Akdeniz'in LAS VEGAS'ı - Terk Edilen KAPALI MARAŞ ~513

Akdeniz'in LAS VEGAS'ı - Terk Edilen KAPALI MARAŞ ~513

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Kapalı Maraş giriş. Evet Kapalı Maraş'tayız. Halil Can Beyza Kıbrıslı kankilerimiz. Hoş geldiniz öncelikle. Maraş'tayız. Maraş'a girdik şu an. Kapalı Maraş. Burası Kapalı Maraş'ın içindeki bir tane ilkokul. Eskiden eee burada

içeride hala daha eşyalar falan varmış. Annemler hatta Kıbrıs'a ilk geldiklerinde yetmiş dört zamanlar. Dedemler şu an içeriden böyle işte kitap, defter, oyuncak falan toplayıp getirmişler. Zamanında evet. Ve içeride hala Işte insanların eşyaları duruyormuş o zamanlar. Bu da altın malın, ganimet bir şey çıkmış mı? Yok. Altın yok da ganimet olayı varmış. Var

mıymış? Varmış. Vay be. Anlatırlar mesela ganimetçiler. Ne hikayeler var. Adam iki çanta böyle altın işte vesaire ırzı böyle hani şamdanlar mamdanlar falan toplamış. Yüzerek çıkacak ama yani karayolundan çıkamıyor. Çıkamaz iki tane çantayla gören şey denizden çıkacak. Yüzerken çantanın birini düşürüyor. Sonra diğerini askerler tutuyor

falan. Bir de mesela ganimet zamanında yer ganimet yapıyorsan ve yakalanırsam işte askere, polise, bir şeye, o zaman işte saçların sıfıra vurulurmuş. Hani ganimet bu tekrar girerse işte hani bu daha önce de böyle bir şey yapmıştı tarzında anlaşılsın diye. Ama mesela o zaman yakalanmadan ganimet toplayın. Çok fazlaysa bunlardan biri de benim dedem. Annemin evine gideriz bir ara. Bir sürü işte

ganimetten gelmiş. Bardaklar işte bilmem neler falan filan çok fazla var. Mükemmel. Ganimet. Maraş'ta yaşayan Halkın yüzde kırkı Türk'ü kırk değil ya maya. Ya işte o zamanın nüfusuna göre aşağı yukarı yüzde yedi yüzde sekiz bile ben yüzde on yani Türk. Köy yani Rum beldesi olarak biliniyor. O yüzden çok fazla yabancı insan Rum kimliği olan insanlar falan bu var işte yabancı sermaye var. İngilizler

var. Yani içerideki işte eee dükkanların çoğu falan böyle lüks. Yani lüks bayağı lüks hani kürk satan yerler. Hı hı. Aşırı pahalı mücevher yerleri. Bilmem ne falan. Böyle bütün şeyler. Bu yüzden hep yabancı. Ha optika falan yazıyor yani. Türkçe bir şey yok. Amirimcesi yazıyor. Yani İngilizce'si

yazıyor. Kıbrıs Seramik. Titbit. Okkarna House Cafe herhalde. A Halil Can yıllardır bu halı. O yüzden en çok o biliyor. O anda. Yok ya çok şey bildiğinizden değil. Kanka anlat tarihini buranın. Niye burası kuruldu? Nasıl oldu?

Niye terk edildi? Şimdi Maraş Osmanlı yıllarında. Burası Efkap'a ait bir bölüm. Dernek. Vakıflara ait. Hı hı. Yani eee bu toprakların üzerinde bulunduğumuz toprakların Aslında vakıf mal. O zamanlar. Daha sonra İngiliz eee yönetiminde İngiliz burayı eee özelleştiriyor ve şahıslara artık kiralıyor, veriyor, satıyor falan. Ve daha sonra buraya artık eee zaten inanılmaz bir denizi var.

