Algonquin College School of Hospitality and Tourism. AC Online 2023

Algonquin College School of Hospitality and Tourism. AC Online 2023

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[Music] you have to be in it to leave your mark you have to be a part of it to grow you have to push open yourself to new experiences expand boundaries [Music] an entire community of services and support there for you as you challenge yourself [Music] acknowledge new skills new challenges new victories build the relationships that will help you rise in the friendships that will keep you grounded changing the world starts with you at Algonquin College the future you want is yours to make Algonquin College changing lives [Music] greetings everyone and welcome to the 2023 convocation ceremonies of Algonquin College my name is Michael desotel and I will be the knowledge keeper for tonight's ceremony uh just by way of introduction I'm a made He-Man with Ojibwe Heritage from Manitoba and I spent most of my adult life working in the area of Rights for indigenous peoples so I want to share a story with you that I've already shared with the graduates so you can talk about it afterwards um and then ask a favor of you so many of you will know of Murray Sinclair Murray Sinclair was a the first indigenous judge in the province of Manitoba he was a senator but he was also the chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and recommended two Canadians things that they could do to make a difference in the lives of indigenous peoples and ask for their participation I've worked with Murray on several different projects in several different occasions and it's been a big great pleasure I was at an event that he hosted in Ottawa about five years ago where there was a room of people maybe only slightly smaller than the number of people in this room and he said to them I want you to think about a six-year-old in your life that person doesn't have to be 60 years old right now because it can be a memory and it can be a family member it could be a friend it could be someone you know and then I want you to think about what it is what is it about that six-year-old that makes me happy what is about that six-year-old that makes me proud what is about that six-year-old that makes me love them the way that I do and if you can imagine it think about how you would feel if someone were to take that six years old six-year-old away from you and send them off to a school where you wouldn't see them and the reason they sent them to that school is because they don't want them to grow up to be like you they don't want children to grow up to be in in their indigenous tradition now the reason that successive Federal governments have been able to get away with this kind of behavior including missing murdered indigenous women and girls including boil water advisories on more than 100 First Nation communities they get away with it because they can there's not a political price to be paid they don't lose any votes people don't get upset and as indigenous people we've been in this struggle since first Contact and we seem to have a little bit of momentum going now with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission the public inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and more people are aware than they used to be 10 years ago so what my ask is of you is to engage in putting some political pressure on the decision makers in this country I let them know that it's not okay anymore you can't continue to get away with this anymore there has to be Justice and there has to be fairness so all I'm asking is that you know Google Truth and Reconciliation you will be fined any number of things that you can do that are most appropriate for you and together we can change the world and make a difference for indigenous people in this country thank you as guests Algonquin College acknowledges today's convocation ceremony is taking place on unseated Algonquin traditional territory and uh so in recognition of this our graduate procession will be accompanied by members of the spiritual singers using the traditional languages of the anishinaabeg people their song offers a message of incurrent encouragement and the powerful beat of the drum represents the heartbeat of our mother earth guests families and friends may I ask you to please stand as you are able and remain standing as we welcome the students staff and faculty of the Algonquin College Class of 2023. chimiguez [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] hello all right [Music] [Music] all right yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] la la [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey [Music] all right [Music] all right all right [Music] [Music] hey [Laughter] hey [Music] hey [Music] laughs [Music] hey hey hey baby all right [Music] [Music] all right yeah [Music] all right [Music] spirit world singers [Applause] well then good good evening and please be seated and while we wait for the stage party to get themselves situated um I would like to thank the spirit wolf singers for leading Us in and for their performance and celebration of our students it certainly was a very meaningful and fitting way to begin our ceremony so one more round of applause for the spirit world singers guests families friends and graduates welcome to Algonquin College's 2023 spring convocation my name is Chris Jansen and I'm the senior vice president academic at Algonquin College this evening it is my distinct honor to serve as Master of Ceremonies helping to guide us all through today's exciting celebration vacation is a very significant event time to celebrate to reflect on your hard work and to look ahead to the next step in your journey you