A Mini Bike Tour ️

A Mini Bike Tour  ️

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hi this is Sarah from Bell works and today my friend and Jenny and I are going to cycle from Bristol to hey on y doing a little trick we're getting the train from Bristol to seven Beach so come and join us and see how we get on we're doing it over 3 [Music] days Jenny tell us why you are looking forward to this trip and why you want to go on it I've always wanted to go on a cycle tour stuff in the pan is cycling along get to a campsite have some tea a we wine get up the next day have another cycle I've always wanted to do it this is my first ever time really doing it so Sarah is facilitating this for me with Paul and I literally could not be more excited hi JY we are living the dream hold iend we'll see it through [Music] dangerous times don't fly too high we are halfway to Newport from Seven Beach and it's been a mixture of quite a lot of cycling by Road it's been quite loud then You' suddenly gone to a Country Lane for a while and that's lovely and it's back to being by the motorway or by the road but we knew this bit was bitty I think from now to Newport we're just outside of CER cart I think it's going to be pretty flat across the flood plane so yeah it's very exciting we're having a lovely time having a a lot of rest stops and [Music] snacks how are you enjoying your cycle trip so far Jenny it is all my I mean is that cheesy but it really is chat's amazing seen is amazing George is you know living the dream [Music] [Music] cheers Jenny Che cheers to day one wonderful so woken up it's day two uh my idea of cycle touring is is you take it easy you don't rush to get up um we've already do about 35 miles a day which for me is perfect we've been able to stop loads on the first day stop for snacks not feel rushed and as Jenny's first experience we did it as you might have seen supported so Paul's come in the camp van we slept in the camp van Paul's bivi and we've got Mikey with us and he's made our dinner um we do have our paniers cuz we are carrying as much as we can so yes it's been lovely and today we're heading from just above Newport we're going up to abeni along the Breen and mommoth Canal and then we will be heading up the US Valley U for camp tonight Jenny is trying to capture the joy of the George long staff but you were saying what about the photo it just doesn't do it justice it's so beautiful and yet I cannot capture the joy that is George at all but love him what are you looking forward to about your second day of cyle toring uh the views the wind behind us the sun behind us Sarah's chat H the snacks good Jenny why do we stop a lot when we're cycle touring uh to check the map and to eat the snacks is that the right answer oh cuz it's it's not a race it's a tour that's ite so we are now on the braen and mouth Canal we are just north of cumbran and we are heading to bridge 51 I think it's name Ponte pool Pony pool where there is apparently a very nice cafe so Cafe to Cafe that's what the CTC stample and we are living the dream Jenny says we're still living the dream it's just wonderful lots of wildlife loving it I'm about to go up a hill now though so I'm turning you off you can do something else was it video yeah that's great that time so we still coming along the canal still um it's got quite narrow now if you can see it and um very bumpy and you can't take your eye the views are so amazing but if you take your eye off the path and look at the views you're like w oh W like that indeed and it was just cold I was just wearing a fleece in the space of 3 seconds it's now about 30° so am too what quite high above abeni at the moment we can see the town uh down to our right and we carry on a little bit and then drop down into the town we find following the srand cycle routes you tend to avoid any major roads so might take a little longer but it's very enjoyable so we've just stopped in in AB a little cup of tea little snack just watch the people supposed to be there things be there by 3 clearly not it's like 20 to 5 now I'm still bringing 11 miles from my destination that's all about cycle touring in it not about cycle racing okay here we are we've only got six miles till we get to uh lanton the three and a half miles from abeni don't believe it for a second do you what it's three and a half miles it is but it's three it's like two and a half miles uphill like that so feels like about 10 miles yeah not good um so Sarah this is day three day three how um are you feeling after yesterday okay so day two the climate of abenia as we said was like on and on and on and it wouldn't have been too bad it's probably the same as we're going to do today but you could see it just went on and on there was no curve in the road so that was pretty intense and then I felt fine okay stopped a couple of times got down to the US Valley that we're in now and of camped in and I bonked hard on the downhill I've never done that before it's usually on the uphill or the flat um if you want to C L hitting the bnk is like what's it called Jenny hitting the wall hitting the wall we stopped probably only 2 and a half miles from where we were camping and we had a little snack some water and Jenny put some music on and we had a dance in the road and then I felt much better made it the last couple of Miles got to the van I can't remember if I mentioned so Paul's supporting us we got the van set up he's cooking our dinner wonderful got F and collaps and just for about an hour I just wasn't myself Dr some water F Pine um last night I said I'm not climbing that Hill tomorrow I'm not doing it I'm not going to H and why um and then this morning I'm like yes I well no within an hour I was like yes I'm up for it so we're day three of Jenny's cycle tour Sarah and Jenny cycle tour and we are going up the up over the gospel pass between Lord harford's knob whatever Hill that is hey Bluff Lord harford's knob uh so we're going up between those two and then it's like 20 5 minutes of pure downhill Paul will be waiting at the top with a cup of tea and a coffee for me and Jenny so and Mikey so we can't wait so um yeah come and join us oh beautiful Jenny tell me what you look forward to today um I'm actually quite looking forward to the hill I'm looking forward to accomplishing it and getting it done cuz I don't even know how steep it is H I'm also looking forward to the downhill and the tea at the top and then hey on apparently loads of bookshops and it's just just going to be a joy and look at it look at it it's bloody lovely happily finin it's not that steep up to this point and uh I'm recovering well on the Hills Jenny's just doing fabulously cuz she's amazing all about the thumbs up all about the thumbs up we got some more cyclists coming this way [Music] [Music] we are just north of Caple Fin and just goes up it's a very hot day today it's probably well in an hour it's going to be 20° so no not much Breeze but at the moment we are under the mainly under the trees so yeah lovely here is Sarah easily motoring up this hill and look at the view spinning in the granny spinning in the super granny here we are top of the US Valley not quite at hay Bluff but nearly there over the hump how was that Jenny it was good I had to push the bike it was just I couldn't get back on after I stopped but you know what use a different muscle here's some other people Che us up wo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Mikey that [Music] was are you ready well almost excellent sport on trip advis you getting five star [Music] get [Music] made is H on why made it what think are downhill yeah it's beautiful I'm just not very quick downhill so um but yeah no pedaling although I trying not to Pedal all the way at all and then sorry I forgot to mention there a few Hills so uphill tiny little uphills right time for lunch [Music] [Music] hi Sarah and we'd like to round up the your first ever cycle tour well if you haven't tried cycle touring it is definitely for you because there is no hurry there's only your own pace you can go out you just got to um get on the bike and keep pedaling and look at the views smell the roses and all that jazz yeah I mean it's like a freaking joy we just got to hey on why if I wouldn't go to get on a plane I would just keep cycling maybe go the top of whales maybe I just cycle all the way home steal George the long staff and um yeah live the dream so uh yeah I think cycling touring is for everybody easier with fan support but I reckon next time we manage without I think we will yeah so all in all it was a freaking Delight [Music] [Music]

2024-08-05 14:18

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