ABC News Prime: Key Bridge recovery efforts; Beyoncé‘s new album; Tourism boom along eclipse path

ABC News Prime: Key Bridge recovery efforts; Beyoncé‘s new album; Tourism boom along eclipse path

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tonight the recovery efforts and fight to bring closure to bridge collapse victims families this horrific human tragedy was also an economic catastrophe a massive crane made its way to the scene of Destruction in Baltimore as the work to clear some 4,000 tons of debris begins while the recovery efforts continue will'll have the latest plus people can do what they want to do they want to make a country record make a country record Beyonce's album Cowboy Carter is Making Waves sparking a conversation about black artists in country music so we sit down with a number of music artists on Beyonce's Texas routs and the black country artists already in the game talking about the change and it will be a rare total eclipse in just a matter of days and the cities within its path are preparing for an influx of Travelers tonight we're going to dive into the booming Eclipse tourism and the millions expected to Shell out big bucks from Texas to Maine as the excitement builds good evening I'm Phil lip off in tonight for Lindsey Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we are following those stories and much more including the arrests made in those viral attacks on women in New York City Plus the wrongful detainment of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan gershkovich hits one year what it means for his family and others held against their will abroad we are also remembering the life of Oscar award winner Lewis goset Jr and why Beyonce's Cowboy Carter album has Dolly Parton trending in what the queen of country has to say about it when we go by the numbers but we begin with the search for four missing road crew workers the aroundthe clock operation to clear the wreckage of the Francis Scot Key Bridge and the race to reopen those critical shipping lanes for one of America's busiest ports heavy equipment now on the scene take a look including what's called the Chesapeake 1000 it is the largest crane on the East Coast capable of lifting more than 2 million pounds at a time our team out with the Coast Guard getting an up close look at the destruction today Maryland governor West Moore saying seven cranes 10 tugboats nine barges will be joining the Salvation the Salvage operation and we can't forget about the victims so far four have been identified the bodies of Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes and Doran ronal Castillo Cabrera have been located dive teams are still searching for mayor Yasir suazo sandal Miguel Luna and two other unidentified victims President Biden says he will visit the site next week ABC's Elizabeth schy leads us off from Baltimore tonight the Urgent mission to clear the mangled wreckage blocking the Port of Baltimore one of the busiest in the country this colossal crane one of the largest on the East Coast now on scene capable of lifting 2 million PBS at a time but it's going to take more than that this is just one of four heavy lift cranes that will begin removing what's left of the collapsed Francis Scott Key bridge Crews preparing to cut the Twisted steel and carefully remove the massive chunks piece by piece before refloating the cargo ship Dolly clearing the channel and reopening the port we can now see the cranes that came in overnight they have a painstaking task ahead lifting those pieces of Steel from their River and clearing the debris we were back on the water today with the Coast Guard able to get closer than any time before we're now 150 yard away from the container ship the conditions here really give you a sense of how difficult this is going to be for First Responders the wind is picked up all diving has been suspended as of right now the bodies of four construction workers still trapped in the underwater wreckage we know there's at least one vehicle larger in size that is completely encapsulated by the structure it's going to take some time to get to that Maryland's governor bracing the community for a long road to rebuild I can tell you it is not going to be days or weeks or months this is going to take time let's get right to Elizabeth schy in Baltimore Elizabeth tell us more about that visit from President Biden Phil President Biden says he'll visit Baltimore next week and he's vowing that the federal government will cover the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge those $60 million in funds will cover initial cost cost the entire project could be in the billions and take years to complete Phil all right end it for the long haul Elizabeth schully from Baltimore Elizabeth thank you now to the holiday travel outlook for this spring break and Easter weekend there are a record number of Travelers taking to the skies Trevor alt has more on the airport Rush amid growing safety concerns tonight the early Easter holiday Rush stacked at top the crush of spring break Travelers is leaving airports packed I want to get where I'm going so I make sure get here at least 3 hours early before my flight officials at Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson predicting today to be their busiest day of the month and Nationwide the TSA says Thursday was their busiest day so far this year a United flight from San Francisco to Paris had to divert due to engine trouble the Boeing trip 7 Landing in Denver and at Minneapolis St Paul International Airport two Delta planes colliding on the taxi way it's just startling a boom and and most violent Shake I've ever had on on an airplane no one was hurt but 287 passengers had to find another way to get to their destinations and next week's numbers could even overshadow what we're seeing now as Spring Breakers will soon share the skies with Travelers heading to cities in the path of the coming total eclipse the FAA says the busiest day next week will be Thursday April 4th with more than 50,000 flights set to take off and they're warning of potential