Accessible Travel in Romania - Where and How to Travel

Accessible Travel in Romania - Where and How to Travel

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We can make it all participants. So, yeah, you can, uh, you should have a green button for share screen and it should work. Yes. Um, who's going to share, are you Christina or arena? I am. I'm going? Yes.

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Welcome to today's show, if hopefully you've already subscribed to the channel, if you have. And I really appreciate it when people subscribe, you'll want to hit notify. So you find out when new videos post and there's at least one new video every week.

And today we're going to talk about accessible travel in Romania. And I have with me, Cristina Caluianu and Irina Schvab from, Sano touring in Romania and they specialize in accessible tours. So welcome to the show. Let's start with you, Christina. Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got in the business? hi, Ken. And hi everybody.

Thank you for watching us. Thank you for your invitation. I'm Christina, and, I'm the owner of a Sano Touring founded in 2015 at the end of 2014.

And,we are now the only, , incoming travel agency in Romania that deals with, uh, accessible tourists. Um, we didn't, I didn't know anything about the accessible tourists Montel, uh, 2013, when, um, I did some research about the senior travel. And the came up on the, uh, accessible tourists, more facts. And I read for almost one year, I researched, I documented. And at the end of 2014, I decided to invest in found a companytravel agency on tour operator, uh, that will address accessible tourism in Romania.

Uh, uh, I'm very happy to have Irina with me since May, 2015. And, uh, she's uh, the travel manager or . And she is basically the heart and soul of everything connected to accessibility and accessible, um, hotels and venues and museums and concerts and everything.

Uh, as she, she is the one that is getting in touch with every each and every customer that is requesting information. And, um, What we are doing here at Sano Touring . We are actually auditing, uh, for accessibility, every hotel, every museum, every restaurant, every venue that it's, uh, on, uh, on a specific path or our tours.

And, um, in order to be able to deliver, uh, not only onsite and, uh, real information, but the accurate information and very honest ones. Um, shortly, I'm really happy that within five years, it's important to what this map. Uh, we had members of ENAT, which is the European, uh, network of accessible tourists. Um, now we take on globally, our members of, um, international, um, networks, such as, uh, destination travel everywhere or accessible travel news. Uh, we are also, we are networks from, uh, from Spain and from Portugal. Um, then, uh, of course we are, uh, we, uh, we are members of the group of discussion before, and this is basically the way we, uh, we, we met.

And, uh, we are, we are trying to, um, to catch up for more than 70 years of advance in of Western cultures, uh, Western. Countries, uh, in connection with accessible touring and I'm happy that all the fields that we have received from our customers, um, mostly wheelchair users send seniors that have visited us. Uh, coming from the States, coming from the UK, coming from Spain or Iceland, um, they were really impressed. Um, they found him according to their declarations. Of course, um, what they found here, uh, was, uh, much, much over their expectations. And, uh, what makes us really proud is the feedback that we have received with regard to our services.

Most of them, all of them said that, uh, it's the same level as, uh, any other, um, agency. They work. We've been there, there previously, and it's making us really happy of what we have achieved within such a short time. It was a long introduction. Okay.

And Irina a little bit about your background just real quickly. Um, hi. Hello everybody. Uh, I'm Irina and I'm working with, uh, with Christina since, uh, 2015, uh, as a travel manager, it was a challenge for me to, to work in, uh, in this travel agency, but it's an honor. Really? It's an honor.

It was, um, Uh, I lived great experiences. Um, also it was, uh, it was very hard to explain the accessibility among the hotels, hotel owners or restaurants, or, but with little steps, we managed to put Romania on the accessibility map. So I'm, I'm honored, I'm honored. It's a, it's a pleasure to work here. Really.

All right. Well, very nice. Okay. So if I'm a tourist and I want to book a vacation to Romania, what should I know first? Oh, first of all, you should know that Romania is a medium sized country situated in Southeastern Europe. Uh, it has almost 20 million inhabitants and it's a member of the European union since 2007.