the graduates came to the college with a dream you have successfully completed your studies many of you with the added challenge of circumstances imposed by the pandemic and today you will receive your degree diploma or or certificate recognizing your accomplishments your resiliency and the sacrifices you have made to be here today you are now ready to meet the challenges that lay ahead we wish you well and are delighted to be here this evening to salute you we also welcome your friends and families who are watching us via our live web streaming we really are so thrilled that all of you are able to join us here for this wonderful celebration this evening at this point I would ask all who are able to please stand and join with our vocalist Aria ratonavong graduate of the performing arts program in the singing of our national anthem Maria oh Oh Canada our home and native land true patriot love in all of us coming is [Music] foreign [Music] oh can Canada we stand on God God for thee Thee thank you Maria and please be seated I will now introduce the members of the stage party beginning on my far left I would act that they remain standing until all have been introduced and the audience please withhold Applause until all have been introduced Laura stanbra vice president of student services director Students Association Michael desattell knowledge keeper Dr Patrick Devi associate vice president Global online and corporate learning Deirdre freiheit honorary degree recipient Dr Julie Beauchamp Dean School of Business and hospitality Dr farbat karimia Dean AC online president and chief executive officer Dr Gail Beck chair Board of Governors Demi McCracken member Board of Governors Dwayne McNair vice president finance and administration Tracy McDougall director president's office and corporate Communications and lastly on the line Dr Christy Pearson registrar thank you all and please be seated [Applause] and now I may ask the faculty to please stand well I was about to ask you to join me in recognizing The Faculty of Algonquin College and the amazing contributions that they give to the to the success of our graduates but you beat me too but one more round of applause for the faculty and thank you please be seated I am now pleased to invite president relay to the to the podium to give the president address president relay thank you very much Chris well good evening graduates big welcome this is your day yes indeed I offer you my heartfelt congratulations and I am both humbled and honored to help you celebrate your success today on behalf of the Algonquin College Board of Governors I extend a warm welcome to you your loved ones faculty employees friends and families to our 2023 convocation ceremony now I understand that some of you may have friends and families who cannot be here today but are thinking of you with love and pride so let me extend my words welcome to all those who are watching this event online I know that many of you are also joined here today by people who support you and you have likely helped you in some way as you've taken this journey helped you with encouraging words late night pep talks picking up the slack at home perhaps or even providing you with an emergency loan or even better a grant or two so if you're a family member or a friend of a graduate please stand as you're able or give a wave so that our graduates and the entire College Community can show their appreciation to you it's going to be a great evening I can tell well thank you very much to family and friends for your support of our graduates there is another group of people here today who are very proud of you and your achievement I would like to personally thank all of our employees our faculty support staff and administration at Algonquin College for their role in your journey I want to especially thank faculty for their part in getting you to the successful completion of your program of study your teachers have prepared you to be entrepreneurial and to thrive on change and be resilient and resilient you have been especially after living through the historical Public Health Emergency that we've all experienced over the past three years and the impact it has had on the learning environment and in the workplace your teachers have also helped you to develop the capacity to Pivot with agility to take calculated risks and to do so with imagination to capitalize on the many possibilities that await you and we know that the world that you're entering upon graduation as its share of challenges socially economically politically environmentally and you may feel it's more difficult than ever to recognize the opportunities on the horizon and we must also continue to acknowledge the consequences of our past and work to be better allies to indigenous peoples in our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation as well as be better allies to people of color and those who are marginalized through our commitment to inclusion diversity equity and accessibility but if history has taught us anything and it's that with great adversity and challenges also come incredible opportunities and that's what ultimately brings out the best in people and remember too you're not alone on this journey you are now part of a community of more than 220 000 Algonquin College alumni and the alumni and Friends Network offers you opportunities for you to stay connected so as you embark on the next chapter of your journey I hope that all of you will seek to reach out your full potential in your career and in your life Pursuits but what does it mean to reach your full potential we often hear the term but do we ever pause to really think about it does it mean your physical potential like an athlete or your emotional or intellectual