speed up if he can't go up he'll do his   uh magic trick is revers the whole way come  on he's going he's going on man same place   so close though reverse oh I think you have  to do your special magic trick go backwards [Music]   after long days driving we reached the remote  Village of toar Grande once a bustling mining   camp only a few families remained and the  place felt like something straight out of   a movie is it the gas station looks like  it that does not look uh I mean it looks   very adventurous but I don't know how  much diesel we can actually get Fair   we said goodbye to our Convoy partners and  ventured further into the high Plateau see you guys this would become the most  beautiful surreal Drive of our   journey each new Valley revealed a  landscape more stunning than the last oh [Music] [Music] this place is incredible we came from all the  way over there and now we're going all the way   that way we're all alone there's literally  nobody and the border with Chile is right   there so really not far we're now at uh  4,000 M altitude nice and I really like   these little uh yellow Hedges here whatever  they're called the yellow plants [Music] [Music] [Music] who knew the desert had so many faces a  small stream turned a narrow Valley into   a wildlife sanuy where llamas vicunas  guanacos and even nandos roamed freely   an incredible display of Life thriving in  the harsh altiplano we found the Nando or   in other words the ostriches of this  place yeah there they are we're so [Music] lucky the last animal of the high plateau of the  Indies and we found on them it's like an ostrich   there they are small small small ostrich five of  them running after days on the road we reached the   volcanoes of Anta fasta massive peaks of black  ash towering over a pastel colored Paradise we   were like ants in a Land of giants we're going  somewhere over there and that is very dusty   Sandy and probably a little bit tough but nothing  El can't handle obviously so now tire pressure   we're going to go very low having a  little alpah hores before we go yeah   the best of Argentina all right Che it's so  beautiful I can't get over the colors it's   really except nice complete Offroad right  now huh direction that mountain which is p so dusty [Music] probably some of the last high altitude flamingos  we see and we're really happy to see them because   they're so close wow Laguna route of Bolivia was  incredible but I must say this face is even more   wild and bigger so between the two this one is  just more Majestic yeah they're both great but   this one's more Majestic and I feel like here you  could really spend a whole month between all the   tracks and everything artina so far Argentina we  love [Music] you we're literally driving from one   planet to the next we were on the moon and then we  were on Mars and now we're on some other planet I   mean the Landscapes change so fast here like every  30 50 km it's a new place uh now it's super Sandy   and then just before it was extremely Rocky and  there's nobody we're all alone we're all alone now   the only thing is we have one qu fuel left which  is about 100 km and we have a Jerry can which is   probably another 150 so I hope we make it out the  other side just in time nice I just learned that   so I hope we make it on the other side too it's  very very very Sandy very tough and we're getting stuck oh my God that's it's true the car is just  sliding and a car is sliding sliding down the hill Apparently after this  hill it should be better but we just came came out of it this is  where we came from there's practically   a few tracks but they all look like they've  been sanded away and uh wow Albatross uh made   it through but I mean we're literally  in the middle of nowhere look at this [Music] oh nice okay we're at 3,700 M and all  alone and it's freezing we have a better   plan for camping tonight let's see if we  find it what is it Nick said there's hot   springs on the side of the road so we're  going to try to find them yeah [Music] [Music]   oh my God we found the hot springs they're  right here right here and there's nobody   this is incredible we're going to park the car  probably three steps from the water so we just go oh nice can you imagine how should I park the car go stop not a second to lose not a second  to lose L my swimming suit so boxers it is oh it's so warm so I think we parked for  tonight we have the house the pool and the pool   and the garden and the sun my turn a beer and  a towel all we need for the perfect evening up   towel boom boom I'm coming when I touched  like this I said it was warm but not warm   like I stay here for 5 hours I can actually stay  here for 5 hours there's one thing I don't get   why would someone build something like this and  just leave it for free like that it's amazing awesome W so good huh