Are You a Self Sufficient Camper?

Are You a Self Sufficient Camper?

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self-sufficient camper what does it mean what  it means to me is be able to take your vehicle   and all your gear out for an adventure or holiday  so everything's on board you don't have to rely   on going to get a coffee from the motorway to  get something to eat from the motorway services   it's all on board so in turn that saves you money  and the more self-sufficient you are the more   money you're going to save in your vehicle which  then allows you to extend your holiday trip or   go on more adventures your your time frame of  your holiday so me and my wife we can go away   and we can relax knowing that we have everything  on board to keep us happy for the duration we   went to Scotland for four to five weeks and we  stayed in a campsite for three nights which then   enabled us to top up our water and you know  use their amenities and then we're back on   the road and then we're self-sufficient again  so depending how you want to plan your vehicle you know summer's here now and you you're thinking  about going away and you might be thinking about   buying a camper or a vehicle such as a car and  you want to go on an excursion so i wanted to   put this video out and explain you know what  i do and you can combine it with what you do   and get a happy medium the land rover is  great it's small it's compact it's comfortable   it's got a great payload if you see somewhere  you like and you can't gain access with another   vehicle this vehicle will get you there so  self-sufficiency for me is having a vehicle   that can go pretty much anywhere with all  your gear on board the beauty of it is you   can go away and save loads and loads of money by  being self-sufficient when i mean self-sufficient   carrying your water you don't want to be going  and buying and paying for water when you can   carry your own water on board you don't want to be  going and stopping for coffee in shops especially   you know some of these coffee brands they're  they're mega expensive and i drink a lot of coffee   so that's two ways you can you can save  a lot of money you don't want to be   staying in accommodation that you don't know  it's going to be comfortable the views not great   or the beds lumpy or you know there's loads  of possibilities when you hire a room or a   hotel you never know what you're going to get  when you've got your own vehicle you know how   you're going to sleep because you've slept on  that bed multiple times you know you're going   to be comfortable you know what you're going to  be eating you know I've been away before camping   we've had our food on board we've stayed on the  road we thought let's treat ourselves to a meal   we go out for a meal and hey ho we get food  poisoning so we're ill for a couple of days so   by being self-sufficient you eliminate all them  possibilities of being uncomfortable or not happy   with your accommodation or you don't like what  you're eating and you're paying top dollar for it so that's that's what i love about doing this it's  all about the enjoyment spending as much time as   you can outside with as least amount of money as  you can throw at it i'd rather spend that money   on the vehicle and the accessories  than i would to spend in a restaurant   or multiple times in expensive campsites or hotels  and b and b's but this vehicle has enabled me   to access the woodland that I'm in at the moment  like i said you can pretty much get anywhere   all my kit is here so if i was staying here  for three weeks i know i would be really   really comfortable in this vehicle I've got a  double bedroom upstairs as i call it see many   camper vans and motorhomes haven't got  the two levels so i love the downstairs   upstairs option upstairs is is great if you've got  a beautiful view you parked up somewhere you know   visualize this you parked up somewhere and there's  lakes and mountains which which are my favorite   so you can go up there and it's like a observatory  you can just sleep up there and look or read a   book or something and you've got all that for you  so that's what i like about the the rooftop tents   plus you're well off the  ground you're well insulated   that's a great you know a great addition  to to this vehicle and downstairs   as i call it you may laugh i've got a nice  seating area and a sleeping area in there   so you can mix and match when there's one of you  or there's two of you you can chop and change   i i can hold about 50 60 liters of water   and if i do require water i'll have a door  knock and ask for that to be topped up or   i'll go into a petrol garage and ask if they  could top this up if they let me top this up   then i'll say any chance of topping up my bigger  water container which is 20 liters on the side   so then i've got water for nothing it doesn't  cost anything to ask for water but why pay for it   you know i know some of you probably like  drinking bottled water but but i don't   i can i can make do and if you're that worried  about the water that you're getting you can run   it for a purifier which i have in there anyway as  long as you know it's coming off mains pressure   when when you go around someone's house or a  petrol garage then you know you're fine fine   to access that water and hasn't cost you a penny  and water is everything when you're on the road   you know i drink me and mrs bushwhacker  probably drink about six to eight liters a day   and if we take the dog as well you know where  he drinks a couple of liters on top of that   depending on the weather really and how many brews  that we have but don't forget water is your main   necessity for self-reliant