Alternative Living Off Grid | Sailing The Caribbean Travel Vlog

Alternative Living Off Grid | Sailing The Caribbean Travel Vlog

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what happened babe we got a flat tire not A flat tire, two flat tires we're Alejo and andrea and after living on a sailboat  for 18 months in an attempt to find the best kitesurfing spots in the world we have learned to  adjust to sudden changes based on the weather so today we prepare and provision  for our sailing passage to remote islands   hello everyone it's another day here in the  bahamas and it's not so pretty it's actually   a little bit cloudy we've been doing laundry this  morning and now we are heading to town because tomorrow we're heading to the crooked island so we're going to provision here to get some groceries because we're almost out and just kind of get a few fresh things before we head south and this should be our last provision until we arrive to the dominican republic we are taking our scooters because we have to  drive on our scooters maybe 30 minutes possibly   a little bit more we're dropping our trash these are the bags where we're taking our groceries okay so we arrived to the marina and we are  heading to the grocery store we have been super ready to head to the dominican republic but we  have been waiting for a weather window for a few   weeks now because the wind has been pretty strong and obviously when you have strong wind you have very very big waves and the wind is actually  coming from the south this past couple of days we're heading south so we would be going  with head-on waves what we look for when we are going on passages like this one we look for waves that are coming on our beam or going on our stern like from from the wind, we're going downwind with the wind this guy just asked us to move the  dinghy to the other side of the marina so where is the grocery store i don't know we're gonna check it out 11 miles 11 miles north of the island we're gonna get to see the  island which we haven't seen   and just remember it's important  to keep in mind as a   sorry as a driver here in the bahamas that  they drive on the wrong side of the road for us what's up people we're gonna get the 12 pack of oreos no alejo that's a lot of stuff we got two  full bags of food and groceries for the next few days until we  make it to dominican republic so the tubes on the scooters  they came bad from china   so we have to pump the tires  i have patched the tires   we have done everything but they keep getting flat so we really need to change the tubes for new ones okay hopefully it won't get flat again but  we're gonna try it if not we have to stop again and pump up the tire again but luckily alejo  had bought that manual pump just in case so anyway let's do it what happened babe? we got a  flat tire not A flat tire, two flat tires on two different scooters and now we're walking do  you remember how we said we had to walk 20 miles well we would literally have  to walk two hours to get back   because my flat tire we can pump it on  the way but alejo's flat tire is dead we just stopped a car and he didn't have space  in the car but he's gonna go and drop off some   things that he had in the car like he had a  tire in the back and everything so he's gonna drop everything at his house and he's gonna come  back for us and he's gonna take us to the marina so yes he's gonna save us well that's what he  said so hopefully they come through and pick us up okay guys so we made it back on board hakuna thank god uh this super nice guy his name is don and he picked us up he went back to drop off  some stuff and then went back to pick us up and then just a few seconds later another  car stop just to make sure that we were okay because if not it would have literally been two  hours walking back to the marina which really   would have sucked so now we know that we cannot  rely on the scooters until we change the tubes is that right yes we're changing the  tubes so just to continue talking   about how we prepare for our sailing  passages let's talk to our captain   what's up people so we look at the weather  first see if the window is still good we check out wave size the direction of the  waves we don't want the waves head on and if we're gonna get the waves head on we don't want them too  big and too close to each other it's okay if we get three feet waves like six to seven seconds apart that'll be fine but if we get three foot waves like every three seconds will be horrible and now  we're gonna prep up the boat which is like take everything apart if we're doing laundry we'll pick  up the lines we're gonna secure everything make sure we don't have things laying around outside  the boat that can fly away or just like with the movements slide off the boat and just to continue  saying on what you were saying about the route he plans the whole route on aquamaps and then  based on the route that we're taking then he checks for the weather to see what direction the  weather is coming from again you check for waves you check for wind speed and you check for wind direction is that right but i can also calculate my route based on the weather even if we have to go a little bit of course and then like do a tack or jibe so we can like work around a little bit with the weather it is 6 a.m in the morning well and it's actually 6 30 we woke up at 6 00 am and today we are heading to the crooked island oh we have some big waves pretty steep  but they're very separate a couple feet apart we have been sailing and we're going right over  a part where there's a bunch of birds around   so we've lost two fish already because i don't  know if we slowed down too much we're not sure what we're doing wrong one of the fishing rods  just completely went bad and the line of the the nylon broke so i don't know so we're going  back again to go around where all those birds are and see if we catch a fish we don't want to leave  this one without a fish how do you feel failure do you want a fish we totally want a fish when you see that many birds that's how  you know that's a really good fishing spot did we lose it oh man no fish for us oh man they all got to  eat except us what's up everyone good morning and so today we woke up in the beautiful islands in the beautiful crooked islands and we are taking the pups out what's up baby what are you doing baby gonna take out the dogs last night yesterday we arrived super exhausted oh what's up the hair we went to sleep because we were pretty tired and now we are going to make the most of the spot  here we are