AMAZING Mountains of THAILAND / CHUMPHON Motorbike Tour / Thai Food on the Road

AMAZING Mountains of THAILAND / CHUMPHON Motorbike Tour / Thai Food on the Road

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Hey hey hey! Welcome back to our hungry adventures! Hungry adventures in Thailand! and today, guys, we start our journey from Chumphon to Ranong province.. it's about 2 hours ride on a mountainous road with truly fantastic landscape.. and here i found this lovely restaurant.. lovely roadside cafe.. where i am gonna have my lunch..

which is the local style noodles with pork meatballs, with pork and something else.. and very tiny noodles which called "san mee".. anyway.. if you have got some time and empty space in your stomach - you know what to do!

you always can join me in this hungry adventure.. let's go! I think this is the best 7-Eleven in Thailand.. 7-Eleven with the best view.. perhaps they've got coffee here.. isn't it cute? a cup of real Americano coffee for 25 Baht..

which is less than 1 USD.. with such amazing view.. oh yeah! i am so happy to be here.. and the sun is burning hot, even though it's half rainy half sunny day.. it's so hot..

Chill Chill homestay.. maybe we can ask somebody here.. hello.. why so cute? cutie! the cat is so cute! hello.. do you have an available room? I am gonna make cleaning for you..

I haven't cleaned it yet.. wow.. look amazing.. and TV.. wow! have TV, have light.. ohh.. VIP hotel! I haven't been cleaning it for a while.. we were closed for 3 months..

the lady - owner of this homestay.. she has decided to show me the right way to the viewpoint.. to the peak of the mountain..

hey! chicken chicken chicken! so many fighting roosters.. oh, man! yeah, that's the car you need to have here for life.. hello! hello! traveling? yeah, traveling here.. hello..

okay okay.. almost arrived! wow! is it beautiful? Where is this stairs heading to? To the sky? a stairs to paradise.. wow.. hold it.. hold the rail..

okay.. my backpack is heavy.. okay, hold it here.. let's go! exciting..

so high! yeah, and we're going over there! yeah, riding on the bike here is dangerous.. this tree is man! yeah yeah, he it has it.. tree - man.. oh i don't wanna ride on motorcycle here.. hold it tight.. hold the rail.. how can he drive here? butterfly..

many many.. these are coffee trees.. oh really? yeah it's coffee.. what can i say? if i ever told you that i found probably the best viewpoint around Chumphon ..

i was wrong.. because this one is definitely the best.. as you see - here you've got really 360 degree view.. panoramic view around whole province.. as you see we are truly surrounded.. literally surrounded by mountains.. by this huge, massive mountain range.. wow.. i just don't know where to look..

because i want to look at all sides at the same time.. so amazing.. really stunning landscape.. with all of these coffee and durian plantations around.. truly fascinating.. i can't even imagine how does it look in the morning..

but.. i will know that just in few hours.. because i think i must set alarm and wake up in the morning to see the fog around mountains.. wow.. truly fascinating place..

be careful.. hungry adventure in the jungles.. and this gentleman.. his driving skills are outstanding.. oh durian..

thank you very much.. extremely crazy road.. but it's not over yet.. now i need to descend using my own motorcycle..

back to the hotel.. back to the homestay.. go, go go, go, go! such a huge moth! Guys, as you see I've made it back.. yeah, safe and sound.. and my room is ready now and I am ready to present it to you.. and i feel so excited about sleeping here because I've never tried to sleep in such place..

real tent which looks like a house on the moon.. somewhere in the space.. here is my bar table, bar chairs.. my belongings.. fan, fridge.. and this is the shower.. can or not? and this is the shower..

which looks pretty decent and super clean.. with no snakes, no insects.. welcome to my house for tonight.. ho-ho-ho it's so cold here! it's so cold.. and so soft.. hehehe..

amazing.. this camping is my style.. it's truly fascinating.. man, i am so excited.. and this huge window.. window to the Moon.. and even TV with some Thai drama series..

would you want to stay here for a night or 2? I'd love to stay here for a month or 2! it's so beautiful.. and no insects inside.. nothing inside - it's like a proper hotel room! amazing idea.. feel extremely tired.. and i understand it's time to go back..

to go back? it's time to go to bed! if i want to get up at 5 AM.. and see the sunrise.. but i need to restore the energy.. and there is only Japanese food restaurant with western food..

and it's good.. it's definitely good.. hungry adventures.. do you want some sticky rice? can you eat sticky rice? cannot, right? sorry, i've got nothing else..

you know, maybe i am a little bit late to see the fog however i can see a lot of fog on this side.. right behind me.. but here on the East.. we are right on time.. because on this side of my face you can see the sunlight.. sunlight from rising sun..

am i right, buddy? am i right? hehehe.. yeah i sound a bit crazy this morning.. anyway.. mission has been completed.. sunrise for you.. Enjoy! wind is getting stronger and stronger..

