Americans React To The BEST Philippines Tourism Ads EVER!!!

Americans React To The BEST Philippines Tourism Ads EVER!!!

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I'm not scared of your show me let Hey friends  Mike and Jess here and welcome to Regeneration   Nation TV where we just got done reacting to the  most fantastic video of all these commercials   showing you why you should tour the Philippines  yes I want to go right now they're so beautifully   shot the concept of them every single time says  I wake up in and then it's just a new adventure   and I'm like H it was an amazing video whether  you live in the Philippines or you're a tourist   looking to go there it was an amazing video um  we were shocked and in awe and we were left very   hungry and longing with a very big sense of  longing to go to the Philippines um so if you   live there it's a it's a great you know it's a  great thing to see that and be proud of where you   live and all the things that it has to offer and  if you're a tourist looking to go there like wow   you're in for a freaking yes this will definitely  make you even more excited like the Philippines   has everything for everyone like spoiler alert  it's got all of it it might if you if you are   a tourist and you can't quite afford to go like  two people I know um it might leave you with a   little bit of uh depression okay because you're  going to want to go you're going to want to drop   everything sell everything you're going to want  to move there after this video definitely but   just visit just visit be respectful be freaking  respectful so you don't have to go there jump   in the middle of parades like you see some people  doing in this video you don't have to go in there   and just I don't know thr up a mess so he's so in  awe that this happened in the video you guys it's   hilarious he just he would never do something  like that but if you are a you know somebody   who could benefit off of a a family vlogging and  showing off of all of these beautiful things in   the Philippines uh I know a family that's in the  market for you know such a sponsorship yeah so   yeah we we preemptively accept your offer um  you don't have to pay us a single thing just   pay the travel costs we'll go we'll make an  amazing Vlog we'll get so many you'll you'll   what is the word for like 10 you will 10 times  your money that you spend on our trip okay will   a 100 times we'll guarantee it we'll send people  to so go ahead send send the plane tickets we'll   be there soon we'll bring all of our vlogging  equipment it'll be the best vlog ever but for   now we just want you to enjoy this video we'll  definitely leave links for the original uploader   down below make sure you clicking on them  support them because without them we wouldn't   have had this magical experience so uh let's  get into it let's do it time to take a trip I wish as if we already didn't want to track  to say the these videos woke up these videos   have been awesome but our inability to travel  for the foreseeable future like we're getting   recommended these videos that are obviously like  hyping you up to travel so please follow us on   Instagram or something send us some DMS if you  are a traveler and you are going to travel to   these places let us live vicariously through your  through your adventures or something I don't know   hit us up with some cool pictures because we  can't travel right now we're just watching all   these videos about people traveling and I have  to go to sleep at night photosh ourselves in   your pictures we just put our faces there in  my mind I will today I woke up in a historic playground where fun dates back to the 16th century things are pretty old school here  oh that's so cool really old school I want   to do that I really do want to do that  we get our grills in a giant sandbox nice and spend all day playing in the water where Adventures come by the  hundreds this is a place where time stands   absolutely [Music] still it would be really tough  to watch these videos if we didn't live in Florida   and we lived in some very rural area that's  like thousands of miles away from anything cuz   it I paint it pretty blink I paint a pretty bleak  picture but we do live in Florida we have a beach   you know 30 minutes away our son for his birthday  this month wants to go to Historic St Augustine   and walk around and there's amazing things to see  here within an Arms Reach so it's not it's you're   human and we're always like the grass is a little  Greener Over I just know it it's right there you   know you kind of want to see something different  here there's no man-made structures that have   survived past you know hundred may in St Augustine  there's a few that are like a few hundred years   old when America was first settled but I want to  see something thousand I want to see something at   least 500 a thousand years old I just before I  die I want to see some structure that was made   2,000 years ago yeah that would be so epic I would  love that we can never seem to [Music] oh that's beautiful hold on I've got the speaker on over here can you hear it through the thing  yeah we could hear it through the thing   whoopsies it's probably not doubling up  but still I woke up inside an artist's dream where the paintings dance with every  brush stroke and works of art span from   floor to ceiling I winess masters of their  craft who transform even the ordinary into exceptional that's so [Music] cool I would  love to go there in more colors than I could   imagine yes that's what I'm talking about  food the creative Escape weighted around   every corner oh