ALSOSZEG AGRI FARM Map fs19 Map Tour farming simulator 19 #fs19modsreview

ALSOSZEG AGRI FARM Map fs19 Map Tour farming simulator 19 #fs19modsreview

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Hello. And welcome to farming simulator 19, Matt tour and today, we're looking at ourselves egg, Agri, farm and that, is made by gamer, hzs. And Bally FSH. Featuring, not cherry Addie. Let's. Start off we'll have a look on the map overview. And, that, is what we've got at the moment you can see there's quite a bit of room. For modification. Here now, it did say on, the. Mod, herb that in incoming updates, you can vote for the way of extending the map. Which, is pretty, cool I like, that idea, so. We're starting off we've got the main farm, area and as you can see it's absolutely massive. It's a huge huge, open, area now. On the map we'll look at the costs, of everything now this is what you own at the moment on new farmer, now if you sell that it's only 314. Times. So. Ideally, you don't want to sell that now you won't do own then. Field number 12 number 1 number. 28, and these, areas over here same. Thing again they're not too much money most, of this stuff that I. Think there's 34, fields that was high as a number wasn't it yep the 34 field so that field there is. 188,000. Now, you can buy all of this which. Will cost you 20 million three. Hundred and forty nine thousand, now. One of the other bigger fields, is that when that's three hundred and fifteen thousand, that. 127. So, they're not extortionate. But. Then it's not a huge, map. Anyway. Now. Your biogas, plant, is. With. Us at the top there and. That will cost you 101 pounds, 928. Which isn't too bad it's. Better that this, is not in the hundreds, of thousands. Which. Is nice, and then. We have, quite. A few different sell points we have three of your main commodity, sell points then we've got a biogas, barn. Dairy, station. Railroads. Silo, East for storage, and you've. Also got the sawmill, a selling, station too. Train station, mail as well, you said to sell everything like we normally do. Prices. Aren't too bad, we're. On normal, settings at the moment you've got your sunflowers, at 1200, and you saw your beans at 1600. And then. Everything, else is a little bit lower but not too bad, so we boil. Gas is, three. Hundred and sixty, pounds on. The, silage, and then. Three sixty on the manure, as, well. So. Yeah plenty of places to sell stuff and, for. The size of the map, ideally. Suited for it. So. These are the vehicles you start off with on a new farmer, and everything, is new we've run into that in a minute and there. Are missions available. See. There's a something, missing there but transporting, mission and we got all these missions ready. To go so. Plenty ways to make money. So. We starting off in the main farmyard. And. I'm glad those gates opened inward. And. Let's put them up on. Right. So that truck there is just for show. We've. Got our implements. And equipment. Stashed, down here at. The moment and, we've got some sheds there's plenty, of sheds. On this map, now. We have used quite a few slots already. It's. Up to five, it let's. Go to the slots and have a look ever, on 638. Now. What. This is everything we own so far well you've got bunkers solo grain silos, free-range, chickens, which is a bespoke to this map same as a cow pasture and then, we got head of trainers sprayers, see, there's cultivators. Power Harrow supplies. Headers. Trailers. And we got a TX 32. 7210. Pro, case. And the 1300, dt. So, we have got storage these doors do open and, there's. A door on the side as well so you can sort of drive in dry right, which. Is something I always like to do it just makes it easier rather, than turning around all, the time. That's, another shared exactly, the same. Noise. Size sheds I. Think. We just have a one, the rain save driving. So. Here is our solo. So. It's a little bit different than ones we've normally seen bit. Rustic, bit of rust on there. And. Then. We move on rain this way we got some more storage down this. Way and then, these are just decorative as far as I was aware I couldn't get anything to work naeli this one here is for the the. Cows all the. Pigs. I think it's the pigs. Yeah. We've got the Pigpen here, now you can't get in through the main doors you've got to come in through. This way which is a little. Bit strange. And. The light switch didn't work so. That. Is your bespoke, pigs, as you're feeding, trough, there and then. The water trough, where's. That gone. What's. That inside. No, those aren't for decoration, and those sodas outside, are actually for filling. It up because you've got no other way of doing, the, water. Where. Have we gone these. Two solos here. They've. Got to be I haven't, checked that yeah. This is a first look so if, you, have and you can confirm that put it in the comments for me much appreciate, it.

