ABANDONED Controversial Theme Park Near Disney World. (Holy Land Experience) Explore # 121

ABANDONED Controversial Theme Park Near Disney World. (Holy Land Experience) Explore # 121

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experience love experience Joy experience  Jesus Holy Land Experience is an incredible   place where you can go back in time and not  just see but experience life in biblical times hey welcome back explorers today we're at a pretty  unique spot here we're at an abandoned theme park   it's actually like a Christian theme  park Jesus was crucified here every   day they did like a they did a bunch  of shows there's no like roller coaster   rides here but it's just definitely a  theme park, like take a look at this its supposed to resemble Jerusalem and  they did a really good job doing that   this place is just amazing I'm actually here  with two other fellow explorers in here with   adventuring with Trevor I'll put his Link  in the description I'm here with Chris   I'll put his Link in the description as  well they all got YouTube channels and   social media accounts so they're exploring  they're doing a video as well this place is   going to be getting demolished pretty much any  day they're building a I think a hospital here   but this place has been a pretty  happening place from the 80s   to the 90s and then the sales of the  ticket sales and that really dropped down so they ended up selling this place we're going  to explore this place before it's gone forever yeah I guess they did baptisms here  they'd walk down the stairs and do a   baptized I'm not too sure I'm not too  familiar with all the religious stuff but you wouldn't want to do a baptism right  now in that water it's all pretty gross the Holy Land Experience theme park recreated the   architecture and themes of the ancient  city of Jerusalem in the first century   the park opened in 2001 which would allow people  to experience Israel as it was in Jesus time   the grand opening received National publicity  some generated by the Jewish activists who said   the Holy Land Experience was designated to  convert Jews Irv Reubin chair of the Jewish   Defence League compared the theme park to the  Holocaust Rubin was arrested a short time later   on charges that he conspired to bomb a mosque in  California and the office of a U.S congressman   Rubin died by suicide in 2002 while awaiting trial  in a Los Angeles prison the Holy Land Experience   could not break even it just cost more to run  by 2007 the park was 8 million dollars in debt   the park was saved by Trinity broadcast network  TBN they bought the Holy Land Experience in 2007.   they plan to use it as a studio and  a set for new Television Productions   in the first year they laid off about a quarter  of the staff and outsourced some of the more   expensive maintenance including cleaning  and Landscaping The increased the number   of Visitors by about 25 percent updated some  of the attractions and added brand new ones   visitors could now get their picture taken so it  looked like they were walking on water with an   actor portraying Jesus. t's Martha's Kitchen  see we see what's going on in the kitchen nothing it's a bunch of uh sweet relish there's a screen unfortunately the Holy Land Experience still  requires lots of cash in 2010 TBN put more than   40 million dollars into it in 2011 another 23  million in 2012 TBM stopped raising money with   telethons after much criticism of the fundraising  practice and cut support to the theme park to   about 2 million per year sadly ticket sales  started falling from about 250 000 visitors   it dropped to 180 000 paying adults in 2013.  and then just continued to decline after this   tax records show nearly 9 million dollars in  ticket sales in 2014 dropped to 8.5 million the  

next year and down to 7.1 million the year after  that ticket sales dropped to 5.5 million in 2018   and then plummeted in 2020. tenants was down about  50 percent before covid-19 and then the park was   shut down by the pandemic in August 2021. it was  then sold to a health care company for over 30   million dollars they have plans to redevelop this  property and build a large Health Care Facility I don't know what's left in this place a  lot of this place is uh sealed up I think   so we're only going to go into the places that  are wide open um at this place here I don't know   you could tell like they started  ripping stuff out like maybe the tiling   like the stuff that they want to keep I guess but the reason why the power  is still on here is because   I gotta get my light it's because there's  workers still coming here and removing some stuff so this is where they did a show oh wow I don't know if I could turn  the lights on. look at this look at all the seats here bro too bad we couldn't turn the lights on more like this place is like look at this place look at all that look at all the mold  on the seats it's all mold on the seats   look at this that's all mold wow it's quite the place here oh we're gonna go in the VIP Booth here back here this is behind the stage here oh they're here this is the stage there's Chris down there he's exploring this is crazy I've never oh look at this we're like right up here wow I don't know how safe this is up here but   okay that's enough of that I'm not going  too far up here you get the idea though what you can see all inside everything's all left this is like the gift shop  probably where they had a tablet the dust in here they see they took  something off the walls here yeah   like maybe tiling like very  expensive tiling maybe yeah you know they had like a Rock sort of  looking like yeah you know Jerusalem yeah hot dogs six dollars turkey legs eight dollars  they're really milking them for all their work oh I didn't leave any food behind no that's  too bad go ahead you could have used it smell the mold oh this is I've seen that on  TV that that used to be a miniature like City because I've seen a video on YouTube of  them touring somebody touring this place   oh there's Jesus right there Peter yeah and I think people got to come here   and remove some pieces from this  it used to be a miniature City   this is a replica of ancient Jerusalem this  was the world's largest indoor model of first   century Jerusalem this 25 foot wide model is  meant to represent Jerusalem Circa A.D 66. this is yeah I heard that the people came  in here and they got to take like   a souvenir before they demolished this place  they got to take like one of the castles or   is there any people in it yeah  look at this even like the Moss baby Jesus I'm like I'm impressed this is like this was very  very well done I'm flabbergasted like I've never   been I was just like saying earlier I've never  been here but I think this is the ideal experience oh look at this what's in there what's this  door it's like they blasted it look at that   there's something something like it must have been  seriously broke his door down here cast only room so here's another room where they did shows not sure what they did in here I just  know they did some shows in here this place is this massive I don't  know if we're going to be able to see everything today but look at all the posters  left behind here King David thank you oh where are we here this place is just demoed here already started taking stuff apart look at this place I feel like I'm in Jerusalem this place is as crazy the skull take a little peek to see what it's like what is it here nothing oh here's the restrooms we  don't really need to go in there   we all know what a restroom  looks like is that a Yeti cup no oh what is this this looks totally trashed what is this place this place is just demoed here oh you know what this is this is a Mini Putt there's Jesus playing mini pot right there oh yeah okay they totally dug this place up oh what is this what's in here an octopus wow that's kind of spooky and then oh we got Jesus  here he's there he is he fell all right let's keep going here this place is just crazy I've  never seen anything like it   yeah it's pretty uh pretty smashed up over  here but there's this place is this huge like   we've been here for quite a long time and  we got lots to do lots of checkout here you know a gift shop nothing much left in here thank you foreign hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video this  place was just so awesome so glad I had a   chance to explore this with these guys we had a  lot of fun here today hope you enjoyed the video   this place is just massive there's a lot to cover  we only went into places that were wide open some   of the places are all locked up and sealed up but  the workers are still kind of coming through here   I think removing some stuff before demolition so  this place is going to be demolished really soon   and I'm pretty sure they're gonna be building a  brand new hospital here which is good everybody   needs a hospital it's nice to have more so let  me know in the comments what you think about   this place I'm not really religious so I don't  know too much about all what that went on here   but it was a lot of fun yeah I'm in Florida so  he can't beat that I love the warm weather and   the Sun so I'm glad I'm here but let me know  in the comments what you think of this video   Please Subscribe and follow the guys  I went exploring with today Chris and   Trevor I'll put their links in the description  definitely see you guys on the next explore

2023-03-03 19:45

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