Alkmaar, Netherlands city tour and boat ride

Alkmaar, Netherlands city tour and boat ride

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We. Are visiting the small, and, historic. Dutch city of Alek, Mar it's, in the province of North Holland in, the Netherlands. About. 10, kilometers, from the coast end 40, kilometers northwest of Amsterdam, you, might, not spend the night here but it makes a lovely day, trip destination. With its large, number of historic, buildings many. Shops large and small lots. Of Dutch food lovely. Canals, and one. Important. Event holic, Mar is most, famous, for its cheese, market, that happens every, week from, March until the end of September and we. Have a complete, separate, movie about the cheese market that you can look for in our collection, here. We'll just show, you a little taste of what's going on there it happens. On Friday mornings. From. 10 o'clock until, 12:30 and also. On Tuesday, evenings, so. That's when you should try and time your visit because the cheese market really is the number one attraction of, the city for the visitors. But. Here we're going to show you that there is a lot more to see in town besides, the cheese market so, by all means spend, a few more hours when, you get here and walk. Around in the charming, little pedestrian zone, and, take. A boat ride through. The scenic canals, passing, a lot of very old brick, bridges, and buildings, the. Historic, center of the old city is relatively, small just, about a kilometre, across with. Several, main shopping, streets, for pedestrians, so. You can easily walk around in a couple of hours and maybe take an hour for a meal and spend. At least half a day here or maybe the full day with, the cheese market then shopping, eating, strolling. And just. Enjoying, the pedestrian, atmosphere. Of this historic, old city, it's especially lively. On cheese, market day with lots of sidewalk, stand set up selling, crafts. And foods and clothing, all, kinds of souvenirs, some big wooden shoes, and of course you'll have a variety of. Different. Types of locally, produced cheese's, the. Sidewalk, stands are carrying, on a long, historical. Tradition, because. Up until the 19th century most, food and agricultural. Products, were traded, on street markets, we will see a lot more of the city, coming, right up including. A canal, boat ride but, first a little discussion. Of how to get, here. Most. Visitors, to alkmaar, are staying, in Amsterdam, and coming, up here as a day trip, perhaps. The best way to get here is by train. Directly, from Amsterdam. Central, Station, just. Takes about 35, to 40 minutes to get up here and you. Will have the services, of the excellent, Dutch rail system, with, departures, four times an hour on trains. That are clean and smooth and not expensive you'll. Find a number of bus tours available from, Amsterdam, that will take, you here, provide, a short, walking tour and then give you some free, time that, would be a half-day, tour with. The train you have the option to arrive, at Alek Marr a little earlier, than, the market which, is how, I chose to do it and. It's going to be a lovely, adventure, you can do this as a half-day, day, trip out of Amsterdam. Going. By train, even. If there's no cheese market going on it's still a lovely historic. Town to visit, this. Way you can get a nice early, start right, after breakfast in Amsterdam, dig, right out catch, an early train there, nice and empty at that hour because you're going against, the flow of rush-hour along. The way you'll see the pasture lands called boulders that were, formerly, below, sea level but. Were pumped, dry hundreds, of years ago with the help of windmills, to create, pasture, land for the cows primarily. To, produce that lovely cheese and then, you get to Alec Marr arriving. At the train station which. Dates originally, from 18 sixty-four, but there is very little, left of that old architecture. Instead, it is efficient. And functional, the, Dutch rail system, is one of the world's, best, perhaps. Number, one it's, clean, modern, efficient.

