[ENG SUB]Go fighting! S7 EP6:岳云鹏贾乃亮澳门塔蹦极吓到腿软 邓伦四跪王迅卑微求助 |《极限挑战7》第6期 20210509【东方卫视官方频道】

[ENG SUB]Go fighting! S7 EP6:岳云鹏贾乃亮澳门塔蹦极吓到腿软 邓伦四跪王迅卑微求助  |《极限挑战7》第6期 20210509【东方卫视官方频道】

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(sponsor) Macao, an extraordinarily fascinating city, has a unique charm left by the integration of Chinese and Western cultures for more than 400 years It can be said to be worthy of the world tourism and leisure center Meanwhile, as one of the four central cities in the development and construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Macao is also an important fulcrum connecting other cities in Greater Bay Area. Today, members of Go Fighting will travel all over Macao. Oh, so good. Where are you from? Italy. Yeah.

I'm from Henan (north of China). Henan cute boy. Exploring the cultural ties between Macao and the other cities in Greater Bay Area.

Hundreds of years, these trees have been here. Can you imagine how huge they are! It's right here. But now they nearly block this whole area. Is that alright? Being blocked means a new life is reviving and thriving. Only after the storm...(Fighting, Fighting Go, a song sang by Go Fighting members). Fantastic It's a perfect day to go out, isn't it? What does that mean? Six rooms. Why?

(six tents?) It's probably we write down which team to choose. It's probably we write down which team to choose. (Lun begins to make prediction about teams again.) (Lun begins to make prediction about teams again.) Grouping Grouping (He forgets the drama in Shunde) (He forgets the drama in Shunde) Good morning, everyone.

Welcome to Macao the beautiful sea garden. So it's Macao? Aren't we in Windows of the World Aren't we in Windows of the World Shenzhen Hi, everybody, please don't think we are really in Macao. This is the green screen which is post processed by the diector group.

How many times have you guys come to Macao? It's my first time. Me too. We all haven't been here before. I did. (The only one who has ever been to Macao.)

(The only one who has ever been to Macao.) What comes to your mind when thinking of Macao? (The only one who has ever been to Macao.) What comes to your mind when thinking of Macao? I'll think of egg tart.

I'll think of egg tart. (They haven't had enough in Shunde.) (They haven't had enough in Shunde.) Doulao. (They haven't had enough in Shunde.) (They haven't had enough in Shunde.) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, right (They haven't had enough in Shunde.) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, right Yeah.

It's very convenient for us to travel here, right? It's very convenient for us to travel here, right? (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.) (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.) It's too fast (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.) Yes, it is. (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.)

Yeah, that's true. (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.) It only takes 20 minutes. (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.) It's quite like taking the subway. (The HZM Bridge provides great convience for the Pearl River Delta region in transportation, forming a close connection among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which has prompted the trade and investment in the three regions.)

It's quite like taking the subway. Yes, exactly. So now Macao as one of the four central cities under development and construction in Greater Bay Area under development and construction in Greater Bay Area (Macao is one of the four central cities in Greater Bay Area) it works as an engine here. (Macao is one of the four central cities in Greater Bay Area) it works as an engine here. So it's actually very closely connected with the inland of our motherland So,do you feel like you've been closer to each other through our programs Nope. We're so close that we've already share with each other We're so close that we've already share with each other (A serious face.)

the password of bank account. (A serious face.) the password of bank account. Yeah, we all know each other's passwords. Yeah, we all know each other's passwords. (Keep making up the story.) But we don't have bank cards (Keep making up the story.) But we don't have bank cards Well, I have bank account and I know the password.

But I don't have the bank card. Your wife keeps it, right. Yep. We've prepared two questions to test how well you understand each other. If all of you come to the same answer today's plan is up to you What! Again? Who's the weakest one in the team? Who's the weakest one in the team? (The past is fresh in memory.)

Who deems himself as the smartest one? (The past is fresh in memory.) Who deems himself as the smartest one? What do you mean by pointing at me? What do you mean by pointing at me? (Be kind to me, for the sake of my face.) Can't you just say it out? (Be kind to me, for the sake of my face.) Can't you just say it out? (Be kind to me, for the sake of my face.)

Your performance in the episode about cream is under fire. Your performance in the episode about cream is under fire. (So convincing.) (It's so funny to see men in quarrel.) Today's questions are different from the previous ones. (It's so funny to see men in quarrel.) Today's questions are different from the previous ones. We want to know if you have the same aesthetic ideas in all aspects.

We want to know if you have the same aesthetic ideas in all aspects. (Agreement on aesthetic ideas?) Well, if it's about arts (Agreement on aesthetic ideas?) Well, if it's about arts (Agreement on aesthetic ideas?) Well, if it's about arts There must be a spoiler. Who's the spoiler? Come on, stand out yourself. (Universal agreement on this) Let me tell you this, when it comes to arts I'm pretty qualified to have a say about it. I'm pretty qualified to have a say about it. (Self-proclaimed artist in the team)

You know, I'm the standard answer. (Self-proclaimed artist in the team) (Who gives you the conficence?) hey Please lower your level a little bit to reconcile with ours. Fei has told us before this show he'll jump off the Macao Tower. (I just watch you quietly.) You wanna do the jumping today? (I just watch you quietly.)

You wanna do the jumping today? Bungee jumping is quite famous here. Let's think about it, Guo Jingfei Surprise the world, fly off the tower. Surprise the world, fly off the tower. (Surprise the world, fly off the tower)

(Surprise the world, fly off the tower) Sure enough he's not in our league. You're going to start the show with me today, aren't you You're going to start the show with me today, aren't you (Self-knowledge of an artist) (Self-knowledge of an artist) (It's a great to fool Fei) Would you like to take this challenge? (It's a great to fool Fei) Would you like to take this challenge? As long as you can reach the universal agreement in one round Today we will record a special episode of the holiday in Macao. Today we will record a special episode of the holiday in Macao. (Pass one round in the test on mutual understanding, instantly enjoy the holiday in Macao.) You just eat, drink and have fun (Pass one round in the test on mutual understanding, instantly enjoy the holiday in Macao.)

You just eat, drink and have fun It must be a trick when it comes to vacation Nobody believes you It must be a trick when it comes to vacation Nobody believes you It must be a trick when it comes to vacation I dare say there must be incredibly taugh tasks waiting for us. It must be a trick when it comes to vacation I dare say there must be incredibly taugh tasks waiting for us. I dare say there must be incredibly taugh tasks waiting for us. (Forteller, Yue, is online)

No, (Forteller, Yue, is online) It's really simple (Forteller, Yue, is online) It's really simple You should have faith in yourselves. after all we have done so many episodes, right. Come on, brothers. We must be connected together. Le's have a five-second meditation. No talking, just think.

