Aquaponics System Design Part 3 - Indepth Walkthrough of Bucket Bell Siphon System

Aquaponics System Design Part 3 - Indepth Walkthrough of Bucket Bell Siphon System

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The, damaja Pony system design video welcome, to subscribe to my youtube channel and, here under notification. Bar for video updates thank, you very much, friends. Support. My channel Tiana, Amazon affiliate, links in description for. Further. Recommendations. Thank you very much for, checking out my, show. You some slides of the gardens, of what we built there to make it unique before. I got there Danny had taken, my plans and he had a contractor. There donate. His time he did it at cost they built these tea mint taste, they did the plywood on top they drilled the holes they had the plants going you see my signature, bucket, there the white bucket, that's called a, bucket. Siphon, and we. Had done a trip earlier and taught them how to do it yeah, obviously they, learn very well they got them up and going and then, the background is the garden now this is they tank they put in it's a steaming titanians all about two inches thick remarkably, and. That thing is three feet up and three feet down so it's actually five or six feet deep and you see the water coming back, trickles, in they see the well in the back when, Natalie and I got there they, would spin that wheel and. It has a rope so you see they're two blue pipes one on either side well, the Rope goes around the wheel it goes down in the ground and then comes back up and when you do it the water comes out in the blue pipe yeah when we got there they were filling up a 5-gallon, bucket of water and carrying, it over his shoe where and Natalie. Got tired of that real. So. She put in that blue pipe and so they filled it directly, there's Danny see, our double tray there the top on the right so, that it drains all the way there's Danny he is a wonderful, guy there he, was just up here in Honolulu, doing a fundraising, for some charity work that he did but, they welded, all these tables together and we put them together and. We got it operational. Right and every. Trip has gotten bigger and, bigger they sure did now on this trip what we wanted to do was take that fish water and, put it into one of my air lifts pumping, up to 9 or 10 feet high so they. Would then have pressurized. Water on. Farm because. The girls these little deaf girls and boys they. Were dipping the water up in the tray there in hand. Carrying, it over and ladling. It up and pouring, it on each loving, plant now, it's, a beautiful when you take pictures of people dip until, you stand and shake in the water over the plant but, boy took them all day to water so, what we did we set up this aquaponics, system, they stock the tank with tilapia fish, my, aquaponic. System what it does is it, turns we do grow some plant in it yeah but you see the garden around us and the ground is much bigger what, we do is turn this ammonia, water into what Natalie nice, that's. Right 19 Lance, can do nutrient-rich, right, so, most, ways we go to the overstock, their tank what, we do here is every, afternoon. They build the tank all the way full for that top level you see there they.

