a $500 dirt maker?? the Lomi

a $500 dirt maker?? the Lomi

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we're here to talk about the low me that's it that's my intro hi i'm amanda you're watching small entertain and today we are talking about the lomi from pella so a couple of people sent the loamy to me um or ads for the little me i have been getting ads for the loamy for a little while now a couple of months i would say before they even started like actually sending them out um i can't remember if they had a kickstarter or not but i want to say i saw something like this for a kickstarter i got it it's a lot of money um i should i should wait to tell you how much it is i mean it's going to be in the title i'll put it like in the thumbnail like it's 500 this thing is 500. it's for work and even i was like that's a lot thing about loamy is it makes dirt out of your food waste okay before i start talking about the downsides and the complaints and cons and things about that with this device um i do want to say you'll see this in my vlog footage that i took while i was actually trying this out and reviewing it for a few weeks um i love this thing i think the dirt that it makes is actually pretty cool i thought it was uh very impressive and i i just you're gonna keep hearing me say that overall i think this is cool i have a lot of downsides particularly the price even for you know what it is i think the price is a bit insane but uh we'll we'll talk food waste is gross we can do better so lomi is by pella i don't know what the difference is here at pella we have a big hairy audacious goal we want to create a waste-free future we believe that the technology exists to make our bag a reality bhag as in big hairy audacious goal stop trying to make bag happen it's not going to happen it just takes the right company with the right community to make these products the new normal this is why we are developing products made of environmentally sensible materials to educate and inspire the global community of people who are committed to making a positive impact on our planet put simply we believe in better everyday products without everyday waste it all started with jeremy lang our founder he saw firsthand the damage plastic was doing to our oceans while on a family vacation in hawaii in 2008. tourism also has an impact on hawaii jeremy had the courage to spend years experimenting with new materials to try and find an alternative to plastic that could be used in everyday products i started pillow when my son cole dug up some plastic on the beach in hawaii and i started wondering about the impact of plastics on our planet just then when it affects your child i mean hey whatever it takes to get people to start caring about the planet if it takes your child digging up plastic great okay if it takes your dog eating a plastic straw on the side of the road great you know not great but you get my point you know whatever it takes to get you to be like huh maybe we should be doing something about this so they have the four c's we've curated community creativity consciousness and courage here is my opinion on the current craze of clean products anti-plastic products things like that though i think they are necessary and the phrase sustainable has kind of got okay let me let me word this right hold on we are over our planet we just are we can try and deny it all we want it's just a thing that that's happening do i think that i individually can make an individual difference not particularly i think that every time i you know reuse utensils from a takeout order that i brought my bag for so i didn't get a plastic bag and then i recycle as much as i can and then i reuse things so i don't just have single-use plastic and i you know use this thing to you know break down my food waste so i'm not just adding it into a landfill i think that another billionaire is going to go space and it's going to wipe out any progress that i've made as well as another progress of 100 people so do i think that i individually can make a difference no however i don't think there's anything wrong with me actively trying to make a difference with myself or the way that i live my life to be better for the environment better for my own health and my dog's health or the health of the rest of the people in my apartment complex or um for the environment in general and there's always this call out that it's like well this isn't actually sustainable this isn't going to fix the problem this is a band-aid and it's like i understand however there is seems to be this all-or-nothing mentality with trying to take steps to make things better for our current climate situation and all of that you know where it's like okay if we're not eradicating the problem then it's not good enough you know and i i though to some degree i do think that's important to talk about we should being harsher on corporations that are just dumping gasoline and and chemicals into water supplies and polluting the ozone and all this other stuff and billionaires just going to space to have a dick measuring contest and you know jerk off in the cosmos i don't know we should be having those conversations however i don't think that just because something is quote unquote not enough doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it i don't think there's anything wrong with making better choices to live a more green and sustainable life for yourself to do your own part i don't think there's anything wrong with that that being said i do think that the industry the capitalism side of things knows that there's nothing wrong with doing something for yourself so they are trying to get you to think that you need a 500 food waste dirt maker there's a lot of other companies in general right now that are um you know kind of preying on our fears of our future and uh future