potential in my opinion The Sweet Spot of full potential is the intersection of all three for me reaching my full potential man to desire to leave the place where I grew up and explore the bigger possibilities that I knew and felt were out there challenge myself and to see what life had to offer beyond my familiar surroundings and so at the age of 17 I joined the Canadian Forces I left home I traveled to another Province and I began to study engineering physics my time in the military taught me many valuable lessons about self-discipline learning to problem solve leadership and in particular finding balance between assertiveness and humility it was a chance for me to see our greater country and explore the world and after 22 years of service I was ready for a different kind of challenge and that's when I joined Algonquin College my journey from that of a 17 year old young man leaving home to this Podium today has not been without its own challenges and sacrifices when I was a student just like you nothing came too easily for me I discovered early on that I would have to work hard ER than many of my peers to achieve good grades and find success along the way I also discovered that every experience I encountered were filled with learning opportunities there were many times when I did not achieve my desired goals upon first attempts and the path that I thought I should be following they changed as a result you know it's all part of the journey coming to understand that your potential is there to be unlocked and there's always another door waiting to be open and new experiences that will enrich your life as you embark on your own Journey and remember to keep an open mind stay curious never be afraid or Too Proud to ask for help and do venture out of your comfort zone when I attended this year's colleges and institutes Canada conference in Montreal I was impressed by what keynote speaker Wes Hall had to say about living to your potential you see he speaks from experience as a man who rose from a Jamaican Plantation Shack to the boardrooms of Bay Street to become an accomplished businessman an author an inclusivity advocate and the founder of the black North initiative he said never wait never wait for perfect to do what you want to do or what you're passionate about if it's the right thing to do don't wait for the perfect time to do it do it now graduates I stand before you with pride and confidence in your potential I encourage you to stay true to your aspiration and don't let adversity hinder your progress instead use your education and the experiences that you've gained at Algonquin College as your compass to overcome those challenges and Forge a path towards a future that is truly remarkable in closing graduates I offer you my most sincere congratulations and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors the world awaits your talent and your tenacity and I have no doubt that in reaching your full potential you will surpass even Your Wildest Dream thank you Miguel merci [Applause] president roulet for your thoughtful remarks and words of wisdom to the graduates we now proceed with the conferral of an honorary degree the college Awards honorary degrees on occasion to acknowledge exemplary achievement in education industry community service or other areas of leadership in our society this honor is bestowed upon individuals who have made a difference in the lives of our students our college and our country individuals who share the college's values of caring learning integrity and respect and who serve as shining examples of what is possible when one is committed to the betterment of our community I now invite Dr farbat Karimi dean of Algonquin College online to come forward to introduce our honorary degree recipient foreign thank you Dr Johnson and good evening everyone Deirdre freihei may I ask you to please stand up Mr President members of the Board of Governors graduates families and guests and friends I'm honored to present our honorary degree recipient an individual who represents passion heart and determination of Algonquin College Deirdre freiheit Deirdre is a community Builder Advocate and philanthropic professional with almost 30 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector Deirdre currently assumes the role of President and chief executive officer of shepherds of Good Hope and the Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation where she strives to ensure appropriate services and housing options are available to adults with complex needs who are experiencing homelessness in our community Deirdre also served as an alliance to end homelessness out of a board member for eight years and she was the chair for four years she also she's she was also a member of the board of directors of the Inner City Health previously and previously volunteer that Roger Nielsen house her incredible leadership is one of the main reasons Shepherds of Good Hope can support the range and volume of individuals who use its many services she believes good leaders are lifelong Learners learning and learning comes in many forms she encourages graduates to seek out mentors to find people they admire and respect and discover new ways to learn from them Mr President members of the Board of Governors graduates guests in recognition over Decades of experience and a life committed to helping others I'm pleased to present this honorary degree recipient Deirdre freiheit Mr President may ask you to please escort Mr freihei to the front of the stage for the formal presentation of the honorary degree all right all right dear there are Freight Heights but the authority of the Board of Governors and on behalf of President Brule Algonquin College is pleased to confer