You just feel it. Ok Let's do it. (Confused) Again Ok, I've got it. Why didn't I know about this? Why didn't I know about this? Are we in the same show? Are we in the same show? Now please choose a room for yourself. You'll find out the task in the room.

Let's try our best efforts this time brothers. Let's fight for our little vacation. Ok? Ok? Ok. Welcome to log in Sina weibo and follow official weibo account of Go Fighting broadcasted on Dragon TV. Let's watch the episodes and talk about adventurous stories.

Let's watch the episodes and talk about adventurous stories. You can also enter the topic page of Go Fighting and join the interaction by sharing your GF activities on hash tag titled "Listen to me, Feel adventurer's energy and happiness”. You can get surprises and happiness every week. Egg tarts, guys.

I eat some walnut first. It's good for my brain. I eat some walnut first. It's good for my brain. (Enjoy life, just eat it!) (Start with walnuts, become unstoppable for the whole episode.)

(Supplement the body with minerals) What is this (Got an envelope) Jin Jing (Chinese comedy actress). Li Xueqin (a Chinese comedy actress). La Muyangzi (a Chinese comedy actress). (What's the use of these photos?) If you have a chance to travel in Macao together If you have a chance to travel in Macao together (Choose one from the photoes to visit Macao together) Which girl will you choose? (Choose one from the photoes to visit Macao together) Which girl will you choose? What! I'm done! What! I'm done! (I have a bad feeling about it.) (I have a bad feeling about it.)

I don't know Jin Jing. I choose Xueqin. I choose Xueqin. (Lei Zi chooses Li Xueqin.) (Lei Zi chooses Li Xueqin.) I've never met La Muyangzi.

But I've heard of her. She's so funny. She's so funny. (Will Yue choose La Muyangzi?)

(Will Yue choose La Muyangzi?) I'll leave the choice to my left hand. I'll leave the choice to my left hand. (Where's the tacit agreement?) I don't know who I choose. (Where's the tacit agreement?) I don't know who I choose. (Where's the tacit agreement?)

Maybe Xueqin. Xueqin has a look that can bring us fortune. She's from northeast of China.

My hometown fellow My hometown fellow (My hometown fellow) My hometown fellow My hometown fellow (From northeast) My hometown fellow (A northeastern guy) From northeast, who is it? (A northeastern guy) From northeast, who is it? Here are two from the northeast. Here are two from the northeast. (Stuck in choices) Ok, I choose her. That's it. Let's go. Today, let's unite as one. I'll say if we win the first round, it'll absolutely shock them. This episode will be lit up.

Yeah, come on, let's show it. I choose Li Xueqin. Li Xueqing Li Xueqin. (It's my turn.) (Don't let me down, buddy.) If you choose the right one, we all shall be relieved.

Li Xueqin. wow Li Xueqin. (La Muyangzi). Why? Don't you know her? Don't you know her? (Tacit agreement is under test now. It's easier to make it by choosing the one you know.) Yes, I once worked with her. (Tacit agreement is under test now. It's easier to make it by choosing the one you know.) Then why don't you choose her? (Tacit agreement is under test now. It's easier to make it by choosing the one you know.)

Then why don't you choose her? I want to choose one I haven't worked with. (It's test for tacit agreement. Why put emphasis on work?) Let's go back to the tents. Let's go. Let's try hard this time. This is our last chance.

What does it mean? (Wigs!?) Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, (Wigs!?) Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, (Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, how will you dress yourself?) (Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, how will you dress yourself?) how will you dress yourself? (Imagine you're going to attend a costume party, how will you dress yourself?) Oh, no. It's impossible. It's unlikely for men to choose the wig with short hair. I think it should be this one. long hair. it should be this one. long hair. (Men are likely to choose long hair.) it should be this one. long hair.

This smart wig perfectly suits Jingfei. (Zangai Family, Guo Kangkang) (Same hair, same temperament) (Zangai Family, Nailiang entertainment. Perfect man! I'm going to choose an unsual one. (It feels like coming back to that half-way changing show.)

ah (It feels like coming back to that half-way changing show.) That's good (It feels like coming back to that half-way changing show.) (It feels like coming back to that half-way changing show.)

What's this? Shoe polish? Oh, it's wart. Okay. Let's go. (A man naturally with background music) (The next one also with the a sexy voice is...) Yue who's back again. (Do you remember how Yue was like a year ago?) My duty is to stay charming in my team. (Do you remember how Yue was like a year ago?)

My duty is to stay charming in my team. I've been popular and famous for over a decade. I'm getting tired of it, you know.

This time, I want to start my acting life from the beginning. to feel the original aspiration. (Original aspiration) I think our team is very good. (Original aspiration)

I think our team is very good. (Zangai group: capable of both singing and dancing.) (Zangai Family: Guo Kangkang, the dancer in the team.)

Why? Why? The little vacation is instantly scuppered. The little vacation is instantly scuppered. Why you chose this one? You're thinking the same. What They think it's non-mainstream.

Is this the mainstream? I can't believe it. Logically speaking, men would choose to wear wigs with long hair, isn't it? But it won't be the curl long hair. (It's because you're not good-looking enough to waer curl hair.) Sorry, everyone. (It's because you're not good-looking enough to waer curl hair.)

Lunlun and I have the same taste. (It's because you're not good-looking enough to waer curl hair.) Lunlun and I have the same taste. You wear different warts. I stand next to Lunlun.

We're right a group in symmetry. Look. (Curly hair fluttering group) Guo Jingfei You seem to have a tacit agreement with Liang. You two look like twins. Even the warts are the same.

Yeah How can I have the same taste as you do? What noble taste! I'm allied with Yue. (How nice the weather is!) (How nice the weather! Go Fighting members: Lei, Yue, Fei, Liang,Lun and Xun decide to be back on team from now on. They'll be in activities as a team.) (GF News Broadcasting: press conference on the return of Go Fighting Group. Go Fighting members: Lei, Yue, fei, liang, Lun and Xun decide to be back on team from now on. They'll be in activities as a team.) (GF News Broadcasting: press conference on the return of Go Fighting Group. Go Fighting members: Lei, Yue, Fei, Liang,Lun and Xun decide to be back on team from now on. They'll be in activities as a team.) (I'm jolly happy today.)

(Well, I'm not that happy, just normal.) (Welcome to the costume party.) (Everyone looks so great.) (So cool.) (You look the best.) (I'm very ordinary.)

Oh, god. The hair is ruined. I still look good. (I can lose the game, but my hair can't be messed up.) Since you can't have the special little vacation, (I can lose the game, but my hair can't be messed up.) Since you can't have the special little vacation, So You are going to take the challenge from the director group.

