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so in the last episode we went to that  amazing canyon glacier lake glacier cap   mountain area absolutely stunning well just so  happens that was the last episode and right now   we are headed down from that area and we're coming  through this unique little farming community   so we wanted to show you that but also it's  kind of late in the day as we've already been   adventuring so we're headed to our camp spot  and hopefully we've got a good one now what   i'm going to tell you is we have got a lot  of driving to do and so we're going to be   doing it over a few days we have a few cool camp  spots in mind so we're going to bring you along and the cool thing about this ride down is that  we have some stunning views of the glacier cap   snow lined snow-capped mountains in the back  as we come through these uh mud brick dwellings that's wheat after leaving this area of peru we learned that  we had driven right through the middle of one of   the most catastrophic natural disasters in the  world in 1970 a large earthquake just off the   coast of peru triggered an avalanche on top  of mount huascaran one of the tallest peaks   in peru and one of the beautiful snow-capped  mountains we were looking at in our last video   the avalanche started as a rockfall but when it  encountered a glacier at a lower elevation on   the mountain it quickly absorbed the snow and ice  and began to liquefy into a mudslide the mudslide   quickly grew to over 130 million cubic yards of  ice mud rocks water trees and anything else in   its path for you to understand just how big that  is 130 million cubic yards is roughly six and a   half million dump trucks of material crashing down  the mountain at speeds of up to 270 miles per hour   it only took one minute and 42 seconds  for the slide to reach the town of yungai   where over 30 000 people died almost instantly in  the aftermath the government forbid the excavation   of the area and all that remains is a statue of  christ and a portion of a cathedral that survived   those things are now considered a mass cemetery  and a memorial to all who lost their lives that   day the town was rebuilt north of the  original town and is thriving again   if we had known of all of this beforehand we  would have been more respectful to the memory by   filming the memorial and telling you the story in  real time but we could not leave the story untold   and now we have a more emotional attachment to  the roads we were driving as we left this area   we were literally driving over the original town  of yungai and the thirty thousand souls that lost   lost their life in an instant for the record  we have made it on the paved road back on the   main road we only have about 45 minutes to our  first stop of mini on our way to lima we are   15 minutes from our camp spot number one we're  coming through this last little town right here   all we see on the horizon is snow-capped mountains  and it's really cool all right so down there in   that field that guy is farming he's plowing with  team oxen and he's walking behind the plow wow   keeping it real old school we got the hat trick  we got the tall hat we got him carrying something   there pushing cows sheep little kid people  working in the fields what a fun little thing   ah i love these little indigenous communities  they're so rich with culture flavor and   color yeah i love those big tall hats too i need  to get me one of those things we have made it   to our spot for the night and it just happens to  be the parking lot of banyos termales de chancos   hot springs aguas caliente or also known as  public baths no but it's gonna cost 10 soles   a piece to get in here so that's about three bucks  and it looks like right yeah i know from walking   up here earlier they have a bunch of restaurants  up here and whatnot and other little tiendas   but we're headed straight to the tamales  because we want to get some relaxation on   are you ready to get your relaxation on i  think so let's go see what it looks like   all right people been asking if i tried the kui  in ecuador if you missed it the answer is no but   it looks like here they have caldo de cui which  i believe is soup and it looks like also here is   trucha which is trout chicharrone komote which is  typically bits of pork fried lomo saltado which is   beef with peppers and onions so it looks like  they have some pretty decent listings on the   menu here is the entrance first little bit is the  cueva which actually is the sauna so over here   they brought in they have a cold shower and  in here is the quave now it's gonna fog up   that's it we're going into cueva that's your  look we're going in we'll be out in a few   minutes because it's hot then we go to a pool  we think that was a sauna literally in a cave   and steamy hot now we think we head to  some sort of a hot pool we'll find out so the caves are literally built into the  side of this mountain they are actually   caves that they've built a front wall on  and doors on but that hot steam is coming   from within the mountain and it is steamy i guess we gotta wait on  him to take us there's a guy that was amazing wow yeah that's the stress  reliever right there yeah hot water nice   soak steam yeah now back to the van which is  conveniently only like 200 feet away eat dinner   probably go to bed we got an early start this  morning this is day two of a very long drive   across peru headed towards the area south of lima  where there's some amazing stuff but we've got   a lot of driving don't we 13 13 plus hours that  doesn't include stops we're gonna try to break it   up into two possibly three overnight stays we've  got a couple eye overlander