Aihole ಐಹೊಳೆ Cradle of temple architecture Hunagunda Taluk Bagalakote Tourism Karnataka Tourism

Aihole ಐಹೊಳೆ Cradle of temple architecture  Hunagunda Taluk Bagalakote Tourism Karnataka Tourism

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now we are at Aihole's Durgada(fort) temple at Aihole there are 125 ancient temples among them this can be said at the most significant structure at aihole only here there is a entry ticket of Rs 25 per head a museum is also there along with us is guide Ramesh, come let us see we have come to see a historically important place Badami, Pattadakal, Mahakutta all those were built later as per what all say the first temple built in the whole of South India was at Aihole in one inscription it is mentioned that 500 pundit used to reside here today we have come to durgada(fort) complex when we mention durgada we immediately think is of durga devi this is not a durga temple be it any language hindi or kannada or be it old kannada, durga means all powerful durga, chamundi, parvathi, hundreds of such name we call it durg means fort chitradurga, Rayadurga, stone fort chalukyas before constructing this temple around aihole they built a fort this same fort was further improved upon by the rastrakutas because chalukyas by the end they lost to the Rastrakutas in 752 then they increased its height Since this temple is located near to the fort, in 19th century this was termed as Durgada devalaya Durg not dugra now for tourists and visitors they know it as durgada temple for this and that there is no relation as per certain historians this is a sun temple this is a 8th century temple inside this temples garbhaguide there is no idol the peeta is there, but no idol above it may be due to treasure hunters or who took it , when is not known the photograph we saw inside the badami museum it was covered with mud and stones the department carefully removed the mud from this and did patch work on this stone now we are entering inside the temple this is a 8th century temple here we can see the ugra narasimha avatara here to they have used inter locking system to lock one stone with another here is iron in 8th century they have used Iron here as well as at Pattadakal here too in ancient days ladies used to consume alcohol she is unable to stand a pig has come near her legs and is eating something even here dress is falling apart she is unable to stand on her own one side they are playing the musical instruments be it mridanga, drum,flute each individual is playing a different musical instrument here all are in dancing position this is totally dancing style one side is musical instrument another side is dancing here is a romantic scene notice the saree and hair style lady next to them watching them coyly here on the ceiling is the Matysa avatara here we can see an amazing stone carving of Adi shesha behind is the body of a snake in front is the body of a human one hood of the snake has got cut it has got disfigured due to wind, rain and sun this too is an amazing door frame, above this is the five shake, one snake is there here is climber of flower third is the pillar frame human figure frame and fifth one is the designs before 1300 years ago the chalukyas sculptors have shown their carving grandeur inside is a peeta garbhagudi the inner areas of this temple this stone carving was done garbhagudi secondly sabha mantapa and lastly mukha mantapa maximum carving has been done on the outer side since in those days there was no electricity, lights or anything as such where there is sunlight there is beautiful carving, there is more carvings, here is less carvings inside is no carvings if it was present times then they would have carved in all places if there was a vast sabha mantapa for example if this was also big like our Pattadakal Virupaksha temple here too inside there are 3 doors 3 garbhagirhas this appears like a Buddhist monastery this temple is influenced by Buddhist monastery it is rectangular in shape, width is more here we can see small jali or mess for cross ventilation above this peeta there is no idol may be there was a idol here earlier but who took it where, we have no idea yes garbhagudi is in oval shape in this temple there are two circumambulation path, one in the front from there to here is a circumambulation path it is very dark in there, there are no carvings inside this is a circumambulation path you can use the torch and go around it Me: circular shaped circumambulation path we can see here in how many places do we see such a circumambulation path this was built such in the 8th century for providing support to the beam above in the shape of elephant tusk they have made such a carving in stone and locked it in place so that it does not fall down the tusk support the beam above to avoid it from falling in those days they days they have made such a carving ASI has restored the front two and these two stone carved stones the original ones were broken so using new stones it was used to rebuild there elephant is there, as if it is lifting its trunk in that pose is this carving of the elephant here local people used to have lunch here for time pass acitivities prior to the ASI taking over they used to play various dice kind of games here in present times people keep playing with their mobile phones in front of the temple this is circumambulation path the hands and legs of this statue may have naturally worn off here are a happy couple here is a happy family baby is here when a child is born how hey take care of it the hair style during those days they were jewellery lovers ear rings those days mini skit, dressing style, anklet here they have depicted various situations of life carved in stone these are life situations happy couple, then happy couple with a child this was ancient times sofa or