Airstream 2022 Interstate 19 Touring Coach Walkthrough

Airstream 2022 Interstate 19 Touring Coach Walkthrough

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well welcome to airstream my name is justin  humphries i'm vice president of sales   here at airstream and today i have the pleasure of  sharing our interstate 19 model with you today and   i'm really excited about it this unit pound for  pound might be the hardest working motorhome in   north america it is just absolutely fantastic both  with what mercedes provides us and what we're able   to put in such a small compact package you really  don't have to compromise on a whole lot with this   interstate 19. so we're going to talk about that  today and you know the first thing you're going   to notice is the mercedes-benz star this is  a mercedes van it comes completed as a shell   and then airstream upfits the interior and turns  it into an rv so a lot of mercedes uh components   here and a lot of things to talk about let's take  a step back though mercedes benz uh their sprinter   vans they're built for a variety of reasons they  could be a local uh service truck a plumbing truck   um some other type of services vehicle and a local  community all the way up to a high-end rv like   we've had so as a result mercedes-benz doesn't  know if you're a delivery driver or a luxury rv   uh owner that would enjoy all the luxury creature  comforts that a mercedes car be so let's let's   talk let's walk you through that and airstream  i can tell you right away is gonna select every   option available for mercedes-benz that we can  and many of them are safety items which we're   really proud of and i think is a difference  so if you go out and look at two rvs they're   both sprinters they look the same right they're  both sprinter vans but they might be equipped   completely different and that's why i'm going to  talk you through some of those things because they   really aren't visible with the naked eye just to  say okay that's intuitive it has that let me walk   you through a few of those so right away on the  windshield if you were here you would notice tiny   little lines if you caught the light just right  in it this is a heated windshield in fact we get   the winter package which includes the heated  windshield heated seats and a heated steering   wheel now all of those features are fantastic when  it's cold clearly but those features also help you   in other circumstances for example if you're a  tall guy like myself with a bad back sometimes   that heated seats is a nice um reprieve on those  sore muscles to kind of heat and loosen up your   back when you're driving so that just just doesn't  happen during the winter that could happen anytime   and then on the windshield yeah it helps get  frost and ice off but if you have any type of   fog situation going on that'll really clear up the  windshield which becomes a safety feature at that   it's an expensive option but you wouldn't notice  that just looking at this van that it has it   and this 19 certainly does so we're really  excited about that in the windshield area   you'll notice there's a little black box and  that houses a couple other options that we   select from mercedes-benz the first is lane assist  if this is detecting that you're starting to veer   outside of your lane it's going to signal  you to get back in your lane maybe you're   falling asleep maybe you're becoming distracted  it's a great safety feature in addition it has   adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance  so it's measuring cars in front of you   making sure it's keeping the distance breaking  when it needs to break similar to your luxury   car if you have one or if you have a vehicle with  that feature i tell you on those long road trips   it's great you set the cruise control and you  forget it the van will throttle and decelerate   as needed so fantastic feature not inexpensive  we included standard really keep an eye on   if you're shopping us against other competitors  because it's likely that they have not included it   there's some things we do differently to enhance  the styling of the mercedes this portion down   is a piece that we've added here at airstream  our designers have done a great job of adding   a little more muscle to the front end a little bit  more weight to the front just by having that nice   airfoil here it's a tooled piece that we've  actually designed and set up fixturing for   it's it's uh it's money well spent i think from  a design and aesthetic standpoint also has the   airstream brand there too so in an understated  way people will know that this van is an airstream   upfit we also include led lights that's an  option for mercedes-benz not only is the   styling better in my opinion but i can tell  you the performance is unmatched so whether   you're on a country road at night you don't want  to hit deer or animals or pedestrians god forbid   this is really going to light up your entire  road and really becomes a safety feature you'll   notice these little buttons here these are parking  sensors that's an option for mercedes that doesn't   come standard we select it and what's nice is not  only is it on the front bumper but it's also on   the rear bumper so as you're tailgating and you're  in a really tight spot or you're pulling into a   campground it's going to really let you know how  close you are because it's tough to see over that   hood so it's a fantastic feature to have included  you'll notice this fan is sitting a little higher   this is actually a 4x4 option we offer that on our  interstate 19. we also offer that as an option on   our 24 interstates both the gl and the gt you'll  notice this has a little more ground clearance   and it is a true 4x4 this isn't an all-wheel  drive um this will shift into all-wheel this   will shift in a full 4x4 coach it's fantastic  when you are dealing with winter weather but that   added clearance is nice in case you want to go off  the grid a little bit you need a little bit more   clearance overall it's a great option for you and  this particular coach has that option as we come   down the side of the driver's side of this coach  i like to kind of point out where the fuel fill is   it's actually behind the driver's  door and there's a little latch here   that opens up and that's where you fill up your  fuel it's a diesel engine got great fuel economy   they estimate 16 to 18 miles per gallon on  this shorty it's on the high side of that i   call it a shorty because it's 19 it's not our 24.  