【EP7】王牌春游梦幻联动!沈腾范丞丞爆笑卡点斗舞 宋亚轩“壁咚”关晓彤上演《神魂颠倒》 FULL 20220422 #王牌对王牌7

【EP7】王牌春游梦幻联动!沈腾范丞丞爆笑卡点斗舞 宋亚轩“壁咚”关晓彤上演《神魂颠倒》 FULL 20220422 #王牌对王牌7

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With the development of our society social division becomes more specific We develop vocational education to foster mass qualified and outstanding technically skilled talents and build a skill-oriented society becoming a momentum for common prosperity Tonight, Ace Family returns to school to attend a public class experiencing a rich and practical vocational class Welcome our students from Class Ace Welcome Be careful dad My dad comes here to attend the parent-teacher meeting Who are you greet to? The camera Welcome our four students Please introduce yourself I guess you are the school hunk Did you guess that? I told that from your appearance Yeah I remember Hello, everyone I'm the English representative of this school Your English? Any problem? I have a question for you Why can you be the English representative? I can reduce your sense of honor to be a school hunk I'm the campus belle of this school And let's welcome some other normal students in our school in our school I'm the commissary in charge of entertainment I'm the commissary in charge of studies Hand in your homework now Hand in your homework Does campus belle also need to hand in homework? I give up the identity then Today we have another class Class Elite, welcome Class Elite, let's go Come on Left-right-left Halt Right-dress Right-dress? We haven't turned yet Is the first one a head waiter? Right-dress What elite? Are they elite? Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Ye I'm the commissary in charge of cleaning I'm the monitor What's your position, Adam? A normal student I'm the commissary in charge of sports You can tell from my appearance I am filled with power I was wondering why you were so powerful when you walked in 1979? Why are you wearing the clothes of my age? It's also the clothes of my father's age Your father and I are the same age? Was he also born in 1979? Yeah It's also the clothes of my father's age Your father and I are the same age? No, he was born in 1978 See? I know he must be older than me If your father is not older than him he will have a temper the whole show Welcome our new students Guys, we will hold a welcoming ceremony for the freshman Through dance battle English Representative VS Sports Commissary Come on Music, three, two, one Begin! I didn't have a rehearsal Cool! Come on, that's right What does it mean? no Why do I cooperate with you? Why do I cooperate? Nice It's good I thought it would be very awkward I never thought it would be so wonderful This is a wonderful part That's too much Keep Keep the program I think it is even okay to be a New Year's Eve Party program No problem Our cooperation is perfect Good job Today, Ace Vocational Academy will invite three industry ace to teach us three popular public classes of vocational skills You have to finish a series of vocational skills challenges and to win the certificate of honor At last, as senior colleagues you need to answer questions for the students in the last sharing class who will soon graduate from school Two classes tell us your slogan The Ace Family, never giving up Elite, Elite make perfection more perfect Today, our first vocational skill class is about travel Have you ever met any strange event during the travel Yes! I have I went to a place where I bought a monkey Morocco I went to Morocco My aesthetic pursuit at that period was very confused I was very fascinated by a Gorilla made of iron Lin Chi-Ling paid the freight I was there too Yeah You were there too I carried that for you all the way I want this gorilla It's so beautiful Be careful, don't prick your hand It's prickly I will see you in China King Kong King Kong King We were all thinking Is he serious? Teng said I tell you Hua Chenyu, it's really an artwork It's really artistic Its facial expression is so vivid we said...well... The expression may be modeled after you After I came back, all people were roasting me It's okay that the net friends laughed at me But the seller also came to roast me He said it was the ugliest object they exported They spent great effort to sell it and I bought it back How could you go out without a penny? Mary and Lin Chi-Ling paid for you and Hua Chenyu carried that for you How could I? It was all for the show's effect We all love to travel Travel is the pillar of tertiary industries As of 2018 there were over 2,000 vocational colleges opening travel-related majors Every year, they'll foster over 200,000 professional talents for travel industry So today our first vocational skill class is about guided tours Next, let's invite our professional teacher for this class Let's welcome our national first-class tourist guide The champion of the Tourist Guide Competition in Zhejiang Province the spokesman of Hangzhou Municipality a senior ace tourist guide Zhu Ming Welcome! Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend I'm Zhu Ming Although you don't take the microphone it sounds like you've taken it The netizens call you Mr. Black Yeah Mr. Black When people join in package tour some guides will force them to consume Is there any law to protect our tourists? What a provocative question at the beginning Actually, I want to know how much kickback can you get from selling one jade? Because every time my mom joins in a package tour she will come back with a jade Yes First of all When traveling around you must sign the tourism contract Because in our country, there is a law called "Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China" As long as you have signed the tourism contract anything you purchase during the travel can be refunded after you come back second You may not sign the contract before you go traveling It's illegal Actually our National Bureau of Culture and Tourism will fine for this So remember the above two points you can travel everywhere without concerns Wonderful I really want to know What subjects do tourist guides usually learn? Guide practicality guide fundamental knowledge and policy and regulation We will learn some laws and the basic knowledge of all places For example, we will learn what are China's five great mountains? Why do we call father's father grandpa? And why do we call mother's mother grandma? It's the same as that cockhorse, which sings Father's father Do you have any questions, Hua Chenyu? I want to know what's your biggest gain from learning this major? Our industry has many chances to view the scene all over the country Actually, we are the folk diplomat We can travel all over the world So first one, it is free second, all the tourists are also very nice views for us We can learn a lot from them with different tourists If you travel with the people you like it's totally different But if you travel all over the country Do you need to know the dialect of all places? Otherwise, you can't communicate with local people How many dialects can you speak? Most of them Shandong dialect Oh, Yo, Gee Don't gossip Do we need techniques to speak dialects? Yeah For example, the Nanjing dialect likes use the fourth tone Nanjing people Ah, really? The last word of the Yangzhou dialect is up So great! You add a very before Shanghai dialect Very effective, very good Very peevish, very expensive For example, the Xi'an dialect actually, the Xi'an dialect changes the first tone to the