spots we're eyeballing   hopefully we can push it it also includes a  big drive through lima and or a stop in lima   we need some supply snow what do we need the  main thing we need is kitty litter now you can   find kitty litter down here but we need a quality  kitty litter that clumps one it's hard to find   clumping litter down here and two when you do it's  either scented which i'll tell you why that's bad   in a minute or it's just not a super good quality  scented litter in our van is too small of a space   it just completely takes over and it smells like  you're in the middle of a lavender field and it's   just too much so we can't do scented litter in our  tiny little van and then the poor quality litter   we got two cat shoes in that litter box and it  just gets the ammonia smell really really fast so   when you see us headed to a big city looking for  the fancier grocery stores the main thing we need   is good kitty litter we're down to one bag which  won't even do a whole cycle so we've got about   four or five days before we either find good kitty  litter or the van's gonna sink so you'll cross   your fingers we can find something around lima and  we'll stock up with just as much as we can carry   but we gotta drive through these cool mountains  and i have a feeling we may see some more   indigenous stuff all right our first errand of the  day gas diesel is 16.99 so less than 17 soles i   think this is the cheapest we've paid we'll do  the math here and pop it on the screen for you every country has a different mentality when it  comes to driving now when we were in medellin back   in columbia the moto drivers were crazy what we're  learning here in peru and it's just a culture   thing we're not beating up peru we are loving  this country but the drivers are really rude   there is no getting in they will cut you off in  a heartbeat i mean even if there's people have to   run across the road because they won't even  yield for them and it's just the driving culture   we're cruising along the high plains to the  left or to the east of us as we head south   is the white-capped andes mountains  the peaks run all along here   it makes for a beautiful drive we're kind of  on a high plain area about 13 000 feet ish and   it seems like every road in peru has one hazard  or another and this one is potholes so on a road   where you can easily do 55 to 65 miles an hour  you just have these huge huge potholes everywhere   so again there's no such thing as a relaxing  drive in peru always dodging something let's see if they got some good cases okay all right this place looks like they have some  quesos who came along and also all these signs   maybe we might need to check it out so they have mantakia it looks like  they have lots of different kinds of   hunty honey those little sesame  seed balls we got some queso ee chaos all right i just brought some  surprises what's it look like i got snow   look like some sort of little caramel cinnamon  roll cookie cake things these look like   cookies yeah you got those and these this is a  big old hunk of cheese i got a small hunk as a   she would sell me so anyway let's get  to taste it i did and it's good yeah   yeah yeah so we'll have some uh macaroni  and cheese and cheese toast yeah yeah this little town we don't  know the name of it i'm sorry   but it is at 13 500 feet in the middle  of these high plains and it's clearly a   cheese town these little biscuits with the  caramel are so good they're really good it looks like we are about to drop in elevation   look at all these switchbacks we've been expecting  this because where we're headed it's pretty low   yeah we got two and a half hours to our camp  spot which means we're 13 000 feet to sea level   so we're probably going to have a pretty rapid  drop and it looks like we're going to get a lot   of it down here maybe into a canyon along the  river is what it looks like we'll see and they   have these big beautiful rocks along here it's  it's a really cool uh new vista for us and kurt   just gave away our destination we're clearly  headed to the beach but look at that up there so this morning when we left the hot springs we  had high hopes we really thought that that   was going to be a a main thoroughfare  for the trucks bringing food into the   big city of lima from that farm-rich region  clearly we were wrong these roads are a mess   and we are still dropping dropping  dropping fast in elevation and i shouldn't have complained about the potholes   it's not around a chattery gravel  road that'll that means no it won't when we stopped to buy the cheese and  the yummy little caramel cookie snacks   we were at 13 500 feet how many miles ago do you  think that was uh probably 15 miles to go in 30   minutes or 45 minutes we are now at 8 500 feet  we have dropped 5 000 feet we've dropped a mile   that was some pretty straight down driving  on those switchbacks we still have a ways   to go but it seems like it's leveled  out it might happen a little slower   i gotta get down pretty close to zero we  have finally made it down to the riverbed   we're at about four thousand feet  elevation so we still got a ways to go   but i think we're just going to follow this river  to the coast yeah you can see these andy mountains   just start to wither away they're getting all  dry like we're getting close to the desert   and you look up on the mountains and there's  zero trees and it's just rocky and dry not   really much life except right along this river  we're dropping fast we're almost to 3 000 feet   if you look ahead it looks almost identical to  the way it looked a few episodes ago when we   were headed to the beach that has the world's  longest wave but this river