that's magical seriously man  it's a little rude to get right in the middle   of say heing right in the middle of it but  man that's beautiful these whoever created   these commercials or these uh tourist videos are  so genius this is is this just a compilation of   different Adventure book okay it's a genius  concept for sure the way no idea what was   up next [Music] each page was different what  instrument is that being played every chapter   I love it a new surprise all I could do was  that's beautiful I don't have anything like   that in Florida I've never seen a real  waterfall trust my gut and let the story unfold because here the best travel plan I  don't know do that be so scary no that would   be amazing just let life the atmosphere  of everything that's going on I be there   to protect you don't worry we'd be fine I  know we would dude hot air balloons have   do you want to ride in a hot air balloon  I would I've never done that before and I   i' would be so terrified but I would want  to I've known you for a pretty long time   I know that you never air Bon okay they  didn't know then I got some me the big [Music] shots I found a sweet spot  between cultures beautiful and hung   out with The Artsy crowd I even picked up a  few things along the way after that things   kicked into overdrive imagine gearing up  to leave through the for your trip to the   Philippines next week and you're watching  all this a celebration of flavor in every   bite an epic party every turn how fun best  thing about it here the good times are never over it's so it's so big and vast there's so  many different things and so many different   places like how would you plan a trip you'd  have to take a whole month I feel like so   I get more you would have to even longer  might as well move there for stroll through   its Lush Gardens hey oh it's so beautiful  and saw Every Little Wonder of close here   you can dance with giants discover A  Feast for the eyes and Sal Feast for   the appetite oh my gosh these commercials  that old Heroes stories told me of their bravery while sacred places blessed my church  [Music] I roamed places that stood the test of time and others that were there since the [Music] beginning 7,641 is Parts Paradise unlike anything I each  one is something different they're   showing something different this is so cool from fantasy the one you could really sink your toes  into this reminds me of living in the keys mhm it   was nice I literally we live down in the Florida  Keys for a bit my mom lived down there for nearly   10 years and so she had some hookups when we  would go down to visit we could just get on   a boat and go snorkeling and just spending hours  and hour hour under the ocean you know under the   water just snorkeling around different things and  I don't know it just it's like another world and   I missed that I didn't realize when I was doing  it especially the last time I did it was years   ago I didn't realize it was the last time you know  and it's like I I don't know if we'll ever be able   to do that again because no we don't know anyone  that lives down there now it would cost thousands   of dollars to do what we were doing because  we knew people that live there they're able   to get you in for free and it's just oh man it was  such an amazing time if you've ever snorkel on a   reef or been to a place like this there's so many  colors and you get to see so many creatures that   you never would just normally see you just get  to look everywhere everywhere there's something   like that was the first and only time that I have  been that close to a barracuda and I didn't jump   out of the water yeah the barracudas are crazy  but being face to face with a nurse shark and   like different giant fish Goliath groupers and  different things like that it was just it's a   world that you're entering into sink your toes  into I walked beaches few had ever walked before   while the waves whispered their secrets they make  it this place my very treasure are you kidding me I'd be freaked out to go to a  sun boat oh yeah a story are the   islands never could you imagine just sitting  there looking over oh my gosh what that is stunning oh my gosh that's the one thing about  Florida it's so flat that like this is this is   very similar views that you would get in  the Florida Keys except everything's so   flat yeah but seeing this the ocean and then  there's mountains and it's everything you   have everything all in one like you you were  born in Tennessee she took me to Tennessee I   couldn't believe my eyes seeing Mountains for  the first time but this is like everything yeah   cuz you get the waterfalls here too cuz of  the mountains in the oh my gosh it just it's beautiful what those Huts are like built  into the [Music] mountain not to escape   life but rather so life would not Escape us I love that I'm starving I know this this  showed all the food I was like I can't [Music] wait H absolutely [Music] stunning what and all the friendly faces that is crazy I just woke up in a  Nonstop Action [Music] scene they made   do these commercials are killing me right  this is where your brother would enjoy this   your adrenaline Defying Gravity one moment oh  heck yes dude yeah you and your brother would   definely Jackson would do it with you [Music]  too and getting lost in the lights the next oh   it's like Aladdin after feeling the heat the  other movie and I me really feeling the heat   we finally regained our balance let's go little  wakeboarding place that is so cool and found a finale oh that's beautiful I can't get enough  of it these are well phoned uh little St oh   