A Day at ZSL London Zoo

A Day at ZSL London Zoo

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Alright let's go inside. Watch. Your neck. Welcome. I had. Any way doing. It done and doner that I don't call. Them hiding today. Turtle. Tragedy. Oh I. Got it how pollution. Hello. Patrick. Add. A trillion, Patrick, 1 so all turtles, are Patrick's to me. Patrick. And Patrick sweaty. They're, in love analyst. Coverage child am I talking about. Baby. The, speak, neck turtle oh my. God look at the length of that neck, what. That next do it's. An. Iguana. Your. Facial reaction I want to every, time you see a snake. My. Men always like gorillas alright, I'm going to do a little thing they get most excited about seeing, that. Gorillas. Can. You go through him. Yeah. You can. Well. This. Should be someone head oh maybe. They don't have them outs, because. Of the cold. So. Maybe they're inside, something. You. Know. They have these. Things and I love you. Wanna. Swing, oh. We. Couldn't have a tiger show been. Nothing's. In there, can. You roll. And. Pretty much though even on the noisiest, of undergo, near. Complete. Silence. Now. I might liar but use the power of attack tigon are very, much solitary, animals, lovely. Malati would have had her cups for about two years in the, wild and then teaching them all the key hunting, skills that are necessary for, them to survive out there on, their, own so very doting mother. Malatya. Especially. That's, your bad favorite, vibe in, order that you up I play and personal, with them no it's a while I'd like to say another big huge thank you very much for joining us today come, on tight the territory, talk we, do you hope you have a wonderful day, at, that at down they. Don't. Seem to burn my, we, are going to the monkeys, you burn your fingers, it's like I said I, think. I looking crusty which is. Really. Interesting for me. Your. Hands. Watch, mine tonight. I. Will. Show you a statistic on our picture on the opportunity to cook. We. Record min little took a. Casanova. I. Can. See you. See, how see harsh. Nice. With a mobile good. A giant, stick insect. This. Must be it. A. Baby. One. Giant. Asian manatees. What. Is fats. Stick. Insect that's fired a creepy van I've seen at nowhere there's. A creepy a spider smiling. But. There's a beetle. You'll. See that cockroach, that big what if you had fun at your kitchen. How. Many people, died in there. Boy, that obsessive. After. Work for the magnifying, glass. In. The. Red Cross. Walking. Making. Me shiver. Speaker. The. Party where they walk in. Yeah. Dean, with. But. I'm making my shape I make my skin crawl love. Kids. One. Of the funny things.

Felonies. Nothing I. Mangrove. Swamps, we are Muslims. Island. Island. My life do. You have anything same Dominica, from. The Seychelles, that's compressed, Africa, I, mean. I. Shook. You. Shook. Sorry. For the mosquito, nets does. An. Open area design. Just pick. One dead ones probably. Five. Will react to knocking, on glass. Well. Each. Oh. What, you eat you. Me. Oh my. God. Call. An upset. Oh. My. That's, upset. Maybe. Was to see that if. I see any chance to see you. They're. Moving so much it cameras have a focus. Focus. The. Local children, on their field trip, oh, if. The little my darlings. It's. Actually, so. It's. Basically, like when we say anything like films, and things where there's like a pile of bones this, is their equivalent, because. They don't eat anything solid so. What, it's dripping water. Okay. They. When they catch. Something like a fly, they bite in and inject the venom and the venom just little prize completely everything so, it basically means they're drinking a protein smoothie, no no no no drink out and then it's just the screwed up skeleton. That they don't they can't eat it or, they don't want to attract. Most. Fighters will just throw it off the web they'll just throw it on to look, but. There's a couple of species that do this and, when, in panic so why there's a lot of theories, but, no one. A. Lot. Oh. My. God. Please. Don't stick on me. Neal. I don't, say that but so long I can't get scared I don't like bugs. Okay. I didn't see you like that. Penguin. Beach. My. Spirit animals they just so chill man. What. I'm looking at. What. Well. They didn't. America. They. Talk in group, me theme. Hello. Come. On bother that one. Is. It. That one isn't a monkey. New. Actually, over there. So. Are you. Good. Singing I'm through being fully. What. You would say what so. Legit. My camera get foggy boy. Please. Don't jump on my head. No, no. Georgia. Way. Up. You. Scary so II it was right there.

2019-02-24 19:36

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