Adventure of the Seas 2021 | Thrill Waterpark - Perfect Day at CoCoCay

Adventure of the Seas 2021 | Thrill Waterpark - Perfect Day at CoCoCay

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i don't think it's worth the money  but i'll say that with the caveat that good morning everyone and welcome to day  three of our time on adventure of the seas   first cruise back in 16 months starting to live my  best cruise life you know i'm getting to the point   in the cruise where it's like okay the travel  of the crews and the preparing for the crews   and everything is done the stress level has gone  down now i can really get into it enjoy the cruise   today we have our second of two days here at  perfect day at coco k yesterday was amazing   if you missed that video make sure you go back  and see it really took you all around the island   and showed you what all was here went to the beach  but today we're going to go to thrill water park   i bought a pass for that so planning to spend  a portion of the day there and then who knows   what's gonna happen i'm walking now i'm gonna  go right to the water park and check it out   uh really excited to see what all is over  there so thank you for stopping by my   name is zach this is adventure in coriolis  let's get this second perfect day started so that was really easy all i did was scan my  c-pass card because i had pre-purchased my pass   before the cruise on rural caribbean's  website and the past was 90 i did buy   it myself this is not gifted or sponsored at  all by royal caribbean so you are going to get   an honest review of the experience today as such  as i'm not sponsored by royal i can't actually   take my camera because i'm not get been given a  media pass or anything on any of the slides so   apologies up front for that but i am going  to give you my honest review of everything   and i'm going to show you everything so uh just  wanted to give that disclaimer up front that   you're going to get full honesty with me  because i've not been bought by anyone so over here is the wave pool uh i don't  see a lazy river i don't think there is a   lazy river or anything uh but a wave  pool over here and then back here is   daredevil tower and this is  where there are uh one two   five or six it looks like different water slides  including that the daredevil fall i guess it is   i'm not sure the exact name of it but all the  way up there at the top so these are all slides   they're just body slides so there's no mats  or anything involved with that and here's the   splashdown for a couple of them and then over here  there's some more slides which i think do involve   tubes and things like that all right so that's  sort of the lay of the land my first impression   is there doesn't appear to be a lot here there  are several slides here several slides back here   there's the wave pool but other than that so far  doesn't seem like a whole lot of attractions here   at this water park there are lockers available  as well as men and women's showers right when you   come in to the water park so i'm gonna go drop my  stuff there now check out some of the attractions   and i'll report back in a little bit and let  you know what i think of thrill water park   so we're now at the entrance for  the looks like there's five slides   up here on the tower there is a shoe drop  right there at the entrance you can see   so if you want to wear your shoes around  because the pavement does get pretty warm   you don't have to walk around barefoot all  day you can actually leave your shoes there   then ascend all those stairs i just rode the  purple slide over here the guy called it the   baby slide but it tore my back up i know that uh  baby or not so now i don't know i'll have to try   some of the body slides out later maybe to wear a  shirt i don't think it helps that i just grease my   back with sunscreen right before i came here so  probably didn't make matters good either but you   know there's five slides there over at the other  tower i'll pan around here back there behind me   there are more slides there's some racers which  means you lay on a mat on your belly and go down   them we'll check those out in a minute there's  also some double rider slides over there also a   single rider those are all either tuber mat and  then the tower here behind me those are all body   slides so plenty of options also just gotten the  wave pool for a few minutes uh seems kind of small   but it's a small part so i guess that makes sense  so gonna hang out here by the way pool for a bit   and work up the nerve to go up some of those  bigger slots behind me so there are a lot of   umbrellas and chairs all around uh here at the  wave pool but also behind the body slots there's   some as well and these are all free and included  with your admission to the water park for the day so now i'm gonna walk over here the very  short walk to the snack shack and get   some lunch this is the same i believe the same  snack shack that they have out on the general   coco k for just anyone to go to but this  one uh not as many people have access to   it because only the people that have access to  the water park can go to this snack shack so   there's no line over there there's hardly anyone  even sitting so uh let's go get some lunch all right so just grab lunch here at  the snack shack and everyone is so   very helpful here and here come the  