AEW’s Ring Announcer Justin Roberts on wrestling, touring with Tool and more!

AEW’s Ring Announcer Justin Roberts on wrestling, touring with Tool and more!

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hey guys it's justine and i'm jenna welcome to same brain episode 277 and we've got a special guest let's roll that intro [Music] so we are actually in arizona right now and we are joined with justin roberts hello everybody hello how's it going it's great welcome to arizona i'm very embarrassed for the weather that you guys are experiencing this week it's usually really nice here and it's uh it's not been nice for you guys and i apologize there was snow there was no is that something that happens here often or is that uh every few years like one day we get like a little snow in the air but it's very rare and you were here for it we were definitely here for over here for like four of the rainy days like a lot a lot of rain 100 rain the one day said 40 but it rained all day long it doesn't happen often it really does so glad we could be a part of the history i'm really glad i'm very embarrassed it's okay it's not your fault at all it could be it could be we don't know i talk arizona up to everybody oh you gotta come out to arizona the sun's always out sunny clear blue sky every day and then you guys come and it's raining every day except tomorrow's supposed to be nice there were storms lightning thunder i felt like we were back on the east coast it is true you have been talking it up for quite a while yeah even monsoon season this year i think we had one monsoon and it wasn't even like a real monsoon well my one friend said oh well if it's raining be careful flooding because apparently flooding happens when it's raining a little bit we don't have sewers we're not used to rain that's that's how often it rains that we don't even have sewers where does it go i was having this conversation with my friend today was a chemical engineer because she was asking about that i said well it just disappears right like the sun just comes out and uh the water just dries up and then she explained to me like something with the pavement and i was doing some research because you recommended to go to the scottsdale greenbelt and they are working on a renovation project just for for is this is that like a source object here is sources are closed were you noticing no no no no they're talking about how they can you know reduce flooding oh it's great you should check it out it's on their website wow yeah if i start running maybe i'll what's the green belt it's like just this there's like an 11 mile kind of loop there's like golf courses there's parks it's very nice that's why i recommended it but i'd never run it i got it from a friend it was the 11 mile loop that i was like she was like i'm going to wake up 6 a.m i'm going to run 11 miles and i looked at the weather and i'm like i was like it's going to rain you're like no my app says it's not going to rain i said okay well my app says it's going to rain the next day you're like it's raining but the best part is she's like have you ever run 11 miles before and i'm like no i was like well then why do you think you're gonna do it now there was the one time when you went for a run and you hurt your ankle and i couldn't pick you up anyway she didn't go justin thank you for joining us i didn't run the 11 miles i probably won't but we'll see can you just give like a quick introduction to yourself why you're here you know the meaning of life absolutely uh i was born in 1979 december 29th to be exact born to my parents sisters three years older than me and then fast forward a little bit i was the ring announcer a long time for wwe wrestling and then was out of wrestling and wrote a book about what it was like to be the ring announcer and follow my dreams and all that and i tried a bunch of different things and that's actually where we met during that phase of trying different things hold on can we get like a ring announcement but for the same brain podcast i don't know this is this is revelation that's too much pressure no ladies and gentlemen this is the same brain podcast that's only going to happen here on the same brain podcast oh that's exciting that's a great idea jenna thank you so in part you know that's why i'm here we have same brain but sometimes mine functions at a very low capacity so jenna has to fill in the blanks so i appreciate it you guys make a great team we try i enjoy your work oh boy how long were you with wwe 12 years got there straight out of college that was the dream job did it was over it ready to move on always loved wrestling never lost my love for wrestling um but i was done with wrestling and went out to see what else was out there and then tried a bunch of different things and then came back into wrestling and now i'm back in wrestling for all elite wrestling aw wednesday night sun tnt oh could we get another round of applause oh i hit the i didn't even hit the button there we go uh so just for anybody watching or listening i i know very little about wrestling so basically all i know is from what i see you post and that's really that's the extent of it and i read my book so you learned a little bit about wrestling through there i did read your book which was actually really good and it was kind of cool because you really kind of you went you definitely went in on everything as far as you know behind the scenes of wwe so if anybody wants to check that out they definitely should it's a good read your book is very interesting because i knew of your career from the beginning from my space okay so this is the story of how we actually randomly met i'm a huge tool fan and then how did you actually end up hosting the vip tool events i wasn't a huge tool fan and i just became friends with adam jones the guitarist from tool and he was a big wrestling fan so when he came to the shows usually in los angeles we would just talk about everything else we weren't talking about music we weren't talking about wrestling mostly chicago stuff and we just became friends through wrestling and then he approached me one day at the staples center he came up to me and he was with justin chancellor who at the time i didn't know it's like hey we're going to be doing some shows and if you'd want to introduce us like if you don't want to it's cool but if you want to introduce us to the show and i knew of tool from like from junior high i just remember the t-shirts and i'm like oh yeah that'd be cool sure and didn't really put much thought into it and then the stars aligned where i was going to be home one day and they're going to be coming to phoenix so i went and introduced them at the arena i started listening to their music just to see what i was getting into and i became a huge tool fan this music is awesome it's really different i love this so i introduced them for a show and then that was that then um october i think of 2015 i wasn't with wwe anymore and i wasn't on tour 52 weeks a year and adam called up and he said hey we're going to be doing this thing in tempe and i think you would be a great host for this and i met all the guys and the guys were really nice and really normal and i'm like okay cool i'll host this thing and i got there that day and i asked adam what he wanted to do and he's like we're going to bring the crowd in and we're going to do this and maybe do this so everything i did i turned into wrestling and i said hey what if we tell