camping have  a 20 liter can on the outside with a   great running tap that's awesome for filling  up your kettle and having a wash underneath   and then on the top of the roof rack  i can mount another 20 liter jerry can   on a plate that i fixed up there so plenty of  places to store water so next we'll talk about the   food aspect of self-sufficiency in a vehicle we've  been away a lot i have done a lot of of camping   and i've been to a lot of different places in the  UK and Europe and it breaks my heart to see people   paying top dollar for rubbish food it really  you know it really hurts me i i went to a place   last year in Scotland along the  motorway or somewhere and it was a   there was a farm shop and they were  charging nine pounds for a pie and i think   if you've got no food on board and you're hungry  and you and you might have children with you   and you go into this shop and everyone's kind of  buying these expensive items in this farm shop you know herd mentality nine times out  of ten you're going to be buying as well   and i see people coming out they've  stopped off they've been on a long journey   they're they're quite fatigued they're hungry  and they they have to feed themselves in in   these these expensive shops so you know i went  in had a look i fancied a pie but there's no way   you know i'm not i'm not a tight bloke  but i'm careful and no way am i going to   pay eight or nine pound for a for a small  pie and you know three four pound for a   for a coke or coffee or something like that i  just won't do it so this brings me on to food   if you you know if you add up what you  do spend from these places and from   these restaurants over say you're going away  three or four weeks you spend 60 70 pounds   roughly a day if you're eating out and getting  your and your your food or your drinks 60 70   pounds between the two of you per day so if you do  the math over if you're going away say for a month   it's a lot of money and that's the money  you could be putting into your tank for fuel so you know it's up to you if  you've got bags of money and   and you want to keep eating in these places it's  nice now and again as a luxury but you can carry   luxury items on board you know bread and some  filling for the bread to make a sandwich instead   of going in and paying top dollar for a sandwich  well it's it's down to you but i i won't do it   that's why i wanted to kind of put this video  out explaining you can go away really cheap   or you can go away mega expensive and  we'll both have the same time and adventure   but it will cost that person a lot more money  than it cost me you know a lot of people think   camping you're gonna eat really rough food you're  gonna eat like a pauper or a nomad or whatever   you don't need to eat like that  you could pop into the supermarket   once or twice a week and and get some lovely  steak some sausages and do some great barbecues   my food stalls in here i'm gonna buy because  of the warmer weather i'm thinking about buying   either a call box or a fridge I've got a call bag  which i load up with frozen items before we start   the trip with ice blocks and that that lasts us  depending on temperature it can last up to a week   or it can last like a couple of days so you you've  got to be clever with your planning for food   but you know if you keep it in the shade and  you've got a half decent cool bag or cool box   you can keep food a long time so you can have all  your meats on board fresh milk you know all your   eggs your breads all on board in here i tend to  keep a lot of dry food you know tin food because   it doesn't go off it keeps long life bread  they're in the the containers in this vehicle   at the moment i haven't loaded up because I'm  not doing a trip but I'd say I've got around   a couple of weeks worth of food you know soups in  here beans all tin goods in here chopped tomatoes   fruit cocktail rice pudding tins of tuna see that  that's a lovely meal on the road if you like tuna   a couple of long life rolls and some butter a  little bit of sour cream i like and an onion   and you got yourself you know a lovely  tuna sandwich so that's that's one option   you know beans everyone likes beans what's  wrong with a beans on toast if you're hungry   or you've been on the road and you want  to stop in in a lay by what's wrong with   knocking up a little beans on toast or soup  and toast which costs you next to nothing   like i said i haven't i haven't loaded the vehicle  up this is stuff that always kind of stays in here   things like this long life rolls you just  keep them up and you have lovely crispy rolls   and you can make all sorts of sandwiches and that  from them no refrigeration required but when we   go away for a longer trip i'll be stacking these  two baskets up as well with food so on the road   eating really well i reckon we could load this up  for a month eating quite poorly in this vehicle   i think you could probably do three months  with what we had in here you know rice's pastas   sweet corn soups things like that but you know  it's how you want to play it but definitely don't   get ripped off down the down the expensive  route of traveling on the road so leading on   from the actual food aspect cooking same again  don't pay for loads of coffees make your own   so we've got a Cadak two burner electric ignition  hob that lives in the landy all the time so we   tend to use that for brews and and soups and quick  cook-ups heating the rolls up on that hot plate   up there so it's a very practical little stove  and then when the better weather comes like it   is now i can bring that outside and we can cook  outside on if there's not huge amount of wind so   very versatile piece of kit