Alberta Tourism and Hospitality Stream and More

Alberta Tourism and Hospitality Stream and More

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for hello I see few more people joining can you guys hear me yes sir okay yes okay good good good I I'm just I was just testing this out instead of just typing I just thought it would be easier if people can talk so from where you guys are joining soai for where did you join from actually I'm from Canmore Al oh you're in Canmore right now yeah Canmore yeah okay okay great great great what what about others then I have a question one second uh soai I'll just put you un mute other people who just doing their introduction so Mohammad where did you join from Arabia oh you are in Saudi and suat where did you join from I also from Saudi Arabia you are also in Saudi okay okay uh so uh the way we will do this call is basically you keep yourself on mute and uh just use the hand icon if you have any question so I I I know soai has a question so soai you can unmute yourself and ask your question I'll try and answer yes sir so thing is I applied a December AOS uh uh for nomination yeah my my thing is I'm working as a chef I'm in tourism and Hospitality sector okay so this is the process time is like less than one month so you think I need to withdraw and then join this one have you applied the first question is have you already applied for tourism and Healthcare not yet not yet yeah so right now it is on pause okay okay but but AOS you said you have already applied yes sir so AOS if you have already applied right AOS has a processing time when did you apply December December so right now they are doing application from September can you see my screen yeah yeah yeah yeah I see yeah so AOS they are doing on they are doing September H right yeah so so in couple of months they might because AOS is also stopped now you know that right yeah since AOS is stopped you you are in a better position with sticking with AOS if if tourism and health Healthcare stream opens up sometimes later maybe maybe you can decide then but but I would not suggest now yeah yeah I know I know because you know you can't apply two two stream in in one guy right correct correct correct correct you cannot apply two yeah two stream time correct correct you are very right yeah yeah that's what confused because whoever apply recently they will get very F and then you are waiting for long time for the hospitality people didn't get true true true that's that's the thing that's the thing yeah that's that's the thing and so so um normally that's the that's the way uh anybody else has a question so thanks for your question man all right than mamad suat if you have any questions yes sir now Tech pathway time has also increased what are the chances has not increased it kind of decreased right it it decreased by a very Small Time 3 months 3 days but they are kind of increasing the processing uh speed so chances actually like uh uh last year it was one month processing time now it is five months no no no we cannot compare from last month that's not last year last year no no no last year we cannot compare this year the number of applications are are are are pretty high so so I would say don't compare with that that will not help any any of us MH right uh even it processing is slow many in the group are complaining they have submitted in uh October September sorry January correct it ITA yeah like it's it could be slow yeah uhhuh see it all depends on number of volumes right so main thing is you make sure that you are doing your applications correctly and you are you are responding to all the questions after that after that is it's not in your control right I have somebody else also joined uh but yeah can you can you be on mute uh we are talking okay I have one question regarding uh background check in Express entry uh what kind of things they will verify in background check oh they verify everything they will verify you would have docu submitted your employment documents you would haveed submitted your police verification you would have submitted your your Medicals so they will check everything okay in uh let's say if they will verify employment they will inform us also we s email they can they can but they might not like if employer did not respond so what is then it's a problem then probably they will contact you first that your employer is not responding right okay all right but but but but you are talking about ircc or Alberta yeah ircc sorry it's out of domain but it's ircc I'm talking about ircc yeah so see see normally ircc what I have seen is they can contact they normally contact your current employer and people like that right so they should respond your current your current employer should respond which channel they are uh like they are sending email or they can send email yes if they are in US Canada they might also call but mostly they will send an email because they need a written record okay right so so so most I like but you will never know what they have done in your background right until and unless you request a extract and you pay for the extract you will never know what they have checked for you okay and usually how long they took to the process when they again see that's what I said right it all depends on what kind of how complex is the case right so they will verify police verification medical checks employment checks they will do many checks they will um they will verify that all the documents that you have submitted is is correct and what about they sometime they say eligibility check and uh what is difference between eligibility check and uh yeah they will check for eligibility right like for example you are in Saudi so you if you have say claimed points for your work experience right so and and you and you kind of qualify for fsw right so if you qualify for fsw they will check that whether your fsw is correct or not and let's say uh if somebody applied from Alberta nomination program via express entry and Alberta already give them nomination in Express entry they will again verify oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 200% I I I will show you something okay I will show you something like um let me just check uh this particular stream the new stream okay um so if you go here in the new stream right if you go here now see here okay I'll I'll I'll just show you something uh I was reading it