Run It all night through the stone the, stones in the bacteria nitrifying, bacteria turn. The ammonia water into nitrogen, and then. In the morning, they take the water and go, out now here we go, so well, yeah the whole thing going, down they had to dig me a hole about six feet deep with a little ladle yeah, you see that that is just a post and as they weld it on the head of a hoe they, would drop it turn, it a quarter town fill, it full of dirt and pull it off they, did that till they have that thing about five or six feet deep for me kind, of amazing, you know me, I want to post hole digger or something, like that right but, they they, drop it in there and they turned it now, the funny story is when, we got all done, and we, dropped the pipe in the middle of it and that's good me knocked off the cap on the bottom, and the water thing on went around and, we had to take the whole thing out and glue the cap on one. Little mistake this year and these guys laughed. About it here we were on a Friday, were. Done. They, were happy, yeah we drop, this thing in and always I'm walking, slowly for our feet we, all know we knocked off the cap so. Here we are standing this thing now this thing about 1215, feet tall, it's. Going to go down in the ground and then pump the water up so you see the air hose here so it's all together and they drop it in and. This. Was so remarkable, because after this they don't have to carry five gallon buckets of water around anymore, they have hoses, and water pots out there with the nutrient, fish water in it so all this is made out of local materials right yes it is okay first time we brought American, Athene right and we showed them how to do it yeah and then Danny took us on a shopping trip, Consuela. Bought all the material, for us and we, were able to build it out of their local material that water he did and that's. Where the boo-boo happened, when we got all done and then when I dropped the pipe in it pushed, down on the cap it came off and the water came up all around her feet we could Wow we hit a spring, uh, so. We had to take it off the. Whole thing all over took, about an hour so, and it it's. Amazing, they had a sense of humor about do you want to thought it would have been fired or out on the spot they were already angry, or nothing, they just were happy to do whatever they needed to to get it running because they were excited. Yeah yeah and we were supposed to stop off at the equivalent, of a Costco, or Walmart type, store in the city and, we were supposed to get back candy. And throated, these kids some of these kids are 18 years old Lola but I guess all over world everybody likes chocolate yeah well we didn't do it we forgot. The chocolate. We get there oh wow, the whole reward system going down, so. But. I was wearing Emily, you know paid, to go on this trip in that and you're an American, dollars right which convert, very, handsomely, in the Philippine money and so we ran down to an ATM machine and we got a whole, lot, of $20, bills right right. I think they're $20 bill was like $2 to us but, we took the $20 bills and we put, them up on the paper clips, and on the, clothesline, boy and reward, so, everybody, went home with money very, happy, cow remember the chocolate next time but they, they. Kind of like our reward system there. And, they got it right every time somebody did something good or smart it was instantaneous. Reward, in that, in fact, is the day after, this after. About three days of this thing four days we, stopped off on the way back after the airport and passed that envelope, to everybody, and pretty much gave away our paychecks, you know that was that but, it said the break-even working, vacation but. They, were the spirit, of them was so high, and it was so infectious, what, they did even though we, couldn't speak their language, that's right or they couldn't, understand. What we were saying but sign language, teachers. Was able to t tell. Them what we were talking, about and they had a signer, they, could keep up with my mouth these two it was then I started, making up my own little things you know worms and my own little hand science as to what we were going to do right, I don't know you had them really, excited them because, they started, like grunting. And making noise and, laughing, and they were like yeah it turns out I didn't.

Realize I thought deaf people would just be quiet or immune people, right but, actually they tend to make noises and, grunt, and they show anger and they show frustration. And they say all social, laughter, fun well. I did not realize it but when I'm working and I get something to go that I make little sounds like hmm. Oh. I. Didn't even realize, I did it until these kids started, mimicking, me and. They they could do that saturated. Yeah so it turned out I knew the way so here we are we're set not more dam makeover, you're bigger hynek's, yeah we didn't notice a smile, so all these peoples, in the back they're not posting, for these pictures another, day in their life for them but, we there was now 55-gallon, drum, is not safe in the Philippines now that aquaponics, is cut right we grab them and we've rewritten up we cut them out we make aquariums. Out of them so we make all kind, of little home system, so you see when we took them from the drum up to, the concrete of tape that was a step up, the next day we replumbed all the 55-gallon, drums, there's no way they were getting rid of it I mean they did like that great up you can see the concrete on the right plastic, there on left and this is their classroom, they keep in mind the average temperature, was about 95, degrees and, I told, next time I come I'd like to come when it's cool and they say well the Philippines, only, have two seasons hot. And hotter. Okay. But. These people, paid attention they. Were into. It now there's the LED in yellow she's signing for me and that, explaining. What I'm doing but everything. We did was hands-on. Yeah you see the blue drum over on the right in the back that was up on a stand and it would pressurize, the water coming over to here and this, is see how much clear pipe, I have is you can't see it too much here but that is clear pipe so the people could see the bubbles they could see the water but going on yeah it was time yes, and, we had one little fellow he was the smallest guy, the whole, bunch and he turned out to be my best student he followed, you everywhere oh, he, would not leave I was a rock, star, he's it wanted the person, has a groupie, you know yes fantastic. We, really want and. You know what he's still there yep he's still. There we're still working with them and one. Young man we worked with for a thing, was Leonard, that, worked with them and he was like a counselor or an idol, Leonardo. And Leonardo. Went over, this job was a step up to a big time job. Preowned where he got he, went, from the village job to, the big job doing, the same thing training, working with people and challenged, people and so, it was a real stepping, stone for him and that's really neat to affect, somebody's life like that yeah, so, we say many times we want to teach teachers right, not student, so here's that well now, you see where they cranking it there well, you have to create that thing about 15, times before you get the first drop of water then it's steady now. Notice, an a/d one over there she put a nine he put the pipe to the ground and going across so you could walk around when they first did it they put it in the air well that would not have lasted very long okay. Now can he go over there you create this thing and, you started getting that 2-inch pipe full of water they fill it up in no time and they.