Distances. Or short trains, come frequently and the, prices, are quite affordable. Tap. Your chip card when you exit, or board, a train and, you can refill, this card at any station at the, end of your vacation, you can get a refund of any unused, balance, a surprisingly. Modern structure. Typical. Of Dutch rail stations, today and of. Course right away you're, going to notice a lot of bicycles, coming, and going it's, a great way to commute. Just, ride your bike to the Train there's. Always lots of parking, areas for bicycles, at the train stations, it's. Located, just a few blocks north of the old city and you. Can easily walk into, the main town centre, and enjoy. A morning before the market begins, with. The right timing you're, going to see dozens, and dozens of, school kids pedaling, along on, their way to school which, is the typical morning rush hour activity. And the, Netherlands, you, don't see much of that in, America, hardly, any more where, it seems that kids are either too, pampered or too worried, to write a bicycle, school only. Ten percent of American, kids ride a bicycle to school and, yet, back in the 1960s. Half of them did but of, course in the Netherlands, the, bicycle, is essential. To their way of life you, could also rent, a bicycle of your own from a shop right next to the train station, if you wish which, you don't need if you're just going into the old city a five, or ten minute walk from here but, you might want, to pedal out into the countryside and over to the beach there's. A lot to see in the surroundings, of town. Within. Five or ten minutes you will arrive at the big canal, that goes around the old town and then. Crushing, on the burger burg the bergen bridge you'll, be in the old city already. Arriving. This way at about 8:30, in the morning the, city is fairly, quiet, so far the shops are not open, nice. To see they are out sweeping, these streets already one. Of the many reasons why, the Dutch. Cities, are also clean the, Dutch takes such pride in their place that you don't even see hardly, any graffiti outside. Of Amsterdam and some. Of the sidewalk, vendors are just getting, started for the day this, fellow is setting up his bold, display they're selling, the bulbs. Of the tulips. And other flowers, which, is one of the big tourist, items to purchase here, for. Comparison, here's, that same vendor, at about, one o'clock in the afternoon getting. Quite busy with the tourists, who come to town to see the cheese market this. Is on Kirk Klein a small, but important, square in the city it's, right next to the large church, st., Lawrence Kirk also, known as the grow to Kirk big, church it, was built between. 1470. And, 1520. Which, is dedicated to, st., Lawrence an early Christian, martyr the, cafes on this square are very, quiet at this hour of the day they're not even open but, during the day later on you'll see they are bustling, this is a very popular part, of the town that's, how it looks in the afternoon, on a busy Friday it's full and with, a kind of small-town, mellow, atmosphere. A good place to relax, arriving. At 9 o'clock in the morning it's a bit quieter the town is just coming, to life and, you'll get to see the busy. Afternoon on. Your way back to the train station so, we're taking a stroll through town, quite early along. The main street, for a few block there are some cafes, that are open and some, signs of life some workmen, out doing, some renovation, on the old buildings, many, of these structures, are several. Hundred years old and have, survived, because they've been very well taken care of another, benefit, of get here early is that you can take your time and relax and, look around and, observe the sights all around you even, if you had breakfast, back at your hotel in Amsterdam, you might be getting a little hungry for some coffee, and a snack about, now as I did sat. Down at one of the cafes for a delicious, brunch. And. Then deviating. Over to have a look at the beautiful canal, that, runs around the old city there's. A parkland, along, the shores of the canal so typical, of the small, Dutch cities. Enjoying. The tranquil, Park and scenic, canal is another advantage of getting to town a little early, and having. Your own schedule, that you can control, by taking, the train to get here and to get back again it's only a few blocks away from the main pedestrian street, of, town takes, you about five minutes to walk over here but, so many visitors, to the cheese market miss, out on experiences. Like this little side trip for, the intrepid, traveler, it's always, nice to get away from the, tourist crowds for, at least a little while get. A taste of that local, lifestyle. The, authentic, experience of, being in the place we'll. See a lot, more of the canals later in the program when we take our book, ride. Returning. From the canals along, course drive with, the great Church looming, at the end crostata, is another very, popular pedestrian, lane, that, a lot of visitors would miss because it's just slightly.

