Alien Mummies of Peru (FULL MOVIE)

Alien Mummies of Peru (FULL MOVIE)

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in just over a two week period both steve mira and myself barry fitzgerald traveled enough miles to take us completely around this planet and then some in an attempt to find answers scientific answers to finally solve that age-old question if we are truly alone in this universe [Music] the results are in and this is our story [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Laughter] in june 2017 the internet exploded with images and video of a mysterious mummy discovered in south america it has become known as the three-fingered hybrid but what do we really know about this discovery [Music] my name's steve merra and i'm an investigative researcher based here in the uk join me and my cameraman and fellow researcher barry fitzgerald as we travel to the southern hemisphere and uncover the mystery surrounding this discovery securing much more information and interviewing the people that bore this explosive find [Music] against all odds we must navigate our way to a secret location to view the body and missed government attempts to seize the evidence and capture those involved this is our journey and we'll be keeping you up to date every step of the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we obviously got some delays today hopefully we'll be back on track very shortly as it stands at this moment in time because we're gonna have to join the queue just try and get all this stuff through as best we possibly can it was absolutely hands-on absolutely hands-on we had to fight and scratch our way through the crowds battling with the equipment with the heat because it was so humid we're now just cruising over madrid due to lamborghini as you can see it's beautiful out there it's 35 degrees but we're absolutely we're already absolutely exhausted that's been long before we've got a lot more uh air mass to cover and of course uh to the to the to the footfalls of the andes in southern america it's uh it's a long way because we're getting there step by step we're just gonna chisel away at the mouth madrid already yeah [Music] this is the remaining leg of our mammoth journey which will take us to cusco a town hidden in the andes mountain range but before we departed from lima airport we happened upon a strange encounter which left both of us a little unnerved by what we were about to walk into a conversation exchanged where we were pretty much warned about not talking around about what sounds a little crazy all this to be honest with you i mean i don't know what i've got myself what's really interesting is is that some some information was exchanged you're gonna be meeting up with this person i was totally shocked just came out the plane and uh there's a lot more that seems to be going on at least sounds like something straight out of the conversation i've never seen anything like it says we can't talk too much about this at this time but i'm playing going we're leaving we'll get back to the hotel we'll be able to explain a little bit more at this moment in time [Applause] [Music] oh we finally got to the hotel in costco literally with a 15 minute spa we're going to be meeting up with thierry he's the middleman between the discoverer of the mummy and the footage that we received back in april of this year we're going to be meeting up with him very shortly to finding out what's exactly been going on and we'll keep you posted as it happens [Music] steve just had enough time to change before the meeting and i had to set up a camera to record it okay they never been there but they're talking on behalf of right the information [Music] [Laughter] we were determined to get as much information as possible he said one of the more important point is the place [Music] [Music] [Music] we wanted to know where they found this place and what was on the inside [Music] and then from there they found different panels between us the third and final individual from the internal circle of the incari institute arrived at the meeting the implications that this may have for world religions is also brought up in the meeting he believed that if this is not a fraud then it can change the world it could yes implications okay what's the one is the tree it's not a fake yes yeah that is not fake [Music] our heads were left spinning from what we had been told and there was the promise of obtaining even more information [Music] well we've just finished that meeting with thierry and a couple of his associates um it was a lot more information that we could ever have imagined for to be honest with you and we were quite surprised to find out there's a lot of dodgy stuff going on as well i mean dodgy dealings we're talking an international racket here of european and asian people hierarchy got a lot of money those sort of people that we're talking about i might be buying artifacts illegally and that seems to be the case and it's absolutely fascinating but the more we get into this the worse the bigger the whole is getting um i don't know i mean sometimes you just want to stop but we are finding more and more out which is just expanding and expanding opening new doors of research and information which is all a bit worrying to be quite frank and we've got some more information coming tomorrow we've got more meetings to do we've got more filming to do and and we're going to be told even some a lot more things tomorrow which we've already had an inkling of what's coming it's going to be absolutely fascinating so we'll keep you in tune as to what unfolds when and where it happens terry is battling to keep part of us in the country it's as simple as that you know he thinks it's important that they stay in peru and of course some of these things are probably a lot of these things are actually getting out there some of the things that we've actually been told is absolutely incredible to be honest with you it's one of those things was apparently just like the roswell footage uh the summit there was one incident it did this spoiler unfolds itself apparently some of this was found and was sold for only eight thousand dollars to to somebody in asia i mean that's just incredible i just can't you can't even fathom that if that was true if that be true then this is there is a this is an international market for this for these discoveries and we've been told that there's a lot more discoveries to come um we've had an inkling as to what that might consist of tonight and we were completely absolutely completely blown away with some of the things that we've been shown some of the photographs that were that that would have been put out in volubles it's quite incredible and we're gonna be finding out a lot more tomorrow