third tone changes the third tone to the fourth tone changes the fourth tone to the first tone For example, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty It sounds like the Henan dialect Shaanxi dialect will be I want to have a meal While Henan dialect will say I want to have a meal It sounds alike We just need to know a little about that It just needs to sound alike If you think it is funny the local people will teach you Yeah It's interesting Communication ability is very crucial for tourist guide Later, we will test your communication ability Crazy Lip Language It's an upgrade to the Microphone The rule is the second person can't take off the headphones You can only see the mouth of the first person to guess Game is on The world scenery is beautiful Wait a moment, the headphone's voice is too low It's really too low I will turn it up I feel sorry for that Take off the coat Come on Okay The world I already know that, scenery is beautiful All depends on What? The world's scenery is beautiful, all depends on tourist guide the mouth of a tourist guide the mouth of the tourist guide The mouth of a dinosaur Yeah no tourist guide tourist guide the mouth of a tourist guide The mouth, right The world's scenery is beautiful It all depends on the mouth of the tourist guide the mouth of a tourist guide The world's scenery is beautiful tourist guide Take off your headphones I want to see when they will stop nattering tourist guide tourist guide There Wave your hands tourist guide Yeah, tourist guide tourist guide tourist guide Tell me some other words The two words The world You need to show me your mouth shape tourist guide Mouth shape tourist guide For example, you want to buy a jade Your parents always buy jades when traveling tourist guide Yeah tourist guide What else? the mouth the mouth mouth the the mouth the mouth of a tourist guide The world The world All over the country Almost All right The world is beautiful He only caught on the meaning from "buying jades" tourist guide tourist guide the mouth of month mouse Hundred Family Surnames the mouth the month the mouth of Let me see your throat Tooth brushing Tooth brushing I want to pull out your tooth The mouth of Okay There are other words How should I know that? No other words tourist guide the mouth of What's the meaning? The mouth the mouth of the mouth of a tourist guide We are screwed I got it the mouth of a tourist guide I remember the other words, but time is up Come on, tourist guide, thief Yeah Tourist guide I hold a board, where are you going? tourist guide Yeah Teng just told me Teng said Yeah tourist guides need to smile Not smile The tourist guide pretends to smile Two words(in Chinese) the mouth He just looked like this I don't know its meaning Teng just told me I didn't get the two words So at last I didn't get them There is too much information Relax Tell me one by one Does Zhang pronounce e? Yeah, the mouth the mouth of Yeah a tourist guide Time's up The mouth, four words Yeah, that's it That's right You can take off your headphones Almost Completely refuse outside information Give me another chance I won't listen tourist guide Okay the mouth of the tourist guide the mouth of a tourist guide Then Gotcha The right answer is the mouth of a tourist guide he knows everything about the world Great Almost We have 14 Chinese words in total Your answer has 14 Chinese words Do I get a perfect score? Wait, how many words are correct? Only three, right? Seven words are correct That's nice Great Okay, please wear on your headphones Game on! tourist guide go Mouth shape Mouth shape go Tourist guide, go? Is it about food? When I say the right answer please give me a gesture Then What to eat? What Show me You act the food category Follow the tourist guide What What do you mean by touching your pocket? Fumble the pocket There are another ten words Twenty words in total Roll What to ask? You can act If you can't say it clearly, just act What to eat? Kick your ass It's the same, tourist guide It should be hot dry noodles Hot dry noodles And fumble the pocket Fumble the pocket no money That's all I get Go Eat Hot dry noodles Eat noodles, so spicy Burning noodles Hot dry noodles Spicy noodles Hubei? Hot dry noodles Okay tourist guide goes goes to eat noodles goes to a restaurant to eat noodles fumble the pocket, no money Almost tourist guide eats noodles Tourist guide has a stomachache, eats noodles Eat noodles So spicy Eat spicy noodles the noodles from Hubei Fumble the pocket, no money That's all? Come on, Zhou Ye Tell me your answer Just a reminder Starting from Song there should be twenty words in total Tourist guide eats the noodles from Hubei It is so spicy that he gets a stomachache When he fumbles in his pocket, there is no money Although the logic is confused but it's also a story Do we need to consider logic? It's an emotional story Class Elite you have three words correct Tourist guide and Eat What about noodles? the noodles from Hubei There are no noodles at all The last passing of this round Let's see the words It is so long Come on Let's go! Please look at The second one is look The third one is at Please look at Please look at Yeah your Your Your Please look at your right hand That's great, you even get the tone What's else? right side? I passed the wrong word, but it's okay All are What are we wearing? All are quality clothes Yeah Men's wear Men Song Two words Why don't you move forward? They are wasting our time without any progress Pass it down Excellent! They did a very good job Please look at your Right hand This is left hand It's the right hand Please look at your right hand All of them All Please look at your right hand All are Women's wear a suit Did I see something that I shouldn't see? Why are you two in the same cell? Two "look" Next part Two "look" Please next part look at your The right and the left Please look at your right hand Could you make it a round? Could you make it a round? Make Could you make it a round? one round one one round Just one One round Make Round Make Round Round Circle Turn a circle make a round Good English Please look look at your What's this Traffic police Traffic police? Luckily you didn't say robot right hand! Please look at your right side No, I can't let her see it Right hand please look at your right hand Please look at your right hands I make it, right? Yeah Xiaotong I just only say your wise depends on cheating you learn it from Yang Di Please look at your right hand and turn around You are absolutely right Yeah You're right Right, exactly right Xiaotong says the answer first Please follow my hand make a round exactly right Zhou Ye tell me your answer Please look at your right side and turn around with me and you'll reach the destination She knows to complete the whole story Xiaotong got two words Zhou Ye got seven words Just two words Two words OK In the first part Class Elite gets one point Only watching can't satisfy you? Download Huiwan App You can play the same gathering App with Ace family anytime, anywhere An envelope was handed to Teng It said that as the monitor of the Class Ace you have the right to ask others to tell the truth Adam Did you have any nicknames at school? Generally, my friends around me call me younger brother because I am younger Isn't it because you can't do anything always being childish That's not what I mean He got his nickname Big White Goose for his long neck What a long neck Then Red-crowned Crane