A closer watch as the valcano erupted in saint vincent

A closer watch as the valcano erupted in saint vincent

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and you'll tell me we're coming to you live from cherry hill in north leeward and right now you are looking at some live drone shots we're giving you a closer look a different view of what's happening down here uh cherry hill is between petty bedell and the chateau belair so we are in the red zone because we want to really give you a much closer look of what's transpiring here in northlywood i'm your host candace seeley and on thursday which is yesterday thursday eighth of april is a day that was forever etched in the memories of us as vincentians the day when the evacuation order was given as we brace ourselves for the eruption of the last suffrage volcano and as i mentioned earlier we came down here very early this morning to give you a closer look we got up where we left kingston around three o'clock this morning and on the way down we still saw vehicles coming out of notre dame we saw vans we saw trucks you know people getting out to safer areas but there are still people who have decided to stay behind to protect their property um definitely would like to advise you that that is not the best route you should try to get out of the area and go into an area that's the green zone or an area that's the yellow zone i want to take this opportunity to say a big shout out to nemo and all of the other persons who were instrumental in moving persons from the leeward and the windward side of the island into safer areas i understand there are still persons on the windward side for example in south rivers that need transportation but i did see on social media persons are mobilizing to make that happen and also the shelters are obviously open a lot of persons are already uh donating items to the shelters and i gotta say a special good morning to madzart who on facebook is encouraging persons to actually adopt a shelter you know so even though you are in a safe zone you can check out a shelter and see if they need any assistance and donate to them as well you know we are a resilient people we have incentions and no matter what come to us we would definitely overcome that now we as i said before we are in the red zone and in the distance you can see um the volcano it's actually steaming right now so we're going to have a quick interview with someone from the community because we have to leave here to go to another area because it's not exactly very safe so i'm going to welcome dj flip dj flip is from the north leeward community okay just coming a little bit closer flip how are you this morning um i'm doing pretty fine for the time being i'm just um here hoping for the best for our community of northwood and we are here on the ground to lend our assistance to those who are most in need of um such so i'm doing pretty fine for now because i'm not well until everybody as well what's the mood like well i should let's backtrack a bit what was the mood like yesterday when persons were being evacuated um yesterday when persons were being evacuated um there was there was um it was mainly chaotic because um i mean after nemo and the other authorities has been reiterating from time to time the monster points and so forth and we still realize that there were a lot of persons who didn't know exactly what to do and where to go and apart from that um they were more of a there was more of a panic situation whereas persons um because they didn't see um transportation at that point in time when the evacuation order was given they were more or less like panicking as so how they about how they are going to get out and um one of the major concern is where they are um about to go so the mood was you know it was a bit like they were on the edge but um what i'm very happy about my people for is that they were prepared everything was packed and they were just there and set and ready to get out okay that's good to hear and um what was the means of transporting them out of the community um to get the to get the people out of the community or the communities of natalie what i shall say um well first up um i must give it up to the authorities for um sending the the gem the mv gem star um into the chateaubele um off to get the people out and also there was the bequeath express uh who came in as well so kudos to the the team the management of the becca express and mv gemstar within uh about under two hours of the evacuation order they were um here in the waters of chateaubele and you know they will take a huge number of persons out apart from that um there were vehicles in terms of um vans and um other persons with private transportations who um helped who lend their support to get out and i must give it up to um dj rich for his tremendous effort in getting persons from the communities to the wharf and also from the communities out of north leeward as well i saw him in particular amongst a few others but i couldn't just remember dichirish like doing a tremendous job and yeah okay and um i saw that you were here maybe around from three o'clock or so looking to see if there were any persons left behind how has that been going have you been finding persons who are staying back to protect property or is it that people were just waiting for additional transportation to come for them to get out well um um i'm happy that you raised that um that is one of the reason why we are still here that um to assist persons in the communities to get out because it doesn't make any sense to