generations futures by saying that this is the way we're gonna fix the problem here's the hole in the life not hole in the market hole in the life and uh we're the ones that are going to fix it this is the problem and here's the solution and though to some degree i do think that products like this are not necessarily a bad thing but i don't think it's the necessity that some people may try to paint this as hi i'm terrible at promoting things but reminder i have a podcast the spelling hands podcast new episodes every wednesday back to the video so the whole thing with food waste let me break down the food waste issue food waste is gross we can do better lumi takes care of your food waste so you can spend time on things you actually enjoy i don't like that messaging i mean yeah you can say food waste is gross there's the smell issue and things like that um i mean i cook so i don't really mind it the way that our uh landfills specifically in the u.s this is where this company is based this is where the i'm assuming a majority of the project products are being sold um the way our uh oh my god landfills are set up traps food waste under other garbage things like that which prevents it from breaking down properly which is my understanding releases methane throughout the process that uh then goes into the ozone causing more damage to our uh ozone layer our atmosphere composting and uh finding things to do with your food scraps on your own is a good way to do your own little part okay again am i someone who lives in an apartment building with god 400 500 i don't know how many people live here let's say 500 i'll be generous i know people have kids and stuff so 500 people if i am the only one doing food waste is that really going to make a massive difference not particularly but it's something and i do think that something is better than nothing despite you're not fixing the problem it i'm doing my part it's not my job to fix the problem i'm just trying not to contribute to the problem and i think that's fine i think if enough people don't contribute to the problem and just work on it themselves then that's great eggshells coffee grounds biodegradable packaging food scraps vegetable scraps things like that you just put it all into the loamy and you know it makes dirt which you can then use for uh plants and things like that so before i start talking more about the loamy let me show you the setup of my loamy and all of that uh from my vlog footage flow me is excited to meet you this thing's i'm really hoping it's not as big as this box makes it look because i don't have a ton of counter space in this apartment so i guess that's also the point of this video is to review you know how portable this works how it fits into my life and all of that so i'll just crack this bad boy open and start doing setup i think and i'm blocking everything but i don't have less space it's really big okay okay oh my god i'm locked okay so here's the bucket this is where my compost is going to come out of to install the back filter open the back panel of the unit and remove the rectangular filter box there's a back panel back here somewhere there it is here let me give you more space to see me there we go now i open up this bag and just pour it on in it's gonna go everywhere doesn't it okay let's do it inside this bag so yeah now it's full of i don't wanna twist it over pellet [Music] i think that's really it it's still beeping i don't know okay i think the lid is off is why it's showing red so let's just no seriously how do i get this thing back on haha okay so i'm just gonna start putting in this and i'll get back to you guys in like a month i don't know we'll see for someone like me who lives in an apartment who doesn't have a patio space who doesn't have a porch who doesn't have the space to do let's say a compost bin with worms and all of that this is cool this works this is something it's not super compact like this thing is sitting on my desk right now it fits on my counter um i didn't move stuff around to make it fit but it does fit on my counter i have a good amount of space in my uh living area um i don't know about other places but it's pretty heavy prior to this what i would do with a lot of my food scraps is i would just uh save them in my freezer in um a reusable freezer bag and i would just make vegetable stock with them at like the end of like a week or two which then i would use for other dishes throughout a week or two you know if you store it properly it lasts kind of a while actually but then i when you're done with that then there's still you know bits of the vegetables and scraps left over so though you're getting more out of your vegetable scraps um you're not doing something with the vegetable scraps eventually those still end up in the trash technically so my building doesn't have like a compost program or anything i think la has one in general we have recycling and we have trash i think they keep them separate i'm praying they keep them separate because i'm gonna freak out if they don't i will say the process fairly fast um i'll show my footage of me reviewing it okay so i think i have enough food waste finally to run my loamy it's been about three days since i filmed the last video let's see if i can set you up on my stovetop so yeah i've been gathering food waste for a couple of days um because it said here that you can just let it accumulate for a couple days in the loamy itself but because apparently the scent blocking doesn't work when it's not running i didn't want to do that because that's the whole point of why this would be useful for me is partially you know to deal with the smell of composting and all of that the way that i deal with that while i was gathering my food waste is what i usually do when i used to take all my vegetable scraps to make vegetable broth with is i freeze them