that's an inside name that we've called it but   so this guy's great fuel efficiency for your  long road trips for a van the size and weight   to get in the high teens is really remarkable  and what i like about the fuel fill where it's   positioned is when you pull into a gas station  you're driving the vehicle you know exactly   where you are you're not having to line up  something in the back and making sure you   get it right where the the hose can reach your  fuel fill and because it sits behind the door   it's protected so if you lock the door no one  can access your fuel so it's a safety feature   there as well one thing i like to point out on the  airstream interstate 19 is how understated it is   there's no graphics we really want  this to look like a mercedes vehicle   and so when we do have devices that you have to  access to camp and some appliances here we make   sure they're the same color as the van itself uh  this particular van is silver but we offer some   other colors too where we'll also match those  colors so they blend in they don't stand out   nothing's worse when you're looking at an  rv and you've got all these boxes really   it's kind of uglies on the side of the coach  really takes away from the understated elegance   that this van offers so really uh like how  that looks now what's under these doors is   you've got a potable water fill so  on you have a water tank on board   so if you're not going to be at a campground where  you can hook up a hose which is the other thing on   the outside you hook up your city water if you're  going to go off the grid and you need to pull out   of your tank this is how you fill your tank also  down here this is your dumping station now that's   not the fun part of rving but for those of you  who have dumped you know it's a critical part   so what's nice about our our dump station is this  is a macerator pump the best way i can explain   it is it's like a garbage disposal with a pump so  it's going to take the contents of that black tank   it's going to chop it up it's going to put it  through a smaller hose that's easier to use   and it's going to pump it right out very  easy to use the alternative and what a lot   of other rv manufacturers use on a coach this  size on the 19 foot some manufacturers will   have a cassette toilet so the toilet would be  behind here there'd be a big box on the side   and you'd pull out the contents of the toilet  and walk it to dump it it's kind of a dirty job   that's one option the second option that they'll  give you is you will have some dump valves down   here and it'll be a manual operation so you  pull the valve and you'll have a hose that is   gravity fed to dump the contents into the septic  tank or the dump tanks at the at the campgrounds   it's not a fun job they actually make movies  about that process what i like about ours   is it's clean it's easy to use it chops it up  pumps it out you're not having to rely on gravity   and the nice thing too those valves that you  would have to pull down they're all electric   valves they're right in here so you hit a button  the valve opens and then you push the pump button   and it pumps it right out super easy to use it's  hard to get excited about dumping but i can tell   you after you've dumped on a gravity fed system  you'll really love this system it's much improved   anything that we put on the outside  we try to use high-end components   we try to match the the uh the chrome that we have  on the vehicle including this is the exhaust for   the generator we've actually even updated or  upgraded the the exhaust pipe so it has that   chrome tip really matches everything as opposed to  just a rusty steel pipe this is the the hookup so   if you're at a campground this is a 30 amp cord  you hook it right up it'll run the entire coach   now if you're off the grid or at a tailgating and  you don't have access to a hookup it's got that   generator and that generator will run everything  it'll run your air conditioner run all the lights   it'll run everything that we've equipped it with  now looking at the rear end of this van it's very   automotive and what i mean by that if you get a  high-end suv these days you won't see the hitch   because they cover it up with a nice nicely tooled  hitch cover we do the same that's added costed   airstream that's something we do at our cost  mercedes-benz does not provide that so we do   that because when you're not using your hitch you  don't want to look at it it's not aesthetically   pleasing so we've covered that now if you do need  to use a hitch we got one you just a couple tabs   you pull them out now you got a 5 000 pound hitch  on the back that you can tow small trailers with   or maybe some motorcycles or whatever bike rack  that you could put in there lots of uses for that   you'll notice mercedes has a camera  we utilize mercedes camera on this 19.   