Today's topic is called Connecting the bridge Because the whole Greater Bay Area is now connected to it Yes, yes, yes So Our task today is to connect all our brothers Our task today is to connect all our brothers (Everyoen is to be connected.) (Everyoen is to be connected.) If not all of them are connected (Everyoen is to be connected.) If not all of them are connected If not all of them are connected (The members that are left out will be punished with Bungee Jumping.)

people who are not connected will be punished. (The members that are left out will be punished with Bungee Jumping.) (The members that are left out will be punished with Bungee Jumping.) The ultimate punishment is to bungee jump from Macao Tower (The members that are left out will be punished with Bungee Jumping.)

The ultimate punishment is to bungee jump from Macao Tower (338 meters) All right, all right, all right (338 meters) All right, all right, all right It's not all right! Do you know how scary bungee jumping is How many of you... I did. It's 200-meter benjuu jumping! Buddy. Even 200 meters, just close your eyes. It's OK.

(But I'm still afraid even with eyes closed.) Don't worry. Don't worry. (Only 200 meters. It's so easy.) Come on. Let's do it. What are the game rules? Step one Step one You need to get the tools to connect, that is, ties.

You need to get the tools to connect, that is, ties. You need to get the tools to connect, that is, ties. (Go to four places in Ruins of St. Paul, finish the tasks and get ties.) (Go to four places in Ruins of St. Paul, finish the tasks and get ties.) These ties are distributed at four places of Ruins of St. Paul. (Go to four places in Ruins of St. Paul, finish the tasks and get ties.) There are four ties at the four destinations. (Go to four places in Ruins of St. Paul, finish the tasks and get ties.)

There are four ties at the four destinations. If there are two people fail to get a tie, If there are two people fail to get a tie, (The first two people who fail to get a tie will be punished.) they'll be the first to take the punishment. (The first two people who fail to get a tie will be punished.) they'll be the first to take the punishment.

To go benjuu jumping directly? It's no better than benjuu jumping. There are four ties in all for everyone, right? (He nearly lose his tongue when hearing punishment.) Yes. (He nearly lose his tongue when hearing punishment.) Yes. (He nearly lose his tongue when hearing punishment.)

Now everyone takes a vivo X6 10 Pro Plus mobile phone. There's a map on the phone Now let's set off to look for your ties Let's go. (The Go Fighting team leaves Ruins of St. Paul..) Liang, would you like to be my partner? Okay. Okay.

We're destined to partners today. You see, we're in the same car Yue and Liang are allied. Whether we jump or not. Yue and Liang are allied. Yue and Liang are allied. We're not afraid of it. Yue and Liang are allied. We're not afraid of it.

Yeah It doesn't matter. Jump form there? You jump, I i You jump, I You jump, and then you jump. You jump, and then you jump. (Pull back as fast as light.)

Well, can you guys see there? (Pull back as fast as light.) Well, can you guys see there? The sight of it makes me feel that I need to go to the bathroom now Hi, everyone Please leave your living comments on the screen now if you have any. Please leave your living comments on the screen now if you have any. (Welcome to Liang and Yue's live room) Please send number "1" if you think Liang can do it. and send number "2" if you think Yue can do it.

Yep. Or, you think we both can do it, then send number "3". Which number do you think will win? I think you definitely won't get many supports.

I got the map (They receive the map of Ruins of St. Paul.) This is where we'll connect the ropes later (They receive the map of Ruins of St. Paul.) This is where we'll connect the ropes later This is where we'll connect the ropes later (The place where we should connect ropes is marked on the map.) This is where we'll connect the ropes later (Ruins of St. Paul: historical tie. Beneath the Ruins of St. Paul: local customs tie) (Travessa da Paixão: emotional tie. Square of Ruins of St. Paul: cultural tie. (Ruins of St. Paul: historical tie. Beneath the Ruins of St. Paul: hometown tie) Culture, history and local customs. (Travessa da Paixão: emotional tie. Square of Ruins of St. Paul: cultural tie. (Ruins of St. Paul: historical tie. Beneath the Ruins of St. Paul: hometown tie)

Culture, history and local customs. (Travessa da Paixão: emotional tie. Square of Ruins of St. Paul: cultural tie. (Travessa da Paixão: emotional tie. Square of Ruins of St. Paul: cultural tie. Let's go to see the local customs first I think the thing is quite simple. We don't have to think too much. We just act separately when we get there. When we're done, we'll go sightseeing.

When we're done, we'll go sightseeing. They plan to finish the task quickly and enjoy their journey as visitors. We can feed doves at the square. How nice it will be! They plan to finish the task quickly and enjoy their journey as visitors. Then let's travel around the Ruins of St. Paul. It should be like this. Xun, do you know why I saty with you? why I saty with you? Because I can't read maps.

Because I can't read maps. (The underbelly of the artist in our team: he can't read a map.) Really? (The underbelly of the artist in our team: he can't read a map.) Yeah. (The underbelly of the artist in our team: he can't read a map.)

No wonder every time when the task is related to maps (The underbelly of the artist in our team: he can't read a map.) No wonder every time when the task is related to maps you just I was driving once Then I tried to read the map of Shanghai at that time Then I found a very straight and wide road I went that way and finally it led me to Suzhou River I went that way and finally it led me to Suzhou River (Even the navigation can't help you.) (Even the navigation can't help you.)

Is it right here? The Square of Ruins of St. Paul? Is it right here? The Square of Ruins of St. Paul? (The classic of 1994 keeps you safe every ride.) (The classic of 1994 keeps you safe every ride.) So this's the memorial archway.

So this's the memorial archway. (Deng Lun and Lei Jiayin arrives at the Square of Ruins of St. Paul.) (Deng Lun and Lei Jiayin arrives at the Square of Ruins of St. Paul.) hey This is what I saw on the map just now This is what I saw on the map just now (Guo Jingfei and Wang Xun are second to them.) the small Square benaeth the it. (Guo Jingfei and Wang Xun are second to them.)

the small Square benaeth the it. We're all here It's beautiful What was it before? A memorial archway? (Ruins of St. Paul: It's one of the landmark buidlings in Macao.) No, it was originally a church. (Ruins of St. Paul: It's one of the landmark buidlings in Macao.) It was burnt to the ground later (Ruins of St. Paul: It's one of the landmark buidlings in Macao.) It was burnt to the ground later ( As one of the eight attractions of Macao, it's located at the foot of Monte Fort.) and only its front archway was left, right? ( As one of the eight attractions of Macao, it's located at the foot of Monte Fort.)

and only its front archway was left, right? ( As one of the eight attractions of Macao, it's located at the foot of Monte Fort.) ( As one of the eight attractions of Macao, it's located at the foot of Monte Fort.) They're coming. ( As one of the eight attractions of Macao, it's located at the foot of Monte Fort.) Everyone finds a partner. (Go Fighting team can't help joining dancing group.) What is it? (Go Fighting team can't help joining dancing group.)