delays due to high volume of aircraft and drones attempting to witness the total solar eclipse and Trevor joins us now Trevor we understand there's some news for people planning to travel by car as well that's right Phil of course as you might imagine there are millions of people who are driving in this time of year as Refinery switch to a summer blend gas prices usually always rise but so far they've been rising even faster than they typically do and according to Gas Buddy the national average for a gallon of gas is now $354 that is 7 cents higher than it was this time last year Phil all right Trevor Al thanks so much now let's get right to meteorologist Rob Marciano Rob another spring storm is brewing yeah this one's going to has got some potency to it here in the East though that the weekend travel weather for the holiday looks pretty good but the Western half of the country really looks bad with California on the front lines of this very powerful storm as you mentioned flood watches up and winter storm warnings in the mountains and high wind advisories and watches up for California and Las Vegas and into parts of Arizona the lowest pepper bring San Francisco and and San Louis abiso tonight with heavy rain that will pulse down into Los Angeles in the morning but that low kind of hangs back so it looks like not just tomorrow but Sunday we'll see some rain and snow in the mountains but that's going to lead to a risk of flooding especially Santa Barbara to Los Angeles down to San Diego and we'll probably see some mud slides in some of the hilly areas as well through the weekend some of that energy gets into the plains on Monday I think we'll see an eruption of some storms some of which could be severe across Eastern Oklahoma into parts of Missouri including and up until St Louis maybe some tornadoes that severe threat goes into the Ohio River Valley in Midsouth on Tuesday and then that goes into into the Northeast on Wednesday it'll look a lot different here there then we might see even some snow in some spots come Thursday late next week Phil spring snow got to love it all right Rob Marciano thanks so much now to the growing number of alarming attacks here in New York City multiple women have come forward some posting videos online claiming to have been punched in the face while just walking on the street at least two suspects have been arrested and there is a search for a third person here's ABC's Aaron kerki tonight the NYPD is investigating this incident and several others like it a woman suddenly punched while walking on a Brooklyn sidewalk seemingly for no reason I literally just got punched by some man on the sidewalk in the last two weeks several young women have posted on Tik Tok about getting randomly punched on the streets of New York City out of nowhere this man just came up and hit me in the face tonight with those videos as part of their investigation police have made two arrests including this man skoki stora charged with attacking an influencer known as hi Kate whose video has been viewed 49 million times literally I fell to the ground and now this giant G is forming in a m a concussion a black eye design student Michaela tonado shared a similar experience so I just got back from the emergency room after getting punched in the face prosecutors said the man charged with assaulting her left the 27-year-old with a concussion in a visible I mark on her eye police are investigating at least seven random assaults where the victim later posted on Tik Tok none is believed to be related to another tonight police are looking for this man in connection with the assault of a 25-year-old woman in Time Square who was slapped in the forehead and this man who allegedly punched a 24-year-old woman in the head Aaron joins me now from New York City Aaron investigators are saying these attacks are unrelated and random they are not part of any pattern according to police although that doesn't make them any less scary for those who experience them felony assaults in New York are up about 3% other crime statistics though show The post-pandemic Surge in violence is continuing to level off Phil all right Ain kerski from New York City tonight Aaron thank you now to the race for the White House President Biden joined by former presidents Obama and Clinton raised $26 million during a record-breaking fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall President Biden today saying the event showed Skeptics and supporters they are united Donald Trump was the main target of the night as you would imagine here's ABC's Mary Alice Parks tonight President Biden fresh off that record fundraiser a show of force with presidents Obama and Clinton by his side his campaign claiming a $26 million Hall in just one night no press cameras allowed inside the campaign instead releasing select Clips the president p ging a stark choice for voters this guy denies there's a global warming this guy wants to get rid of not only roie Wade but which he's brags about having done he wants to get rid of the ability of anyone anywhere in America to ever choose and turning the tables on Donald Trump I mean all the things he's doing are so old speaking of old and uh you know a little old and out shape but anyway President Obama trying to energize voters around Biden's record you've got record-breaking job growth you've got an unemployment rate that is as low as it has been put your hands together I see y'all the glitzy event at Radio City Music Hall that sounds like a p p to me ladies and gentlemen which was designed to be a show of party Unity punctured by protesters blasting Biden for his ongoing support of Israel's war in Gaza you are sping genocide and palestin those party divisions on full display tonight the Biden campaign is trying to bring in new voters with an appeal to Nikki Haley supporters arguing in a new digital ad that Donald Trump does not want their votes how do you bring these Micki Haley voters back into the tank I'm not sure we need too many today Trump doubling down on his message of Law and Order after visiting the family