American Joins Unique Village Ritual

American Joins Unique Village Ritual

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good morning from a beautiful day here in  Ngadas look at this just beautiful today today is my last full day here in Ngadas and  i think it's going to be an eventful one   today we have two ceremonies to attend to we have one that's called Entas-Entas, it's a traditional tinger ritual they've already kind of started,  it started at 11 it's 11 20 they've already kind of begun and done a few things but i haven't done the intro yet, look at this view it is absolutely gorgeous here but the weather here in the Ngadas since we're so high up it's always changing it'll be clear blue skies and then in 30 minutes the clouds roll in and it'll be just covered in fog and clouds but not right now it's beautiful right now the sun is out you can actually see another volcano over there i think that might be the highest point in java it's going to be an eventful day. the first one's going to be a new one it's the Entas-Entas   it's a ceremony to commemorate your ancestors and to help guide their spirits up into heaven   "entas" just means upward and so they're  helping their dead spirits go up into heaven it's beautiful up here I'm going to miss this place, it's been nice it has been nice but let's go check out the ceremony    see how it's shaking, let's see what  these guys are shaking hello. "it's starting?" working? yeah okay    i stepped away for one second to you know do this intro but i think they've already started all right so i think we're about to get started  and i've asked a lot of questions to figure out exactly what's going on here basically, this is one family's descendants and ancestors and each pot represents one person who has died from the family and the people who are sitting around it now are all a part of that one family so this goes back generations here for whatever reason they come in with, the men have their shirts off, the women are covered up by a sarong about to get started so basically these are all just brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles all the same family here and I was asking, about how many families are in this town? you know this has to be a very common occurrence. they said there are about 26 families here in Ngadas I'm not sure if they do this every year because if they did they'd have to do one of these like two or three times a month but it's obviously a special occasion for their family the whole village and the town comes together and celebrates with them   and it's a pretty unique and interesting ritual I have to say I'm excited to see this so the one conducting this whole ritual he's  going around from person to person and singeing the tips of their hair just a little bit you know the girls they'll grab some of the longer hair just so it's not like right not the just the tips all right so next they're going around one by one   and the lady is placing rice on top of each  person's head the guy holding the duck is kind of swooping it in and the duck tries to eat a little bit off each person's head and then there's a chicken over there curious what they're gonna do with that   maybe the same thing i don't know get dressed? okay now they get dressed put the clothes back   uh the on and the chicken what happens? the ayam (chicken) and the bebek (duck) maybe they don't kill it or sacrifice it but the goat over there wasn't so lucky i don't know if you saw that or not but there's a carcass over there all right so we're heading to another village we just finished the Entas-Entas   I headed back to the house and we're just going to hang out and chill for a while   Pak Kartono asked me if i'd like to go with him to another village, and i said sure why not   and his next translation on the google app  was "circumcision" so i thought i'd go one day without hearing that word but apparently not we're heading to another village to check out another snip snip Jarak Ijo Village so that's where we're going, we're going to Jarak Ijo how many people live there? only 125 people live in this village can't wait to see it oh this is all potatos we are up here hello and we've made it, it looks like they have this kind of temporary tent set up hello hello always a celebration or something going on in these villages it seems like   same kind of deal they got the cakes and the drinks and what looks like Cheetos i think they're going to give me a tour i imagine it's kind of the same deal over here   a lot of the women cooking and preparing all the food so much huh hello yeah back here too, dang! back here, cooking up a storm too incredible yes, wow look at that pot, that is massive. and then over here, bakso beef man they are cooking up a storm here it goes all the way back in there this way okay this way i've been summoned look at all those cakes my name is nick yes that looks really good, rendang? not rendang ok okay they've asked me if i'd like to eat, so i'll have a small bite oh okay i found the dishwashing station i want to wash the hands first you know food soup? okay content? content, yes, for my content so it looks like a lot of the same stuff for the most part   these are potatoes yeah? this is potato we got some beef and maybe beef but i think it's been fried and then we got a chicken wing right here, this is new i haven't seen a chicken wing like this yet so but other than that more or less kind of the same stuff that they're cooking up over in Ngadas, let's give it a try good, delicious. good potatoes all right so we were there like 10 minutes tops(more than that) I think for Pak Kartono it was mostly all about just kind of showing his face, saying hello, and with that, he gets to take home a bunch of food but uh looks like they're ready for a celebration here, with some big ole speakers   let's go check it out they love the speakers here, check those out, today yeah? this is the big generator, for the speakers? okay for power the power yeah what's this? juice juice juice apple juice. okay

(after this you will go down a road that isn't good)  after here, oh it's not good? (i think he's trying to say the road back that way to Ngadas isn't as good) sure, ok just following along oh this is your family? you're from Ngadas, but now you live here? yeah, my home. oh, this was your home Pak Kartono? (not here'll see it in a second) all right nice to meet you nice to meet you see you around the views here are spectacular i mean, beautiful here this this is your home? yeah when you were young? yeah wow okay your grandmother wow okay oh this is your mother? nice to meet you I'm sorry, she doesn't speak English that's okay and this is the house you grew up in? yeah when you were young, when you were younger wow now you live here? yeah, here and here (apparently there was an American man named Bob Webner lived with Pak Kartono's family when he was in 3rd grade. Bob lived in this village, in that home, for two years.... Imagine if he had a YouTube

you can kind of see the progression over the years from a house like that to maybe here and now they're living in a place like this look like some pinto beans it's colder here? (than Ngadas) so i think we're a little bit higher up in elevation here so it's probably a lot cooler ooh strawberries thank you so before we take off I just want to look at Pak Kartono's home that he grew up in   and give you an idea and give me an idea what people lived like when they know his generation now it's just a chicken coop it looks like, they keep the chickens back here from the room, back in there. okay. but now  it's just for storage and chickens okay what's this? oh for the gates probably just use for storage and to keep a  bunch of junk and chickens nowadays so okay ah that's Ngadas? my home. okay

so this is all potatoes? yeah, all potatoes just look how steep it is right here. you can see an old "obaachan" an old lady down there working that's a house? maybe a farmhouse? maybe storage or something they live there? people? they work here, and then they go up to the  village, see Ngadas is over there in the distance   it's beautiful out here, it is something else how would you like to work here? just straight up and down like that, that's gotta be so tough glad i'm not driving that's for sure, leaving it to the pro oh right here? chili. wow look at those yeah the Ngadas chilis so not only potatoes we got chilis too not many though a lot more potatoes I think and just like that, we're back in Ngadas

2022-07-01 05:34

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