Aaron Lipkin: Secret Archaeology of Israel

Aaron Lipkin: Secret Archaeology of Israel

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Great. Archeological. Discoveries, are being made in Israel. And here, to talk about one, or, maybe more of those archaeological. Discoveries, is Aaron lipkin Aaron welcome to prophecy Watchers, thank you for having me Aaron. You've. Seen me interview. Avi Lipkin many. Many times right, here at, prophecy Watchers, Aaron is obvious. Son and it's, been a pleasure to get to know him for several, reasons, one, of which is, that he's the operator, of lipkin, tours, in Israel and you, take tourists, how, often, do you take tour groups we. Have towards tourists, coming all, the time to Israel Israel. Is experiencing. A boom, in tourism and we. Have our hands full thank, God and I found it interesting to. Learn that there is a boom in tourism to, Israel which, means just one thing there are people all over the world who are reading their, Bibles, and they're. Wanting to go to the land of the Bible right which. Is good news because it means that that, there's a spiritual, growth out there yes, and I think that it's also a fulfillment. Of the prophecies, you know when the Bible speaks about the nations coming to, the land coming. To worship the, God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob, we. Actually see this in front of us today now. When Aaron takes tours they. Are very very special tours, he. Takes people to see things that are astounding. Literally, we went on tour with him 2015. And we, went to a place called argaman, where, there is a giant, footprint, it's several hundred feet long and it's. Been there on the ground for, what. Three, thirty five hundred years or so and it hasn't even been disturbed, in 3,500. Years and he, took us to see this footprint, I still haven't to this day I haven't gotten over seeing that artifact, that was 3,500. Years old but. That was an altar, apparently. Built by Joshua, and, and. You took, us there I had, no idea that such a thing existed, that's, only the beginning of the story right it's. The beginning of the story you know for centuries, we've, been reading the Bible we've. Been reading the book itself and, in. Our in our in our minds we've been picturing, how things, looked, like and. In. The last. 30. 40 years the. Archaeological, discoveries, are being made are, really. Changing. The way that we pictured, how things. Look like, for. Example the footprints. That you just described, that's. A a big, archeological. Surprise that nobody, really expected. To find. We. Don't. See in the Bible anywhere that. There was a description, of the Israelites, building. A footprint, and. Suddenly professor, Adams, out there that were going to speak about. Walks. In the Jordan Valley surveying. The. Area and. Surprisingly. He finds, these six. Formations. These three six structures. In. Different areas in Samaria. And, now. You. Have to ask what. It is where. Is it where does it appear in, the Bible and. Speaking. Of appearing, in the Bible and and this was. An amazing, thing to me I'm looking at my Bible Deuteronomy, chapter, 11. Verse 24. And, and. It says every, place where all the soles of your feet shall. Tread, shall. Be yours from, the wilderness Lebanon. From the river, the. River Euphrates unto, the uttermost sea. Shall. Your coast be, and this, idea of where, your feet touch the ground is. Memorialized. In, those altars, right particularly, an argument, it's a footprint, how long is the footprint it's several hundred feet right yes you might may know it in meters, rather, than feet it's it's fairly. Big and definitely. Meters I dunno it's it's about a hundred meters on 50 meters, but. The. Amazing thing is that it. Just exactly as you've mentioned, you. As an archeologist you come and you see this footprint, and you. Immediately, identify it. As Israelite, because, of the pottery and then. You're. Looking at the Bible and you're looking for four. Feet you're looking for where where, the, word foot. Appears. And suddenly you see that, the book of Joshua is is. Has, a lot. Of mentioning. Of a feet and and the feet are basically. The. Feet of the Israelite it's it's where they, established their presence, and the land and the big story of the the book of Joshua is how. The, Israelites conquered. The land from the hands of the Canaanites, it's, the land that God gives, the, Israelites and where they put their faith will, be theirs and suddenly. You, survey, the Jordan Valley and you find feet and so. Professor Adam zertal. Had. The conclusion, that that that that foot is basically. What we see today as a flag saying. This, is ours, this belongs, to God it belongs to, the Israelites, well as, as, Christians, Bible believing Christians, we do believe in and teach prophecy, and prophecy, talks about the return of Israel, to the land in the latter days and therefore we. Believe these are the latter days it seems, very simple, a lot, of people disagree with that it, seems like a simple enough thought to me but.

