Are Silesians Polish? (Touring Zabrze’s Forgotten Hood)

Are Silesians Polish? (Touring Zabrze’s Forgotten Hood)

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is the abandoned Evangelical Cemetery  yeah inside this Chapel Satanist people   made their black messes Etc this place has  a kind of reputation for being a little bit   rough oh [ __ ] you know either I left my  window open or somebody break broken it   polish majority still think about silesian  people or Germans or stupid people which   even cannot speak fluently polish I've seen  a lot of cemeteries in Poland abandoned ones   as well yeah but this one it's probably  in the worst condition this is vandalized   simply vandalized and you can see it on your  own this this also started to be vandalized   and this centory is not destroyed only by time  but by people welcome to cult America everyone   today we are heading to Poland's coal mining  country the heart of salesia Zaba [Applause] [Music] [Music]   got to say these roads here are  pretty hardcore granted we're off   the beaten path I don't think too many  tourists come around here but uh if   you do you might want to consider  having a a bigger car than what I [Music] drive this is just outstanding I mean when you  picture cesia like out of a movie or something   this is pretty much the image that comes to mind  [Music] here nice weather weather is so awful   that's why I wrote you this right now we are in  the one of the oldest district and in Zaba uh the   typical typical worker District in all upper Salia  places everywhere in each places in each City we   can find the industrial districts here you are in  the borberg the German sounds of this districts   it's not accidentally because this area before the  second world war and before the first world war   has been or the owner was uh graph from borik  borik ver was the name of his huge complex of   Industry which included the coal mine the  steel mill and many many industrial things   like factories which make coal iron steel PB uh  and other material and this district has been   built in the end of 19th century till nowadays  uh the L landscape hadn't changed so much we are   living in 21st century in 2024 but here you can  feel the spirit you can feel the real history   uh and it's not accident that I've invited you  exactly here because not only buildings not only   streets which are going one nearby the second  uh not only the climate in this weather is even   better here is uh one of the most horror places  in Zab I'm in the Abundant evangelic Cemetery so now we're about to enter the workers District  yes exactly uh to the workers District in my   opinion one of the most beautiful worker District  in Upper CIA very regular shape I mean this is   the six streets uh which are going one next to  the second exactly from east to west and between   those streets they have built we can name it  like a small blocks which in the past those   blocks were only for workers of the mine which  has been in the neighborhood the mine has been   built in the middle of 19th century and mine and  other other industrial zones and everything has   belonged to one company F borik the the surname of  the guy the owner of it that's why this district   is still now it's named borik ver like a borik  factory and he decided and in all upper cesia   that the investor had been built districts for  workers for cool miners in 19th century in the   end of 19th century the beginning of 20th century  this kind of districts has been one of the most   modern in the world people from us from New York  from Detroit came to Upper cesia to learn how to   build very modern very complexive um districts  for for workers for example inside Flats in 19th   century they had got toilets it was not normal  then and these were the guys actually going into   the mine and extracting the resource or like the  managers Liv here no here miners like a normal   workers wow on the other side of the streets they  are much prettier much more pretty buildings for   for officers for forers for directors so why  were people running away to America if the   standards were so high here because I've seen in  Pennsylvania similar places and I can tell you   the worker camps you know they weren't always so  great but to be honest if you if you watch into   the documents from cesia and we had got not so big  immigration to us it was the place where people   came especially from poorer regions Around Upper  cesia in the beginning of 20th century was one   of the richest region in the world because you  know we've been the industrial industrial Zone   industrial region with a lot of Mines with a lot  of factories with a lot of everything Architects   and people from Pensylvania not only came here to  learn how to build it really really really and in   documents in archives you can find a lot of uh  a lot of science that that people came here to   learn furthermore I was totally shocked when I've  been in New York on my on my first time and uh you   know I was walking down the Manhattan and I was  walking and look around and I said those blocks   are so similar to kovit to zabra City Center but  of course much more higher and new and and um in   very good shape and then I was started to read  about Architects and for example German archit   Tex which projected districts in West Germany I  mean in Dortmund in gsen Ken and also in CIA in   kovit in Zab G later they have gone to USA to New  York and they have projected buildings over there   this area had been built with an idea I mean the  uh owner of the mine buil the place for miners   but uh remember they have gone to the coal mine  for 12 13 14 hours so in the morning they