the crowd we're going to do this but then we do this and then we tell them this but then this happens and then this happens and i basically made it like a wrestling show took him on a roller coaster and he loved it and so we did it with the fans and the live audience enjoyed that night we took them on a roller coaster the die hard tool fans came i don't know it was 40 some thousand people that came to the show and maybe i don't know 500 or a thousand people that came to this maybe 500. it felt like we met in pittsburgh at their vip thing i think there's only a couple hundred like it felt very it was very very small yeah they tried to limit these so this was a smaller audience everybody had fun so that night adam came to me goes uh that was awesome like you have to come on tour with us okay and so that was it i i just totally fell into it we had fun wrestling fans are very passionate and i loved the rapport that i had with wrestling fans all these years so now i'm hosting these intimate tool tours with the hardcore tool fans in every city and it's almost like i feel like i don't belong because i didn't really know that much about tool at the time i was learning as i went from the fans and so i became a fan as time went on and watching the concert each night but i feel like that's the perfect person that you want to hire for a job like i would never want to hire someone who was like obsessed with like you know like my sister or like yourself because you're like oh you're too close to it so it's like you know like you're hired for like you're professionals you're good at your job like you're not like a crazy die-hard fan where you know you might be a little bit you know they might be skeptical of you so you're like the perfect person to hire i feel like you're like they're not hiring me for that job no yeah they're not going to hire you that's why even apple for a while they're like we can't talk to the psycho bringing that back around to apple that was the first time that i had ever got invited to an apple event but i had been planning on going to this pittsburgh tool show for like the day that they announced it i bought those vip tickets like i was like i'm i'm going i'm flying home going to the show and i made my friend dez i mean she's she's also a part of like the okay justine's doing something crazy again i'm i'm gonna be along for this ride so we went to the show and then the first thing that you said to me when i was checking in you're like do i know you for my faith you had followed me on social media i think the night before yeah the night before two nights before so it was fresh in my mind when i saw ijustine i was like oh i haven't seen i justine for i don't know how many years so you were fresh in my head so when you were checking in i saw you like your registration like as you were signing in like justine wait a minute that must be i justine and i asked you and then we just started talking and you were very nice and i had a book signing that day and you had like tweeted something for me you're just you're really cool so yeah that's right because i was like okay who's this justin person that's doing the vip thing like you know i'm doing my like super creepy stalking behind the scenes i'm looking to look everything up for the show i got to be prepared so so you didn't add them on myspace this is not a myspace story you know but i think okay i was like wait what do you remembered me from myspace like back in the day you were very active on myspace oh yeah i don't want to talk about it i think there's something the cool thing was like you were being how you are now back then before that was a thing and that's why i thought your book was so fascinating because it tells that story of you just always being you and wanting to do this before it was a thing to be well that's also kind of a cool crossover to like your book as well because obviously for you i mean you were such a huge wrestling fan like he has i don't if you've seen some of his photos and stuff that he posts on social but like you've got so many throwback photos for like any situation so clearly it's something that you were all so passionate about obsessed with it so how did you actually kind of get into like that that first kind of meeting to be like okay you're in the wwe now so i had started when i was 16 in high school just announcing small independent wrestling shows and as time went on i was working more shows moved out to arizona for school i went to u of a and then started hooking up with there's a promoter basically in phoenix that would get a lot of work in this area or colorado or new mexico like this region and as time went on i just had more shows and more experience and just kept getting videotapes and building my resume and just driving wwe insane and then graduated college sent them an email like hey just so you know i graduated college i have nothing to do i'm available i have a degree i'll drive anywhere to work and they finally called the next day and said hey we're going to give you a shot and they gave me a shot my first match was announcing a guy named john cena i know him oh you know john no i mean like i know no like no you know what i'm joking oh my god i actually love john cena i mean i'm not saying i don't now we sat next to him i think it dancing with the stars we've seen him at like a bunch of events i mean he would have absolutely no idea he was always my favorite you remember the backpack that i bought at walmart yeah it was a john cena backpack you had a johnson i had a johnson backpack yep i did bought it in hawaii it's very great i don't remember why though have that with you here i don't this was in like 20 10 10. it's a long time ago yeah yeah i don't think i still have it okay suitcases i didn't know if maybe you had the john cena that would be i would be concerned if 11 years later she still had it here i'd be like oh so john cena your first match and like it was basically before he was on tv he was getting it's called a dark match so it was john cena and uh announced that match next night announced him again and then rey mysterio who's also an awesome wrestler who is his you know rey mysterio so you guys don't know wrestling but i dropped two names falling off the couch two names and you have stories on both of them so i wanted to bring up my ray story but i was like i don't even know where like i don't even know who this is but i haven't sister brought it up to me a while back so i'm ready for this so funny hold on okay keep telling your story i need to find the picture she's gonna find the picture oh you're gonna find the picture so the first match on the second night was john cena against sheldon benjamin the next night was rey mysterio against funaki those were my tryouts ended up getting the job and just getting used here and there and for 12 years announced all over the world and for all the shows all the pay-per-views all the big matches got to work with everybody i grew up watching it was awesome so since we're not well we we're saying we're not wrestling people but we clearly know and like the rock too huge fan of what i mean it's the rock don't ask me any other people outside of the three people we just discussed because they're not gonna i'm not gonna i don't know we're three for three we've dropped three names all three of them for wrestling fans that are watching now do you have any like fun stories that like they may be like super into have a book full justin