A RELAXING Subaru Forester Overland Adventure

A RELAXING Subaru Forester Overland Adventure

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hi guys it's jordan here from nsm overland and welcome to my channel in today's video i'm gonna take you with me for a nice drive across the backcountry here in france we are actually pretty much in the middle of france place i've never been i have tons of trails to discover to explore with you plus i totally forgot about my tripod i've drove hours and hours to get here and i forgot my tripod i'm pretty disappointed but i don't have a choice and i'm gonna film with what i have you know adapt and overcome so i have two days to spend here which means tonight i'm gonna sleep in the rooftop tent stay tuned it's gonna be awesome [Music] the trip nicely started the trails were simple but enjoyable everything was fine until [Music] and here we are guys after just a few minutes of driving here is the first b0 sign which means it's not allowed to any vehicles so that's include me and i will have to find another way to uh this track i can if there is not an old sign over there i think i can go around it let's try that [Music] all right guys so i made the day tour i was talking about and it was way longer than expected because every path uh going through this canal was forbidden so i have to make a huge detour it was like 15 minutes but now i'm back on tracks and i'm gonna cut this little branch here because it's blocking the trail and after that i'm probably gonna hit it's gonna be time for lunch and i'm so angry let's do that [Music] okay so it's definitely time to have lunch and i'm gonna show you what i'm gonna hit in a minute so this is my pasta and salmon salad with some cumin bird small tomatoes i'm gonna add an avocado in it [Music] this is so fresh so good and also pretty quick because i really love birch cooking but it takes a lot of time especially during the day where i'd rather explore some trail that spend hours to to make to cook so a nice salad i made it before leaving obviously ready to hit um as you can it's perfect for the day and even more nowadays because the curfew is still on place here in france this means i'm gonna have to pop the rooftop tent find a calm spot at 6 00 p.m so it's already 2 p.m so i don't have a lot of time left but i think it's gonna be great [Music] after i was done with my delicious sarad i got back on the road but sadly he didn't get any better okay so it's getting a bit complicated because every track i take seems to be private or forbidden so once again i'm gonna find another way i know this is adventure and it's something you can't plan but when there's too much of it it's pretty annoying and i made another detour that's a very long straight road on pavements obviously [Music] i found a pretty cool spot and i think it's gonna be two nights camp spot you can see i have some place for the forester here i'm gonna park here nicely to pop the rooftop tent and i got a beautiful lake behind me and let's be honest guy the beginning of the day wasn't really up to my expectation in terms of trails it wasn't really the best and every time i went through gates or restriction signs and i always do my best to explore trails regions i don't know the most respectful way and i could have went through those signs but this is not what i want to do just trying to be respectful and doing things the right way i didn't push any further with those trials for today i was a bit disappointed and i wanted just to stop and chill i found a nice lake on the map and decided to go around it see if i were able to find a group can spot and looks like i did it's almost 6 pm as i said the curfew it's almost there so normally nobody should drive after 6 p.m so i should be all alone here that's pretty cool and even even without the curfew this is not really a a region where there is a lot of people i saw maybe just a few cars during the day um so it's pretty quiet around here [Music] [Music] [Music] so check this out guys sun is completely set but we still have some beautiful pink kind of orange clouds out there with the reflection on the lake this is so beautiful and i've actually been there for a few hours doing nothing and it felt so great i think i really needed this few hours here around the lake doing nothing it's like it's it might be a bit caricatural but aldor the bird singing beautiful lake this is the best therapy ever so now i feel pretty pretty great as you can see the fuzz is just here behind me nicely parked so i'm gonna be able to open the rooftop tents put the kitchen and start cooking [Music] and the recipe for that day was a nice omelette 4 eggs bacon pieces mushroom and cheese as simple as that [Music] it's good quick and easy to make and what i love the most about it is that i only need one pan [Music] do [Music] i had a great night in the rooftop tent it wasn't too cold and it was a real pleasure to slowly wake up with this beautiful view [Music] do [Music] and i started today with the most important thing breakfast and especially a good cup of coffee [Music] after that it was time to move so i pack up the roof four tenths and even took the time to check on tactical's engine and fluids then it was time to explore more trails and hopefully without any restriction [Music] signs [Music] okay and i usually don't film this but this time i wanted to show you this is the kind of back country roads like on paper whoa like on pavement between two trails here uh in the french back country look at that so it's actually not that bad to drive because there absolutely nobody is still pretty scenic uh depending on the on where you are and this one is actually pretty nice so yeah most of the time the trails i make are full of this pavements little back country roads and i don't film because it's not that interesting but still wanted to show you that so you can have a better understanding of of landing in france and here we are there is a small village here so typical french back country village in most of the small villages you will find an old church like this one and when i say hold it's somewhere around the 12th century so yeah that's pretty old [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i was so happy i was back into a forest the track the track was looking pretty promising and guess what signs signs and and once again more signs um honestly this one or not um legal sign i think is just hunters from here who put that to get people away [Music] but once again i just don't want to mess with the local hunters local people and uh i'm gonna have to make a u-turn but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna find another way into this forest where there is no sign and this is the key to avoid any troubles this is how the french system works if it's not forbidden you can do it okay so as you can see i'm finally in the forest but it's not really a deep forest uh so far it's just a dual track okay so look likes uh i spoke too soon and forest is really private and that's a shame because just after those signs the track was getting a bit more interesting so i think we're gonna call this adventure the restriction sign adventure but hey the weather's great sadly i will have to leave soon because of the curfew i have more than three hours to drive on highway to get back home so i'm gonna have to leave soon i didn't already hit my sandwiches because i really wanted to explore explore explore all the trails before going back home sadly ah looks like he this is the the region of dead ends gates and restriction signs but hey that's adventure and i should have done actually one more hour to drive on highway to get really into the marvel which is a region i'm really at the doors of the marvel here and i actually filmed several videos over there i think three or four and they are actually my more extreme outdoor off-road videos so i should have drove a bit more and get to the marvel but um i wanted to experience try some new tracks in another region another location um at least i know and i won't be back here so it was pretty weird sketchy adventure i started with the tripods i totally forgot at home all those restrictions signs uh the first day without a lot of interesting trails that's adventure guys and hopefully the next one will be better that being said i still hope you enjoyed this video if you liked it please subscribe to my channel it always help also don't forget to check my instagram accounts and my website for even more awesome content and if you want to support me maybe in an other way i also have a patreon page and speaking of that thank you to all my patrons thank you guys for watching see you next week you

2021-03-23 10:27

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