and i can see more rainy clouds coming this way.. from Ranong.. and i already can feel tiny drops of rain.. light rain, yeah.. i think it's a good sign to get back to the camp.. to get back to my bed.. sleep couple hours more and continue exploring surroundings.. hurry up Mickey, hurry up! really windy..

the owner of this homestay Khun Jaa said that today there was no fog because of the weather.. unfortunately.. nevertheless i still believe it was worth coming.. it was really worth riding there to the top to see the sunrise.. over these amazing mountains.. perhaps i should come here again in a month or two..

or in a week or two.. to see fog.. anyway.. she cooked this breakfast for me even though i am extremely sleepy..

and i wanna go back to bed.. we're enjoying breakfast in this beautiful setting.. fried vegetables with pork, omelet and rice.. and it is so tasty.. i just don't have energy right now to show my facial expressions.. but it's so good..

i need to finish this meal.. and get back to the room.. I also decided to stay here 1 night longer.. usually these tents with air-conditioning are available for 1500 baht per night.. but now it's kind of off-season..

season without tourists.. season without customers.. so she has offered me a very attractive price - 500 Baht per night.. maybe i should stay here couple months longer.. i am kidding..

anyway i got to finish the breakfast and we will do something else.. after spending few more hours in bed - i feel much better but still kind of sleepy.. however i am ready to continue exploring this durian land.. woo hoo! oh i am so big.. too heavy! no problem! I can drive! what a work! I definitely don't want to become Isaac Newton here under these trees.. these are not apples, this is something heavier..

they are collecting "muang thong" durian right now.. the same as i tried in Hua Hin few videos ago.. but also here we can find different type of durian which has different shape.. it looks like a ball and called "gan yao"..

and later I am gonna try it.. at least i hope so.. ohh.. so strong and tasty.. even without sugar..

Guys, besides numerous durian plantations located here in Khao Thalu area of Chumphon.. I was surprised to see many coffee plantations too.. and you know how much i love coffee.. that's why i've come to this place which is called "Rong Khuaw Khao Thalu Inter" it's probably one of the most popular coffee shops in the area.. where we can taste this coffee..

which is great by the way.. but also enjoy the view of a donut.. and i am not talking about bakery.. i am talking about donut located right in the mountains.. which is a pretty strange rock formation.. check it out..

what is this? unbelievable.. and it's definitely not man-made.. yeah, these stones are real.. nature has made it..

locals call this place "Grand Canyon" or Klong Hin Dam.. but of course it's not Grand Canyon.. and it's not even the canyon you can see in Pai (Chiang Mai).. but still pretty amazing place to visit.. i've got a feeling.. something about dinosaurs..

these huge stones and rocks surrounded by mountains and jungles.. and if i will walk a little bit further to the temple.. there will be a place.. similar to this one but with a stream running between the rocks.. if i will find it..

let's go! and perhaps it looks more attractive in the middle of rain season.. when you can swim here.. one of these gentlemen - i don't know is he monk or not.. he said also there is a cave..

which i haven't seen yet.. oh, thank you.. it's so hot today.. the cave is somewhere there, right? yeah, right there behind the trees..

and something you can show? is it okay? little bit something? working monks.. yes sure, what are they doing? .... some sitting area.. a place to sit? hello.. where do you come from? From Russia..

what? what? Russia? Do you know? Where is Russia? welcome to our temple.. This cave is called.. Tham Phra Ya - Kot Cha San.. Chang.. Elephant? you.. stay here.. This looks like Budddha..

and elephant.. oh yeah, i can see.. yeah..

elephant.. yes, very big elephant.. why is the bed here? monks usually come here..

monks can sleep here? they come here for meditation.. This monk is working about building construction in Thailand.. working about building? number one.. number one.. gift for you.. okay.. thank you..

blessing for you.. thank you very much.. oh photo, photo..

this place always looks amazing.. even though we can't enjoy the sunset right now.. even though we can't see the fog in the morning.. i am still ready to come here again and again..

there is something special in this place.. but it's not the reason why i've come here tonight.. i've come here not to feed mosquitoes in the forest.. i've got a purpose.. and this is it..

this is it! this durian is local.. it's from these farms.. Khun Ja (the owner of homestay) gave it to me.. it's got a shape of a ball..

round shape.. and i've never seen anything like this.. and she said this is different type of durian.. not muang thong durian.. it has another name (gan yao).. all right, Mickey.. come on.. you can do it.. you can do it! oh Mickey, you did a bad job..

i didn't make it beautiful this time.. and this durian has spent whole day under the sun.. I should have eaten it earlier.. anyway, guys.. perhaps for many of you durian is not of interest.. so i got to finish this video now..

it's already dark, so i got to drive down - back to my homestay.. and mosquito has already bit me.. anyway.. if you have enjoyed this video - hit the like button and share this video with your friends.. subscribe to this channel if you aren't already..

and i'll see you in the next video very soon.. from somewhere else.. another adventure is coming soon.. bye-bye!

2021-07-09 11:07

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