roberts best seat in the house your backstage pass through my wwe journey lots of stories they're good and bad it was cool because it's like especially coming from that background of not knowing anything i was like i felt like i learned so much about wrestling and just i tried to explain it so if you weren't a wrestling fan you would still be able to understand it um but then i like talking about aew now because that's been like a totally different experience it went from oh my gosh i'm a fan i'm really excited to be living out my dream too i was like done with wrestling i was like sitting on the curb like hey i'm not in wrestling anymore and now i'm back in wrestling so it's really exciting and working with a lot of people who are just getting into wrestling on national television for the first time and being able to give advice and say hey take this all in take in this moment and just i learned so much from my adventure that i want to make it the best for everybody that i work with and our co-workers are awesome our boss is awesome tony kahn who his father uh owns the jacksonville jaguars so he started this wrestling company because he's a huge wrestling fan so he's an awesome boss he's a wrestling super fan who now has his very own wrestling company and he's just a great guy and has this awesome company that we just we get to go out there and do wrestling so we all love it we're having it's like that's so cool it's too good to be true it really is it's just we're all having fun and having the best time doing this i'm still trying to find the picture okay but it's a very random i was in mexico city i like said yes to this project we ended up on some like little boat it was like a three-hour journey where we went to this island of like these like dolls and it was just there were spiders and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life didn't you get hit with sticks yeah i got hit with sticks i think they were trying to like beat the evil out of me in case like something entered my soul anyway who is beating you with sticks wait and then i don't even so ray was there so ray which wasn't on the boat but at one no that would be incredible are you kidding me no maybe it was a singapore cane i wish i had all of my uh my i wasn't there so i don't know so we had like a bunch of influencers and like stuff and then we went to i think we were going to a preview of like a movie or something and then i look over and everyone was like obsessing over like like oh my god that's ray and i was like who that's ray i was like you have to give me more i'm like that's where i'm starting i'm like okay i remember our friend ed is like obsessed with wrestling i have a feeling like if i send him a self a selfie of me and ray like he's gonna lose his mind i got a picture with like ray and this is just like my my long standing joke of like yeah i met him in mexico like no big deal like we and then i went and got beat with sticks like that this story sounds so weird it's so weird i don't even know how to explain it but then there was also we were taking this like little boat home it was like 3am and another boat rolled up and like just gave us like tequila and quesadillas meanwhile i didn't know any of these people i'm so glad you're here to tell the story and i'm like what you're gonna drink that tequila and they're like yeah and i'm like quesadillas that's like cheese i'm like all right whatever [Music] is there any chance that it wasn't even really rey mysterio was just some dude in a mask i know it was looking i'm fine i feel like it's probably something i would have posted on my instagram didn't you send me this because you didn't text me while it was happening i think so i think you sent me the picture like i'm uncomfortable it was about this whole trip the stick they hit me in the eye and i'm like oh my god like did you scratch my cornea i'm like what's happening right now wait they went after your eye no it was just to get the evil out of you well they like hit me in the head but one of the things like wrapped around and got me in the eye and i'm like i can't even say anything right now because this is there's also a video of me getting hit with this i'm glad you're talking about this i have a full vlog i wonder if rey is in my vlog we should probably watch that after and really do you have like ptsd from this clearly she does not seem well no it was such a strange this is the first time she's bringing it up to you right no i mean i haven't heard it in a while i mean i'm pretty sure i was probably texting you updates because first off i was alone in like mexico which is fine it was lovely actually i think they had a very big earthquake after oh i would much rather be in mexico right now than arizona because of the rain it's really nice in mexico it's usually nice rain although it's lovely i think they're having some cover troubles as well so because that's where everyone from la is going to escape and that's true go there but yeah it was lovely i had a great time great time great quesadilla from a boat getting here i got poked in the eye got to meet ray he was lovely do you know what he's up to now do you know what he's up to he went back to wrestling no way yeah okay i remembered him at the dallas airport we had a layover and oh my gosh i'm into each other it was great did he have his mask on he did not he had sunglasses on though so now with the new wrestling kind of elite wrestling so how does wednesday's at 8 7 central on tnt so i know i was talking about this before so is there like a mix of new talent and then old talent so like how does that all work yeah it's a mixture of we have like chris jericho who's been at it for a long time he is a legend chris jericho is one of our top stars uh in addition we have dustin rhodes cody rhodes we have jim ross on commentary tony siobhani on commentary like legends in wrestling uh we have so many guys who've been around the business for a long time and are amazing even behind the scenes like dean malenko and arn anderson dropping these names mostly for you guys watching at home because they probably don't know these guys that's good hey you never know we might maybe i got a selfie in mexico you really don't know and then we also have a lot of i don't want to say new talent because they're not new they've been at it for a long time but guys who hadn't really been working on a national level even though maybe they have i don't i don't want to not give them enough credit but you have like kenny omega you have the young bucks you have so many wrestlers who are so amazing who didn't maybe work at wwe but they've been at it for a long time they've worked in new japan they've worked in ring of honor they've worked again i that's for you guys if you guys recognize these places i apologize no no no this is great so they've been at it for a long time so this total all-star team of guys who've been around the business for a long time guys and girls of course and then also a lot of newer talent who maybe the national audience isn't familiar with but now they're learning about them in the year and a few months that we've been at it and it's amazing we have an all-star team so a year and a few months so you kind of started like kind of almost the beginning of the whole coven craziness we started like last may we did a pay-per-view then over time we did like one event per month last october is when we started tv so that was our first show in october of 2019.