us that we have an empty passenger van that can take 18 people at a time and we're just sitting there in kingston so what happened is that um we decided to come back into um not leeward and to assist um what happened is that um since we got back around 2 55 3 o'clock in the morning is um we saw a few persons outside and by um conversing with them to find out exactly what is happening and why what are the reasons why they are they are still here in the communities um they basically mentioned that some um they want to just avoid um the looting they want to protect their properties and um conversation that happen with a few as well is that they don't want to risk taking a vaccine as well because they are not certain of that and i was like pretty much shocked as to what um what was transpired or whatever they heard so based on what they mentioned is that um they heard that they need to take a vaccine to get into the shelters like i said i'm not certain um if that was the case or if that is the case for them to get in the shelters but that is why that is um one of the reason why some persons decided not to leave okay um right now on your screen you are seeing our drone shot of the chateaubele village um we are in cherry hill which is between chateau bellaire and uh petty bob dell so you're actually looking at a drone shot um right now it's a beautiful um town um how long have you been living in chattanooga well in this particular area i should see him i don't want to get the specific town incorrect you're correct just down that area um i've been living here just uh just about 30 years okay yeah pretty much all your life yeah yeah you're right correct that's right yeah yeah i've been living here around three decades um and just to get back um to the evacuation i just want to encourage persons to make sure that you're following the covert 19 protocols at the various um shelters and you know any questions you have as it relates to the vaccine or additional covert information i urge you to reach out to nemo to get further information um about that okay so flip what's the next step now like what time do you plan to leave this particular area because at any given moment i understand the volcano can erupt and where we are right now is not very safe so we're leaving as soon as we finish um with you when do you plan to leave um to be honest candice when do we plan to leave um like i said before um we are not safe until everyone is safe so what we plan to do is to take a drive through the communities again like whenever within the next hour or so whenever we figure that everyone is up and we find out as well if they would like to head out because what happens now is that i know most of the um transportation who lend their service publicly i know they are outside of north leeward and seeing that we are here on the ground we will like to support and assist where we can so we're about to take another trip to the communities and see where and how we can assist to get persons out who just might have made up their mind last minute we can't give a timing on that but we are trying to get out before 8 o'clock i mean we already secured our friends and families but at this point in time we are trying to see who else we can help um could you share maybe the license plate of the vehicle so persons who are watching right now on the live um they can have a look out for it and maybe you can just give a message to let people know you know where to to look out for you if there's a particular area they should assemble you know if you can pass on all of that information yeah it's a blue heist toyota hyu van h it's age 3466 h3466 we will be going around the name of the van is visitor and it is being driven by dj rish so we will be around in the communities we go back to fifth use area and we circle that area we come into chateaubele we circle into sharps village pity pedal rose bank and we take our time and head out of not leeward anytime over the next half hour or so okay great well thank you so much and i have to say well done to yourself and your colleague dj rich um for actually taking this initiative and for making sure that persons within your community are safe so thank you and all the best thank you very much and shout outs to that's s tv online stp online thank you guys very much for your courage and coming into our communities and capturing exactly what is happening on the ground at this point thank you very much and you're welcome you're welcome okay so that was a dj flip he lives in the north leeward community as you heard him say they are trying to get as many people out as possible so if you know anyone that's currently in north leeward and they haven't left home as yet they haven't gotten transportation please reach out to them and tell them to be on the lookout for dj flip and dj rich they are going to be passing through the different communities to help persons to evacuate um shortly or in a little while we'll be speaking with the chief scientist dr robertson but first we are actually going to be moving from this location because it is not very safe you should be seeing some shots a shot right now of the volcano in the distance earlier it was a steaming still is steaming right now and yeah very cloudy very very cloudy yeah lots of smoke i should say that's my description i know the correct term is steaming but lots and lots of smoke um going up very tall indeed and earlier um we actually saw the glow from the volcano so it was quite spectacular uh to watch it the team is here with our drones and our video and