also befits him Does Song have a nickname? My nickname Is it so embarrassed to say? is Alec Boy In my name here's a "ya" Recently words like "what boy" go viral Are you Alexander's cousin? Alec Boy What's about yours, Teng? Adonis or something You jest, surely? Adonis is used for a handsome boy instead of anyone you meet on the street The next question is for Zhou Ye Have you ever been pursued in school? Yes. I had a naturally curly hair as a kid and two boys always pulled my hair and said it was fun to have elastic hair Did they pull your hair as if plucking up a weed or pull it gently? They just grabbed it and played it like this and then let it go When they did it Don't touch my hair or I will punch you In my childhood, boys loved to play this game If they were fond of any girl they would provoke her "Harm" her to attract her attention They would draw something on her with an oil pen which made the girl feel annoyed but he was very happy It seems that the "Adonis " used to do such things Yes! So there's no book in my schoolbag but others' hair Tell me something your parents didn't know during schooldays Zhou Ye Have you hidden something from your parents? When I came home from school in childhood my mother asked me to practice the piano for an hour I just didn't want to do that I wanted to play on the computer so I put the learning laptop on the piano and played the piano very loudly so that learning laptop could record it Then I put the laptop in front of my room and I went to play on the computer My parents still don't know my trick Smart girl! This trick should be taught to Lang Lang Why Zhou Ye don't become a person like Lang That's the reason This is something we share about our childhood but it is not recommended for children in front of the TV Yeah This is a negative example Yes Especially for children who play the piano To be Zhou Ye or Lang Lang it's up to you Being a person like Lang is better Next, let's go back to the Open Class of Vocational Skills Mr. Black What else is there that the guide often need to interact with our tourists? For example, I signed up for a group of my parents and in their trip they wanted to take a photo Actually, taking photos for different ages is different Today please instruct Song to take some travel photos for students on the spot with our Vivo S12 series mobile phone The Ace Tour Group comes to the beautiful Ganges River The Vivo has a 100-megapixel main lens so the photo is clear whenever The three of you are at beautiful Turpan Do you want to eat grapes? Yep Come on, let's pick some A 100-megapixel lens photographs the whole story Let the tour guide, Mr. Black

teach us to take one photo In fact, it is very important that the Vivo mobile phone takes a very clear picture and we tour guides often choose it So a good mobile phone matters a lot Yeah That's it Song did you learn any photography skills from Mr. Black? I think it's not only that Mr. Black teaches well but also the photos of Vivo S12 are clear I love it totally Thank Mr. Black for sharing with us

Here is the time for Flying Crane Milk Ace self-protection time It's time for us to have a break Today, we've learned and experienced all kinds of vocational skills In fact, the purpose of vocational education is to help more young people realize their values and ideals Next we can experience the elegance of contemporary young people through a show Welcome Hua Chenyu and the High School Attached to Zhejiang University Chorus to bring a song "Running to You with Everything I Have" Do you grow up only when you feel lonely? Will you be concerned only if you feel parting? It is often said that friends are scattered all over the world but now I want to be by your side If the world is complicated and noisy I will try my best to rush to you even if it is far away, I will definitely arrive If you only have scars and struggling armor I will run to you with everything I have No one should be lonely no matter how small he is If you only have scars and struggling armor I will try my best to rush to you No one should be lonely no matter how small he is I am yours, wu ~ Thanks, Hua Chenyu and students of the High School Attached to Zhejiang University Chorus Struggle and responsibility are the most beautiful background of youth We hope all the young can do everything they can to rush to their dreams Vocational education needs to expose society more However, in special times I think we should stay at home as much as possible It is not boring to play with Xiaodu at home Movies, variety shows, TV dramas and many other resources You can turn on the KTV at home and sing whenever you want Right Now, in JD.COM to search for Xiaodu there is a timed price reduction of 200 yuan and a free gift package worth 735 yuan Today, the second lesson is psychological counseling Okay Vivo Ace Time Please welcome a professional teacher of psychological counseling a well-known psychologist Mr. Wu Welcome Hello, everyone My name is Wu Yuebo a psychologist Mr. Wu once worked in vocational and technical schools teaching psychological counseling About 20 years he has trained more than 3,000 psychological counselors and has treated more than 8,000 cases I want to make an interaction and analysis with us through a psychological test which is widely used in psychology I want to shake hands with you every one Mintao, shake hands Okay Hello Okay, thank you Thank you! Hello What should I call you? You can call me Ye Hello Ye Okay Hello Sports Commissary Sports Commissary Yeah Hello Hello You can call me Alex Hello, Alex Hello Okay Shaking hands is a very common social etiquette According to different handshake strengths We can infer people's social patterns For example, shaking hands with Ms. Liu

When I first shook hands with you the strength was light I feel there is nothing This shows that she will have a sense of security in interpersonal distance She has a slow-to-warm-up personality and she doesn't like those who are bluff in manner but those who are calm and mature The second one, Yeah Zhou Her affinity is very strong and her smile is very natural so her distance in interpersonal communication is zero She can play together with people quickly Yep Today we met Teng She is just like I imagined Don't hide anything. That's it When I shook hands with Adam I deliberately used a little force Did you feel it? Nope I didn't expect that this person is so dumb It shows that his resistance to stress is very strong If I put pressure on him and he won't feel that I am offending him The key is that he doesn't know that he is under pressure I even didn't feels that there is a force It has something to do with him always frying chestnuts in winter This shows that he treats people easily many times He is able to put down some prejudices and some past pains in his heart Yes, he is When I shook hands with Alex I felt he is very easygoing and he was hard to refuse me He is very popular Everyone is willing to play with him and makes jokes on him Because I won't be very angry with him either If I want to borrow money now I will ask Alex for help You have found a man with the least money but he would like to lend it Thank you for reminding me we all got it No way Actually, sometimes shaking hands is very learned When shaking hands with Adam now If I use two hands it means that I respect him very much If I have a very good and close relationship with Adam many people will be like this Hello Adam, long time no see