stupid seagulls trying to get food   you got to watch your food anywhere you  are on this uh on this island because the   seagulls have been attacking everyone's food it's  been left unattended but mine is well attended   um i got the shack burger which is right here and  then fries like i did yesterday and then the lemon   lime drink that they have at the drinks then okay  i should apologize to the seagulls i didn't mean   to call them stupid i know they're just hungry  animals and they're used to people feeding them so over here on the other side  for some way finding there's the   tower so this is on the other side of thrill  water park the yellow and pink slide here is   the slingshot and all of the lifeguards  and operators here have told me that is   awesome slingshot is a two person or more  attraction though so if you are coming by yourself   sorry you're out of luck just like me or you'll  need to find the buddy over to the right you have   the racers and there are mats here at the blue  match you take those up the stairs with you to   do the racers i think you come down on your  belly and then this one over here on the left   the purple and the green this one is fun this  is the one i've been doing and this is twister   and you actually grab one of the green floats  over here and take it up the stairs with you since i can't actually show you the water slides  as i go down them i thought i would at least   show you what it's like i'll  do my best to do an accurate   representation of it so it's something like this there it is it's pretty dark on all the slides  some of them do have a little colored window   sections that make like a kaleidoscope effect  but other than that it's dark it's a sort of   claustrophobic feeling it smells like chlorine  and that's about the jest of a water slide   all right so i believe i'm about water parked  out for a bit now it's uh just after one o'clock   i was laying out by the way pool which was nice  but i'm like hey i have like a natural wave pool   just right over here so i'm gonna go over here  and get a spot right on the beach and enjoy   the last few hours that we have here now the water  park once you do have an admission for the day the   admission is good for all day you just use your  c-pass you can scan in and out as many times as   you like throughout the day so i can go back there  later if i choose so this here is called splash   away bay it's right across from another entrance  to thrill water park you can actually come in here   this is uh you see the tower up there this is  along the path that goes right behind the tower   and this will run back to the oasis lagoon but  this is the other entrance that you can take   that's a little bit more accessible to the beaches  and other places now found myself a seat here by   the ocean the railway pool just down from the  chill grill and just gonna hang out here and   relax uh for the better part of the afternoon i  did stop on the way here and got myself a funnel   cake let's see you get a better shot there we go  so it's just now near three o'clock and i think   i'm gonna head on back to the ship i am suddenly  very sleepy just very tired i was relaxing there   by the beach and laying under the umbrella  and i'm just hot i feel like i've gotten   maybe too much sun today so i feel like the sun's  zapping me in my energy you know we've all been   at home for the past year and uh unable to leave  our houses and stuff and now we're like slowing   out into the sun and it's like it takes all of our  energy at least that's how i feel about it anyway   so i will give my thoughts now about thrill water  park first of all uh to be on a private island and   owned by a cruise line it's absolutely incredible  you know the first thing you notice when you   pull up at coco k is the tower with all the water  slides on it it's so colorful it's so bright it's   so inviting to the eye so that's really cool it's  it's marketed very well it's themed very well   i don't really feel like there's a whole lot  over there though i know there's a lot of   slides a lot of those are body slides and i really  don't like the body slides in fact i only did one   of them today because it just hurts your back  so much the every little seam in the water slide   it feels like you snag it on the way down so it's  very brutal there were more slides that you could   do with mats and things like that the premier  attraction there was the slingshot though and i   am a solo traveler this trip and i did not  have one to do that slide with me so i was told   you know by everyone that works there like  you need to do the slingshot you need to do   a slingshot and i'm like i'm by myself and they're  like oh you have to have two people so if you are   traveling by yourself it may not be worth the  money that you're paying because you can't do   all the attractions you need do need a buddy  the wave pool was awesome probably my favorite   part uh very cool very relaxing they kept the  waves going pretty much the whole time different   than some weep holes i've been in at some water  parks before where they'll cut it off for periods   of time the waves were constantly going they  would switch up the pattern of the waves so   that was neat also the availability of chairs  and the timeliness of food when you order it and   the bar staff was walking around very quick like  i said there's not a