Were Excited, you see the nursery's bent behind this all screened in I mean there's a lot, of water coming up in this thing okay they could really get that thing cranking and those, are called rope pumps very very simple the water was only about 20 feet down that. Mean if you open the lid you could see it down there and they. Just literally dig a hole in the ground they pills up with the water and you stick one of those contraption, so, they're doing raised bed gardening, here now this is called Terra. Aqua. And that, is another word for down, in Australia, they, call it extended. Aquaponics. And that different words worth and. What it means is instead, of just growing, your food in the aquaponic, system use the aquaponic, water to, water all the other plants so they do it seven days a week so, they. Divide the garden into seven sections and, each section gets, fish water one, day a week the rest of the time they get to get water right but, to get the nutritious, water and what, if the multiplying, effect you, see how sparse, it is there well, when we went back four. Months later it, was just, asshole. It, was really nice with it yeah so they built these screened, enclosures. In that and this, is where they have their worms in there they learned how to oh. Composting. Work in fact, is we would we drove from here, we went over the mountain to San Carlos we, stopped in three commercial, worm farms, that started, business, and they, sell, this and equivalent. To us and, they sell a, what. Would be a 50 pound beat sack they filled it full of worm cap they sold it for $3, American. But, keep in mind you, work all day in the Philippines for $5 a day a construction. Worker makes eight to ten dollars a day, so. Having, a worm farm where, you can sell, 20, bags a day for, $3, a bag that. Worked for everybody we even went to the dump right to st. Carlos yes and they were separating. They separated. The food waste there's like all over the world when, you go to the dump they charge you more for the wet garbage than it is just for dropping dry household, stuff right yeah and so, these two ladies put, up a business enterprise mom, laughter, the Cuban experience where they built, concrete, crates, four feet wide 75. Feet long and, they were three feet deep with worms yeah and they were in business and doing well that was that was good all the way okay at best yeah, it was really good fun so here are these worm pits in there so, you see that they they, what Vince, is to keep the people out and, the. The screen is keep the birds out yes and bingo, in there they have the worms you, know and. That and out. Here, when, they do it, how they're covering up and they're keeping it moist they really, got into doing the bio-intensive, gardening right, and, they. Are sharp there's they're not slackers. In any way shape or form no once, they latch onto a concept, they take it and run yeah, and. This and they know how to eat let, me tell you feed us when they did we eat, well I did not lose any weight on this trip at all you. Know than, that but. Everything was a lot of them is out of the garden that's right most of it was out of their farm their chickens, we, ate their food and that, was really great and, so. Here's the fish things all up and running they got assignment, land all those your grantor, all they're. Planted, out now look it see the difference this is like four months after this, how, much thicker the plants are in the beddings, okay, they're, getting so much more production, and of course the girls don't have to lug around those five-gallon buckets of walling. Them out all over the place right.