i just stick in my freezer so this is a reusable bag um i have a mesh one as well and this has just been sitting on my counter to help defrost it a bit i'm also worried about how long this is gonna take it's currently about 5 p.m um i don't plan on going to bed for several hours um because i have stuff to do use loamy pods to increase breakdown what are loamy pods now i'm confused oh yeah let me pod okay compost accelerator do i need one using a lumipod when you run loamy ensures your plants get nutrient-rich output while reducing waste okay 45 tablets i'm assuming one pod cut up a bunch of stuff some stuff i left a little more whole i'm gonna pour a little bit of water over the tablet and see what happens we'll see what happens okay on is it going think it's spinning oh you hear that it's not terribly loud i wouldn't say it's any louder than say my air purifier ignore the state of my kitchen please uh like this my air purifier so that's pretty good i guess we'll see how hot it gets but yeah i'm gonna let it run for a bit and see what happens so i only used the standard operating mode which is the three hour version which is like the fast one that uses the least amount of energy i didn't see a crazy spike in my electric bill that i noticed but this may not show up on my last electric bill it may show up on my next one so maybe by the time this video comes out i'll have an edit an addendum to add um about how much this affected my energy output because obviously a machine that i plug into an outlet that runs for three hours is gonna use more energy than say a bucket designed for composting that just sits on my counter i've run the lumi four times in that time and in fact it did not cause an insane spike in my bill very little deviation from my normal bill amount one the price i think is insane if i weren't using this as a review for work i probably wouldn't make this step to do this i would just continue to figure out other things to do with my vegetable and fruit scraps and things like that because like 500 is an investment and so it's like for me myself i can't use this thing every day i'm not running it every day what i've been doing is kind of storing up food scraps in my freezer like i've been doing previously with a resealable bag that's washable and all of that and i keep that in the freezer which prevents smell and then i run this at the end of the week you know with whatever's left so i don't know if it's picking up here because the mic mic's facing that way but uh i am sitting on my couch on the other end of my studio from where the loamy is way over there nor the state of my kitchen counter and uh it's not loud it's just persistent you know like i wouldn't say that it's like disrupting but i definitely know that it's that making the sound i wonder if it would be like with my fridge because i've just gotten used to the sounds my fridge makes same with my air purifier so i'm wondering if i'll just get used to it or if it's because of like the amount of food that's in it right now or what but yeah so it's been running for a whopping 10 minutes now so i guess we'll see how if i get used to it by the time it's done or if the volume changes whatsoever it's not like making sound it's just the motor grinding things and i know it needs to be pretty solid to grind things so we shall see one of the things that i did not like about this is that when it's not plugged in and not running the scent blocker doesn't work which i do think is an issue maybe you have a lot of people in your family maybe you cook a lot and you have a lot of food scraps so you can you know do a minimum load or a maximum load or whatever in this thing um whenever you really feel like it or every day or every two days so you know spending a couple of days just letting food accumulate in here the smell's not gonna get bad but if i were to continue to leave food in there for a week i think that's gonna be an issue that's kind of a point away from like the space saving aspect of this and the smell aspect of this because look you can make dirt without you know the smell of a traditional compost bucket on your counter or under your sink or whatever it kind of just makes it a two-step process now where it's like yes this is the dirt maker and then i have a bag that i have to keep my freezer which takes up space with my food scraps so that they're not you know rotting on my counter and smelling throughout my one room apartment that surprisingly takes a stupid amount of time to air out that's kind of a point against it um i don't like that the especially since the scent blocker so this thing is pretty sealed it's like then it's open done it's pretty sealed tight there's some backsplash from the last dirt thing something i pointed out in my uh vlog footage as well is the it does heat up quite a bit um but it doesn't get hot hot and there's no steam released from the back portion um here i'll show you so as you can see back here there's a vent um back here is also well if you saw from the setup um there's also charcoal back here um in this thing while it was running there was no smell that i could smell um there was no steam or any when it was you know drying and cooking and heating everything up though this got hot itself it wasn't burning me like i could touch it i never had any issues with holding this thing while it was running um there was no hot steam or anything coming out here so if you're worried about like kids getting out this thing and being like i want to see below me like it didn't hurt me i can't imagine it hurting a small child unless they start trying to like pod this but i mean it takes a bit of force to get this thing open and closed so i can't imagine a child you know accidentally opening it themselves and getting their hands stuck in it also this thing beeps at you when you open it in general let