upon you one of its highest Honors that of the honorary degree [Applause] I now call upon Deirdre freiheit to deliver her convocation address thank you Farhad and thank you president Brule president brulee platform party faculty graduates distinguished guests fellow honorees friends and family it's a real honor to be here this evening well grads you did it your hard work got you here tonight now you get to choose your futures you get to determine what you want to contribute to your communities and the world around you you're going to make your successes happen in the same way that many of us have made ours it's an exciting and maybe even a daunting time as you create your future people like me are going to give you all kinds of advice things to think about we're going to share our experiences and hope that some of the things we've learned along the way may be useful to you I'm going to offer you some of that advice now but with a note in the fine print make your own path pay attention to your gut instincts mistakes are learning opportunities own them appreciate them and then move on and know that you already have the tools within you to forge your own path for what it may be worth or here are a few things you might want to consider believe in yourself there's only one you be your authentic self say Yes you heard this earlier from president brulee say yes to things that take you out of your comfort zone it's where you'll learn the most and it's also where you'll surprise yourself at how adaptable and resilient you are it's where the greatest opportunities happen and it's also where you'll gain the most personal growth and satisfaction learn that no is a complete sentence set your boundaries so that you remain true to yourself this is one I personally like imposter syndrome is something many of us have experienced and you may experience that along the way as well discomfort is okay but remember this there's no such thing as imposter syndrome it's a construct and it's made to hold you back don't let it a special shout out to the women and diverse individuals in this room you will have to work harder than your male counterparts you will have to fight for recognition you'll have to fight for Equal Pay of work for work of equal value in some cases and so many of us have spent a lifetime working to change this we're not quite there yet but we will be take the Baton from us and keep running until we collectively get there and we will get there find a way to participate in and contribute to your community you will get back so much more than you give and finally don't let anyone tell you that you can't you can you can achieve the life you want both personally and professionally with hard work and perseverance it takes grit authenticity resilience fortitude Clarity commitment passion compassion gratitude and a willingness to be a lifelong learner everyone and every situation has something to teach us class of 2023 go out there and do you be bold be brave create the future that you want for yourselves make our communities and our world better and to quote LL Cool J dreams don't have deadlines we can't wait to see what you do thank you thank you Deirdre for those those really Sage words of advice and congratulations and now I'm pleased to call upon our school of hospitality and tourism valedictorian preferred via is graduating today with an honor honors Bachelor of hospitality and tourism management degree from the school of hospitality and tourism Tate is currently working at the local Elgin hotel as guest service supervisor she received multiple job offers in her final semester and has accepted a management and training position at the Ritz Carlton Toronto as part of a Marriott International's Voyager training program she has been a very active member of her program's student alumni Society for two years running events social media and training third year students she comes with a unanimous recommendation from all faculty in The Bachelor of hospitality and tourism Management program her faculty describe her as a true representation of hospitality displaying passion dedication and work ethic please join me in welcoming Tate [Applause] thank you ladies and gentlemen esteemed faculty honored guests and my fellow graduates today as we stand here at the summit of our academic journey I am reminded of the words of Sir Edmund Hillary it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves and Conquer ourselves we have each one of us embarked on this challenging climb of Education knowing that it would be filled with presentations exams and unexpected hurdles but with determination and what some may call a few too many cups of coffee we started our Ascent towards our goals as we reflect on our time here at Algonquin we realize that although each one of us has faced a unique mountain with its own set of obstacles and hurdles We Stand Together United in our shared determination and resilience though we have stumbled we have always found the strength to get back up and continue the climb but by conquering our respective mountains we not only gain Knowledge and Skills but also discovered our own capabilities we prove to ourselves that we can achieve Great Heights even when the past seems insurmountable today as we stand Atop The Summit let us celebrate the diverse Journeys we have undertaken while our mountains differed our struggles were equally significant through shared triumphs and tribulations we have grown as individuals and as a community but as we cherish this moment let us remember that life is but a series of mountains waiting to be conquered this Summit is a milestone not the Final Destination we must approach the next mountain with the same tenacity pageant and hunger for