of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller it's got to stop we have to have Law and Order and when you have people repeat this isn't a repeat offender this is ridiculous Trump offering no details on how he'd fight crime FBI data shows a recent drop in violent crime in most cities and Mary Alice joins us now Mary Alice there's also some news tonight on the election interference case against Donald Trump down in Georgia Trump's team apparently appealing the judge's ruling that allows district attorney fonny Willis to stay on the case yeah Trump and some of his codefendants have now formally filed their appeal arguing that even though her leader prosecutor stepped aside the case has the appearance of impropriety because of Willis's past relationship with him a three-judge panel now has 45 days to decide whether to take up the appeal the da is asking for an August trial date Phil all right Mary Ellis Parks from the White House thank you a New Mexico judge has rejected an effort by rust armor Hannah Gutierrez Reed to challenge her conviction of involuntary manslaughter Gutierrez Reed was convicted of the charge after the 2021 fatal shooting of the film cinema photographer the bullet fired from a gun being held by Alec Baldwin on the set the gun was not supposed to have live ammo in it the judge ruled that Gutierrez Reed would remain in custody pending her sentencing which will be in April we learned today actor Lewis Gossett jior has died a trailblazing actor and the first black man to win the Oscar for best supporting actor for his role in An Officer and a Gentleman that classic film he was a commanding presence in movies on stage television including the groundbreaking series Roots here's Steve oami the winner is L gos J in an interview published just earlier this year the one and only Lewis goset Jr explained that this moment when he won the Oscar the best supporting actor in 1983 gave him the ability to choose good parts in movies that wouldn't have necessarily gone to a black every time I say understand I want the whole group to say yes sir understand yes sir understand yes sir after his role as a tough drill sergeant and an officer and a gentleman that delivered that gold statue came roles that awarded him in other ways like his long run in the big budget Iron Eagle action film just close to that Runway I'll do the rest and what the actor says was his favorite role ever as the alien Soldier and enemy mind where he and a human Soldier played by actor Dennis quaade had to over come their differences to survive he saved my life why I need to look at another face even as ugly as yours but for many Americans who remember a time when there were very few black faces on American television they'll always be remembered for his role in the miniseries Roots that aired on this very Network that introduced Millions to the powerful and painful history of of how black people came to America you go running off in the Hills you know what's going to happen to me I get to sleep on a mud floor I get to eat what the pigs won't eat I had to overcome some disappointments in order to know that God put me on the planet and gave me a gift to do it anyway he was only the second black man to ever win an Oscar for acting in his real life he would spend much of his life encouraging black men to get early screenings for prostate cancer which he beat he was 87 years old Phil remarkable life and career Steve thank you today marks one year of detainment in Russia for American journalist Evan gershkovich the Kremlin accusing him of collecting State secrets for the us but the Biden Administration says the Wall Street Journal reporter is being wrongly detained earlier this week his pre-trial detention was extended another three months the journal paid tribute to gersich today uh leaving that blank space you see right there on the front page with the headline his story should be here today is Good Friday an earlier Pope Francis presided over services at St Peter's Basilica from a wheelchair Pope recently struggling with respiratory and mobility issues and just hours ago the Vatican saying he had skipped this evening's way of the Cross procession at Rome's Coliseum in order to protect his health the eyes of Christians all around the world will be on the pontiff this Easter Sunday here's foreign correspondent James Longman tonight after leading a solemn Good Friday service at St Peter's Basilica Pope Francis for the second year in a row skipping the Good Friday procession at Rome's Coliseum the Vatican says to preserve his health in view of tomorrow's vigil and Easter Sunday mass the 87y old's mobility issues and cold and flu symptoms interrupting events earlier this year and Landing him in the hospital in February Francis did appear to be in good health Thursday as he visited a women's prison outside Rome inmates visibly moved as the pope washed the feet of 12 of them from his will chair recalling Jesus washing the feet of his disciples the night before he died and there is still much more to get to here on Prime what you need to know about the billion dollars in unclaimed tax refunds before the deadline to claim them but next how Beyonce's Cowboy Carter is impacting all corners of the music world Texas holdom and 16 carriages exist as a pinnacle moment for country music because they point back to an extraordinary black country past so it is pointing back to an entire history of black musicality and black presence whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling for this tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pick line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to C you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nulear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not car in it how important it made the USA great work hi it's David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast Beyonce's conquering country my family loves Beyonce cowboy Carter comes into the world at a very complex time people are saying this song is too good to resist just because you sing hip-hop music with a country