He will clap his hands or hug directly If we visit a customer or a leader at this time, we should put our hands below Hello, my leader He can control me but when my hands are above it is negotiation Many times in a group photo the stronger party will pull the other party over As long as we take a group photo at this moment the initiative will be in my hands again If the leaders of both sides can meet then I see Nice to meet you So shaking hands is a matter worth studying Thank you You can sit down first We heard that through psychology, we can judge whether the person is telling lies, really? Actually I want to make a clarification here Many people read mind by body languages and micro-expression or something Actually, there are many mistakes Because if I have the idea that you are lying I can certainly find out a thousand reasons why you are lying Therefore, our so-called lie detection is actually to better understand a person not to expose their lies Can we have a simple try on the spot? Of course Teng do you want to try it? Let's try it Okay, I'll do it Shaking hands? With one hand first and I'll let Alex take Vivo S12 to record some micro-expressions of Teng Now I'll press your hand and then you can, yeah, bounce back Teng, do you think Ling is the best comedian in China? Yeah What do you think is the best thing about yourself? What makes me feel awesome is my appearance Okay We can observe that when I asked him if he thought Ling was the best actress in China He was typically lying, right? Nope It is the truth The truth Teng When he introduced himself he said that the best thing was his appearance At this time, his hand immediately fell off It was a bit low He actually lied to me But when I tell the truth My hand is very firm at this time Mr. Wu has finished the analysis Did you take it with the hundred-megapixel rear lens? Of course That must be very clear It captured a lot of detail Look The creases are visible on the face The next part is to find the undercover agent Mr. Wu Can you tell us some tips about finding the undercover agent Give us some help Many times we will ask a person Are you the undercover agent? Most people think averted eyes are lying But it's wrong The liar must be look you in the eye He needs to judge whether you are telling the truth through your eyes So there is a way of reading minds called cold reading Cold reading is not to ask if you're the undercover agent We can say you're definitely not the undercover agent If he is very relaxed at this time it means he probably thinks he's a lucky boy So there are a lot of tricks I'll tell you after the game Okay Let's move on to the next activity Welcome to the game of observation This time you will be divided into a questioning team and an observation team Only one member of the questioning team knew the words in this round The questioning team should get the answer of yes or no by asking the host questions and guess the words based on the answers The observation team should guess who got the words in the questioning team through its questions The number of questions asked by the questioning team should not exceed ten times One point for guessing the right word The observation team will get one point if they guess the right agent The team with fewer questions can get an extra point Teng may not understand the rules of the game First-round begins Are you going to "kill yourself" You can ask me any questions you want no Is it about food? It's so obvious It's not alive It's not alive It's not human and not alive Anyway, it's still a thing Of course Wait a minute OK, I know Is it product placement? no We didn't ask you Who asked you? We're talking You are so talkative You act shamelessly Dishonesty Go away Don't racketeer, Shen Tao I didn't ask him, really Look You should say like this way Ask me no "You're so smart" You looked down on me Yes How many questions have you asked? it's none of your business Is it a name? Yeah Hua Chenyu I believe you no Wait a minute Are you asking me? Yeah It must be no It's a name Is the name within five Chinese characters? Yeah It's your own question What questions are you asking? What's the use of knowing one, two, three and four? I ruled out Ace vs Ace We already asked You don't need to ask it again Don't ask for numbers Yes, I think so You can ask if it's within four words No, stop asking for numbers You two can deceive each other Will I be as stupid as you? Is that four, three, two, one? No Can we ask something useful? I think the light here names Ace vs Ace Isn't Wu Tong? It's something alive He's a person Wu Tong is a person He is sometimes human and sometimes not He's a person At present, you have asked nine questions That's a lot Yes It's not a question of how many times We're talking You answered voluntarily you're annoying How about this? Is it less than three words? Is it useful? I tell you it's two words Guess Someone's name is two words Is it Hua Chenyu? Wait a minute It's not people. Hua Chenyu is a person no You have to let me guide you all They are fighting among themselves Ace Family is about to fall apart It must be three words Is it Huo Yuanjia? Wait for a while Suddenly talked about Huo Yuanjia A good question Yes, a good question How about this? Stop asking I don't think so Teng, if I were you, I would have to ask this question You're talking about people It's a name It's a name It's a designation names Huo Yuanjia is a name He's also a person A designation Pencil case Does it have anything to do with here? Broom We're talking Microphone No, it's a designation A microphone is an object It's a designation Is it a film or television work? We'll discuss it later Every question now is precious Yeah Now we've asked nine questions Within five words Is it Qi Tian Da Sheng (Monkey King)? No, he's also a person But it's also a name Why can't Huo Yuanjia? Why can Qi Tian Da Sheng (Monkey King)? Because it is a monkey It's about today's show Something related here So the theme of our program today Today's show is a name Psychological counseling is not a name no I'm starting to think Ling's undercover Ling Is it Zhejiang satellite TV Yeah You got the right answer no It's Jiangsu Satellite TV Yeah I can't stand it We don't have to guess It's Ling Who is the agent It's Ling Three Two one Show the question board Why is Ling the agent? Because she stopped everyone from saying anything Last Why did the topic suddenly change from Huo Yuanjia to Zhejiang satellite TV? Yes Here comes the smart fool Here he is Her honesty as always split over No I tell you Can't I? I find that she shivers when she has a task You all guessed it I figured it out We all know it's you But because you're stopping us from asking questions And you kept summarizing You've been summarizing for us Give me another chance They haven't gotten the question boards yet I'm I'm still here to see who's undercover We have gotten the question boards and finished reading I don't find the undercover We don't want you to find out We have finished reading and hid the question boards We are fast Start asking questions Your goal is ten questions You can get points for less than ten questions No Sorry I...um How could you Shen Tao Shen Tao was fooled by everyone No Is it a name? Yeah A designation A name You don't have to ask Now I want to say who's undercover, Okay Zhou Ye No, I mean, she got the question board with words What is the color of it? Color Anything is possible A good answer