Uh, but first, I guess you should also know that it is a safe country to travel, and we hope that when the tourists will be live again, uh, people would know that Romania is a safe country. Uh, Yes, it's a safe country. Uh, Capitol city is Bucharest and it is perfectly located the, between seaside resorts and mountain resorts. Um, because it's the biggest city with almost a two and a half million, uh, inhabitants.

And uh, with international airports from the main city with arrivals, from the main city of Europe. And of course the United States, our national airline provides the flights from Bucharest to New York for the moment. Uh, what to say more, some facts about Romania.

Interesting facts. I would say that, uh, one third from the mineral Springs in Europe are found in Romania. So if you'd like to book us spa or treatment holiday, this is the choice. Um, we have direct and non-expensive flights to Bucharest. So the access is pretty easy.

Uh, we make progresses in a accessible tourist field, uh, museums, hotels, restaurants, we can find accessible locations. Uh, we have a great variety of products. Uh, we have cities to visit. We have traditional, uh, Uh, yes.

Traditional locations like the village museums or a rural tourism. We have the Danube Delta, which I think it's, uh, it's probably the most, uh, interesting destination after Dracula castle. Uh, we have the black sea.

Uh, we have mountain resorts and of course, uh, we have the events like George Enescu school festival international festival, or, uh, for youth, uh, I'm told, I don't know, it's a, it's a big festival here in Romania and also in Europe. Uh so this is Romania in a few words. Okay. Big country in a few words. All right. So how, how is Romania in terms of accessibility? How easy is it for someone that travels with the challenge? Oh, If we speak about the accommodation in Bucharest or other major cities in the country, uh, as well as in mountain resorts or resorts, they have an infrastructure adapted, uh, to people with special needs.

Uh, moreover there are tourist attractions where, uh, tourists where people with disabilities, uh, Well where the tourists or people with disabilities are developed. Uh, such as the Parliment Palace, they organize special tours for people, uh, who are using a wheelchair or the museum of art of Romania, and the patriarchal palace have facilities that allow access for people in wheelchairs. Um, and I want to mention also the green areas that have smooth alleys. That allow a safe and comfortable access and it's a pleasant walk. Um, I think it's, uh, it is wheelchair friendly, but, uh, you should need, uh, an advice from a travel agency.

Yes. Okay. Yeah. And, and, uh, it's, that's my feeling too, that, you know, anytime you're going to a country that you've never been to and don't know about accessibility, uh, sometimes it's better to find somebody that knows their way around.

Yes. Yes. It is advisable to, to come through an agent through a travel agency. Yes.

Okay. And so what are the top three accessible attractions to visit while you're in Romania and why? Oh, uh, it's very hard to make a top three, but because we have also a seaside and cultural tourists multi-ethnical , traditions. Um, but if we are to make a top three on the first, uh, I would say Bucharest. Uh, where you can visit the palace of parliament, which is the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon. Uh, and it was a, as a curiosity, it was built exclusively with Romanian resources. Uh, we can also visit the village museum in the green area of, uh, of Bucharest in, uh, Herăstrău Park with the, the Sheikh neighborhoods, the, where the most political, uh, people live there.

So it is a nicer, it is a nice, uh, this is the village museum. It's an open air museum. Um, also, if you are interested in the cultural tourism, we can recommend the national museum of art of Romania or the national museum of history. Both of them are wheelchair friendly on the second? Uh, I would say Vasser Valley it's, um, uh, with CNI is a mountain resort and it's Baelish castle. Uh, it's a great, as you can see in the picture, it is, uh, it is a great castle, uh, wheelchair friendly.

Uh, and on the third place, I would say the medieval citadels, uh, in Transylvania, the city is the brushoff in CBU. Okay. Can we back up, I want to, I want to comment on that last slide. That that is pretty nice.

They've got, um, with, for the stairs, they've got a ramp to take people in a wheelchair up and down. That's, uh, that is not necessarily typical in a lot of places. We were. Wanting to go to those St Petersburg and see some of the things in St. Petersburg, and they didn't have any way to get people in wheelchairs up the steps.

So that's, that's pretty amazing that you have that. Uh, yes, this is the natural history museum of CBU. Um, and yes, they. They have this, uh, this trend. So, um, I guess this is our top three in brush over NCB wall where you can find the medieval inheritance like the black church, uh, the old center, the , the cozy terraces. Uh, but, um, if you are arriving in brush or CB, we recommend the traditional food.