alone when it was running i didn't open it when it was running but it does say that there is like a little alert thing as you can see you have the light system here i talked about this in the footage i hate this light system i hate it i think it's poorly designed um i think it's very confusing the little white bits between here that divides the different portions of the light don't work very well for dividing the color so even though let's say this one's going these two are dim it's still very hard to tell what that means when i can't discernably make out you know which light is brighter than the other um which maybe it's just my eyesight being shitty i don't know but i do think that's an issue um and that's just a design flaw that i think is easily fixable i get it it's not as sexy as you know this one light source but i just think there's an easier way to make that light look better and be more clear as far as the size goes i get why you can't make it smaller because you want to be able to make put a large amount of food waste in there because you make the shape better it's kind of like you gave this thing like a bbl and the shape is just kind of like a little wider on the bottom and then skinnier on the top and so i just think that there's a way to maybe theranose the edison version of this where you make it really weird and compact and people are like that does that i don't know because i get you can't make it too much smaller because it has to be able to fit the bucket and i do think the bucket is a pretty good size for what you get and for what has to happen inside there to grind everything up because the way that this works is that it heats things up while routinely grinding and mixing things up so it's just pulverizing everything and shredding everything don't try and stick your hand in anything don't do it just trust the process i would not doubt that this thing would rip my finger off and then grind it into into dust i don't i i would have very nutritious plant food okay with my finger inside there so i don't recommend doing that all right we're done it beeped time to check our dirt okay oh wow that's way less than i thought it would holy crap it like made dirt holy that's like dirt that wow you know what i i'm impressed holy crap you know what i'm very impressed i'm like what the heck i don't know what i was expecting i was expecting sludge not legitimate like this is this is usable like it's very fibrous i'm assuming from all of the celery that was in this because a lot of it was celery stock so i'm assuming that's what this all was but my goodness that's like oh my god that's dirt i'm trying to think of a way to make this less of an awkward shape and an awkward size my only thought is making it maybe even slightly taller putting the mechanism that's inside the side over here down at the bottom but then you have the the vents down the bottom i mean i don't know i'm not an engineer i'm just criticizing in general okay let me show you my most recent batch of dust i have a bucket of dirt i'll show the footage of the uh vlog but what happened was i went to vegas for crime con came back and a few of the food scraps that i had tried to get through i forgot in my fridge and they just had gone bad so i broke them up and threw them in here and it was way too much moisture hadn't frozen them beforehand and so instead of making a dirt it made like a clay there wasn't a whole lot of frozen bits in there either and there was also no coffee grounds in that one which i think may have been good to soak up some moisture it missed a whole piece of spinach definitely more sticking to the sides this time around still pretty fibrous considering there's no celery in this one but there was asparagus and it's more clumped that is a clump i'm assuming because there was more moisture in this batch even without the water added uh because most of the stuff was mostly frozen when i put the yeah this is like a hard this is like a pile of crap frankly i'd let it sit out just the bucket itself sit out on my counter for like two days seeing if it would get rid of any extra moisture there was no smell or anything but i just want to see if it would get rid of extra moisture to see if maybe it would be able to crumble apart and be actually like usable dirt nothing happened so what i did is i added coffee grounds added a few extra new vegetable scraps that i had like avocado skins and things like that and then i put in my old dirt from the first round that you saw when i first ran the low me with the new dirt to make this dirt which is much more usable i think it's actually very fibrous i'm assuming the fibers i originally thought it was the celery i think it was mostly the asparagus bits that i had in there the second bit was also incredibly fibrous and there was no celery in there so i'm assuming it was a lot of the asparagus that i used this dirt is i like this dirt a lot this one's very nice does smell like coffee because i put in quite a bit of coffee grounds but i drink quite a bit of coffee so that makes sense as far as you know what's good for your plants and whatnot that's up to each their own my friend was like hey if you have a certain amount of carbon in there or whatever something about the eggshells there was an issue there she was like that could kill my plants who's specifically talking about her weed plants and those are temperamental does not surprise me that that would be an issue i do think that for what it is i'm not gonna pretend it's not cool i i like the dirt i like the idea that i can put this in a jar and walk up to my dad and be like pirates of the caribbean i have a jar of dirt my dad is also a plant hoarder worse than me you think i'm bad with plants my dad is like hoarder hoarder to the point that one all the times we've had to move there have been times where he's had to leave