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2021/01/22 Location: EBISU TOKYO Keiichi Tsuchiya and the DKTV production team have prepared an opportunity to study [eyesight] again, thanks to the kindness of SUBARU Co., Ltd. Headquarters SUBARU . SUBARU: Because it is a vehicle with many functions ... I will explain only the points that are important points using POWER POINT. After that, you will have a test drive. At that time, GOSHIMA will also be on board. Therefore, I will explain the operation while driving. The explanation is SATOSHI GOSHIMA-san GOSHIMA , the development manager of LEVORG : Since there are various functions, I will ride while looking for traffic jams.

I think it would be useful if I was next to you, so I'll go with you. GOSHIMA is also watching the video of DKTV. My grandfather used Nakajima Aircraft to maintain the plane. And my father was on the SAMBAR production line at FUJI-JYUKOH. It's the third generation of SUBARU. Not only the blood flowing in the body, but also the DNA is SUBARU blue! !! With this in mind, what we are trying to do is ...

ignite the fuse in your heart! At some point ... I want customers to want to buy LEVORG by looking at commercials, the Web, magazines, and actual vehicles. I've been developing so far! I'm very sorry, but ... how far have I reached ... I've come to make such a key chain myself. I would like everyone to know about LEVORG. All are independent productions. I paid for it myself. * All DKTV staff members. The company has no such budget! !! I will explain the three values ​​of LEVORG.

He gave a lecture about LEVORG for about an hour. About eyesight & eyesight X When I shot, I didn't notice that eyesight X was turned off. DK: Why didn't you notice it? It was canceled ... GOSHIMA: I would like you to try again today.

A louder sound is better! If you have an opinion, we will improve it. Our function is to stop keeping the lane, but ... not to stop following the car in front. That way, you can avoid bumping. I think. I am doing that.

The same is true for conventional eyesight. We have improved the software in-house as if we were adding a secret sauce. We are developing software ourselves. We deliver it to our suppliers for products. Even so, when the white line disappears, etc ... I thought that the function of deceleration before the curve would work on the curve in front of the EDOBA SHI-junction, but it was just a fork and there was no white line.

In such a case, the function will be canceled. Canceled! You need to be aware that. DK: Is there a warning before that? A warning will be issued after the white line is no longer recognized. I also thought that I should cancel earlier because I know it from the map information. It may be measured if there are conditions such as when the speed is slow. Isn't it the part that is left to the customer without canceling it? There was an opinion.

Which is the correct answer now? I have not reached the conclusion. DK: When you drive on a general mountain road, you will run out of the lane. How about that? The speed was less than 50km / h. GOSHIMA: I'm very sorry, but we still advise you not to use the follow-up function on ordinary roads. DK: Oh, is that so? LOL GOSHIMA: I want you to use it only on motorways.

The reason is that highways are clearly marked with white lines, etc., and general roads may or may not be marked. Follow the white line, and if the white line is an extreme line, it may follow as it is. Hey ... there are still general roads ... but I think many people use it. It's easy ... That's why we don't recommend it. MANABU: As SUBARU, do you officially announce that use on general roads is prohibited? GOSHIMA: Yes, I am.

The follow-up function is switched on on general roads. However, once the engine is turned off, its function is also cut off. You will have to turn on the switch yourself. DK: What do you mean? .. .. The journalist was lying! !! LOL DK: The last journalist was lying! !! LOL HAGI: It's me. I was wrong. DK: You can also use the general road! !! Said. GOSHIMA: Follow-up cruise control is turned on from the beginning at overseas manufacturers.

We are also discussing that. Even if you do n't turn on the main switch ... You should be able to set the speed! There is also an opinion. Then, it will be OK without saying PI! On the general road. After all, let's make it PI! I use cruise control! I use eyesight X! Please give some support to your car from now on! !! I think it is important to put your will into it. Development manager: Let GOSHIMA-san ride with us and experience the functions of eyesight & eyesight X again! GOSHIMA: When using eyesight X, you can see the position of your vehicle like this.

DK: Hmm (impressed) GOSHIMA: I think this display is the best when using eyesight X. DK: In the first place, you don't usually need a tachometer! !! GOSHIMA: Yes. It's true. It's unnecessary if it's not a manual. DK: The only time you want a meter is when you run at high speed! !! After that, I want the usual information! What is the state of the car now? Whether it is good or bad to use eyesight. It's good to understand that when you use it everyday.