have or   the evening they have moved out from the house  later they came back they just slept because   they had to but their wives and their kids have  been over here comfortable here I'm yes exactly   not only Flats had been modern on this time I  mean at this time 100 years ago but also area   around had been um made for them for example they  had got the green areas yeah I mean this spark uh   uh sport area the the playground um the pitch they  had got every everything in the district like a   medicine center uh Library school kindergarten  in Germany School were very important yeah like   folk SCH like people primary schools um have been  obligatory in Poland not so the Society of these   kinds of districts it was it was small country we  name it like a haat like a small country for them   because most of time of their life they have  spent here because it was um they they didn't   need to go somewhere else for something shops  um what's more swimming pools everything had   been on the on the district very interesting  because it was an idea for owners because if   workers and their family had got nice conditions  for life they could be more effective in the work   for people which came from villages to work on the  mine it was important to still have a contact with   the nature but I mean not like in the modern  thinking yeah not beautiful park and zoo or   something like that but they wanted to to feel  like in their former homes houses that's why those   small buildings which now are garages for cars or  just a place for some things those Place have been   built for animals so people here felt like like  they they are living between City and Village so I've got to ask you uh and I think I even  texted this that uh I don't want to get stabbed   wandering around here so far no one's bothered  us at all but this place has a kind of reputation   for being a little bit rough how was it in the  modern time I mean what's it like growing up in   a place like this in 1998 was the first big  procceed of closing mines uh in Upper Salia   99% of people which were living here used to  work in the mine and When government decided   close the close the mine those people lost their  one way for living yeah okay it's hard to make a   transformation from Miner which are digging the  co under the ground into the another profession   yeah okay some of them found work in other  places but also in 1990s uh in Poland in   cesia the government made a terrible thing they  gave people money I mean then 40,000 looty and   ER had to sign the document that they will change  the profession but those people were very simply   people yeah so what they have done most of them  they hadn't invested this money they hadn't gave   this money for education for for changings but  they just buy car yeah buy something to house   new fridge new television furthermore in 19 in  the end of 1980s 90% of society of this kind   of districts moved out to Germany for better  for better life the add condition of the of   the districts started to be lower and lower  so nobody wanted to live here that's why uh   the city majority put inside those blocks social  floods I mean people which have no idea for living   poor people pathology people they started to live  there and in 1990s these kind of places started to   be the worst in the city it's still going on  unfortunately but it's changing now for last   10 years it started to change because of the  fashion you know those flats are still really   good because it has been built over more than 100  years ago very good constructions very comfortable   places big spaces big rooms so it is fashionable  to buy this kind of the fat um of course make a   reparation inside and it's like a loft places this  is the type of place in Warsaw for example in the   vol dist exact plenty of abandoned warehouses and  things like that and now you know hipsters not   only hipsters but business exactly uh people like  to spend their time there because there Society   really enjoys this um feeling of grit exactly  you know they add shiny lights they make it   kind of fancy but they'll leave the dirty looking  wall exactly and uh and it creates some kind of exit patrio uh hoodie and I'm wearing it very very  very often yeah in 1990s we started to leave the   free country but Polish people polish majority  still think about silesian people or Germans or   stupid people which even cannot speak fluently  polish and still these stereotypes is me for   example many times I'm going and I finished the  salesian study even not only about language but   also about the culture history Etc very often  I'm going somewhere to Poland and they ask me   like a monkey speak something on Salan try to  imagine what could happen if I will go to war   so I said speak something in Polish they said  you're are crazy why but if you're asking me   it's something funny for them yeah even now people  are not paying attention for cian identity as an   identity it's still like only folklore it's like  something interesting but but not serious yeah but   we are serious simply if even around 1 million  people feel the identity something has to be inside if I can ask you a kind of politically  sensitive question know I noticed that the new   government promise salesians that they'll make  the official language here or the official second   language salesian which I know is a very important  topic for you guys but at the same time I saw that   one of their other goals is to like kind of try  to close a bunch more of the coal mines how do   the local people feel about that you know it's  it's very complicated because we have to also   take this problem into two one is the culture