literally in a remote island there is not one boat around us there are no buildings  no civilization it's just us the beach the water the boat we're pretty isolated from everyone and  everything that's pretty cool the first time that we're by ourselves is it the first time that we're  by ourselves yes the first time no boat around we see a lot of sand dollars and look at this  beautiful uh shell i don't know if it's like a conch conch shell but it almost looks like  someone painted over it really beautiful someone told me when they're brown is when they're  alive and when they're white they're already dead what are you doing our dingy engine doesn't want  to go fast it sucks i think changing our dinghy and our engine is one of the first things that we need to do when we have a little bit of money and i think the 15 horsepower for four  people is not enough because we're pretty heavy all right guys so we dropped off the dogs  at the boat and now we're looking for a spot   for spear fishing we're looking for dinner we haven't had seafood in the longest time so we are ready to catch ourselves something  since we failed at it while we were sailing   where there might be a lobster a good size snapper honestly anything we're gonna try to catch it really yes we are catching dinner are you excited yeah i think so what do you mean you think so that's not the type of energy we're looking for once we catch the fish we get more excited all right so we're back on the boat and again   this is attempt number 153 and  we're still frustrated fisherman baby you think we're ever gonna catch something? I don't think so what do you mean, you have to be a little more positive we've really been trying so now we're  straight up really really really considering   going on like a fishing course  or like a spear fishing course   or something where we can learn from the pros  because in the youtube videos fishing youtube videos it just seems like everyone just drops  the thing the rod and it's just like in a second and we're there for like hours and we don't catch  a thing so anyway we're cooking ourselves because now it's lunch time we're pretty hungry so we're making  ourselves some burgers what's up what's up people what are you doing we are gonna kite, we're getting ready we're gonna set up the kites perfectly flat water very windy and yeah behold i'm ready and alejo is ready so we just got back to the boat we're gonna move a little bit more south so we can  go to great inagua tomorrow and hopefully we don't get too much waves we're gonna go pretty close  to the sandbank so we don't get too much choppy choppy choppy waves today we thought we were gonna  head to great inagua but unfortunately it seemed like the weather window was good and then we woke up this morning and the waves were a lot bigger so we will not be heading to great inaugural so  we will be staying here in the crooked islands for   the next week or so until another weather window  opens and we're able to do the crossing we're gonna do a nice workout alejo and i and then we're  gonna move somewhere else where we can actually go or you know we can try going spear fishing  or scuba diving seems like that might be   a really good spot so we'll try to do  that and see how the day goes what's up guys so we just finished the workout  we're gonna move a little bit more to the   corner of the island where there's um  diving spots and we can go snorkeling   maybe find some lobster so yeah we're gonna  move and we'll see how is it down there okay guys so we made it to the new spot and  here we're gonna spend a few days and one of   the things that we haven't told you about is  how important it is for us to just stay active   and do a lot of different kind of things like  our workout or morning workout and kite surfing   or going free diving spear fishing snorkeling  whatever scuba diving it's so important for us   because you may not realize it you may not see it but we actually spend a lot a lot more time just inside the boat in the salon that's where we spend  most of our time just because we're always working on the computer doing a lot of different things so what keeps us actually like mentally healthy and not only physically but also mentally healthy it's like having that workout having that you know 45 to 1 hour i think we both get super moody  and we start like having like issues issues relationship issues yeah just because you're  locked in inside the boat it's a small space so that's why it's so important for us to always stay  active you know doing different kind of things you're probably thinking like how do we plan our  workouts and really our workouts the way we think about it is we actually have the bowflex dumbbells  and they're awesome because you can change the weight from you know five pounds to all the way to 53.  52. 52 pounds and it has a little app that you can actually go on the app and it gives you a workout  every single day you can actually find the bowflex dumbbells on our website all right guys so we thought we were going to stay in the crooked island for a longer time but there was a boat leaving heading to great inagua we called them on the radio and they had  seen a weather window when we went online again on predictwind to check the weather it was showing a good weather window a decent weather window the waves were no longer so close together they  were now every eight seconds and so suddenly what seemed like a chill week at the crooked  and scuba diving and a lot of fun things to do   was just a change of plans drastic change of plans to us doing an overnight sail all the way to great inagua alejo has taken on the first shift i am gonna go to sleep it's only about seven pm but i'm drained from today so i'm gonna take  the first sleep normally i sleep on the salon but today for some reason it's moving a lot  in the salon so i'm just gonna sleep in the stern cabin it feels like it's moving less for some reason what about the dogs i brought them in the room  with me so they can also be cozy and comfy so guys i just woke up and i realized that alejo pulled an overnighter by himself he did not wake me up, he was supposed to wake me up within 3 hours and he didn't wake me up i cannot believe he did all night from 6pm to 6am it's crazy now im taking over and we're almost about to arrive maybe about an hour or 40 minutes I'm just listening to a podcast and ready to get there already it was a little bit choppy now it's super calm because we're protected by the island you

2021-04-06 23:46

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