it's the best very nice  it's really the best came the relief of lower   elevations we left behind what would become  one of the most fascinating environments we'd   ever encountered we had made it and it was time to  move [Music] on happy yeah this is awesome [Music] say oh yeah let's go elbow [Music] we have no fuel left but luckily we're  on the reserve and we have 2 kmet until the fuel   station we've been on the r reserve for the past  50 so I think we're really about to finish the   fuel but so good just just just so from when  we started the trail until now we really had   just exactly the am right amount of fuel which  was 140 L to do uh 900 km not bad not bad but   lucky just made it it's awesome we did still  have the 20 L Jerry can which is full but um   oh the engine is starting to cut but we  are 1.2 km away here we are oh no a red light the gas station is this whitef here it's green we made it to the gas station a good job  Abu good job Abu wow and this concludes our last   drive on the Alti Plano we're a bit sad to leave  that region behind us but really happy to discover   what's next in Argentina yes and Argentina is  super long so we're going to be in Argentina for   a while the High Altitude had put our Defender  to the test diesel engines struggle at these   elevations and mechanical issues started cropping  up it was time for a full maintenance check and   we understood why our diesel heater had stopped  working for the past two nights definitely found   the issue look at that it is just super black it's  crazy because we've had it for two years and when   I did it in Colombia it was super clean so it was  almost like a useless maintenance but at least I   had a look into it and just since Columbia which  is 3 months because of the altitudes and the bad   diesel of of Bolivia wow I mean that is a lot of  Blackness look at all that the big maintenance out   of the way we found ourself a quiet and warm spot  in the mountains it looks like a desert but we are   at 3,000 M elevation High by some standards but  home to Great climate here in Argentina now we are   in direction of Route 40 which is the famous route  of Argentina which is not so far from the border   to uh Chile um on our way down we ended up finding  this epic place which we really really like we   love the fact that it's a bit warmer in Argentina  already it is also the perfect way for us to test   out our electrical setup now that we've installed  everything in Peru in Peru we got our star link   draining a lot more electricity than our usual  consumption for this reason we installed a third   solar panel on the roof we had been traveling so  much between Peru and the pun region that we never   really got to test the whole setup just look at  us enjoying a full day of work connected to the   internet in the middle of the desert pulled out  the awning uh set up the exterior tables with our   chairs we have the two solar panels from sunware  on the roof so they are both uh together they're   240 Watts with this much sun it's an amazing  charge computer one computer 2 mati's watch   mati's phone and a starling charging here so this  is a screenshot I took earlier at 11:56 an hour   ago 160 WS of charge and this really gives us  the possibility to just stay out here an extra   day while having you know the starlink on charging  the Drone batteries charging our computers phones   charging this camera I'm filming with and  just being completely I've got a flat on my   nose tickles we going to leave it there for a bit  November 2023 mendosa we finally made it to the   famous wine region while in menosa we experienced  firsthand the famed Argentinian generosity one day   Nick walked into a shop to buy engine additives  and came out with two bottles of wine and a bottle   of olive oil all as gifts from the shopkeeper  before we disappeared across the border into Chile   we stopped for a sneak peek onto the highest  mountain in the Americas I named Akon kaga 6,961 here we here and literally  probably like 5 km this way is   the border with Chile beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] for 2 weeks we explored Chile stopping in  the capital navigating the snowy mountains and yes   getting stuck in the snow when we re-entered  Argentina we found ourselves in the gates of   Patagonia ready to discover a whole new side of  this vast country and for that we are meeting   up with one of our best traveler friends met on  the panamic all the way back in Canada [Music] we've just arrived in San  Martin de los Andes in Argentina   and for the ones who have been following us  since Canada and the USA you might know who   we're going to be meeting and we actually  just crossed him on the road we're really   happy to see this friend again because  we didn't see him in 10 months and it   is the guy from New Zealand the Ki