somewhere here that nomination is not a guarantee of things so ircc will check your documents again okay yeah see here do you see this can you see my screen yes I can see you so do you see the section I've highlighted yes yes so so your medical criminal Security checks will happen Okay okay okay so you nomination is only one part of it okay okay and in during nomination they also verify the employment and these things yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they will verify everything okay okay all right soai has a question so Ashish if you have a question you can raise your hands yeah yes sir this one is uh the express entry or non-express and team that one uh mean tourism and Hospitality also what was the question repeat again please because uh if you are Express entry means like if you put the like AOS is non Express entry right tourism and hospitality is also non-express entry non-express entry program okay yes and then there is the eligibility there is the criteria like whoever working as a chef the eligibility the company need to wcp letter and another the nomin and another one the tourism and Hospitality uh what association association so you think all the restaurant doing having that one or not yet how I rest my Resturant is registration with Association tourism and Hospitality Association how I supposed to be check oh you your employer will know that so if you're working for a restaurant that restaurant will know whether because they they they pay a fees for this the for Association yeah so if you see here can you see my screen yeah so you will have to provide a proof of membership will be like a membership card right yeah so they will know that that they are a member it's a paid membership okay oh this a paid membership this is use useful for the uh restaurant employer any any any not just restaurant see here there is there is accommodation there is there is hotel there is tourism there are operators there are many things not just restaurants right restaurants is only one of them yeah right so restaurant I have a par and Bub also my restaurant so is is really they have the you will have to check with them soai oh only employer they knows but check on the online or no no no no no how will you know whether they have taken membership yeah that's why I thinking because this is too much eligibility you know like Association membership need like that if it is not Association member they denied the yeah then you cannot apply yeah correct yeah that's so many things so what type of associations are that one this can you see my screen there are like eight or nine there are like 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 type of associations Oh either one any any anyone they can uh they can become Association to Hospitality Association yeah not anyone like they will have to satisfy these associations I know my my restaurant has only wcp that's enough or they need more no no no both both both both are required okay that also need to verify with the employer not okay thank you all right thank you sir hey Ashish go ahead unmute yourself and ask a question hi sir uh sir I'm just uh like where are you calling from where are you joining in from Ontario Toronto oh you in Ontario okay Ashish so I have been on work permit for more than one year and uh like initially I was planning on submitting my PR from here only but uh like with the current scenario I'm just planning to move to a province just that every day I'm hearing something something about some Province and like next day you get to hear something about different Province I wanted to ask like if you can suggest what would be like a like where should I move next like plan that's that's a that's a very that's a very broad question Ashish I cannot say move to Alberta or move to BC right like in Alberta do you think what's the scope of rural like I I think right now it all depends whether you have a job offer so if you can satisfy the conditions then then then only think about it so for Rural renewal scheme also there are a lot of conditions right so you must have watched my videos on Rural renewal stream right so there are a lot of Eligibility criterias so if you satisfy these criterias right yeah then then think about it but like entrepreneur scheme rural renewal scheme now that Alberta has like temporary put a hold on opportunity so do you think it's only it's only a hold do you do you do you think what do you think like uh rural if like if I plan on going towards the rural side like they this thing would not happen that we don't know the future Ashish yeah yeah right so we can only try but with the opportunity like I have uh one and a half years experience uh as a like as a restaurant manager no in opportunity in Opportunity you have to be in Alberta and then for one more year no no no for Alberta opportunity stream you need either 12 months of Alberta experience okay right oh sorry uh 6 months of Alberta experience I think and and 12 months of international experience sorry outside Alberta experience okay so even if I have one year experience over here yeah yeah see no sorry yeah I was right earlier 12 months of experience in Alberta or two years of experience outside Alberta okay okay so if you have two years of experience outside Alberta you can apply but but you will have to be here to apply so you can come to Alberta move to Alberta and then apply you don't have to wait after coming to Alberta okay but you will have to come to Alberta First and have a job and obviously obviously you need a job everything like this is only a condition this is only for people who are living and working in Alberta so right now with the current scenario like they have put a hold right hold yeah don't worry I would be completing two years in October this year okay so should I should do you and my work permit expires on 26 January for Alberta like my work permit is expiring it's expiring on January 2026 2026 yes if if if you have a work permit you will have to get it amended move to Alberta you will have to take care of that okay so you you will have to come to Alberta work in Alberta and then and then after two years of experience sir can we like any job or in the same occupations like after moving means uh any like I am working as a McDonald's assistant manager uhhuh so if I move to Alberta so where I still be be needing a like a no job in the restaurant you you need