it'll give you a 360 view on the  dash and the infotainment center   it's fantastic so between that 360 view and the  fact this is a shorter van we think that that one   camera is plenty to to give you the visibility  you need let's look in the inside real quick so this is the the back end of the interstate  19 and a few features that i'd like to highlight   for you first off even though it's night a  19-footer and it's very compact you still actually   have some nice storage underneath  here exterior wise so if you've got   a grill that you want to take on the road if  you have some whatever you want to bring back   here some chairs you can fit them nicely right  underneath the the rear sofa also if you have   a nice day 70 degrees you want to keep the doors  open you want that breeze to go through the coach   but you don't want the bugs to come in so this  frame framing here is actually framing for a   screen that drops down keeps those bugs out allows  the the breeze to come through it's very nice   now there's also another blind right here this is  actually a shade so at night it'll cover up these   windows so it'll give you privacy when you're in  retiring for the night and you don't want to be   exposed so that will that will shut that right  off so some some really really nice features   now this piece right here as you can imagine is  a high traffic areas you're pulling things out   it's not much surface area here but airstream  has actually spent the money and we've added a 3m   film here so if you do run some stuff up  against that it's not going to scratch   your mercedes bins so really happy with our team  that they they go to the uh measures of protecting   your vehicle like that over time that really makes  a difference and should help the residual value   so on the back now this is really where the party  happens when you're tailgating when you're camping   you're going to be spending a lot of time on this  side of the coach a few things i'd like to point   out here uh the first is this compartment right  here this is actually your lp hookup so you can   actually do a quick connect to the lp system  which pulls right off an lp tank and you can   have your grill right out here you don't have to  bring an extra cylinder propane with you it's all   on board you can fill up the coach and that's  actually where the fill is as well for the lp   and you've got electric hookups here as well  that it'll actually also run off the inverter   so if you've got a radio or tv or something that  you want to play for the pre-game you can do that   now this is a commercial vehicle and  as such these doors are extremely heavy   and the reason i know is because airstream  used to provide these doors that were manual   mercedes a couple years ago  offered a power option and now   opening a door has never been easier you  just hold up the hand pick up the handle and voila opens up nice and easy you might  have noticed when that happened the sensor   was triggered so the step to get in and out also  came out automatically so really easy to use   and just like that back door this also has a  wonderful screen door to keep those bugs out   so you can really enjoy the fresh air but keeping  the bugs out all at the same time now your cam   your tailgating or your camping you want to get  this awning out really get the party started   at the push of a button this is an  automatic awning it will come right out a few things i like to highlight about this  awning is there's actually led lights at   the end of the awning that gives you a real nice  lighting at night so it's not going to be in your   neighbor's face at the campground or tailgating  but it's a subtle light that that really helps you   see your campsite but but you're not blinded by  it the other thing is there is actually a little   black box here and that's a seismic sensor so if  you were to step away from this awning and a storm   would happen upon the area and winds would pick  up as a instead of letting this on and get damaged   that seismic sensor like an earthquake it's  measuring how much it's getting shaken and once   it gets to a point where it's could damage the  awning it'll bring that awning in so in most cases   it will protect in this expensive investment you'd  have in the awning so it's a fantastic one it's a   little shorter than our other models are we also  build 24 footers those awnings are much larger and   they have three arms this is a smaller awning and  it has two awning arms but is really secure and   uh and rated uh very highly for uh for for wins  and and for usage so it's a great campsite area   talk about a tailgating machine this 19 can get  into a normal parking spot you can get into urban   areas but you have all the comforts of any other  motorhome that we make and you have the generator   you got the awning you've got the refrigerator  in here you will be the host with the most to the   next ball game or camp out or whatever you want to  do it's like the swiss army knives of motorhomes   it can go anywhere do anything and support what  you want to do most which is typically outside   and away from home so you can take your home  away from home so that those are just the the   start of the features we've gone around the entire  outside now let's step inside the interstate 19   and i'll share with you what airstream  does on the interior that'll blow your mind okay let's enter the cockpit of the interstate  19 and i can show you many of the features   inside this incredible vehicle the first thing  you'll notice is the real automotive feel that   this mercedes-benz has similar to their s-class  or their their cars that they sell in the u.s   before the sprinter was a lot much uh was was  was much more of a commercial vehicle first   passenger vehicle second they've really  put this front and center it's fantastic   just the feel of this thick leather wrapped  steering wheel and the comfort features that   this vehicle offers is just state of the art  and offers a really really comfortable fan to   to take your trips on so first off right away  i'm looking