we started building up we were doing really well and then right around new year's we kind of started fresh and we were just building and building and our shows were getting so good and because we're trying all these new things we're a brand new company for a lot of people it was the first time doing this and the momentum was so good it was building we did a sold-out pay-per-view in chicago at the end of february it's february 29th because it was leap month uh leap year this show i felt like i grew up in chicago going to these shows i felt like it was back in the 90s sitting there feeling the energy in the sold out arena like this is amazing we had a sold out show coming to rochester new york we had a sold-out show which was going to be our biggest show yet in newark like everything was just perfect our momentum was awesome and then covet hit we were doing shows we did denver the next week we did salt lake city and during the salt lake city show that's when tom hanks announced that he was coveted positive that's when the utah jazz player announced that he was positive and the nba like shut down this was all in that night that we were doing our show wow so those next two giant shows we had coming up just i feel like whenever tom hanks announced it is when like the world was like oh i don't know at least that was that's what it felt like like oh my god thomas tom hanks has it yeah yeah i think that yeah that really was kind of like okay so if tom hanks can get covey like no one is safe i think we were on a plane coming back to la and we found out and we're like we are never leaving the house ever again yeah because we were in hawaii right before everything before everything shut down with our parents who still had to travel back to pennsylvania we're like you need to get home immediately because like who knows i was like well if we're stuck in hawaii for nine months like i'm not really gonna complain i'll miss the dog ship them over somehow but yeah it was it was very scary it's weird cause you hear all these rumblings about everything that was going on in china but i think as americans were so used to seeing things around the world and just saying oh well that's not gonna affect us like we're gonna be okay and and we weren't safe and uh it came here and we didn't know how extreme this was gonna be how long it was gonna be personally i was worn by some friends and i thought it would be like two months maybe three tops here we are today and it's still going on our friend's been awful my friend ed actually was the one that gave us like this heads up because his dad like works a lot in the field and he was just like you guys should probably you know get some things actually i was left out of the town we didn't realize that you were not in the text thread so everybody else goes like a month later we're like sending pictures of all of our like huge like like oh our orders get made or maybe not months like a week later we're like look at all this stuff we've got we're good we're like wait a minute what'd you guys get we're like oh we were on the other text thread because i don't know if you were like busy or you were somewhere we're like oh we're not gonna like annoy you with this and like he sent us like a list of all the things his dad was like you need to get this this this like just in case we're like okay he did say that we needed to get duct tape enough duct tape to to tape off tape off all the windows yeah to the outside in case any air comes in airborne i have so much duct tape is this better to be safe than sarks you just didn't know how this would affect you um aw kept running they were they were safe and running safely i just heard that one of the underlying symptoms was asthma and i've had asthma since i was born and i didn't know how that was gonna affect me and if i ran a bigger risk of catching it or if it would get me if i ended up getting it so i pulled myself off the road our company was awesome they said if you're comfortable coming to work come to work if you're not don't worry about it you know no pressure whatsoever so i was like okay i'm scared to go out i have no idea how this is gonna affect me and some people just they wanted to go they didn't care or they just felt like i'm gonna be okay so i stayed home and then my mom was in a place where um she was getting extra care and i didn't know how safe she was gonna be there because a lot of people come and go so i pulled her out of there and moved her in with me and so for three months i took care of my mom and stayed in and just tried to stay safe keep her safe keep myself safe and then when i saw everybody had been working and kind of got a better idea of how this affected people and you didn't have to tape up the windows and it maybe wasn't as bad you didn't have to lysol everything that came into the house i said okay let me find a safer place for my mom got her in a safer place and then i went back to work after that so i did sit out for three months just not knowing and and then eventually went back to work and we think that's safe too especially with the pre-existing conditions and stuff like that it's like you don't know how it's gonna affect you and even some of our friends who are very healthy and not people you would ever expect to have this long-term covered i mean i'm hearing like horror stories and it's scary yeah a lot of the like times it's happening like they're like i picked it up at work like we don't know how like we've been safe but it's still a year around these people it just it happens like they've done everything correct and then they were even like trying to quarantine in separate parts of their house like i tried to just like not see you but it's like how you live with someone like what do you do yeah and even with us like we all came in wearing masks today and we basically just pulled them off right before we started this and we have sanitized your bike there was air flow but then it's very cold to know we planned on shooting this outside but we didn't get back until it was dark so we're gonna normally you can shoot outside in arizona because it's normally warm here except this week it's there was there was hail so you recently had snoop on the show yeah which was pretty cool we love snoop we do snoop is awesome i got to work with him years ago and then i went to some of his shows and got to hang out super good guy and now he is a judge on go big show with cody rhodes who's one of our wrestlers he's also a judge so snoop came to promote that and came out with cody during the match cody usually comes out with arn anderson instead he came out with coach snoop dogg so snoop was his coach for the match ended up winning the match i don't want to give full credit to snoop because cody's awesome but it does help having stoop in your corner at the end of the segment snoop went up to the top rope and came down on one of our guys snoop dogg flew off the top rope it was pretty impressive i missed that yeah wow how much prep kind of goes in before the shows it kind of just comes together sometimes uh we have an idea everybody has an idea of what's going on and what the matches are going to be myself like i came from a world where i was very overproduced and when you're a ring announcer like i'm a nerd and i over analyze everything that i do as a ring announcer and when you have writers and people who are just like oh you're going to say this you're going to say this okay that doesn't really make sense whatever but you do what you're told in this world i am not produced at all so i'm able to show up and they say this is what we're