It is a must. Uh, we, you, we can organize some food tasting with, uh, traditional cheese or jams or, uh, various traditional meat products from pork beef. Um, and you can taste a little of our traditional beverage such as the Țuică or Pelinka, uh, made of clamps or other fruit from the garden. It's an alcoholic beverage, but.

It's good. So I'm looking over here to the side, cause I'm looking at the food pictures. Yeah. You're now here is, here is a special soup made of beans and the smoked pork.

Uh, and this plate is actually a bread, especially cooked. And, uh, the middle is, uh, is replaced by the, by this, uh, soup. And is that like a cabbage roll there? Yes, there are cabbage rolls . Uh, it's coming from, uh, you reaction know that Romania it's a really multicultural, uh, uh, country, uh, because we were replaced.

We are geographically, geographically placed between at the crossroad of the orient with the oxidant. Uh, we have all kinds of influences from the sounds of the, uh, Eastern West Eastern Russia too. And Slavic influences, uh, to Southern, uh, Turkish and toppers influences during the centuries, uh, coming from Austrian sense, Germans and the Hungarians and the West.

So everyone put some, uh, some. imprint some very, uh, footprint, uh, on, uh, on our, um, the cultural evolution. And of course, uh, we are a country located at the black sea and, uh, we, uh, we had, uh, we had all along the centuries, uh, important ports where, uh, uh, influences from, uh, uh, far away, um, And culture such as Greeks or Orientals are, are also, uh, influencing our, our he's three and our cultures and this cabbage rolls are a part of the Turkish Oriental influences and that the white thing there it's called polenta when the way the, our, um, Uh, friends from Poland have it also , but it's, uh, it's a different recipe, but basically it's made of, uh, of corn. Okay.

All right. Very nice. I'm sorry.

I got you distracted. I noticed that it looks like they have for the toilet is accessible because they have the ramp to take them down the steps. Uh, the toilets, uh, this is our major issue. Um, we are working now on mapping the adapted toilets, uh, for, for now, only in Bucharest. Um, there is a problem with, uh, with the toilet, but the gas stations, the fast food or the public toilet in the park are accessible for wheelchair users.

Okay. Uh, but to be honest, yes, it is a problem. It is a problem in the restaurants. For example, the restaurants, uh, uh, allow the alone have access for, uh, for the wheelchairs, but they don't have restrooms.

So. The enterance is adapted. Wheelchair users can enter the restaurant. Uh, they can even, um, have decent, um, um, uh, height of, uh, of tables in order to have the they're a meal.

Uh, but when it comes to the toilets, they are not adapted. So, uh, when, uh, when we are proposing options for, for meals during our travels, uh, we are, um, presenting as well, the actual conditions for the toilets in the we will say okay. It's the case, for example, of that, thepark or near the Bucharest Romania village museum.

It's a huge park open air of course it's a very wheelchair friendly. Um, and they're, uh, they, uh, they have, uh, uh, huge terrace, uh, near the Lake that is, uh, that has an accessible toilet. And that's why when we are or invite, uh, For the tourists that are willing to visit a village museum, we are always telling them that the nearest accessible toilet is in that, uh, in the park at that, uh, that, that lesson. Usually we are connecting the visit to the village museum, to the lunch or the dinner in that, uh, in that place in order to. To put the things somehow together and what you see here. Uh, it's a very dear, uh, to us, uh, city it's, um, uh, called it's, uh, it's a city founded by Romans, uh, and then, uh, um, That resisted the longterm century.

It's now very well preserved. And when it has been restored the recently, uh, this, uh, it's an example of accessible toilets that, uh, that had been, uh, the accessibility was carefully, uh, taking into account when, uh, when we were restoring it. And it's important for us, it showed interest from the public, uh, administration to this. Yeah.

Oh, very nice. Okay. And so what about, we talked about restaurants and the challenges there.

