#MicroAdventure: Forty Foot Falls Southern Highlands Australia

#MicroAdventure: Forty Foot Falls Southern Highlands Australia

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Morning. Guys I am just heading. Out on a, mile. Walk to 40 foot Falls today so I'm, just. Left from the. Stellar carpark she's. Just outside of MIT Agong following. The box bio track probably. Having lunch at the end of this trial and then down the incline, following. The river and then out towards. 40. Foot forth so I'll be camping overnight. Just. Had to save a dog. He. Came, along and he just jumped, into the water here it, was a lot deeper than he thought and then he couldn't get it so, they. Had to pulling that so that was a bit of fun. Well. I'm still on the box file track and. I'm just following this small. Tram line follows. The. Other. Ridge here and then goes through some cuttings. It's, a relatively flat an easy trick which is quite good but. It's yeah it's really really really nice so should, be coming up to a tunnel soon and that'll. Go through right. Through them out and come out the other side and, then we kind of head down to look out and then, we go down the down. The hill with the cable, and then we'll be, yeah. Down on the creek. I mean. We're so glad I decided to do this walk, clockwise. And, not anti-clockwise, because, I'd be coming up this hill rather. Than going down it I, think. That was a good, decision. He's. Pretty steep. I've. Just made it down to the net, iRiver after coming down the inclined, me. And that was steep so pretty. Here he trying. To get down that, that. Steep hill with all this, scrambling. Rocks and. It. Was really loose and soft, so it was quite hard to get a good footing but um I made it to NotI. Creek now looks. Like there's somebody been camping here before they've got a with. A fireplace set up, we. Can see the river over here. Say. Yeah that's narrow creek. Yeah. It's quite overgrown. But. A fair bit of water in it at least we had it had some rain, just. Yesterday. In the day before so it's reasonably. Are, we damp down here but we've had a fair bit of Sun today so it's been quite nice, so. Now I'm just going to head over to that side of the creek follow. This along, and. Then, I got one of the side valleys to. Get. We're. 40 foot falls are where I'll be camping for the night. So, now I'm just following, the I. Suppose. The narrow, river. After. Coming down that incline earlier and, I had to cross the river I didn't. Film it because it was a very, slippery, log and. It. Was very precarious. And. I thought I would. Be jinxing myself if I do that yeah so. But I managed to get across it without, falling. In on breaking, a leg or twisting, an ankle so that was good.

Yeah. It's yeah, it's quite pleasant down here it's um quite. Wet. And mossy and. Yeah. There's not too many leeches, or anything like that. Yeah. Yeah it's, nice just listening to the water. Creek. Danya check. Out this moss. And, yet these massive cliffs up top which. Would have been actually, it's probably worth a look at is where. I was earlier so I basically. Come. From there down the incline and wander, over now. Yes. That's a winter here in Australia at the moment so it's I mean, it's not t-shirt weather during the day but at night I can get quite cold and I'm, sort of down in the southern highlands at the moment so it's supposed. To get down to probably zero or maybe one degree tonight. I was. Watching another youtuber. Scottie's. Gone walkabout and he was out in. The bush in Sydney not too a couple, weeks back we were saying how cold he was so. Kind of reminded me to make sure that I pack. Enough guida keep myself. So. Just past kills. Creek, still. Following the net High River. And. Soon I'll be coming towards. What. The hell, is. A tire here, yeah. Kind, of things getting. Yes. As I was saying just following. Neva. River and. I've just passed Kel's Creek and. Now I'm heading down towards, that I Creek. And. Then, from there I'll head up towards. 40-foot. Falls where, I'll be camping for the night, it's. So pretty. Okay. I've just made it to the junction of the net, White River and the network rink so. Now I'm following. The Nephite Creek which is just tomorrow right here I. Think. It's only probably a couple. Of hundred meters up to where 40 foot falls are so. I, can. Check that out it should be pretty cool, and. Then I'll proceed a bit further beyond that and. Then see if I can find some way to pop the hammock up tonight. So, it's about 2:20 in the, afternoon now. Because. I mean the valley. We. Start getting dark, kind. Of earlier than expected so. I kind. Of want to get there to. Get my hammock and stuff all set up and start. Having cooking, you do that early. Probably. By that five I'm. Getting pretty dark by then, you. Like to get on this undergrowth, it gets real back. Yeah. So. Next, up should be what.

If It falls. Oh. Well. I've set up camp and. I've. Got a fire going I've had dinner, so. I've set up my hammock yeah pretty much ready. For bed although it's something. Like 5:30, in the afternoon simply. Be, bizarre. So I probably sit by the fire for. A little bit yeah just just relax and listen. To the water and the birds and. Just enjoy the evening it's not too cold at the moment it's it's, quite pleasant. Morning. Quite. Cool this morning I was, warm enough last night though which was quite through it was um I certainly. Had enough things, to keep me warm I had actually. Had two sleeping bags that, was good, what. A beautiful morning blue, sky sunshine. Muscles. What here. Yeah. I cleaned my pots and pans as I grab some river sand, throw. That in there with a bit of water. Just. Slash it around. And. All, this with these aluminium, cookware. It seems to do, a really good job of cleaning. It, and. I think pre-soaking, the, oats. It. Made, it less sticky I think so let's see how that goes. Beautiful. Because. I knew I was gonna be cold last night I try it out using this some. Heavy. Duty emergency. Blanket which is reusable from, Seoul and. I've. Attached that as much, as I am as. It under blanket or an under quilt to see if that that. Helped, I, got, down to about zero last, night and I, was quite, warm you. Know I did bitterly I did have two sleeping bags how, does, any was going to be cold so much or if that made the difference well if it was the Nana, belt but it sort of keeps the wind off. Off. The bottom of the hammock where it kind of sets, all your, where. Your heat and also. It reflects your body heat back so. Maybe. It works maybe it didn't but at, least I was nice and warm. Well. I've had a very, lazy morning this, morning I've, just. Been slowly packing, up my stuff and just. Sitting. By the river relaxing, and so you can waterfall you think the birds it's. Just so peaceful here it's quiet. Yeah. 15, there's, no one around and, just. The. Dress it's so. That's. The amazing spot. Lovely. Waterhole and, waterfall. And. Then all these ferns. Down, the valley, that's. Spectacular. Yes. That's a bit I was coming up for about 11 o'clock now so I probably need to get going so I'm ready to go so what I'll do is I'll push. Fish back, down the down, the tree. And. Spend. Some time having a look around 40. Foot falls again yeah. Because I was kind of a bit short the time on, the way here because I was a rushing. To beat the the sunset I suppose. And. In there it's only it's only a short hike out from, further. Down the creek Oh down the river back. To me to go on and then. Yeah. That's. Trying to go home. Yep. Enough, relaxing, time for walking. Well. I've just left 40.

Foot Falls and. I'm. Back on the track which goes down. That's, why Creek and. I'm. Yeah. I'll be joining onto an entire River. 40, foot force are just spectacular really. Really Pleasant so. Peaceful, with, nobody. There. There's. A sign for me to go so. That's only three and a half case it should be an easy River. Stroll. Well. I've just arrived at like Alexandra, which is just on the outskirts of Madigan this. Pretty much the end of my walk. It's. Really pretty here it's quite nice although there's a lot of people a lot of noisy dogs and a lot of noisy kids so it, makes me appreciate the peace. And quiet I've had over the last couple of days so sabi, I'm just chilling here for a little bit and then I'm gonna head off and catch a train back to Sydney so thanks, for joining me and I'll see you next time bye.

2018-07-12 20:18

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