You just favor them There is no answer, right They just asked you yes or no She asked if it was red You answered no, and then she asked if it was blue Your question counts as three Wait for a while It is a complex question This is not a problem No I gave you the answer Adam Fan You should ask questions You pretend to be so nervous Is it with today's No, wait a minute Is it with us Nobody looks at you Is it a film or a TV show? A designation Name of a film or a TV show It's a name, right? It's a name, not a person May I ask is it about the eight of us or those of us here? Wait for a while These are definitely relevant These are relevant Adam Adam Adam is highly suspected Yeah Are they leather shoes? No, I didn't ask you I'm just talking to them You just talked to the air Are they leather shoes? Very smart He is so clever I don't know why I think Adam Fan is stupid and smart No Generally speaking, fools act shrewdly For example Allen is willing to show his intelligence A designation Is it Ace vs Ace? No Is it Youth Travel? No You even want to appear in two shows for more hits You can ask four more questions Then it may be the name of those teams The elite team and the other team Is it the elite team? No Seven questions already Yeah Is it a show directed by Wu Tong? No Give them some tips Adam Fan Adam Fan You can choose to be like me Come on It's not Adam at all It is not me Admit it No Smart fool, come on If it were me, I would say it first I won't wait until now Your goal is ten questions You can get points for less than ten questions Is it product placement? Yeah No I am asking this randomly The answer is a placement They have answered correctly You have to say who's the undercover Adam Fan It's true I wasn't a good undercover You did a good job Good job Your risorius But you also beat us by one point No, we have one more point than them No They asked nine questions but we asked ten We also asked nine Ten We are one point ahead Let's change the questions You can ask me any questions you want Is it a name? Yeah What is it? It's so obvious Gabrielle, you exposed too fast Is it Ace vs Ace? No Is Ace Family? No Three questions already No, I just You can't always do like this Yeah You did ask a question I won't admit it Is it less than four words? Yeah This question She's a good captain She is very suspicious The captain is shy Stop playing, captain Name, is it a tour guide? Is it related to tourism? Is it a tour guide? Are you sure you're asking me? No I was so cool just now Xiaotong, give them a hint Name and designation mean the same thing, right? Hua Chenyu asked Gabrielle directly The designation is not supposed to be alive It's something alive That means it's not alive Right, give them another hint A designation Does it have anything to do with Ace vs Ace? Sure No Does it matter today? Yeah We already know You're asking all those useless questions I think it's maybe a class representative class representative Is it a class representative? Is it an English class representative? You look at me and ask Is it a class representative? Did you find out just now? It isn't a class representative Not really I always answer this way Definitely not Okay Then you try again Is it the student union? Is it the student union? Are you asking me? Nope Grey in the eyes Teng I think you have to ask Is it a student leader? That's four words Within four words Three, two, one Within four words I ruled this all out with one question Yeah This problem Ask me or not Is it a student leader? No I didn't ask you I asked her No, it's very critical Related to today, a designation within four words I've never understood the meaning of name and designation You're confusing me There must be a difference between name and designation Tour guide is a designation Occupational It's a tour guide Is it a tour guide? I think I can see that Is it a tour guide? He already answered no Is it a tour guide? That shouldn't be a question Yes, it is No, it isn't Yes, it is No, it isn't No You should take pity on us What's wrong Something wrong with our minds We're not smart anymore You should take pity on us Gabrielle Gabrielle, give them more tips Narrow the topic down Related to today Is it today's game? Yeah Is it Telephone Game? Yeah You got the right answer They must know I'm the undercover This time I'm not a good player This is too obvious Who is the agent Gabrielle This is too obvious Gabrielle She asked at the beginning if it is a name It's too fast And she rushed to stop Teng Then why didn't you just ask Is it Telephone Game? What can I do Admit it at the beginning They will never think of it I'll show you next time Who is the agent She The one with the longest name Gabrielle Guan Give your answer after three seconds Three Two One Show your answer Awesome acting Awesome acting At the most critical moment Hua Chenyu asked if it is a game Name and designation mean the same thing, right? Does it matter today? Is it the game of Ace vs Ace? Yeah Good Awesome acting Come on Change the questions The last round begins Don't make me an undercover Give others a chance I can't have this assignment It should be Song this time I'll vote for him four times now It's definitely Song If it is not If not, I lose Don't you pay any price? The cost is that we lose How the race is going now The score is now tied at 3-3 Song If it's Song we'll win If not, we lose How about this idea? Okay OK How about this idea? OK Why do you think it's Song? We bring him some popularity So Song he presented me with a very poor performance and the performance betrayed himself Let me see Obviously, there are words on his board he still pretended to turn the page over and look at the back I saw the flaw at once I think You'll look good standing up This time the undercover is Song You can do like this I immediately take out his question board Come on Is that OK? Come on Good job Come on Go ahead Bet on your dignity Go and expose him This is the highlight of your life The highlight moment of your life Bravo Amazing Say something my idol How did I find it out about performance? Just right means not overacting Or you'll betray yourself The camera has to follow you all the time Change the question He's the one who has 20 billion box office Watch carefully There is another possible highlight moment for you No one dares to read the second page He's still doing this It's still him Song We won't expose them this time Why? I watched his poor performance again But this time they gave themselves away by concealing the truth Do you dare to risk your life's dignity? Do it again Once more Come on How about this idea? Come on Here you go Three, two Everyone Bravo Is it him? Yes Song Oh god Song My heart hurts You have to study hard in college Stop guessing Stop guessing He's only a child Sit down. It's okay