accent does not make it country music the stay in your lane the well that's not real country it takes somebody who is at Superstar status to do something that shakes it all up it's Beyonce country this is impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu goodes on myone everything so little bit of sunshine more just a little bit Brea more just a little bit smile little more and I'm it I've been running through the Str pictures of my life everything is so little bit of sun Morning America welcome back Beyonce's country music album Cowboy Carter is is finally out and fans around the world are celebrating the Superstar's latest project could blaze a trail for other black female artists to follow and it's shining a light as well on the rich history of those who've come before her featuring artists like Dolly Parton Willie Nelson and Linda Martell who was by the way the first black female solo artist to play at the Grand Old opery ABC's Jan Norman with more with Texas holdom hey down down down only only only and 16 carriages beon Beyonce's Renaissance into a country music star is only just beginning but like anything she does people can't stop talking about it Beyonce's conquering country the Houston natives upcoming country album Renaissance Act 2 queen bee is embracing her Texas Roots here in the heart of Houston is the rodeo Beyonce has performed here multiple times so we wanted to ask houstonians how they feel about their Hometown Queen Beyonce my family loves Beyonce she's from Houston so we love that what is it about Beyonce's new music that makes it country I think the uh topic of her lyrics it's very country centered country music is for everybody it's for Beyonce but is country music ready for Beyonce it's got too much of a pop twing to it just because you sing hip-hop music with a country accent does not make it country music Michael Jordan was he known as a basketball player or a baseball player enough said on social media an uproar ensued when a fan posted that an Oklahoma country radio station initially refused to play Beyonce's new music in a statement the minority owned station kykc said that at the time they quote had zero knowledge that Beyonce was going to release a country song and added we highly respect Beyonce and her Talent on cable news former Dukes of Hazard Star John Schneider Sayang this they've got to make their Mark just like a dog in a uh in a dog walk Park in a statement a representative for schider said John was clearly talking about artists attempting to cross over into country music and not specifically about Beyonce I look at the reaction to Beyonce I hope I can speak Frank here but it's a musical equivalent of shut up and dribble all of this forcing a reflection on the sometimes fraught history of race and Country Music people like to ask the question why is country music so white and I point to the larger issue that America is segregated and country music has raided its identity into American identity I've been knocking banging kicking on this door and Beyonce really opened it the problem is the way that the industry is reacting to her is not the way that they have reacted to any black woman in the past and I don't think it'll be the way that they react to other black women in the future before the album Cowboy Carter even dropped Beyonce Made history becoming the first black woman with the number one song on the country charts with Texas hold them that's incredible because this is a place where little Nas X's Oldtown Road wasn't allowed to be considered on the country [Music] shards this is a place where Morgan Wallen was caught on tape saying racial slurs and the response to that was to give him one of the biggest albums in country music of all time so there's a lot of work that needs to be done in a post on Instagram Beyonce writing my hope is that years from now the mention of an artist race as it relates to releasing genres of music will be irrelevant she added that the album was born out of an experience that I had years ago where I did not feel welcomed I think Texas holdom and 16 carriages exist as a pinnacle moment for country music because they point back to an extraordinary black country past so it is pointing back to an entire history of Black musicality and black presents videoos going viral of people dancing to Queen Bee Beyonce Beyonce checking tile Beyonce even shouting out the real life Boogie on her Tik Tok from older couples like this one to younger ones all garnering millions of views each it takes somebody who is at Superstar status to do something that shakes it all up that shakeup thanks in part to Country and folk artist Brianna ginon her banjo is the first thing you hear on Texas hold them I know for a long time you said once Beyonce puts a banjo on a track my job is done obviously you don't feel like your job is done yes never done um do you feel like this isn't about Beyonce going country it's Beyonce getting back to her Roots I'm like people can do what they want to do they want to make a country record make a country record like nobody's asking Lana Del what right do you have to make a country record yeah you know what I'm saying like everybody has the opportunity to explore their roots to go back and like this is my life too I want to I want to do this like the stay in your lane the well that's not real country that's just racism you know people don't want to say it's because she's black you know but they use these these coded terms you know know um and that's problematic so this is from Jamaica in late 1600s one of the earliest notated pieces of music known to be collected by Africans in the in the [Music] Caribbean to hear Rihanna and gon's play is a spiritual experience she's got a pullit her Pride a couple Grammys but the instrument she made famous the banjo wasn't always something she felt comfortable around growing up in North Carolina I got exposed to the banjo you like as a child as everyone you know I would have seen the Beverly hill biles I still felt like as a person of color that I had to kind of like ask for permission to go into