Americans Celebrate Eid al-Adha in Pakistan

Americans Celebrate Eid al-Adha in Pakistan

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good morning from Islamabad we are at  the F6 market and we are going to walk   2.9 K to the F7 Market there's a burger restaurant   we want to check out there but  while we're walking this Forest s yeah there was a monkey and another video that's  still a girl's Fanta enforce is quite obsessed   with that yeah always on the look apparently  that's the thing yeah the monkey was scary yes   but either way why we walk at least for a little  while I want to talk to you about the layout of   Islamabad and how I love the layout of this city  so basically we're in F6 going to F7 and each of   these sections has four sectors so you've got F6  one two three and four you have F7 one two three   and four and in the middle of those sectors are  the markets yes and by market it's not like one   little Fruit Stand it's a whole strip there's  a restaurant see the birdie food stalls yeah so   for example the market here has a coffee shop  a chocolate shop a huge gas station and it's a   long strip it goes way way down there's going  to be uh expat food like International Food   there'll be local food in almost all of them  in terms of a combination of local food versus   uh expat like 400 Foreigner food I have 400 food  uh but either way you get the idea so you might   find KFC you might find Pizza Hut you might find  big National chains in these markets and then   you'll also find very local Pakistani food so  that's what's kind of unique I think about this   layout is it all makes sense and because it's all  about is relatively flat at least the City versus   up towards the mountains it's these straight long  roads so it's pretty easy to Navigate to navigate   and to find a way uh in between markets again  they're about 3K apart at least from F6 to F7   it's a bit hot today but it's overcast and there's  a lot of shade so walking for us I think we can do   it if not we would use something like Uber or  ingest to grab a ride or Kareem also works here   so we're entering you know this longer  stretch here with the green space   but this is all still part of that same F6 market  so it's like a long stretch of places that are you   know kind of considered for the market so either  way looking good yeah yeah I think so quite pretty   nice data just to walk and enjoy the green  yeah F6 is really the like the embassy area   so it's sort of a to-do like entire class  like higher class is what the taxi driver   said yeah higher class good word um of an area  so you're gonna find nicer restaurants and you   know all the amenities that go into these long  strips of markets so again in fact where we   were coffee shops and chocolate shops over here  now you're getting more like there's a Subway   there's an oriental rug store there's a couple of  different brands of banks there's a Broadway Pizza   so it just you know separate sections but still  the same what they would call F6 markets and   there's usually a grocery store tied to these  markets as well so let's see I think maybe even   up here as we walk down and again all passing  the F6 Market I think it's I think I actually   see the grocery store up here so there's a  lot hello again I'm happy to eat sir hello   all right Boutique clothing stores and some  of them kind of in this fancier strip anyway   you get the idea so now there's an old bookstore  there's a burger restaurant here more carpet   stores and it goes on and on for quite a few  blocks for this one market but okay we will uh   continue walking work our way a little closer to  F7 but it's again it's a beautiful day we're in   the shade it's very green lots of flowers  and it's nice I see a jewelry store over   there some kind of like studio uh like hair  makeup products steakhouses Mr Food Mr Food   Mr food that would be Pakistani they look open so  it's actually eat today so uh not a lot is open   um but occasionally you do find one or two so  normally these places are hustling bustling and at   night is when they really come alive yeah it gets  a lot busier and I don't know maybe it's busier   normally but because of eat it's not oh yeah this  morning yeah so typically so it's past noon now   so normally a lot of these places would be open  for like the lunch crowd but because of Eid it's   pretty much all closed down there's only a few  spots that are open here in F6 that's why we're   gonna head to F7 and check out for a burger shop  up there it's more of a national chain the place   we're going yeah all right it'll be good hopefully  it's open hopefully it's open it's a 2.9 K to walk   but you can see now it's opening still part of  the market all this so like three months later   more jewelry stores a boutique Cafe as it's  called lots of uh yeah lots of options it's   kind of nice like each neighborhood has its own  like self-sufficient