ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ по Швейцарии I АЛЬПЫ самостоятельно I Вершина Niesen

ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ по Швейцарии I АЛЬПЫ самостоятельно I Вершина Niesen

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What do you know about Switzerland, apart from the fact that it is a country of banks, chocolate and high prices and watches? This country, by the grace of God, is endowed with a core value - its nature, and the people who live here cherish it and do everything they can to enjoy it comfortably and without causing any harm. In fact, it's amazing how much is organised here With the sun shining outside, even though it's early February, we continue to believe that things will soon get better and so once again we share our secret spots for solo travellers around the country. Today, as usual, it's about what's off the trails of mass tourism.

Sharing your ideas and secrets . Anything from my point of view of a professional guide in Switzerland worthwhile. How to get there, where to park, tickets, climbing, what's interesting at the top and how we descended the valley on foot, an easy trekking option in the Alps. It's up to you as usual to get as many people as possible to see this video. And so, ladies and gentlemen, meet the canton of Bern's own Nisen pyramid - 2363 metres above sea level. What are you doing? Flying. Can I see it?

It is called a pyramid because of its distinctive shape, very much reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids. The Swiss even wanted to highlight its contours with lasers for clarity at dusk. However, they did not do so, as these lasers could harm the butterflies that live on this mountain at night.

Peace and comfort are most valued in Switzerland. So now we'll tell you all the secrets to making your trip as comfortable and interesting as possible. How to get there ? Easy! For motorists, the address of a large enough car park: Look for P Niesenbahn on the maps by train is just as convenient: the Mülenen stop and then a five-minute walk. Our trip took place on 13 September 2020, the day before my wife's birthday and where better to meet her than in the Alps in good weather. You want the Alps outside your window, be my guest.

Tickets at the ticket office , the railway operates seasonally, plan for 21 from 17. April bis 14. November Do you make videos? Yeah. Sure. We're getting ready tomorrow. We've decided to start with the climbing The round trip is 59 Swiss francs, one way is 38. We only went one way, no queues or crowds

We're going this way now. We're here now, then we'll go up, and then we'll walk back down somehow. Oh, that video, say some nice words... I already did... Let's go Important: These are comfortable shoes, especially if you plan to walk downhill or uphill on foot. In principle, even on a normal trip, not trekking, you need to have it, high heels make the ladies there look spectacular, but not practical. So shoes are the main thing, everything else, even water, you will get What's your seat tell me? In the driver's seat, I'll be in charge of cleaning the window... where you trained for this profession...it's very hard, almost the same as higher education.. what is your salary? Huge. The main thing here is not to press anything by accident.

My goodness, you also open the windows and clean, all the comfort. Beautiful weather, of course it's nice. It's always a touching moment every year and will remain long in the memory. Can I have a little glass cleaned in celebration of my birthday... my God, what a blessing... 26 August 1906 was the first working day of construction of the cable car up to the summit. By 1910, an average of more than 200 people were working on this complex structure. There were no cranes or helicopters at the time. Auxiliary construction made of wood and manual labour by workers made this complex construction possible. On 15 July 1910, the Niesen railway was opened and carried its first passengers.

The cable car has a total length of 3,499 metres and climbs from 693 metres above sea level to the top of 2,336 metres in just 30 minutes. And by the way, this staircase, which runs next to the railway with its 11'674 steps, is the longest staircase in the world. Official races are regularly held there. Next time the brave, trained stalwarts can try their luck 11. / 12. Juni 2021 . The price of happiness is 95 francs, including a sports buffet. An alpine horn...

Please exit the carriages, the train is not moving on. We're about to eat... The first thing to do on the summit is to take a deep breath and enjoy the panorama of the entire Bernese Alps region, Lake Thun, Interlaken and the faintly visible Lake Brinz. A history of the construction of the cable car and a long list of celebrities who have been here before you. It's good that our tourists aren't around, you can have fun. I usually behave more modestly.

Did you see what the cheese says? Look up... cheese... I take the video, you take the photo. And what's a peak in the Swiss Alps without a hotel or restaurant? As soon as the construction work on the funicular starts, the railway management buys a pre-existing mountain house from 1856 for 100,000 francs, installs electricity and the hotel is ready. Back then, a trip cost 7 francs against today's 59, a room to 6 francs, and a bowl of soup 80 rp. That's all you need to know about inflation in Switzerland. That said, the hotel is clean, no frills, but spending the sunset and sunrise in good weather at this altitude is well worth it. My memory doesn't take me very far...