very light as well it  used to have a back on it but i took the back off   so it fits in there really good if you've  been following my channel for a while   then you know i love cooking outside so and any  outdoor fire grill is perfect for for cooking   outside so you've got two possibilities indoor  cooking in inside your vehicle and when the   weather's nice or you're undercover outdoor  cooking i tend to carry in my trasharoo bag I'm you know I'm quite resourceful person i  try to be as resourceful as possible so if I'm   camping somewhere in a woodland or something i  might pick up some wood and put it in my treasure   bag i carry lump wood as well or charcoal any of  them coals are awesome for cooking on always carry   some of them you know they're really quick and  easy you can stop off and give you get yourself   a burger or something like that it's depends how  far you want to go with your cooking if it's a   quick stop you know you can do that and i always  think well i'm saving money because i haven't   stopped on the motorway so that evening i'm gonna  i'm gonna have a really nice meal so let's let's   crack open a steak and the jacket potato or  something like that gorgeous mill on the road   but later on i might do kind of a series  of what me and mrs b cook on the road so   you can get some idea for yourself and  maybe you can share some recipes with us   because you know i love sharing on YouTube  like i saw my other channel it's why i started   YouTube because it's just a sharing  caring community i think some great people   on there and some great knowledge I'm  tending to you know try and share as much of   what I've learned with you guys you know and i and  what winds me up you know is people getting ripped   off on the road and so many people are ripped  off so alongside the wood aspect we carry gas   to 3.9 kilo propane bottles they're very useful  for our indoor cooking and an outdoor cooking   on that stove that's a perfect place to keep  that bottle 3.9 kilos of gas cooking one meal   and a few brews last us about two to three  weeks so you get a lot out of a little bowl   and if you're combining that with with your wood  prep as well you can draw one of them bowls out   for a month so two of them in there will will last  you for a for a good road trip and obviously if   you want to be cheaper get the bigger bowls  and my secondary bottle that I'm using now   is under the vehicle so that all  rigged up to my Cadak two burner stove so like now, let's just go for a little scenario  we've been on the road four or five hours   you're quite tired and you want to stop off  for a coffee so what i do grab me kettle   fill out the water which i haven't  paid for and i'll wipe that on the gas   which doesn't cost you an arm and a leg or if you  want to be really cheap and save money if you're   planning on a long term trip i would get a  kelly kettle or heat it over her over a fire pit   so that bruise on now that's cost  me pence now the guy next to me   in his camper he's gone in  and bought two costa coffees that's cost him six pound and it's cost me pence so you can see  the result of being self-sufficient   in your camper just by having a bit of water  having a jar of coffee and the facilities to   heat that water up and it's far more enjoyable  and at the present climate you've got to get out   your vehicle out your camper you've got to put  your mask on and you've got to go into a shop   that at the moment i feel there's no atmosphere  on it or anything in shops so i'd rather be in my   vehicle making myself a nice cup of coffee of my  choice of my brand of coffee than putting myself   in in a situation that i don't like so  another advantage about being self-sufficient   in your camper so i hope you're finding  the video interesting if you're interested   in anything you see on this land rover me  and the good lady are building a website   with all the gear that we've installed on the land  rover all the bits and pieces um we're gonna do   like gear reviews and things like that so you  can get an honest opinion you know i'm quite a   straight honest guy you can get an honest opinion  to the product an in-depth kind of review from me   before you purchase there tends to be a lot of  companies out there and reviews of products and   you know they're not they're not completely  true so you know you're going to get a good   review from me if it's tried and tested by me then  you know it's half decent i want to talk to you   about the comfort side of your  rig of your camper or whatever you   call it depending on your age when you're  younger you can rough it a little bit more i know   me and mrs b we used to sleep in the back of  cars and things like that so i roughed it with   with the best of them and sleeping in you know  really poor quality tents and things like that   but that's great when you're young it's a great  experience and it and it kind of leads you   and connects you into the outdoors but as  you get a bit older you want a bit more   luxury you want a bit more comfort and  a lot of people look at smaller campers   or cars even as really roughing it with  no comfort where i tend to disagree   you know i have had a couple of really  luxurious motorhomes and i think   the landy you know is is far more not  as far more but as comfortable as a as a   expensive motorhome and if you do own a  vehicle doesn't have to be a land rover   definitely get yourself a hammock to put inside  and a good timing point i've tied mine to my   ladder rack so that just gives you one tie  out point which i've got on on a tree here   so i've got the Landy and the tree and i've  got myself a great sitting area and sleeping   area if it's gorgeous weather like this