amount of stores so agreed   you can actually walk to get food buy supplies and  that kind of stuff in each neighborhood that you   stay in yeah that's the best part about Islamabad  it's just this layout now the Blue zone is where   most ex our most like tourists would stay I  believe is like something like F6 through F10   it's a long strip of what they call the Blue Zone  again that's going to be more of the uh here hold   on oh it's getting heavy more food stalls more of  these markets kind of all in this Blue Zone but   you can see here's at one of the groceries that  they're talking about uh and it's multi-level   so this long three blocks all part of the same  one market all right we'll continue on down the   road here the one thing uh that to be aware of  though when you do go for a walk is there are   a lot of panhandlers yeah surprisingly they're  I'm surprised I don't I think we've been out of definitely uh Islamabad has been full of them  especially yeah well and the thing too so when   you do go out to these markets um there are a  number of people that will come solicit money   from you while you're sitting down at a restaurant  if you're like on the outdoor CD yeah if you're   out on the street you're gonna be hit up I think  the other day we were we were approached 15 times   while waiting for French fries yes like yeah 15  times so I and a lot of times sometimes they're   selling stuff like socks or flowers sometimes  it's just kids begging for money trying to   sell coloring books or um a mother with a baby  yes or this guy behind us yeah and typically this guy's pretty committed but we I will  say we are walking out past soccer pitchers   and basketball courts in tennis courts so  it's not uncommon to see some of these type   of things in these markets now this F6 one is  particularly fancy multi-purpose Sports Center   that's what they call it oh wow no I got him shall  we continue on I think probably once you cross   the street here this guy will start following us  they tend to stick to a somewhat of a territory   uh so when it comes to the panhandling  though uh usually I would say maybe 30   of the time one no and they stop and they go on  but the other 70 they are very persistent kids   are more persistent seems like yeah okay now  the guys sort of drifted off now yeah thanks   but you know if you give them money just for  no reason then it just it only encourages the   panhandling I think where they're going  to see every Foreigner or tourist as a uh   potential Mark to just get money from so we very  rarely if ever would donate money or give money all right so now we are officially caught with  this Street crossing we are out of the market area   as we continue through F6 so I believe that was F4  now all of this represents F1 and on this side of   the street maybe like uh f62 so like f61 on this  side f62 on that side so it's all kind of divided   out with these grids by streets these major  intersections are what divide out the sections   okay yeah our our friend behind us has now drifted  back and that's kind of the the end of the market   territory so he's turned around to solicit  uh money from the next person who passes by   we're also uh coming up to a bit of a  park so you've got a green space here again fairly common to have  the market to have a green   belt usually there's playgrounds in all  these districts at least in the Blue Zone you want to go to the playground we'll keep  an eye out see if you can't come across a   playground they're pretty fun aren't they all  right well moving on also camels it's camels   yeah oh my goodness that would be huge yeah  exactly so uh of course today is Eid and part   of this Eid is the animal sacrifice exactly and  you were saying it's not uncommon to sacrifice   cows like what you're doing here uh camels goats  yes incredible and how many people will you feed   with this one cow if you have a large family  here today yeah it's family but it's like we   have ex like external families it's everyone  so in Eid it's like it's traditional that we   shared this we we distribute uh yeah yeah and  so how many people will come from your family   for your house today do you expect a lot it's  like more than like 30 plus years wow and this   is this is this is close family yeah also friends  yeah friends it's it's usually you know it's this   we in our family tradition it's usually our fam  our family it's really a first second constants   and also distant revenues it's like it's like it's  tradition that we all gather together okay and we   we didn't the first day of eating okay day one  day and will your family stay with you for all   yeah yeah they're here for their holidays they  usually come for their holidays they spend their   summer vacations here I see and how how far away  is is your family coming from uh some come from   the Middle East some coming from oh out of your  country yeah out of country