All About Bike Touring in Spain - From Lleida to Logroño - Episode 3

All About Bike Touring in Spain - From Lleida to Logroño - Episode 3

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Welcome to the last episode of our bike ride from Lleida to Logroño Not only are we taking you on a trip with us, we also answer the most frequent asked questions and all of this without filters Let's do this! Do you know what's up with these deer? Well, according to local people, they are the deer of the Citadel and they have been here since forever, well for a long time anyway They live here and reproduce here. People come to see them and there are little ones and they are very cool The day started very well ... ... on a very quiet road But nothing lasts forever Well, we've found a place to rest at noon and wait for the heat to pass, have a picnic and maybe there will be some bathing, right? In summer we end up smelling very bad! But we are not the only ones So we take this opportunity to clean some clothes We have reached Yesa, it has been quite difficult ... Yesa! And well, this afternoon-night we have already looked for a place to camp We had seen this supermarket on the map to do some shopping but it is closed But, why is it closed? Let's check it out! Well, their schedule; mornings from 9:30 to 14:30 because afternoons are for walking! Well, they're right Ok, it's the end of the day, it's 7:30, we are going up the last pass of the day, we're knackered from the heat, but hey, we're going to have to ... change gear, just a second please

Actually, there's some climbing left ... we need to go to the supermarket to get food, water, and then we have to find a place to sleep I don't have any strength left Neither do I! I don't know how I keep on climbing, probably just with the weight of my leg I can advance but I have zero energy and I'm a little hungry Well, I have an idea for you ... Cheese Okay! Question 10; how do you find a place to sleep? Let's look at the map to find a place to sleep. We are using Google satellite, we see that we are here in Sangüesa and since there is a river here, maybe we could cross the bridge to go to the other side and take a path that is full of orchards and country houses, and here, for example, there are not many houses around and we have a space here where we could access by bike and also get under the trees and have access to the river to refresh ourselves and clean ourselves a little So let's go there and see what's it like. It's four more kilometres away, we're tired but hey, that's what we have to do to have some peace and quiet We're already out of town, it's super cool around here, super cool The temperature has dropped! The moon is almost full. Let's see the site that Aurelie has found...

Well, the site that I had seen is quite wild and cannot be accessed so we are looking at these orchards, there are a lot of paths that go to the bottom of the orchards and perhaps it would be an option Let's take a look because later on there isn't much else either and then we come to a village Well, it's almost the only chance we have Good morning! Hi What's up Aurelie? I'm tired Aurelie is tired today, the bikes are not, so let's go ... Nah, we'll show you a little better where we slept because yesterday it was dark Well, ok, this is someone's "house" the road is down there, here are some orchards and then this side is like ... I don't know whether to say wild or free ... that's it really, we put the tent here, we slept very well

We are dead and let's see how we organize today Today 150, right? Not today, let's see, we're close to Logroño, maybe we could have a short day and then tomorrow more or ... We are going to try to cycle only in the morning this time and then in the afternoon we'll rest since it's way too hot and so not cycle until the next day ... let's see What time is it? Half past seven? I don't know Well it's early, the sun is just rising 10 to 8 Let's do this! Leaving Lerga, the last bit of the pass With some music to cheer us up Of course, but we're almost there, I think it's where those wind turbines are We have reached the top, and now, the reward! Hello there! Excuse me, is there a bar around here that isn't up there? Yes, follow the road to the left, up the small slope and in the square ... Thank you. If my wife asks, tell her that the bar is right at the top please

Yeah right at the top, where the bell tower is Look, there she comes She must be tired, right? Did you just come over the pass ... from where? Sangüesa! So you've already done a good bit Well, if you want a bar you'll have to go right to the top, up there! I don't want a coffee anymore! Where are you from? Italy and France Oh nice Fresh! Well that's it! In the end it was a bit hard ... the last five kilometres were super hot but we have found a very cool picnic area here next to the river Aurelie has gone for a little swim because she felt very hot and I am preparing a delicious salad Hopefully we can stay here tonight, it would be really cool because we have already done 75 kms we are very close to Logroño, we plan to arrive tomorrow at noon So let's see what happens in the afternoon, the place is cool, I'm going to show you the picnic area ... there are tables, there is a barbecue that we are not going to use, there's the river you can't see it but under the bridge there is a fountain which is great. What more do you want? So there you go, bon appétit and speak later A frequent question is; and what do you do if something happens to the bikes? Well, we have basic knowledge and we also know our bikes very well, for example today Aurelie makes an awful, demonic noise with her wheel ... with her brake, sorry with her rear brake so let's see what's up One of the plates is completely gone Luckily we have a spare one so we are going to change it So, the new one on the right and the very old one on the left. We have changed it way too late

and if I show you sideways, come on auto-focus ... you can see that there was nothing left For us, free time means working we always have a lot to do between personal stuff, social networks and work This is for you Can you repeat, what happens when it opens? When it is opens you can hang it with the strings That's it! And then it dries and ... Do you like pepper? No You better not to lick the railing then! Today it's headwind ... when it's not the heat it's the rain, when it's not the rain it's something else ... There is always a reason to do or not do something But we are on a quiet road and in a wonderful place Welcome to Logroño, capital of La Rioja ... ... incredible city where we did our Erasmus and where we met and ... Here in front of the cathedral is where I asked Aurelie to marry me or something similar and she said more or less yes In fact, look, there is a fence, I think they are going to make us a monument Aurelie And there is also something else for which Logroño is very famous, right? Let's go! Riojano and young, exactly like me! La Rioja is also famous for it's tapas ... yes two. Thank you very much! Let's have a couple of these and make a summary of our trip 6 days - 32 hours of cycling - 421 kms - 63 km / h of maximum speed 5,403 meters of climb - 5 nights of wild camping - € 113.46 spent - 0 punctures

Logroño is famous for the Laurel Street ... nope ... Beacuse or for? It's famous for ... It's famous for Laurel Street No, in Logroño there is the famous Laurel street Very nice, okay

2021-10-31 01:59

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