Michael to places I've been before... I was here at least 10 years ago. Has the hut changed? Sure, it's much more comfortable, air-conditioning, internet, wifi, phone, hot water.. So the Swiss service doesn't stand still? Yes, of course, it's getting more and more expensive... Misha, I found a good one for our neighbours... What are you doing? I'm building a tower. It's the tallest tower.

Our route today is Mühlenen, 3 hours and 30 minutes That's it... it's time to go down, just don't forget that the travel time is non-stop and you will have to stop for various photo sessions on a regular basis. Did you have a good birthday? Oh, yeah, it's not over yet. I generally like to celebrate the whole month. It's just the beginning. More to come. Are we going down there now? Straight down? No... no... down the road... We've come up to the top, we're here now... Then we go this way, then we try to find some parachutists, then this way... a place called shisbodi... and then we go down, there are cows, cheeses, foxes... hopefully we find someone and go down that way. Let's go.

See who lost their tickets, walk. Well, what peak in the Alps can't boast a lack of attention from intrepid pair of gliders. Everything, easy and simple. I looked it up and now I know I can too. Generally speaking, the region is a paradise for these guys. Thanks to the calm winds, neighbouring Interlaken is generally regarded as a mecca for fans of the sport. That's how you and I are going to be together. Nice and easy. .

Instructor in the back. Saying a prayer. See, easy and simple See, easy and simple Our road was calling and steadily going down. By the way, not everyone prefers to go downhill. Many go upwards, with children, dogs and bicycles. I don't quite understand the latter, as the descent downhill is quite extreme, the trail is narrow, but it doesn't seem to frighten fans of this type of recreation. Where we came down from and where we are going. Our child is free, there are no barriers.

Peace and quiet... Come on, let's go... One more time... Run forward... Many, many, many more.. Swiss hot chocolate, will give you lots of energy and boost your energy for the rest of the day. A fun theme is self-service cheese shops. That is, farmers make cheese and sell it without their presence to passing tourists. There's... right? Yeah... free cheese?

Tell me how it works... First of all... watch out, there's nettles. Self-service, alpine cheese. Open it up, pick any piece you like. It's like this, a good price ... a hundred grams 2.4.A total of 750 grams costs 18 francs. And this is a letter of thanks. Where's the money going? Here's the cash register. Security camera? No... There's just a bird's nest. If anything, they'll shoot the naughty ones from there.

Then the road became more and more civilised, first gravel and then tarmac, cute dogs and a patrol of honour in the form of the local goats. Hello goats, how are you doing here? You can't talk him into it, he tastes better... He stinks, he hasn't brushed his teeth... He smells like a goat... The bell is beautiful. Michelle, they thought about it and decided to follow you. Come in, come in, the chief is there! That's it, that's it... no tourists, you're the goats... Let's swap with our neighbours, I think this neighbourhood will be more pleasant.

Look at all that milk, it's goats. Goat patrol... I haven't walked with goats yet... Only here you can book a walk in the mountains with alpine goats. Trained goats. And yes, did you notice that on the way down from the summit you didn't encounter a single litter or pile of rubbish lying around? As a general rule, all rubbish is picked up on the way down. And not for fear of being fined at all. Apart from goats and cows. You're not likely to see anyone there. Conscientiousness is in the blood of the locals. Those are the rules, too. I'm all for that. I wish you the same. Halt... These are the things to clean your car's wheels in winter. You go in and clean the wheels.

Do you want to go upstairs or where? Yeah, there's no other options here. Irina, how are you enjoying your adventure? Fine... It's 4.30 now, time for a very tasty dinner. That's how we had what I think was a great day, September 13, 2020. We were able to descend in five hours instead of the 3.5 hours stated, but it was worth it. I really hope that all these virus woes will be a thing of the past, the Alps will be waiting for that for sure. During this time, without people's attention, they have become even cleaner. That's all with you for today Michael "Nashi in Switzerland", see you soon.

2021-02-22 16:20

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