most of them are out   of country some of them do live here but most of  most of our family come from countries to spend   Eid or eat like in buddy then this choti here  together right in Pakistan wow that's great well   um so will you cook the cow meat today and eat  today or do you butcher today and cook tomorrow   it depends on us depends that when uh we have a  tablet that's like a family like a family brunch   so it's like dinner so so what we do is that we  usually decide to menu what we're going to cook   today okay if it's uh meat will cook cow meat  we usually we traditionally our family eats run   that's like a piece leg piece of a goat so we cook  that that's our traditional family decision and   Palau if you if you know below what's Palau no  it's like it's brown it's with brown rice okay   and you put like you can say it's it's goat  meat as well it's like it's like it's like   Biryani but it's kind of different it's rice  rice Yes except seasonings like uh no it's not   it's not spicy in Biryani it's spicy this is  like a small it's normal normal it's not it's   very mild it's like you cook it it's cooked with  brown rice that's the difference I see the word   in Biryani they use coloring they colored the  rice to make it yellow it's a color look okay   like like a saffron yeah exactly exactly like  now I see there's another cow over here this is   a neighbor yes this makes us and will they also  sacrifice that cow today are we just no uh West   some people sacrifice today and because they're  three holy days indeed yes this is the Hajj this   is like sacred sacred where Muslims go for pretty  much to Makkah okay so this is the first day we   people sectors on the first day second day and  Third Day institution so it depends on you on your   um it's different than your family yeah exactly  but traditionally it's recommended that we should   do it in the first days it has more like it's it  has more sick it's more sacred it's more it's like   you it's like we you own more Sunnah you like  more rewards it's like that sort of like you   could say it's if you do it on the first stage on  the first day is the majority but sometimes people   but it depends a lot but there's no compulsion  okay so it's it depends upon you what you want   if it's if you're comfortable on the first day  you'll do it on first day then other than that   if you want to do it in the second day you can do  it on the second day okay okay my name is Jonathan   oh Jonathan hello pleasure to meet you sir thank  you yeah thank you for letting us uh come and see   this is our first uh need oh it's our first time  in Pakistan and we're just so happy to be here   on Eid to have the experience to see sort of more  of the local Traditions yes yes yeah that's yeah   you're enjoying your stay here it's been amazing  uh Pakistani people are so friendly and the food   is so good yeah yeah yeah absolutely well and then  so do you when you when you have the like they're   pulling out the sacks now do you use the different  cuts for different purposes or yes you can use we   use the different cuts for different purposes  recipes this is like for the rice food right   yeah and the run that I told you like that's we  cook lamb roast it's sort of like lamb Bros you're   roasting the lamb the very best used in the Palau  Palau is a form of rice okay that's the brown rice   the Iran is basically your leg okay the entire leg  of them so basically you can use it as a lamb chop   okay or you can just cook it as a whole there  are variety of options that you cook some meat   okay and it depends on the cut you we disposed  of the intestines right because uh we can't eat   those because the fecal matter in there right  of course yeah they got the whole gut sound yeah but the liver is hydrogen fishes it has high  amounts of nutrition we usually eat kidneys on   the first day we usually could eat kidneys okay  and is that your family your family family it's   good to hear the traditional so we every family  has a different Traditions you need so in our   family we cook uh we use uh like lamb meat we a  lamb meat cry like sort of like we eat a Karai   and the on in the morning we usually have this  uh with the Kool-Aid this we call the kaleji   I see yeah it's beautifully a Punjabi term of  the cooked liver okay all right all right now   um these men here are they part of your family  or do you bring them in their specialists   their butchers okay they're known for it we  usually what happens is that there are two   ways either you can call them and if you have a  big Gathering of your uh sacrificial animals yeah   over here or the other ways that you can take  your animals to the Patricia okay they'll do   it there that way it saves them time then you'll  just have to go and collect the the pieces okay   okay and so that's what these men's profession is  uh they are professional butchers they come your   family has