i'm  not camping tonight i'm just coming up for   the day but you know i'd be more than  happy to chuck a sleeping bag in here and spend the night and knowing that  you're going to be really comfortable and   you've got all your facilities just behind you that's that's what i love you know i love the  passion of this and and building a a camper or   a vehicle where you you're going to enjoy the  outdoors that's that's what it's all about traveling around seeing beautiful places  staying on the road as as long as you can   having so many adventures and it's not costing  you the earth inside the vehicle is a comfy sofa   it's just some old cushions that we had with  an existing sofa from indoors and we covered   them and made up some pillows and that is a  lovely seating area so this is awesome comfort   you've been on a long drive you've been on the  road for a while and you can just come in the back   of the landing and you can just sit on this great  sofa lean back grab one of your cushions like so and you've got great comfort and this conversion  inside the land rover was just bits and pieces me   and the good lady put together and it didn't cost  us a huge amount of money i think the whole lot   in here cost us about 100 pounds just bits of wood  and bits we had indoors and thought we'd build   this make it really really comfortable so like i  said the older you get you like a bit more comfort   and this is this is great in here  and it's a lovely bed to sleep on   you know mrs b sleeps down here a lot on this  on this bed i've slept down here want to check   my other videos out i was i was camping the  other week and laying on this bed it's gorgeous   comfort and then i'll take you upstairs as i call  it and i'll show you the rooftop tent so that   is ultimate comfort up there  fully waterproof twin skinned   easy to put up and you're totally self-sufficient  with that you can park anywhere and he takes the   footprint of the vehicle so you can go anywhere  i love while camping so i can kind of go away and   wild camp or stealth camp and put that up late  at night or when it gets dark but the telescopic   ladder that lives in that tent i put it in a bag  just get up get the bag down erect the ladder   clip it in lovely and safe you know once that  ladder's clipped in that's not moving anywhere   left or right is it's a solid ladder you've got  three access points to this tent so depending   on where you parked you can gain access into it  but awesome in comfort there's nothing worse than   going camping and you're not comfortable  you're not getting a good night's sleep   because you're not going to enjoy it and  you're going to be miserable the next day   and then the whole experience whole adventure  on the road is just going to be a miserable one   my advice is to get yourself a good quality tent  depending on the amount you're going to be doing   you know the soft shells are good i've had a  soft shell it's a great tent but depending on   what you're doing we traveled a lot in Scotland it  was a case of putting out putting it down because   we moved on pretty much every other day or every  day so it's a lot of work and if the weather's bad   you don't want to be outside for 15 20 minutes  wrapping the thing up and then another 15-20   minutes when you pull up erecting the tent where  this is ultimate comfort ultimate ease of use so   great purchase sometimes i spend quite a  bit of time just sitting in here rather than   you know you've just got that  extra bit of vision but this is a   comfortable tent really comfortable it's a hot  day today and up here because of the insulation   it's really cool you know i've got all the   the openings open but the breeze is coming through  and the insulation you'd think being a black   tent that it'd be absorbing all the heat  and it'd be like a sweat box in here   but it's so cool and being that bit higher up  you are capturing more of that breeze so it's uh   it's a lovely place to be it's a lovely you know  it's a lovely place to wake up in the mornings so don't go spending huge  amounts of money on hotels and b and b's get yourself a  vehicle with a nice rooftop tent and   you know look at that view imagine  waking up to that in the mornings   and your good lady's bringing you up a coffee and  when you're up here i get up at night you know a   couple of times i drink quite a bit of coffee what  i do now is i i bring a little kind of container   up here when it's bad weather or when it's cold  so i can you know go for a number one in the tent   so i don't have to come out there's nothing worse  all the heat's built up in here because it stays   lovely and warm you're opening the doors and  you've got to go out in bad conditions and if   you get up twice or there's nothing worse i love  all these little bits that just make your life   comfortable and really enjoyable just a  piece of plastic and it saves you getting   freezing cold and wet and then to warm this  whole tent up again through your body heat   it's lovely in the summer it's no problem  but you know the last trip i've done in here   we had 28 hours of rain and there was  no way i was getting out of this tent   it was just too bad driving rain and you open  a door and the range just was gonna come in so definitely um definitely take something  up with you but that's definitely what i'm talking about that  is a great piece of kit for your vehicle brilliant for traveling or  you're in a public place and and you've got   to go there's nothing worse than wanting to go  to the toilet and you don't feel comfortable   that's how i know i'm in a  good place when you can go   to toilet and you're not worried about  being seen you know you're in a great   place when you can