excesses as we bid farewell to Algonquin College and embark on our own individual paths remember that the mountain ahead may be challenging but we have proven time and time again that we have what it takes to reach the summit thank you professors friends and family for providing us with the knowledge and support to conquer our mountains and to my incredible classmates see you all on the next Peak thank you Tate for those words of celebration of tenacity pride and fear determination to succeed we now move to the part of the ceremony where we recognize our graduates I invite family and friends to take photos from your seats our photographer is also taking a picture as each graduate is recognized by the president I would like to call Dean Karimi to the podium to introduce the graduates of AC online and on behalf of Dean Beauchamp the graduates of the school of hospitality and business thank you Chris okay everybody log into brightspace I'm just curious okay are pleased to be here on behalf of the faculty and staff of school of hospitality and tourism and AC online who are very proud of our graduates and feel privileged to have been part of their success successful learning Journeys at this time on behalf of Algonquin College I would like to acknowledge the commitment and successes of school of hospitality and tourism and AC online and would ask graduates to please rise if you're able to be presented for graduation Mr President each of these graduates has dedicated themselves successfully by completing all the requirements of their program these individuals are ready to make their Mark in their chosen carrier it is with great pleasure and honor that I recommend them for graduation thank you graduates please be seated thank you Dean's Karimi in Beauchamp I now ask president Brule to step forward to receive the graduates graduates please note that instead of a handshake president Burleigh will acknowledge each of you by placing his hand over his heart as a sign of respect for each graduate I guests families friends may I ask you to please hold your applause until all graduates have been presented now of course that said a well-placed tutor Howell certainly isn't going to hurt anyone have fun and now ask our convocation caller Daniel Schweizer let's come to the podium to begin the presentation of the graduates Daniel now calling graduates from Bachelor of hospitality and tourism management Mallory Elizabeth Ann Coots with honors [Applause] Tate umiko ekford via with honest Patrick Emil Fraser with honors [Applause] Isabella Sophia granati Mariah Violet Marie keeping with honors [Applause] Courtney Kilgore [Applause] [Music] Alexandra Lake [Applause] Gloria Marisol Mendez [Applause] [Music] Lindsay Nissen I Latavia salwango and Tale [Music] [Applause] Nicholas Hong Tao Pavel Daniel Daniel Daisy trail with honors [Music] Alison Emma word with honors [Music] Caitlyn Johan Young Jin Zhang [Music] now calling graduates from baking and pastry arts management Jasmine mosiman Da Silva bertasoli Christina Maria [Applause] alzin [Applause] asmita bhattacharya with honors [Applause] Mona Lisa bukasas with honors Carlisle Edward Chavez [Music] [Applause] tawan Sunil dusane [Applause] Emma Hayashi [Applause] Emily Christine Hoffman [Applause] Luis mukaya kilinda with honors [Applause] [Music] Brandon Kinney Emma leader with honors [Applause] Alma Lema with honors [Music] Alexandra Rose Martin [Applause] Jorge Armando matagana Calderon with honors Angie Merced with honors [Music] Bianca Jaden Miller [Applause] Ricardo Alfonso Moraga Soto [Applause] Gabrielle Piper musorinjan Lackey with honors pranjali himan Kumar Nike with honors with honors Maya philian with honors [Music] [Applause] [Music] Olivia Beth Robertson thank you Syed [Applause] abhinit Singh [Applause] foreign t with honors one key Swan with honors with honors with honors [Applause] faitha [Music] now calling graduates from culinary management Geralyn and capili abdon with honors Andre James Ano Nuevo [Applause] Maria Camila Barrios Lopez with honors Riley Eden Bernard [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with honors Ashley Elaine Colborne Lorena Maria de Oliveira schmigo [Music] Ren's Mark Gallego De La Cruz with honors [Music] Gabriel Nicolas to Santos Lachi with honors Esther fagbola thank you Keisha Marie Francis [Applause] [Music] with honors [Music] [Applause] bhupesh Kumar gulati with honors Clarence Howe howling Hui with honors [Applause] kachel Johnson with honors [Applause] Anita Elizabeth joji with honors [Applause] and Kim with honors Ashley lizouski en Tang Li with honors Jasper Leonardo with honors Kira Renee marshan Amelia Meadow with honors [Applause] Nathan Mendes [Applause] [Music] Lula City Muhammad Hussein [Applause] go Scarlett Junior McGregor page with honors [Applause] with honors Maribel Rivera with honors jennylyn Beltran with honors [Applause] kashish Puri [Music] Kevin ronquillo with honors [Applause] Daphne Diane scarcelloni [Music] Sandeep Singh simranjit Singh Rachel Stapley [Applause] Ian Stark said with honors with honors Because deep Because deep Kyle way [Applause] Aiden George Yamashita Rafi yakubian [Applause] rishabh Kumar goyal with honors now calling graduates from esthetician Laura Alice Brown with honors [Applause] Kelly duguay [Applause] Brian Demers with honors Evelyn Marie Lorna Kenny Joey Elizabeth McFarlane Menace with honors Katrina Brianna Percy [Music] now calling graduates from hair styling Tina Allen [Applause] Nicole Anderson [Applause] Maggie Bolton with honors [Applause] Brianna Jillian Leon bond with honors [Applause] Gonzalez with honors oh Natalie madlendoni with honors [Music] Guinevere Dixon with honors foreign [Applause] [Applause] Olivia Arlene Hart [Music] [Applause] roge herzan with honors [Applause] Chari Hamill with honors [Music] Noah Brandon Kennedy with honors [Music] Lauren Emily legere [Music] Grace Noel Martin with honors [Applause] [Music] Kayla Marie Melissa Mason [Applause] Carrie Elizabeth McAdam with honors Kylie Maddox McBride [Applause] Anna Mae Melvin with honors [Music] with honors [Music] Alexis Marie nicolao with honors [Music] papino Christina Perez Ledesma with honors [Music] Aaliyah Cassidy Perry cyrilli with honors [Music] [Applause] Hannah Patricia Robertson [Applause] Lynx Judith Christine Robinson kaju foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] violet snowboy [Music] now calling graduates from Hospitality hotel and restaurant operations management [Applause] Armand yeah Muhammad al-baqri [Applause] Noah Anaya [Music] Adriana Maria Ayala Perez with honors with honors [Applause] Bailey Diana Davidson [Applause] rained [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Taylor and Edwards [Applause] Anthony El cabucci [Applause] [Music] who [Applause] Joshua Jabara [Applause] [Applause] kitling Mak with honors Nicole martinova let's go Andrew Malcolm Murdock with honors [Applause] Rosa Fung [Music] [Applause] Puja with honors [Music] Anthony Rosario Maria Fernanda Ruiz flautero [Applause] Singh [Applause] [Music] James Ryan tagaka Solomon [Applause] jira May Soriano with honors [Music] John Lewis with honors Brady teeth Angela Ventura with honors so you are one [Applause] Mina zainali now calling graduates from tourism travel services [Applause] immaculate [Applause] Sydney Regan Banks oh Ryan bellicasemi [Applause] Rachel Clarissa Brooks [Applause] Owen James Cameron with honors Cyrus Lao celedonio [Music] Isadora kiamento Ritter with honors [Music] [Applause] Marvin Cruz with honors [Music] Jean-Michel de armas [Applause] [Music] Dominique Dufour Lisa Fenton with honors [Applause] Lord [Applause] Roshan marimaya Lara makarai with honors [Applause] Adam Jared Alfred Mahan [Music] Karin Mercier with honors [Music] [Applause] shehab nawito [Applause] Mark Jasper oros [Music] manvid Singh yavadi [Applause] Jin Hua Chu with honors [Music] Emily matony [Music] [Applause] Shelby McConnell with honors [Applause] navrit Singh [Music] Ajay pal Singh [Applause] Priya Priya [Music] [Applause] [Music] now calling graduates from event management I would like to present and recognize the school of hospitality and tourism Award presented to a graduate of the school of hospitality and tourism who has demonstrated consistent high achievement and Leadership throughout the program congratulations thank you [Applause] Raj Muhammad Ahmad Ahmed with honors Bobby Bobby Marie Bates with honors foreign Harrington lovishna budung with honors Casanova chadri Liliana Davis Payne with honors [Applause] girly Casanova dialla [Applause] card [Music] Gracie better Arlene Kincade with honors [Applause] [Music] with honors [Applause] join truly for me Luciana Montero with honors Muhammad Shayan Abdul Rahim Musa with honors Kathleen Chloe Morado Claudia palakar with honors [Music] [Applause] [Applause] maridel sapon with honors with honors [Applause] Emma seldom tooth Prevail with honors [Applause] and Sadie smuck with honors foreign ER with honors [Applause] rupan berma Zahra dabakshian [Applause] now calling graduates from food and nutrition management akshaya Anthony [Music] lady made that design with honors radhika gomber [Music] with honors [Applause] problem card [Applause] foreign with honors [Music] manchi Umesh Kumar Patel with honors [Applause] Lakshmi Priya president [Applause] now calling graduates from retirement communities management John Patrick galang with honors Ryan James Milana with honors [Music] foreign [Music] now calling graduates from baking and pastry arts region May Aguas Erica Arcos Medina with honors with honors Kerala Dyke [Applause] Sadi Caitlyn Heather fish foreign [Applause] Cassandra Grace Moore Grace Elizabeth Sophia Marie mobile [Applause] [Music] with honors [Applause] Catherine at least Solomon [Music] [Applause] Claire lenson [Applause] kamalpreet Singh Ryan vanderveer now calling graduates from bartending Patricia Lee Beckett with honors all right Lucas Pinky [Applause] Jessica Ann pentland with honors [Applause] now calling graduates from culinary skills Salome Asante with honors Ryan Barrett hafez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hayden James copperway [Applause] Vanessa Beatrix Costa [Music] thank you Lauren Alyssa Johnston she and Kim with honors [Applause] Karina Maria matarolo with honors [Applause] [Music] [Music] ing Denise Pena with honors Parminder Singh Gabriel Evan Robert Street [Music] [Applause] [Music] Alexandra Jean tinman [Applause] Chad Phillip Claude vanas Jacqueline bilela with honors [Music] Damien Nicole zamaranos [Music] [Applause] Joseph Merchant now calling graduates from sommelier Julie Narine dumbart with honors James W little with honors [Music] [Applause] Marie McDonald with honors [Music] Federico Neto [Applause] [Music] Amelia Rota Walker [Music] now calling graduates from food service worker merlina Ocasio [Applause] teodora Atienza [Music] adebisi Ibrahim with honors [Applause] [Applause] Doha Al-Basha with honors [Applause] Isabelle Sharon with honors Rose Annette Etienne with honors with honors [Applause] with honors okay kamsala kunaratnam [Applause] Rosemary McNulty with honors [Music] Roman kaizan patagon now calling graduates from business administration Ali El Hussein [Applause] my li with honors [Music] Ed me alejandrina Menendez with honors [Music] Matthew David Waters now calling graduates from business administration accounting Nicole Lozano toribio Dani masaki [Applause] Lacey noresny with honors Shelley