(Go Fighting team can't help joining dancing group.) It's like this (Go Fighting team can't help joining dancing group.) It's like this Oh, got it.

Well, it feels that lots of dances in diffrent regions are the same. It's similar to the dance we did in Puzhehei, isn't it? It's similar to the dance we did in Puzhehei, isn't it? (The beautiful dance feels so familiar.) (The beautiful dance feels so familiar.) Don't move (The beautiful dance feels so familiar.)

Don't move (They're not allowed to move in dancing?) Like this? (They're not allowed to move in dancing?) Welcome to log in Sina weibo (They're not allowed to move in dancing?) Welcome to log in Sina weibo and follow the official weibo account of Go Fighting broadcasted on Dragon TV. Let's watch the episodes and talk about adventurous stories. You can also enter the topic page of Go Fighting and join the interaction by sharing your GF activities on hash tag titled "Listen to me, Feel adventurer's energy and happiness”. You can get surprises and happiness every week. Are we going to find out who has the tie? Are we going to find out who has the tie? (He guesses it's meant to look for ties.) Is it? (He guesses it's meant to look for ties.)

(He guesses it's meant to look for ties.) Is there any clues on you? What? Where's the tie? We failed to finished the task. Did it get started? Did it get started? (It's unlikely to have so obvious clues.) (It's unlikely to have so obvious clues.)

Come on, come on (It's unlikely to have so obvious clues.) She's telling us. (It's unlikely to have so obvious clues.) Welcome to the activity of exploring local customs. What you saw just now is ancient dance. It's one of the most distinctive dances in Macao Next, in order to get the cultural tie in this round, You have to find out dancers You have to find out dancers (If they can find out dancers who winked to them just now, they'll get the tie.) who winked to you during the dance. (If they can find out dancers who winked to them just now, they'll get the tie.)

What is it? Is it like this? Wink. Oh no, Who winked to us? I didn't see it. Me, either. It's hard to tell who did it. It's hard to tell who did it. (None of them noticed the dancers who winked to them.) Please bring them back here when you find them. (None of them noticed the dancers who winked to them.)

Please bring them back here when you find them. Then you'll use X 60 Pro plus mobile phone jointly developed by vivo and Zeiss to take a picture with them And finally you're said to finish the challenge successfully. You can go to find them now.

Ok, let's go. Go. Go. Let's find those ladies. Let's find those ladies. (Dancers are gone now after such a long time.) (Dancers are gone now after such a long time.)

Anut, don't leave. Aunt, wait a minute Xun, it's not right for you to call them anut. right? Sister Sister (Is it too late to change now?) (Is it too late to change now?) Let's go somewhere else. How about Travessa da Paixão? Let's have some fun in Macao. Let's have some fun in Macao. (I want to finish the task as well as having fun.)

(I want to finish the task as well as having fun.) Do you like anything to drink? (I want to finish the task as well as having fun.) Would you like a coconut juice? I'll buy it for you. Any special Macao drinks? Any special Macao drinks? (Foodie's interest: taste specialties.)

(Foodie's interest: taste specialties.) Pumpkin juice and coconut juice. (Foodie's interest: taste specialties.) What do you like? I'll have lemon tea Is it a specialty? Then I'll have grapefruit tea. 500 500 (It's the first time to see money with such a high face value.) It's such a high face value. (It's the first time to see money with such a high face value.) (It's the first time to see money with such a high face value.)

Thank you Thank you We're shooting a reality show. No wonder No wonder you can meet two charming men. Yeah. Thank you Thank you (Enjoy the journey: the foodie group.)

How do you like it? (Enjoy the journey: the foodie group.) It's good. (Enjoy the journey: the foodie group.) Travessa da Paixão is up here, right? (Enjoy the journey: the foodie group.) Travessa da Paixão is up here, right? Travessa da Paixão is up here, right? (Travelling foodie group is leaving for Travessa da Paixão.) (Travelling foodie group is leaving for Travessa da Paixão.)

(GF traveling agent: Looking for hometown fellows ) (You can get a photo shot with Ruins of St. Paul if you find six fellows.) This is the activity of looking for hometown fellows. What does that mean? Macao is one of the popular tourist attractions in Greater Bay Area. Macao is one of the popular tourist attractions in Greater Bay Area. (Macao receives numerous visitors from all over the world every day.) So we can also find friends from all over the world here (Macao receives numerous visitors from all over the world every day.) So we can also find friends from all over the world here (You need to find six fellows from your province and bring them here.)

You are looking for six people from the same province as you (You need to find six fellows from your province and bring them here.) And bring them here. (You need to find six fellows from your province and bring them here.) And bring them here. Would you like to join us. Would you like to join us.

I I'm in. It's hard to find people from Tianjin. I'm from Henan. It's hard too.

You don't know where I'm from! Sorry. First come, first served (First come, first served. Speed is key at this point.) Any hometown fellows? (First come, first served. Speed is key at this point.) (First come, first served. Speed is key at this point.) Hello. (Greeting hometown fellows warmly.) (Greeting hometown fellows warmly.)

Henan fellows, come on. Henan fellows. (Greeting hometown fellows warmly.) Henan fellows, come on. Henan fellows. I am. (Six people are collected immediately.) (Six people are collected immediately.)

I need to check their ID card. I need to check their ID card. (Visitors' identity has to be checked.) Ok (Visitors' identity has to be checked.)

Ok Your ID card. I'm from Henan. Where? Xinyang of Henan Xinyang We have six here. We have six here. Fei also find six fellows. Fei also find six fellows. It's so easy.

ID card Six ID cards I'm not sure they'll do it I have lived in Beijing for more than ten years. I have lived in Beijing for more than ten years. (It's not easy to find Beijing fellows.) But I don't have a Beijing ID card. (It's not easy to find Beijing fellows.)

(It's not easy to find Beijing fellows.) I need to check the ID cards. It's not gonna be easy. So I'll screen out six first who travel from Beijing If only the six of you I would rather give up finding Beijing natives. It's even hard to find Beijing natives in Beijing.

Yeah. Beijing natives may not live there. (Beijing drifters are quite a huge group.) That's right. I'm gonna leave for the next clue. I'm gonna leave for the next clue. (He decides to go to the next task.)

I can't find Beijing fellows. (He decides to go to the next task.) (He decides to go to the next task.) Six ID cards. My ID card says No, not Jinan Does Anhui count? Does Anhui count? (He runs into a choke point.) I was tricked. (He runs into a choke point.) I was tricked.