now in about 15 minutes we're going to be catching a taxi and we're going to be heading for the ikari institute we're going to be needing to talk to thierry about some of the biggest questions that everyone seems to be posing over the internet right at this moment in time questions about the mummy now we've got not only that but we're going to be finding out a little bit about thierry's work the work that he's done over the years the findings and of course a little bit about the institute itself so it's going to be really interesting so stick with us we hope to get some answers [Music] can you tell me a little bit more about the work that the institute does and how far do you travel and we can see obviously from around the room it's full of books it's full of research it's full of reports projects so you collect the archives and keep all the information so more recently um over the internet there's been some remarkable information that's been released in regarding some unusual bodies that have been discovered knocked and the most recent discovery i assume is maria is uh [Laughter] what has been a huge amount of interest recently over the internet worldwide in regarding the discovery of this body and of course numerous people have been also analyzing it and now the the most unusual thing about this body is that it's got only three fingers and only three toes see casitas whatever three fingers three fingers and three toes now now what is unusual about maria is is that she's she's covered in something that looks white does thierry have any idea what that is yes and are they the same color or white and we don't know we don't know what this white substance is on the body of maria we're waiting for analysis so maria may have been taken from one place and moved to somewhere else and this may be something to do with the why she's covered in whites okay so we so we really don't know we know this is we know there's something but we're not too sure his analysis is taking place was analysis taking place from their hands as well as the body see yes yeah and we're waiting on information coming back from that when [Music] [Laughter] say you can see the the digit the digits the fingers very long very very long and ikea yes they're very very hard to fake dermal ridges as we know fascinating now looking at the feet it doesn't look like maria would have been able to walk very well uh has anybody suggested that um it could be amphibian that that they may have been web yeah no no if anybody had made a suggestion you know because we're trying to find out what a lots of people think that it might be extraterrestrial this is the sort of thing it's on the internet yeah maria looks like between humans they try to yeah we'll talk what we're getting to now to the crunching matters is that there has been some other bodies located as well and discovered and some of these bodies have it's a being that seems to have a neck it can can move up and down just like the the steven spielberg et just as our people are saying which is fascinating but they believe that they are actually absolutely real they're real and they are referring to them as as as small beings but like the alien greys that we hear of today um and again i a lot more information is need to come to light but some of these bodies which is this is a real important part some of these bodies have been put together maybe manufactured by somebody and we don't know who and we don't know why has the has the peruvian government been interested in trying to find out more estate credible scientists apparently have done some work and already confirming that there are some unusualities about this is there a press conference coming up a press announcement coming up [Music] well what can i say i mean tonight is just just been a mind-blowing session of interviews with these guys from the from the akai institute and and to be honest with you you know i really do feel for them because it does seem that they really are being placed right in the middle of this between the discoveries literally as you as they as you heard them saying just turn up here and drop these damn bodies on their counter and i said hey guys you know you deal with it you know um and at the same time they're trying to figure out you know how we're going to deal with this we've got to deal with the government we've got to deal with the press it is a monstrous absolute monstrous task that befell them now what's really interesting is that the fact is is that they've already stated that some of these bodies have been seen to be doctored and that that that's that's wonderful because there's sincerity coming from these guys that they're trying to find the truth they're trying to figure out you know is there anything unusual about these things especially the latest uh which which is confirmed it's not he's not a mummy is a body uh this latest body has been discovered which is referring to is maria now some analyses have been taking place and we ask the questions uh that you know is covered in white what is it is it some type of plaster they don't know they don't know that means that that's telling me they've not seen this before on other on other bodies which makes it quite unique but nevertheless though they're waiting on information dna has been taken from the bodies dna has been taken from the hands we've talked about the bones to talk about the feet we're looking at the the anatomy of this of this obviously what is it is it as they say could this possibly be a new type of species we just don't know we're waiting on this information coming back and that'll determine exactly what this thing is in the meantime these guys are in the middle of a of a storm a media storm throughout the whole internet and and there's also things going on in the background as well it seems to be like a a a group of individuals around the world that purchase such items like this from those that discover them and of course what they've said right from the beginning is they've always wanted to make sure that they keep these things in peru so anybody out there is going to be asking these questions i suggest travel halfway around the world like we have and talk to these guys face to face because they have a story to tell and this story could be a potentially one of the biggest ever as far as i'm concerned the early hours of this morning we received a phone call pretty much out the blue it kept us up pretty much most of the the rest of the early morning it was a phone call to say that we may have the opportunity to actually witness some things uh artifacts or whatever these will be i don't have no idea but it's got to be kept secret and it's a it's a location that we're not allowed to film we're not allowed to film the person who's