To Me Israel, is God's great, sign, for. The latter days when the peoples have, come back and now, they're starting to discover things you say at an exponential, rate you, and others, are. Opening, doors so, that people can see the. Ancient land exactly. As. It's presented, in Scripture you know this is a faith builder, and, and you, know it seems, to be bringing a lot of people to belief, take, for example professor thought, himself he, grew up in a. Kibbutz. Now a kibbutz in Israel is a place where usually secular. Jews who. Do not believe in God you. Know bring, up their children and live and so, professor Adams lttle lived in that environment, and later. On after, getting. Wounded in the Yom Kippur War he, decides to become an archaeologist, and he goes, to university, and he receives his degrees, and. What is he being taught in the university he's being taught. That the, Bible cannot. Be treated as a book, of history the. Stories in the Bible never, happened. All. The stories between exodus and kings 1 are. Either. False or inaccurate. At. Best, and. Professor hotel grows into this I, would say academic, school and, and. When. He surveys. Sumeria, and surveys. The Jordan Valley suddenly. These, amazing, discoveries. Are. Being are. Popping, out of the. Ground and he. As, a, non-believer is, looking at these things and he's combating. Between. Himself his Jewish identity his, knowledge of the Bible and his. Academic, upbringing, and, one. Day, while. Surveying Mount, Ebal not, looking, for, an altar at all hmm. He. Stumbles, upon a very, very interesting site, now. Mount, Ebal is in the center part of Israel, it, figures prominently in the Bible, there. Are two mountains there together right, Gerizim. And a ball and, right. In the middle of Israel, and when you're standing up on top of Mount Ebal you have a good, view you can see a long way in several, directions and, so. It would be a very good place to build an altar to. For. All for everybody to see in other words if it is it is it the highest spot in. Central, Israel or is there a spot higher than that it's one of the highest spots in central. Israel ok and, and I think that that, the. Interest interest Ringley the the. Ceremony. Of the blessings, and the curses. That. Moses. Commands. The Israelites, to do immediately upon, entering the, land is. It's. Very very carefully, picked because the. Area is really. The center, of the land, and. From that point on from, from the city of Shechem from, Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal is. Israel, is really in the grasp of your hand, all, the major roads go through that area, and. When, you we read these scriptures you see that Moses, commands. The Israelites, to, go to Mount. Ebal and Mount Gerizim and, he describes, exactly. Pinpoints. Exactly, where, this place is. And and, so this is a very central area and very. Interestingly the. Area of Shechem, is, very. Close to Jacob. It's very close to the Israelite as you remember. Jacob. Bought, a certain piece of land where. Later on Joseph, is buried. The. The sons of Jacob go, into Shechem and they, have the story of Dinah and the massacre, of the Canaanites, in in the city of Shechem so this area has, a very important, role in the biblical. Story of the Israelites, and so, in definitely very very important place in the land now. I'm holding. My Bible, here it's open, to Joshua, chapter, 8. And, verse, 30. And I'm, going to read this verse but. First I want to remind you of what. Aaron just said a minute ago he said that when, Adams art all went to school, they basically, taught him that the things written in the Bible were, not. Necessarily, true they were mythology. Or whatever well here's a sentence, in the Bible. Joshua, 8 verse 30 it says then Joshua. Built an altar unto the Lord God, of. Israel. In. Mount, Ebal. Well, how much clearer can you get.

