Настя Муравьева: CXEMA, берлинские вечеринки и жизнь диджея-стюардессы | True Talk # 3 18+

Настя Муравьева: CXEMA, берлинские вечеринки и жизнь диджея-стюардессы | True Talk # 3 18+

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- [NM] A mic connects and the guy starts rapping. - [N] How many hours do you work - [NM] 12 hours. At least I rubbed it in everyone's faces. I kinda like “Kisloty People” My first dacha is in Egypt, the second in the Dominican Republic, the third is on its way in Turkey. - [N] It’s nice when VOGUE contacts you. - [NM] I agree. I fell on my back pretty badly. I was told that I can’t train anymore.

In Amsterdam with a broken arm. I said: “Can you at least leave two fingers for me to be able to spin.” - [N] Hi everyone, it’s me again with the third episode of True Talk Season 2 in partnership with Ballantine’s. Huge thanks to them once again. Don’t forget about the contest where I giveaway records from my personal collection, so pay attention to the clues throughout this episode.

The winner will be chosen via a randomizer So today I have a very interesting guest with a fascinating story. I’m here with Nastya Muravyova. Let’s go! - [N] Nastya, hello again, and thanks for doing this. I know it’s tough with your schedule, unlike other DJs you have a normal full-time job and I know you had to take a day off to meet with me. Thank you. - [NM] Thank you for the invitation. - [N] Let’s start with why you chose this place. - [NM] This was the location of the very first party I attended. Back there in the garages. This is also the place of the very first CXEMA.

Another footprint on my memory. Everyone knows CXEMA as this large scale project with a huge amount of people but back then it was a party with 40 people and you knew them all. My friends also organized other parties here - R’n’B parties called “Black America” and garage parties where we all danced. It was fun. - [N] Tell me who your friends were and how did you get into the electronic music scene? - [NM] We hung out by the National Opera Theatre, we had drinks, laughed, talked and then someone said: “Let’s go to this party!”.

I’ve never been to a party before, I was 19-20 years old at the time. We came to the garage place, we danced, we had fun, and there’s that. I only knew Ilya Midnyte from the DJs, I’ve met everyone else here or in Closer, but that happened later. - [N] What was the most memorable thing about your first parties? - [NM] The entire thing was just cool because it was all new to me. It was interesting to watch the whole thing. Back then I didn’t think of becoming a DJ myself or making it a significant part of my life. - [N] What music did you listen to? - [NM] I listened to rock music, hardcore, post-punk - that sort of thing. I didn’t listen to electronic music at that time.

- [N] As far as I know you then started going to Closer, Otel’, and started merging with the club culture. - [NM] Otel’ wasn’t even open yet, it was right at the very start of its existence. But eventually yes, I started going to those places and the music became more interesting. I remember looking up a DJ before a party and listening to his music on SoundCloud, to see what to expect. - [N] How did you practice Djing? - [NM] There was this Sunday party in Otel’, and there very few people left, and Masha came, who was the co-owner or owner of the 56 club. She asked me: “So listen, do you practice playing?” I said: “No.”

So she then told me that I am welcome to come to 56 and practice Djing. She also ran Hashtag bar on Vozdvizhenka, which was near 56. So I came there, took the keys, and practiced as long as I needed. - [N] That’s an awesome bonus. - [NM] It was wonderful. Otherwise, where would I even train? - [N] I’ve had moments when I had to tell people about the principles of Djing. Did you have someone to teach you these basics? Or did you watch other DJs work? - [NM] Yeah, I’ve watched everyone mix and what they pressed. Ilya Midnyte showed me the basics, like que, play, faders. Other than that I figured out everything else on my own.

- [N] I read that at parties you kept a list of tracks that you liked to further explore music. What’s your process of selection? Vinyl rips? - [NM] No, no. No Soulseek either. It’s actually hard to find tracks there. I send someone a track I can’t identify and then they use Soulseek and find it there. I can’t find anything there.