going to be picking us up here at the hotel we're allowed to film a driver or the vehicle um and most of all we're not allowed to take our cell phones with us now that starts off a big debate between myself and barry here because we're trying to move it backwards and forwards what we're going to do because it doesn't fit it does not sit well with us we've got no communication if anything goes wrong we don't know what we're going to do but we do have a bit of a backup plan and this is this wonderful little watch on my hand um it's uh it does record and so we are going to set that recording we never know what we're going to get but we'll just have to see [Music] we're getting close to this location where we're supposed to be we've been taken to no idea where we are it's a bit hard to to actually talk it's very thin the air and we've been climbing for a good i don't know if he seems about 45 minutes an hour and then we started off at 11 000 feet god knows what we are it is at this moment in time but we've been now instructed to turn our cameras off what also was quite concerning is that we weren't allowed to bring our cell phones with us and of course that's a big concern as you well imagine but we had to face the situation and myself about i did have this discussion uh back back earlier at the hotel should we pretty much just throw our cards in put our tails between our legs go back home and and not i'll just not go through it because it's a bit concerning this but we've decided against that we decided to well you know what the hell we're going to go for it we don't know what we're going to be shown and we've been taken to a certain location i have no idea where we are but concerned yes absolutely concerned um yeah yeah we will do we are turning off the cameras now and uh we'll see what happens with our high altitude trip over we were escorted into a building we'd never seen before and into a room where men waited in surgical dress within moments of our arrival we too had to dress in the same surgical gowns and masks and body after body was presented to us to film and document [Music] now you see and what we've got here is the side of the skull showing the teeth which could be obviously from fish it doesn't look like human teeth and you can see the ribcage it looks like it looks like it's manufactured the arm length down here to its uh lower than its knees and of course the feet at the bottom this is the side profile of that particular x-ray of the body again confirming that this is in fact been manufactured [Music] [Music] so what we're dealing with here what we're dealing with here is is three hands and what we've been told is is that they seem to have some type of implant on top of them and as we can see we will get some close-ups but as we can see there is a design it looks like it's gold in coloration some type of pattern or on the right across the bridge of the hand and the same for this one looks like these two seem to have that marking and this one doesn't but as you can tell from these they're very similar three three fingers and of course we're dealing with again a number of extra bones we're leaning with one two three four five but they do want to have six six with a six six is the tip okay so what we're actually seeing here is one of the hands this is representing this metal plate implant whatever you want to call it and as we mentioned earlier it's gold in colour it has some type of pattern to it and it does feature two of the hands um it's definitely visible throughout the x-ray and as for what that actually represents if it's metal what type of metal and that's currently unknown like i say analysis is currently taking place samples have been taken and you can see the six bones in the fingers and what is it very very interesting is is how these are actually put together here how they joined and it looks like those further bones as well [Music] now anatomically i don't i have no expert anatomically um but what i can say is that is all these these particular hands are all going to fall down to the analysis uh the independent analysis has taken place maybe secondary analysis might be necessary and to confirm if this structure is in fact correct um so at this moment uh it's open it's open at the moment we don't know and what we do know is that we're waiting on analysis to come back to confirm if it is anything authentic about these particular hands but what is interesting these are significantly different than what we've just seen in that smaller body and there seems to be a consistent amount of bone and muscle that seems to be evident within in the top part of this hand as they are in the other two i wouldn't really want to comment without the analysis confirming that these are actually authentic but at the end of the day if anything comes back from these hands of that they are or have not been altered well it is what it is as you can see a hand may be of something which might actually be a new type of species or an old type of species on unknown species for sure uh we're looking at two schools here and as you can see um the biggest difference here is is the elongation and because we've all seen skulls probably from from monkeys before and these as you can see long elongation which is something unusual though they do have the size of a uh from the front of monkey but they did very large eye sockets it does have this long elongation apart from that it does seem to have some cranial ridges we have a center cranial ridge and we have two cranial arches coming around on either side and that's exactly the same for this one which is almost identical to be honest with you there's not much difference between them we are told that the that this is something that's inside of this maybe a little part of the vertebrae maybe a little bit of bone but also on this particular one what we can see is that the first part of the vertebrae as we can see here we'll take some close-up shots of these yeah and uh this is probably similar in weight okay what's interesting about these particular x-rays of the two schools that we've just been looking at is that the first thing that is interesting but i want you to know the elongation of these skulls because this is one of the biggest mysteries about these skills is it's purely its shape and the cradle ridging you can see from the cranial ridging and you can also see what looks to be some type of membrane on on both skulls as it's shaped at the back uh and also you can clearly see the jawbone in there but again like i mentioned no teeth mostly large eyes and we're not too sure what these are what this represents in the in the scans in these x-rays um it has been suggested that there may be some type of metal plates in there um it's a little bit unsure and