this what I had been told was this sort of unassailable white appal Lain you know like Mountain tradition that was a kind of a monolithic tradition but that tradition changed once she learned the root of those strings finding out that the banjo was an african-derived instrument invented by people in the Caribbean African diaspora enslaved people blew my mind and I was like it it lit this fire in me and I was kind of like can I can I come into this music I really like it you know and then I learned the history and I was like give it to me you know it's like this is mine too this is everybody we caught up with giddens before her soldout show at the Beacon Theater in New York City the Renaissance woman following her North Star to now be a part of this moment on Beyonce's country hit what is that like for you like to be honest it's like it's the best thing ever I think about the the legacy of the black String Band player the black banjoist the black Fiddler that helped create the pathways and the byways of American culture to be represented in that way is just amazing strumming strings full of History to help a new generation discover their roots that responsibility precious and poignant for Ranon like when they're dancing to the band show I'm sorry just like I'm sorry I've just been working so hard this is like it's our music yeah you know what I mean and I just had to have patience this music is a part of us and it's been missing from our understanding of who we are and I think it leaves a huge hole you know what I mean and so to see you know black people doing line dances to my banjo There's an opportunity for people who don't know who I am to have a piece in that and then if they want more there's a bunch of people doing this work absolutely the more the merrier and good is good just just be undeniable our thanks to Jana for that for more on Beyonce's return to her Roots you can stream impact by nightline's Beyonce Country Now on Hulu there is still much more to get to tonight coming up fast food workers in California are getting a wage increase what restaurants are saying that'll mean for prices but next as Beyonce knows you can't do country without a little bit of a nod to Dolly Parton the queen of country by the numbers people really want to know what it feels like to be a photographer right shoulder down there we go it's this ying-yang of danger and this incredible V Beauty that's his first breath that's so cool all right this is it these moments that you immortalize makes a lot of difference there's a masterpiece everywhere look at that national forests are good places to get away but sometimes bad things happen in good places it's the stuff of nightmares all I can see was their feet sticking up my knees went weak this is a human skull we were definitely against the clock how many more victims are out there wild crime and blood mountain now streaming only on Hulu I've covered a lot of Twisted dark stories but I've never seen anything quite like this it was terrifying Alisa was a very beautiful woman she just seduced him this is where the nightmare began Alise had asked would horse tranquilizer kill a human being and I said you mean a horse she says no a person this is crazy the 2020 event I hadn't thought about that in a very long time tonight on ABC first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live Housewives at Beverly Hill star Erica Jane celebrity attorney Tom Gerard this story was a nuclear explosion today several victims will get a chance to finally meet Erica J and that's sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife and the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face Erica why did it take you so long the house and the Hustler too only on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news Pup Culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food gma3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that I'm Whit Johnson reporting from Maui wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News [Music] live jol [Music] jol I'm warning you don't come for my man that right there is Beyonce's rendition of the Dolly Parton classic Jolene the song released today on Beyonce's new album titled Cowboy Carter and in honor of Bon's most covered song we're going to take a look at the queen of country music herself by the numbers in 1959 Dolly Parton was just 13 years old when she released her first song Puppy Love Parton has since had 20 hit songs make Billboard's Hut 100 chart two of them reaching number one including her classic 9 to5 and Islands in the Stream a duet with Kenny Rogers was the other Jolene peaked at number 60 on the Hot 100 list when it was released back in 1974 and Parton has since had four different hit versions of the song including a rock version with the popular Italian band monuskin released last year the now 78-year-old's net worth $440 million that's according to Forbes and while the country sweetheart is best known of course for her songwriting and music the bulk of her wealth actually comes from her Tennessee theme park Dollywood the hotel in water Park attraction brings in around $1.8 billion every year and she owns a 50% stake there is much more ahead here on Prime from Texas to Maine how cities in the path of the total eclipse are preparing for the crowds plus some last minute tips if you're still making plans and the multi-state sting operation that led to 150 arrests related to smuggling illegal Contraband into prisons [Music] Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed you're in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in warong do you think you'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives the magnitude of the Devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you behind the stories as they happen giving you a front row seat to our world as it plays out in real time live ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights America's most honored streaming news program only on ABC news live streaming free right now wherever you stream your news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live