y it's a Ki  brother from another mother right what the hell how are you and now we're exploring the Great  Lakes region in Argentina what are we hoping for   this week we're going to catch some massive trout  definitely some good steaks on our barbecue oh   yeah chilling out uh hiking a lot of sun yeah it's  not allowed to rain or snow exactly okay this is a   week set for failure we first let's go straight  to the groceries and just go find another Lake   yeah all right let's do all right let's do it Dam  we entered into Argentina from Chile just here we   have now officially entered the famous region of  the Patagonia that encompasses the southernmost   end of the South American continent our  Explorations will bring us into the Lake District   of Argentina known for its hiking fishing and  skiing Lake hopping and the Majestic Peaks feels   like the perfect program and who better than our  adventurous friend Tom to do that grocery shipping   time I need to go monitor what those T are doing  because when you leave them alone you never know   what you're going to get and I want to eat good  food let's go I was looking for you everywhere   and I was like where are those two into the toilet  together that's lemon for the fish we don't have   that's lemon for the fish we're going to catch  going lots of fish we're only getting groceries   cuz why not but we're going to eat fish we were  gearing up for a fishing expedition in Argentina's   Lake District but judging by the amount of  food we packed we might have doubted our own   ability to catch anything 1 hour and 5 minutes  until the turn off oh that's quite a long way [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music]   we found a super campsite next to this super Lake  and it's windy and a bit rainish but where will   not get better before 2 days so we need to do with  it and so the guys are going to take their shots   on this lake at fishing let's see how it goes but  it's just too hard to catch and too much current   we're too [ __ ] so we said good weather and fish  and spraining and we have no fish our current   track record is not great and the closest to a  fish we've been is this original approach by Tom gosh ah there's no fish in here oh an  empty P Ravi tonight you know what the   problem is what it's just the sky is not  blue enough there's a little bit too much   wind uh the temperatures like half a degree  off but if Fisher on not blame oh no no no   we're top not no yeah we're good we're  good all right I think this is where   we'll fish the river goes straight into  the lake let's hope we can catch some fish small fish did you catch anything really yeah I got a present  for you I did actually what oh dude   that's a good size yeah man hell yeah  hell yeah third day we finally caught   our fish woohoo what is that  that's a brown P brown trout ready reveal that looks legit looks legit  it looks good it's actually really good   and uh tender very tender you know how it is  it's delish fish one fish in the pan we are   confident our luck has turned and we can continue  our way through the tracks in search for our next spots nice all right musti is going up he's ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   the things did not turn out  quite as well as we were hoping for okay this is the first crash of Mustique  since a year and a half so broken here chipped   here this one is fine and this one is completely  missing but lucky for us got tons of Spears   nice at least the Drone was recovered but our bad   luck streak was not quite over as  we suddenly lost all power in the engine housing for the thing is not C we found it oh no dude that's the problem  that was my last one and it let the section   thing like it completely like cuz it's got wet  oh hell we having too much fun makeing makeship   filter just with some cloth I mean what else  do you have nothing I have a lot of water we idiots it's fun on the moment we just had the  conclusion of this whole story they're idiots   it was our last air filter we were planning  to get some in a week or two we're on the   fabrication of a improvised DIY air filter  any comments on the um well elb's going to   run like a dream after this it's going to go so  fast we just hope it doesn't get uh sucked into the get rid of those sleeves we don't need  sleeves on an air filter everyone needs [Laughter] [Music] sleeves I'm going to drive slowly to  the campsite to make sure that nothing happens   to the engine but should be fine and luckily for  us we're back on good roads so we shouldn't be   getting too much dust at this point all we want  to do is stop for the night until we can sort out   that elf filter problem the next day but yet again  somehow that day was not the day and on our way to Camp I need diff lock to set in they digging in they're digging  in now you're going to