not to not shot you can see the center position here to the vertebrae and of course causing the skull to be able to be regularly balanced properly okay so what we're looking at here is a secondary body a little bit longer and larger than the first one that we saw over tonight steve thought of prudent to measure the body which was 25 and a half inches long and at its widest point between the shoulders was a meager seven and a half inches wide now what's interesting is from what we looked at earlier with the two previous small schools that this looks to have the same type of skull that we've recently just seen but in fact attached to the body in this occasion and if we actually take a measure of it so we know what we were measuring from last time [Music] is coming in at 70 millimeters which is roughly around about the same size as the previous two scrolls with the same type of cranial ridging the large eye sockets and we can see the central point from vertebrae and that long elongation of the head um it's also interesting to know that we've been told from the x-rays that have been coming out is that it looks to have a skeletal uh a neck which may have been adjustable um which may have got shorter and lower and larger and also it's interesting to look and note on its legs but it's its right hip joint seems to have what is referred to as an implant or some type of mechanism in there similar to what you probably find in in elderly people when they have some type of um hip replacement or something of that degree um it's got a very attitude though it's got a very very unusual posture because it doesn't look like it nothing i've ever seen before to be honest with you the way this is designed here at the top very very straight very broad very unusual rib cage again like most of the the other things i've been seeing tonight uh has this covering of this white white powder and as to what that is it's still a mystery and apparently waiting on analysis to come back to confirm what that consists of so what we're seeing here on the x-ray for this particular body is an oversized clavicle bone here as you can see across the tops here also what is interesting is that it doesn't seem to have any ball joints uh to the top part of its house so we're not too sure how that would have actually moved or maneuvered around also what's interesting is that it looks like the bones are knitted some which would suggest that it is in fact more of an adult than it is a child and the absence of being able to fit lungs in we have to ask the question how did this creature breathe it doesn't seem to be any evidence of a nasal passage in either so either this is a completely manufactured creature or it may be something that we've so profound we don't know what it is and it may not have required um uh oxygen it may not be breathing oxygen we just don't know but you can see obviously the the outfit is deformity in the hip and what looks to be the x-ray catching the uh metallic implant or something that's been placed in the hip to maybe strengthen it does look like there's an abnormality there and of course the long neck as well very interesting but really i'm not seeing anything that's that has really has grabbed me but nevertheless though we're going to have to wait for the analysis to come back to confirm is this any known creature at all um that's a bit of a mystery at this moment in time but as for the x-rays i'm not very convinced on this particular one but who knows we could be looking at something that we couldn't possibly fathom in my mind or in fact uh something which has been again ridiculous uh so what we're dealing with here is the second body and lots more or less similar in size though we are told that uh this represents a female of this species notice again the same size of the cranium the shame the same sort of arching and phase features central position on the vertebrae slightly shorter neck in this case but what is most interesting is that it looks like to be some type of implant implant implant there which is metal which we can clearly identify that on the x-rays i'm not too sure what that is but what also is probably the most significant thing about this is that it does look to have a raised stomach area and apparently according to the x-rays um it would look like there are three biologists of purpose eggs in there indicating that this species or whatever this is may have been reptilian in nature uh nevertheless though um the only characteristic differences between these two is that one seems to have a more longer neck and this particular one seems like these metal implant and of course this raised abdomen area where apparently it's housing three well it looks like three eggs very interesting x-rays particularly what we're actually looking at is what looks to be the implant which is across this chest area and also what must be the housing of three eggs what's interesting you can actually see the bone structures through the eggs they actually are transparent somewhat which is what you might expect from from eggs being placed inside a body um you can see that the figure the bone structure seems a lot more complete in this particular x-ray um again doesn't want to be housing any lungs and of course if they are right because we have to question um would this be reptilian in nature would seem to be according to the bone structure um that she used in the fancy nadal um the absence of ball joints again in the lower part of the pelvis again are obviously missing and it does have again the three fingers which are very prominent and the three toes and of course again still remains a mystery [Music] okay we're looking at the third body here and of course it's absence of the head unfortunately um but what is probably the most interesting of all the three bodies is this particular one in a sitting posture which gives us maybe some idea if this was a real creature how it would have maybe moved around again stereotypically here are the three fingers and the three toes the sitting posture what looks to be over today and what's very interesting about this is that it does seem to be some form of skin [Music] also on top we can see what looks to be the two side muscles holding the support of the neck the neck muscles analysis has that has taken place on this two independent analysis uh confirmed for one from mexico one from the united states that this is over 1 000 years of age and as you can see from that sitting posture you can see what looks to be like a vertebrae i mean down you can see the the very clear bone structures throughout his arms hands legs and of course feet um not too short this moment in time if this actually represents if it has any visible bone joints here in its hips um it's currently unknown um again