I was tricked. (You told me we're hometown fellows!) I like you. So I lied. Are you from Henan? Not exactly, only half. Not exactly, only half. (The truth is only half of them are real Henan natives.)

Half doesn't count. (The truth is only half of them are real Henan natives.) dying (The truth is only half of them are real Henan natives.) Half doesn't count. (The truth is only half of them are real Henan natives.) Anyone from Henan? Anyone from Henan? (He tries again to find hometown fellows.) (He tries again to find hometown fellows.)

(Directly cut to the chase.) Are your ID card registered in Henan. (Directly cut to the chase.) Yes.

Yes. (It's a good start. He finds a Henan native immediately.) Great. (It's a good start. He finds a Henan native immediately.) Come with me. (It's a good start. He finds a Henan native immediately.)

Come with me. (It's a good start. He finds a Henan native immediately.) Come with me. Is there anyone else whose ID card registered in Henan? Are you Henan native? Where are you from? I'm Cantonese From when cantonese becomes Henan native? I come from Henan. We're from Henan. Are your ID card registered in Henan? Yes. Come on, sister.

Come on, sister. (He finds the second hometown fellow.) (He finds the second hometown fellow.) I'm also from Henan. With a Henan ID card? With a Henan ID card? (He meets a tourist group.)

Yes. (He meets a tourist group.) Great. Come on. (He meets a tourist group.) (He succeeds in find the third hometown fellow.) (There‘re no happier things than meeting hometown fellows when far from home.) Tears well up when hometown fellows meet each other. (There‘re no happier things than meeting hometown fellows when far from home.)

Tears well up when hometown fellows meet each other. Why are you still here? I married in Henan. My husband's from Henan. No, it doesn't work. It only works when you have a Henan ID card. I've checked. ID card.

Yeah Now you need to use the X60 Pro plus mobile phone jointly developed by vivo and Zeiss to take a video with specified gesture. to take a video with specified gesture. (Take a video with specified gesture and speak out the slogan in dialect.) and you'll speak out your slogan in dialect. (Take a video with specified gesture and speak out the slogan in dialect.) and you'll speak out your slogan in dialect. ( After which, they can get hometwon tie.) So you can get the hometown tie. ( After which, they can get hometwon tie.) So you can get the hometown tie.

Come on, quickly. Go behind. Come on, quickly. Go behind. (The last thing to do is posing.) Go behind. Yue (The last thing to do is posing.)

(The last thing to do is posing.) Any Sichuan fellows? Any Sichuan fellows? (Xun was also doing the task of finding hometown fellows at the same.) (Xun was also doing the task of finding hometown fellows at the same.) You're from Sichuan? Come on, follow me. Is there anyone else from Sichuan? How lucky I am! How lucky I am! (Xun happened to meet a tourist group from Sichuan.)

(Xun happened to meet a tourist group from Sichuan.) You all are from Sichuan. (Xun happened to meet a tourist group from Sichuan.) Come. Chengdu. Come. Chengdu. (It was nearly handed to him on a plate.)

I need six. (It was nearly handed to him on a plate.) Come on. (It was nearly handed to him on a plate.) Come on. Let's hurry.

Come with me. Come. Let's satnd in front. No.

No. (Yue watches his sure thing is messed up.) (Yue watches his sure thing is messed up.) It's our position. (Yue watches his sure thing is messed up.) It's our position.

(Everyone rushes to pose, tries to help get the tie.) You're not doing the specified pose. You should pose like this. You should pose like this. (Only when they do the right pose can they get the hometown tie.) (Only when they do the right pose can they get the hometown tie.)

Let's do it. Let's hold hands. Now speak out our slogan. We are all Chinese Let's say it. Let's say it.

We are Chinese. We made it. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Wait a minute, Yue.

Xun and Yue almost finished at the same time Xun and Yue almost finished at the same time (The two group finished it simultaneously, so one more round is added.) So we decide to have one more round. (The two group finished it simultaneously, so one more round is added.) So we decide to have one more round. Ok. Let's put on a bright smile.

Sisters Let's do it faster than them, OK (In order to get the tie, he asks his hometwon fellows to do it faster.) We're going to be faster. Ok, let's take a look.

Remember, the faster group will get the tie. Remember, the faster group will get the tie. (The faster group will get the tie.) Ok. (The faster group will get the tie.)

Three, two, one. (The faster group will get the tie.) Three, two, one. Heavens! feed Heavens! (The mind goes blank.) Come on.

You're in the middle, and you go hand in hand (A super experienced senior through seven seasons is teaching how to pose.) Is it a hexagram? (A super experienced senior through seven seasons is teaching how to pose.) Yes, yes, yes, yes (A super experienced senior through seven seasons is teaching how to pose.) Put your hand here. (A super experienced senior through seven seasons is teaching how to pose.) And you come over, madam. (A super experienced senior through seven seasons is teaching how to pose.) And you come over, madam.

Ok. Ok. This is where you put your hands.

This is where you put your hands. Hand in hand. Ok. Ok. (It looks like the basic frame of the pose.) (It looks like the basic frame of the pose.) And Let's do this (It looks like the basic frame of the pose.)

(It looks like the basic frame of the pose.) It's a five-pointed star. It's a five-pointed star. (Still groping.) (Still groping.)

(They don't know where to start.) The hands should be like this to shape out the satr. (They don't know where to start.) Can you do it? (They don't know where to start.) Can you do it? We should connect like this. See, it forms one point of the star.

Two stand in front. Two. Two stand in front. Two. (It seems I can help nothing.) Two stand in front. Two.

(He becomes an outsider in his own task.) What can I do? You stand in the middle. and you do this. (Confused) We hold hands like this. (Confused) No, it should be like this. You're obviously wrong. Look at her hand, it's not at the right place.

We are absolutely right. Ok. Sichuan, come on. Sichuan, come on. (Exactly the same.) Xun's group wins.

Xun's group wins. (Xun wins.) (Xun wins.) We won. (Xun wins.)

(Xun wins.) Xun gets a tie. (Travessa da Paixão: emotional tie. Square of Ruins of St. Paul: cultural tie. Ruins of St. Paul: historical tie. Beneath the Ruins of St. Paul: Hometown tie (taken))

At this time finishing the task is the first thing to do. It's the best way to take. It's the best way to take. (He planns to finish the task first.) (He planns to finish the task first.)

Don't mess around with them. (He planns to finish the task first.) and hold the choices in your own hand. (Finish the tasks then you'll have choices.) But how to make it? (Finish the tasks then you'll have choices.) It depends on your own efforts. (Finish the tasks then you'll have choices.) It depends on your own efforts.