have to pull   me out this is nuts man we're just  going to the beach this is not   our much successful day we got a drone  crash an air filter drum and now who is stuck damn that Ste what's up  what's up brother oh man she's stuck oh yeah we're good let's keep going though keep  going this feeling of being pulled by Jerry is   familiar because if you remember we crossed  the enti lens of grand Tian towed by Jerry we   left the track behind and slowly made our way to  Baro hoping our luck had changed turns out it had   we found a rare air filter for the defender  and as an added surprise one of our patreon   supporters lived in bar and welcomed us for the  night so we have Andrea who's going to stick the not a woman no okay the best um country AR the hardest job is to make it straight okay   she's going well she's going well yay perfo  we picked the right person for the job what is something about Argentina you hope  People Like Us knew we always talk about   football and meat for Argentina what else  what else yeah oh that is a good question   no stress the we have uh the Patagonia  and all the n and all what you have never   will touch with a human ah yeah places no one  went before and it's all big thank you new air   filter new friends and the sun was finally out we  were ready to hit the road again a beautiful day   everyone's happy we've got tons of food in case  we don't catch fish so we're not going to starve   maybe that's the issue maybe we have too much food  yeah that's probably why we don't catch anything Pi up up up up you see the dripp it up my car  it the bag get the it it up you see the drip   it up in my car get it up the B get the up up  I've been on the flex fle neighborhood all in   your I ain't never scared like bone CR boy I  got don't fear my busy take NOS feels like I   don't have no flaws Snakes in the Grass cut  those off your squad sh might Bros no break   s go sh that's a no no no go high Go Low Low  Like spit in a 644 cash money like4 like A2   no s pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up  you see the dripp it up in my car it bag I get the [Music] my leg just disappeared oh dead yeah I'm good you too  I'm stuck till the hit okay   we have have to go all the  way down there the car park is oh [Music] oh it's it's super [Music] steep we're off to  reach the end of the road in the park where Li   the glaciers when an important Milestone puts us  to a stop yo sorry I had to stop our counter just   went to 200,000 km 2007 woohoo happy elbow nice  it's amazing it's like a birthday for a car yeah   200,000 boom incredible I'm very emotional good  job Alo so it means since the beginning we've   done 76,000 km nice nice wow all right that's it  okay we bought new Hooks and we bought new fish so   this is fish and hooks from Argentina hopefully  they will work better because six days only one   fish so I'm putting in now the new fish I'm  hoping that we will catch something because   we were using we were using the Finnish fish but  here we need the Argentinian fish all right let's   go what's the name of this fish this fish is  called uh Veron Veron all right go catch some   fish Veron December 2023 Patagonia our fishing  luck never really recovered on our last day in   the Lake Region we were just grateful that those  two hadn't been washed away by the rivers [Music] [Music] with Christmas approaching we all headed  to the Chilean Border in just a few days some   loved ones were scheduled to land just across  the border to continue traveling south with us last refuel before the Border  we did the same last time it's   much cheaper on the Argentinian side so  before Crossing we refuel and this snow   makes me so happy and the guys as well it's so  beautiful look at Jerry look at Jerry yeah oh my now turn on [Applause] oh I'm loving all this snow it looks so so good   I'm wondering if the mountain  pass is going to be all snowy [Music] [Music] so border is closed for today we come from with  the police that were like stopping the truck   on the road but we have found a  pretty nice Game Spot yeah right   by the lake and uh just by the  border with Chile it's amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we then drove through the border into Chile and  there we picked up Nicola's mother Alexandra   today we pick up the first arrival alisandra and  Nicola's brother Phil pagon pagonia hell hello   hello hello nice we also picked up their enormous  rental hux and sale they rented for a journey   through Patagonia with us taking your first steps  into your car mom second second steps [Music]   amazing yes so it's got a Chilean license plate  it is very very tall compared to Albatross it's   3.5 M tall but we'll make it happen and it's  Toyota highx from the year 2023 so it's brand   new it's got only 15,000 km uh so we're going  to make it go through the