Alameda County Fair 2018 Vlog

Alameda County Fair 2018 Vlog

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Where's. Your curly hair, what. Is. What. Is this place called. Corner. Bakery. I got. Some mac and cheese you, know with. Britney friend. And her baby. Behind. Yes, sirree, why. Deals get serious, when I have the camera out. You killed this together I ate most of it but still. You, got more okay. Yeah, me. So. We just are in the parking lot for the Alameda County Fair, and friends putting, on some lipstick so, we're gonna walk in it is super hot today, like. 85, I believe. Like. 85, degrees so it's very hot I'm. Just, gonna get ready to go away, hi. Hi. Okay, she's, not feeling me anymore. Hi. Are, you ready. You. Smile. Always. A straight face with the camera, hi. Hi. Let's. Go. Let's. Go. Nice. Lady just gave us super. One admission coupons, we offer do you think. Now. We're just waiting. To, get tickets, okay. So we're walking in, the, Alameda County doggie. Say, hi Brittany. Dierks you babies Savannah, yeah. Savannah. Okay. I can't, wait. There's, $2.00 snacks today so you, normally eat I. Just. Don't know what. Yeah. I'm not about the ferris wheel life I'm not gonna do that. What, do i do first. Look. Around site it's, so convenient, to have a little car for her, kind. Of cool. We need to put some sunblock on her because it's so hot, I'm. Regretting not bringing shades and. A hat. You doing hey. Savannah. What, are you looking at that's. Not too fascinating. It's, on your nose to rub it in what's. On your nose. What. Is that. Refreshing. I don't, trust that kind of fare. This. Ride is the, worst thing in the world. And they used to be coming as a kid but not as an adult big. Rick and slam you in that cage, now. We're going to do it again. I'm. Gonna definitely go to that. Is. That both the aladdin, and Jasmine. Oh. I. Just. Got some mac. And cheese balls, there. Were two dollars, and. Si got a corndog filled with mac and cheese inside, kind of hard to see but. I'll make her take another bite. And. They gave some. I. Don't, know what. Kind of sauce that is can I steal a napkin from you I'm. A needed. Trying. To see it inside never. Seen that before done before I. Just. Had to pick this up I'm, Ingo nada it's my first time see. How it goes I. Don't. Know what their meaning why. Don't you guys get or tell us they got an or choppa, I don't know I had, to go all out we're in this small animal. Exhibit. Oh. Maybe sheds.

We're, Actually born. So. Thank. You. You like. Oh. This. Guy is huge. I, don't. Know looks, like almost like the size of a little dog. 250. Bucks. Cinnamon. I cannot, handle the rabbits with the red. Pertaining. It. I've seen this period. Really, nice but I just can't do it. So. We just left the exhibit, and, now, I think there's like a dog, show somewhere, we have to find it but, starting to cool down. Reggie fana me. Silver. Gaunts made. Really. Bomb but filling I. Guess we could walk through this if you want. The. Start. Reading. Possible. Lawyer, beautiful. Wow. Scusi. Circle. Around his family he's. Playing with them. Okay. So we. Are into. Petting. Zoo. Actually. I think we're here now. Show. You we. Go where. I guess this, part you can't go in yet. Around. I. Just look cute. I get up. They. Finally, found it and it's right over there last. Time I was here. There. Were deer in the petting zoo and they tried to eat my shirt so, let's hope that doesn't happen ooh come, back. Let's. Go. Yeah. We. Are in guys. Look. At there's babies in there, but. There's a wallaby. Super. Cute. They. Know. Oh. My. God. When. He got there early all over you. He. Go, that. One's like so fast at eating. It's. Fun right. Oh. Honey. You're just gonna wait for me. Oh, my. God you, guys found a king, it's. A few. Did, you hear that. Hello. Hello, I. Have. Here the student both. Look. At all that you. Are. So soft. This. One too. She's. Not having it but. And, actually all these people. Like, barely that, long about here. I. Think. Now. We're gonna go get wet, icicles, I believe and. You're. Gonna get ice, cream like the roll-up kind I guess, that's what you call it, so. Yeah stay tuned for that. No, no no I said I'll get the door. Do. This.

2018-08-11 00:38

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