Adventure is Out There! - Off-Road Ride to The Lake Kariba in Zambia - On Her Bike - EP. 113

Adventure is Out There! - Off-Road Ride to The Lake Kariba in Zambia - On Her Bike - EP. 113

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I'm going to the Lake Kariba which is Yeah, very popular tourist destination here in Zambia And I'll be meeting there with some over landers so this is super exciting [Music] [Music] Oh, oh, oh, oh no, no, no, no It's been a while Since I've dropped it I actually wasn't expecting that but yeah it's quite deep here And it's uphill Go muscles [Music] Apparently there's only like seven kilometers of this Type of the road And then we're on a nice gravel So Let's keep it straight, okay mate? [Music] Okay, I think this is the Main-ish road That goes along The river The river is just there Oh slow down, Jesus Okay we're nearly there Is this the right road? Eagles Rest? Do you know? Oh straight? Thank you That's it Made it Okay where are we camping, here? For two nights The campground apparently is Somewhere there But first things first Let's say hi to the guys I can see they took a chalet How are you? Hey? [Russian] Good, how are you? Good So you guys, this your cabin? Yep How is your ride here? Woah, this is like a whole beach, hey? Looks like you have the sea or something, but you can swim right? Right Oh that's the one? So she said Yeah there's everything in this lake Not just crocs How was That's so nice All right so I'm gonna go and Camp Set up my tent I'll meet you at the bar, hey? Nice Maybe here? This looks to me like a campground Oh I like that Maybe here Chillie huh? Here's a good spot for you, I think Perfect [Music] So guys so nice to meet you we actually met a few, few days ago in Lusaka and now we're meeting again And you know, normally when I meet people on the road , I just ask Three questions You know because you know it's so nice to see other travelers, right? Okay, so how long? Yes, get your beer It's very important How long you guys on the road for? This trip is about two and a half months But You've been traveling pretty much most of your life, hey? From 2007 So you left Russia when? 2007 - 2007 And then you immigrated to? We didn't kind of immigrated We started to travel and we spent one year of backpacking in Asia India, Nepal you know and we ended up in Thailand In 2008 and it's turned us to be a nice place to live So we travel from time to time from Thailand You know we've done all around Southeast Asia and we also went to South America North America, Central America But yeah we're kind of Thailand for us it's like you know It's like a second home so and now it's Africa second time already So how, where did you start in Africa? Cape town Cape town And you went? After that A lot of places in South Africa actually Like half of the country and then we crossed to Namibia and - And now you're in Zambia Namibia and other months in Namibia And here now in Zambia What bike you're riding? 800 GS The best one of course, right? So you're riding two up, how you find being at the back of the bike? Oh it's so wonderful you know these all the bikes we have is all the bikes I rode as a passenger You know BMW - Very comfortable It's one, it's the most comfortable I can ride it for 10 hours without even asking 'Oh Dimas, can you stop please?' - Stop, yeah I'm enjoying it Awesome So what's your plans from now on? Well we have no definite plans so we are going North to Tanzania, Uganda maybe Kenya if they will allow us And then you'll see And then we'll see, actually we don't have any plan maybe we'll sell The bike maybe we will ship the bike somewhere it depends on the borders so this all this situation With COVID and stuff Sure You never know So Africa is the place to be, right? Oh yes, Africa Cheers [Polish] So nice to meet you guys You're really second overlanders since I'm back to Africa so I'm so pleased to have a chance to hang out with you guys Thank you for this little interview Cheers [Polish] Cheers [Polish] Cheers to you guys too For the meeting [Russian] For acquaintance [Russian] For acquaintance [Russian] For acquaintance [Russian] I'll do it again Good morning everyone How are you feeling today? Our evening was out of the record At some point Yes but we have a new friend here who joined us for the party last night and yeah Etienne Has arrived yesterday Last night actually As we were about to start our party he rocked up on 800GS So we've got three 800GSs in this last I mean what's the chance, right? Nice to meet you So how long you been on the road for? About six weeks Six weeks, and what are your plans for the future where are you going, where are you coming from? Coming from Cape Town I hope to go all the way to Uganda Right - Yeah So you don't have really any deadlines this is Pretty much you quit everything It's a new lifestyle Yeah, yeah you're a digital nomad we already Ride the wave while it lasts That's it, that's it well so nice to meet you, you know this is like it's Zambia has been so social for me I've been you know I felt like I'm alone in Africa for you know for a lot of a long time, I mean Since November and now finally people are starting traveling so it's like you're getting your energy back It's so nice to meet you and where are we going now, you can tell people where are we going now I'm a bit hangover but it's okay It's only 8.5 Ks to go We're going to the wall that hold backs all the water in Kariba - Dam Big dam so it's exciting All right everyone's ready? This is the view guys have from the cabin I think it's pretty premium spot You guys ready? Yep Guys everyone come here Because we have a nice light now It's like you're ready Ready, everyone's like that Maybe out of the shade, no, no, yeah Yes Hi Okay let's go Okay who will go first, you go first? I'll go last because I'm recording Okay, then you go first [Music] [Music] So pretty, hey? Very pretty How pretty is it? It's amazing Massive, it's like You know, huge Yeah It's really impressive Birds Yeah Huh? What's amazing? Birds Oh yeah Making some noise So we are very close to Zimbabwe border but actually we're At the border The border is just there, unfortunately Zimbabwe is still close For tourism, so That's the closest we could get And this is the high level of the river the other side So cool That's it that's the closest to Zimbabwe I got this time hopefully in few months they're gonna reopen the borders but for now you see it's completely locked See ya, I'll miss you too, bye! These guys are lucky because they're from Zimbabwe so I guess they could go But we can't [Music] In little lineup For the most beautiful picture of Yeah F800 GS ever taken In Zambia - In Zambia On this lake To be particular How's my hair? Your hair is beautiful Oh, Etienne your hair is the best It's beautiful Dima, would you like to know how your hair? How's your beard? Okay I think it's beer time Beer time, good Be decent No swearing it's all on the video, on the camera What are we doing now? What are we doing? Drinking Braai [Afrikaans] Braai [Afrikaans] Yes drinking too but that's okay let's go What do we have for dinner tonight? A swan Etienne, do you know what kind of bird this is? It looks like a swan Yes show us The swan duck We are not sure What sort of meat is this but yeah looks like calamari Yeah the squid It's beef Yeah Okay a little bit more Yep And how's our meat? It's looking good We're very professional today I mean we I mean you Oh you want to eat the swan Good on you - I grilled it, I grilled it There you go Okay Cheers [Polish] Cheers [Russian] Cheers [Russian] Cheers [Russian] Enjoy your meal [Russian] Bon Appétit Enjoy your meal [Russian] Yes [Russian] Yes, of course [Russian] Bye-bye Nice to meet you It's so nice to meet you Good luck on the road Take care You too Stay in touch We will meet you someday Bye Bye Bye-bye Bye Bye And they're gone End of socialising, it's time to hit the road again This time just Chillie and Me That's it We we're on our way to Livingstone although we're not gonna get it today but we will take the scenic route That goes along Lake Kariba So that should be fun [Music] It's a long way up, hey? Long way up Yeah Steep Good luck Yes, thank you [Music]

2021-07-10 05:05

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