going to do tonight and i just kind of write my own material and write up my own i'm going to say this here i'm going to do this here and do this here and kind of work with the executive producer and just kind of make everything work so it's really natural it's a much more realistic feel than what i was used to that's cool because i'm always curious because i know like just some shows that i'll do and you're so overproduced that i become not even myself anymore yeah and then sometimes it's like good luck i'm like wait can i just get like a little in between like what am i supposed to say just give me something so that's cool at least like you try to get a general like if there's something that i have i'll i'll make it work with the commentators executive producer now for the first time in my career i'm able to wear an ifb so i'm able to hear the commentators i can hear the executive producer so i could feel out all right i'm going to do this or i'm going to do this or i have something planned out and okay now i'm going to do this instead because this this just feels right so i'm just doing what feels right and luckily back to my boss being awesome tony con just he lets us go out there and be pros and we tony let's give him a round of applause hold on please there we go so we get to go out there and do what we know is the right thing to do and i don't have to say hey is it okay if i do this if i say this i used to get chewed out if i said something or didn't do something at the right time and now it's okay i'm just gonna go out there and do what i know is the right thing to do and that's how we all are so yeah it's awesome and it comes off on tv we're all having fun and our audience has fun and you guys do two shows a week or how does it what do you use every wednesday night okay every wednesday night for two hours eight seven uh tnt we're gonna have a viewing party yeah this is exciting it's fun it's an entertaining show whether you're into wrestling or not it's a fun show to watch and you you get like you're watching you go that's jake the snake roberts what's he doing there uh that guy just did like a triple flip because we have like crazy acrobatic guys and girls and our talent's awesome they're really really great it's definitely different from like the ufc world where it's like you are super aggressive they're going out and they're trying to beat the hell out of each other to win a match our talent's going out there to entertain and put on a show all throughout from the beginning middle and end so they're not just going out there trying to destroy each other they're going out there to entertain you yeah which is good it's so hard to watch those those matches now having like actually started training but not mma because that's a little bit too much for me but it's like great to watch them because you can learn so many different techniques and see what works for different people but i still i cannot watch people just hit each other in the face i mean i can i don't like it it's just like okay i mean i definitely worry i'm like oh no you could get hurt but then i'm also like yeah this is cool but then i'm almost like oh you could get hurt i'm doing this change after you went to mexico and got hit with the sticks and you got all into it i like this stuff no i think i've always been very aggressive and like yeah fighting let's go but did you guys fight growing up no i don't think so because there's like a five well there's like a five to six year difference yeah so i feel like if you would have tried to physically fight me when i was little like i would i really have a defense no i i don't we have a middle sister as well so is there any fighting in between the three of you guys i think we probably probably a little bit of bickering maybe i mean i would have no physicality i don't i don't know there's three girls but we were all like into sports like we were all athletes so i mean i feel like we all were doing our own thing and just didn't really bother with the other hit brienne in the head with a golf club but i think it was an accident so i mean that could be assault that's because there's a lot coming out yeah we're learning so much you were there we were going to the side of you i mean yes got a lot of stories i'm just surprised she's not you know murdered dead yet oh murdered you yeah me like right now well you gotta they would you know i would know i did go to college for forensic biology so i could probably get away with it i feel like justin gets these ideas like we should do this and just kind of like says jenna come with me hey what are you doing yeah she knows i'm not doing anything all these adventures and you go along with it and sometimes it works out well and sometimes it's like what did you get me into it's true but i'm very like i mean honestly like i would have not been into youtube if it wasn't for her so i'm very grateful that this is like my career so i mean like i said i went to college for forensic biology so i'd probably be like sitting in a lab like you'd be giving kova tests now i don't think i'd be giving them i would be like doing like the pcr like little nerd stuff in the lab so i'd probably be very busy probably speaking of covet again so you guys as far as audiences go because now like sports has completely just changed like that audience element what has that been like for you guys to go through wrestling you're like taking your audience on a roller coaster you're taking them you're getting them up and you're getting them to boo and to cheer and you're doing everything to get those reactions from a crowd and then you go to having no audience whatsoever we were doing our shows just for the cameras it became like a tv show so it had to be really strange for them for me it's easy to get in there and just ladies and gentlemen the following contest and just do my announcements but for the wrestlers like they thrive off that adrenaline from the crowd and from getting those reactions so at first we didn't have an audience but we're working out of the uh daley's place amphitheater in jacksonville florida it's like our home base so it's cool that it's an outdoor amphitheater so there's fresh i've dropped a water bottle i'm air amphitheater so after a while we started saying okay let's let friends and family come and so friends and family came it was like 5 000 seats or more than 5 000 seats so the audience came in and they were very far away from us we're tested every time we go to work so we're very safe they were safe you have to wear a mask they had it organized like in little pods my company cares that's that's one thing that's really amazing about this company they care about us they care about our fans they're very caring company so they let people safely come and then they started letting a little more and a little more and then now i think we're allowed like a not allowed i think because we're in florida we're allowed to fill the place but because they're very safe i think they allow up to like a thousand people so a thousand people safely distance all throughout you could i mean you see that there's an audience but it's not like but it's still awesome having our fans back the first time our fans came back i went out there and there's maybe seven 800 people but just the idea that we had fans back like i got teary eyed when i was like welcome back to all elite wrestling like i had tears in my eyes that was like it was such a cool moment to have fans back and knowing that it was safe it made it cool and it makes it cool whenever they're there were some other wrestling and some other things