valley is spreading   out getting a little wider and as green as  can be but as soon as you get to the mountains   if there's anything it's a few cacti so we think  we're going to just follow this road right to the   coast turn south and start driving towards  lima how long till we get to our camp kirti   one hour and 15 minutes about an hour and a half  because we never make it when the google says   so see y'all a little bit with an update all  right along this area when you come through some   of these larger towns still small towns it's not  uncommon to come through a point of control where   the police officers kind of stop everybody  really and check your paperwork or whatever   here in peru one thing we're noticing they see  our license plate and wave us on through so in   other countries sometimes that's the reason to get  stopped but here it's worked out in our advantage   i hope you didn't just change this  you'll know what i think about that   all right another elevation update it's been  15 minutes we just dropped below 2000 feet   everything looks pretty much the same  as it did at 3 000 feet but one thing   we didn't tell you is the road conditions  got much much better around 4000 feet so   soon we expect to start seeing  some beach looking stuff so we'll see y'all at 1000 feet we're dropping in with uh 800 feet above sea level  update because we have stumbled upon something   we've never seen i think they're peppers we think  they're drying peppers on the side of the road   not a few peppers millions of peppers yeah i  think we're in pepper land i think we find our   chili pepper all right the name of this town  is shara s-h-a-u-r-a and i am declaring it   the pepper capital of the world because there are  millions of peppers being dried all along here   but we have yet to see where they're growing them  they must be kind of down in the valley where we   can't see but there are peppers everywhere i'm  not exaggerating when i say millions of peppers   so shara also known as pepper capital of  the world that's not true i made that up but   it sounds good oh there's yellow peppers over  here that's corn oh never mind so bananas papayas   sugar cane no pepper plants maybe they grow  them under the mango trees i don't know one thing we've been noticing on this journey  is they grow this stuff along the side of the   road in some areas of peru looks like sugar  cane i don't think it is i think they use it   and they dry it out and turn it into kind  of like a bamboo type reed type thing   that back in the states you might would use maybe  for a fence panel or something like that here   people actually build their houses with  it so imagine a little bamboo thin mat   at your walls and or your ceilings we  see quite a bit of that especially in   the farming economically distressed areas before  we get into our camp spot we're coming through   a vast area of sugarcane fields both sides  of the road as far as the eye can see   sugarcane and also it's really  hazy or cloudy or something here   and i know a lot of areas they burn sugarcane  fields after they harvest not sure but it's hazy   on a personal note last week my little niece  harley had her first little baby and his name is   hayes so kurt said hazy and it made me think about  it i have not told y'all about it i will be going   home for a visit in a few months i'll wait till it  gets a little older and the excitement wears down   but there's a little personal tidbit from  snow i have a brand new great nephew named   on long driving days we do our best to make  our kitties as comfortable as possible this   morning kurt built vanna this cute little cubby  she likes to be all snuggled up in her pillows   and g loves forts so this morning i built him  his very own private fort and they're doing good our world traveling kitties we are around 200 feet above sea level but it is  time to turn south we don't quite make it to the   coast until we get to our camp so we are headed  south towards lima how many people did you say   live in lima i think over 7 million it's a  huge huge huge city by far the most massive   city in peru yeah southbound on the pan america  highway and it's four lanes so smooth so smooth hello for one and a half kilometers ferrous dominion window then turn left to  stay out of the fairest immediate window in i feel like he's coming to shoot us pretty good the bathroom anyway so that doesn't matter park here yeah we'll park here and  then we'll make it oh yeah right yeah yeah this is good all right it is  1pm and we made it to our camp spot   the kitties are chilled and happy that we're  not moving we've got the screen door open so   jeez sitting out there we're at a very large  lagoon i believe it's one of the largest lagoons   in peru if not the largest right along the  ocean sort of in the sandy deserts there's   all sorts of water birds around if i'm feeling  ambitious after a recharge from this long drive   we'll see if you can't get the big camera  out and catch some of these birds for y'all   tomorrow's going to be another long driving day  but if you guys have seen peru peru offers a lot   of very unique different cultures and things  to see along the way so we're excited for the   drive tomorrow so anyway this is where we're gonna  stop for the night we're gonna chill out relax and   recoup hopefully you're seeing some birds right  now if not we'll see on the road in the morning what you doing here hey good girl good girl so we're out here walking the kitties and all of  a sudden a couple of these birds started chirping   and they must nest in these reeds because  they're kind of coming in from all different   directions over here and i've seen this  before with other birds