This place is becoming a tourist resort. He wore nineteen hundred elli elli beşlerden itibaren. Ta ki kapandığı yılları, yetmiş dörtlere kadar. O yirmi sene içerisinde inanılmaz bir gelişim sergiliyor ve eee o dönemin Akdeniz'de Las Vegas tarzı böyle inanılmaz bir turizm kenti oluyor. Daha sonra

yetmiş dörtte eee yeşil hatta olmamasına yeşil hattın dışında though he is, our Turkish soldier is coming and eee Maraş surrounds. huh huh. We're getting it here too. Since then, a closed. Nineteen seventy-four. Exactly from seventy-four since closed. Wow. For example, there is a foreign capital that

buildings going on, cranes and so on. Oh crane. Ditto. Even zaman böyle bir gecede boşaltılıyor herhalde burası . It's not even just one night. It leaves like that within hours . You know, they say eee, your slippers, apart hotels or something. huh huh. and left. It's exactly what he puts on his shoes and the street. Because there is a siege. Well , they say already a war situation or something. The Kurds came and run away. That's how everyone runs away. There's no getting behind the ropes

, so their food on the stove, their clothes and so on. They are running into is how they leave everything and go. The booty , that's how his love goes. People go to work.

Bakıyorlar aha burada telleri falan var. Ya ilk işte Şey eee soldier is already starting the booty. Here the people begin. That's how it goes . Exactly. And probably the richest place in Cyprus it is the largest place in Cyprus at that time. Because that's incredible is still under construction . Hotels, buildings, apartments, Well, we can hardly pass all of them . Well. You know, we call it a Greek town, but there is fact, there is more foreign investment than the Greek Cypriots among these ghost cranes is here. Tourist. Ditto. For example, there are still such lot of construction has been interrupted like this. In

example, they are numerous. Wow. We cannot cross these ropes. This . Forbidden. No. Let's go back. Behind . Oh, you can pass by this place. Ya çok fazla bekçi varmış ama daha göremedik. Çok uzun yıllardır closed, the vegetation has covered the whole city, for . Trees come out of most houses now. Because it You know, forty-five and fifty years, these places have been closed for a while. And is not touched by human hands. All kinds of living things. Since its inhabitants are now and people are not. Of course dear. Of course. So the thing not. It's a very safe place to go inside these buildings and stuff

not therefore. Of course I'm devastated. Snake . I don't know, encounter it. That is because it has been closed for . Wow. Hadji, I go in there and encounter a snake I want your permission. We didn't see you go straight, my friend

my High was destroyed by different creatures. Brother, look like this, I'm in right now. I'll come closer. It's completely abandoned. The window thing, that's it. fifty sixty years. It is at risk of collapse. This is a door room.

Aha I swear it was animals. How? 's very interesting. They just left it. Or you may encounter this inexorable . This is what you know is destroyed. Look, it's already fallen. Late. Oh, I'll even leave the toilet like this, you may Request. They don't take the late toilet either. Look, there is a chest or something. Look here. They blew your hand. Wow. What

is it? What are you doing? Sumayya. Ghost City. Maras. Bro merli purple or something, is there a holiday doing it. What are you saying? It is true , the Covered Varosha, after almost all of the famous people, who are world famous, them were making such reservations and vacationing here. huh huh. So it's on vacation . It is even said that Sofia Loren, one of the famous people of that period , had a house here. Hmm. I mean, what do you

Menri's moros past here so come for vacation. Here the hotel of that period, of the United Kingdom and the royal family , it's inside. huh huh. Or private property. Now from that net . Is it because this is a region that is never passed, as you say, , right now, we are inside the Closed Maraş, but this is this place buy silk. That's the part. Well, he was choosing this place for now

the part we can visit. huh huh. Behind that net, we . Hmm. It's actually there. So I'm same as the whole hotel. It's an abandoned area up to the very edge, so it's . A deserted area. We can't get past there deep. Romanian side. Romanian side. Well. That's where it is then has a territory. Are the Greeks protecting it too? No there is a limit. Derince, where the border of closed Maraş ends starting with the thing of hotels. Greeks already live there. Hmm. It is

where the border ends. They are alive. The whole of closed Maraş is under our control. It's under your control. Well said, you can go up to this net, for example is here, but you can't get past the net. Well, there are sands

in the closed place . Is that true? In other words . So it is believed that the sand came from Egypt, but uh . Actually, I don't know. Doesn't sound very convincing to me. Because it the same sand in other parts of Cyprus. In other words In the part of the karpas range that is the regular mouse. It was the same sand . That is, the reservations of the hotels are full until two thousand and twenty-three , they say. What do you call this? That's right , they took reservations until the two thousand and twenties.