from its sizing and its position probably around about the 24 inches size like the other two bodies again a mystery [Music] suddenly everything changed as we were introduced to mariah so what we're actually looking at here is something completely in a different ballpark than what we've been showing earlier about intense and purpose it's uh we're looking at a body estimated to be uh 1800 years old i believe from the analysis is currently taking place and in a fetal position uh bone structure anatomy legs not reasonably normal arms look reasonably normal until we come to the extremities the extremities seem to show only three digits three toes uh no no thumbs um of course these acting as balancers we can see that there's also which is very interesting toenails which we can see on the toes we've also got dermal ridging like fingerprints on the bottom of the feet possibly also on the hands [Music] samples have been currently taken now this is a female was initially thought to be a male referred to as albert alberto but he is a female and now referred to as maria [Music] estimated size around about five four six uh currently um there's analysis taking place dna analysis taking place to ascertain um is she fully human or not what we're actually looking at here barry is of course the x-ray of maria who we've just been examining clearly massive differences here massive differences we can clearly see the ball joints which is a very uh human trait obviously in arms and legs and we can clearly also see the vertebrae in the backbone and this is the legs coming up and it's sitting in your position in its uh fetal position and across here very faintly you can actually see the the fingers which uh you can see it consists of one two three four possibly four uh sections slightly different than what else we've seen here but nevertheless though extremely long and they do look like connected bone as well um i wouldn't i couldn't i can't see anything here that leads me to believe it's been um anatomically altered in any way um but of course that's what the experts need to to tell you not yourself but at the end of the day what is very interesting is that you can see how the the hand has come across here and it's been x-rayed i believe further x-rays are going to be taking place maybe tomorrow we're looking at what looks to be human uh human body but they the most obvious differences being the toes uh being the fingers and probably the the anatomy of the actual hand and feet because we've noted that there's a possibility that because the way defeat is um defeated the end the anna the you know the actual the way the layout double tears then it would seem that it would may not have worked as a human being would probably would doesn't look like they say i would have had the same capabilities to do so so his walking process may have been significantly different than anybody uh like you or me we can see that her teeth quite relatively intact as well um unsure of what age she possibly would have been when she when she'd actually died and you can obviously see the vertebrae here the the collarbone generally um she looks human by all accounts um except for one thing here she's she's missing her earlobes no ears which is a tray often seen in amphibians like seals and sea lions as to why she has no ears is a mystery she does just have a hole either side after receiving that phone call nearly hours in the morning to confirm um a meeting or someone was going to pick us up and take us to this so-called secret location and the demands that were made it was just ridiculous absolutely ridiculous no no cell phones won't be allowed to film you know i mean i don't know we did spark a lot of debate between myself and barry but we thought hell you know no way we're going back halfway back round the world again without getting everything we could possibly get whilst we're here because this is what we do well nevertheless though we did reach the location and we met with a number of gentlemen i think there were five of them in question because people are going to ask why why why all the secrecy and i don't think it's about hyping up the bodies you know i think it's about the government because we already know that they're going all over this thing absolutely the police support they've already raided a number of places trying to find the damn bodies and of course it's very secret as to where they be they want them and they probably want the people that are involved in this because they are probably looking at about 10 years stretch each and that is probably the truth we conducted some investigation and some research and plenty of footage we were allowed to take of the bodies there were certain things that we weren't allowed to show and weren't allowed to film but at the end of the day we managed to to work with them and hopefully come away with something quite good and we started to bring these things out in a sequential order of size in the sense of speaking form from the smallest to the largest and the first body came out they placed it on the table so delicately and i was kind of holding back a grin really because it was clearly a fake absolute fake and uh it was only about 12 inches long this i've seen this before it made its head excuse the pun it raided its head around about 2015 2016 um and it had a fish's head it's got a head of a fish um clearly with fish type teeth um his body was is a bit of a mixer maybe there are some bones in there it's definitely like on what you see in the x-rays and um it looks to be absolutely adopted it was definitely adopted then another three other bodies were reeled down 24 inches in size this time but something a bit different with these these were elongated schools and there was a parallel from what we were told a male and a female and one which was undecisive but he was missing his head and it was in a sitting position now how did they determine what was a female and male well apparently there was one of them that seemed to have three eggs inside yes eggs which would indicate that well it's some type of reptilian or reptile of some sort for me it's about where is the evidence and then asked and apparently surprisingly no analysis had been taken on these two bodies the male in the so-called female one no analysis whatsoever and it's also through i was looking over the x-rays i needed the anatomy that barry brought up a really good theory that the actual school being slightly elongated is very very similar to sloth skulls and even some parts of the anatomy you know and of course they even have three claws um so that's that's a possibility that's a strong possibility that they made of you somebody someone somewhere may have utilized one they can get hold of and then added and changed and mixed