Adelaide 6 Day Ultra Marathon 2018 - the final 20 minutes

Adelaide 6 Day Ultra Marathon 2018 - the final 20 minutes

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Here. We are at race, skew, ultrarunning. Se6. Day event and, there's. 20, minutes to go so. It's. Been an amazing six, days. Is. The. Message. Board here just had the messages, up. And down over the day's got. Buddha champions. Nice. Director been. Proved. And support people, out. I'm. Gonna take a walk of. One. Lap see, who we come across our Darren, he's moving, this guy has. Been running for six days, and he's. It's. Looking like he just came out. Unbelievable. We've put up some great numbers and we'll. See exactly what they are. In. About twenty minutes or so just. Gonna, take a look around. Timing, gear. Darren. Lenny. 796. Kilometres, so far, that'd be Perth at last lap. 20. Minutes to go you'll get a few more laps out yet. David's. Flying as well I can see another couple coming around, so. We've got the six-day. Runners. And. Also the the shorter distance is two. Shorter. You know only a couple of days instead, of seeing us but. Dave. It's really warning out. On. You David mate, you are flying. Honestly. It's. Like these guys just came out this morning, amazing. Morning. How you doing oh so. Close now you got another lap in you Oh. Fantastic. Few. Markers along the way here that, means. Something on the appropriate, lap so that was a finicky marker. Some. More. Epic. Human beings coming around here now. Amazing. Job guys and, girl, phenomenon. We'll see the end. Beautiful. Thorn and parking camera ten council here this. Is sort of a top part of the park it's, a couple. Of lakes a little, waterfall. Everything. Gets pumped up here the water and then, trickles. Down. Like. A little maze of, little. Sort of water terraces, down into the lake. At the bottom. Beautiful. Morning. Good. Day to finish the six day run, fine. Looking, good ah. Good. On you. Amazing. To see some people are still smiling oh. Here. We go. Looking. Good Jerry. Well. Done. Look. At my death I guess. Would be the, wine. With that one. So. Efficient. On. You Steven. Probably. About. A quarter of the way around the track. Bit. Of artwork there six, days rock. Another. Six-day competitor, oh. Here. We go hey, good on you Annabel still, smiling I can't believe it.

The. Spirit, and the resilience, in. These. Runners, you, know it's, just amazing, and. You. Know two-seam walking down the street they're just everyday, normal. People. Some. Of them look like athletes, and a lot of them don't. Mums. And dads and, people. With jobs and all of that but it's. Just something special in them that. Can take on these events you. Know, you think a marathon, is forty, two K's in an amazing, effort it's hard to run a marathon the whole way, these. Guys are run slower but they'll go for a hundred miles. 500. K's you know it's it's amazing. Looking. Good on, your David. On. Your Tony hey. Kim. Darren. I cannot believe how well your running mate. Steve. Lake. Down. The bottom. May, or may not be able to see the Mount Lofty ranges. In. The background. Good. On you so. Close. I'm. Probably, feels like so far but well done. So. Great seeing all these faces out. You're. Gonna have a day off tomorrow. Swim. There good idea of course I mean. You've. Walked him run for six days you wanna have day off on. Your. Guy's amazing. There's. The. Historic. Building. In, the middle of the lake. Probably. However. Half way around now I'd say. He's. David he's gonna pick it up again. Awesome. Make nice. Little downhill, bit there I bet, you know where all the hills are after six days. Not. Long to go I suppose where. I'll. Be looking at about 10, or 12 minutes now, mazing. In good. On you might. Morning. Yeah. Amazing. So. We'll, sort. Of be able to see by race bib, colors, and some. Of the details back at HQ who are six day runners and who. Were running. For a couple of days. To. Make so close. Another. Another. Aspect of the lake. Going, in this direction this, is a nice nice, little downhill for. Maybe. 200 meters. Of. Course coming this way is an uphill the. Competitors. Have been switching direction every, I believe. 12 hours. So. They get to do it in both directions up, and down down and up. Great. To see all the usual. Park. Users, morning. And. About, probably wondering what what. All these crazy nutters are doing, you. Know they come out for their regular walk every morning they're seeing a lot. Of the same people running around and around.