the  second is the the money from from industry 90%   people in salesia knows and we know it perfectly  that the European Union is transforming into into   the green very ecological place that's why we know  that those coal mines in the future that's we have   to we have to close it furthermore the coal is  finished in yeah because over 200 years people   distracting it so we know it perfectly but the  main thing in the transformation is to make it   responsible first build the economical zones build  the new place for workers and then close another   because we had got a so bad experience from 199s  90s when after the communism time the government   in waro uh in one year they closed 30 40 miles  many other places try to imagine in 1989 over   half a million people used to work in coal mining  industry in 1998 When government closed many of   them 100,000 people lost their work it's not so  easy to take 100,000 people and put somewhere else   yeah so it's very important to make the process of  um transformation responsibly totally second side   is the culture this year we had got um score of  um how I can name it like a civil voting uh that   the the the government ask who you are where you  live which is your language 700,000 people crossed   salesian nation and over 300,000 people cross that  they they are speaking salesian language so it's   a lot we can find countries in Europe with less  population than than salesia has over here and   we have 1 millions in Germany still so for us it's  very important to make the process but process in   government to take care about about the culture  and about the language because it's connected   unfortunately with money if we'll have money  for learning Salan for learning Salan culture   it will exist it will survive and it will exist  in the future if not schools have no money for   teachers for example who teach children to speak  Salan and this language started to be smaller and   smaller I remember like um 20 years ago to hear  the salisian language in zabra was something   totally normal totally common yeah everywhere  now it's uh maybe not unusual but not so many   people are speaking Salan because if everything  is connected with the bigger culture or I mean   polish culture our smaller one is disappearing  every everywhere in the world the process is the   same this party which won the voting in Poland  uh one also in upper salesia and I think that   they have um 10 or even 15% here in salesia just  because they they um promised that they will they   will take the salesian language as a official  language and they will take care about our   heritage and about our culture when do you think  that will happen they said this year okay hope so oh [ __ ] you know either I left my window  open or somebody break broken it not at all but   it's pretty hard but you see it's dangerous area  it's dangerous area no one it's totally dangerous   area the new Audi is staying on the street with  open window and nobody even take anything from   the from inside so this is the stereo type and  this is the reality so that's like a thousand   points for celesia I just literally left my car  window open by accident car is totally filled   with gear I've got drones I've got cameras  I've got computers and um nothing happen is the abandoned Evangelical Cemetery yeah  Evangelical Cemetery uh I mean abandoned half   and half in the past I mean uh when the upper when  the upper CIA has been a part of Germany of course   uh we had a big mix of religious here we had got  the Catholics we had got evangelic and we have   got Jewish people and what's happened when the  war when the second war uh has been finished um   thousands people from upper CIA from Zab which  had names Hindenburg in the past immigrated to   Germany but Cemetery left uh after the second  world war Polish people came to to Zaba a lot   of them and in 1960s 1970s 1980s um we had got  a huge immigration from Poland uh and in Poland   there is no so many evangelic people that's why  when older part of society died this Cemetery   started to be more and more destroyed furthermore  uh even in 1990s now no but even in 1990s it was   very popular for example to destroy this kind  of places I mean people done it because it was   it was like that yeah it is other religion  it is not our it is after German people yeah   without caress without anything these kind of  places started to be more and more destroyed few   graves are revitalized I mean when for example in  Germany family is living or in Zab still somebody   is living um they they made a new Graves but  just a few why this cemer is over here it's not   it's also not um accidentally the district borberg  has been um built in the end of 19th century I   mean in 80s ' 80s ' 80s 90s before this area was  out of the city and in the middle of 19th century   was an epidemia and a lot of people died because  of this epidemic and majority of the city decided   to make a cemetery for those people uh out of  the city and they have started to put bodies   over here later change into the normal evangelic  Cemetery because in the district called biscop   the oldest District of nowadays zabra has been  two churches now both are Catholics but before   the war one was one was evangelic the second was  Catholic uh so here was the just the cementary for   evangelic uh people can I ask you do German people  come back here to to I don't know their family or   sometimes you know very rare I have been here many  times because it's not the first record on this   Cemetery but I'm I don't know I made um maybe  three four five times things over here uh and   I also made a project uh with Evangelical Church  in zabra to to