So. It was a really bonanza. To be there and we. Started doing bed, low. We did a workshop with him where we taught them how to fold up the stiff plastic and, put down the stake and they. Fold it up and they. Took us out to a chicken farm and two men they. Had this chicken farm going but, they had the aquaponics, next to it and they had ten rows four feet wide a hundred, feet long with. Plastic, about those six inches high they, filled up with volcanic, rock and gravel and they put two bamboo stakes down and it, was great and so we went into the city of Manila and Danny. Took me to one of the manufacturers. And consuela foundation-funded. Putting. Some things together four, foot wide 20. Foot long we, could take two of those to grow beds rolled them up we, could make fish tanks, pre so they and what they do they cut this plastic and they heat glue it together, ultrasonic, heat and, so they sell it by the square foot they don't care what shape it is so, I was able you were there with me we sat down we engineered, it yeah and we went out to a, refugee, camp a relocation, camp and we put in six, tanks, 20, feet across and, six feet deep. Right. Yeah. Yeah so, what kind of take a little break here a little message for youto think, tech away we'll be right back. Is, anything. Eric. Lenin Natalie from old amount of gardens we're back for you so, we're, down in the Philippines, on this and, that's all the foundation. And we try to keep this to show you the forms we've been to you know Bosnia. You help them when you put the aquaponic. Systems, in a community. That. Works, to, make. Income, for, them right as now they have food that they can offer people, to come and eat right. They make lunches, doing, dinner it's, like the story to lloyd foundations, in manila they, had two hundred forty kids when we met them and they had about 200, kids coming in in the daytime but they couldn't, stay and one, of the things is in a way you get kids to come to school you should beat them yeah okay that's, pretty much it and so that limited, the lack, of food limited, them and we watch the population, and we went back the. Next year they, had 880, kids because, the food was so great same school with that the orphanage. Here. This deaf school if you can feed them them come down to what's really neat about this garden it's right next to the entrance into their campus, so the public can come there they can buy there and the kids make money right, then they get a share so we got a couple little short videos we like to show you here and, show. You how them in action, in that game. Because. Error. Yep. Yeah, and on the ground yeah, way I was on the ground we get everybody, gets wet no glasses okay, and you, have another little video there I think. Is this how they the, water yeah, yeah. So, it's good fun and just this rope crank now, you've got to be a dedicated person, to stand there and do this but, notice it's cranking, and cranking and, look at the other side that is a steady stream of water coming out and, you know he will stand there and create that thing for an hour and a half but it's don't that drum up yeah, nobody. Welches out, no you know and they might have somebody come over there and there's my turn I, can't, do everything by yourself and, good. Go take over yeah nobody wants to get cheated out of their job yeah yeah that's that's pretty sure and that and but. It was really interesting to see them when we pumped the water up on the air lift to a higher elevation put, it in a 55-gallon, drum and then, they hook garden, hoses to it and they were gave about in the garden and just be, able to put the pipe down water, the plant plant plant and everything.

Went Jurassic, Park so they were happy with that great, people then, we've been they went three times now yeah. Yeah really good so we're looking forward to going back but couldn't swallow foundation, here in Hawaii has, been extremely, generous and sending us over there dr. Ben Iran from University, of Hawaii he's, over in Israel now yes the end and that and sad. Story his mother up at about 94, so she, passed away you, know and that he'd been taking care of her for the last year tough job to have but, he's coming back to Austin Texas and we got our a tall problem, that's our aquaponic. Training, online, learning yeah and good, news is now. Accredited. Course and University. Of Alabama. Universe. Had Texas. I think. Nebraska. And, that's or that eight halt if you go up on the internet he's right a tall ATOL. L it's aquaponic. Training online. Learning, it, started, right here in Hawaii yes we, used to do a show called Glennon. Bin and the aquas in show okay, there's some YouTube still out there on it you can see it and it, kind, of cute because where we would go to places like going to the deaf school that many. Times we have a mixed bag now the desk school they're all deaf students and deaf teachers, okay you know that people counselors, that work with them but, a lot of times when they brought us out to colleges, etc we. Would have college, students we'd have local farmers, and we have PhDs. In the class right and the, standing, running joke is they would introduce as we'd, all do our little dog and pony show you know what we're about in, that and, then they would excuse, me to go outside on the lanai you know or an area where, I could put my pumps together and spray them and make water and that sort of stuff right and dr., Bini would always say, Glenn. And Natalie are going to go outside and they're, going to show you how to build these things we're going to turn them on you'll see the park yeah now for all you that want to know how to build, one and I want to go home with one and Consuela, foundation, was extremely, generous some, of these people came from like the Forest Department or, the fishery department in groups, of four or six people they. Sent them home with an air compressor. And, the, pump and the hoses so, then when they went back to their bosses they, could walk outside, I always show it running that's right otherwise, it's just another PowerPoint. Presentation. It's. Gone right, so. We do a very little PowerPoint very, little some, drawing on a blackboard, yes but more and more we just succeed some just to put it on called hot hot. Hands-on, training and that's the same thing on the Big Island when, we came back in the teachers who. Was on Thanksgiving, break and we stayed there for the two weeks we go volunteer every, morning we came in about nine o'clock in the morning well they'd been there since 7:00 or 7:30 they. Have the blackboard, full, of questions. That from the table show all, right this, is what they drawn out yeah and I would have to sit there and decipher, them go wow we covered all of that Wow and they, would say but we have questions, yeah and I was trying, to explain it that you, know it's not a static, system you got air building up and then it's going to burst the bowels gonna open, the water is going to come in the air pressures come in it's going to close this one it's going to build up too much it's going to go over the hip you're going to pump it up that, will open the valve in. Tight I would say you know what lets you build one and so, every, morning we've got one by new time we built one we, went out to lunch and kind of pat ourselves on, the back job, well done let's head for the beach there we head back and somebody said I got a question yeah yeah and then I'd be there Darcy back there we were training. So we go to dinner we - well we're all done we kind of pat ourselves on, the back got, a very good productive, day and they say wow, it's only eight o'clock Home Depot still open loads are still open, can we shop, it we would go shopping with them to buy material, to put together the next morning yeah and that went on for 10 days. But. I'd, still be there it. Was good fun and that group is getting ready to go to Nepal, yeah but. I'm getting ready to go somewhere where, my god then. We'll be heading to, Montego.