at it we have all of these touch   controls on the steering wheel if you want to  dial somebody up on the phone you got it check   you can also deal with the radio volume chain  stations cruise control it's all right here   at your fingertips and the mercedes-benz is  now very smart um she will listen to you and   i'll i'll also bring that up so the whole  idea of mercedes-benz is to keep your hands   on the wheel and having to touch the screen  less so there's actually um voice activation   on this van so if you imagine yourself driving  down the road you got both hands on the wheel   and you want to go to navigation uh you simply  just say mercedes how may i help you navigation and she'll take you right  to navigation pretty cool   and then you can actually enter the address all  voice activated never having to touch the screen   at all it's just really comfortable to drive and  very very automotive in nature now a few things   that airstream selects from mercedes which will  probably respond to me on that is a larger screen   so we select from bins this larger screen where  standard is a much smaller smaller screen we   like this because it gives you more visibility  you can see the screen better and all of the   camera items that mercedes puts on to the screen  too is easier to uh to see so it's a fantastic   screen it's just super modern and uh and new  now a few things just functional items and uh   we've shown this on our 24s as well but the amount  of cup holders in this van is just phenomenal you   have two interior here for the driver two for the  passenger you've got a big one inside each door   and then you have two up top here even in the  dash area so plenty of area for for cups and   drinks on those long trips and that can also  be used for snacks and holders of other other   things that you may need to have access with  so a few things to to notice uh down here is i   had mentioned on the outside we have a heated  windshield a very easy button that will you   hit that when it's frosty or foggy it'll knock it  off in seconds it really becomes a safety feature   now what's unique about this particular  interstate 19 is it's a four wheel drive   so there is actually a four wheel drive button  right down here that you engage you're going to   press that in when you're in park hold it and it  will engage in four wheel drive but a fantastic   feature that 4x4 feature is available both on  the interstate 19 and both of our interstate 24   gl and gt but it's a great feature and it's a true  four-wheel drive it's not all-wheel drive this is   true four-wheel drive uh technology so it performs  really really good in uh in snow and ice and it   also gives you more clearance so if you're going  to be taking this off the beaten path a little   bit 4x4 might be a good option for you because it  will lift you up quite a bit as well it is now a   push start ignition it used to be this was a  commercial van you actually had a key that you   had to put in now you put this in your pocket  again just like your car and you hit the push   button here to start the vehicle super easy  to use and pretty stylish key fob to boot   so great great unit now um on commercial vehicles  as you can imagine if somebody's taking short   routes they might not want all the powered  seats this is a luxury rv we select that option   all sprinters aren't created equal so many  of the sprinter manufacturers out there are   converters in the rv industry don't use it  but there's a switch here that will actually   electronically move your seat front to back as  opposed to messing with all the levers down below   and there's actually a memory setting so if you  and your partner both drive there's actually up to   three uh memory settings you just hit it where you  like it and then when you come back in the vehicle   hit that number again just like your passenger  vehicle um in an s-class so it's very very   comfortable easy to use and most people remember  that from their cars so it's an easy transition   we have no ceiling over top of the head  i'm six foot three i'm in a small 19 foot   sprinter van and i have great head room in the  smaller vehicle so it's really nice it doesn't   feel too claustrophobic and it's really good when  you're trying to get up and down you don't have   the head knocker as you exit the driver's cockpit  area you'll notice down on the floor here this is   a plastic material that comes with the mercedes  bins it's great if you're going to someplace dirty   it's very easy to clean airstream will actually  include a carpet kit that will fit nicely it's   custom tailored to this area so to give you  even that more plush feel when you're driving   and so that comes standard with the airstream  let's say you hop in the driver's seat and you   realize the sliding door is still open well this  button right here is the power sliding door so   it's really easy right at your fingertips you  don't have to go to the back to shut the door   like you do on some of our competitors where they  still have the manual door you would have to do   that with theirs so just really smart really well  laid out a few other things that i really like   are the storage compartments one up here by  the passenger seat and then actually above you   where your sun visor is it acts as a sun visor of  course you have the mirror but then there's really   good storage up here as well which is great  to throw up some manuals or sunglasses just   you can really find great uses for that um let's  see here and then lastly you'll see a secondary   radio like our other models the interstate 19  we offer this radio for the house portion so   if you imagine driving you're going to use this  infotainment center well when you're parked you   don't want to have to turn on your car to listen  to music or your van to listen to music