everything and on the page you would see some photos as well of shots that we would have taken earlier if you do decide to share those photos please we ask you that you give us credit make sure you credit stv online when you share the images on the stv online page but we're about to wrap things up from this location and we should be heading to the rose bank area or thereabouts to chat with dr robertson who is the chief scientist remember ensure that you are prepared um there may be still some time for you to go to the supermarket and i actually been told okay so we have somebody else here who's gonna chat with us he was around we just turn around and look straight at the camera he was actually around during the 1979 eruption so he's gonna have a little chat with us okay so yes what's your name aubrey williams from features okay from fitzhughes and you are still here any particular reason why you haven't left us yet well i don't get a little experience from 1979 but this time that looked different from 1979 because i didn't see no burning okay i just see some flowers like in the air and then you see something like lightning flush but this time as a burning and like fires first then along the area so i stay wrong to really see experience what was it like back in 79 79 was ash and swishy for us and so right never seen nothing more than us and so what i added to her to move out but now i don't see no us as yet so i waited and see if ash will fall like 1979 but still is just born in icy no and fire okay and where's your family are they here with you no i said my family okay so you sent everybody um to safety and um and you stuck around okay do you plan to leave or are you staying to see what's happening and to take care of property trying to take care of property and watch on what's going on but if i see something more dangerous i will leave okay well i hope you do leave i'm encouraging you to leave yes i am definitely encouraging you to leave okay all right thank you very much okay thank you for talking with us okay very much okay okay so that was um a gentleman who was well who experienced the 1979 eruption and i just gonna quickly uh read through some of your comments here before we leave this particular location adriana king is expressing concern um that uh people are being told that the governments of sinkids lucia antigua dominica etc um have said that people must be vaccinated before being allowed to come in um i think that's the topic of discussion um um yes somebody else is saying may god protect us all kudos to him um travana morgan is saying well okay he's speaking about the vaccination lots of um big ups going to dj flip for what he's doing um adriana also encouraging people to go to the shelters and um yeah lots of um well done i should say um being extended to uh dj flip um but anyway i want to send a big shout out to all of you online who are commenting remember to like and uh share the live um we're gonna be wrapping up shortly to head to another location okay so mikhail is asking what time we will be in rose bank in a little while we'll be in in rose bank so miguel if you if you want to actually meet us to do an interview with us you're free to do that um thank you sean we'll definitely be safe that's why we're leaving here very shortly good morning nairo and francois uh tashika tashika williams um okay okay shanika yes i agree with you shanika pops definitely needs to leave and he's still standing here nearby he definitely needs to leave i'm encouraging um him kent seriously no fearing today we're taking a break from the fairing today we're dealing with the volcano and um more shout outs coming to stv online shirley and asking everyone um to stay safe and so that's what we're urging you to is to do as well make sure you stay safe you know we are a resilient people but obviously we still need to take the necessary precautions if you haven't gone to the supermarket as yet you need to get there i'm sure they're open already and stock up get your batteries you get your medication from the pharmacy if you're asthmatic make sure you have your inhaler etc make sure you have your mask make sure you have non-perishable goods also ensure that you are paying attention to authoritative sources if you have any questions make sure you reach out to nemo stay glued to nemo's facebook page and i'm sure you can send them you can inbox them or dm them if you have any questions um there online as well so yesterday we saw the gas stations and the supermarkets and the pharmacies all packed to capacity not sure what it would be like this morning um but i'm pretty sure the supermarkets will still have a lot of people in there so you have a little window i think maybe a short window i'm not sure so don't quote me but you know better to be safe than sorry go out and get your supplies all stocked up make sure your phone is fully charged as well any um portable batteries that you need to charge make sure you go ahead and do that to make sure you have data or whatever the case is so you can communicate with your loved ones so we as i said before we are going to wrap up right now and we are going to head on to our next location at rose bank make sure you continue sharing this life liking this life and stay tuned to when we reconnect again at rose bank make sure you tell others to jump on that live as well as we bring you a view from the other side a closer look as to what's happening in the different communities here on the leeward side you

2021-04-14 15:35

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