your nooc should be same okay you need 24 months of experience in your nooc okay right and okay so if you have that experience for your nooc and you use the same nooc but but your your work permit should not be pgwp then what should it be no it like if you have if pgwp work experience is only counted for people who have studied in Alberta so if if you have a regular work permit open work permit then and you have gained experience on that then you are okay it's a pgwp open work permit only pgwp is open yeah PGW is open but it has to be from Alberta okay like how International students I completed two years of studies and then got a open work permit postgraduate work permit yeah but example so for example you got you have your pgwp for two years right yeah you complete your pgwp three years years three years okay you complete your pgwp time you apply for a open work permit and you work for another two years and then come to Alberta pgwp is like the regular work permit that International students get that's pgwp I I know that pgwp is a work permit issued to International students okay but that that is that experience is countered but for that you need to be a PGW be from an Institute of correct so that two year experience would not count no if it is if it is under pgwp okay what it right if that experience is is say for example before coming to Canada you have worked in India right yes and you have worked there for three years right so three years or four years then then that can be counted but again then the limit is within last two and a half years right so yeah it's like that it's it's it's not really so for you I would if I was in your place I would only think about it if I am in Alberta but for this you have to be in Alberta First Right without that the nothing is nothing works right okay so would you like my final question would you in my case is like uh still have like around 23 months of work permit left should I move or should I just stay question is can you move under pgwp to Alberta yes can you move to Alberta can you will you get a job in Alberta yes if you can move here come here and then and then and and then think about it okay but but the main thing is like if you are targeting AOS right yes s yeah AOS or rural if like like rural is simple rural rural is simple yeah if you can get a if you can get a endorsement letter and everything right so rural has its own set of uh eligibility so I have I have videos on that so just just look into that okay okay sir okay I'll move to the next question from soai thank you any other people who have questions please raise your hand otherwise I will not know you will have you have questions okay go ahead so yeah do that oh you did that sorry so this is R so uh continue I'll I'll I'll talk after and keep and keep your hands up right don't put it down okay okay okay sure yeah put up your put up a hand and just keep it up yeah yeah sure thank you yes okay can you hear me sir okay yeah I can hear you yes sir yes sir uh the thing is uh you know how they uh calculating this slot like you know allocation like they say 2023 AOS allocation is this much and then 2024 is not confirmed I'm not understand much that one we don't have to understand that it's a government thing so there is the October 23 allocation is limited like that what is that that thing limited uh limited after October November December they it will open next year allocation no no they have not yet they have not yet declared so if you look here right um they are saying that the 2024 allocation has not yet confirmed so they will update when they get it but don't worry about this this is not something we should worry about okay so so this is this is not going to affect on our letter like November December you cannot choose right so like like you cannot choose okay so just pick a stream and apply right whatever you think is best for you don't worry about these numbers these numbers will not impact you need only one allocation right you don't need 4,000 allocation no yeah yeah because they said like October 23 allocation is completed for 2023 or like like that no no no no no they said that this was last updated on 23rd of October okay yeah so they have not yet applied they have not yet uh updated it okay yeah okay that's what I can that okay I'll go to Ravi okay hi Manish thanks for scheduling this call uh Manisha I'm based out of India and I'm working as a software engineer okay and I have one of my close friend he has his consulting company but he's running the payroll only for three person but it is operational since last two and a half year and having a good turnover and now uh I'm planning to move to Alberta and uh the the only option I have it is the Alberta Tech program I have cleared all my uh isets exam everything okay but the only point which I can score is 380 and he is ready to support me but the only problem is that presently he is working from home and he does not have a office address so so I need your understanding I mean whether no that then it doesn't work I'll show you I'll show you I'll show you I'll show you something you will understand uh where is Tech pathway process present stream eligibility I'll just show you see do you see this read this point uh so so even if you are working for an Alberta employer right yeah yeah you you cannot be you cannot be working as uh from home okay no certainly he has his own house and the part of the basement he has converted into office is a is a true office I mean it's not nothing no I I understand that I understand what you're saying he he might have a true office and everything right but they need a place of business okay yeah so it it has to be a commercial place okay okay because I was going through this website I'm not sure recently what is the change but I was going through this website and I can send you the screenshot also later but I saw somewhere that having an office is not mandatory it has been clearly listed having a office is not mandatory right that's what I'm saying many companies many it companies who are working in Alberta they don't have office in Alberta right but they have something called a place of business right yeah so you should have a place of business in Alberta okay okay and the residential address or the house address does not work in that scenario it's not a commercial area right so like it's not a it's like you might like it's not a