so this   actually operates off of the house batteries and  will feed the the house portion of the vehicle so   really really smart very ergonomic up front here  very comfortable as i mentioned on the outside   we have a heated windshield which is nice but  that also translates into heated seats the ultra   leather covering here is just very soft and supple  but yet it's very durable it holds up very well   wears very well doesn't scratch very easily and  it's easily cleaned so it's a it's a fantastic   cockpit area you will have fantastic road trips  driving this and with it being as short as it is   it's just like a big suv it's it's really  sporty and easy to maneuver so that is the   front cockpit area now we're going to uh focus  our attention to the back where i can show you   where this vehicle really shines which is  how much we've packed in such a small package   so welcome to the inside of the interstate 19.  this van may be smaller but that doesn't mean it  

can't still do everything our other motorhomes  can in just a smaller package we find customers   who are solo travelers or couples that use this  and are very comfortable traveling across the u.s   so there's some areas you're going to  compromise right it is a smaller van   but yet you're still getting everything you need  on this galley uh you still have your two um   burner cooktop and you still have your sink and  faucet so you can still do everything in this   coach you can do in our other offerings not maybe  not as much counter space but still plenty of   space especially when these covers are down to  offer you more more counter space and a really   good working area you still have some storage in  the galley area it's very thoughtfully designed   and really offers you some some space to to store  those uh special tools and then the flooring just   like our other models this is the uh the tightly  woven vinyl floor that we took from the marine   industry easy to clean you can get it wet doesn't  show wear and tear nearly as much as other vinyl   flooring designs so very practical interior you  know and it's it's just like its bigger siblings   just in a smaller package you still have a  refrigerator it is all electric just like   every other motorhome model we make this because  it's all electric does not have to be level like   a lot of the other rv um refrigerators on the  market that are lp refrigerators that also   requires additional venting this does not so it's  very efficient keeps things cool stays cool longer   and actually takes a lot less power to operate  overall it's a fantastic refrigerator again from   the marine industry so it's subjected to a lot  of very difficult conditions being on the water   you'll notice right away this room here this is  your wet bath and it's it's right up front toilet   and shower all in one that's what we refer to as  a wet bath but uh very functional actually has a   soap dispenser in there so you don't have to worry  about shampoo bottles so you can kind of keep that   space available for cleaning or using the the  restroom and of course just like the other   models it's very airstream with our porthole  window in the door to have that airstream dna   in this coach and for that matter the aluminum on  the ceiling is aluminum with rivets and this is a   great ceiling first off a lot of our competitors  will use a fabric ceiling and over time that   fabric can absorb odors it can deteriorate our  trailers have lasted a lifetime and this is no   different this is what it's made out of so it's  going to last a long time it's easy to clean   it doesn't take on odors like some of the other  products out there would and i like the fact that   it's reflective especially on a small coach like  we're in right now it really gives that airy and   open feeling that other fabric choices wouldn't  wouldn't provide so it's a fantastic ceiling you   still have a microwave now on a lot of our other  models of microwaves down below this microwave   on the interstate 19 is up above so if you're  running your generator you can use this microwave   it's a it's a relatively modest size but it  gets the job done and that way you can cook   either on the cooktop or in the microwave  but you still have that capability to do so   in the kitchen right above it in the ceiling  there is a what we call a fantastic fan this fan   will help remove all the odors when you're cooking  or you know if you have any smoke as a result of   cooking and it's a great ventil ventilation tool  just overall if you have a really nice day and   you open up the back it'll really bring that air  right through the coach keep you very comfortable   i find sometimes i don't even need to use the  air conditioner with that because you just open   up some windows and run the fan and it's got great  ventilation really smart storage they have a nice   little pantry to the left or refrigerator and then  just tons of abundant storage up top here in the   back lots of places to put clothes food pots pans  plates plenty of space for storage right up front   the other thing i like in the back here is the  amount of windows for a small coach now i'm gonna   sit down here real quick but as i'm sitting here  enjoying myself and let's say i'm in the mountains   i've got a front row view of everything  around me big picture window here to my   right another big one's from my left of course  right behind me is wide open you know a lot of   these smaller vans people pack so much in them  and they lose sight of the fact that you're out   seeing this great country you want to see it you  want to be a part of it and this coach really   does a great job of balancing the storage which  is really important but then also the openness   that you need in a unit like this so you're not  not claustrophobic and you have a lot of space   all of