And. Yet the professors. Would say well this is not necessarily, true right right right and and, and, they're actually basing. Their their knowledge. On former. Our Christian. Archaeologists. That came to, Israel in the nineteenth century just. Like you they opened, the Bible and they saw that there is a clear. Mentioning. Of an altar being built on Mount Ebal and they. Went to look for it but. They had a certain picture in their mind I'm reading, the Bible and they thought they, know where it was but. I guess if, you really want to find amazing, stuff, you, have to be humble, and, professors. Lttle did. Not come to look for an altar the Christian, archaeologists, in the 19th century could, not find it and the. Later on archaeologists, the modern archaeologists, said you see these, Christian, Bible, archaeologists, could not find the altar then, the, altar doesn't exist and the whole story of the blessings and the curses did. Not happen ah and. Adam zertal, who. Did not come to mount a bar to look for the altar who thought that the whole story is a big. Mythology. As you said finds. It surprisingly. Without, looking for it and that. Discovery, changes, him drastically. From, a non-believer. To. Something, else I don't know if you remember when Adams. Electorate, to us in Jerusalem, I presented. Him as the born-again, archaeologist. You, did this because, he really, went, against, everything, that he was taught, because. Of this amazing discovery. Atoms, are tall this is an, important, book. By the way and we're, going to make. This available to you again his, name's right across the top atoms are tall a nation, born, the. Altar of Mount, Ebal, and the, birth of Israel, it's, very interesting that that subtitle. Would be written that way and, right, here is a picture on, the cover of that, altar, the fascinating, thing to me is that when. People first discovered. The altar it didn't, look like this right it had been concealed, tell us about that well, professors, the Felony's crew are walking, on Mount Ebal on, the, opposite, side of where the Christian. Archaeologist, looked for the altar AHA, and what, they're doing is they're serving, they're looking at the land and they're. Looking for ancient, remains ancient, walls. Ancient.

Houses. Pottery. And. Archaeologists. Can look and pottery and say exactly - which civilization. Or time period they. Belonged to and some, professors or Tally's walk walking with his crew on Mount Ebal and, they. See suddenly. A lot of pottery that is. Very very clear, clearly, Israelite. Pottery, and, for. Professors that thought this is very interesting because he, is very interested in that time period and he decides, to come and and dig. In the area and the. First thing they see is that, there is a compound, that looks like a footprint. Uh-huh. A big print of all things exactly and by the way I've got to stop you right there but but continue. Where you left off in just a moment, this idea of footprints. Atoms. Are tall and others, now are beginning to find footprints, all over Israel, and key places. That. Is foot shaped. Places. Of worship and. It, makes you wonder why would you deliberately. Build, a, a place, of worship in the shape of a foot but. It's perfectly, logical so. So back to atoms, are tall he starts finding pottery. Hmm, but still hasn't found the altar yet right he got he comes and he sees the pottery he sees the, footprint, a wall. That, surrounds, a compound, and in. The center of that footprint, he sees a pile of rocks hmm, now for. Someone. Who's not an archeologist, it's just a pile of rock but. For an archaeologist that sees the, the amount. Of pottery, in that area, immediately. Brings up the question why, is there so much pottery, there ancient pottery Israelite, pottery and, in. 1981. Adam. Zertal decides, to come and and. Dig there and his. Crew starts. Peeling. Away the, layers. Stone. On that. Pile and. Suddenly. They start seeing. Stones. That are set in a certain way in a certain direction, they. Continue, peeling the upper layer, which. Seems to have put. The. Ancient Israelites put the stones or threw the stones on top of that structure, for. A certain reason Adams. Hotel thinks. That they finished, using that, structure, and they moved somewhere else maybe. Shiloh, maybe Bethel, and in, order to. To to, cover it in a respectful way they, covered it with stone so. 3,200. Years afterwards, the, crew of Adam zertal comes, and all they have to do is just, peel away the, outer. Exterior. Layer. Mm-hmm, and, suddenly. They. See a structure, that they cannot, explain. Now. Professors, are Italian his mind knows. The story of Mount, Ebal he. Knows the story of the altar and in. His brain and in in in this book he describes the the, battle, the struggle, between, Adam. Zertal who knows the Bible and professor. Of archeology, Adam zertal that.