GOSHIMA: Some LEVORG customers are particular about the movement of the needle. DK: You're there! !! GOSHIMA: Yes. In that case, it is very difficult to reproduce the movement like a machine even with liquid crystal. If the movement is strange even a little, the animation is strange. It will be said. DK: Hmm! !! (Surprise) DK: It's annoying. .. .. DK: This works. Not available. Where do you see it? GOSHIMA: When you enter the highway, you will see this eyesight mark above this 0.

DK: Hmm! !! (Convinced) GOSHIMA: To be honest, it is difficult to obtain satellite information the moment you get on. The display may or may not appear, so press it when the display appears. DK: I see! GOSHIMA: The conditions for C1 (Metropolitan Expressway) are really bad.

Isn't it necessary to turn off the function? This is the place where we discussed until the end. Still, I managed to reach a usable level. DK: It helps during high-speed traffic. What is the driving support function? !! GOSHIMA: If you live in Tokyo, there will be traffic jams when you go out and come back , so if you assist me at that time, it wouldn't be that easy! I think. When we also come from GUNMA, KAWAGUSHI-ROUTE is absolutely congested in the morning. In that situation, if you can hands off, if you assist me, you will have time to drink coffee.

DK: Right! That's right! That's what I think. GOSHIMA: I dare to look for traffic and take a rest. The concept of drive may change. If you get a little tired, take a rest in the traffic! !! DK: Yeah! (Agree) GOSHIMA: I couldn't explain it earlier, but in the past, this torque was used to detect whether or not the steering wheel was held. Even if I held it firmly, an alarm might be issued.

This is a touch sensor. Detects moisture and static electricity. If you hold it with three fingers, it will detect that you are holding the steering wheel. When you get on the freeway, the vehicle will recognize that you are connected. You can drive with your shoulders relaxed. When you really get on the highway, you're just touching it, so it's okay to hands it off! I think. Hands-off is a problem for your hands ...

DK: That's right! !! DK: Put your hands on it! !! For steering. GOSHIMA: Yes. That is right. In that case, it's not worth the hands-off at high speeds! !! I also think. Hands-off is good while using it! !! The time may come. From the TENGENNJI entrance to the Metropolitan Expressway MEGURO-LINE Now, the system judges that it can turn in this state. From this point onward, the system will merge, so the system will be cut off at some point. I wonder if it was overridden ...

Now that it's below 50km / h, I'm in the hands-off area. However, we know that they will join. I'm in now. It has expired now. It's just expired.

If you go as it is, you will join with hands off. Therefore, in this case, you need to change the lane yourself. Please enter and continue to the right and go toward Rainbow Bridge. Now it's green, so it's hands-on. If the speed drops a little more, it will be hands-off. DK: You can use eyesight X if there is a green sign on the windshield! Does that mean? ?? GOSHIMA: Green is following the car in front. is what it means. This is pretty important. It's more important to see the car in front than eyesight X, so I've left that feature.

eyesight X has so many features that you don't know how much you're using. Sometimes I have a speed limit but I can't see the lane. The generic name for the function as a product name is eysight X. However, the functions of the functions are separate, and the important thing is the tracking function. When you can hands off, the blue lamps will light up on both sides. In this case as well, the conditions will change slightly. .. ..

DK: This is scary ... DK: Oh, it reacted! !! LOL GOSHIMA: I think I was able to go with the conventional function, but since it has a wide angle, if I cross the white line, it will stop following the car in front. DK: Hmm (impressed) GOSHIMA: Now you can hands off. It's okay to let go.

DK: Oh! Is that so! !! !! !! GOSHIMA: It might be a little scary. .. .. DK: Yeah! It's horrible. GOSHIMA: This is the hands-off state. You don't have to have a steering wheel because there are blue lines on both sides. With this, when it exceeds 50km / h, it has the opposite meaning to the previous sound. GOSHIMA: Now have the steering wheel. I got a warning. Because the curve is approaching! !!

DK: Ahhhh. So that's it! !! (Convinced) GOSHIMA: At the time of hands-off, I will warn you as firmly as it is now. DK: I see! !! (Understanding) GOSHIMA: Now, the curve guide is displayed. Then go to the left ... No, it's OK as it is.