find some finances to find some   money for revitalization and I met only one time  the German family which came here and they stand   near to near to the Grave because she was a grand  grandmother of of those people I've seen a lot of   cemeteries in Poland abandoned ones as well yeah  but this one there's a tire there there's a Coke C   it's probably in the worst condition  exactly and what is what is curious   that this cemer now is in the city it is not  like few kilometers out of the city in the   middle of forest yeah or in the abandoned  Village or something like that okay like   on the east of poet people are living here  yeah it is in the maybe not in the middle   but it is in the city and looks like uh  we are anywhere simply simply anywhere [Music] [Applause] you can see on your on your own that uh many  of those graves are destroyed and especially   German uh German titles started to be um  scratched and and and destroyed why it is   because of the history before the war cesia  was a part of Germany when borders has been   changed as I told before a lot of people run  out from cesia to Germany uh or just died here   and polish culture make an invasion I mean  that polish government communist government   um they made a possibility to immigrate for  thousand thousand thousands of people now in   Zab which has got 60,000 citizens now maybe 3 or  4% are cians like I mean cians uh from from the   past the rest is from Poland or mixed and for  those people which were which were living in   Poland everything what was connected with German  history Salan history it was equal to Nazis yeah   because Germany has been an aggressor for for  Poland for Salan not because we've been closer   to German culture so for us has been normal  I'm categorically against grave desecration   but having heard so many polish people's family  stories about what Nazis did you know a little   children even yeah it is they probably had such  emotion that they were looking to anything but   that's amazing so this is this is uh vandalized  yeah this is vandalized simply vandalized and you   can see it on you own this this also started to be  vandalized and this cemeter is not destroyed only   by time but by people everywhere in European Union  in US mostly people understand that you can have   uh not big societies small cultures some cultures  exactly can have their own identity even their own   identity furthermore in Europe when in in small  ARA live is living a lot of cultures a lot of   countries are in the past Wars and conflicts had  been changing borders many times cesia from 13th   century has been not the part of Poland each  movement which is not connected with Polish   thinking polish history polish mentality polish  symbolism Etc is something something dangerous   because for example me a lot of people said me  many times you are separas you are you are you   are German you are folks dut I think that Polish  people still don't understand that in one country   you can have more than one nation which is strange  because this was the Melting Pot of Europe before   Hitler had his way exactly wasn't it then it was  something normal we've been the Multicultural   country so it was but you know during the  Communist time everything had everything   had to be equal everybody had to be equal it's  the primary thing for socialism for communism   that you have to destroy all um advantages all  lower things so everything has to be equal also   mentality also identity so they destroy it into  into people but after the communist time still the   mentality of Polish people is going it's easier  to think for those people that still we are in   danger between Russia and Germany so what do you  feel you are me 100% a I'm not polish I never said   that I'm I'm polish because I don't feel like  uh like Polish people interesting radical even [Applause] legend that inside this Chapel Satanist  people made their black messes Etc I could kind of   believe that almost uh you know in the end of  ' 90s was pretty popular for for young stupid   people to make these kind of rituals and I can  believe that few guys made it because for example   over here on the right side it is Satan you see on  the oh yeah on the wall so but you know maybe some   young stupid people met here and just make a  ritual or something like that it is probably   it's pretty creepy you have the chairs  and everything in there it is it is it   just destroyed but to be honest if it will  be the the midnight I will never get in here see this is the river yeah the small  River bka the first world war finished in   198 but upper CIA uh had got like longer  period of of War because after the first   world war still upper CIA has been in Germany  and uh we had got the free civils Wars small   Civil Wars not like like in us us in 1919 in  1920 and 1921 after 1921 the international   Society I mean the onz then the Nation League  decided to make a voting in Upper cesia where   you would like to live in Germany or in Poland  because there was there were two sides Germany   won this voting uh I mean 56% of society has  been um has been on the option of Germany uh   44 was uh was were waiting were voting for  for Poland uh but then the third Civil War   appeared like the third Civil War had been made  and the Nation League decided to divide the upper   cesia part of the region came to Poland to  to new Poland independent Poland uh with c   v a city with Ruda hu and others uh the rest  stayed still in Germany and this River was   a border between countries wow there was  Poland behind the river here uh was Germany [Music] [Music] [Music]

2024-04-27 22:36

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