Was Taught that the Bible is a fairy, tale and, he's. Looking at the structure, and he'd assess himself it's not the altar it's not the altar it's, something else but. The more they, dig in the. More they find. Evidence. That, eventually. Just, makes it very clear that's it's remarkable. It's, a wonderful, story and, by the way. Aaron. Has allowed, us to use some of the photographs of, the, area including, some aerial shots which, you've been watching, as he's been talking and, those. Shots are, one. Of them they give. Me, goosebumps. I mean, they are exciting. Because. When. You win, this when the scripture comes alive in front of your very eyes. It. Does something that you can't do any other way and, this. Is what you do for a living as, a tour, guide and, a leader of a tour and I'll, never, forget. When you took us to several, places and, you lectured. At each spot about the Bible. Stories, that accompany, this this particular, spot. There's. You. Know I've never forgotten that it's wonderful you could study the Bible all your life but when you stand on a spot, it's different right exactly, I think, during. The years I've seen Jews. And Christians come to the land and when. They come back home they're different, the land really, changes. Something in them. And and I think that that. That the visit to Israel, is is, really mandatory. I think that that every. Bible-believing. Person, in the world has. To come to Israel to, to, visit those places to, touch the stones that that. Our forefathers. And upend and the the amazing heroes of the Bible touched. And and were in. Unfortunately. Today. What's. Being taught in colleges, and schools. Is that. The Bible is a fairy tale that, it's, really not historical. That all the stories, there are made, up and. And, people, went on children are being sent to college that's what they're being taught when. You're looking at the, statistics. The pew statistics, of of how. America's. Situation. Is in terms of religion. And belief in the Bible and in God what. You see is a steady. Decrease. In the number of Bible. Believing people or, people that believe in God in the United States and that's in, my eyes a terrible. Thing and there is a very, big increase in, the number of people that, don't believe in God that don't believe in the Bible and and.

I Think I believe I see that Israel, is a very important. Component in, Bible. Education, in spiritual. Education and, what. You described, is exactly, what everybody, feels. When, they stand in, those places that, are mentioned in the Bible, how. Can you stand and touch, the altar, of Joshua, and say. That. Joshua, never existed, that Moses, never existed. It's. Just overwhelming proof, and and, really strengthens, you so, when you return back home to the United States or wherever you come from you. Become a stronger, believer, and in Israel is really really an important, component in that ah in. The past we've, offered. You some of the. DVDs. That Aaron has made best. Sell the. Gate of Heaven. I'll. Never, forget standing at Bethel that. Morning, it was a little chilly. A little, bit windy and, but there was something about being there, and you, described. The. The, significant. Spots, around this, area. That. Showed without. Any doubt whatsoever this, was an important, place not. Only was it important, today but a thousand. Years ago it was important, 2,000, years 3000 years ago was an important, place and, by. The way that is featured in. This, DVD called befell the. Gate of heaven and then of course we've mentioned the, footsteps, of God argument, where there was this giant. 100-plus. Meter, long, footprint. That that was. Actually laid out 3500, years ago and, then this. One Shiloh, The Forgotten feast, we. Visited, Shiloh, and we. We. Were amazed tell us about Shiloh, and you visit this with your tour groups all the time yes Shiloh was a very, very, important. Biblical site, for, Jews and also for Christians and one, of these surprising. Things is that that when you walk in Shiloh, you see. So. Many. Byzantine. Churches, that, were built in ancient, Shiloh and for. His village. Such, in, such a size so, many churches is. A big, question mark why why. Is this such a holy place for, Christians. 2,000. Years ago one. Of the ideas. Of the Bible, scholars, are that. Shiloh, is very, much connected to Messiah. For. Many reasons, and we'll go into two of them one is the, fact that Samuel. The, Prophet, grew. Up in. In. Shiloh that's, where he heard God, for the first time and the. Same Samuel, went on to anoint King, David and, so. Jesus. Comes from the lineage of King David is, immediately. Directed they're, connected, to Shiloh, and also. The blessing. Of Jacob, to the, tribe of Judah that the scepter will not move from his hands. Until. Shiloh, comes. And so Shiloh is a very very important. Place the, place, that's connected, to the coming of Messiah coming, of Messiah very prophetically. Important, and you may have noticed that Aaron. Calls a kilo, and we, in America call it Shiloh and but. It's the same place kilo in Hebrew right yes, yeah and and. I'm sure, you run into that all the time different, the way you pronounce place names in Israel, probably, it grates, on your ear when you hear Americans, mispronounce. Those names right, and. Again. I. Think the primary thing that, I would like for you to take out of this, interview, with with, Aaron, today is. The reality, of the Bible it's just it's dramatic. It is amazing. And you almost. Have to see it to believe it but anything. Else that you'd like to to mention at this we're, running out of time sadly. But is, there anything else you'd like to mention I. Think, that the future is, full of surprises, and. I, think that that, as the. More, archaeologists. Continue. Investigating. The, Land of Israel and especially. The, biblical, heartland of Israel Judea, and Samaria they. Will find more and more evidence, that will strengthen, the. The, Bible and the stories of the Bible and all, we have to do is just be. Tuned to, these. Discoveries, and. Do. Them much as much as we can to visit, Israel to. Visit these sites to, stand where, where all these. Stories happen and if, you can't come to Israel. Watch. The DVDs, because, they will change your life and, by the way you're working on a fourth, DVD. And that will be the. DVD, that deals with the very place we've been talking about right yes correct. You, know. Before. We started this this, program today I, was. Talking with Aaron and he said that, from his perspective in, Israel. Tourism. Is multiplying. Exponentially. More. And more people are coming and a, lot of them are coming from the far east the or, which, tells us one, thing it tells us there are a lot of Christians coming, from the Orient which means that there is a if. You will a, rapid.