Continue straight to Rainbow Bridge. DK: Does that mean that this warning sound was heard at the tollhouse in Chiba last time? ?? ?? GOSHIMA: At that time, I think it's a warning that I canceled the lane keep. There will be no lanes in front of the tollhouse, so at that time there was no warning with such a loud noise. I think the sound was a little quieter.

It may have been a little confusing. Metropolitan Expressway, WANGANN-LINE DK: What was the yellow flashing earlier? Orange ... GOSHIMA: It doesn't have a steering wheel. I am aware that, so please bring it. DK: I see! !! GOSHIMA: Please enter the right lane here.

Please raise it to 80. I will raise it. Please move to the right lane by yourself. GOSHIMA: With this ... DK: You're following up, right? GOSHIMA: Following me, there were lanes on both sides. This can change lanes! It is a signal.

I can't go because I know there are obstacles on both sides. Now you can go to the right. Is it okay to operate it? It's no good now. Moving to the left is okay.

Operate the turn signal lever to the left to assist the lane change. DK: Hmmm (confirmation / impression) GOSHIMA: The one on the right cannot move because there is a car behind. You can do it on the left. It is in the state. Now operate the blinker to the left again. Hold the steering wheel and assist when it becomes a white line. DK: Hmm (surprise) This is easy! !! GOSHIMA: This kind of assist is called lane change assist.

GOSHIMA: Everyone ... I don't use it! !! I also use those who have declared that! LOL DK: This is easy! !! GOSHIMA: There are no white lines around here, so you need to operate with confidence. DK: This is scary! !! For now! !! GOSHIMA: After all, you have to be careful about the part without the white line. This also now assists the lane change to the left.

The current warning sound is the sound that the system is canceled when you operate it yourself. The driver's operation priority cancels the function called override. When using Lane Change Assist, leave it to the car and keep your hands touching the steering wheel.

DK: Ahaha ... I still can't trust it! !! GOSHIMA: Yes, that's right. You 're right to leave your life in the car you got on for the first time . That's right. DK: I don't want to die without knowing ... LOL GOSHIMA: Yes. I agree! !! I think it is safer to have a good reaction. As you get used to it, you will rely on lane changes and humans will neglect to check the surroundings.

DK: That's right! GOSHIMA: Consciousness is completed only in the meter. The car will do it for you! !! When it comes to the idea ... it's perfect! There is no guarantee. The driver needs to be careful because it is only detected by radar.

DK: That's right ... GOSHIMA: Please move a little further to the right. DK: It's easy in this kind of situation. GOSHIMA: That's right. Now I am assisted regardless of the car in front. It is difficult to recognize the red paved road surface of the Metropolitan Expressway. It may be canceled. If the running speed is a little higher, it may be canceled on the way.

HAGI: The driver of the first LEVORG is looking here. .. .. LOL DK: Did you see it? ?? LOL GOSHIMA: SUBARIST (subie)! The muffler has also been replaced. DK: You're changing! !! GOSHIMA: I've just slowed down on a curve. We use not only information from cameras but also satellite information.

GOSHIMA: This is where you can cut. DK: Oh! !! (Surprise) DK: Will it run out suddenly? ?? ?? GOSHIMA: It feels like it is now. GOSHIMA: Right now I'm looking at an obstacle next to me. DK: Will it run out suddenly? ?? ?? LOL GOSHIMA: Yes. It cuts suddenly as before.

There are still some parts of C1 where the driving conditions have not been completely reduced to the system. Other than that, it follows with considerable accuracy. DK: That's right! !! GOSHIMA: The S-shaped curve ahead is also a very difficult place to distinguish. This is where the system is likely to be shut down.

It is necessary to understand that such a small place is harsh. DK: I'd like you to tell me in front of you instead of being canceled suddenly like now ... GOSHIMA: That's right. It would be nice if we could decide whether to cancel or not in front of us ... With that idea, we have no choice but to cancel.

And when should the next question be canceled? DK: Ahh (convinced) GOSHIMA: Or do you want to match the vehicle speed ... How far do you want to cancel? It becomes an argument. I will do my best, but at the moment I am setting to cancel. We have been focusing on the lane keeping function. DK: I'm surprised if it's canceled suddenly. GOSHIMA: That's right! !! I try to tell you about the function in advance.

This area has its own steering wheel. You need to be aware of that. GOSHIMA: I can't see the lane on the monitor. DK: Ah! I agree! !! DK: Well, I can't assist the alert called PIPI-N♬! That's the signal.