lot of people here so there   was a lot of room over there for folks so for that  part it was great however i don't think it's worth   the money but i'll say that with the caveat that  most decent cruise ship excursions that you're   going to go on in most all ports you're probably  going to pay at least 90 a person round about   if it's something like a water park if it's  something of that magnitude something that   exciting and thrilling uh you're gonna pay  that much so on a cruise 90 is uh probably   par i i do think that's overpriced but i do get  the pricing point of it now it's not going to   give you the value that you're going to get  like if you go to orlando or somewhere to a   major like water park and pay the same money they  don't have that many attractions over there but   for it to be an excursion on a private island  owned by a cruise ship it's absolutely worth it if   you are interested in slides and water attractions  or if you have kids and you want to take them   especially i think i found a place to relax  for a minute they have these hammocks sitting   this is on chill island uh this is nice just  looking up laying under the palm trees uh i'll   probably go to sleep here and miss the ship that'd  be tragic wouldn't it to never be able to leave   coco k tempting so serene i've been here now for  about an hour just uh rocking away in the hammock   uh this is amazing this is uh what vacation is for  and i found pure relaxation today here at coco k so   oh wow no i missed him thank you he's big  now we have a bahama friend over there   that is a huge iguana and i'm not getting any  closer than this so i hope you all can see can   they run fast like can he come at me i don't know  i gotta go so sad to be leaving coke okay and not   to be coming here again tomorrow i have truly  loved this place i can't say that enough this   has been incredible i'm so glad that we had two  days here uh and i'm i'm excited to book my next   royal cruise that comes here i've got to do it i'm  excited to sell on royal again and i'm definitely   coming here on it so i'll be hitting up that next  cruise desk at some point during this sailing to   secure that trip there's some cool  weather back here just off to my left   that's pretty cool there's some sort of a  storm going on over there but again like i   said we've dodged the weather here for the past  two days we haven't had any rain or storms so   it's been very nice to have  beautiful sunshine so even if we have   bad weather the rest of the trip at least  we had two beautiful days here at coco cay good evening everyone it's now almost 7 45  and it is formal night or formal evening   here on the adventure of the seas so about to  head out now to go down to the dining room but   it's a beautiful evening here on the ocean as  we left coco k earlier it was actually raining   uh and that was actually very nice just to  hear the rain hitting the ocean but you can   see behind me now it's a very calm the seas are  calm and it's just a beautiful evening so looking   forward to getting down to dinner because dinner  has been on point the entire cruise and i know it   will be tonight also i'll have a full review of  that in just a few moments so now just back from   dinner another fantastic night in the dining room  folks the adventure of the sea royal caribbean   fantastic food fantastic service i don't know  if it's just the sailing in particular because   there's so few people or what the deal is but the  food is next level started out my meal with the   iceberg wedge salad and even without me asking  the waiter brought extra blue cheese dressing   for the salad and that was fantastic uh the salad  itself was very good also got the fried crispy   calamari this is a dish that i try to get on all  of my cruises no matter what line i'm on and it   was very good here on royal for my main dish i got  the beef tenderloin and that was a great cut of   meat it was so tender a couple nights ago i called  the prime rib that i got the best main dining room   dinner that i've had on a cruise ship and i still  stand by that this was just another great cut of   meat that i got in the dining room tonight was  very impressed with the beef tenderloin and then   for dessert i got the grand mariner souffle and  my waiter my weight staff at my table that i have   every night they are fantastic they take very good  care of me and they brought me two which i quickly   consumed both of because it was really really good  piping hot all the food's been hot it's been very   fresh you know nothing's been lukewarm or cold  or tasted like it's sat under a heat lamp for a   long time everything has been perfection in terms  of food in the main dining room and i'm loving it   they're taking such good care of me here on  adventure of the seas that's going to do it   for our day had a great day at coco k a great  couple of days there tomorrow is a sea day but   gonna have several things planned for the video  tomorrow including lunch at chops grill which is   the steak house here on board adventure of the sea  probably also gonna do a ship tour to just show   you some of the highlights around the ship maybe  a stateroom tour and we'll just see what happens   thank you all so much for watching this video see  you tomorrow from the sea day good night everyone

2021-07-09 22:54

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