but sometimes   they're coming over here  probably to defend their nests so we walked down past a ways past where  the birds were about to start dive bombing g   and we started walking back and there's  a whole crew here just waiting for him look at his little belly flopping the beauty and the grace   nothing we would change a feeling  that is deeper than the ocean rage the whisper of the wind calling us to something more the light and   we were made for all of this ready for it all this is who  we are this is where it starts the rash of the unknown awakening reaching out beyond our hesitations  knowing how we've come so far the veil is getting thin more than just a glimpse in time the light and the wilderness we were made for all of this this is who we are this is this we were is for all of this you will own my confidence ready for it that's an owl that's an owl flying  right there look at his big head good morning everyone we had a good night's  sleep last night and what a pleasant surprise   at peru's largest lagoon it was just an  overnight spot for us very comfortable   and you probably know by now we saw lots of birds  including an amazing owl second owl siding uh in   peru we saw one in the jungles as well anyway we  have a two-hour drive today snow's at the wheel   we're gonna get some groceries and then we're  gonna head on to our destination so we told   you this could be a three-day three-day trip  we decided to do it too a long day yesterday   and we are around the road early today  headed south to an amazing destination so   the countryside everything is  always interesting as we come   across these countries today we're going to  be passing through peru's largest city lima   it was a little hazy yesterday and today there's  a little misty rain as we were driving through   but snow was talking about humble housing thatched  roof walls yesterday and we're definitely seeing   more of i guess you would call it poverty  or humble housing across peru and so right   behind those guys washing the trucks right  there you can see bamboo thatched housing it's like a little neighborhood there at that car  wash and there's the lumber store right there so   just big long uh almost like trees just stripped  of the bark the van is dirty we've been eyeballing   car wash all the way through here all right  sometimes nothing beats just simple entertainment   so the lady came out and dumped a pile of  corn and bunch of bread on this little deal   and the dogs are around here eating it and all  these ducks you can see them still coming around   the corner came out here and the dogs  were able to fend off a couple of them   but once the ducks overtook them  the dogs even snapped at each other it's so funny and now all the ducks have  just ran the dogs off the dog one he's   stuck in there is sniffing at the docks but  i think these ducks are gonna win the day   all right we've got a clean van it was 15  soles which is four or five dollars for   a quick wash not a perfect wash but it  was a good quick wash of what we needed   and we also got the entertainment of the dogs  and the dogs the dogs and the ducks feeding so   we're back on the road a couple of things we're  coming through a little road construction nothing   major they do have a lane shutdown it looks like  right here they're building bridge beams on the   side of the road you can see them right there  and then they're gonna set them across right here it's a pretty major project for the  little lane closure that they have   and you can see they have those hoses  through a lot of times those might be   electrical conduits but a lot of times they  have tension tensioners in there so they can   pull those tight cables tight and tension it  to help the strength of the actual beam itself   yep those were cables so that's what they're for a lot of roadside food stands anywhere traffic  slows down a lot of rubbish which tends to be   the trend along this pan american highway  we're getting closer to lima there's more   bridge approaches definitely starting to get into  more traffic so it's going to be a fun morning of   driving for snow it's smoggy along here it's  been smoggy kind of since we came down to the   pan am highway and we suspected a lot of it had  to do with sugar cane burning and other stuff   i don't know if it's general smog  or climate related or whatever   but right here along the road we see a  couple huge fires which is billing smoke see what this is   just burning and just burning yard rubbish   i think we've made several comments about  the clouds and the fog and the haze and the   smog well we're in it we're in the clouds  zona de noblina we're kind of on the outer   limits of lima we're definitely not in the city  there's still some desert between here and there   but this is kind of a big suburb community if you  will and you can see the type of housing and the   dirt roads the sandy desert conditions  continues right up through the suburbs wow look at the houses on top of the side of the  hill i can honestly tell you that i have never   been so surprised to pull in such a big and  major city really something totally different   than we expected you know we see stuff that we  don't expect all the time but i'm sure from the   video you guys can plainly tell what i'm talking  about but just nothing at all like we expected look at these little houses prefabbed houses  definitely a lot of lumber i don't see any   yeah maybe either all right if you guys are wondering we made it  to the grocery store we definitely stocked up   on kitty litter on felix kitty food vinegar and  then we did get a couple other items but not much   these are the staples that we need and have  a hard time finding so