peaceful Oasis where lasting memories are  weaved as the Philippines slowly reopens   with care the island paradise is now ready  to welcome more local Travelers the Better   B indulge in the new clean and Safe Haven with  strict health and safety protocols in place you   can leave your worries behind where only certified  establishments operate to let you stay D and play   with a peace of mind experience Hospitality  with the utmost consideration and Care spend   quality W that's cool they show that that's  very awesome give you a piece of mind about   it yeah it's important stuff especially in the  times that we live in now there's nothing worse   than going on vacation getting that freedom  knowing that you're going to be able to relax   for a second only to find the place that you're  staying in is filthy horribly taken care of like   you go and you're like should I even sleep  on this bed like if you have to bring your   own sheets and your own pillow it's like is it  even worth it like Hotel Hell again it's for a   little while I was bringing Lysol wipes with us  and Lysol spray with us and that's just here in   the states we haven't gone out of the states or  anything like that but yeah lately our experiences   I think the last time we went somewhere the  carpet had this I don't even want to describe   it it was horrible but letting hoarders live  there yeah that you just want to go and you   want to be free and you want to be able to relax  in the place that you're staying in so whenever   it's not clean it just ruins it a little bit you  know cuz you know you have to go back there after   you've had so much fun for the day and you want  to just relax yeah definitely every day I wake   up to a feast they're making me hungry this is  not fair oh my go how cool now I would be very   brave if I were to travel to the Philippines  I would try everything I think I don't think   I would be um picky yeah I'd want to try just  everything I might not like everything but I'd   try everything definitely try everything gosh dude  here I learned the color of sweetness expanded my pantry and my appetite let's go man oh my gosh so good am  iing my gosh I'm so hungry right now every   Next Bite only leaves you hungry for more well  played Philippines well [Music] played like we   love the nighti we love the water we love the  outdoors we love food like these are all the   things that you could get in the Philippines it  seems like so it's just making me want to visit   I don't like this okay going snorkeling in the  Florida Keys very shallow water and you paused   on this part like all I see is a shark coming  at him just going the big open deep water I   can't do it dude I can't do it what is that  philophobia or something like that I think I   might have it yeah it's big open but you can't  see the bottom or anything like that n uh uh-   no thank you get me out of there yep it's a  horror movie terrifying below the surface oh   gosh but you can see the brown I would feel  a little bit better about that learn to face   my fears yeah I think my limit's probably like  30 foot I'd have to be able to see underneath me you get me in 200t deep water mm-m it's over  but it's when I see this is awesome that's so crazy and the small it's absolutely amazing  So Many Colors there's so much going on are you kidding me and could no longer  hide my true colors that I knew i' emerged a local I just hope all of this is like not just  designated to tourist you know I hope the   locals I hope the the locals they make this  affordable enough for them to do it you know   CU even when we lived in the keys the housing  the the price of living cost of living was so   high to where to afford all of the stuff that  all the locals are coming down for you'd have   to be rich you know and so I do hope that all  of this let us know like if you do if you are   local to these areas can you afford to go on  these things and and experience all this it's [Music] unknown where water is stronger than  Rock so I learned to sit back and enjoy the   ride get up when a deserted good night man  what [Music] explore the locals living [Music] history I wonder what the population of  people find a hole in the wall foreigners   who have come to live in the Philippines I  wonder what the population size is they're   just like forget this I'm moving world to  be on top of it would be hard not to fall   love and never want to leave cuz I did see  a comment on our last video the person was   like totally come here enjoy it all of  that just make sure you leave I was like okay today I woke up inside a  kaleidoscope oh wow today I woke   up it's like every time they start like  that surrounded by mesmerizing patterns and vibrant Shades my gosh dude you can  practically taste why can't we have stuff   like that I can make some stuff like that  that won't taste nearly as good but it'll   look kind of similar yeah you can let's  do it not that I don't know how to make   that endless stretch of powdery pink  sand pink sand I'm sold no way vessels   riding gentle waves I love the col just  bursting at the seams what makes the P   the sand pink I wonder with every change in  and Views but no fail always a whole lot of fun man today I woke up on a wild ride right in the middle of a river oh my  gosh ridiculous so scary it's dangerous   to wake up right in the middle  of pretty unexpected drop oh my go I could maybe do that but I'm not at the  top of my lung not rock climbing no way I can   maybe do that too maybe run on the just when  I thought it was over yes there was another   thrill waiting around the corner my gosh so  cool and forever