commercial area right so in most of the conditions what you will see is that that that particular business or that particular uh occupation needs to it's a it should be a commercial entity okay right so what I can do I can you can try right but again there is a the chances of rejection are very high yeah so what I I am planning to I have requested him to have an a small office at least having sitting a space of five people so that at least my application anyway once I'm there I'm going to continue working with him so you will be here like on work permit yeah yeah once I have my work permit I'm not coming as an visitor over there for now that's not in my plan but I I'm planning to go in a in a so why you are why you are hurrying if you if you are doing work permit come on work permit and then apply now he does not have the work permit also right I mean getting a work permit no no what I mean to say that once I have this this Alberta take program nomination and the Visa then only planning understand this if he cannot if he cannot apply for a work permit right yeah work permit is lower than PR right so if if he cannot apply for work permit for any reason it's highly possible that his job offer for PR will also not be accepted no he's ready to do do that but the only thing is that coming on a work permit I mean initially what we decided look I supporting him also honestly speaking since last two year I'm supporting him in doing his his work also whatsoever the work he's getting but the problem here is that uh either I should come on a work permit or I should be coming as an PR through the Alberta Tech program now my only concern is that I mean getting a work permit itself is another TDS job right now so what do you suggest shall I go with the work permit right now ask him to put up a work permit application if I was in your place I would go for work permit of of course work permit PR can take three years work permit will take seven months okay if you want to be in in Canada start working in Canada right as soon as possible if that is your main concern yeah right work permit is should be any day work permit would be you once you come so I ask to apply for lmia right depends on what kind of job you're are doing he will know yeah not all all job doesn't need LM some job many jobs do right but at least the nooc code which I am working on that request lmia okay okay okay yeah because yeah that was my my concern I don't want to just put up my application and get the rejection whether it's LMI or it's it's very high see I I was talking to somebody on my earlier stream right if you look at that particular stream that person was applying under rural renewal scheme right so he he was in a similar situation he applied for Rural renewal scheme and he also side by side applied for a work permit he's also from India okay he applied his work permit got rejected because his the comment was that your employer was not able to demonstrate the legal requirements right okay and then there is a high chance that his his PR will also be meet the same question right correct so work permit is kind of a safer thing for you also you will know that your employer is able to give proper documents to ircc if ircc is not satisfied with his work permit documents they will not be satisfied with his with his job offer or anything for for you okay to be honest okay so in that case I'll I'll go with lmia for now and then once I'm there then certainly my I thought you are in Canada already if you're not in Canada there's no point yeah no I I am not actually no no there is no point no no point of applying visit like like if you're can you know what Manish few of the consultant are offering this Alberta Tech program I I know that most of you are already aware about it but few of the Consultants from Canada they are offering they are charging certain amount and saying that every comp I mean every every identifying the company and doing everything is going to be taken care by them but but obviously I don't want to follow follow that route no don't do that yeah because that's a bigger amount and any any cheat on that would really backfire me if you have that that kind of amount then you don't need to come to Canada I would say that's right right if you have $50,000 in India yeah right then you don't need to give me $50,000 I'll go back to India I don't need that yeah yeah I understand you you are your your point is quite valid so I'll do one thing when I'll get in touch with you and I'm parall going to ask him to start with the LMI process and possibly I'll also ask him he's ready actually he's willing to to hire me but the only con with that that's okay that's so I'll ask him that he can me contact me if you need any kind of like a personal help I can probably do that based on my time right I also doing that right we can book an appointment and do that right like if you want to me to check documents or something like that that can be done okay okay but uh yeah yeah sure I unfortunately I I I I just got to know about you quite late but that's okay that's okay that's okay subscribe to my channel I put a lot of videos you might you might get help from them you might not need a yeah I'll also get in touch with you you might not need a One to One support right but but yeah okay all right thank you so much yeah Khan family has raised a hand hey go ahead with your question hi Manish how are you good afternoon and good afternoon everyone um good you're calling from I'm from here in Calgary you're you're you're in Calgary oh you're local okay yeah I'm not local I'm just actually I'm International Nation student before and I'm I'm holding a pgwp right now I have my two kids with me so my question is when I'm when I am applying my PR can I include my husband who's uh in Dubai at the moment he's outside Canada I can include him you have to yeah so I mean during the time of I apply or after I get the pr no no no you will have to include them when you apply right even if they are not if even if they don't want to come to Canada right you will have to include them in your application oh really yeah if yeah like if he's your legal husband and if you have certificate and that you will have to include them yes yeah he went here so many times to visit us he has a visitor Visa so yeah I can his Visa doesn't impact if you are the primary applicant right you will have to include your kids