Off-center. From the Main Street yet. Makes a lovely neighborhood to stroll in notice. The street sign with, indication. There's a lot more to see in the surrounding, areas back. On longest, route the main pedestrian street, still. Pretty quiet it's about 9:30, in the morning just some delivery trucks and few, pedestrians out as in. Most historic. Dutch towns the buildings, are quite well-preserved. Constructed. Of brick many. Of them nearly four centuries old earlier. During the Middle Ages most of these towns were made, of wooden structures, but rebuilt, in brick after some major fires. And. Now have a look at the, same shopping, street later, in the afternoon when it's a lot more lively, here, you can see for yourself, the difference and it's still very pleasant Alec Mart does not ever get crowded, like a big city of Amsterdam, size this. Is peak time on a Friday because of the cheese market and of course the rest of the week it's considerably. Quieter. It's. Only about 500, meters distance from the great, church over, to the cheese square but. There's a lot here to keep you busy such as some rich Dutch ice cream half, way along the street is the, city hall of Alec Mar built, in the late Gothic, style between, 1509. And 1520. And then. It was restored, in the early 20th, century, it's. The stock voice and it still functions as a town hall but primarily for wedding, ceremonies nowadays. The. Two lions flanking, the front door holding, a shield with a castle represent. The coat of arms of the city we, are continuing. A few, blocks further along this very popular, shopping street, this really is the retail, spine. Of the city, recapping. Our walk starting, at the train station we have gone through the, middle of the old city and now, have reached the center. Of the, shopping, and cultural, area and here. We've got side streets as well that are fascinating for, strolling along and, doing some more shopping, these. Blocks in the city centre preserved, that 17th. Century pattern, of canals. And, narrow streets with, many historic, buildings we. Have reached the most beautiful, part of Alec mark here. All of the elements, of a traditional. Dutch, city come together what, you would hope to find when you visit Holland old brick buildings, along the canal a terrace, restaurant with a view of the passing, parade of people with, shops, and, benches and flowerpots, in the street lamps, and finally. Arriving at the cultural, focal, point of the city the. Bug climbed the, weighing house square. It's, the biggest outdoor plaza, and always. The centre of attraction, especially. On Friday mornings, when the cheese market is held here and for, the rest of the week it's bustling with outdoor, terrace, restaurants, with, the Tower of the waying house rising, above it all, originally. It was built as a chapel. And then, converted, centuries, ago into. The main, economic building. Of town the place where the cheese was weighed. We've. Shown you the cheese market with all its fun and festivities, in, our other movie about Alec bar be, sure to look for that in our collection, for, now we're focusing, more on the, cultural center, and shops, and buildings of the old town, and coming. Right up we're gonna put you on a boat ride through the canals. Sometimes. Your best travel, memories will come from just sitting at a pleasant, spot and relaxing. For. Those who love to shop these sidewalks, fans will give you a lot to be happy about such, as that, classic. Dutch Sylvan air of the old wooden shoe the, clumping or clog still, worn by some, farmers, in rural parts of Holland there's, a nice variety of things for sale at the sidewalk, kiosks. You've got some jewelry, you've. Got various kinds, of homemade. Crafts, it's. Nice to be dealing, directly with the artisans who were making the products, and you, can negotiate a little bit on price if you're gonna buy a lot but otherwise just, pay what they ask if you want it you. Might spot, some period, costumes, walking, around, we. Are going out you're. Going, we, have a party. They. Are having some fun in the service of the nearby tourist, office, you. Might consider this the center, of town with this impressive, bridge, in, front of the waiting house and leading. Across the canal to a lovely, little shopping, district, with more of these pedestrian. Lanes with, little boutiques tucked away you. Could wander for hours.