and basically created these models which are which do actually have some bones in which is interesting because obviously they know that was showing up on an x-ray the only analysis that has taken place is that on the third body which is missing its head and interestingly this is an interesting point it did seem to have skin on its back i can confirm that it does seem to have some type of skin as to what that skin is or what it could be i have no idea but it does seem to have skin there seems to be some protruding maybe hairs as well maybe or ridges or something it was really unusual we're currently waiting on the dna to come back to confirm if this thing is real or not uh so those are those three bodies you know and of course then we come to the real big picture the real crunch the crunch they pulled out this big box and open the lid and hey presto there she was in all her glory maria you know the one that we've been seeing on the internet and i was like whoa you know i think we're both wearing myself and very bit blown away to be honest because this is something a completely different ballpark absolute completely different ballpark with the sister there's absolutely no shadow of doubt that we are dealing with a body here and the analysis being apparently two independent analysis to currently take that which has taken place shows around about maybe i think as far as we know 1 800 years old uh the body and of course we didn't even think straight away well you know we've got three fingers and three tails so we're just in all of that this is you know how often you get that's not an everyday occurrence is it and uh the first thing i thought was it does have an elongated school maria does have an even go to school but not to the point where there's extra brain mass it could be simply that is representation of of boarding which was a tradition that many cultures did from an early age and of course we come to the hands and the feet now i asked the question about the analysis because apparently the analysis has been taking place and we do know the parts where analysis is taking place from but for me if i was going in there the first thing i'd do is look at what not what does it not make it human what what is it it stands out and makes it unusual and that is his hands and feet so that is the first place i'll be taking samples from it's obvious you take samples from the locations in question if we're going to take samples from under the arm around the back what are we going to come back with well we're probably going to come back with a body of eight you know 1800 years old you know uh and it's only going to give us the information that we currently already know to be honest with you we need to focus on the hands and feet and i was actually surprised because i asked the question you know how samples been taken from the hands and feet and the reply was no why why what why would you not take samples from the hands and the feet that's the first thing i'd do going in there i want to know i want to know if these hands and these feet these toes and fingers belong to that body [Music] things [Music] [Music] [Music] we're here in lima we've had to take a flight down and that's because we want to we're here to attend the first international press release which is going to be taking place very shortly but whilst we were here we wanted to take the opportunity to be able to talk to somebody a representative of the ministry of tourism and we got some very interesting facts when we conducted an interview with last night some of the information is quite incredible that it would seem that these the government are struggling absolutely struggling to contain this problem about people who are uh tomb raiders pillagers you know whatever they're doing to trying to get the hold of these artifacts they're seen to be sold and are being sold across the world by some form of black market lenny i believe you work for the ministry of tourism here in peru and you were actually commissioned to look into the shady world of the black market can i ask you how damaging is the black market for the archaeological artifacts of peru well a very safe country so well known because of our heritage cultural and natural heritage and so for us it's quite important to conserve all it all of it and one of our biggest problems is this black market the black market is one of the biggest problems is there any way to was there any way to resolve that problem or is it still happening today this is really a very complex problem situation not only here also in other countries you know with the rich heritage like ours and this i think of personal level that includes not only the laws but also to know the laws so we're dealing with something which is international this is a very big change chain at the international level because there is still demand i consider that even all the time that this demand will continues paying so much huge amounts of money it will will exist this offer the supply of this richness right and it's still happening it's still happening today yes unfortunately yes unfortunately because of the from time to time we discover these pieces all around the world and our government is still working for recovering them right after a great effort yeah but it's not easy but unfortunately they go all across our border but there is no right so it's extremely difficult yes to contract to control now what's interesting is also whilst we're here we've talking to a number of people out on the street and they're all talking about the same thing you know they haven't heard anything about this press conference which is taking place right under their noses nobody seems to know anything that's how god the government have been suppressing the amount of information getting out there about today's event also what we did find is that about a month ago there was a lot of information being put out and circulated discrediting discrediting the defines the discoveries and that's fine we know we can understand that and we understand the reasons why it might be taking place because they do want to suppress this you know that these things are happening artifacts being found stolen shipped abroad to other countries uh and of course the the losing his the history of losing their peruvian history these artifacts are going all over the place and do want to suppress that and the only way to really do that is to is just basically call it fake however what's interesting is that that's generally uh that was that was a month ago you know it's all gone quiet now nobody this is all happening under people's noses they don't even know we've even talked to a number of staff at the hotel and even those were like what what what what person announcement you know i mean