think? It's from the sixties. Those sixty of , he's the guy who made an annual reservation, not a museum . Sixty years old. Well. Here is an incredible tourist area. Or so it , it was beautiful, it was so busy, it gave so much confidence in its time.

But it exploded. He says don't even trust your father. You already said that if you the vacuum cleaner . It's just so beautiful. I don't know about abandonment something separate. Case. Oooh pretty good. His is pretty good. understood, you will find sixty years of reservation as a wow hour timetable here? Well, write eight in the evening. 5 p.m. in winter. Hm. look, the policeman warned him from behind. We had never actually passed, but

He says get out. This is the place where you can't enter the biggest person. Elli church? So many churches. There are many. By chapel there is. That's countless. Is there a mosque? There is no mosque. There is one mosque.

has a Masjid. Outside. We go and go, it's open to him. OK. As I ? Cyprus slippers? Cyprus addiction. There is that period money used here. Currency unit. The order of Cyprus is not . Also called the Cyprus pound. huh huh. In other words, after that period Currency. Understood. of the Republic of Cyprus. So

loot, you don't mean money, then. That is, if you find money , it is invalid right now. He used up to two thousand and four Cyprus Lira. . Two thousand and four. Ditto. Used up to two thousand four. He used two thousand is already in four quarters. When the Greek Cypriot side entered the European Union, the euro is started using the Greek alphabet until. Hmm. Oh, that's when you said the Cypriot thing,

Greek sides, it was money. Ditto. Here he began to use seventy-four , the Turkish side has now switched to using Lira. , started to use Turkish lira. Cyprus is under control of

liras. Understood. Before that, did the bank in Cyprus can find the common currency of the Republic right now, maybe that , you know, the dollars, euros, pounds sterling brought by the tourists of the period . Ditto. But there is something, for example, the bank inside , in the safe of some hotels and two thousand . Those big safes. huh huh. , for example, there is the Cyprus lira, the pound, etc. Well

the Greek Cypriot side , under the control of the military. It counts as him . They are now in the museum or something. I mean really have its own thing, its own capital, the bank's capital, the belongs to the bank. Hmm. Do you understand that ownership is certain?

I got it I got it. That's why they protect. What use is it now either, but there are these everywhere. Attention. This building it may collapse. It is forbidden to approach. It didn't happen. Her watch box buffet style Folk Bread style my thing ya These are the buffets. Look what it says There are some in Turkey we do not have such things. Hmm. There is a buffet on the side of the road, the newspaper sells excuses. Here food sells something.

Sandwich or something. Those are the places. He has something. They put a sheriff here. Oh really. I can't read further. papellone He says yes, the woman came . And she just looked at the house and cried. there was no photo. Anyway, here we are in English. People's home is beautiful. Democracy Street now. Ditto. here. Look here, for example, we are in Cyprus , look at the beauty of the sea in we call it hover. The reason we say is because of the brand. As. Here it

's his thing. Like his office or something. What. We were abandoned. , there are bottles on the balcony, just above the green bottle. Coca-Cola it has a safe. There are Coca-Cola bottles. One hundred years old. Well, it looks better than foreign

In the countries I said something at work, they all say at school. School? When he school. There are those who say high school, middle school. Here , the community building where the municipality building is located is also they say. Of course, there was no Turkish Cyprus incident at that time. So with two or three opened ones . Here is a foreign example. He probably reads the Romans. read. School. It counts as school. If it is a school or a town hall, it is the Greek Cypriot the Municipality. Buran Municipality. That Greek Turk does not exist anymore at that time.