plants we are not leaving the city we're not leaving the state we're moving to another place in the city and we've had to leave plants because there's too many for us to take it's insane so um be giving him dirt oh he's getting dirt for father's day he won't watch this video he's getting dirt for father's day no one tell pop as well i think this would be best for someone with more money who has multiple roommates or a family with multiple people that cook fairly often and you like plants or you have something you want to do with plants and you have a reason to use the dirt or you can gift it to people or whatever just for you know who could get the most out of this i think if you cook quite often if you like plants and you don't want to spend money on dirt i mean i guess you could say that i am not going to have to spend money on dirt because i'm only going to have to spend money on my food to make more dirt for my plants and things like that however dirt itself is not super expensive do i think this is gonna pay for itself which is the adage of like it's an investment it'll pay for itself no i think that it's you know more of like a personal soul payment like i feel better using this i'm not just putting stuff in my trash they have a 30-day return option i'm gonna keep it and continue to use it like i said my dad's getting dirt for christmas i cook a lot here um i i'm back on my no doordash kick i will continue to use my loamy do i think you need the loamy no i don't i don't think you need it i get why it exists and i do think it serves a purpose i don't think it's a necessity at this point especially at the current price i don't think the price justifies the utility of the item do i think this is good for again i haven't gotten the the energy usage bill yet i haven't got my electric bill once i get that i will know specifically whether or not i think this is overall a good thing do i think the dirt is cool yes i can't deny that i think the dirt is cool i can't deny that you know it's like yeah i don't have to throw out my banana peels i can use them for something i like that i do think it serves a purpose the price and the utility is just not going to do it you know it's like if you were to do a round of edits on this make the light better fix the light make it so that it's uh when it's closed it's closed you can put food in there and it's not going to smell and the vents are not going to be a problem you know maybe there's a way to shut the vents i don't know it's something as simple as that so that the smell doesn't seep out when it's not uh running then that way it's not you know like a secondary thing where i also need to have space for this and space in my freezer to make sure my food waste isn't smelling while it's accumulating most popular best value as low as 59 a month for 12 months currently right now i have an issue with things like after paying a firm and all of that i do think that people aren't realizing how much money they are accumulating uh in debt because they don't think of it as debt um they think they're getting a deal at the time and the same goes with this the pods themselves i used the pod once for the first batch of dirt and then i used it the second time second batch of jerks it was in the first batch i still have plenty um so yeah again i don't know if it's necessary reduce the lace you send to a landfill by up to 50 yes see again there's plenty of people who don't cook at home who barely buy groceries in general something like this is not useful to you if you are not an at-home eater even various food waste that are like takeout food waste i don't even think some of them can't go in here you know so it's not just all of your food waste their january delivery sold out obviously april delivery sold out that's when i got this and their may delivery is 87 sold june delivery begins march 30th see i feel like you're forcing a scarcity i don't like that i think there's fine tuning that can happen with this main complaint price the lighting's annoying i really think it's annoying the run time three hours for dirt not too bad i'm not gonna be like you need to make it faster i don't think it needs to be faster i think having it done right is fine the space issue kind of a last thing i think the shape could be better but i mean could also be worse so i mean it's not like it's taking up literally a full side of my countertop you know it is like well over a foot wide i would say is the overall size of this thing you know how some people sell their bath water what if i just sold my dirt amanda's food waster would you would you guys buy jars of my dirt i'm partially kidding and also partially not because i do want to see what would happen if i just started listing my dirt for sale what would you do how would my simps react that's gonna be it um have you heard of lomi have you heard of pella would you buy my dirt let me know comment down below reminder i have a podcast the spell chains podcast new episodes every wednesday reminder i have merch like that mug back there with the sunglasses shout out to my patreons thank you so much for supporting me on patreon you could also explore my patreon the movies down below like tell me always social media that'll be all up here and that's gonna be a happy lovely day goodbye no seriously though how would you react if i just started selling jars of dirt swell dirt small soil thank you audrey allen cameron christopher chris crash pc china devon durdo and dawn elliott evan thackles hopeless incognito jackaray joe john and jordan joseph kenny kim kristen lamb lex lisa luis matt matt oh matthew asked me lord michael michael j micah nathan nathaniel pat pen richard brett robert ross sam serena schuyler simon tasha timmy tom wendy william winters under his wing

2022-06-05 07:24

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