but we're in a plaza   bay and it's kind of like if you're back in  the us like a super target or a super walmart   we are pulling out of the plaza bay and i can  tell you it was a stressful endeavor getting   everything put away some reason ours our fresh  water sink is not working i don't know if we got   a wire wiggle loose or what it's possible on all  our bumpy roads anyway we're moving on we're going   headed south bounding down you can notice  here they're a little kind of different   different kind of tuk-tuks here they're  enclosed and they're four-door tuk-tuks   and they're all around and they drive every  bit as crazy as the ones all over peru coming in to lima here's a giant refinery repsol i know you see a lot of shipping containers  but we're not shipping anywhere just yet   but it's clear that we're coming through a huge  port area and we just came through the refineries   and we still have yet to make it into  lima proper but we're getting close   to the left is lima airport we're now coming  under a big tunnel which i'm guessing is where   the airplanes taxi across um but i will tell  you this and we've said this before improve   we've experienced some of the most aggressive  uh crazy driving that we've experienced along   our whole journey and it seems to be consistent  the truck drivers almost run you off the road   if you're trying to change lanes to work into  traffic cars will speed up to cut you off   i hate to sound like i'm complaining but if  anybody's traveling for peru i want you guys to   know that this is not for this is not for the  faint of heart especially here in and around   lima it's it's aggressive driving so you really  need to be prepared so there's a couple three   people dressed like spider-man street entertainers  working at this intersection they literally scaled   up on the side of the bus they're up on top of the  bus dancing around and doing acrobatics honestly   we needed a little tension breaker said it before  but peru drivers are actually the most aggressive   by far drivers we've had several near incidents  where they're trying to run us off the road   cut us off and we just can't wait to get out of  this city it's all right i can honestly tell you   the best part of lima is in the rearview mirror  and the reason why it's in the rear view mirror is   because our rear view mirror is a dash cam looking  forward whoa i'm not going to be labor the point   because my mama always said if you don't have  anything nice to say don't say anything at all   but i am excited to get to our next  destination away from lima away from lima all right we came up on some traffic   and uh looks like a semi he i don't know what  he did jackknifed turned over he made a mess the good news is the ambulance is  still here so hopefully he's okay yeah they're pumping the fuel off of him oh but  that's scary as heck yeah we think it's a fuel   truck how scary would that be they're pumping  the gas out of him now into another tanker wow that would have been scary to be beside  him when he did whatever happened right there all right after all the stress in the big city   we get this little brush in  the lake view or ocean view i was wrong the driver did us in we're not going  to make it we're going to go ahead and stop   we found a little space we think along the  beach here we'll see we're headed there   right now on this chattery road hopefully  we're moments away from our camp spot   all right we're at our spot for the night we're  parking we're exhausted we're gonna settle in   and we'll see in the morning one more little short  stint at least we have this beautiful beach if i   get recuperated maybe i'll show you some of it it  was one heck of a drive guys one heck of a drive   snow did amazing through lima but we're not gonna  talk about that anymore no it's over no more lima   all right we had found that nice little peaceful  place to recuperate from our crazy drive   but if you will remember kurt told you our  water pump was acting up we thought it was   just going to be a wire that had bumped loose  because we'd been on some really bumpy roads   so we pulled into our camp kurt got out  checked the wires checked all the output   with this little electronic meter thingy and we  have a bigger problem something's wrong and we   um decided not to stay here we're  heading on to the original destination   which is more of a camp where we'll be secure  and we'll be able to pull the stuff out of   the back of the van that we need to to get  under there and see what's wrong so it is   4 15. we should arrive at our camp at around 5 35  or 5 40. our long day continues but we need water   it has been a long day i'm exhausted but good news  we just topped the tank i asked snow to turn the   pump on pump started kicking water started  coming out of the shower tank i have a valve   that goes from our fresh water tank to feed the  shower tank when they washed the van today the   pressure washer must open that valve so basically  our tank pumped and overflowed into our shower   out under the ground our tank was empty we're full  now the valve is closed we're good to go we're   going to get some sleep i'm tired and water came  out of the sink everything is good let's go sleep   i think we're only like 500 feet from our camp  let's go get settled in what good news and what   a freaking day what a day we needed good news if  you liked this video be sure to subscribe to our   channel and hit that notification bell so you guys  know when we put out new videos and don't forget   you can always follow us over on instagram to  see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2022-08-08 05:55

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