A week-long cycle tour to the Normandy beaches || St Malo to Caen

A week-long cycle tour to the Normandy beaches || St Malo to Caen

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Every cycle tour begins with me sitting on the   doorstep for 10 minutes trying to  remember what it is I've forgotten [Music] we are ready to cycle to the ferry [Music] port so [Music] [Applause] exciting we are on the Portsmouth to St Malo [Music] ferry so we'll be sailing from here down to  here, cycling here and then sailing back from here. So this is Portsmouth Harbour  which is a major Naval port and   obviously a commercial ferry port and a  freight ferry port what like a tankers. [Music] So it is 8:30 in the morning I think  we've just we were first off the ferry,   cyclists are always first off the ferry because  they put you right at the front and there were so   many cyclists so like our bikes were on top of  everybody else's but we rolled straight off so   we were first people to passport control so that  was really quick and now we are in St Malo ready   to start our adventure. St Malo is so pretty  it's like this walled town, it's really [Music] nice we're just going to spend  a little bit peddling around the   middle of St Malo because it looks so beautiful [Music] literally it's like about 2 km in a  circle because it's so beautiful just   want to see it all haven't even  left like the town yet [Music] So we stopped in Cancale for coffee and a  crepe because apparently crepes are from   Normandy so it'd be rude not to. Today we're  following the EuroVelo 4 which just goes along   the northern coastline of France I think,  we're following it most of the way actually   on this whole trip but we are deviating off  a bit to follow the coast more than it does   it sort of goes inland quite a lot to cross  the Cherbourg peninsula when we're going up   that coastline a bit but mainly we're following  it, it's not sign posted though. In Brittany   it's signposted really really well the but  here I have seen one sign in 26 km [Music] just riding along the beach  basically it's beaut [Music] Day two, slept pretty badly because it's  very uncomfortable sleeping in a tent but   it's another beautiful day and today  we're going to cycle to Mont St Michel   which is a fortified village you'll see it  it's amazing and then we're going to cycle   around the coastline which is going to be super  beaut and then up and finish on the coastline   as well actually but around the corner a bit on  the bottom bit of the Cherbourg [Music] peninsula   we're back on this wicked gravel path that  goes through the polders just before Mont St Michel. Polders are, how do I describe them,  they're like irrigation channels, this huge patch  

of land is all like irrigation channels and dead  flat maybe it's reclaimed I don't [Music] know so   there are way more year signposts [Music] today.  This will take us all the way to Mont st Michel. [Music]   I had put in a supermarket to stop at but I  missed the turning by like 5 miles um so we   come to a different one in or I don't know  how you said um and it's but honestly we've   all we've been doing is cycling on these  incredible flat cycle paths and then the   the road to get up here is literally like this  random hill in the middle of nowhere and it's   massive and we just had to cycle up a switch back  I say cycle up, cycled up the first switch back   and then pushed my bike up the second switch  back it was so steep even though the cars were   going really slowly but now at the supermarket,  supermarche of dreams. Ee are 48 km, 48 km into   this I don't know 55 km day um going to buy all  the food including dinner then cycle down hill,   downhill down the Steep Hill to the campsite  which is I don't think very far less than 10 km almost at the end of day two uh 65 km  day it's turned into just climbing the   final 300 metres to the campsite and yes  that is climbing finally found some hilly   it's not even hilly this landscape is not  hilly but this is a long slog of a hill   we just stopped on a little coastal hill uh  there's a coffee van there very unusual for   France. We were coincidentally perfectly  in time to watch some military aircraft   drop like a 100 parachutists for 7th of June  commemorations day after D-Day lot's going [Music] on, we arrived at camping les cognets in  a town I can't pronounce it's taken a long   while not because of cycling but because of a  lot of pauses um 6 hours and 20 minutes have   been since we left we've probably stopped for an  hour and a half um pretty severe headwind towards   the end and it got hillier so a headwind  and hills do not a great combination make   but it was fine and it's fun and it's still a  beautiful day perfect temperature quite cold   wind but beautiful sunshine so you don't get too  hot um so today what's most exciting about today   is that we're not camping we're staying in this  little hiking hut which I've spoken about in other   videos and we've stayed in them once before we've  seen them quite a few times but stayed in them   once and they're like almost always exactly the  same design I guess they come from the same place   but they're so cool they're €32 for the night  which is obviously more expensive than camping   but last night's camping was €22 so considering  you don't have to put up a tent and you get to   stay in this really cool cabin a lot of the time  they don't come with bedding or anything like that   although this one I've just noticed does so you  still have to bring your own like they'll have   a mattress but you bring your own sleeping bag  normally but theoretically if you could find the   loads of campsites have these in France so if you  could find campsites to have these you wouldn't   even need to bring a tent it's such a great  option they're not very expensive at all and you   still get that real campsite kind of Vibe without  having to have a tent and crawl in and out there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Beachside camping at its finest, today was the  it was 45 km with um I think about 280 metres   of elevation so it was less distance than the  previous couple of days felt so much hillier it   must have been more than 280 metres of elevation  because it was like hilly a lot there was no real   it was mainly like just undulating really like  not really really hilly it wasn't like Dartmoor   hilly it wasn't like Hill Country hilly it was  undulating but like constantly undulating but   now we're here we're on this amazing estery in  this lovely little municipal campsite it's got   a a little shelter with a with books and tables  and a fridge and that kind of stuff in there   for campers. Normandy so far has been really  flat until today and even today isn't it's   not brutally hilly but it does really remind  me that even though 45 km isn't that far the   addition of the extra hills like it really felt  like there were a lot of hills today it really   slows you down I'm carrying 11 kilos and then  my handlebar bag must be another kilo 1.5 and   then obviously 1.5 kilos of water so that's a  lot of weight on top of a I don't know 12 kg