Awesome. I just. Just. So amazing, to see people striding. Like that after so long. You. Know a lot of us tighten up after 10 15 Kay's. So. The. Competitors. Were. Free to leave the track at any time so. There's. Some tense little tent city, around. The top of the track where, they would. Stop. And take sleeps and rests, there. Was a. Massage. Table set up I think some physios, and of. Course first aid, doing. Work on blisters and so on so. Yeah. Plenty, of people, and support out to help maintain. Maintain. Them and maintain their efforts. They'd. Be on different schedules asleep and not sleep and. You. Know when they're going to walk a lot run a lap walk, a lap. On. You Steven I. Think. Some competitors, probably have even taken. A night off the track maybe at home have a sleep in a bed and come. Back again, some. Runners too won't go all the way through to. The very end of the six days a, lot, of them would have had distance, goals and I. Would do those distances, it's, been some. Some. Records set to as far as I'm aware and so. They would do those distances, be happy and then sign off one. Competitor Tracy. Unreal. One, competitor Tracy and was really keen to do a hundred miles so. I believe she ticked off overnight, so. Good. Looking. Like death I figured that I figured it out before. Yeah. So you know everyone approaches, these things, for. Themselves and, sort of in their own way as to what they want to achieve, some. Of them are chatty and smiley. Some. Of them are not chatty and not smiley. Yeah. It's a special, special. Breed of very. Much individuals. All here for different reasons a lot of the runners. - a really big supporters, of the. Ultra running scene in SA and interstate, so they're. The same people you'll see out supporting, you know cheering on me doing, a shorter event. Working. Aid stations, setting. Up courses, you. Know running organizations being. On boards and so on great. Annabelle. So. The competitors, have, well. All that I've seen recently have picked up a little rock in a bag so, because. This is a timed event there's no finish line as such. They. Run all the way around and around and around til, the, time runs out and. They stop and drop their, marker. Exactly. Where. They are when the hooter goes off and then. Their distance on that last lap who's measured out, at. David's. Phenomenal. He strides so long. Though. I watched him do a. 24. Hour I think and I definitely watched him do 100 K around the track. And honestly. He looks to be running better now, and. He was at the end of the hundred kya. Here's. Some. Cheerleaders. Here's. A. Marking. Team good on you guys so. See. There we've got a distance wheel, got. A clipboard and so, on so that when. The. Time runs out they'll blow the big horn and. Then. They'll measure from a set marker, around, to where the rocks are being dropped for each runner and that's. How that last bit, will. Be calculated, to add on to all. The laps and people get a distance. After. Six days or two days or whatever they've done of. Exactly, how, much ground they've managed to cover. Race. Director. Ultrarunning. Essay. Extraordinaire. Ben. I'm, not gonna we're not. Gonna Majan that he's out there to take a quick leak I think he's looking for a marker a brick. Of course. Hey. Ben how, you holding, up it's. An endurance effort for all no. Doubt but I think you probably got some nice sleeps in your own bed. Yeah. That's right, amazing. Yep. So which would this be for him. Wow. 800. Amazing. And. He's running so freely and nice long strides I've got no doubt he'll get around in time. And. So. Just. To fill in a few of the extra details how far is the course around. Fourteen. Hundred and twenty five point, five, fourteen. Hundred twenty five point five and that this is a certified, course yes it is yep so Michael Slater who is a certified Ames, yep measurer. Yep. Wow, fantastic oh yeah we did a, verification. But he's officially for progress or no stops Wow. Yeah. Makes. For a special, and unique, official. Event doesn't it all right I'll peel off and I'll come and see you back towards the end so. Then. Who's. The. Man behind this and so many other events. In South Australia massive, supporter, of ultra. Running running, in general fitness. It's. A tight community a lot of us. We'll run in an event and then we'll help organize, an event from the volunteer. Amazing. Just. Hurt a chair as Darren, went. Around. The. Start-finish, well, the timing area. He's. Gonna be coming around again, any minute now. Now. There's been running, back to the marker he just set so. That he's there. When. Darren hits his 800, kilometers, 800. Kilometers, just. Unreal. So. Here comes Darren. His. Last 50 of 800. Kilometers. In. Less than six days. There. He goes past Ben at the marker. It's. Just taking the time. Amazing. All. Right nearly. Nearly. Finished this lap. You're. Still watching it's a, an. Effort of endurance in and of itself so. Well. Done. I've. Nearly, ran out of things to say but not really.

Where. I'm. Coming. Up on one of our little, tent villages, around the corner here it's. About. 300. Meters. Till. I get back to the tiny shoe. Amazing. Ain't. Mazing. On. You Tony. Oh. Good. On you mate. Yeah. That's, right. Everyone. Is seated here cuz they're all incredibly, special, people. David. Still striding. Open and big chest. Out looking. Good. It's. Been racing back to the start/finish, chute, coming. Around. It's. A little. Tent city hundred mile marker there on, the ground that would have been relevant. After a given amount of laps. Tense. Things chips, coke. Amazing. Supporters. They. Keep their owners running huge. Canisters, of extreme. Endurance fuel. A. Little. Bit of bunting here we set up to keep runners running the, shortest. But official. Distance. Around. Making. Sure no corners are cut no. Extra bits are done. Hey. My sister you've got this go for it love cat. So. Cool yeah. Here's. The official tent city the competitors so they'll be taking sleeps inside here comes cherry again. Good. On you so some of these people I've passed three, times I've walked, a lap solid, and they've, passed me three times good on you mate they're. Passed me three times on the way going in the other direction so that. Shows. You that even at this distance. After. These days they're. Still. Moving. At a pretty, good speed I mean I'm not a slow Walker. And. They're lapping me a couple of times you want a lap so. It's. Just phenomenal to see. Lots. Of faceless. People. In, legends. We've. Seen at. Events many times I. Knew. Annabelle. Night. You'll hear the hooter, still. Going, Oh, Tracy. Oh. Please. Tracy the aforementioned hundred, mile look now, achieved, as I said give. Me a hug some people have very specific, goals. Iman and Tracy was running them good on you Tracy you. Got your rocker you're about to get it. She's. Dropped a rock she's. Done good. On you mate oh. Here. The subtle, tones. Of. Michelle, Hanlon. Morning. Morning. With. Them guy hi Michelle. Yeah. You, too. My Zeke I see. Such. Great. Fantastic. Here she goes beeps, off another lap what. Um which event was. Six. Day yep. Beautiful. Here's. Our. That's. It Road is gone the. Rocks have been dropped. The. Event is over, I'm just gonna walk out here because. As. Good as they look to be moving. These. Guys, and girls are absolutely. Exhausted, you can't underestimate that, as soon as the events done some. Of them may well just, drop. And have a little sit down and not be able to get back up again. Even. A marathon, you get to the end and you get over that line you don't have another step in you so, my unbelievable. Amazing, must have felt good to drop the rock. Yeah. Well, you'll. Get there now well done yeah, of course you did phenomenal. Morning. So. The. Marking teams will be going around now, marking. Out distances, to where each of the runners stopped that'll. All be added to the total Malcolm, will do his magic on the. On. The distance and timing. Devices and we'll have official. Results. For all of these. Runners. I'm, gonna drop off here and. Pick. This up again in a minute amazing. Amazing. Thing to be able to see.

2018-10-15 02:58

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Thanks, Ben P. Great video.

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