This is the cultural center, operator. Like that. The opera hall my son. This is iii white sealed cardboard. They say it was brought from corn He used to write in Romanian. OK. Over , they closed. Erdogan was coming then. Ha. Erdogan

came, luckily they covered the writings. Oh really. looked, I don't know, but here it is. Was he writing something religious? is it something like that? That's how sticky it looks.

Signage thing. No, you know, there was such an article there. huh huh. So they covered it up. Look, it says enosis or something on the wall. says makarios. Oh really. Situationally. They call this place Makarios

President. Makarios President. Look there says Makarios. Above it says Enosis. Aaa, Isn't it makarios? macary Look, it says small there. Its They wrote maka over Rum ****. Foundation writes ****. Oh well they did. Former restaurant Sneak Park.

, for example, there are such buildings. Its construction . Well, this place is closing while construction continues. For it remains with half construction. Now the bricks over there are constructions. They are more solid

People are investing in the world I'm going to build a hotel. Investor is coming. He's investing. They they close it without earning a penny. Luck in life. You Look, those buildings have fifty years. TRUE. If the worst So he has fifty bad years. Even though it is still under construction, they

Have you ever been destroyed? Ditto. For example, look at the old, local , in small houses where the people live, in new buildings too much destruction. Understood. There are no destroyed hotels in hotels . Ditto. Understood. Take a look. So it's wrapped now. . Wow. Probably the porch of a house or something, but now it from the tree. Do not wrap. It doesn't appear.

Unopened street. Of course, my dear, the continuation of this street, for example, They there are buildings. There are more side streets. there is the street below, the main street. huh huh. Apart from that, it is still closed , this is one of the many streets with such a rumor . They already poured asphalt. exactly the same. Then they poured asphalt here. Aha. Fifty annual. Gather. This is a fifty year old cat. Very nice Closed

is Maraş's cat. They emptied the lot. For example There is nothing in the library. That's the book selling point. If yes on the top like this right now, I think it doesn't open like that in a hotel safe , what is this brother doing inside? He is sitting. Police huh. Sorry bro. these brothers are putting this place into action. On the bike brothers. have the Signboard. Where is she? Ah, I saw it. And the owners of that

the above article was totally something. He was standing. He was standing. They dismantled it too. Just the letter P. Destructive nature. But it means august malsa by the way . I don't know what is written here above. He . Another thing is the English name. But look at Hostos Greek First Name. Turkish name. Ha. Well. Whether it's a veteran or a veteran,

given the title of Gazi after the TRNC. Understood. . Like that. Well, let me ask you something. The houses here are You know, even though the Ropes come later and somehow demand something ? They already want it. They want. Living Owners are also available. Ditto. Or heirs or something. Hi what. For example, they want their house here. He doesn't even III According to the European Union Convention on Human Rights, here is the apply to the high court or something for punishment . Here it is relevant that

Turkey has been hit with a lot of things in this regard. In other words, they . To his punishment. Why Turkey? Because the TRNC see himself as responsible for anything. as the European Union. Outer world. He says this place is under Turkish occupation. It says it is under Turkish occupation. Hmm. So it is. . Ooo. At that time, he had daily flights, so our look. Athens Rome, London, Milan, Paris, Zurich, Ankara, Beirut, Cairo, Istanbul, Rhodes, Cypress and huh. It's almost there at the beginning of the

being held. He was also going to Beirut. Brussels, Vienna, so that people can see it, Frankfurt is so touristy. My brother is from Egypt. Hail. Probably the shop of an Egyptian brother. Maybe. Or the Egyptians are trading. Papa Cristi honey. There is. Camera.

hundred sixty-six fifty-two fifty-five. Look for me. Shall I call? Three hundred and sixty-six fifty-two fifty-five. Look bro. Zero three hundred and ninety three. What will he say? Has it opened? If someone else took it. He was stealing from the building. License for anything anything. Fifty-two fifty cents.