hired them out too common sacrifice  oh that's amazing yeah quite amazing yeah any   yeah it really is it really is uh yeah very nice  well thank you for letting us uh yeah yeah thank   you thank you all right all right yeah it's just  a look into part of what happened so often right   now during today on Sunday the special Eid as we  walk down the street again the animal sacrifice is   very very cool to see people told us if you just  walk around you're gonna see animal sacrifices and   I thought nah but we were thinking like okay well  is there gonna be like a big celebration a parade   a festival downtown and they're like no everyone's  just kind of it's It's All Over yeah this so this   particular eat is definitely all about the family  and so again just walking right past that Park   and sure enough there's those guys sacrificing  that animal so we're still technically in F6   so it was a good call to walk yeah absolutely we  kind of went back and forth but I'm glad we walk   because now we get to see that and learn about  that that those Brothers those two guys were   brothers yeah uh to learn about and that was their  grandfather's house to learn about their family   tradition I thought was pretty sweet that's really  cool all right well who knows what else we'll see   between here and there but either way we High  we definitely got that uh cool peek at the light   speed yeah animal sacrifice for the celebration  and all that family so very cool all right well   we'll keep walking all right so just as we're  walking to F7 Market this gentleman pulled up   hello sir of seven markets yes okay 200 200 all  right so 200 would get a little faster because   now we're sort of out of that shade from those  trees so to hop in take a ride from this guy there goes Forest to uh get a ride from this guy not bad all right thank you sir what's your  good name your good name your my name Jonathan   ah Jonathan NASA nice to meet you yeah thank  you thank you for the right sir all right a   little better yeah the air air yeah go on so I  don't know if this man is just a regular like   taxi guy or or what but it's one of these little  uh commuter vehicles that you see all around so yes who is this man Christian yeah yeah you're a Christian yeah  okay all right well there you go yeah very nice you can see this is now where  now we've crossed the road so   we are officially in F7 territory also  equally beautiful so many large trees   you like that wind nice Grant are you  getting any yeah all right uh just the market so now we've passed all the green zone and as we  get a little closer you'll start to see like this   is the F7 Green Space Park fruit vendors are  fairly common like what you saw right there is   there like a playground in that space and all of  this all this shop now this Begins the M7 Market   yeah it is good sir just here is fine yeah  yeah perfect uh yeah perfect thank you sir   all right so now I I have a drop in F7 Market  yes sir the best the best drive this guy all   right so that guy so nice now we paid we did pay  200 to go like eight blocks but you know it's uh   whatever I I think I was so sweet so why not  it's getting hot it's getting hot did you guys   uh prefer to walk or did you like the ride  right right okay all right so 200 well spent   and now the name of the restaurant we're going to  is that's easiest yes cheesiest so cheesiest is a   big chain restaurant but I think we're all in the  mood for that at least like a big fat burger we   have our fingers crossed the cheesiest is open  but when I look around here I mean this is the   kind of the heart of F7 Market and it's all  looking closed all that's closed because of Eid   so hopefully the Big Chain is open we definitely  are got a hankering too do you want a cheeseburger   yeah yeah you guys want a cheese Paratha  but all the local places that we went to   earlier were closed so I might have  to settle with a cheeseburger yes you also want a cheese Paratha well cheese  Paratus let's see if we can find some all right   we happened right across what's up Paratha this is  a one of the restaurants has reviewed very well on   Google so we're gonna go in there and at least get  one cheese Paratha because that's what the kids   have really been craving you coming with me bud  all right this is a side meal before our big meal   hello hello scientific videos okay all right  so you can kind of see the rotating menu   board hello sir uh can I please order one cheese  Paratha yeah this boy he wants his cheese Parada again I forget a menu you want  to choose Parada yes big boy   do you like Pakistani food oh  okay hi guys hello happy Eid nice good job busy day yeah today very busy  yeah yeah lots of deliveries eat yeah lots of   people ordering food okay let's see what's  your channel name our channel name this us   here bags packs family thank you we'll put that  video on cheese Paratha and Panda delivery okay   