doing like the digital audiences where they had like their faces like they were like that was because i think i was watching it the other day and i was like i was like scrolling i'm like what is what what what what are these digital faces i guess you watch from home and your face yeah i was like oh my gosh this is so weird like it's interesting to see but i was like this is so strange so i'm sure that does not at all have the same effect one i think like real people being there during like all the baseball stuff like they had the people's faces cut out in like things cut out yeah so strange i was like oh you have your box seats okay well we're still going to put your face there so just to give that illusion that there's yeah but now i'm even thinking like they had to go on all of these screens to like add someone because you couldn't have like the same person like the same face like there was like hundreds of different faces i think they were like a live audience though like a sort of a zoom yeah that's so wow that's actually very risky too because people could be doing weird stuff on their camera that's true i don't well i'm glad that you guys have a real audience back i guess they can get hit with sticks i'm gonna send you the video it's gonna take some time but after this podcast i need to go back i saw it was like june 2017 so i need to find content i feel bad i'm pretty positive she sent me that i definitely sent you something she's like have you ever heard of rey mysterio yes i think my sister's with him right now and yeah we had a great i think i mean he would not remember me at all because i never know is there any chance so that it was just some dude with a rainbow because i was like talking yeah they're like oh yeah he's like you could buy rey mysterio masks i don't know it was like a very small like invited group of people like okay he was invited he was like the celeb of the group i'm like oh my god that makes sense yeah so he yeah he was invited it wasn't like random but i mean it was completely random but he was he was the celebrity of the group i can't wait to watch this video now i don't think it's in the video because i was like kind of like nervous as like i don't really know anyone here you know i'm just like talking to myself which i mean i do anyway but i need to find the content and there's definitely a video of me getting beat by sticks i just with this okay i didn't want to see that i'm curious to see like what they were doing to you and why you were taking that abuse it seems very strange you had a wrestling match yet totally get it but just hanging out in mexico i don't know if they were saying like the spirits of this like island could have like you know like gotten you or something so like you didn't want to like take it back off the island i just missed the sound effects you did yeah it was awesome i'm not wearing the headphones so i'm missing out on sound effects it's fine you'll you can see them later okay like i don't know if they were like it was like an intense like saging or like we need to really make sure bam yeah it's just when they take the the light the scene so picture that and then picture maybe big sticks i have no idea like i said i don't know like i'm being very politically incorrect of whatever was happening but but i need to bring something up for all of us to discuss uh-oh i know where you're going the pazuki oh yeah okay so oh my god i didn't actually realize because you always are posting this freaking cookie with ice cream and i had no idea like it did not even click until jenna our friend sean told us that because he's also from here lived here sean i don't know your history but you know whatever you know i'm so much sean for six years he's all of my best friends some time in arizona so he was a professional baseball player in arizona he's like okay you're there get the pazuki i'm like okay got the bazooky yeah we did the chocolate chocolate chip yeah so he was telling me that there's you can do half and half i did see that on the menu but honestly like i think i saw one half it was like some type of cookie i didn't like i was like well i like chocolate chip white macadamia yeah peanut butter chocolate chip never you could have half and half of any company i never saw peanut butter oreganos so shout them out let them know now yeah so it's called oregano's is that the restaurant are there a bunch of them is it a chain arizona so it's just like an arizona thing they seem like they're scattered around maybe they're branching out but there's a lot in arizona even like in flagstaff there's a lot of beef she wants to be salad twice wait it's called like it's like beef you can't go wrong with anything there their salads are huge but what is it called it's like the beef something i don't know it's so funny and then okay so today we went on a hike and so she had we ordered from there two nights ago and she got the beef whatever the salad it's like beef beef beef whatever i gotta look at so we're hiking down this mountain it's all rocks like literally rocks like we're going it's it's a scramble we're going downhill and i hear i'm like about to take this big step and i hear like a whisper come from justine behind me and it was like this is a salad and i was like what because before this she was complaining i thought she might have fallen so as i turned to go what my foot slips i i fell i'm like what did you did you just say beef salad i was like did i literally almost fall off this cliff because you said beef salad she's like i said beef salad and i'm like on the ground i'm like oh my god you were hiking thinking about the beef salad whispering beef salad and i was like what's she saying because like we also had masks on so it's like concerned so it's like a muffled beef salad because the mask yeah and as i turn my foot slips and i wipe out i'm almost cracking are you okay no i i'm not she's not talking to you you were saying before your back hurt is that why no it's been hurting okay i don't know why maybe it's jolted back yeah so anyway i fell off the cliff because she was behind me saying beef salad and i thought so you had the beef salad it was really good and then you were thinking about it while you're hiking and then you got it again yes she got it again i'm replaying what happened like dramatic music i turned around i go did you say beef salad she was like yes like if i would have like broken my leg because i turned around to look at you and you freaking said beef salad i was like i would i would probably hit you but yeah so we this was after like two hours and she was obviously very hungry just thinking about busan she's not okay she's not okay well that's it for this edition well i'll just use this episode thanks for joining us this is why sometimes we have a way different brain but like oh my god you even have the oregano's website pulled up i gotta okay i know this did you just order that from like no doordash listen i need you guys to just know their website directly the what the salad is called this is like me trying to find oh i found the word by the way about the snowy thing like gropple also called soft hail or snow pellets it's a precipitation that forms when super cold water droplets are collected and freeze on falling snowflakes wow yes fascinating i've learned a lot in this podcast i okay you guys okay i don't think i can even say the big beefstro salad okay why is this so funny i don't know anyway it's really not okay but the pazuki there's also a big rig pasta right that's what you got last night the night before i did i've never had that but i