Overall I use YouTube or Bandcamp where I buy music. If not Bandcamp, then Beatport. - [N] How do you get ready for performances? In my example, sometimes I don’t prepare, whereas if performance is important, then I create a separate folder for it. - [NM] Usually I find new music and copy them to a folder. My folders are called “New March”, “New April”, “New May”. So I just copy newly discovered music based on when I heard it first. - [N] So a chronological order. - [NM] Overall yes, but I remember certain tracks and I add them whenever they suit the mix.

But I don’t have particular folders for parties, I don’t put tracks in numerical order. - [N] Numbering tracks is a bit extra. - [NM] I mean, only when you need to record a mix. So no, I don’t prepare for my sets. - [N] Yeah, not something you can predict. - [NM] Exactly. - [N] What’s your favorite podcast? - [NM] Good question. I haven’t listened to them in a while. Probably ZYX which I recorded a very long time ago, 3-4 years ago. - [N] What makes it special for you? - [NM] Probably because it’s one of the first ones.

- [N] Let’s get back to the very beginning. What was the first party you Djed? I recall you telling a story that the first party you played ended up empty. - [NM] That was Andrey Savinykh’s party and it was downstairs by the bar, the space was literally a closet. So I came in all excited and fierce, I expected to see turntables but it was a computer, so I played on a computer.

That night Fumiya Tanaka performed in Closer, so everyone went there. So the party consisted of me and two of my girlfriends. - [N] Looking back on your formation as a DJ, what were the key steps you took? - [NM] So at first, it was Otel’, then 56. I remember the closing of 56 was packed with people, and after that, I was frequently invited to play other parties.

- [N] What happened next? The first time I heard your name was when we were working on the Strichka lineup. Timur Basha said that Nastya Muravyova is going to play in Otel’. - [NM] Right, maybe Strichka happened after. That was a year after 56.

They reached out a week before the festival and asked me if I would be able to play. I mean, of course, it’s Strichka. - [N] Then you played the OSNOVA party series. - [NM] Yes. That too. - [N] When did CXEMA happen? - [NM] The first of April, 2017. A major day for me. When Slava asked me to play CXEMA - it was a dream come true. I can’t even describe those emotions.

- [N] Were you happy with your set? - [NM] Yes. I was terrified to look at the crowd though, there were so many people. I only glanced a few times because I was very focused on my set. - [N] So about dreams. It so happened that your entire family is somehow involved with aviation. You yourself attended the National Aviation University. What’s your specialty? - [NM] Philology.

- [N] But you dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, which you did. So here you are, both a flight attendant and a DJ. What next? What’s your dream? - [NM] I dream of recording an album and releasing it on a great label, I dream of touring America or Asia. I don’t know what else. I dream of flying a chopper. - [N] About recording an album, what’s your background and skill set in that? - [NM] I didn't finish music school, I only did 4 years. I played the piano with a focus on dombra.

Dombra is a Ukrainian instrument. I wasn’t that into musical school at the time, I was more eager to do gymnastics. It was either musical school or gymnastics, so I chose gymnastics. - [N] How long did you do gymnastics? [NM] 7 years. I was a candidate for Master of Sports.

When I was 12 I had a trauma from falling in my back pretty badly. I was told I could no longer do gymnastics. - [N] It’s a classic situation in sports. I’m sorry about that, but I’m glad that you’re with us. About writing music, I know that you’re teaching in a school - DMA. You started in November. Is there someone in production there who could help you out? - [NM] No, but one of the co-founders produces music… - [N] Did you consider approaching him with such a request? - [NM] I did but you need time for that. - [N] Ok, so about tutoring… I think it was a brave decision. Whenever I get asked to tutor I always say that I’m not ready. It’s an entirely different thing that you have to prepare for.

- [NM] Yes, it’s very difficult. But my first student who graduated already played two parties. It’s not just my sole merit. He is so passionate about it and he wants to make it a part of his life. Everyone is different and someone else might think that DJing is just trendy, so they come to you and it’s hard to even explain to them things like beat-matching. - [N] Not everyone is like your first student. How many students do you have currently? - [NM] 5. - [N] How do you find the time? We’ll talk about your job later, it’s a separate story. But how do you find the time?