Hello Hello (Liang arrives at Travessa da Paixão.) Welcome to Travessa da Paixão of Ruins of St. Paul. (Liang arrives at Travessa da Paixão.) Welcome to Travessa da Paixão of Ruins of St. Paul. It is the most romantic place in Macao Is it from there to that end? Is it from there to that end? Yes, yes, yes It has witnessed a lot of love stories here.

So we are here today we have an extreme dating activity called "meeting the right person at the first sight". Do you want to join it? All right So your task today is as a matchmaker to help two pairs of single men and women is as a matchmaker to help two pairs of single men and women (Extreme dating activity: Believe in true love, to be in love.(You can get a photo taken here as soon as you successfully help two pairs of singles to know each other.)) get to know each other. (Extreme dating activity: Believe in true love, to be in love.(You can get a photo taken here as soon as you successfully help two pairs of singles to know each other.)) get to know each other. (Extreme dating activity: Believe in true love, to be in love.(You can get a photo taken here as soon as you successfully help two pairs of singles to know each other.)) get to know each other. Then you'll use vivo X60 Pro plus, with its portrait mode, Then you'll use vivo X60 Pro plus, with its portrait mode, (Help two pairs of singles to know each other and take a photo with them.)

to take a beautiful group photo. (Help two pairs of singles to know each other and take a photo with them.) to take a beautiful group photo. then you'll get the emotional tie. then you'll get the emotional tie. Then you can get the emotional tie from us. then you'll get the emotional tie.

OK then you'll get the emotional tie. Come on. Now, time is speed. that is, Time is the key. Time is the key. (Thinking hard) Time is the key.

Time is the key. (Even talker-king Jia would get stuck sometimes) (Even talker-king Jia would get stuck sometimes) (Searching targets) I think it’s better to find girls first than looking for boys. I think it’s better to find girls first than looking for boys. (Have a clear goal: look for girls first.) I think it’s better to find girls first than looking for boys.

Hello Are you on a show? Excuse me, sorry to bother you. We’re shooting a reality show called Go Fighting We’re shooting a reality show called Go Fighting May I ask you two questions Yes. Are you single? Are you single? Yeah Yeah yes yes Ok (It sounds very hopeful.) Do you want a boyfriend now (It sounds very hopeful.)

Do you want a boyfriend now Yes. Yes. Now you meet me, and it may be the luckiest thing for you to come here today Now you meet me, and it may be the luckiest thing for you to come here today (You can rely on me.)

(You can rely on me.) I’ve been single for three years. (You can rely on me.) I’ve been single for three years.

Hmm, three years Could it be that you’re rather demanding? Could it be that you’re rather demanding? no My friends said I don’t get lucky. No good luck in love, right Yes. Yes.

You trust me I’m your good luck (Traveling foodie group arrives at Travessa da Paixão.) We are here today having an extreme dating activity (Traveling foodie group arrives at Travessa da Paixão.) We are here today having an extreme dating activity called “meeting the right person at the first sight”. You two are gonna help the single men and women to know each other. Meanwhile, you’ll take a beautiful group photo with the portrait mode.

Then you’ll get the emotional tie I see got it I see Let's go We must find one first. that 's ok and ask his or her standards of choosing the other half and ask his or her standards of choosing the other half (Find a single person first, and then ask standards of choosing a mate.) (Find a single person first, and then ask standards of choosing a mate.) Is there anyone single? (Find a single person first, and then ask standards of choosing a mate.)

Is there anyone single? Do you want to date somebody? Yes Ok Then you two. That’s it. good Are you single It’s serious. You must mean it. Yes, I’m single. Really? Really? Are you a local? (Lei is patiently collecting information of the single people,) I’m from Zhuhai. (Lei is patiently collecting information of the single people,)

I’m from Zhuhai. You come here from Zhuhai. Do you have any standards of choosing a mate? Tall and cute.

How about the age? All ages. I’m fine with it. You can’t!? (Ideal boyfriend: tall and cute) Tell me some numbers, and I’ll find the right person for you. (Ideal boyfriend: tall and cute) As long as he’s a grown-up (Ideal boyfriend: tall and cute) As long as he’s a grown-up (So casual?) What kind of man do you like? Smart and funny man Probably for now we can’t see a man’s IQ in a short time. Probably for now we can’t see a man’s IQ in a short time. (Guide her have feasible standards in a gentle and polite way.)

Maybe we can focus on the height or appearance (Guide her have feasible standards in a gentle and polite way.) That is, you can have a general standard (Guide her have feasible standards in a gentle and polite way.) That is, you can have a general standard Tall It’s about? Above 180cm Just around 180cm Just around 180cm (Ideal boyfriend: with a height around 180cm) (Set off to find the Mr Right.) and cute. (Set off to find the Mr Right.) (Set off to find the Mr Right.) Where can I find a tall and cute man? (Ideal boyfriend: Tall and cute.)

What about you? Can you? You just leave your phone number and take a group photo. My girlfriend will see this My girlfriend will see this Ah, you have girlfriend. Are you single? Are you single? (Searching single man) (Searching single man) Yes (Searching single man) Good. (Searching single man) Good. I wanna say that I wanna say that We have a task to accomplish. We have a task to accomplish. (Ideal boyfriend: with a height above 180cm.)

It’s about finding a single woman and man and we help them to know each other. (Ideal boyfriend: with a height above 180cm.) It’s about finding a single woman and man and we help them to know each other. It’s about finding a single woman and man and we help them to know each other. (Describe the task in details) Do you have any interest? I’ve been into someone Oh you’re in courtship. That’s alright. I’ll leave you to it.