What about the hotels? Uh, most of the hotels, uh, most of the accessible hotels here are four or five stars, uh, chain hotels like Hilton or Marriott or, but, uh, also the local owners. Of the four or five star hotels made the made accessible rooms. Um, we have fun.

We have, um, local, uh, ADA regulation, uh, in force since 2000, then, uh, they have been updated in 2012 and basically, uh, or, uh, owners of hotels or restaurants or public places, uh, are, should be aware of. The regulations concerning accessibility. Unfortunately, what happens is that, uh, they are notobserved or generally not observed and, uh, this is, uh, lack of, um, Of, uh, in the, in the legal provisions, but what's, uh, what's positive in this is, uh, when it comes to a hotel, if one should the, would like to have the four star or five star classification. They must comply to specific rules that, uh, foresee or certain number of accessible parking and of, of a certain number of accessible rooms for, uh, uh, 100 or 50 50 rooms. Uh, so they are somehow compelled to, to comply with the legislation as long as they want the upper classification. Okay.

And, um, I love this picture of the countryside. It's so pretty. Uh, we can, we can also, uh, in, uh, in the road, uh, between, uh, between the, the small, uh, uh, route that we presented you, uh, in the, in these mountains, uh, it is, uh, recently, uh, policy since two years, I guess.

Uh, it is possible to have, um, uh, short treking. Uh, accessible for, for wheelchair users, for the ones who would like to yes. So if somebody wants to get out in nature a little bit, they have a accessible.

Okay. That is very, very nice. Um, and I would think that one of the challenges, you know, just, uh, about some of the smaller hotels and some of the restaurants is the buildings are probably very old.

And so it's very hard to, to, to modify them, you know, Well, we run into that in, in, in the U S uh, that when they remodel, they have to update. But if, you know, until they remodeled, sometimes, you know, there's just no way to easily create an accessible path. Okay. So how about transportation now? I know, let me ask, I'll start.

I'm going to throw you guys a little bit of a curve, cause I saw your vans. There you go. So you guys have accessible vans and I'm assuming it'll take a scooter or a. A wheelchair both, right? Yes. Okay.

Yes. Um, we bought this van two years ago. Um, it's yes, it is an, a, an accessible van with a manual aluminum ramp. Uh, the angle is.

Is a slide tangle ready, easy to use. Um, it's a customizable seating. It gets her transport up to two wheelchairs and five passengers. Uh, it has a lot of space for luggage.

Uh, it has internet, access um, and it has also a mobile elevator, uh, up to 250 kilos. So. This is the minimum , uh, equipment that we are always taking in our trips in order to overcome any potential miss accidents that may happen, uh, concerning the access to, to any it, we have it on there on us to make sure that our guests are, are really serviced.

Accordingly. Okay. So, and also the van can be used as the regular one, eight plus one. Okay.

And so it looks like too, I see a picture of an unaccessible boat. Yes. If they, uh, we, uh, we, um, met them, uh, last summer. No, well, 2019 summer, because last summer nothing happened. Um, uh, they are, uh, they are having, um, now a fleet of, uh, five small boats, uh, out of which two of them are accessible.

Uh, they allow, uh, we are using these ramp. They can enter the boat, then they can transfer on the, on the seatings of the boat. They anchored very well in, uh, in, uh, in that place. And, uh, they can, uh, they can take the boat trip or for one hour or two hours a week.

We, uh, we designed for last summer. But never used. So looking forward for the next summer, uh, some, uh, some, uh, uh, small, um, uh, tour of the South or South literal part of the Cal coastal area of the country. Uh, not only is there is not only these, uh, black sea, but also there is a lot of archeology. Well, a lot of, uh, Uh, when Roman sent the, and, uh, Greeks have landed there and set up there, and there is a lot of culture to spoon to, to see.

And also it's a region where, uh, at least, uh, six, uh, minorities are, uh, living together for centuries in, uh, in, uh, and put the, the, they are, um, Oh, um, um, touch to, to the, to the local development and also not nearby, but a little bit awkward. It's the access to the Danube Delta, which is, um, a great place to, to see at least once in your life, because it's really special. Which is not too accessible, unfortunately, but what we can do is, uh, trying to, uh, use this boat, uh, this kind of accessible boat, uh, to take a tour and visit some, some places in the, in theDanubeDelta while being there. Oh, very nice. Okay.