- [NM] Well, for example, I flew in at 2 AM, went home, slept, and closer to the evening I have 2-3 classes. - [N] So you make your own schedule? - [NM] Yes. Being flexible makes it easier. - [N] Why do you do it? - [NM] At first it was interesting, but now that it takes a lot of my time and there are 5 students, each requiring 90 minutes, also getting there… It’s hard.

- [N] Tiring. - [NM] Yes. - [N] I remember a year ago when the pandemic happened, you felt very lost because you were out of two jobs. I invited you to join the NECHTO stream… - [NM] It was a horrible period.

- [N] And you’ve said that you’ll probably have to work as a cashier in a supermarket. Hopelessness was in the air. - [NM] There was a Novus by my house and I saw the notice. No one knew how long it would last. - [N] So how did you overcome the hardships of the past year? How did you manage? - [NM] In June I went to work as a merchandiser. That job was horrible. From 9 to 6. You have 10 stores, starting from Sevastopol’ Square and ending with L’va Tolstogo.

You walk these stores, you count the amount of alcohol, you make sure the price tags are all in place. It’s a horrible job. And I had to work 6 days a week. - [N] How long did that last? - [NM] I worked for a month and then I got a call from my job and they said that air traffic is finally open and asked me if I’m coming back. “Of course I’m coming back!” I was so happy to receive that call. It was so great to get back to what you love. But hey, I needed the money.

- [N] I was very worried about you. Everyone in our profession lost everything, and it came so unexpectedly. It was a big psychological challenge. It was scary. But the parties returned in the summer, so things became easier. - [NM] Yeah, it was all in the unknown territory. No one knew when it would end and whether it would end at all. Thank God it’s slowly getting back to normal. I have a job again, so that’s great. [N] Btw, I’ve never seen you play vinyl records. Do you know how to?

- [NM] I can play deck - vinyl. It’s easier for me. But vinyl-vinyl… I once had a phase when I carried vinyl records with me to parties, and tried to mix them. Yet again, I never learned how to do it, I just knew some basics. But then I stopped doing it. I’ve had occasions when I carried these vinyls to parties, and you know how heavy they can be, and then it turned out that there’s no vinyl player at the party. - [N] That’s a frequent story. Do you still buy vinyl records?

- [NM] No. Frankly, I don’t have the opportunity to invest in that, and right now is not the time. - [N] I don’t buy them right now either so I understand what you mean. But the collection that you do have is not very big? - [NM] I probably have 40-50 records. - [N] What are your favorites? - [NM] Robert Armani. I adore him. Whenever I saw his records in Closer Record Store I bought them all. - [N] I researched his discography too. - [NM] And a few Jeff Mills records.

- [N] Which you play a lot. - [NM] Well I wouldn’t say a lot, I used to play his stuff when I played on vinyl. But I played Robert Armani a lot. - [N] Before the pandemic your career was very eventful and you’ve made a name for yourself overseas.

What was your first international gig? - [NM] Tresor. - [N] Your first tour gig happened in Tresor? - [NM] Yes. Can you imagine? It was a CXEMA Backstage party and that summer Slava Lepsheev texted me: “Nastya, we’re doing a party in Berlin, can you make it on this date?” I said that probably yes. Back then I worked at the airport registration desk, and within a few days, my stepfather calls and asks if I’m willing to be a part of the flight attendant selection. I was like, ‘What the hell is going on?” It was all at once and I went, of course.

Playing Tresor was a dream of mine when I first found out about it. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. - [N] I think you still can’t believe some of your successes. - [NM] I still can’t wrap my head around it. - [N] But then you’ve played Berghain, OHM, ://about blank. You’ve said that you like partying in Berlin the most. Why? - [NM] First of all, I like the food. Those kebabs are delicious.