long I stay for the right it's always an [Music] [Music] adventure this video is just like making  me drool with anticipation for the food everything   the views a place where everything grows what  even dreams that weave themselves no I've never   seen uh an image of like a an alligator or a  crocodile do you guys have those that looked   like the area they would be in yeah we have  enough alligators a place where everything   grows even dreams that is so cool that's  absolutely beautiful into our style and art here the land is Rich and healthy coffee and always happy to give the people here are connected  to the land and everywhere you look it shows stunning oh that's a cool sound very cool instruments being used  in all of these ad postcard every   single day that's the best way to  describe it waking up at a post I   just want to wake up one time like these  people have woken up every day that's amazing Each corner a lovely  let us straight from cloud mine scribbled remind us to soak up the sun everywhere's an invitation to come over but is the warmth I find nowhere else  I'm tear up and cry that makes me stay I just want to go man all I want to do is just go plan recap recap of all of them yeah yeah as much as I don't want it to end  I do want it to freaking end because I'm   I'm longing yeah what is that longing of in the  opposite of homesick that other channel Fernway   is that what it is Fernway I think it's Fernway  it's a longing for traveling yes to get out Go   the [Music] Distance I'm just all struck there's  so many beautiful places from going to the clear   water from going to eat somewhere from going to  the historic places and seeing the culture from   the vibrant colors there's something for everyone  like I just don't know if it's healthy because I I   try to really be satisfied with where I'm at life  you know the people I have the places that I live   the things that I get to experience and here we  are watching all these videos that make me very   unsatisfied with where I live not the people that  I live with no you're not unsatisfied you just   want to go there experience it just made you want  to have a taste of it just a little just a little   bit I just want to go I just want to go experience  it hopefully a travel agency or somebody who has   ties with something that they could make money  off of people coming and visiting and tourists   you know they can make money from tourism they  will see our video they will be like wow this   seems like a really sweet couple and we'll pay  for you guys to come and Vlog your entire trip   it'll be sponsored by us and yeah I'll happily  accept Okay we're preemptively accepting your   offer yeah we're doing we're going ahead and say  yes right now you don't have to pay us as long   as the Trip's paid for we're good okay that's the  only thing that uh we need dreams happen every day   it's fine yeah can happen I'm Dreaming right now  I want to wake up wow the Philippines are such a   magical place and not only that like when you go  on vacation you don't want to feel like you're an   outsider and I feel like the Philippines are  so like the the culture and the people there   are so warm and welcoming that they would just  probably just want to show off their what they   have there like they would just want to show  you off to like to everything we've had plenty   of people like if you come let me know I will  show you around let me know you can stay with   me let me know I would love to show you the sites  like it's very welcoming it's very welcome you   can tell without even going there if you just  interacted with any of them online even you   can just tell it's a very welcoming open culture  and it's very appreciated it's very appreciated   cuz I would never want to come to someone else's  culture and take advantage I wouldn't run into a   middle of a parade I wouldn't like you know take  over what they're doing kind of thing but they   seem like they're so like welcoming of it they  want you to see I wouldn't even want to fish I   would just want to go swim around with the fish  and hang out with all of the the animals and the   nature and everything I would be scared where to  step I just want to experience it without leaving   you know negative footprint anywhere you know cuz  it's it's not my culture it's not my land I'm I'm   a visitor there but yeah it's just oh I want to go  so bad yes I feel like a little kid that's on my   Christmas list now I want to go to the Philippines  just if you're not going to get me anything just   get me yeah I mean the two primary regions that  we've reacted to here on the channel Philippines   Indonesia both of them very welcoming people  the the culture and the freaking nature that   you guys have is unparalleled to anything I've  ever seen in my life and I just want to go I just   want to go just do it let's let's go I'm going  right now let's go hopefully we can hopefully   you enjoyed that reaction go and support the  original uploader of this video uh we've got   links for everything down the description down  in the pinned comment um and yeah hopefully you   enjoyed that let us know what to react to  next I might be a little sad you might be   causing slow depression to even so over we still  love it we still love it a little bit definitely   do I'm joking I love these videos I do and it's  just it's just for the entertainment value that   I'm adding I'm totally not sad right now either  way see you on the next one friends bye friends peace show me let me I'm not  scared Your Love show me let me go

2024-02-10 14:48

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