So. Working our way down and, we've also got, to see we've got more sheds. For storage plenty of storage bigger. Open, area, you can't beat a big older farm like this, and. Then. We move on over to, the cows and this. Is the cowshed. Which is bespoke for this game. And. As you straw and you and your food trough. And. There's our water trough that was when I was getting confused, there's a water trough just there and, then to bring your animals, in whereas, the gates long yeah. This one here that's. Where it, is to bring it in and. You see we've got another one of these here so I'll try to fill it up off this and it wasn't, having it. So. I'm not sure if, they're decorative, or what or. Their part to do with the case. Anyhow. Let's. Get cracked on. So. We've got our manure, and the slurry, points, your. Straw point for, your, pigs is there as well. And. Working. On rain there's a slurry with, them in you're next to it. We've. Got a lime, stationed, just on. The other side of this gate. Which. Is just there even, more storage, so, plenty, of storage if you want to come in and just get on with the farming and, don't need a set a farm up then, it's. Ready to go this, is probably the most amount of storage I've ever seen on a, map. So, let's head eight the back way, now. I did miss, where, is that gone it shows there's a fuel. Fuel. Station. But. She's just here. To. Fill up your fuel and then we have got a vehicle. Workshop. Over here, as well I didn't, know it's that one. And. There's your workshop. Any, customization. Just out here. Right, so there's the map I think we'll head out towards. The railroads, solo East. Will, go that way first and head our way around. That. Pretty well, lit, up map. It. Is our fate in the morning and you see it is here it's a little bit shaded, which you'd expect the sun's just coming up to. Brighten. That day up, you've. Got quite a few tracks on this. You, see bit bumpy bit, windy. So, here we go coming to our first, selling. Stations. We've. Got to go all the way around because it is one way in and one way out. Well. We got a train track as well so. Let's start off with this one. And. This. Is the animal dealer. On the, barn I think this one is. Yeah. Animal, dealer and the barn. So. Come in for buying our animals is just there and at the moment we got free-range, chickens, pig stores and okay past year which. That's what the ones you get on the new farmer. Now. We've, got a straw here so I take it this is age stroke, the straw sell point for the barn because. If we go on to the. Menu and see, we've got the barn, normally. Takes all year your, bails yep. And it does grass hay, and. Straw. Set us drop off there for, that to, the barn. Then. We come back a. And we've, got a few more concentrated. Around it this way. Now, over just, here, is. The railway solo. West. Is, it west or east. East. Thought. I'm, not as basically storage there on those. Two there if. We put the help. Window on and, go. Into the menus where, was it railroad. Solo. Tagged. That place and there it is just there. And then we've also got the sawmill. Which. Is just over here. So. That is you drop-off up for your wood chips and there's. You drop-off for your wood and. Going, right into the other side of their tracks, and. Can, we take a shortcut. We, can't. So you're next, silent, point. Which. I think this was your grain mill. Yes. No central, grain elevator. And. We've got the train station, mill so, which one is this let's get out there and we will. Have. A look. Train. Station, mill. So, that is actually two over, there. Next. To each other well there's actually three, isn't it, because. You've got that one there which. Is the train station mill, so you've got the the one on the right hand side is the solo. For. Storage, and then the, mill is. An X - I suppose. Sawmill. Railroad soil, of east train. Station, mill and, central. Grain elevator. So. This one over it is the central, grain, elevator. Overall. You look out on the map and you can see the right way across these pylons, they're pretty they, look pretty, detailed pretty good. They. Look proper, job. So, that is all the sell point is dotted around close, to that's the closest ones to, the farm. And, next we're head of a arraigned, them out down to the, grain. Mill, I. Thought. Take the tracks because it. Goes that way. There's. No current. Trains, running, on it. We. Look over and see the farm over the other side their big, border Tower. Though. Most of the water I've come across so far is quite shallow.