That’s alright. I’ll leave you to it. (Lun fails on his first try) Wish you happiness. (Lun fails on his first try) Bye. (Lun fails on his first try) (Lun fails on his first try) Bye Stop please. Are you tourists? What are you doing here? We are students here We are students here (Come across six single college students) Do you want girl friends? (Come across six single college students) Of course (Come across six single college students) Of course Go! Follow me! Go! Follow me! (Take them all) (Take them all) You can’t I can These are mine These are mine (He took a fancy to the single college students Leizi found) Aren’t you one of mine? (He took a fancy to the single college students Leizi found) You don’t need to ask so much (He took a fancy to the single college students Leizi found) (He took a fancy to the single college students Leizi found) How many people you found None of your business Are any of you still single? all single? (Really?) Just make friends with other Are you interested in making friends with people? I have found a girl (Insist on introducing the task carefully) You two help me finish a task (Insist on introducing the task carefully) Hey, is it fast? If you want it be fast, I can help you make it fast, ok? If you want it be fast, I can help you make it fast, ok? (He found the matchmaking object successfully) Ok, let’s go! (He found the matchmaking object successfully) (He found the matchmaking object successfully) I'd like to invite all guests to preside over I'd like to invite all guests to preside over (The uncover ceremony will begin) This “soul gaze” uncover ceremony (The uncover ceremony will begin) (The uncover ceremony will begin) Let’s make a friends No other meaning Hello I’m Chen Zhipeng I’m Chen Zhipeng (A simple and sincere introduction) (A simple and sincere introduction) Now I am studying in Macao (A simple and sincere introduction) (Try to match them) He is from Shanghai (Try to match them) (Try to match them) Hello (Try to match them) Hello I’m Wenwen Hello, Wenwen Now I am in Shenzhen It’s close Yeah It’s close (Do you really say it?) Aren’t you from shanghai? (Do you really say it?) (Do you really say it?) How old are you? 20 I see your pimples on your nose And you? I am older sister Hi, sister Hi, sister (Maintain the atmosphere) (Maintain the atmosphere) Ok. Three, two, one. Let’s uncover the mask Hello Shake hands They have agreed to exchange contact information might go to play together someday although we just meet once I think it’s also a fate You can go to have dinner when free You can go to have dinner when free (Lun’s matchmaking corner makes first success) (Lun’s matchmaking corner makes first success) OK? (Lun’s matchmaking corner makes first success) Thank you (Lun’s matchmaking corner makes first success) Let’s take a photo Ok, thank you We succeed Hello Hello (People are getting familiar with other) I’m Zhang Yu (People are getting familiar with other) (People are getting familiar with other) Now my age is secret Ok Ok (Three boys introduce themselves one by one) I’m from Hainan (Three boys introduce themselves one by one) Now I’m a college student in Macao (Three boys introduce themselves one by one) (Three boys introduce themselves one by one) I am 18 years old (Three boys introduce themselves one by one) I am 18 years old I’m Shen Tianyu I come from changzhou, Jiangsu province I’m Shan Haiming I come from xuzhou, Jiangsu province I’m a student too I’m Deng Lun I’m Deng Lun (A famous people from Shijiazhuang suddenly appeared) I come from Shi Jiazhuang, Hebei province (A famous people from Shijiazhuang suddenly appeared) (A famous people from Shijiazhuang suddenly appeared) (Successful pairing) Ok, we succeed (Successful pairing) (Successful pairing) Yeah He is single too He is single, I am single He is single, I am single (I have matched it, how can it be broken so quickly?) (I have matched it, how can it be broken so quickly?) You leave your phone number, let me see if it’s real (I have matched it, how can it be broken so quickly?) You leave your phone number, let me see if it’s real Come on Come on (you need to leave something) I’m here to see you, come on (you need to leave something) (you need to leave something) (Embarrassed) Come on (Embarrassed) (Embarrassed) I’m ready You are ready, I catch three boys for you You are ready, I catch three boys for you (Try to match again) Don’t let them lose their face (Try to match again) Don’t let them lose their face (Looking at each other) (Looking at each other) How could they think of you? (Looking at each other) How could they think of you? How could they think of me? How could they think of Deng Lun? I have to abandon Lunlun Let me get hurt Oh (I want to leave) Let’s start by being friends (I want to leave) Let’s start by being friends Let’s start by being friends (Matching for three people who “Looking at each other”) Ok (Matching for three people who “Looking at each other”) Ok (Matching for three people who “Looking at each other”) Who leave your phone number? (Matching for three people who “Looking at each other”) Who leave your phone number? You (The first group of Lei Jiayin match successfully) Take a photo (The first group of Lei Jiayin match successfully) (The first group of Lei Jiayin match successfully) Good (The first group of Lei Jiayin match successfully) Good Do you need music? We have music We have music (Attentive Liangliang: Music makes the uncover ceremony more ceremonial) (Attentive Liangliang: Music makes the uncover ceremony more ceremonial) We all say (Attentive Liangliang: Music makes the uncover ceremony more ceremonial) (Host Jia is here) Sometimes fate is amazing (Host Jia is here) (Host Jia is here) In such a beautiful city In such a special day (talktive Jia keeps talking) (Oh, please stop saying that) We should choose someone with potential (Oh, please stop saying that) Every breath they take (Oh, please stop saying that) is a sign of masculinity (Oh, please stop saying that) is a sign of masculinity then Shu goes and makes a choice do you know if we lost the game what I will meet Bungee Jumping Bungee Jumping in Macau Tower This afternoon I will be there to go Bungee Jumping You? Bungee Jumping? Yeah If you choose one of them here Are you willing to go Bungee Jumping with him? (Those who has the courage to go Bungee Jumping deserve the love) (Those who has the courage to go Bungee Jumping deserve the love) I am willing to I am willing to (I am willing to) (I am willing to) You are the third one to say Ok, you pass (If you hesitate, you will lose) Don’t talk (If you hesitate, you will lose) (If you hesitate, you will lose) Shu is in front of you (If you hesitate, you will lose) Shu is in front of you She is really beautiful, you know? Come on, uncover your mask please Show us (uncover the masks quickly) it seems she is (uncover the masks quickly) a quiet girl who always smiles (uncover the masks quickly) a quiet girl who always smiles There is a nice girl there, she likes a fairy I think we can describe like this For such a girl He makes a poem Will you make a prose? I have no gift She is really beautiful (He only can choose “beautiful” from all the words) You are so good If we go Bungee Jumping in Macau Tower 233 meters 233 meters (The circle came back to the original topic “Bungee Jumping”) If there is 400 meters (The circle came back to the original topic “Bungee Jumping”) Who are willing to go with her? (The circle came back to the original topic “Bungee Jumping”) I’m not afraid. I had tried that one higher (Show his courage first)