so the menu I think we just want a cheese cheese  Paratha yeah nice so we have one and then mineral   water four ready to go four mineral water small  and that's it all right hi guys good luck enjoy   good tips food Panda food panda is the name  of those guys very popular eating delivery   apps okay well my family's out there so we go out  there I'll wait for the waters you'll bring the   waters okay should I pay now or pay attention  after food okay thanks guys alrighty okay   water's coming one cheese Paratha the guy's gonna  bring the cold water next uh the food Panda guys   are pretty cool they said they're so busy today  wow yeah yeah of course I might turn this fan on   you think yeah your good name again Heather  nice to meet you sir so on his honeymoon oh   yeah yes congratulations thank you the marriage  with your family on Eid it's very nice to meet   you all thank you thank you and then they just  delivered thank you sir cheese Paratha uh the   best cheese Paratha so they just brought that  out it's kind of cut it really in quesadilla   style that's the first time I've seen him do  that uh so that's actually a convenient little   snack and I have a hunch this must be like a ranch  dipping sauce Forest you want your cheese Paratha hot hot there you go okay don't you move your chair  closer you want a cheese Paratha for us all   right granny you're gonna go for a slice  yeah yeah that's probably a good idea   we were all hot and sweaty and this fan is really  uh that's awesome I love that they just like aim   the fan right at you and cool down all right  so cheese Paratha again this is the first time   I've seen him cut it like quesadilla style so  okay well that's one way to eat it hot for us   yummy I haven't seen uh sauce with  it I haven't seen sauce before so   like a ranch I think like maybe mayonnaise  help yourself okay well cheese Parada time passing okay oh is it hot yes it's hot it's three cheese oh  wow three cheese we're at that is that normal   or is that a special it was a special menu  item I said she's probably said three cheese   I was like yeah let's do three cheese okay well  it's gonna be good quite delicious yeah yeah   it's a tasty cheese Parada is what it is yeah  and again what a Paratha is where we're at quite   yummy all right well we're gonna enjoy the little  snack and then hopefully continue on too cheesy   ass we're gambling they're gonna be open which  is why we stopped here at what a Parada to get   that the little cheesy snack I think that was  a good call to stop yeah yeah okay bye bye okay   cheese Paratha in the bag so that that goal was  accomplished that check yeah I've been would have   been really sad if we would not have got at least  one cheese Paratha as we are flying out tomorrow   so that may have been the last one in fact saying  we'll see we'll see but uh Pakistan we're coming   back to eat more cheese for us yeah that's a  must so total bill there 769 it was like four   and change for the Paratha and then the waters uh  were the rest of that so yeah okay yeah and you   can see F7 looks a lot whoa F7 looks a lot like F6  in terms of you've got all these local restaurants   jewelry stores clothing stores restaurants  glasses it's just it's kind of all the same   so each one will have slightly different  restaurants as anchor stores but all the   in-between stuff it's going to be very similar  between all these different markets but we have   a few blocks to go before we get to find out  if cheesy us is open or closed yeah I really   want a burger now that I've been thinking about  them all day so we'll find out Moment of Truth   as we approach cheesiest in the back corner  there I see obviously some white cars and   I see some people coming in and out of the  general area of cheesiest is it open we're   gonna find out it seems to be a pretty popular  it's definitely a big chain I know nothing about   it please grab motorcycles yeah yeah all these  guys yeah food delivery in red it looks open   yes is it is it it's so hard to say okay there  okay it's well they're at least wiping down chairs   a few lights are on let's find  out it says take away are you open   three o'clock okay what time is it now yeah what  time is it now oh it's 2 30. so soon okay well   that's good news so our here's the here's the new  plan we're gonna go to sofa gold Mall grab snacks   for the room for later in 20 minutes they open  yeah so we'll come back then to cheesy ass yes   all right well let's head back to the grocery get  snacks and then we'll come back here in a little   bit okay all right well the plans keep shifting  uh this beautiful Eve day so the entire Mall   it's close it's closed yeah I mean it's  not a huge mall but uh it is closed   so we're gonna pull yet another audible on this  crazy day and we're gonna get a milk tea yeah   yes okay sounds good I mean nothing like a hot  milk tea on a hot day yep you want your little   fire