It's okay. You're still young Am I smart? You're so smart Absolutely The winner of this round is Ace Family Song You don't even have a chance to try it Welcome to the adult world Cool We won in two successive sets Song Give you an extra tutoring Teng If you get the one with the words Come on! Song, hand it to me, I will show you how to fake it Oh, my God, teaching time of the movie king Please pass me the folder I'll do that Yeah, the director came up and handed the folder Now I'm gone Off you go Song, let's skip this part skip it There's a word on it I saw it So did the other three He pretends to reveal his identity It's me How about my performance? There are full of deceptive tricks What a pompous acting! There are full of deceptive tricks I can see that Song, what was it like when Teng saw through you twice? I was self-blame I felt like I was holding up your team? Yeah I was just saying at this age He is easy to be fathomed by Teng It's a great thing to be seen through It is really nice He is eighteen years old Very good! It was time for him to learn the perils of adulthood Thank you, Mintao No It's true I envy you, sincerely Let's invite Mr. Wu to analyze some of your performances Mr. Wu, Please tolerate my pending performance You are a master-hand I'm flattered Actually, I found Teng is the smartest and the most logical guy Really? Because of the four of you Song has the greatest mentality He is the most easy-going guy He won't be hurt if he gets caught So he's always the one who gets hurt the most Yeah But he won't brood on it Yeah I think this therapist is the best applaud for you Thank you! Thank you for defending Teng You helped him to stop it or he's gonna brood on it For our last round I summed it up in three words Okay The first is hiding After knowing the words in the folder at the beginning those who are hyperactive are often trying to cover for their teammates and help them to hide She wants to make it look like I'm undercover Three, two, one Within four words The second one is leading leading You can see that some people are trying to lead their team in the correct direction Hua Chenyu is the undercover who has to lead the way to the correct answer as soon as possible Is it the game of Ace vs Ace? The last word is reading It's that Cold Reading I was talking about Teng made great use of it So he's constantly testing you He saw it on your face Not this It's all ruled out It's not easy being a host these days Quite hard You got me He has been quite fair Whether he is fair or not? It doesn't matter I still got the information Next, let us enter into Qimao Must-read moment Please search novels in the Must-read List in Qimao I'd like to recommend Live up to Your Youth which I read recently If you want to know how the heroine went back to her youth implement a counterattack and achieve her dream Download Qimao Thank Mr. Wu for sharing with us In this round, Class Ace is the winner So Class Elite You're going on a campus adventure Let's see the old photos of everyone Is that Mintao? Yeah This is when our classmates have dinner at college She's so cute with wavy hair How lovely! This is Song Did you form a band when you were a kid? How old were you then, Song? Before I was six when I was still in Shandong Province Have you had a musical dream back then? Nope It's just a prop in a photo studio Yeah Who is he? It is me Oh that's you How did you get my picture? Is that your father behind me? So you have been sitting like this even when you were a child That's why I have a bad spine That's me I was herding cattle on vacation in my hometown You were so slim at that time Yes I was slim before I can't believe you were herding Hua Chenyu Chubby I did it on purpose I know It's not ugly How about Gabrielle? She cared nothing about her image It seems the previous guys were reluctant to show their terrible photos Only Gabrielle she doesn't care This punishment is mainly for Class Elite That is, on the day that the program is broadcast You have to replace one of the four pictures of Class Ace we just showed with your own Weibo profile picture Our program has unlocked new Ace custom depot on Weibo The audience can share your good ideas about us A variety of surprises live hot chat and supplies would be provided irregularly Come to Weibo be full of vigor with Ace Family It's recess time again Next, let's welcome Gabrielle and Song for Song and Dance Show Let's give a round of applause to them Song and Dance Show Drive Me Crazy You drive me crazy It doesn't matter that I love you incorrigibly Please just give me a kiss to make me giddy Love lifts me higher You make my heart beat fast OK, just take a look at me one more time I would be satisfied that's all right Love lifts me higher You make my heart beat fast OK, all the anxiety I can't let go of is on display in front of you You drive me crazy like a firework in my chest My Cupid is screaming Because of you, hormonal untamed You drive me crazy It doesn't matter that I love you incorrigibly Please just give me a kiss to make me giddy Love lifts me higher You make my heart beat fast OK, just take a look at me one more time I would be satisfied that's all right Love lifts me higher You make my heart beat fast OK, all the anxiety I can't let go of is on display in front of you You drive me crazy like a firework in my chest My Cupid is screaming Because of you, hormonal untamed You drive me crazy It doesn't matter that I love you incorrigibly Please just give me a kiss to make me giddy Anyone who wants to be the best in the industry whether you're a top student or not It all depends on your own efforts Do top students have to study night after night? It's the same with you, isn't it? So are you moving towards me? No, I'm gonna surpass you This is a quote from the Must-read List in Qimao She's Sweeter than Sugar It is a story about an all-round top student heroine, together with the hero devoting themselves to various fields I've read it too, it's sweet Please search novels and read in the Must-read List in Qimao OK This next lecture is a practical one Because now express logistics and our life is closely related In 2020, the number of express delivery services in China has exceeded 80 billion There are also more than three million express delivery personnel Therefore, logistics has always been a popular major in vocational education Lesson three practical lesson of express delivery logistics began Vivo Ace Time Next, welcome the teacher of this practical class, Li Qingheng Welcome Qingheng is a Category D talent in Hangzhou Category D represents Hangzhou level leading talents Qingheng was awarded a housing subsidy of one million yuan by Hangzhou Municipal People's Government What about the household registration of Hangzhou? Yes, I have settled down Every trade has its master I am very curious about how to prevent pack-losing In fact, apart from objective factors the most likely reason is that the express sheet is frayed or damaged by accident in the process of express transit So I'll give you a little hint here as well When you are sending the package write the sender's information on a piece of paper You can put it in the packing box with your belongings Once the sheet wears out it can be opened to contact the sender This way, it won't get lost anyway I was told to cross out the information on the express sheet with pens or knives when I was about to throw this express box away Is it necessary? I think that is necessary But there's a better way We can use a lighter to singe Because when the surface is heated the writing on it will turn black Or we can use Florida Water Apply it to the surface of the sheet and wait for a moment the writing on the sheet will also disappear I just introduced that Qingheng won the first prize in the vocational skills competition What kind of things do you usually compete in the vocational skills competition? Packaging, sorting, transportation and delivery What about packing? Packing is actually packing fragile goods We'll do a damage test after we pack the fragile items Just put the fragile package over your