I had tried that (Show his courage first) I had tried that One higher than this one Shu, you can decide yourself I think you can consider The left one The left one (Success comes from sincere courage) The left boy, he is good (Success comes from sincere courage) (Success comes from sincere courage) You can perform together Sing a song How’s that? Microphone with stereo Sing anywhere and sing as you like Create love,come on (An affectionate eye) The little boy also looks at the girl bravely Oh,It's electrified We are the best couple And the most romantic Here are two presents for you,microphones Sing anywhere sing as you like I think if I can make a perfect marriage It’s a happy thing It’s very meaningful Come to Macao I think we should something meaningful I hope you can get together well in the future I wish you a happy life Look One two three,It's beautiful I think if I can make a perfect marriage It’s a happy thing It's beautiful Very good-looking Ok Thank you I can't stand it if I need to match in love lane I can't stand it if I need to match in love lane (Dafei passes by Love Lane) I don't want to be crowded with them (Dafei passes by Love Lane) (Dafei passes by Love Lane) I want to eat something Have you found it? Great Look You're awesome You're awesome (Brother Xun constantly shows off his belt) Look,It's a fight (Brother Xun constantly shows off his belt) That's it, and then you have to (Brother Xun constantly shows off his belt) Just connect with someone else's (Brother Xun constantly shows off his belt) Just connect with someone else's You look for this and we connect Isn't that connected? And then I'm going to connect another one Yes You help me I help you to get Historical ties I help you to get Historical ties (The group of the post-70s generation start looking for historical ties) (The group of the post-70s generation start looking for historical ties) It’s great,brother Xun (The group of the post-70s generation start looking for historical ties) We go to places with historical ties (The group of the post-70s generation start looking for historical ties) (The group of the post-70s generation start looking for historical ties) (Excited to walk in in a pigeon-toed pose) Where is the place with historical ties? (Excited to walk in in a pigeon-toed pose) Historical ties (Excited to walk in in a pigeon-toed pose) History (Excited to walk in in a pigeon-toed pose) (Excited to walk in in a pigeon-toed pose) You are historical ties Quick Girl, you have to help me You must help me No You have to find You need to find someone who use the gesture like a V You need to find someone who use the gesture like a V (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) You can’t come back now (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) Use the gesture like a V (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) Yes,use the gesture like a V (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) Where are the grannies (Only find the dancers who use the gesture like a V can we get the humanistic bond) Where are the grannies Where is the grandma What should we call those grannies Auntie (The group of the post-70s generation are finding the dancer who use the gesture”V”) I feel like I'm close to winning (The group of the post-70s generation are finding the dancer who use the gesture”V”) (The group of the post-70s generation are finding the dancer who use the gesture”V”) Aunt (Dance to convey inner joy) Please tell me if I have found you (Dance to convey inner joy) Is that you? Are you? (Dance to convey inner joy) Is that you? Are you? On top Not the three of you Mine is this Aunt Aunt,you’re here Do you have this (Successful code docking) Yes (Successful code docking) (Successful code docking) We found it (Successful code docking) Great (Successful code docking) Great (The group of the post-70s generation successful to find the dancer who use the gesture”V”) We found it (The group of the post-70s generation successful to find the dancer who use the gesture”V”) (The group of the post-70s generation successful to find the dancer who use the gesture”V”) Is it hard to find? (The group of the post-70s generation successful to find the dancer who use the gesture”V”) Is it hard to find? Yes, you run so far I'm running away Is your family living nearby It’s here It’s nearby Did you grow up in Macao? No, I'm from Zhuhai I'm from Zhuhai Yes You're married here Right Yes We found it Are you sure it's the aunt I'm sure it's the aunt This is the human bond This is the human bond (The group of the post-70s generation got the human bond) (The group of the post-70s generation got the human bond) Then you can use the X60 Pro+ phone Which developed by vivo Zeiss To take a picture with them (Emotional ties; Love Lane Humanistic ties; Dasanba small square;Rural ties; Under the archway of Dasanba;Historical ties; The archway of Dasanba;Go Fighting) Activities to find historical traces (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the archway of Dasanba) The fast-moving years (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the archway of Dasanba) Feel the vicissitudes of a century (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the archway of Dasanba) Feel the vicissitudes of a century Welcome to the archway of Dasanba With nearly 400 years of history It attracts thousands of tourists From all over the world to take photos every day Your task is to use The X60 Pro+ phone Which developed by vivo Zeiss Take a picture at the same angle Take a picture at the same angle (Take a picture at the same angle as the old one) Those who finish the task first can gain historical ties in my hands (Take a picture at the same angle as the old one) Those who finish the task first can gain historical ties in my hands (Those who finish the task first can gain historical ties) (Those who finish the task first can gain historical ties) I think it's this position I think it's this position (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) Right? (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) Yes (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) I think this way up (Veteran brother Xun Identify the location of the photo at a glance) I think this way up It's on that stage Yes (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the location of the photo) This is the battery (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the location of the photo) (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the location of the photo) You can look down at Macao as a whole (The group of the post-70s generation arrive at the location of the photo) You can look down at Macao as a whole How much has the tree grown in these hundreds of years? It's actually this position It's actually this position (Go around and find the right location) Yes (Go around and find the right location) Do you see that? (Go around and find the right location) (Go around and find the right location) But now it's all blocked. What should we do? (Go around and find the right location) But now it's all blocked. What should we do? Blocking represents the revival of new life Yes It rose slowly Yes Compare that Now we see the development of Macao It turns out that the opposite is the mountain Now high buildings have been built In the distance It’s so beautiful It’s so beautiful (sponsor) (sponsor) (Keep looking for a second couple) Is there any single? (Keep looking for a second couple) It’s me (Keep looking for a second couple) It’s me It’ me Wait a minute Wait a minute (It's very lively) It’s true? (It's very lively) (It's very lively) Really (It's very lively) (It's very lively) Are you single? Are you single? (It’s unpopular) (It’s unpopular) It’s not me Boyfriend is not me Who it is? Den Lun I’m single I’m single (There is no love in life) (There is no love in life) Lun Lun,when you ask, are there any single people (There is no love in life) Lun Lun,when you ask, are there any single people Look at the hands up You look,do you a single one here? Why? I need a single man I need a single man (Insist on dating single men and women) And a single women (Insist on dating single men and women) (Insist on dating single men and women) Come on from Dongbei I come from Dongbei One two three (Dunlun's second group matched successfully) (Dunlun's second group matched successfully) Ok What's group with you? I finished Deng Lun,you’re so handsome That’s right Use me as an excuse Come in and see Deng Lun No Ok (Yueyue group 1 matched successfully) We made a couple (Yueyue group 1 matched successfully) (Yueyue group 1 matched successfully) Are there anyone? Come on,girls Are you single? Yes I've been single for 18 years. Can I come in? How old are you 18 years I just went to college You just 18 years? Ok Ok (I’m 19 years) (I’m 19 years) 19 years. Come on (I’m 19 years) 19 years. Come on Come on brother. Let’s go

What are your criteria for choosing a mate? High enough What about looks? Eyes must be beautiful Eyes must be beautiful Eyes must be beautiful (Criteria for choosing a mate:1.8 meters tall and beautiful eyes, can play basketball) (Criteria for choosing a mate:1.8 meters tall and beautiful eyes, can play basketball) Then he must play basketball (Criteria for choosing a mate:1.8 meters tall and beautiful eyes, can play basketball) (Criteria for choosing a mate:1.8 meters tall and beautiful eyes, can play basketball) Look,he is 1.8 meters tall Yes Right? He’s eyes are beautiful Single eyelid He’s eyes are beautiful This kind of boy with one eyelid is popular now This kind of single eyelid is popular among boys Yes.Deng Lun has one eyelid, too. Right?

Yes (Criteria for choosing a mate:1.8 meters tall and beautiful eyes, can play ba

2021-05-14 08:34

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