So what about public transportation? How is public transportation? Oh, in Bucharest, then the major cities public transportation is, um, it's partially accessible. Uh, for example, the buses have ramps, the subway. We have subway only in the Capitol city owning the Bucharest uh, the subway is accessible.

It has ramps and elevators and, uh, accessible toilets in some stations. Um, but the trams are, the trolleys are not, not accessible. Uh, also it is advisable to not to take the public transportation, uh, because I don't know how to say maybe the lack of interest of the driver. Um, or I don't know, maybe the traffic, you, you will receive the help, but not as the, it should be. Okay.

So it is advisable to, to rent a van. This is our recommendation. Okay. Yeah. And we find that in the United States, too, that tried tofind an, accessible taxi.

Um, some places it works well, some places it doesn't work so well. Um, I'm gonna say what I've seen so far. Most of the places, the wheelchair's pretty easy. There are cities in the U S were trying to go down in the, in the old part of town it's cobblestones and the, and the sidewalks slants. And it's pretty, it's pretty bad in a wheelchair. Yeah.

Yes. Cobblestone is a, is, uh, is an issue in mainly in the, in the old city centers of, uh, of Bucharest and, uh, uh, mediaeval cities. Uh, it's quite annoying guys. Uh, for a wheelchair user to use the cobblestone, but on the other hand, we can, we can walk slower and, uh, because it really worth the while thought to walk there and take a journey there. Yes.

Uh, and cobblestones not, not bad when it's flat. It's when it's it, it gets worse we had a, uh, Baltics capital tour scheduled that we canceled because, uh, partly because the big city we wanted to go to is St. Petersburg.

And like I said, it's basically not accessible pretty much anywhere that we want any of the, any of the attractions we wanted to see. But a lot of the, a lot of the, um, along the Medittaranian or along the, um, And I forgot the name of the scene now, but anyway, uh, in the, in the, in the Baltics capital cruise , a lot of the cities are cobblestone, but they're also the, all of the tourist attractions it's uphill and downhill. And so then, you know, that gets.

That just makes it much worse, you know, to ride in a wheelchair and seen. So, um, okay. So in the, in the major cities, um, if somebody is out and around are there toilets access or they're accessible toilets in, in the big cities, um, you said the parks typically are yes. The parks, um, and gas stations, the malls. Yes, the, the commercials, the most that's central the most usually have a large court foods and the food courts and, uh, and also accessible toilets. And if we are late or something happens in food, we always saw recommend to, or not recommend to.

You always take, uh, this, uh, plan B. To use, uh, food courts and, uh, and accessible toilets in, in the malls. It's, uh, it's a plan B. We always think though, they'll have a plan B, we try to have a plan B. Plan B's can be pretty helpful. I have been places where I ran out of my plan a did not work at all.

And then trying to find plan B was, was a challenge. Okay. So let, let me ask the last question here. Is it okay to travel by myself or should I really book through a travel group for sure. It is advisable to book through, through a travel agency. Yeah.

Yeah. And, and I, you know, from what I've seen, I think that makes a lot of sense in your own from our discussion, because, you know, I think that having the ability to have somebody that knows the ropes and knows how to get you to places and yeah. You know, like I said, as we, as the slide show, we went through, it's a, it's been very enjoyable.

To see I was the nicest, it looks like that's a, is that a boardwalk down there by the where's the boardwalk I see on the bottom left corner there. Uh, it's Citadel of Alba Iulia the Citadel of Citadel of Alba Iulia. Yes. Okay. And here in the, in the right, you can see Dracula's castle. Because everyone is asking about Dracula's castle, but the brand castle is not accessible inside.

Yeah. It's only available in the garden. It's only accessible in the garden and pretty much that it is, this group just came. This group just came from the, from the castle. Uh, the lady waited for the three, uh, companions to get out from the castle. They could visit everything and she stayed there and, uh, walking, looking around, but she swayed.

She wanted to saw it. Then she did it. Yep. So she got at least got up where she could get a good look at it and take pictures.