steal. . Although there are not many people using the home phone, but it should be ringing . Wow. It is the home phone of one of the locals. . That's how the market stands. What is it? Look, this is heaven. Coca Cola. Everything. Look this gates you see, these garden gates. Cyprus is also in it is called. That's the story of it. Now, when our Turks are on the island After Cyprus was conquered, I don't know about with hooks. Okay? huh huh. There is no letter K in Greek. and they call it a hook. huh huh. Then we

, we take it back from the Greeks, and they are still called. Wow. Normally, hooks hook door. Garden door. Ditto. This is the entrance to the vehicle. way. Let's keep this place clean. For God's sake, people Soldier. Cypriot then. It could be from Turkey. You can sigh came from Anatolia or something, their coworkers, too ? Arkat, let's keep this place clean. For God's sake.

Korean brother was taken. Look, this is the bank, okay? Because this where people are brought to seventy-four . ATV or something, what code? You're coming here. Here you throw your envelope. huh huh. Here it is in the morning take your envelope. They deposit money into your account.

military account. Is there money in the envelope? Are you putting money in your envelope? Your name, your account number writing. You throw it into that thing. taking. Ditto. No, he doesn't. This is the main street. mean, the actual brands and stuff. It's on the street. huh huh. example, this street is wider than other streets. huh huh. Traffic was flowing. Before seventy-four. So look

places. When you see a lot of brands. Look orient. orient. This is electronics brand. There is it. Now this street normally does not have pedestrian access. Only if you want to deposit money into , while driving to the army house with vehicles, people with military ID, they through this street. Well, and further down this street, Alfa as Romeo. A lot of stuff. So you can think of the car brand and the well-known

well-known brands. Signs and stuff. Yes. We created a theory about is thought to be unfinished . Hmm. It's such a long street. So here in the city from those times. For example, now there is something. there this Eee street? There's a lame creek. Here is such a place. heart of the city? Ditto. As. like. It's not that big, but it's still a big street.

exactly like competing with the Istiklal of that period. There are measures of that era Wow. Of course, what do you say to that? Four people. Strange but it stands. This is the traffic lights of that era. Wow. Every does he look in the direction? What's this? But I mean, you don't look back . This thing. This is for those in the back. For example, the man cannot see that light or there is a problem with that light.

to have a look at this one. Well. He's looking the other way. , look at the pedestrian passing here and that coming from there. I need it opposite did for this direction. Wow. The same. They say it was so busy either. Sounds too much though. This is Toyota. Fast. Famous Toyota.

. Look, this is the bank. base. And the United Nations booth. forbidden directly? Oh sorry. Don't crush the car. Can I enter from here? . Let me enter from here. Don't kick me. Even if you tear the pants off, they still don't use them either. Crane. Get it guaranteed. We'll take it from there. I caught. How could such a thing happen? Well, I'm over there . I saw him. Wow. I'm still going to color it by the way. Ditto. don't have it, there's a machine or something inside. There is, there is. Now that

There are too many signs with jet writing. Our guess their shops and they have a brand called BİM A101 style We think it's a crab fig market. Because every street is almost have them. It's on every corner. Well, you know why me give an example? If there is something else, why are there so many ? I think it's a BİM style place. For example, if it was a Dressmaker, why is

, for example, because of the name of the jet, this is not . Probably a grocery store thing. Every street daily flight every day . Bigger is smaller. Mini or something in the form of such. there is. market. I suppose. Jet Market. Fast. Quick serial. Collect the pan you want. He's writing something. It says Bozuki Night Club. Yes. Three probably something like a buizer , there is a master American euro card, look. Dyner Sclup or something

the possibility of it being demolished . Brother, they are beautiful. As many as dollars Do you have a card? Turkey's credit card? of what? Do you have a credit card? What is written there? Oh, before seventy-four. Write a comment guys. We have no information. . Leave it. Nothing appears. . Nothing is visible. It's pretty by the way. Is it marble? Oh bullet. Oh, while there's an oven. There is an oven. You asked, I just there is a destroyed building or something. This is how destroyed buildings are. These are also not so many in the more undeveloped parts of the city buildings used since ancient years. This place is probably out of business

It was a kind of inn. Only the pergola part in front of it is demolished. And they turned it around. You are already It is strictly forbidden to enter them. How did the moon separate the destroyed As I said buildings, you know, then, for example, two seventy-four times what is done. Long before that. Twenty thirty years ago are placed in the ones that were built maybe fifty years ago, when they were destroyed is in Maraş then. Aga, for example, the wreckage was destroyed.