just go freely but that is  a necessity for for up there in bad conditions   power's very important when you're on the road so  i have a solar panel which supplies my power unit   i don't have a split charge system in the van  i was going to go down that route but decided   against it as i prefer portable power  split charge system really really expensive   you know i've had a few quotes and they they're  mega money but i like this system i can take it   out of here i might want to camp down there and  i can take the whole unit and the solar panel   down to another area i might want to camp on the  beach and i want some power down on the beach   i'm not restricted to power in the vehicle i  can be somewhere you know and go and charge   from someone's premises that's a beauty of  a portable power station power generator   they're lovely and quiet as well my unit  is a jackery like i said check all this   out on my website i have several power packs  that i use but the jackery explorer 500 is   great for over landing it charges from their solar  panel that comes with the kit charges from the car   charges from mains so there's lots of  ways to get power back into that unit   and it's got a built-in inverter as well so you  can run small electrical appliances off of it you   know laptops razors things like that so which  enables you to be self-sufficient on the road   that's where the unit lives in the center  console i plug it into the cigarette lighter so whenever you're driving you're charging   and then you stop off and  then out with the solar panel the beauty of this system as well you can put  power into it and draw from it great system   but you don't have to spend that amount of  money you know i haven't had power packs   for a long time i used to use a a leisure battery  so i had a leisure battery in this vehicle when   i went to Scotland and i spent five weeks in  Scotland on a leisure battery and never charged it   so it was uh it was perfect so you don't  have to have a power pack like that go   down the cheaper route and buy a buy a leisure  battery but as I'm doing it more and more and   you know and running more and more electrical uh  bits and pieces i felt like you know i needed the   power unit like that one but that was my worry  in Scotland was are we gonna run out of power and   eventually i might want to run a fridge as well so  that's going to draw even more power from the unit   so good investment for for self-sufficiency a  power unit or a split charge system is a must   in your vehicle in my opinion you know some people  get away with with next to nothing but you still   got to charge your torches and bits and pieces so  you know you could go down the small power pack   route that's great that solar panel position  there not only am i getting free energy but   it's keeping the sun rays from the front window  so it's keeping the truck nice and cool inside   it's having two purposes another aspect  being on the road is how do you stay clean   the weather's nice you know like this you're  gonna be showering more you're gonna get hot   and sticky depending on what you're doing so what  i like to do i use like baby wipes these are great   just you know you're hot and sticky  you can just have a wipe down keep yourself nice and clean they're lovely and   fresh they stay cool when they're  moist so they're they're great but don't forget don't use the same  one for downstairs and upstairs top tip there so these are lovely and then if I'm really you know  it's after about four or five days   you know i can go four or five days  just by using these and then after that what I'll do is I'll boil some water in the  land rover hot and cold mix or if you're near   a river or a lake you can always jump  in the river or lake and have a wash   or if it's really warm go out when it's  showering and have a wash or collect the   water from the lake or the river and  boil it this is what i do fill that up   and then i put that in here in my like  privacy shower and have a strip wash with that and you come out really clean  really nice and refreshed   this is great for being  self-sufficient on the road you know not only to can you wash in  it you can get changed in there you can   go for a number two in there you  can either dig a hole in the ground   underneath or you can take a bag or something  with you depending on how you do it same again   you can be as luxurious or as primitive as as  you want with being on the road where it doesn't   bother me digging a hole and having a number two  in places or using public toilets the same again   you start using up facilities like showers  and toilets you're charged for it so depending   on what you want to do and how long you're  going for and you know during long trips   like our Scotland trip that we went on uh  we used to stay in campsites we well i said   we stayed in three campsites so then I'd  use their facilities as I'm paying for it   so i have a nice shower then but  there's nothing wrong with a collapsible   bucket that takes no room but you can just heat  a bit of water up and and have a strip wash   and also what i've got for this as well is a pump  shower so i can do the same heat some hot cold mix   and pump the shower and you get a nice shower  effect in there which is which is lovely   beautiful but lovely and roomy in here and it's  got reflective sides so it kind of traps the steam   so perfect for self-sufficiency on the road like  i said if you want to get dressed or something   outside you can just dive in here you've been  down for a swim or something you want to put some   fresh clothes on and you're dripping  wet just come in here and get changed   great zip there so you can access i  can access