And, you know, I mean, I, I think pretty much anybody in the audience understands that they're going to be places. That are not going to work, you know, because in the, in the 1300's they didn't think about needing wheelchairs. You know, there wasn't something that existed when these buildings were built, but, uh, it looks like, uh, it looks like it would be an amazing country to visit . Uh, I've seen some things that looked so, so interesting to me at least.

Well, I love it. I love the architecture that you look at that one right there on the left, that actually looks like a little bit of an Asian influence in the architecture of it. The, the way the roof sets in the pillars. And is that, is that, is that normal for Romania or is that a, uh, architectural style that came from somewhere else? So the traditional Greek Orthodox, uh, uh, church with, uh, outside paintings and the columns.

And, uh, this one is really very special. It's a very, a small, uh, a small church that, uh, fortunately has survived communism. Uh, so sad story during, uh, during communism, uh, they, uh, they decided to work to destroy the churches and replace them with, uh, blocks with the.

And, um, buildings that, uh, our rulers there that no child share school sewing, uh, in Korea. And she, he was in China and he was mesmerized off the, the huge, all these. And unfortunately, a lot of churches have been destroyed because of that.

And. Hmm, this one is a, is a little jewel and, um, we are happy that it, uh, managed not to be, uh, they'll be destroyed. And, uh, the other building there it's now, uh, it was, uh, built in, um, Uh, between in between the worst, if I remember correctly, it's uh, um, uh, it has the, was, um, it has, uh, it was a blend as a bank and now it's also a bank, uh, the most important, uh, state-owned bank check thing. That one. And there are a lot of other places. This is for example, this is a piece of the old town in Bucharest.

You see the cobblestone and here is the, the remaining of the old, the court. And this is the picture of,Vlad the Impaler of Dracula who was ruling from the IRS for few years during his, uh, his reign. Hmm.

And here is the palace of parliament, a huge building that for this, a lot of people remained without their homes and, uh, everything was demolished. It was, uh, it has us has said history, but, uh, we are not proud of it. We, we have nothing else to do with it and let's be proud of it. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. I am. It is such a pretty, is this inside that building? Yes, it inside the inside the palace of Parliment and this is a view from the terrace.

Uh, here is the deputies chamber stone govern parliament. Basically and for, for wheelchair users, it was, um, it was a separate, um, special route. And, uh, it was nice that, um, regular tourists didn't have access to many, many places in, uh, in that route that, uh, wheelchair users had. What's really, really special for that.

They have a special entrance. We only have two to schedule to let them know how many and when you can, uh, we can visit at least, uh, all that huge building is made with the Romanian materials, with Romanian, textural fabrics and everything, everything here in Romania. Very pretty inside. Yes. It's.

Um, Overwhelming. It's really overwhelming. This is the, the countryside in the middle of Bucharest. Um, And they, uh, the management of the museum is really careful. And, um, uh, he is really preoccupied to get him to involve persons with disabilities in all kinds of activities. And like four-thirty, or maybe this time of the year painting eggs, which is, uh, a really real tradition here in Romania.

And for, uh, for, um, uh, for the children and also for, uh, for persons with disabilities, with mental disabilities or for, uh, uh, for blind or low vision, they have, um, they have special, um, actions and products too. We'll let them be part of LDCs. The Pelese Castle was, uh, it was bit, uh, by, uh, first, uh, King. Maybe you don't know that we were a kingdom for some decades and, um, coming from the German family of often Solon and this palace was beer thing. Uh, The same architecture and structure is, uh, is, uh, is German palaces. He takes, if I'm not mistaken, it was the first, um, palace to be, to use, uh, electric lights.

Am I right? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. Um, Anthony really, really loved the, this, uh, If they also have a special entrance for persons, uh, for, for wheelchair users, again, with, uh, uh, in order to usually, uh, or typical tourists are walking quite a distance from, from the parking lot to the, the entry in a museum. Uh, but for the persons with disabilities, they allow, uh, the wheelchair users.

They allow, uh, the entrance very near to secondary entrance and then take the regular tour. And again, countryside it's really nice. Yeah.