You know, when this place is opened, instead of removing any debris, is this place that's how they went. Your wreck, yes. He knows the same Speaking in Cypriot, yes. to Cyprus. Cyprus soul. Cyprus In Turkish. Completely migrated. In fact, when this place is opened, there is Instead of spilling, they do not clean the debris in any way clubs come and hang out because of . And don't let them in. get into them. is very dangerous. Well, what you enter can be destroyed.

any earthquake, something can happen. It is not healthy. Oh 's why it's roped all over the place. And getting inside is prohibited. Perfect. Thank you. Mersin right now , bro. Look, it's written here. Let me show him. Taylor. huh huh. Well, it's a seamstress or a man-tailor. So mixed

tailor. Not then. Hmm. The women's sweaty is separate from the men's There was a separate service in Turkey . Wow. Look, there's also Marlboro. Coca-cola if the water is starting back . Streets. It's a forest now. Look what they did. Let , there was each other there, then. The color has not faded. Wow work for him. Those . Wow. It got weird. , the house where my family lives now is a Greek house. huh huh.

the spirits living in the area there, for example Akmeraş open part. The road I see behind me is the bank time immigrants, from Mersin, Antalya, Adana and so on. , the houses in the open part of Maraş were . One of them in my family. house come to visit the house. Here , this was our house or something, but you can't communicate. Because

Neslihan, you know Greek and Greek, and when they were passed in Turkish . Just at work, my parents tell me. Look There's not even a crack in the column in the courtyard of the house it was here. Exactly, this was my home. Then I'm from here out in style. huh huh. And other than that, those houses are , my mother, my grandmother, my father, they all live in those houses. And the houses are still intact. So think before those moms come before will live for thirty years. huh huh. So ours

in most buildings here. Eighty-year-old house, but , it's solid. That's why, for example, if Kibri Evler is a Greek house is the Greek house, look, it's very solid, ha style. So is done. Rum's house seems to be very solid. Because the guys

are made of the highest quality materials. In on time. So here, for example, look what if the people who lived in the columns . What a broken one. Nothing. It 's already been fifty years the same way, especially in newly built buildings , as you have just seen in the video, there are cracks in the half-construction videos , for example, the bricks are still solid. In it has been closed for years. In Turkey, in Cyprus north. Find a fifty year old building. Is it healthy? Although ? They worked on time with very high quality workmanship.

Look, it opens a lot with pockets. . When? There was a time when it was taken or something Well, when did this place open? He pulled two such ropes with November two thousand and twenty? When did they open? thousand and twenty-one November here is brand new. It was new year ago. Is it already these were taken. Well, the places have been cleaned. The roads, new asphalt was poured. Small buffets. huh huh.

of people's garden or something was built. In that way, one click more sightseeing in a military sense if you are not a soldier. But just by bike, a lot enter this way. It was developed If you do not have an ID, but if you are a soldier or have a military ID, you can enter the army house by car and you can pass. But you still have to use pedestrians to go around Maraş completely . There is also a mosque here.

Bilali Agha Masjid. There was also a mosque here at that time . huh huh. But even when it first opened, we arrived. floor was about to collapse. Then renovation They did. Now it looks like it has been renovated. Bayayi they cleaned. They made it beautiful. One responsible

inside. But I guess there is no eee community, I'm not sure. . . Here is the building you can get into. only here. This is the only one. Can we look? Yes. We thank you. We have cold water there is also. Thank you. We brought more YouTubers. Oh ok. Mashallah mashallah. When did it open bro? There's a lot of input last year

year July. Wow. A busy mosque. Very nice. And here is the map. He told the story here. That's the English zone. We are somewhere over there. Council. Like this. Erenköy. Turkish. Turkish money only. It's separate here. rest is border like this.

