A week in the life, living in a jungle in Panama

A week in the life, living in a jungle in Panama

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right time there's a little bit of construction in the  background happening because these tree houses   are in a period of renovation and other stuff  and tori's coming we just woke up yeah we did   it's like 10. and taylor says she made coffee okay  okay what are you doing we're just chatting here   about what we're gonna do two friends catching  up i think we're gonna go to an island today   or we're gonna go to we're gonna take a boat  to an island or we're gonna go to this beach   nearby called bluffs beach right right we haven't  meant to either do we have a consensus on what we   want to do no we need to talk to taylor she's  our tour guide yeah she's our tour guide and we   only have like two more days here i already have  since been we only have like two more days here   and then we're going to san jose and tori and  i are flying out we're separating with taylor   and yeah i know how are you feeling about that  i feel fine i mean it's been a long trip we   extended it way longer than we got it's been like  almost it's been a month yeah yeah so i'm happy   and i'm going to see you soon i know but it's  going to be sad to leave the jungle for sure   so i feel like we're going to look back on these  moments and be really nostalgic but in this moment   i'm feeling like it feels right to be leaving in  a few days which works out actually because like   a week ago when we extended it and we had four  more days it did not feel right we were like it   does not feel right that was way too soon yeah so  now it just feels like it feels like we live here   now and we're going to travel somewhere else i'm  flying back to colorado she's going back to austin   and then you're going to the beach and then  you're coming to visit me in colorado yes and i'm   so excited about that and to be in cold weather  it has been so hot and no reprieve from it like   there's no air conditioning in here and even a  fan to where i'm like i want cold like i want   an ac i want to be in a like type of weather where  i could like put a jacket on and bundle up do you   really we were talking about christmas time last  night i know we were like snowy weather we were   we're just like so obsessed we're like yeah like  in colorado all the snow and just like okay but   this is also so amazing and magical like no yeah  the weather the feet of it it like makes you happy   all the time yeah it really  does feel like that and   i think like heat is amazing if you have an  ocean right by yeah so you can just go into the   ocean and just keep jumping in the ocean and that  feels so good and like my skin feels so good here   outside if it never gets dark i'll never go inside working down the line hold his breath and closes his eyes   if the game never ends we'll never go  inside never say goodbye to this moment   never say good night i never  told him but i can't walk   don't go inside don't leave me watching satellites spin from the trunk of the  old man's car takes a breath and closes his eyes if i never shut the door go inside  never say goodbye to this moment   don't go inside don't leave me maybe to you but not to me i see a silly face  walking around smiling at me i don't see what   you mean maybe try to go back to that we  need to hold the lyrics it's five by five minions why did you see my home i don't know what's  your favorite idea mine is being created   the idea you're just trying to think creatively  now when you look at this orange tell me please   what do you see it's just a boring old orange  baby to you but not to me i see a silly face   looking around smiling at  me i don't see what you mean   looking creatively take a look at my  hair i use my hair to express myself i use my hair to express myself  don't you find it exciting hi baby i love you i love you how are you doing good um  if you want help you can if you don't have to   um i need to fry these beans  and heat up some tortillas my name is taylor rohr and this is a  vlog takeover welcome to sarah's channel   um i'm your special guest this is our cabin in the  woods we're in the woods in panama i just had to   beg sarah to cook food because i'm  literally losing my cognitive abilities   i hope you guys are all having  a beautiful day um love you ready it's so dating a easy who lives in a van me and this girl i love her squirrels and when we go dance you don't want me to put them  down in your bed i would rather   that happen but he's very cute freddie how did you  catch him he was just on the ground he's so cute   i think he's a little scared yeah i think he's  expanding oh maybe i don't want him to explode okay so so basically um a palm tree needs a seed  like every plant so obviously a coconut   is a seed for a palm tree because they sprout  coconuts so when a palm tree is like a little   baby and it's still like a sprout it starts  forming this inside and so if you uproot it   then and crack it open then you have  sponge coconut instead of coconut water   what does it taste like you eat the sponge  yeah do you want to take a bite of it yeah whoa what did that taste like wow it's kind of like fibrous  it tastes like a sponge   yeah like a coconut it tastes like  a coconut like the texture is spongy so i wish i had a headlamp huh should i hold them the difference between intuition and fear  it's important to recognize the difference   between intuition and fear reliable intuitions  convey information in a neutral unemotional way   they feel right in your gut and are compassionate  and affirming sometimes when you experience these   intuitions you may feel detached as if you're in a  theater watching a movie in contrast fears have a   high emotional charge they often convey critical  messages about old psychological wounds such as   i am not good enough journaling about your top  five fears will clarify which intuitions to be   suspicious of for instance you might have  a fear of abandonment or being unsuccessful   another fear some of my patients  struggle with is that they're too   emotionally damaged to sustain healthy  relationships as i tell them even if   you've been deeply wounded you can learn to open  your heart again true intuitions will never put   you down or enforce destructive attitudes they  always support your best choices and behaviors   set your intention i will practice recognizing  the difference between my fears and intuitions   i will trust intuitions that encourage my  highest good what are your top five highest fears please let me   is your face just says it all that's all it needs  to be said yeah so we biked here like two miles   from where we're staying i just learned how to  ride a bike she just turned out a bike and today   yeah the the roads are like really rocky and  muddy definitely not beginner roads for somebody   who just learned how to bike so that was rough  already but we got here it's a beautiful beach we   like had a good time at the beach got  tossed a little by the waves but a good time   and then it was kind of our fault it was  definitely our fault we didn't lock up the bikes   and we really should have but we were just so  tired after that bike ride like we were really hot   we were just all done with it we were like we want  to go in the ocean like yeah so we went in the   ocean anyways when we were done at the beach we  came out and one of the bikes is gone so yeah now   we have two bikes three people and we're calling  a taxi so that's what we're waiting for right now   and how how are we feeling because this is  lily's bike that is definitely at an all-time low   for me personally yeah my back hurts um i feel  kind of stupid there's definitely signs that say   to lock your bike up and that the ocean's scary  i knew in my soul that this wasn't in flow and   i felt resistance to coming i felt resistance to  biking i felt resistance to being in the ocean and   this is just a sign the jungle's speaking through  me and you should trust your intuition listen to   the jungle when it speaks through you because  this is what happens when you don't oh yeah she's like yeah what are you doing with my left hand these years the shadows grow  again his head weighs me down oh my gosh lonesome past so i just want to know i just want to hear you say that  there's a chance i'll know you again my roots reject the medicine i search for you in dreams   left you were even reticent yet bursting at the seams wait so i just wanna know i just wanna  hear you say that there's a change so i just want to know so foreign

2021-09-28 20:09

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