head and let it fall freely How many times? For three Three times For three times I'll give you a try So the next activity is Fast Finger That is experiencing the packing of packages You're gonna wrap these two goblets in bubble wrap and put them in a delivery box Everyone has one minute After packaging Three free falls will be conducted by the other team The series phone of Vivo S12 would be used for timekeeping One minute starts Hangzhou citizenship I want Hangzhou citizenship I can't get this off What are these gloves doing? I don't think I can manage it I am done Zhou Ye is the fastest OK Mintao completed too The last ten seconds Oh no! I can't close this Three Two One Everybody, please stop Look at the ugliest one, that Gabrielle's, unexpectedly Anyhow, everyone else's are box-like Why? Let me tell you what's called perfect You should package the two You should package the two Nobody got a goblet on their desk except you You lost the goods Will Adam be docked? Of course Will he get his Hangzhou citizenship revoked? Class Elite and Class Ace One by one for each other's boxes Adam takes mine Only free fall No force You only have one my kindness in holding it up is all you can expect Those goblets were purchased from a glass factory They were meant to be destroyed Those defective products did not attain standards of leaving the factory That's why we bought them to do an experiment like this Teng, it's so high Look at Gabrielle, she is even higher OK. Three, two, one, go The second time The third time Adam is really bad He threw mine out that far Adam your fingers are strong All in good condition So are mine A broken one One broken here Watch out It's broken Completely broken Both are broken it seems we can't balance the speed and crash-resistant Qingheng, tells us the key points of packaging All the materials we've prepared are useful The first thing we need to do is a six-sided shockproof delivery box All inside surfaces should be foamed with bubble wrap The goblets can't have direct contact with the box And the maximum overall dimension of this box is 60 cm So the length of tape we use cannot exceed 1.5 times the maximum overall dimension

If more than that it's a bit of a waste of material and a little over-packaged Because now we also advocate green, environmental and resource-saving Let Mr. Li show you Three, two, one Begin! Orderly Like this Okay 40 seconds He could have done it faster Yeah Maybe a little over 30 seconds at my soonest Will it be broken if you fall it three times Should not Have a try Okay Its first sound was breathtaking enough for me Are you nervous? A little bit Because it does sound a little loud Try opening it open it First of all, what I took out was whole None of the sides are directly in contact with goblets Thank you for bringing every intact package timely, safely to send every intact package to us Thank you! Li Qingheng's professional work is worthy of his household registration in Hangzhou Next is still about express The second step is sorting Sorting may be more of a test of our reaction ability Sorters may need to be more accurate and quicker to see the information on the package then make effective sorting We will have the sorting test React quickly with your eyes and hands Rules are as follows Each group should send a member then stand face to face with two water guns And take turns to say distinguish east, west, south and north when sorting One changes the direction of the water guns and the other should turn your head to the different direction with the water guns If in the same direction, you will be hit by the water guns Jia Ling and Mintao will compete in the first round rock, scissors, paper Mintao, what do you want to say to Jia Ling? You are indescribable You say again Compared to you, what can be called special? Come on Distinguish east, west, south and north Shen Teng I want to spurt water to you Distinguish east, west, south and north distinguish Distinguish east, west, south and north Come on Distinguish east, west, south and north We belong to the obedient type relatively obedient What's wrong What's wrong Distinguish east, west, south and north Distinguish east, west, south and north distinguish I want to see when you can win Okay If you can't win this time, we won't stop I also want to be hit by your water guns But I have no way Come on Distinguish east, west, south and north Distinguish east, west, south and north Distinguish east, west, south and north Didn't I turn my head down? Don't go. Come again! I will wait for you at the door when it is over Let me tell you In high spirit? Xiaotong, stand behind me I have sisters I also have sisters Yeah, come quickly Come on Distinguish east, west, south and north Sis, are you all right? Are you all right? Give a wipe for Mintao Finally! After being spurted water all the time, Jia Ling finally satisfies herself by the winning this time I'm enjoying watching them Sis, are you all right? Mintao, my dear Mintao Next, Xiaotong VS Song Xiaotong Go spurting water to him Song Welcome to the adult world Although it is we every time who are spurted water in Ace Family But this time, only you will be spurted water Wow, looks like someone has grown up Come on Distinguish east, west, south and north distinguish I'm sorry Distinguish east, west, south and north Why? Song is young but experienced Distinguish east, west, south and north Xiaotong, I got it Change your position Go to the other side Ok, like this I feel my eyelashes are falling off Come on! The last will decide the winner Okay Distinguish east, west, south and north distinguish Why? This is fun Gabrielle is often teased by her elder brothers and sisters But today, she is also teased by the younger brother Is this game our black holes in Ace Family? Hua Chenyu VS Adam Let's go to the next battle of two boys no Why we can't say male and female cannot be the opponent relation? No one remembered that Gabrielle is also a girl Is it because that she likes to have a drink? Hua Chenyu, come on! Gabrielle, I will defeat them for you Okay Pump up the water guns Hua Chenyu comes with the mission of the whole family rock, scissors, paper Ok, Hua Chenyu goes first Distinguish east, south, west and north Our family is so obedient Come on Distinguish east, south, west and north Stop! Stop! Stop! Let's stop with the draw of 1-1 Let's stop playing Stop at the right time Draw! Good Come on Distinguish east, south, west and north distinguish You seem to be making nasal swab for him Distinguish east, south, west and north Okay Well done Being spurted water, Adam looks like that he is falling down Wonderful game! Come on Distinguish east, south, west and north Distinguish east, south, west and north Okay Wonderful Hua Chenyu has salvage his pride And the honor of our family Hua Chenyu has salvage his pride and scraped a narrow victory Adam is also good at this Jia Ling, you can play again with Zhou Ye Zhou Ye, can you do this? Good job Jia Ling has enjoyed herself in this game It's the critical time The water that Adam was just spurted will come back to you Zhou Ye I really want to see your natural look Water guns have been filled with makeup remover Come on Distinguish east, south, west and north distinguish Do you want to see my natural look? Come on Distinguish east, south, west and north The water gun is so long Its trigger is a little sticky I know this I know this gun The trigger can't reversion when we push it.