You live, so this house. If you had waited for your bus to the moon, the the paint sits in it, so it looks very solid. They call it the most beautiful house.

, he is probably sick now, but normally, this is babutsa is something that is consumed a lot in Cyprus. In Turkey prickly fig. This is how they turn orange, purple, collected when grown. There are special peeling methods. Fork You put it into the fruit. huh huh. You cut the edges with a knife. Then you slowly make a scratch with the knife. You flip it with a fork.

. Don't get a thorn in the fruit. It collects that way, likes it. is a very beautiful fruit. One click is a tropical fruit thinking of beautiful ones. Because cactus cactus love. But Maraş Everyone inside got sick like that. They are neglected,

rotten. Hmm. It's more solid, I'm 's a place to find and eat from outside. We ate it well. Ate we ate. It was understood why this place was a reserve until the year two thousand and twenty three . It's perfect. So kankum one here two. . It's more blue there. There is no depth either. It's perfect. Give me a size bro. Perfect Exactly. It goes deep all of a sudden. I'm a father like that

myself. But it is evident from its color. It . Gone man look. So I went. Let me see where I'm from I can give. Without the camera, of course.

A little more microphone . I'm dying ****. I can't get out, son. That is great. like. Very good. I try not to insert the camera. After your story, Gobra nine could not come out. it's out of order. It's out. The microphone was a little squeaky. I'm just afraid of him. Everything is for you. Goodbye to Off of course . Subscribe. like. Oh, the sea is so perfect.

Buildings are abandoned again. What did he say bro? That side is ? Here is a completely closed pasture. Our back. We Closed We are swimming in the border of Maraş. Don't forget to add

Maraş's side. Ha? Yes brother. Wasn't it before? It was long. was long, isn't it, you're the man, thank you. am i shooting still. If you have a greeting. See you soon, have fun. It , see you. Thanks. There's a lying girl next to you. 's Korean. Keep going right. Ooo. Thanks dude. Ll see. Look son here is me walking around with the camera like a commodity. It's obvious he

right now. That's what we called Closed Maraş. Of course, it's clear that side. Why here? The sea is great. In the back, is also a closed vehicle. Buildings and stuff. Ditto. The buildings are on the collapsed

already. It says it is forbidden to take photos and movies, what does it matter? This before or even here, foreigners do don't know me. There was no place, they were shooting videos. They got in. Oh really. Ditto. They are deleting videos.

camera is confiscated. Free now. E nobody n't say where they are from. They wear that conversation a lot in Cyprus. I , they deleted the video two or three times. The area is too much. Look, we're passing the car, on the road in front of the military area. Ditto. That's how the camera is outside. I'm going like this. The

came anything. Please said that or something. I deleted it. Here's the homie soldier's thing there is privacy. Either way, it's everywhere. So nobody wears it. there are some strict rules here. But it's getting better, no said movie. We're shooting right now. Of course not right now. The sea inside is so perfect. or something like that. Same things. It's already being pulled inside. says it over here too. If you shoot this place or not. TRUE. Anyway

If you come, have a swim here. More though. You throw a lira here. Is water flowing here? Exactly exactly. It's a foot fountain. He

, you're throwing one. There is a shower here. Oh, this is the shower. Hmm. ? This is closed, look what's there. Look was working huh. Drop it. Do you have any download? I do not have. Never mind. It throw it at him. Will you take shower? no. We used to wash our feet. Do you have a lira on your feet? One lira. Hello. Throw it, let

me see. Oh technology. Micro technology. You're throwing beer. Shower for sixty seconds. Sixty seconds is fine. Sixty seconds everyone washes. Wash it dude. One lira. Pretty shower is it. Quick short. Come on, let's take a bath. There are forty seconds more. Do not run empty. I wonder if this is left before anything else. tech? Heady Maras time.