like the name big rig spicy was good and then i got cut the deep dish well you ordered i was like you just get that pizza it looks good it i picked up the boxes like this is like 10 pounds and so like before you came over for this podcast i was starving and i eat like two pieces and i feel that's why i said i felt like a potato with a bud with a wig i'm feeling heavy with my belly okay but the position we didn't get we couldn't we didn't okay so have we explained what it is i don't think we have so we ours came in a like like a tin right so but you said that it normally out it's a tin but when you're at the restaurant it's a hot skillet with a chocolate chip cookie baked in there yeah with the cold obviously ice cream on top with the chocolate chips we've had that before at other restaurants like yeah bj's you get a little sampler where you get like three little ones got great flavors and i think they actually bought the rights to the name pazuki and i think oregano's used to be pazuki and then bj's kind of took that over oh but i think oregano's kind of has the best out there it's so good it's like because it's a little undercooked so it's like soft it's so good they put the ice cream in a separate cup and they kept it away from the hot stuff because they were very very like we don't want this to melt i was like oh my gosh you were so thoughtful i would have been good yeah oh my gosh we were like oh you just cut it off when you're done eating but it's worth it i was so i i actually couldn't move for three hours yeah it was a very sad sight it was worth it though it was really good one yeah like the best the best i was very happy that you went now the peanut butter half that you got is that just peanut butter chips then it's peanut butter cookie cookies peanut butter oh my god like tomorrow's our last night do we get one maybe i'm gonna get one i'm gonna do it can i throw out an idea yeah the sun will come out tomorrow really it's most common it's supposed to they have a nice patio i'm checking the weather it's heated go there eat safely distance on the patio i saw the patio it's actually a table around a corner like if you go on the patio and then go to the right there's one table that exists that's not around anybody there's no other tables you guys could sit there get the cookie straight out of the way they forget about you back there though they don't see you never they're great they were so nice justine's like yeah i went in there to pick it up and he was like trying to have a conversation with me and i forgot how to talk to people because we're from california and everything's been closed yeah they were very nice oregano's is awesome so if you get it hot from the skillet eat on the patio it's your last day that's true it is we can safely actually they just did open up i think los angeles outside dining again yeah i'm not sure if it went through but it's kind of crazy you feel safe doing it yeah i mean for this cookie i would risk cove it to be honest with you honestly it was so good it was so good i would prefer to bring it back here and eat in my big jammies do you think that what if we bring our own skillet if they would put it in our skillet and then we can you don't have a skillet well how much would i have to pay to buy the skillet you could probably no what if we bring the skillet back to this is a lot this isn't this is sometimes this isn't how it works okay so we got to change the subject again and just definitely get it in the skillet okay you just take it from them in the skillet and take it to go shut up i'll pay extra for the skillet okay we need to discuss something so obviously i'm a huge apple fan and you just today got something in the mail i did what did you get today i got a new macbook air and this m1 yes oh my gosh a big upgrade for you because you had a macbook air previously though it's it was you that 2012 i think around 2012 2013 when i was writing my book i just wanted like a lighter laptop that had better battery life take on tour and just be able to whatever type of way and then i just never thought about getting a new one until now when i realized that all of my updates were outdated and i said okay i don't have any complaints with what i have but maybe it's time to update and and upgrade and you did and you got it today that's very exciting did you do like an unboxing or did you just open it like a normal i took a picture and said it just yeah yo should i save this and bring it for when we podcast live unboxing i took it out plugged it in and did like the first two things for a setup and then i've been out all day so i still haven't been able to like take it all in yet i'm excited for you to experience it though because it's like going from like such an older machine even though like that's not that old it's probably working perfectly fine like you're really going to see the upgrades the display too i feel like the display is where you're going to see it the most oh my gosh this is so clear we just recently like upgraded our grandma from like a 2009 imac to like the newest one and like looking at that i was like oh my gosh like i feel like i need glasses i'll be looking at this like old screen so it's man i'm excited for you and like the new m1 she does yeah she loves it but she still wanted to play her solitaire game from like 2000 like 19.99 this solitaire game was so old grandma hi if you're watching she probably is but uh she's been playing this game for so long that i looked at her stats it's impressive i think i should i took a picture of it but her stats of playing solitaire were so impressive like her win ratio yeah incredible it was like 95 win ratio in solitaire and can you still play solitaire on the newer computers you can but but obviously like if you're playing this game for so long you're gonna want that same thing you want your same game i get it i don't like change either they still make it well i tried to buy it it was like this is this game is so old you can't even pay for it so it's just like a free trial from like 1999 but it's still working so yeah i'm so excited for your macbook but you do like a little bit of editing yeah video like movie stuff here and there uh garageband i'll do voiceovers i do voiceover work so that makes it really easy to do voiceovers and the microphone in the new macbooks is also really good so yes you can yeah a lot of people just i don't need to use one of these no i mean it definitely helps but like you can still get away with doing tons of yo stuff and it's almost completely silent actually it's it is there's no fan it's silent so if you're doing any vo like there won't be any fan noise so it's it's incredible was your old macbook a little did you ever hear a fan noise once in a while yeah you got pretty hot probably too yeah definitely the battery life is going to be so much better it's gonna be oh yeah yeah a lot of excitement it only lasts last so long so yeah wow i'm excited to use this i kind of went in blind i really didn't know what i just said okay i need to get a new one but i didn't know what was out there and then my friend alex said you got to get the m1 so that's true definitely good good guy alex alex good job alex thank you good job and oh gosh you also got a new apple watch i did i did the uh the first series award as long as i could and then it it that was it just went out on me that's probably why you haven't ever accepted my fitness request from let's see i'm actually surprised at the last of that question yeah that's impressive because i gave i think my dad my apple watch from like two years ago and he's like