Annapurna Base Camp trek (ABC), ultimate trek & lifetime experience. The most popular trek in Nepal.

Annapurna Base Camp trek (ABC), ultimate trek & lifetime experience. The most popular trek in Nepal.

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hello everyone today we're going to take  you to the journey of anupuna base camp   who together here newly married  couple here my dos ray and sanji thank you very much for like commenting here so here's the situation guys as  there's lockdown everywhere in nepal   especially in big cities right now we're very  lucky we just feel very lucky to be here in   mountain actually so we can just explore around  this beautiful honor put a base camp together   so we're in ganduk village awesome village see the awesome set here amazing so now today we're heading towards some  long village amazing days by so far   in the team of five people so here a special  thanks to our elena didi for organizing   this amazing trip from adventure travels  team and i'm very happy to be part of it   so here we are like five people team like  uday saji lena diddy we are like rocking here please give them away for donkeys ciao um you know what happened here guys like today like  sanji sajinita were news and it was brand new and   which was about like one and a half years  ago and it's toured and see where this was   and something magic happened three three  hours the soul fell out and it becomes is helping like his wife oh hello what's up everyone today is the third and  we're going towards the one today from tomorrow   who is amazing awesome and slightly looks like there'll be some rain  but rather than everything is all right i really enjoy the view and after climbing that cinwa  section everything seems so easy   easy cheesy but let's see how we go today himalaya  must be around like three hours from there   cinema let's see how far  it is we're about to reach this is the best one here   abc welcomes everyone travel freely kill corona  the world will travel again the best thing so right now we are in davan here   it's outside it's raining but  this place is so cool amazing here amazing dining halls let me show you my room now i can't find any one room random room this is the place where normally  people are going to sleep here looks comfortable though very  soft pillow you'll love this place so right now we just finished  breakfast and we're heading towards   the rally which is like supposed to  be a very short hike from the one and   it is like more i will say accommodations  day very nice trail fight so far   really enjoying this today's camera here it has  to be protected uh from rain as it is supposed   to be a rainy day today and it's awesome there  guys like walking in the mountain here amazing so amazing day by so far everything is  cool and the day is loved it by so far   the best thing about this trail  is this incredible jungle here major news foreign man a man my what's up everyone so we are about  to reach there this is himalaya here from here so you want to see i love this place here here yeah area so definitely we're not going to  stop here oh we don't want to stop here already here all right guys so kat von d is  in lockdown but we are here in   denver alley going towards honor from the  base camp tomorrow we are going to reach lisa we're doing awesome  guys very nice hike to be uh so good job mother what's up everyone so you're in mbc right now not  supposed to base camp so the visibility is still   not very good guys but still everything is good  i'm loving it and this is good guys you can see mata puts through this game amazing place guys amazing place so  we are heading towards annapolis camp   and definitely there's a rain cloud less  visibility but definitely we're enjoying a lot of you it is snowing guys amazing so namaste how are you so welcome to annapurna base camp  made it on upon the base game from do hey this here camp what an amazing view guys hello namaste everyone namaste kids so we are on our way to we're in hot spring now amazing hot spring okay i started with the cold water   yeah i did go to the river and then i got  like a shower and now i'm here and it's great and uh beat me by like two minutes all right  everyone so we are in zero virginia bridge   very long suspension bridge i'm almost in the  middle here and it is amazing so here likewise   guys we finished our adventure of anupuna  base camp and now we're going back to pakara   also like from pokhara we need to figure out  how to get back to kathmandu safely so let's see   so during this lockdown everything is  like all hard and obstacles are there but   still our adventure was amazing that's very  appreciated and very important for us thank you

2021-12-02 23:31

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