But how? Cyprus technology. Do you see? Sure, of course. Moon. Quick, twenty seconds. Twenty seconds, quick. Courthouse. Old the courthouse. You can't get through that oil, can you? It cannot pass through the wires to the left. They're making wire here. You are also opening from here has a wire-length church again. Abandoned windows broken.

We can't enter from inside, so now it's closed. Now continue here. open after that on the right. Your left is closed. Where are you from now

Beyza? Are you open or with a vehicle? Yes, it's our neighborhood further away here. We'll go there too. Oh, this place is open, it's time. It's on the left from there. Which building? He's going to the border right now. Where? Is there a building opposite? are dealing with gardening or something from here. Agriculture and stuff. Agriculture

indoor greenhouses. opposite? OK, are we going back from here? Exactly, we , let's go back. in Schengen. If you're hooked, you'll pass. You pass in Rome , I ? Ditto. Ha. He may not, though. not as leverage. It's up to the discretion of the police. Because

don't know the airport here. I got it. I got it. . But you have the possibility to enter. There is. Ditto. Even if the Green Market gathers nine hundred and seventy-four . Can't enter green passport. This is the door, the border gate. It was just brought from there. Isn't

Wow. It has to take . This is the back of the door. Now entering They got it. Ditto. I remember what was used. Latin as well. ? What shall we do? They said just stop. Still they couldn't use it. So it stopped. Ditto. Closed vehicle. This of my mothers said that Rumelia would be strong when at that time when you entered the Greeks, at seventy-fourth, the Turks were from Konya, and Sinan the Turks who came from Adana at work place them here and there. We settled here. But

Most of them are ancient Rumelia. What gives by the number of children? gives fields according to the number . they came again, five people. huh huh. Let's make three kids two one mom one

dad? A total of five acres and nearly six acres of land has been given. When my fathers came here, seven children, a mother and a father. they also had about ten acres of house plus land shaped. House plus children's land. Ditto. turning. Here's There are lands called close to home. Behind my father's house, For example, my parents are here , for example, ten acres of land. No one Here's my moms. Their house is in the next neighborhood or something.

Understood. , there is as much land as there are people in the family. So what are your family arrived? I'm throwing, would I come if I were you? I'm thinking. there was a forced resettlement of Kanka by collecting some villages . to some villages. Well you're going general. Exactly, they took. In some villages. So you don't have the luxury of saying no.

agriculture . You don't have the luxury of saying no. They already bring it here. Under the name of agricultural workforce, the It is always brought here by those who come here. But I mean, well, don't main purpose, namely multi-purpose, is actually. No

He also says that the milk population should increase on the island. Hmm. I understood. So, two birds are killed with one stone. They always Here is Maraş, open to those who are engaged in agriculture . Open Maras. You too, here bro? Ditto. Is Varosha our home

come on, an apartment in between. Shall we pass, your house from the front? We pass. Wow, this is the neighborhood of my bros. gottu. are the favorites of my BFFs. Upper floor? Isn't it here? huh huh. Granny is the next one the next wow you grew up here huh. It turns when you say you've grown though . You were in the suburbs. I translate it as Maraş. distant Beyza a year or two ago. Well, they were n't supposed to take two bindi .

because. You're ninety-nine too. Ditto. In other words the years they grew up were like three years ago. He says why should Maraş rise here . saying? Why Maras? Coming. The name comes from Varosha.

with Aycan? huh huh. Yes. Then seventy-four , the name of this region was Varos before. huh huh. Suburb. Something like Varosboğan neighborhood? What? Suburban bro. but you know, the suburbs Suburban I guess you're far from meant in Latin. huh huh. I mean, it's like a neighborhood in I don't know much about Conversation in French, . It's already broken in French. huh huh. So here's Varoş means far if I remember correctly. Far. I guess he grew up in

French or something . So, well, Maraş in Turkey also originates from the oradan geliyor diye olması lazım. Iniyor muyuz? Ha.

2022-11-20 16:55

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