indoor inside the vehicle   so showering on the road keeping clean so tools  for self-sufficiency in your land rover i have   many tools in there but the two you know i use  the most because i like outdoor fires there's a   good forest axe good quality axe so that lives  in there all the time for for wood processing   like i said it's all about being out for a long  time saving money and if you've got wood available   then it's brilliant for processing wood and  doing your cook-ups and making brews and costing   you no money at all and to accomplish that you  might be going to places that are quite remote   it's good to have a saw this is a Boreal 21  this lives in the land rover all the time   really compact saw bolts down as you  can see it doesn't take up no space and   awesome for cutting timber so Boreal  21 great saw to have in your camper so easy to to store and that's it and you've  got a great cutting tool on the road great for   processing wood for my Atago so it lives  in your vehicle so another way of keeping   self-sufficient on the road if  this is going to be your primary   source of fuel if you're going to a forested  area for a number of weeks but it's great   great to have these two they both accompany each  other really well we both were planning to go to   Sweden last year but obviously  because of the restrictions we can go   but these two tools would have been perfect   for our wilderness we're going to do the  wilderness trail in Sweden so any obstacles   in our way with debris we could have cleared  with with these two tools but you can't be   camping in a a wilderness place or a remote  place with an open fire i think there's   something really special about it so you know  when you're planning loading your vehicle out   and you want to be self-sufficient then two tools  are gonna really pay dividends in your vehicle   and sitting around a fire on a chilly night  with the stars out and you're cooking a couple   of bangers it's great great experience  this is my predominantly all my cookware   you know eliminating the few pots  and pans that we use for inside   but I've got a dutch oven which is on now I'm doing a lovely stewing  to the dutch oven on board   you can do a manner of different cook-ups in  that and the beauty of this fire pit that the   dutch oven can sit in there I've got a heavy-duty  carbon steel frying pan lightweight and really   heavy duty you can put that on a fire and give  it a lot of abuse so that's a great frying pan   for outside and inside cooking a pie iron  cast iron it's quite weighty for your vehicle   but well worth the wait do toasted sandwiches pies  in there you can do desserts in there so that's   great that can go on the fire or on your coals i  do like carrying that in the land rover and this   other ribbed frying pan is great for  steaks and pies i like using that as well   nice large steak in there with a rib effect so  it's pretty much the cookware that i carry in   in the vehicle to be self-sufficient and like i  said don't waste your money going to restaurants   get out there and be inventive and get  yourself a duchy because these are awesome   lovely to cook on so the key to good camping  is good cooking I'm doing a chicken stew at the   moment although it's not the weather for chicken  stew but smells lovely so me and mrs b we can   go away and we can relax knowing that we  have everything on board i started camping   years ago me and mrs b had a camper in the  early days and we toured round and that kind   of started me into the kind of campervan scene  and then we moved up from there we got a bigger   motor home or a 20-foot motorhome we drove to  turkey which is an awesome experience all through   Bulgaria Romania and down into into turkey across  the Bosporus it was an amazing trip and that kind   of got me into this vehicle self-sufficiency  stay on the road save money kind of attitude   and then we came back from there and we we  saved up and we bought a 27 foot eldest emperor   with like an m bedroom huge walking roof on  the top and we took that to Portugal and toured   around Portugal and Spain that was awesome so  again i progressed we became more more and more   self-sufficient in a vehicle and then after that  we bought a little a smaller vehicle because of the expense of staying in campsites where they  would be charging us two pitches and things like   that because of the length of the vehicle  it became really really expensive it became   really awkward especially in this country it  was it was too large really because i like going   down unexplored places and things like that  and with a vehicle like that you never know   if the road's going to be too narrow or   it's going to be a dead end or oncoming  traffic so that swayed me to where i am   today well just before before this we had a  Volkswagen Transporter that was a nice vehicle   had a pop-top roof and bits and pieces and that  that enabled us to to go to more remote places   but a couple of times you know we got stuck  and there's places we thought oh we couldn't go   because of the you know the van had been  you know vans quite low and it had been   lowered as well low profile tyres so but it was  a beautiful vehicle all the vehicles I've owned   they've all had their assets  I've enjoyed all of them chicken stew dumplings oh that's what you'll be when you're on the road  and it's not costing you a great deal of money   and you're really enjoying  yourself thanks for watching guys   hope you enjoyed the video i hope you found a  few bits useful and if you got any tips yourself   don't forget to to share them with me and  I'll see you on the next one cheers guys

2021-06-13 20:08

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