Monday afternoon April 8th All Eyes to the Sky for a total solar eclipse a breathtaking Celestial event ABC News together with National Geographic with ABC's David new and Lindsay Davis reporting watch it all on ABC News live National Geographic Channel mat GI wild Disney Plus Hulu and live on ABC Eclipse across America America Monday afternoon April 8th starting at 2:00 p.m. Eastern can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my good oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and bed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed Sunday morning breaking new reports on the Baltimore Bridge collaps the investigation and what's next for rebuilding and new Isis attacks after the terror that happened in Moscow what's being done here to keep American Safe Sunday morning on ABC's this week why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts welcome back gas prices are going up a major sting operation to keep Contraband out of prisons and jails and some good news for egg lovers these stories and More in tonight's [Music] rundown California's new minimum wage for fast food workers goes into effect April 1st and some chains like McDonald's and Chipotle have said they will raise prices to cover the increased labor cost McDonald's generated about $25 billion in Revenue last year alone while Chipotle saw about $10 billion in Revenue in 2023 workers in the state successfully formed a Statewide Union to lobby for a wage increase the national average for a cost of a gallon of unlet gasoline has jumped about 14% since the beginning of the year that's according to data from AAA analysts say these bumps prices reflect the growing demand for fuel each spring as drivers take advantage of the warmer weather still experts expect prices to come down by the end of the year Senator Joe liberman was laid to rest in Stanford Connecticut today with his former running mate Al Gore offering a eulogy friendship over anger reconciliation as a form of [Music] Grace we can learn from Joe liberman's life some critical lessons about how we might heal the ranker in our nation today liberman spent decades in public service serving as Connecticut senator for more than 20 years in Washington tax season is right around the corner and the IRS is reminding people to collect their refunds from almost four years ago the agency says it's sitting on almost a billion dollars worth of refunds that have yet to be claimed by nearly a million tax ta payers the IRS commissioner says taxpayers have until May 17th of this year to claim their 2020 refunds Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announcing the arrests of 150 people in a massive investigation into illegal Contraband delivered into State Prison facilities the operation span multiple States the arrests included prison staff and resulted in more than a thousand criminal charges for those involved according to the state the plan included flying drones into prison airspace and dropping packages of illegal goods for inmates to retrieve and a new study that was funded by Eggland's Best and presented at the American College of Cardiology annual scientific session finds that eating more than a dozen eggs a week may not negatively affect your cholesterol levels researchers followed 140 adults ages 50 and older who have heart disease or two risk factors for developing heart disease and then they put them into two groups those who ate two or fewer eggs a week and those who eat more than 12 fortified eggs a week and the results well no meaningful change in the levels of HDL or what's known as the good cholesterol nor the LDL which is often called bad [Music] cholesterol okay so you might know our next guest is the complicated yet lovable Nate Chelly from the belov series Ted lasso but now Nick Muhammad is coming back to our screens as a pixie in the new historical Adventure series Renegade Nell set in 18th century England the series takes viewers on a wild ride after a young woman named Nell Jackson finds herself framed for murder and becomes an outlaw but she soon realizes that the supernatural power she has could also be what saves people and possibly even herself take a look so three things one I'm on your side two that it's not loaded and three it would would have any effect on me even if it was for I am nonc Corporal what you mean you're on my [Music] side are you sold Nick Muhammad joins us now Nick thanks so much thank so much having it's so great to have you here um you have played so many lovable characters right and this particular character this this Series this historical authentic Factor but it also has this Fantastical bit to it that we just saw a little bit tell us about the world of renegade now yeah you know look it's it's written and created by Sally Wayne White who's a absolute genius and um you know traditionally she has written sort of grittier um shows like Happy Valley um but thematically this is sort of similar even though it's quite a swashbuckling Family series um you know strong female lead at the heart of it about social injustice class Warfare and so on um but yeah there is this Supernatural element where where my character Billy blind comes in um and it's sort of together he and well I call him he but he's a Sprite really he not to really gender him but but um together Nell and Billy kind of have this sort of incredible ability this sort of Supernatural power that they kind of use as a Force for good um but yeah it means it it makes it a departure from Sally's previous stuff but um it's also sort of grounded in sort of a semi- truth because in the 18th century a lot of people did believe in some of the kind of the folklore that the the show alludes to and in fact I think Billy blond is based on uh an old story of like an imp that used to like live under the pillow to sort of protect you if you were kind of to protect children and so on so it is based on a truth even though it's very Fantastical it is very different from say the role you played in Ted lasso or or we could name any other number of things why what what