off-roads we usually   go through uh we'll see how well this Toyota  is off-road with this big big big big white   cell our new team member spent a few days in  Chile getting used to their vehicles for their   journey ahead they quickly showed they shared  our love for River Crossings Alexandra and   her first River Crossing river crossing  woo and now we stay here for [Applause] S I must say I was intimidated by the monster  which we now call the X cargo yeah but so snail   in French yeah snail in French but when I saw it  I said oh my God how are we going and how many   tunnels will there be in Patagonia then I relaxed  a little bit actually it's very comfortable both   the seats are comfortable easy to drive easy  to drive but Nick had to explain quite a few   things and uh on how to go on to the high gears  and uh coming up here Offroad always on second   gear which is fine but I must say that sometimes  on the turn since it slides it's a bit scary but   killing it yeah we're very proud of you yeah  oh thank you aent style interview so how did   you like life on the road Phil it's been great  it's been great we've got great public toilets   the door super good oh my gosh  super good and the driving it's   good I'm looking forward to the off-road to  Argentina let's go to Argentina tiny tiny B the Chilean border first border crossing together  mom canceling the Chilean [Music] Visa next it's windy up here H they're opening  the Border we can cross let's go re-entering   Argentina we are headed to the heart of Patagonia  the country's most iconic landscape awaited us but   as always we plan to take the back roads far  from the beat path her Convoy was ready for anything wow wow cool landscapes [Music] the first car since 180 km is right here and  it's pretty cool because we're able to bring   uh Phil and Alley to the desert really with just  us and nature here it is going full speed the only   inhabited place for Miles was the small village  of Lago posadas and we were relieved to find   a gas station the tracks had stretched our fuel  tanks to the Limit and this was our last chance   to refuel before the long remote journey ahead the  station doubled as a grocery store a cafe and even   a post office the owner was also The Unofficial  local guide sharing route conditions with us for but there's going to be inclination so you  guys will go slower but it'll be fine and   if it feels horrible we just turn around  and yeah done deal we do the hard one we   do the Hard Road do the hard let's do it we  never shy away from a challenge never never   never light 4x4 apparently so it should be fine  for them it perfect we got a bit worried about   the estimate of our new friend as such  we might never make it for Christmas   Eve at the location we had anticipated we  don't lose faith and go for it worst case   scenario we will celebrate Christmas on  the tracks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that massive camper killing it  doing so well and the driver and the driver amazing job no amazing job that's  good enough cool awesome let's do it and   the rows are very steep not super challenging  but very Steep and sometimes tilted and mom's   car is very very tall so on the turns it really  feels like a skyscraper going left and right ow [Music]   W bam in the rest B wow what  a view to arrive [Music] [Music] on W that's steep huh very steep [Music]   reaching The Valleys of perito Moreno National  Park felt like stepping into another world a   condor sared above a gray fox watched us from  the tall grass and herds of w horses galloped   in the distance the beauty was almost surreal and  for Christmas we had the privilege of spending   the night in a cozy mountain hut surrounded  by loved ones we look a bit messy but it's   because we don't have like camping equipment  compact for everyone and it's okay because our   cabin is probably the closest to the pking so it  shouldn't be more than yeah just a few minutes bed yes welcome to National Park perito Moreno we have  just found our refuge called Refuge Hua and this   right here is the inside of the cabin are three  beds up there three beds down there little table   is tonight we're having funu in this little  box here we have extra wood fire that mati   started now there are a few seats  these seats actually open up this   one has a few cleaning products  and uh that's about it [Music] we spent the following days exploring the  park as beautiful as it is it is so windy   that for the first time our drone could not  keep up with us see those images well this   is the Drone pushed back by the winds  and we could not do anything about it The Winds of Patagonia were as brutal as ever we  decided to press on heading further south to one   of patagonia's most iconic landmarks here there's  the sign we just reached the main intersection and   the