Christina Percy [Music] Amelia Percy [Applause] Caitlin Margaret Turner now calling graduates from business administration human resources Chamberlain Cloutier with honors Shan Ali Rita Marie Doyle Priti kaushik Jenna westerhoff [Music] Stephanie Ashley Elizabeth case now calling graduates from business Faris al-nabhan [Applause] Lisa and Beswick with honors [Applause] Melissa Diego Dao with honors [Music] Lauren Davey [Applause] Lynn Dean Tanya Gautier with honors John Andrew hanusky [Applause] omna Ismail with honors [Applause] Samantha Grace joustra with honors [Music] [Applause] Chia Meek with honors Taylor John Monroe Riley Searle with honors mark simser [Applause] Colin Stapleton [Music] [Applause] Samantha Stapley with honors [Music] femina ramnani now calling graduates from business accounting Stacy abelanosa with honest [Applause] [Music] Hayden Matthew bloom April embleton Brian Patrick Regala bawado [Music] Sulaiman Arif Joseph Edmond Bernie [Music] [Applause] Natasha Lackey with honors Tristan Mitchell [Music] [Applause] Gracia Valencia [Applause] Natalie Denise [Music] [Music] Emma Rose White Christmas Elena [Applause] Victoria May Walsh with honors [Music] Tina paid us with honors now calling graduates from community and Justice Services Ashley Bowers [Applause] [Music] Alison Daigle with honors [Applause] [Music] Taylor Jacqueline Dunphy with honors Elizabeth Margaret Lynn Edwards with honors [Music] Taylor Elizabeth Hogle with honors [Music] with honors [Music] foreign LeBlanc with honors [Applause] surely Stephanie Rodriguez Lopez Elizabeth Ashley Russell [Applause] Cora Joan young with honors now calling graduates from computer programmer pascala with honors [Applause] [Music] Ian Francis Peralta [Music] now calling graduates from computer programming Ahmed Abdel fatah [Applause] [Music] good Francesca coconato Eric orrell Gaston Constantine with honors [Music] Denzel Francois Samuel Esteban Diaz Gamboa [Applause] Cynthia Haddad [Applause] [Music] Syed Muhammad musadiq Hussein [Applause] Christian Matlab Alexander William Roston Manz with honors [Music] with honors rabba [Music] amandeep randhawa lien phongto with honors yashpreet guard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Khalil Ben mazuk now calling graduates from early childhood education Jennifer Helen Agnew [Music] [Applause] Al [Music] Amanda Dion sohelia Faraz Joe [Applause] with honors [Applause] [Music] Dimitra Anna Leones Gorman Sydney hackie [Applause] [Music] Marissa Kimberly Henry Nadia and yashami [Applause] Tabitha and McLean honors [Music] [Applause] [Music] with honors [Music] Muhammad [Applause] Lauren mussima [Music] Fatima nishat with honors Jose Angelo Gabriel pador with honors [Music] Emma Pierce Margaret with honors [Music] [Applause] Taylor Petrie [Music] Ashley Rose McKnight anilashad with honors Alyssa Madison Southworth honors [Music] [Applause] Andrea Jade Charlton honors [Music] [Applause] with honors Ashley votelina with honors with honors now calling graduates from fitness and health promotion Melinda and nabo honors [Music] Erica Lisa Musso with honors [Applause] Christopher James bichette [Applause] now calling graduates from office administration executive Margaret Marlene Diaz Marianne go [Music] [Applause] thank you Darby Marie Kirkham [Music] Sarah pillow [Applause] Layla zayat with honors Nam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Yasmine Ahmed Khan Liv with honors now calling graduates from police foundations Lisa Ann Obin [Applause] [Music] Jordan Thomas babcook [Applause] thank you with honors [Music] [Applause] Sean Thomas Gordon Blackie with honors [Applause] Daniel with honors [Applause] [Music] Tiara Lynn Lewis Dao [Applause] [Music] Desmond William Morris [Applause] [Music] Samantha Eileen Rupert with honors [Music] Isaac Alberto pavon Arguello [Music] Mustafa Salim Smith thank you Soban [Music] now calling graduates from addictions and mental health Edmund ampere with anus [Applause] Stephanie Jean Clancy with honors John Paul knupps with honors [Music] Kaylee Lee robar with honors Isabella Rose Runza with honors [Applause] now calling graduates from autism and Behavioral Science Misa bazua with honors [Music] [Applause] Sarah Martin with honors [Applause] [Music] Tara Lynn Roach now calling graduates from construction project management hadil hassona with honors [Music] Nuri with honors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with honors [Applause] Maxi nitesh D'Souza honors [Applause] now calling graduates from Emergency Management Isabel Milagro Alonso villarino with honors [Applause] Michelle Sharon Daniel with honors [Applause] now calling graduates from forensic accounting and fraud investigations [Music] Fatma Ibrahim with honors [Applause] Gill with honors now calling graduates from Human Resources management thank you Ethel Pena Hernandez Alison Huff [Music] sabir Mufti [Applause] Rebecca Owusu with honors George siman with honors Emily Thornhill [Applause] [Applause] Katarina with honors [Applause] [Music] Keeley Whitford with honors Salvador botero Whitworth Lindsay Dorothy Willis with honors [Applause] with honors now calling graduates from Regulatory Affairs Sciences with honors [Applause] [Music] Johanna Martina Descartes with honors Fred uchenna namdi Sarah Jane pendlebury with honors now calling graduates from technical writer Lisa Ann Edina Felton with honors [Applause] Patricia a Wales with honors [Music] [Applause] Renee Leah Walters [Applause] now calling graduates from office administration General Huda mutas with honors [Applause] Iman Al-Basha with honors [Music] Amber Beer Alyssa Marie Berger with honors marlia bigot Maya rayona Dennis with honors [Music] Natasha foxie with honors Emily Evelyn