this is just incredible we know it's here people are here already starting to to just turn up um you know in in the trail so it's a real big event we're going to try and get to the crutch of all this information because you know we're really having to move fast because things are developing so so fast at this moment we're just trying to keep on our toes we sensed at lunch time today that something wasn't quite right and by the time we got back from lunch it had arrived it was absolute chaos the warming of an event is a press announcement so we had to really talk to the head guy who'd arranged this which is that kind of on our side he said no problem i'll send three emails over to the hotel informing them that your guy you the other guys are going to be filming on our behalf hamilton has been the face of this press conference but he also has been having his own problems and this is what he had to say thank you for talking with us jaime i wanted to ask you you've been at the front of this the forefront the front runner you're the face of this discovery how's it been for you i think the person who desire deserves this credit is a thierry jamin the french who got the bodies who collected everything who has had the courage to confirm anything to take the risk as investigator probably i helped to really make these news these findings go through to be known by the world and to understand that this is something really extraordinary and for me has been probably one of the most important investigations of my life we understand samples that you've taken with your team amongst other people but what is your personal opinion what do you think this mummy is i think this mummy is something else i don't know if it came from a different planet or not but it doesn't look human all the features you can see are really something extraordinary like the the big uh fingers in the hands with the five phalanges the fingers in the foot with four phalanges are something that are uh not comparable to those of human beings also the head if you see the head is very big if you see the bones in the arm they are really separated something very different that from our own and they are i am very sure so many more differences from human beings then this is not human what is it i don't know where it came from i don't know we will find out there's been a lot of international interest in regards this find but surprisingly and remarkably it's been very quiet here in peru we believe the government have been trying to pressure and maybe keeping this quiet you know you called that you went to the ministry of culture today can you say anything about how that meeting no no i sent a letter and i asked for this meeting because we wanted to present them before the press conference all the information we had collected all the evidences all the scientists analysis and we couldn't do it they said that we should send an email and after a while they will answer to us and i said it's important you do it very fast because the bodies are in danger the borders are really being hurt by being outside they need to be preserved uh they say yeah sure we will but that was all i know that the attitude of the government the ministry of culture is just to reject this finding this is uh really uh disturbing because the real victim here is the truth and i think that the truth should go to the world the people in the around the world deserves the truth about this absolutely i mean we believe we've been led to believe that what's going to be discussed tomorrow the first international press announcement that the information could potentially just not just change the planet but literally you know the whole universe i mean at the end of the day you know the information has got to come out hasn't said yeah that's that's the plan to present this to the world and the world will decide how good is this investigation how good the evidences are and they they are trying to stop this because they are fearful that this could be true who will have to rewritten the the books of history everything we know should change or could change i don't know and it seems that it's too much for many many people and that is why even without the evidence even without the bodies even without looking closely to this discovery they are saying that this is not true couldn't be true that it's all if it is successful tomorrow and we do manage to get this information out as best as we possibly can do you think this is going to help the ikari institute to carry on their research and excellence oh yeah the attention of the world if we can convince that we are honest if we can convince them that there is no other interest than the truth if we can convince the world that the evidences are real then everything should change and the inquiry institute should attract all the attention uh from the world and that is why uh i think uh tomorrow uh we will decide or they will decide or everybody will decide what is the future of humanity because it is not just this this discovery if we cannot prove that these bodies are something else then we won't be able to prove it ever this is physical evidence for the first time is in the hands of society and they want to take it away from us don't you realize that don't you realize what is in play here tomorrow i hope uh people will understand and will support this because the evidences speak border by themselves you will hear the scientists you will hear every worry that is around here this investigation you will see the uh the documents of the of the investigation with carbon 14 with the dna you will find out uh how close we are to really understand that things are not like we have thought they were in the past this is a different world and the reality is very very different that's what we thought i think the timing tonight it's been very coincidental for the government and a lot of scientists to come out tonight just prior to the event tomorrow to try and put their story forward and say it's all fake but how can they do that if they've not seen or examined how can they do that because uh the scientists uh in peru and probably around the world are very fearful they organize an event today just to declare that our findings are a hoax they are a fraud they haven't seen them they don't have the body they don't have the x-rays they don't have the cat scans they don't have anything and besides that they have not presented anything there is not one single evidence one single proof that backs their words and this is amazing i cannot believe what is happening here i cannot believe people even think or listen to these people for example a taxidermist the other said they saying that oh there is a mafia in peru that they are creating these kind of hoaxes and because you