Drew you to this specific role because it's pretty particular yeah I think it's like what you know what we were saying before in that I I I particularly enjoy sort of doing lots of different sort of things and sort of challenging myself in different kind of ways and um you know Ted lasso was obviously had a particular you know that character in particular had its own sort of Journey and this I remember this coming uh towards the end of Ted lasso and I was reading it thinking this is so so different from anything that I've read before and um you know there was that Supernatural element I knew that I was going to get to go on wires which was a real draw because it's been a childhood sort of dream how did you bring comedy to the role how do you how do you mix comedy in with it was quite tricky in a way because because Louis and I had to film all our stuff separately because I was still finishing off on season 3 of Ted Lasser when they were doing principal photography so all my stuff was green screen separate um I was lucky I had all of Louisa's coverage to kind of go on but um Louisa literally had like an eyeline on a stick I think to kind of go on so it was we were not concerned but we just knew that we had to kind of try and get the dynamic right and you know they are a bit of a double act to a degree because they sort of bicker a little bit at the start when it's you know Nails frustrated as to why he's here but um you know they kind of bond over the course of the series I just want to go back to one thing you just said for those of us who who who aren't actors that's going to be really difficult when you're not actually acting with the person how do you how do you wrap your head around that especially something like that well it's a technical challenge more than anything and it's something again it's something that I'd never really uh done before on previous jobs but um you know you have so much support from the kind of technical team you know the visual effects and stunts people um you know especially when you're on wires and you got particular eyelines and particular shots it was it was technically challenging but you know still a real privilege and a joy and and just quickly without giving too much of it away how much does your character and how does your character influence now well they go on this journey together I think they realized quite early on that um that his his his purpose is is is more than is more there not to just sort of solve n's problems but they may might have a higher purpose in terms of there's a whole plot to kind of overthrow the Queen of England basically which they have to kind of thwart together so yeah they have a much bigger goal well it's it's always wonderful to meet someone who you admire on screen and is just wonderful in person so thank you so much Nick really do appreciate Renegade Nell is now available to stream on Disney plus life and death in the city that never sleeps in the new film asphalt City viewers join the Journey of a young paramedic assigned to the night shift in New York so we follow olly cross who works alongside his uncompromising and seasoned partner Jean under the shadow of night the two find a city in crisis with each 911 call bringing danger and un certainty take a look you think these people like youy to you think you're saving people I give you about two weeks intense joining us now is Tai Sheridan who stars as olly cross Ty good to see you thanks so much for being here our viewers will know you from Ready Player one and cyclops and some of the X-Men uh movies but in this film you're both acting and producing and one thing that people might not know is you have a production company and this is the first effort from that production company right this is a big deal for you yeah no I appreciate it thanks it's nice to be here um yeah no that's that's right we've been trying to make this film since 2018 so it's been a a long time coming and you describe this project particularly as one of the most difficult projects you've ever worked on why why why is that yeah if not the most difficult oh really yeah well I think you know as you can see it's a comedy no it's a very it's very intense subject matter you know getting into the lives of of Medics and specifically medics in in the city of New York um it was an intense Journey you know I think shooting a film in in New York is a is a very intense Journey yeah that's just just tactically that's a difficult thing to do but then yeah you're taking on you know this first responder role uh how did you prepare for it we spent a long uh a lot of time riding around with actual Medics uh since 2018 I was taking trips to New York and we were working with a lot of Medics from woff hospital in Brooklyn they're kind of our official advisers on the film and then two months leading up to shooting the film I was doing three three or four ride alongs a week uh 12h hour you know night rides and uh always Friday and Saturday nights which are the craziest busiest nights were there things that you saw that you thought would happen in a different way were you surprised by some of the stuff you saw and I don't mean the actual calls you went out on but how it works yeah absolutely I think the thing I was most surprised by was you're you're showing up to people in their worst moments right and no one ever plans for an accident so you show up and there's a family of nine and then they're in the middle of cooking dinner and you can smell everything and there's the TV's blaring and Grandma's lying on the floor and and you never know whose life you're going to walk into you know and each call comes with a surprise there's a lot of back and forth we're seeing Shan pen right there the relationship with your partner Jean played by sea Penn um your relationship sort of takes Center Stage uh what was it like acting with him I guess I should say as an adult because this is your the first movie you did was with sha pen too right that's right that's right yeah when I was 11 years old it was a movie called The Tree of Life but we didn't really have