first like fairly consistent towns are like  372 km away 409 km away or 486 km away it's crazy   for now we are just in the Argentinian pumper you  look left there's nothing you look right there's   nothing you look that way also nothing there's  nothing but somewhere there's Philip and Alandra uh I have to fight with the wind right now with  the steering wheel if you can if you notice the   steering wheel is like always I'm always tilting  it back to the right and as soon as I let go the   car goes straight to the left and you can really  feel it now the second thing is also because of   wind is coming from in front of us our consumption  usually being 11 L per 100 right now it's at 20 to   24 which is huge literally crazy winds in pagonia  and now that we have the wind behind us we are   consum we're at 110 and we're only consuming  4 to 3 L per 100 km go we're flying with the   wind to our new destination El calafate when the  unexpected and unwanted happened it looks like   we have our first problem uh vehicle problem  looks like Mom's vehicle uh they set a tire   up so we're going to see that now and watch out  behind you there's a truck yeah oh yeah their Tire exploded is really an uncomfortable situation   to change the tire right by the  road plenty of winds and sideways it's stressful but quick fix and we could continue  our journey and that is precisely when we saw it [Applause] [Music] we just arrived in El  chalon and it is super nice super super   nice we can see the frz Roy up there  I'm almost certain that we have the   best cooking station in the entire Patagonia  but if someone can prove me wrong do it Phil   is cooking the pasta cuz we need tons of  energy cuz tomorrow we're climbing the TR   Tes Lagos route which will bring us to  the best point of view on this bad boy [Music] good morning today we hike to Mount  Fitzroy which is technically via the   de which is a 11 km hike one way so 22  both ways you can have a very good view   on Mount FIS fory and a beautiful Laguna so  that's the plan of today we're going with   Phil as well it's now 7:00 a.m. and we're  almost ready to go it's going to be sweet [Music]   feeling neck are a bit like G and  Shepherds and in comparison I'm   a corgi in terms of leg length  if they start walking normally   then I cannot catch up so that's why you see  less of Nick and field in the middle of the   hikes that's just physical at that point my brain  is calculating the following if each of my leg is   approximatively 10 cm shorter than the guys then  my steps would be an average 15 cm shorter for a   step of 60 cm for me it would be 75 cm for them  or 25% more than me as a result is it correct to   think that I need to use 25% more energy to keep  up with them so instead of filming them I'll show   you images of gorgeous wild followers as I'm  trying to catch up you ready for the good view yeah bam [Music] and that's [Music] we had reached the heart of Patagonia  on December 31st the last night of the year   what a chance to celebrate yet another  new year on the road with family by our [Music] side it was also Time to Say Goodbye and set  our sides on the final stretch to the end of   the [Music] world uh little pinch to the heart  when that happens cuz you're always like oh this   sucks but life goes on and we'll see them soon  anyways we're going the other way for about 5   hours uh into Chile and then going straight  South to usua without any problems we can't   wait it's going to be sweet and the adventure  goes on Albatross is doing great Ma you're doing   great I'm doing great Happy New Year's Happy  New Year's we drove South seeing the famous   glaciers of perito Moreno Crossing into Chile and  through the Magnificent mountain range of Torres   Del Pine we were closing in on the finish line  of this incredible journey January 2024 Punta   Arenas Chile we reunited with friends with  met in Canada after 18 months on the road we   were about to earn our medal of marriage as  overlanding conquerors of the paname highway   and now in January just after New Year's we are  all the way down at the end of the world of the   paname almost Ina because our trip is longer  because our trip is like all the continents we   were thinking maybe we don't like value enough  that one girl that is like driving the entire   Pan-American but we see all the Travelers with  us that's their one goal like Drive the entire   Pan American so we were discussing with Nick  and we were like that's really cool you know   like we should be really happy about it and we are  it's just that because the goal is bigger like we   tend to forget Vel Mundo here we come Fel Mundo  what's up man what up uh otherwise I just park here mat Reon if you come even closer we could  put this on top of the this is like Advent   we'll drive a tiny bit back me lot of calculations  going on