seating area this is the second circumambulation path to go inside the temple there is a circumambulation path here is a swasthik jali window mess notice shivas tiger dress, Charmambarashiva here shiva leaning on Nandis shoulder and taking rest this is Dhanarishi munni is holding the tail of nandi and shaking it doing naughty things when this naughty act is done, nandi gets angry, we can see its expression in his eyes saying why are you troubling me, dont trouble me as if nandi is saying so this imagination of the sculptor is shown by the sculptor in nandis eye we can see how beautifully the sculptors imagination has been shown in the carving this is ganga her vehicle crocodile is here symbol of water, pot is here this is yamuna her vehicle is tortoise is here two prominent rivers of India Ganaga and Yamuna here is a beautifully decorated window for cross ventilation this carving we had seen at Badami and we are able to see it here too Vijaya Narasihma avatar half lion half man, smiling face, vijaya narasimha avatara this is very special in north Karnataka we have Ilkal saree they photograph few of the carvings here and use it on silk sarees Makara torana, when you see from here you can see the makara design designs this is family god vishnu here is shanka, chakra, lakshmi devi here too is vishnus vehicle garuda this garuda is now the symbol of Malaysian airlines earlier in the circumambulation path you came near this window see how it is from outer side windows made for light and ventilation some of statues have gone to london or england some of the idols are in some of the museums abroad the statues are missing from either of the sides this is varaha avatara after annihilating hiranya rakshasha vishnu carrying boo devi after rescuing her this is vishnus third avatara here is adi shesha all statues are carved on ground and then got here and installed the statue stone is separate Mahishasura mardini if Mahishasha is a bull when he demon changed into this form and came when he was troubling the saints and munnis doing the yagna then durga parameshwari annihilates him with her trishula Mardhana means to kill here too we can observe an iron rod has been used this is hari hara, this is both vaishnava and shaiva, that side is vishnu, shanka chakra in his hand, crown on his head this side head is the crown of hair, here we can see the difference of a crown and a crown of hair niether is vaishnava superior, nor is shaiva superior hari and hara at the same place playing the musical instruments dancing style dancing playing the violin here some people mistaking iron for gold have cut the stone and taken the iron all this is like in Bollywood movies it is not kamasutra it is just one style here dress, ear ring, a symbol of romance the statues on the outer area developed crack and has weathered due to wind, sun and rain the statues inside have remained safely ardha nari earlier you had taken its picture one side is parvathi one side is shiva first is water Mallaprabha river is 1km away from here when a temple is built, for the people who build it, King gets this kind of water wells made inside each of the complex this kind of well has been constructed only on top here is square shape thereafter it becomes narrow this is the museum, when excavation was done in and around aihole or even when constructing a house the statues that were found has been kept here this is a dwara mantapa entrance gate for going and coming this is the entrance gate, around here was three meter wall on either sides this has been rebuilt in front of pattadakal virupaksha temple behind the nandi mantapa was a dwara mantapa that is in a state of collapse, that too will be rebuilt like this this had fallen earlier this is north indias rekha nagara shikara above the kalasa and its circular stone has fallen down such the temple foundation is like a horse shoe it is in U shape when we see the same temple from that angle it appears to be in semi circle shape the pillars appear in half moon shape the tourist who come here, they compare it to the Indian Parliament house it is a slant roof kind of temple cottage type of temple the rain water falls of the slope here is verandha, mukha mantapa this is a slanting type of roof the pillars inside are similar to the boothanatha temple round design temple similar kind of pillars we will see here back then there was no electricity they used to cut the stone using chisel and hammer here is natural sky light it has been such and remains such even now here the roof has lotus designs it does not have a single garbhagudi but it has small rooms inside there are three small rooms, on the left , middle as per historians this is said to a temple of 9th century this was built by not chalukyas but kalyani chalukyas in 2003- 2004 there was no compound here there was only a small compound wall then local people used to easily walk in during sankranti and other festivals when tourist inflow is more tourists too used to walk in from here so later government increased its height for this temple the part of mukha mantapa is not there mukha mantapa means this is mukha mantapa there is a seating place similar to a sofa open gallery is there now we have already seen pattadakal the temple section here is ekakuta single garbhagudi this is dwikuta there are two garbhagudi in it in pattadakallu trikuta is there inside three garbhagudi was there here in the center is the sabhamantapa this is for cross ventilation but inside there are no idols this temple name is Barber temple when British came here a person was cutting hair here so it was named Barber temple inside there is no idol this is south Indias Dravidan shikara before let us go a little there it was built in 6th century in the form of a duplex above a mantapa there is another mantapa on top