truck okay yeah how does Forest remember that  this mall had a little toy fire truck that we did   not buy him yeah it's his brain somehow retained  that's information all right so instead of the   mall we'll grab a little milk tea while we wait  for cheese yes it's gonna be a dairy kind of day   so a dairy day all right so where are we for the  milk tea we're behind cheesiest we're here at   this establishment hello sir all right maybe uh  we can sit here in the shade these are the guys   for the milk tea oh yeah I think they'll maybe  well I don't know you guys want to sit down there is better up here okay so we'll sit here   maybe right here behind these guys under  the shade yes sir which one do you recommend   special G yeah I think special is good I  think okay you recommend and okay and uh how about is this the this is the coffee this  is the good oh wait wait wait wait wait wait   wait this too and cookie good yeah no no no  no just just the tea okay maybe I'll order   uh let no let's just do this how about what is  the golden Malai okay how about this we'll do   we'll do this I'll change it up a little bit  we'll go one one specialty one and you have   this this is my team yeah so one maybe two no  one day one okay one cashmere one special two   good nah no one special one cashmere yes  this is uh why is this pink is that Rose all right cool thank you guys ah okay what'd you just eat coconut maybe  coconut something white and coconutty I   believe coconut quite good shredded  coconut mine's just a milk tea and   it's sweet and it's delicious yes you  may Cedar so this is kind of a Nutty   crumbs on top and that pink flavor it's sweet it's  a very sweet tea all right sit here going for it all right go for it give the tea a try that's good it's good isn't it it's nice a  milk-based uh tea with again I don't quite know   what the red uh what the pink comes from maybe  Cherry a rose of some sort but uh quite delicious   did you taste gross oh just more I just taste  more milk and sweet so I can't quite Define   what that flavor is yeah you wanna try it like a  sumac or something maybe remember when we were in   uh Georgia and Azerbaijan and they had  that red yes that could be that could   be because the rose is not jumping  out at me but it's definitely tasty and chewy yeah yeah it's it's some kind  of nut powder on top yeah I'm gonna go   for this uh traditional almost as a cinnamon  could be but that one that's the traditional I want to try that that one  tastes good yeah that one's good the traditional to specialize they call it tastes  tastes pretty pretty standard yeah just good it's   good just good drinks you like that traditional  yeah it's kind of the Staple in the original the   traditional all right well we're gonna knock  out the teas we've got just a few more minutes   to kill and we're gonna head over to choosiest  cheesiest lunch has been served mixed platter   Wings fries chicken rolls and look at this mega  cheese pizza this is why they can't it's why they   call it cheesiest cheesiest that's cheap that  is a cheesiest Pizza all right a cheesiest for   Forest hold on baby it might be a little hot it  might be hot but anyway looks good granite dig   in man if you want one of those rats you want  to wrap a Tabasco you should Tabasco wrap it   okay Cedar you're you're delicately tobacco  in one Fry at a time you cut one of those   at Cedar was good yeah yeah pizza that  is a cheesiest that's the cheesiest of   all cheese that's the cheesiest Pizza  there you go cool all right so we've   got Tabasco we've got rolls we've got  Wings we've got Wings we've got Tabasco so much cheese so much cheese all right  guys is that is it is it the cheesiest that chicken cheese roll that one so good  yeah how's it with Tabasco the electricity   yeah I love the jalapenos and Cedar how's that  cheesiest Pizza cheese to the max huh guys so   much cheese for us you liking that cheese pizza  yeah home run oh cheesiest was uh it was a big   hit it's a big hit the kids loved it it was really  good food 13.99 for the total for the water the   pizza the platter the pizza all that yeah fair  enough so this day this day has been kind of a   surprise we didn't know what we were doing we  just started walking yeah to come across the   animal sacrifice to learn about Eid from that  gentleman's family it was great yeah that was   cool and then uh have tea the tea was delicious  the cheese Paratha and then obviously the end of   here with cheesiest it's a great day just walking  around Islamabad you never know what you're gonna   see or what you're gonna are you gonna meet right  small world who are you gonna run into absolutely   all right everybody well we're heading back  to the hotel get some AC and just relax for   a few hours this is getting still pretty hot  but we will catch you in the next episode foreign

2022-09-30 05:15

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