right now it's uh rocket science exactly   and then we got to level the cars now yeah  it's not over what do a pilot a businessman a politician and a uh coder and another salesperson  are you sales as well you no no legal legal legal perfect I have to push it in Tommy's  like I want to put my own I got stuff so you a pole I'm a pool right now cheers sorry guys sorry cheers che che che   right now we are booking our ferry from uh  penas which is um very south uh Chile we go   to the next part of Chile which then brings us  TOA so very exciting because we're that close to   ending the panamerican and this close to arriving  to the end of the road you have to put two right yeah vehicles are on this side [Applause] [Music]   our little crew made it on the ferry They're all  playing around this way we have the three car   down there now we're crossing from Punda Aras  to foren so a bit of geography on this place   I'll add a map because it's pretty complicated  now we're basically in a Outpost of Chile only   accessible by Road from Argentina or by boat from  the other zes of Chile and we're crossing to TI   de fuo the Big Island from the archipelago all  the way south in the South American continent   and we're going to arrive at porvenir porvenir  is a Chilean City still then we have to cross   one border reenter Argentina and we will make  it to usua the only way to connect this region   is to have good cooperation between Chile  and Argentina and good boats and this one r [Music] clly with Nothing Left to Fear we hit the  road One Last Time ready to make this final   stretch as epic as the rest and board the  boat cross the borders Drive hundreds of   kilometers through desolated Flatlands  there is nothing that can intimidate   this little team the Convoy makes us forget  any of the Nostalgia that could get to us in   A Moment Like This one we are Smiley and  silly and only excitement is left [Music] [Music]   all right guys let's start us Offroad it's going  to be sweet yeeha do ties now eh yeah let's do it all right let's go up Road  let's go to the end of the world yeah oh that's deep that was a n all right this is the  exciting part the part where   you have to go in the water a lot want  to pull out the Drone great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we came along all the way this way now we  find ourselves between two islands well I think   this is doable what do you think yeah we have to  swim it Jerry's first uh uhoh it's going to be [Music] fine all right let's go [Music] that was a crazy water crossing uh the deepest  we've ever done I would say the second one was   probably in Finland but this one was just crazy  good and a good way to do the end of the world by   finishing off with a really nice uh off-road and  River Crossings ready forua now let's go [Music]   woohoo only 5 minutes yeah baby let's do it woohoo we did it  we made it congrats guys woohoo woo what way a   finish couldn't be better with you guys damn what  a finish that many cars yeah but maybe we could   get one person to like take the photo and the  three cars come through the gates be cool yeah [Music] my sister going they're both crying oh it's good   we made it I want to hug Jerry a  why you would drive here just to see you know you could do you can make fun and   just build this like 50ks that  way people are like look at that yeah from col what does that do to  arrive at the end of the road Yes we made [Laughter] it so how long ago how long  ago did you live how long ago did you   live uh 18 months 18 months you guys couple  days year and a half a year and a half half   Alaska 17,8 48 km away and we probably did it  in 40,000 but we had a good time did you know   that this point is actually much further south  than any other inhabited places on Earth we're   about at lighted at - 54 as a comparison  Cape Town is at - 33 and Melbourne at - 34 [Applause] okay Yoo a lot of noise for how it feel oh beautiful oh yeah  incredible it was cool but nice and   slimmy very nice salty I'm going  to give I'm going to give her suboo that's so pathetic Argentina has been  the adventure of a lifetime the most   incredible tracks the most tunning Landscapes  the kindest people it was Grand inspiring and   Unforgettable just like the sun that shines  brightly on its flag Argentina will forever   shine brightly in our memories it has it all  and one day we'll return to explore even more   of this extraordinary country travel the  world with us together we'll continue this   incredible journey subscribe to the channel  and let's see where the road takes us next you guys look fake [Laughter] yeah Dar do you have any  comment what the hell what the hell I can't let baby I just want to tell you that no all of my friends say girl you better take care

2025-01-08 19:51

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