Growth, In. Christianity. In the Far East this is good news it is there is a revival, in the Far East. Especially. In China and Korea and many other countries in that area and they're. Coming they're flocking, into Israel, and for, me as an Israeli Jew it just. Brings so much joy to. See the prophecies, fulfilled, to see the nations from, all over the world coming, and visiting, the, land well. It's, been great talking with you very exciting, and one, of these days who. Knows we, might have to come over there and see more the sights I'd love to. Travel, up to this. Site where. It's. Amazing, Joshua, built an altar there and you can still travel to that same spot and there it is Wow. We'd, like to make this book a nation, born by Adams art all available to you and you, can't get it anywhere else right, now so, if you want to read it and by the way Adams, art all was a groundbreaking. Archaeologist. He he, broke wide open, some things that are still in the process and being broken open today he was a leader we. Have the book and then three. Of. The. DVDs, that we described, to you were putting those together as. A package, in our online. Bookstore prophecywatchers.com. Go. To the online bookstore and look. For the, secret archaeology, package, the three DVDs. And items. Are tall's book yours. For a gift of. $100. And by the way and, what, a package you're. Going to just revel. In the discoveries, that are being made in Israel, today and. Going. Out today I just, like to, say. That that Aaron Lipkin is the owner and manager of lipkin tours and, you spend. I suppose most of your time taking, people to the sites that you're talking about yes, and, I have. A great job I, have. A. An. Experience. That I think people, a lot of people envy, and that is to to, be connected, to the land not. Just to you know to make a living, and to live a normal life but to daily, be, connected, to Abraham, Isaac Jacob Aaron. Moses, Joshua King. David King Solomon, every, day every, minute every second, and as. You all know I love drones, and they all have aerial, drones of these sites that are beautiful, your. Drone shots are just breathtaking. Just, you, get a view, you can't get any other way and to, look down and see something that was in the Bible and. Now we're finding them again. That's a confirmation, to me as a Bible. Teacher and and, a teacher of Bible prophecy, that we are living at, a very. Very key, and important. Time in, history, and, we. Call ourselves prophecy. Watchers we're really Israel, Watchers that's. What we are and. You're living right there, how. Far do you live from Bethel, and your home is not all that far from beth-el, it's just the 15 minute drive 8 minute drive Aaron, lipkin it's what a joy it is to hear about the discoveries, that are being made in Israel, today Wow. And we'll bring you some more of these discoveries as they become available I'm Gary Stearman you. Keep watching, we. Are. Thanks. For joining us on prophecy, Watchers, you can find us on the web at prophecywatchers.com. In, the meantime keep, watching, everybody.

2017-12-17 04:49

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