And, Find, any deeper, areas, where I'm drove it into any deep parts yet. And. Then we're moving rain to the grain a. Grain. Mill. And, here it is the grain mill. Another. Big walk old water tower. And. Then we've got the mill drop-off. Point just rained over here, is. You drop it off there. And, we have got plane flying over where has he gone there he is. So. That's the grain, mill. Now. The next items. Right. At the top really so. We. Would do a fast-forward up to the shop I'll see you there in a minute. So. Here we have the shop coming up on the left-hand side. We. Got a couple of tractors outside. And. There's the shop. FS, I hate shop. So. There's our buy point we've got a cash point here as well quite, a big open, area for a, few on a buying, spree you. Can just keep buying we're having and I having a move stuff so, there's your customization. For, your workshop trigger. And. Then. The one thing which, I, haven't, seen this on any other map. Is. That there's a little. Testing. Course. Set, up to, test your vehicle out. And. Here it is here. Yeah. And, yeah. So. You meant to just drive straight over that without any problems. Here we go try again. Which. Is something totally, new I've never seen any of this and. We've got some bumps, to go over. Pretty. Cool I like it. And then the last one. Some. Staggered, bumps. When. The Train does work I didn't see this the first time I've seen the train running by. There's. Me driving down the tracks and the train is alive. However. Never might. Like. To moving, on that's the shop area. And then we come up to our fuel, station. And work our way around and we've got the free-range, chickens. How, do I get into that there. Our, souls egg. So. Here we go this is the other, bit of the farm we own I think this bit where are we, no. We don't own this yeah, I've seen this here and it's showing up chickens, now you can't have chickens, because. There's no chickens on the farm there, but you don't actually own this land. Which. I find a little bit strange. So. Here's the chickens here. And. That's not the that's. It's. Not the bring. Him in point there yeah. There it is so, let's have three of them and. Yeah see you don't own this land but you've got your, place balls on it. Always. Nice to have a bit of free land so. There's your bespoke, chickens, and, we. You're not storing anything in there are you. Then. While we're here we may just jump out at the car. Because. We have a another. Sell. Point which. This one was the. This. A sensual, grain elevator, no. The. Grain elevator, east. Okay. There it is there's the chevrons, so, you can buy Drive in and, drive. Back out again. Okay. That way. Let's, head right arm, round to the right and. Then. We go on up. To, the I think it was a selling, station, and D, dairy. When. Asked for the, time there. Was. A dead end going that way. Because. We want to do a little shortcut. We're. Not gonna do a shortcut because there's fences. Everywhere can we get through there No. So, he's the next sour points. And. We got the dairy station, in the selling station, so. This one is the selling, station, is it, we've. Got similar Bao's there. Yeah. This is the selling station for the milk so. You've got your milk drop-off point just there and the Chevron's and. That. Is your selling the station -. And. There's, your dairy station, that one it's a dairy station, selling, station. Right. Next to each other. Right. The last place we've got to have a look at is, the. Biogas, plant. So. I will, see you there. Momentarily. So, you coming up to a boil gas plant. And. I do like your smart it is nice looking Matt. Have. A good look around. And. See the hill was in the backdrop, there. Done. A cracking job, and. Then there was a small map it doesn't really feel very small. So. Here we got biogas, and, got a little bit of storage in there. And. We, have our wares. And. Then we come round to, our drop-off, point which is just here, there is a higher one not. Sure if you can drop on the grain there a lot of them you can't. And. Then a couple of bunkers, for. Your silage and, they. Are huge. And. The, slurry must be round here there is. There's. A slurry point for it.

Right, Well I think we've about covered, emotionally. By, all the buyer stations, now. Yeah. We've done the grain elevator, east grain elevator. Right. Wait so low East. Yeah. That is all the sale points no there's quite a bit of areas what we have another look at yeah, but. We can't look at everything this is just a first bitmap tool just to show you what the sale points are like and what the general. Feel of the map is, overall. I'm pretty impressed with it. Good. Job, cracking. Map I, do. Tend to use. The bigger type of maps but yeah, done an exceptional job it doesn't feel too small, anyway. Right. Out well if you've enjoyed this map tool then always appreciate, if you smash that like button for me and if. You're new to the channel why not go and check out one of my hundred, jamila farming simulator videos. Thanks. For watching and, I will see you next. Time.

2019-09-30 18:58

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