this battery doesn't work anymore i'm like i want to get a new battery and see if that'll help and then give it to my niece yeah i feel like if you change the battery i feel like that's what kind of goes i'm hoping the apple stores here are closed how many days i ago that i sent you a friend request i'm going to guess 993 can i take the under 9.92 oh come on is this price is right i can't wait can i bid one dollar no you have the answer i do have the answer um it was 862 days ago it's not fair you won it's not fair it's off but that's still that's okay that still is a lot of damage it's a lot of days so is it still sitting here like will i be able to find it i don't know cause i think you'll have to teach me if you don't mind how to find that yeah also i need to learn how to like set up the sleep without it asking me how long i want to sleep for to set an alarm to wake me up because i don't want to commit to that i don't i want to be able to see i want to track my sleeping and see how it is but i don't want to commit to like waking me up after eight yeah like if i want to sleep in i don't want my watch to start vibrating or whatever it does like i don't want it to wake me i want to sleep their bedtime has been a very infuriating feature i think is there a way to turn that off i turned it off because i had it set i was like oh i'm going to wake up at this time so you can turn it off it still tracks your sleep can't you yeah i think so yeah but it's still weird because it'll still ask you like when do you want to go to sleep and when do you i'm like but i don't know what i'm going to participate i'm like be smart enough to figure out when i'm sleeping because when you swipe down there's a little bed that you can like click and i think that would just turn it into bedtime mode when we're done with this i might ask you guys for some help on this yes yeah i had to turn off bedtime because it'd be like sunday morning at like 6 a.m and it's like i'm like stop it and then i take it off and throw it underneath it's the same idea as when it tries to tell you to breathe yeah i mean i'm not knocking apple i enjoy i love my apple products but i feel like i just kind of breathe on my own you know there are times when it tells me to breathe when i'm like freaking out like it knows my anxiety well then i get even more upset because then i know my watch is telling me that what i should be doing and then it's just like you know kind of a cycle but yeah to be fair i also never really looked into it i like set a bedtime once and then like the one sunday morning i woke up like you know a little grumpy because it was like waking me up and then i'm like i'm turning this off but i'm pretty sure like you can probably adjust it or you can set it for certain days like monday through friday i think i have mine set for 6am every day so i know that like i actually like when it tells me like okay i need to start winding down and or i should probably get off my computer so you're up at 6 a.m every day

most days there are some days where i'm like uh uh and i just like shut it off but it's set for 6am every day that's great so thankfully my body just wakes me up at 6am it's like all right here you go you also wake up at 6. not by choice it's just like hey i'm like but i don't want to be and then i'm tired by nine a.m and then you get up and exercise at six sometimes i do uh like lightsaber training you know a couple times i do actually prefer stories like like wake up work out because if it doesn't happen before 10 a.m it's probably not going to happen but then you're tired at nine yeah i get really tired so do you nap oh yeah does your watch allow you to nap well if you take it off you can do whatever you want oh so that's the key yeah i just take it off like stand up you're like no you like fall asleep like i didn't tell you you could nap wait now i'm like oh i think you need to be put on the charger for a little bit throw it on the charger speaking of which that's why i held off on getting a watch for so long i thought wait a minute it's been all these years and the battery still can't last 24 hours this one lasts pretty long but it's it makes it throughout the day like if i want to sleep in it well then i have to set a time where i know i could charge it a little bit before i leave the house and that's that's a big commitment that's like i'll usually get to put it on yeah i'll charge it like if i'm gonna take a shower before bed i'm like okay i'll charge it you know that 10 20 minutes whatever or from or if i hit my goal for the day and it's like seven o'clock i'm like okay i'll take a little break and throw this in the charger look i already hit my goal i'm fine i don't need to you know they can't tell you what to do when you put it on the charger it cannot except i think if there's an alarm it will still go off i think it will too yeah or if i get a phone call it'll like vibrate i'm like i think it'll go off on your phone then instead of the watch it's hard to tell it is sometimes it just doesn't hey it's me your watch you left me on the charger so i'm using my phone to talk to you it's like hey what are you laying down like yes wait do you know about the feature where you can find your phone the the thing okay cause that's like the most important feature for sure okay just making sure because it's like that's how i find my phone and then it ends up being in my pocket i hear you dinging it all the time i'm like it's right here we were at aw a few weeks ago like we were in a trailer and i couldn't find my phone we're gonna go do rehearsals and i couldn't find my phone and i'm like am i losing my mind he's losing his name um john love it shout out um couldn't find it anywhere it's like i'm not going crazy i i had it here i have no idea where it went so then i used my watch [Music] and so there were three of us like jim ross and then uh one of the other guys was in our trailer and the three of us are like looking all over the trail we could hear it but we couldn't tell where it was coming from and so we found out that it actually like slid behind there's like a recliner in the trailer and it somehow got in the crack of the recliner and went to like the bottom of it i was gonna say couch cushion that's always when it's in a couch cushion always so luckily that feature was on yeah so i have one question sure okay what would you say your biggest fanboy moment is in your like history of wrestling it's my entire career oh okay i i mean was obsessed with wrestling and that's like i lived wrestling uh just any time i was sitting at my tv watching wrestling and renting tapes at blockbuster so the idea that i was working with all these legends that i grew up watching like the shawn michaels and the bret hearts and the hulk hogan stone cold steve austin got to work with the rock like all these guys every time i went to work i was just like in awe because i'm working and i'd play it cool sometimes like i'm standing in the ring with brett the hitman hard at wrestlemania no big deal but then like i'd have friends in the crowd who knew what was going on and i'd look at them and be like [Laughter] so my entire career has been fanboying and then now i'm almost at a point where like i'm cool kind of jaded kind of been around for a while done a lot but at the same time when i see a dustin rose and jake the snake roberts and whoever else might have a theme song from the wcw slam jam cd i might go up to them and sing them their entrance music every time i see it so it's just it never ends t

2021-02-04 09:37

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