and your husband right okay you might like at the time of a when you are applying for PR you can decide not to apply for the pr card for him oh but a p card yeah okay okay yeah but but why do you want to exclude him yeah no no I just want to know if I of course I want to include him but I don't know I'm confused if after I get the pr myself or no no no no no no do everything together it will take a long time if if you do like if you apply for PR alone and then apply for your husbands it will take a it will take double time oh yeah because they will again do the background check everything right so it's better do it in one package and and uh yeah that's it that's that's much easier thank you and I have one more question he has has a visitor Visa he can stay here till 6 months right it depends on what kind of Visa he has I don't know he he has a tourist visa okay I don't know about his Visa but okay fine whatever but I can apply him inside the Canada for PR or he has to be outside because originally he's outside he has to be no like if he if he is staying legally here he can be here but again the question is how will he apply for police verification and things like that no uh we can request it outside in Dubai if we can get the certification something see police verification for police verification I don't know how it works for Dubai but for say something like India we know that right so if I am here on a visitor Visa right I cannot apply for police verification from Canada oh right I have to be I have to be here either on a work permit or a student visa or something like that right I cannot be a visitor and apply so it's so make sure your police verification thing is not impacted okay fine fine okay no no issue that anyhow yeah because because India because we will have to apply through culate and culate will ask for a work permit okay oh yeah so now if culate says you don't have a work permit then you have to go back and apply in Dubai or Saudi Arabia where is okay okay fine okay last question uh I just want to know what will be the best pathway for my PR application because at the moment that's that's a that's a that's a open question what's your name I am Shalia one the one who's always oh Shalia okay okay okay okay okay you're talking with me see Shalia that's a that's a very open question it all depends what kind of documents you have what uh what EXP experience you have there are a lot of streams here right you must have seen my videos and everything so there are there are a lot of streams here but it all depends what what you what you are eligible for I cannot I can say I cannot say pick this and and then land you in a trouble yeah actually I'm waiting for AOS but unfortunately it passed yeah so because I already have six months experience and I graduated here okay was suited I con everything so it's yeah it will open it will open like they will not po see AOS was the most popular stream last year so if you look into the last year's data let me just open the last year data so if you open the last year data see AOS is like the most applications in us right they will not they will not close it right they have just no they will not right what will happen to these 5,000 people right this is just 50 this is more than 50% of applications right so a lot of people are here in Alberta and I don't know if you have heard about it now they are giving a bonus of $5,000 for people who want to move to Alberta right oh really yeah I didn't didn't know that yeah yeah yeah if they are like there there was a provision in the budget recently no that's from other other provinces yeah for sure for sure other Pro who wants to move to Alberta right so so that was the uh news so they will they will continue people who are already in Alberta right so I'll I'll just show you this see this can you see my screen yeah yeah I can see it so you get a $5,000 tax credit refundable tax Okay so so this was the budget in 2024 so they have done this so they have done this recently so I'm sure they will not stop it it's just a pause yeah hopefully because we're waiting for that yeah because we have six we can also apply for exper Center but we have to wait for one year experience because I think student experience is not PGW is not countered yeah okay okay thank you so much at the moment that's my question thank you so I will I will I will end the call right now and if you guys if you want to hear this conversation this will be recorded this is already on YouTube so you can you can listen to this conversation again if you want to hear this and uh suat has one more question that would be the final question I have to go okay yes Manish sir I've been associated with this group for almost 10 month months okay good and uh I got my CPR in November so I'll be traveling shortly yes congratulations thank you very much for your support and guidance all these days in the group it was very beneficial your videos and all those things good good man congratulations I am so happy for you Yes actually it was rejected once and you know my employer in the second at least finally got it that doesn't matter uh so uh so where you will be traveling to Calgary only you're coming to Calgary okay okay let's suat if you don't mind let's do a podcast with our face on and we can share our experience and uh we can just do a podcast kind of a thing where you can share your experience and everything I think it will be beneficial for everybody yes yes yes no problem and uh my you know from a to Ita uh sorry PPR it took only 34 days all right very good very good and and almost 12 Days After biometric submission I got wow wow wow you are in Saudi you said right yes yes yes okay which city Riyad oh you're in Riyad okay okay okay traveling in June okay great great great great great time great time to travel um bad time to travel to find a home here if you don't have a friend or relative here yes yes June it will be very busy uh many many people move here so apart from that apart from that you will love it here okay yes send me send me a message send me a message on WhatsApp and we will schedule a podcast for tomorrow okay okay okay okay okay just send me a message okay thank you thank you suat and thank you Shalia I'll see you I'll I'll end the call now thank we'll talk yeah bye-bye soat you have anything okay bye-bye bye

2024-03-13 13:52

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