Distinguish east, south, west and north distinguish Zhou Ye I will be sorry Ling, I'm sorry It's fine Distinguish east, south, west and north Distinguish east, south, west and north Ling Are you all right? I'm sorry Ling, I can't watch it anymore You look as if you have fallen into the sea Why are you so persistent to turn your head up all the time? I have been at a loss The water flows into my brain All of you keep away Come on I want to see who will become a mermaid first Come on Whose turn is it? It's Ling Distinguish east, south, west and north distinguish Nice! You have dodged a bullet Nice Come on Nice Distinguish east, south, west and north distinguish What's this Just turn my head down Come on Let's do this Ling has been spurted water so many times that she is afraid Zhou Ye, it's fine. You can spurt water to my face I'm fine Just spurt water to my face Ok, let's do this The final round Distinguish east, south, west and north Ling is crazy She is crazy Ling, are you all right? Nope I'm so sorry The winner of this round is Class Elite Let Song use the series phone of Vivo S12 to take a picture for Class Elite Taking a cool selfie to celebrate the victory in this round Now, we are not very photogenic At this moment I can say that you will be good-looking even without makeup Your team can take a selfie Let me see my face You see, it is with its own soft light So beautiful Next, please invite our three aces in their industry to issue certificates of honor for the four members of Class Elite Thank you! Congratulations again All the members of Class Elite Congratulations! Then we will use the excellent series phone of Vivo S12 to take a picture for all of us as a memory Then, we will go to the last activity We have through an online connection contacted students in 13 vocational schools inside and outside the Zhejiang Province Some of them are facing graduation job hunting and seeking new goals in their life In this process some of them also have some doubts So today I want to invite you to give these students some good advice about job hunting or learning Firstly, let's invite Su Mu Hi, guys My name is Su Mu I am studying in Puyang Medical College I am the only college student in my family while my elder cousins are undergraduate or above But my parents always protect me with great care The more they act like that they don't care about my junior college education and the better they treat me the more guilty I will feel I feel I make them disappointed and embarrassed I want to ask you what should I do to solve it I think junior college students can have a clearer direction Sometimes when we graduated our majors in job hunting for many jobs actually are inconsistent Even these jobs and your major have no relations So I think the junior college graduates may have a clearer direction in job hunting In addition, you won't experience the confused period of making choice For example, Ling is also a junior college graduate No, I'm not My education is not as good as junior college students What is it called? Adult education At that time, I didn't know the difference between adult education and undergraduate and junior colleges Got it Until the day when my mother gave a banquet Every admission letter was signed by the dean of the college Some people let us take out the letter for having a look Some people who understood this said isn't this adult education? Then, I felt my mother was so embarrassed She didn't understand actually The truth is I think she must know there was something wrong But she pretended to be confused and deceived herself She thought it was okay The Central Academy of Drama was very good Do you like your current major on medicine? I actually like it And I also want to continue to learn it I want to give you a saying that I encouraged myself at that time Don't look down upon a poor young man Now I give this saying to you At that time, I was admitted into a major that I didn't like My major was witty dialogue comedy but I couldn't perform it I actually wanted to learn acting So I make a detour There is a long way to go in your life Time will prove everything You need to go ahead towards your goal and make great efforts As for the remark of others Actually who cares? Yes, in some stage I also have similar experiences We all have I couldn't go out at that stage so I felt very depressed But all of these are the part of growing up When you are worrying about the next meal which you don't know where to eat do you still consider the inferior? No matter what business I am in I will do it because I must work for the next meal And I need to support my family I need to take care of my daughter So many things will slowly push you to keep going You don't need to worry about your college degree As for the education background I think it is not the most important Yeah How to make full use of the time in colleges is very crucial You needn't feel inferior There is nothing to be inferior of You can feel inferior occasionally and then throw it away Thank you, Miss Liu Actually today is an era full of talents Everyone is the best talent-spotter for themselves Yeah You are a junior college student while I graduated from a technical secondary school And my major was machinery After graduation, I began to kiln next to be a soldier after that to be a salesman and then perform witty dialogue comedy Finally, I chose to be a tour guide So what I want to tell you is that if you can be the top one in your career that's art And you will be the ace Never give up Thank you, sir You can do this, Su Mu Thank you! Next, we will invite Zhang Guoen Hello, Guoen Hi, guys I am a student from Shanxi Engineering Vocational College My name is Zhang Guoen My major is computer I am 21 years old I am going to graduate so now I'm looking for a job all the time But it doesn't go well Sometimes I really doubt that I am a useless man And I also don't know where is my future and how to get there So, I want to ask you what should I do under such conditions? Guoen, I want to know that whether your resume was submitted to the business you like No All not? Some of them a

2022-04-29 05:06

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