these seating positions not only do they  offer some more seating positions when you're   traveling down the road but they also make one  great big bed and for a small 19-foot sprinter van   it's uh it's the biggest in its class really in  the industry we've really maximized the area for   sleeping you'll you'll see here where we provide  storage above it but it still gives you that room   for your legs underneath on this side and even  the galley we kind of cut into it we want to   give you the cook uh the the counter space to be  able to to use this in the kitchen but we also   want to maximize our sleeping area here as well  so really thoughtfully designed and nice and big   for even a tall guy like myself from right around  six three and then of course more cupholders but   if you do have people here on the back or if  you're just sitting back here enjoying the view   as i mentioned earlier there's actually four cup  holders back here as well so on the interstate   19 we actually have a monitor panel back here on  some of our other models it's up front and it's   a little different touch screen but it still does  everything that you really need on this all in one   spot what's nice about this touch screen is it's  a multi-plex system that's taking signals from all   the appliances all the tank sensors everything  on this coach and it's putting it in one spot   so as opposed to having all these different  monitor panels in here you can go to this   one screen and really get everything you need  done so you can turn on and off the lights you   can actually utilize your awnings climate control  you can set your air conditioner to a temperature   you can operate your generator just um it's just  fantastic because it puts everything onto one   screen and you can touch it now we put one here in  the back so at night as you're getting ready you   can actually access the screen and then we put one  at the end of the galley so when you're outside   on the patio area you can actually put you can  very easily monitor the coach from standing right   outside underneath the awning super easy to use  and very smart now because this is a smaller coach   we do use some different systems we actually use  a truma hot water heater it's a little different   than the other models but there is a separate  monitor for that as you set your water heater   in this overhead compartment is also a switch up  here for a battery heater now this comes standard   with lithium batteries for your house batteries  remember there's two sets of batteries for this   coach you have a battery for the van under the  hood that's to start your engine and to operate   the vehicle in motion and then you have house  batteries which is going to operate everything   you see back here those batteries are lithium  batteries and is now standard here at airstream   if it gets cold the lithium batteries need to be  heated that's what this button does so if you're   in some cold temperatures you'll want to make sure  your batteries are heated for optimal performance   and then they'll also show the solar charger in  here that's a critical component because when   you're out off the grid you want to utilize  mother nature's gift of the sun to charge   your batteries and what i like about airstream  what we've done here at airstream is there's   solar filtering both to your chassis battery which  i'm not sure too many manufacturers are doing and   then also to your house batteries and why that's  important i showed you that infotainment center   up that mercedes-benz is offering a lot of  electronics there that chassis battery is   fueling those electronics so to have some solar  making sure that that chassis battery is nice and   charged this it only makes sense and then the  rest of it is to charge your house batteries   so really good system there and then there's also  an inverter now an inverter will take those the   battery that 12 volt power and they'll invert it  to 110 so you can run some some small things that   require you to plug in that's that's not 12 volt  easy to use you hit the on button and then there's   some specially designated plugs that'll allow  you to use some some devices that are that are   dedicated to 110 so everything's in  one spot easy to use very intuitive and   i think it's really smartly laid out so your  dealer can really walk you through the systems   in more detail there's even there's tons more  than i've even talked about here but it really   packs a good punch for a coach this size quite  frankly this is the same type of multiplex   monitoring system that you'll find in you know  million dollar class a's and it's all in this   smaller coach what we find in airstream is a lot  of people want a smaller coach that doesn't mean   they want a cheaper coach they want all the really  high-end functional items but in a smaller package   if that's what you're looking for then this is the  coach for you that's really the interior of this   coach there's so much more to talk about on this  motorhome that your dealer can really answer a   lot of questions gotta test drive one to just see  how maneuverable it is how can it's so flexible   in urban areas you can get into tight spots where  you can't get even with some of our other models   and but yet you really don't compromise  a whole lot on the living space   it's a fantastic coach there are five colors to  choose from you can go to our website and see   all five color colors including our tommy bahama  collaboration is available in this 19-footer   so it's got everything available to it and  you can learn more at or by   visiting a dealer to get more information we  really appreciate you tuning in and learning   more about the interstate 19 and we  hope we can earn your business you

2021-06-28 01:43

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