of that we can see log kind of structure those are not logs but stones when they put sloping roof connect one stone to another , there will be a gap in between two stones as such if there is a gap such then water will flow in , so that stone they have cut in in the form of a log and placed it there the original log stone had fallen off, so the ASI has replaced it with a similar stone recently only on top those are the original ancient roof stones these all are the recent ones this ramp is for the easy movement of the handicapped when any big project is to be done for the first time the sculptors do a initial planning specially such small temples they used to use it as a model after doing such a study amongst the 125 temples this can be called as the very first temple it appears like greek architecture there is no gopura, ramayana or mahabaharata carvings on it for the sculptors who built these temples they were given cattle as charity here few inscription are there, few have worn off chalukyas first and fore most capital was aihole this was their Royal emblem varaha, shanka, chakra and mirror in Hampi it is varaha, sun, moon, and dagger here they have included mirror to indicate transparency in administration back in 5th 6th century here are the of umbrella and fans one side is umbrella, fans and on the other side is yogaasanas in this part is the ladder since this was a duplex this was the way used to go up now they have closed the way to the top by placing stone there this we do using wood , a ladder this is a family fighting when there is a fight third person should not be included in it if that third person is a child then in front of the child we should not fight we should be cordial, it depicts how we should live the sculptor has shown these life skills through this carvings for the future generation this is the knowledge here getting crushed by a elephants leg back then there was no police, supreme court or high court this way the criminal was stamped under the leg of the elephant there is no pooje in this temple because it is disfigured nandis leg, face and tail is disfigured this has been declared as the national monument there is no pooje here, let us go inside now these all are for cross ventilation this side is south, that side is north here are the windows in those days this was not just a big shiva temple but was also a big mantapa or meeting hall conference hall for doing meetings and weddings it was also a marriage hall here every pillar is plain there are no carvings in the whole of south India the attempt to build temple for the first time was done at Aihole in 5th century at Badami in 6th to 8th century Pattadakal 7th to 8th century at belur it was was 10 to 13 century 13th to 16 th century was Hampi when we travel in this way aihole as per the art of architecture and carving aihole is of primary school category Badami of High school category Pattadakal is of college category Belur is of undergraduate category Hampi is of post graduate category these are basics, primary architecture here we do not see any kind of carvings step by step it increases now we are in digital level 2G. 3G. 4G is also over now it is 5th Generation similarly here is the category of architecture face and legs are disfigured here no pooje is done patch work has been done in recent time on the peeta and other places the British in the 17th 18th century gave the name to this temple as Gowdara gudi since gowdas were residing there, it was named as Gowdara gudi here Muslims were residing his name was Lad Khan so British named this temple as Lad Khan temple this is not the actual temple name, these are the names given to it by the British Me: even now is it refereed to by the same names? guide: yes it has not been changed here when we go around the place we feel that in each century a temple was built yes it has been such, in 6th to 8th century it was not level to the ground level it is a little above the ground, then more above the ground and so on on by one as it improved it was built at a elevation inside this temple there is a very tall statue in this the statue is there , it is made out of stone it is made out of green granite stone as per historians this idol may be of a different temple that there is the sun temple before we got independence may statues have been moved else where inside various museums it has been shifted this temple and this temple does not match it does not match as it is very small the height of the statue is more compared to the temple in the hand is the lotus flower in both hands lotus flower is there behind the face is the prabhavali here is ushe and prathushe like morning and evening under suns gods feet are the 7 horses represent the 7 colours Me: where is its peeta? here on top is shivas padmasana it is cracked, as all this has collapsed all this new stone was got and was rebuilt restoration was done this way people used to draw the carvings on the wall for the 100s of temple 100s of security cannot be given, for each temple one security is provided but the people who visit should also act responsibly understanding that it is our national monument some people come who leave their kids and go and sit else where they pick up a stone and scratch here and there this is a very sad thing all this patchwork has been done by ASI cement has not been used on the stone to do the patch work jaggery, lime, bricks powder mixing all that the patch work has been done this stone is original this is adishtana which is in the lower level all this is recent work these are the ancient structure see the iron rod in some places it is missing if you like this video i request all of you to take guide service again let us meet in another video, Namaskara

2021-05-08 20:34

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