This. Neighborhood, in front of the White House is action. Central. For all, the boats going, through the town here. You'll find several, different choices for, joining. Up with a boat tour some, of them are just casual, friends, getting together others. Are organized, by various. Companies in town. Perhaps. You notice that this tour, boat looks quite a bit different than, the. Other turbot t'set you see in many of the cities of the Netherlands, what's. The difference it. Does not have a roof and why. Is that well, it's, because, the bridges, are very, low and there. Be no room for a roof in fact there's no room for people's, heads you've got a duck down under many. Of the bridges as you'll see there. Are 22. Bridges on the route and most of them are quite low you've got a duck that's why the seats, are also low, practically. Down at water level on. Cheese. Mark a day there, are some, of these old-fashioned. Cheese boats showing, how they used to bring the cheese to, market I went with a turkey, that uses, smaller boats they're located, just in front of the bog plain you, pay onboard we. Are from, the. Cracked city, tools and, we got to make a round trip for, our stories, to the old city centre, our. Skipper shows the route the boats going to be taking through the canals we'll, be going on some smaller canals including. A trip up the otic rock which was the main functional, canal in the city and the big canal that goes all the way around the old town. In a complete. Round-trip, just takes 45 minutes coming. Back to where we started here. At the, bug climb passing. By some of the kiosks, that are set up for the cheese market and the, weighing house the most beautiful, and famous structure, in town, here's. A view of our boat going by with its traditional, and, rustic, design classic. Wooden construction. The, canal boat ride tour is a popular, activity here, even though the canals in alak Mar are sometimes. Narrow and the bridges low along. With the boat ride other things to do in alak, Maher are primarily. To see the cheese market and walk. Through the old city if you, want to spend some more time you could walk or cycle into. The surrounding. Countryside, perhaps. Even go to the beach. While. Nearly all visitors. To alak. Mar come, as a day trip you. Might consider spending, the night there are three, or four nice, hotels, in the old city and you'll. Find they are less expensive than similar, hotels, in Amsterdam, and there. Is a larger, range, of accommodations. On the coasts, in the seaside villages, not, far from Alec Mar and from, what you've seen in the video you'll, find that Alec Marr is a lovely, little town quite. Peaceful, in the morning and early evening when the day-trippers have left it, has the character, of a small town and the amenities of a city that. Tall, square, buildings, is the Excise, tower built in 1622. And, was. The most important. Building in town because that's where they collected, the taxes, on all, the goods that came into the city Alec. Maura had its own import, duties or tariffs, that were very important. To supporting, the city one. Of the great things about the boat ride is you, can just sit back and, explore. Parts of the city that are more residential, and, remote, that, you probably would not get to if you were walking here. It's so easy you just can watch. The buildings glide by without, moving, a muscle except. When you have to duck underneath a bridge the. Boat schedule, runs from April, to October. Every, day and they start, about 11 o'clock in the morning and run, every hour you. Could also hire, a canoe. And paddle. It yourself through the canals no. License necessary, or. If you have a small group you can charter, one of these boats and they, can cater it for you providing, some coffee with cake or lunch height teas tapas. A barbecue. Even. One. Of the boat companies, also offers. A one-way cruise, from, Alec Mar to M stir damaged it, takes about six hours you start out at noon arriving. In Amsterdam, about 6:00 p.m. so, that's another way to get back to the city if you're spending the night in Amsterdam and, of course they have meals, on board that longer cruise the. St. Joseph Kirk the little brother of grote kerk this. Is the the single this. Is the oldest boarder of all. My. This. Moat around the old city was first dug in the 16th, century for, defense and had, a wall along, a shore and nearly all of his big canal has survived, but the defensive, wall is long gone on the, west and south the old bastions. And banks, of the canal are planted, with trees and. Lush. Grass with, benches, and there's, a footpath along the water's edge making, a beautiful park right in the heart of the old city on. The north side it's, now the North, Holland's, canal a busy, shipping route and the, key side is a, major road, this. Is the only windmill, in the centre the, Mullen van peak this was built in 1769. As a grain mill and up, maura the originally there were 10 windmills, along the walls built, high up on the ramparts so they could catch more wind there is a peninsula, in the canal with the new city, municipal, offices, and the.

Alec Mar police, station, and then, just beyond is a redeveloped. Northern bank with modern, apartments. And a shopping centre on a former, industrial area. The, most important. Event in the long history, of alec Marv was the battle with the Spanish in 1573. When. They were surrounded by, sixteen. Thousand. Spanish, troops against. 2,000, Dutch defenders. Despite. Those overwhelming. Odds the people, of Alec mark defeated, the Spanish in, what, is considered the first victory, in the war against Spain leading. To the independence, of Holland. And birth, of the nation, we've. Got many more movies about the Netherlands, look for them in our collection, we, frequently, upload, new movies so, please, subscribe to our Channel and click. That little alarm bell so you'll be notified and. If you enjoyed the movie how, about a thumbs, up and we always welcome comments down below or if, you have questions about the destination, make note and we'll answer them thanks. For watching.

2019-06-15 21:59

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Wao, incredibly looking Great. Love to watch your travel videos , much love and respect from Pakistan.

A very nice city.

Always enjoy your informative and well photographed presentations, Dennis. I had to smile at the young lady at 5:36 pedaling her way to school. I smiled but she certainly didn't look too happy to be school bound.

Very nice...

Beautiful city, very informative. I'll have to add this to my wish list for future travels.

Nice small town, Thanks Dennis

Great video

I love NL ❤️

Nice tour....

I live there, At least in Heerhugowaard next to Alkmaar, yeah Alkmaar is ok pretty normal here..

My beloved City Second home, I lives in Alkmaar for 13 years out of 15 years I lives in Holland. I got married in Historical Town house, with my beautiful Dutch wife, may a soul rest in peace. Alkmaar heel moie bijzonder stad.

Please; try to say ‘Kerk’ with an E as in ‘Egg’. Now it sounds like its from space.

The only city that had a victory over an empire. True fact!

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