It is such a beautiful country and it looks like it would be such a. It's such a fascinating place to visit, and then there'd be all that food I'd have to test. Oh yes. This is the donut.

This is a donut made of flour and, um, cheese, uh, which is, uh, boiled. And then, um, here is the, um, um, jam, , the jam. Sour cream and jam, usually Blackberry and one on the other foods. And this is, uh, this is an image from some street to food, which is very popular. Yes.

Like I said, I would have to come and try a lot of different kinds of food. I it's one of the things my wife and I love about traveling is to try things that you don't see at home. Uh, and it was kind of funny cause I took a group of, of young people to New York city.

And, and, you know, in New York city, you can find all kinds of food. And I asked them what they want to eat. And it was either hamburgers or pizza. No, try something that you've never tried. Try something you can't pronounce. Don't know how to spell you.

It. Yes. What do you, what do you want to eat? McDonald's.

Well, um, we, we have also designed, unfortunately, most of our vineyards , uh, wine yards are not accessible, but we have a long tradition in, uh, making wine. And there are some places, uh, in vineyard . When you can taste when you can live, when you in the autumn, you can participate and, uh, and get the wine done, getting the grapes and making the wine. And they also have small.

Farms with animals. And, uh, it's a really, really interesting experience. Of course, we with, uh, with food, local food and near the, the wine. And it's also on the experience that one shorter should take here while staying here in Romania. So let me ask a question. If you were going to plan a trip to Romania, um, how long, how long a trip should you plan? Is it.

Two days, five days, seven days, three weeks. Well, it's um, it depends. If, if we are talking about accessible tourists, um, options are quite limited. If you are talking about slow walkers, Or, or, uh, options are already expanding because in the Northern side of the country, Uh, there are, uh, there is an assemble of a seven, um, painted monasteries, which are a part of the UNESCO world heritage, which are really beautiful and, um, built around the 1000 1300, 1400. Uh it's uh, it's are really, really must see. But one, unfortunately not accessible for, for persons with disabilities at all for wheelchair users in the inside.

Also in the Northern side of the country, there is, uh, a unique cemetery in the world, which is called, uh, Medi cemetery where all the crosses are, uh, in wood and, uh, containing, uh, Limerick and pictures. Uh, and, uh, the design of the drawings of the person in the grave , H each across it's very, very joyful and telling a funny story about the person that died. Um, that place is, uh, is also, uh, one can, uh, we had, uh, A person in a wheelchair that, uh, that visited there.

And it's a really, really interesting place, but this means around 800 kilometers from Bucharest. So that's why I said around the three, three weeks, but now we really, now we will tell you not, but I guess the best holidays, uh, seven or eight night, uh, night trip. Yes, I think it's a, it's a standard holiday, which can, um, cover the most, uh, important, uh, attractions in Romania. Yes. Okay. So, you know, if somebody wanted to plan a good trip, then they're planning, like you said, seven or eight nights, and you have a, you have an itinerary available that keeps them busy for seven, eight nights.

Okay. And we are very flexible because they interact it. We have some itineraries, but if one is, let's say interesting more your rural areas, we can adjust. Uh, it depends on the interest of the, of the, of the tourists.

We are trying to find the sum, everything about his interest and of course his, uh, his access needs. And we are trying to, to adjust and, uh, make a very customized product. Uh, uh, applied to each tourist and his needs and expectations, and we are trying to make them happy and fully offer experiences, local experiences. Okay. All right. Well, very nice.

Um, and what I will do is I will put a link to your website in the comments and. Uh, so we'll say goodbye to the folks, uh, for, for those of you again, that have watched it, and aren't subscribed. Do me a favor. If you enjoyed the video, hit the like button. That way YouTube will share it with other people.

If you haven't subscribed again, I ask that you do so. And I said, I will put links to, uh, Sano tourism's information in the description down below, so that you'll have the opportunity. And if you have questions. You can put them in the comments and what'll happen is, is I will get, if I can't find an answer on my own, I will get ahold of the folks Irina or Christina. And th they'll find you an answer so you can find out all you want to know about accessible tourism in Romania.

2021-04-14 13:04

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