Jackson [Applause] [Music] Jessica Lamb with honors Rebecca Lillian Longman with honors [Music] Rachel Christine McMaster [Music] Victoria Rona Don Myers Stacy Sylvie nipash [Applause] es with honors Monica Inez Perez with honors [Music] Angela Charmaine Potter with honors Leon Routier with honors Katie Rose Raymond [Applause] now calling graduates from archives and Records management Geraldine Makai Google now calling graduates from autism studies Madison pimento [Applause] now calling graduates from bookkeepinguri [Applause] Nadia Josefina Cora honors [Applause] Agnes Caballero [Music] now calling graduates from business analysis studies now calling graduates from commercial estimating Jose Carlos with honors Michaela wilski with honors [Music] now calling graduates from computer information systems Mariam Ali with honors [Applause] foreign graduates from construction management Youssef Ben Shetty with honors [Applause] Stephanie lantier with honors now calling graduates from creative writing Valerie lontaine [Applause] Jennifer Adrian Paula Craig [Applause] now calling graduates from home inspection Mercedes Sandy [Applause] let's go now calling graduates from Human Resources management studies Elizabeth Campos with honors [Applause] Donna Sharon black with honors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kevin Donovan with honors [Applause] Belen Fernandez [Music] [Applause] Amira Sheikh [Applause] now calling graduates from nursing unit clerk Janelle Ann Bennett with honors Alicia Diane cast with honors [Applause] Kayla glasner Sola with honors [Applause] [Music] Murphy Kelsey with honors [Applause] Rose Darlene teodul with honors now calling graduates from occupational safety and health Adil chiribi with honors [Music] now calling graduates from project management studies Grant Boston with honors [Applause] [Music] Julia DeCosta with honors now calling graduates from teachers and trainers of adults Julie Diane McCann with honors Alice Elizabeth O'Toole with honors [Applause] Jessica scalin victimology with honors [Applause] that's it oh thank you Daniel for calling our graduates for those that are able may I please ask all graduates of the School of Business and hospitality and AC online to rise guests families and friends the School of Business and hospitality and AC online class of 2023 [Applause] thank you congratulations graduates and please be seated we have come to the end of our convocation ceremony and I do want to take a minute to recognize the many within the college who work hard to plan and coordinate this ceremony and make it such a wonderful event for all of us they are far too numerous to name individually but I would like to give them a round of applause to thank them for their efforts it has been a pleasure to celebrate you to with you today and it's also my pleasure to welcome you our graduates as the newest members of the Algonquin Alumni Association please enjoy this short video as you reflect on your new role as Algonquin College alumni Algonquin College graduates are members of a connected community of over 200 000 alumni they are leaders in their Industries and champions for our Learners the alumni and Friends Network is to me very important because it's an opportunity to connect and stay connected to something that I loved going to school was an important part of who I became and the network is is important because it allows us that opportunity to do so as chair of the program advisory committee for the social service worker program I still have an opportunity to align with fellow colleagues and alumni who also give back on a regular basis and it feels good to get back Algonquin is like a family if you come here for two years you actually never go out a part of you always stays here so stay connected Embrace these connections all these support and resources and alumni and Friends Network can be that Catalyst to connect you with those resources to help you since graduating from Algonquin College I've been able to stay connected to the Alumni network through guest speaking at events through mentorship opportunities for current students and it also presents me the opportunity to connect to a broader network of people that I can hire and engage with for different professional audiences we invite you to join our network of fellow grads by staying connected you will learn about the exciting improvements happening on our campuses you will gain access to career and professional development opportunities and enjoy savings offered to you as proud alumni Algonquin College graduates Inspire us everywhere we look they're making a difference so we invite you to stay connected at alumni [Applause] alumni please do be sure to send us your success stories and stay connected to the Algonquin alumni website we look forward to hearing uh the of the great things you do as we come to the end of our program I want to acknowledge the joy love and pride gathered here today we invite all our graduates and their families and friends to gather to continue the celebration in the main level Fourier there you'll find several really wonderful places where you can take photos graduates please do remember to leave your academic accounts with our teams before you leave many thanks to you our graduates and your families and friends for joining us today and for making this ceremony such a happy occasion congratulations and best wishes families and friends may ask you to please stand as you are able and remain standing until the end of the recession of the stage party the faculty and the graduates thank you and good evening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good job [Applause]

2023-06-27 11:13

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