came with gaia and so on then they they made this moment for you are we so stupid are we you know so gullible that we will accept anything they give to us absolutely not before we say anything we investigated and we were convinced that this is real otherwise we wouldn't have presented what the government are doing is that they're discrediting the any of these discoveries that have been found and they're doing this without ever laying a single finger on any of the bodies [Music] meanwhile members of the scientific community within peru banded together and this is what they had to say [Music] in the last few months the alleged discovery of extraterrestrial mummies in our country has been publicized through an irresponsible organized disinformation campaign testimonies and published images of this case allow to assert that these findings correspond undoubtedly to pre-columbian human remains cultural patrimony of the nation maliciously manipulated and even mutilated to obtain an ad-hoc appearance for commercial exploitation moreover the exclusion of the entire related archaeological context is absolutely contrary to the scientific investigation of this kind of cultural finds it is upon our authorities to make the corresponding accusations since this production has numerous national and international norms that watch for the defense of cultural heritage we hope these same authorities will seek the protection and correct investigation of these remains and their place of origin in order to stop looting and trafficking of human remains we also expect exemplary sanctions for those responsible of this degradation of heritage that is of all peruvians and humanity as a whole finally the criminal abuse of corpses for petty ends violates human dignity in a profound way thus exploitation of pre-columbia mummies carried out by this organization attacks and particularly offends the andean culture implying that its achievements were due to an illegal alien aid we offer our best offices to collaborate with the authorities to demonstrate our statements in the corresponding instances we also offer to participate in activities that would defend our patrimony and help educate the public about our ancestors and their legacy [Music] lima 10th of july 2017 after working through some of the problems today we managed to catch up with dr edson vivanco a skeletal specialist and he was more than happy to answer a few of our questions [Music] hypothesis effectively is [Music] dr jose benitez a forensic specialist had his own descriptive interpretation in your professional opinion have you found any unusualities anything strange si encontre muchas particularidades [Music] characteristic wonderful just one last question how important is it for this information to get out with the announcement tomorrow it's important uh we're here at the press conference the international press conference the very first one is taking place foreign [Music] foreign [Music] a is [Music] is [Music] [Music] participate is is [Laughter] segundo foreign that in this presentation that's just taking place i mean it's quite a long one a lot of questions and a lot of material literally an overload of material and there were some very interesting things regarding the the ana the the the anatomical report now the honest of course this particular report it features we we first when we thought looking looking at maria that she only had one two anomalies okay a handsome fee uh maybe uh slightly young elongated head uh no ears and that was pretty much it but no no far from it apparently this uh anatomical report features one two three four five it just keeps going six seven eight nine ten and and the list goes on of these uh uh anomalies in the body things that you wouldn't find in a human body and the shaping of the bones uh the mic to the minor minor little details um far too many that i can explain i can't explain that you know and she's an absolute wondrous work of art you know which she should be on display somewhere you know but or she's real one of the two i just i i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want to call it and of course and not just that now there's a big thing in regarding the uh this powder this white powder and it's been mentioned many times over the internet since its release uh over social media that people think it's plaster it's plaster it's you know it's it's fake it's plastic well we've got news guys uh the news is out it's not plaster uh in fact we actually know what its name is and it is and it's uh also purposely apparently put on the body as a preservative um uh it kills bacteria it keeps things uh in a dry in the dry conditions to keep things perfect for a very very long time exactly what we're actually seeing in maria and apart from that and there's also more information in regarding the from a biologist it was there as well their report came forward and that was really interesting of course the downside of it is today is that they've kind of come out half guns what they've done is they've gone and done a press conference the first international press conference of all in the capital of peru and they've not brought all the guns with them in fact they left the cannons at home there is not any uh information from the dna yet it's still out there it's still being conducted i know it takes time i know it takes money but surely you probably hold back don't not send your infantry in without your cannons you know your cannons need to be drawn and of course they haven't done that so do you know what um very good very excellent in regarding the information regarding the ear to the the the bone structure are um anomalies in marie maria and also the other anomalies found books no dma and that basically means that it took a dive bomb as far as we're concerned it went flat what they needed is uh dna and if they hadn't didn't have the dna they maybe should have held off to on the press conference until they had it we've recorded our findings and boarded our flight back to the uk leaving behind a black market of bribes grave robbing and deceit although we can sympathize with the peruvian government in its attempts to suppress the hemorrhage of ancient artifacts we strongly disagree with the way i tried to discredit the mummified remains before any tests had been confirmed so it comes to this strong scientific analysis and results are necessary to prove or disprove the claims posed by both camps the results need to be viewed by the world and not a back alley board room where possible life-changing discoveries such as these can easily be buried again we have the results we are going to tell the world and we are going to expose the truth [Music] you

2021-06-13 03:25

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