bike day four [Music] it is such beautiful weather in fact it's just  the same weather it's been the whole time the   only downside is that it's also a really strong  headwind uh we're going north at the moment and   it's northwesterly so that's pretty tiring  but it's still good there's loads of planes   overhead like Spitfires things like that just  like trundling around between airports I guess   between like different commemorations so  it was D-Day 3 days ago now um and there's   still so much going on around here and I guess  more so increasingly as we get to the Normandy beaches. Just rode 10, 12 km into  22 mph headwind it was a [Music] brutal. So we have finished day 4  and we're here in barneville Carteret   uh to use the most English pronunciation  in the world this is a perfect example   of the entire cycle trip so we started  in St Malo which is here and then we've cycled over the last few days, Mont  St Michel is there I around here,   up here last night we stayed here today we've  cycled around here up here up here through Lessay   and then this stretch here was absolutely savage,  that was just like full on headwind the whole way   and then you got Cherbourg up there which also  there ferry to Portsmouth there. tomorrow we're  

not going to carry on cycling north, we're  going to follow the green way pretty much I   think. I just looked at the komoot route that  I'm following tomorrow and I've just I've just   seen that we're actually going to be back on the  EuroVelo 4 tomorrow which is massively exciting   so we started off on the EuroVelo 4 for the first  one and a half days I think and then we left it   because the EV 4 goes along here and then it  goes it leaves the coastline and it goes up   to Cherbourg and then it you can split it and  go up here um and we follow the coastline all   the way up because I love me coastline but we'll  be actually getting back on it pretty much like   here or something and then following the EV4 uh  all the way to to here and then I think onwards [Music] [Music] this Trail is absolutely incredible we've   just done the last 10 km about 5  Seconds you can go so fast [Music] 60 km today we just made it to the place I can't  pronounce I was going to ask a reception how to   pronounce it I'll have to ask later uh an in  I don't know uh we just made it it's I don't   know what time is it's sometime maybe 4:00  first thing I do when I get to a campsite is   set up the tent mainly because it just gets out  of the way it put gives me somewhere to put my   stuff if I then want to go explore somewhere  else. so immediately get here check in and   do all the reception stuff, set the tent  up which takes minutes it's so fast it's great and then straight away I do my  sleeping mat let that self-inflate and   then put my sleeping bag out so it can air  because it's down at the end of the day so   it doesn't really like being crumpled up um I  put my matt bag into my sleeping bag bag and   then use as a pillow which I don't have I use  I stuff that sleeping bag bag with this jumper   and my down jacket and a towel whatever  else I have to hand and then you can do   it up like the compression way and then that is  a pillow. French ducks are extremely forthright. [Music] [Music]   Good morning day six we're leaving  La Fanal campsite and heading to   Bayeux famous for the tapestry via the  Eurovelo one along the coastline [Music]   now riding along the top of Omaha Beach there's  a lot of obviously memorials around lot of people   it's just it's crazy [Music] [Music] scale so we just stopped uh just going  to eat just on the edge of Omaha Beach we're now   on the other edge of Coleville sur Mer which is  where the American cemetery is is probably the   classic one that you've seen like all the  white crosses and it's just unreal [Music] [Music] this is a hill and a half [Music] [Music] [Music] That's actually really emotional much  more than I thought it would be. [Music] [Music] [Music] We've made it to Ouistreham which is Caen,  essentially, on the coast which is where   the ferry will go from tomorrow and it  is a beautiful day it's just been flat   most of today like completely flat after the  Memorial just pretty much down to the coast   really flat spending a very bougie final night  in a hotel because we have to be at the ferry   port at 7 tomorrow morning and I don't want  to pack up a tent uh we're staying in the   Ibis which is the cheapest hotel you can  pretty much find but also the ferry port is   la bas. 7:15 in the morning and we are just  cycling across the road to the ferry port.

Here we are back where we started  one week ago time to head home. [Music]

2024-06-25 20:22

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