any any scenes together the only overlap sea and I ever had was uh we were staying at a beach house two two separate beach houses that were right next uh door to each other in the Gulf Coast we were shooting there and uh I offered him a cold beer you know my parents yeah at 11 my parents were having a beer on the porch and they said oh there Sean you know ask me if he wants to come over for a beer so he he said sure I'll take a a beer from the 11-year-old bartender and so he came over and I remember I always had good memories of Shawn from them but yeah this is the first time really getting to work together and I know you wanted him specifically for this role right that's right yeah we went to Shawn uh yeah in 2018 and uh I think the timing was was wrong you know I wasn't really looking to act then and and because the film took so long to make um we and it was we kind of Revisited after covid and he had done a lot of work with First Responders during the fires in in in Malibu where he lives and and also through Co with with his organization and I think he had he's always had a respect for this community but I think he had had a recent engagement that that kind of made this project feel even more special so yeah we got them on the hook well First Responders are heroes um we all know that especially here in New York City um you you two do a great job I appreciate you taking the time oh Mike Tyson's in the film but we'll let we don't to get into that today we'll let we'll let people watch the film uh itself but that's kind of cool that Mike Tyson's in it as well Ty thank you so much um and and you all can watch asphalt City in theaters starting today we are tracking several headlines around the world at this hour people continue to lay flowers and toys at the memorial outside the concert venue west of Moscow which became the site of the deadliest attack inside Russia in two decades our men burst into that concert hall spraying people with bullets during a show by the Soviet era rock group picnic killing at least 144 people and injuring 382 others on this Good Friday in Bolivia Bolivian argentinan and Peruvian artists spent part of the day carving large religious images depicting the way of the Cross stations out of sand in Dunes the festival is an annual tradition that has been running for more than 17 years drawing large numbers to Marvel at the sand creations and this Easter in South Africa you could spend your cash on a penguin egg this is part of a broader effort by a South African conservation group that has been incubating more than 200 eggs of the endangered African penguin that were rescued from two colonies the southern African foundation for the conservation of coastal birds is soliciting donations to meet the cost of incubating them by inviting people to adopt an egg now to the countdown to the solar eclipse just 10 days away way cities along the path of totality are preparing to become tourist hot spots and it could mean big bucks for them as Millions prepare to get on the road ABC's Gio bonitz has more across the country a total eclipse takeover we have folks coming from Japan and Tasmania 11 European countries with the stunning and rare Celestial event a little over a week away cities along the path of totality now the biggest tourist hotspots in the US West nearly 4 million visitors expected as far south as Texas All the Way North to Maine Believe It or Not people have been booking hotels for 11 months now Airlines have added special flights for the coverage we've got all the gadgets hoping to um be able to record some cool pictures Wesley Meers and her family hitting the road for a 15-hour drive from Florida to Texas to take part we wanted to go somewhere that had um a decent amount of totality want to show the kids around Texas so we thought it was great because they having over four minutes and nasus nir has been planning his trip for seven years I don't know if there are words to describe the level of excitement I have you having you preparing for this for years I knew the dates of the next five or six that are happening I said yep I know exactly where we want to go Price Line saying it has seen more than a 330% jump in Flight searches for cities like Indianapolis Cleveland San Antonio Buffalo and Dallas compared to the same time last year those Eclipse weekend flights don't always come cheap the average roundtrip ticket to Louisville runs about $1,200 Buffalo about a th000 and San Antonio just under 900 Travel Experts say there may still be time to snag a deal particularly when it comes to hotels you want to go to a secondary City so don't try to go to Indianapolis but travel to Bloomington or or outside the major cities cuz sometimes you'll still see hotel deals there with all that travel local economies are expect expected to reap the rewards the state of Texas could pocket a record $428 million and those smaller cities are still going big on Eclipse Mania like Hillsboro Texas which is offering a weekend of events leading up to the main one locals say they've been preparing for two years to welcome crowds to Eclipse Boro we ordered 25,000 pairs of eclipse glasses and there was a moment when we started to think maybe that's not enough and so we ordered another 25,000 pair there's really no shortage of ways to participate Six Flags Over Texas offering Thrill Seekers a chance to strap in for a solar coaster and if you have your SE Legs Hall in America offers an experience far away from the distractions offshore all right Gio thank you and a reminder we will have full eclipse coverage all day with our correspondents World News Tonight anchor David Mir and Lindsey Davis fanned out across the country make sure to tune in on April 8th right here on ABC News live and that's our show for tonight I'm Phil Lipoff ABC News live is here for you all night with the latest news context and Analysis and you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course have a good [Music] night why do so many people start their day here from ABC

2024-04-01 07:45

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