Bay Jamaica. Jamaica. Jimmy. Yeah there's gonna be aqua ponic in, Jamaica, yeah, by Marvin. Yep and he. Came to our farm yeah, this, young man got a USDA, grant you. Know and. That funding, because, he's building, three commercial, greenhouses. Specifically. To feed in orbit and that's a soft spot with Natalie and I is our orphanages. Kids. Any. Kind of a tough situation, and particularly. We're, housing, the kids you have to feed them so what you have is you have the built-in labor force you don't have to worry about selling, the food the kids are going to eat the food right. And any surplus, it becomes, a stipend, to them you know so it's a win-win situation so, we went down there last year and, we went to Jamaica and, they've, got the greenhouses up and that and all the material, was trickling in we, think we have problems here in Hawaii was shipping try. Jamaica. That is just a circus, and a half right I think they have to go to Florida yeah, Florida. All over the mainland, and yeah, and the Jamaican, fella were working with he. Looks to making these babies bigger than me and a. Big beautiful man and but. He actually graduate. He got his master's in business from Cambridge, up in England so. He's English, you, know a family. You might say English. Jamaican, so there's a big separation there. You know. And and there there there's a stratification, there, you know from the local, and then the English Jamaican. And that they're very well-heeled and so, he's, very educated. And that and well-heeled what he's doing in and he, was in the tourist business made, his money and when, we were there on our last trip with him we were building the greenhouses, he, took us out to visit. And he told me these stories, about how he had gone, into places, that were. Making local products, like growing peppers yeah pepper, farm and they made the chili water pepper and he, taught him how to merchandise. It right, and he, told me all these self, Quin graduates. Call grand, I seen stories you know how good he did well, it turned out he took me for a tour we went about eight or nine places, and all the stories were true they, loved this guy, yeah. And. So, it was really fantastic you, know normally when people talking, you know about what they've done you know yeah you know I'll stop greenest out there right just, something else when you go out in the community, and all, the doors open up when we went down to see the mirror the doors opened, up we breezed right in, so, it's neat to work for somebody who is so well respected, in their community, and, he was in the hotel industry and he made his money in the hotel industry did, good but.

He's Just kind of burned out on the tourism thing, and it really wasn't making, his people better it's similar situation, we have here in Hawaii the. Maids and all the people that work in the hotel those are not the highest paying jobs right, being, behind the desk or the janitorial, services, all necessary, for, the tourist experience, but. Is not, a great windfall. Yoku, it just they're not high tech jobs right, okay. So, we, lay the way we like to thank you all so much for coming and joining us here and think Tek Hawaii well, I guess we'll wrap it up here today and next week we'll be packing, up to head for Jamaica yeah. Cool. Right click, the link in the description, for pricing, ratings and reviews.

2020-04-18 12:56

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