GOSHIMA: I lost sight of the lane. It is a signal. The warning sound was sounding last time as well. .. .. I don't know if you don't tell me. DK: I didn't understand. .. .. I did not notice. GOSHIMA: You need to drive yourself in these situations. After all, the road painted in red is not distinguished ...

DK: But now. .. .. The car was bent by itself! GOSHIMA: Yes. I agree! It changes under a few conditions. It will not work if the speed is a little high. DK: Hmm ( difficulty ) GOSHIMA: We are developing an electronically controlled damper for this road joint.

G is measured by the acceleration sensor. Instantly hardens the attenuation. When the front gets over the unevenness, soften the back. And so on instantly. An electronically controlled suspension that uses a ZF damper.

DK: The current setting is comfort, isn't it? ?? Ride quality is good. GOSHIMA: Yes! !! It's really a good thing that SUBARU has never had before! !! LOL DK: Comfortable to ride! !! (Satisfied) GOSHIMA: After that, if your wife doesn't dislike this appearance ... The appearance is quite ... Gundam-like ... The claim is strong ... Maybe it's too strong ...・. LOL Especially the hole in the bonnet ... Do you need air intake now? ?? ?? It will be pointed out by your wife. Where necessary for SUBARISUTO (subie) ... At the time of the FAN event, the next LEVORG asked FAN if it was okay to eliminate the holes in the bonnet.

Everyone said NO !! DK: Really? ?? (Surprise) GOSHIMA: Never take it! !! DK: The face is cool! !! GOSHIMA: Yes. Thank you very much. However, when I hear his wife's story ... I hate seeing this face in the mirror of the car in front of me when she is driving! There was also an opinion. With an intimidating image, I'm not in such a scary car! Is claimed. I don't intimidate people so much. Some people said. Human psychology is difficult ... Head to Route 2 here.

The steering operation is quick and I think the nose of the car reacts quickly. DK: Yes! I agree! !! GOSHIMA: The body is really rigid. Two pinions are quite effective. DK: Comfortable! !! GOSHIMA: Thank you! DK: Comfortable. .. .. Sometimes I'm surprised! !! LOL HAGI: Machines are so good that they tend to work too hard ... GOSHIMA: I think that's one thing. I think that sharpness is important.

DK: It would be easier if you could assist me this much. HAGI: That's right! DK: If you trust 100%, you may be surprised as before. Assist that much! In that sense, it's very easy to drive. HAGI: That's right. DK: It's really easy. (Comfortable) HAGI: The area we support is very wide. GOSHIMA: That's right! DK: That's why you trust everything.

HAGI: That's really true. DK: You can leave this all to us! I trust too much. GOSHIMA: After all, it is different from automatic driving. It is important that you drive without misunderstanding.

DK: That's right! !! Therefore, the person who conveys it must convey it firmly. GOSHIMA: Yes, you're right. It is important to understand what kind of system it is. DK: Autonomous driving! It's amazing! !! It is dangerous to drive with the consciousness. DK: We are responsible for this! !! HAGI-cyan! !! HAGI: Yes! !! (Reflection) DK: You need to be careful about how you tell when you really tell everyone. HAGI: Yes! (Be careful) Driving is easy because the assist function is very good.

Listen to the manufacturer's story and tell it exactly as it is, rather than broadening it. I think the most important thing is to tell people who want this car! !! The side who heard that it is automatic driving / autopilot will misunderstand. To the last, human driving is necessary. Assist there. It reduces the amount of work. You must have a steering wheel.

Be careful and check with your eyes! And we will help you with steering, braking and accelerator operation! !! The function was very good. And I thought this technology was amazing. MANABU: I received harsh comments from viewers ...

DK: I don't know ... How about that? .. When I rented a car without being explained so much ... I think everyone will ride the same way as I do. I think the viewers are familiar with SUBARU.

If you listen to GOSHIMA-san like today, you can understand that the way of driving and operation was bad. However, if you rent a car without knowing anything, you will operate it in the same way as we do. If you haven't heard from GOSHIMA-san ... I heard this time, so there's a signal when eyesight X is cancelled. It was canceled because I knew what the signal was. Cancel. I understand that I am driving.

There are various complaints, but I think it can't be helped! !! LOL I verified this time and had the opportunity to hear from GOSHIMA-san, so I was convinced about the operation of eyesight. So this is a good car! !!

2021-01-27 02:36

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