I like to party there because people are very open and nice, and wherever you go - the music is top-notch. - [N] Nice! Where else did you play? I saw that you played at the Pohoda festival with Jeff Mills. - [NM] He was such a sweetheart! He wore a shirt, a tie, nice trousers, and shoes… - [N] His style. Where else did you play? - [NM] Oh dear… Slovakia, Vilnius, Kaunas, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Glasgow, Poland, Belarus. I think that’s it.

- [N] What was the best party you’ve attended overseas? Excluding Berghain. - [NM] Probably ://about blank in Berlin. I was opening the party. And OHM at the ‘Mess’ party. - [N] Berlin is your place. - [NM] Well, I don’t know. For some reason, I like it most. - [N] On this note, we’re about to relocate to Boryspil airport, where Nastya had flown hundreds of flights. Please don’t forget to follow the clues to win a record that will serve as a nice memory.

The winner will be chosen randomly. Thank you Ballantine’s for supporting this project and making it happen. Feel free to like or dislike this video.

Oh, I think they’re about to remove the dislike option and I was just getting used to it. Anyway, see you in Boryspil. - [N] Well friends, I’d like to remind you that you’re watching the second season of True Talk. For the third episode, we’ve invited Nastya Muravyova. We’re in Boryspil for a reason - Boryspil is the biggest airport in Ukraine and it is a second home for most of Ukraine’s artists.

I’m probably among the first DJs to explore every inch of this place but soon Nastya will break all the records, being simultaneously a Ukrainian DJ and a flight attendant Nastya, I have a question for you - when and how did you start working here? - [NM] I think it was 2014. I came to work at registration, at first I was working arrivals/departures, I helped greet airplanes, got people on the bus, left with them, and went to meet another plane. So then they moved me to registration and I was the person giving out boarding passes and the luggage tags. Then I worked at the gates. I worked for a year. It was very hard.

I had to get up at 5:20 in the morning to make it to work on time. I went to Kharkivska and had to catch the 7:24 Skybus to Boryspil. At 8 AM I had to wear makeup, put on the heels, and wait for passengers at the registration desk. - [N] How many hours was your shift? - [NM] 12 hours. - [N] 12 hours?! - [NM] Yes. But that’s not just sitting at the registration point.

That included all the other tasks I’ve mentioned previously. At times I didn’t even have time for a lunch break. So 2 days of work, 2 days off. But as a rule, I had to go to work for a half shift during my days off.

So basically I worked 3 days and had 1 day off. It was tough so I left. - [N] That’s when you had the option to become a flight attendant. - [NM] No-no, that happened a while before that. I’ve been on flights since 2017-2018. For 4 years. Time flies. But after quitting, I returned to the registration job but I was only working on flights for the airline that I’m now working for. We don’t exactly have a career path, it’s a handing company - it's a registration and boarding service. - [N] What airlines did you work for? - [NM] As a flight attendant just one - Azur Air. Before that, I registered flights for UIA.

- [N] Yeah, I’ve seen photos. Tell me, how do your professions intersect? Or let me go off-topic a bit. I’ve flown so many times, but not once have I seen you in the airport. I was hoping to at least once get a chance to see you. But I saw pics from other people where they’ve met you in the airport. Do you get that a lot? - [NM] Not at the registration desk because at that time not a lot of people knew who I was.

But back then I met Yura SE62. I was working at a boarding gate to Brussels, and prior to that, there was a party at 56. So I check the passport and think to myself, ‘what a familiar face’.

So I said: “Yura, great set last night.” He said thanks and boarded the plane. I met Tolkachev the same way. But I didn’t say anything to him. Also some other international DJs. - [N] But I mean do people recognize you? - [NM] On the plane. At times people stare at me oddly during the entire flight. Then, in the end, ask for a photograph together. “You’re Nastya Muravyova, right?”. “Yes, that’s me”. - [N] I would definitely take a photo with you if I would see you. It would be a fun picture. I was always curious… Do you eat the same food as the passengers? Could you share some flight attendant insights? - [NM] We get meals for every flight.

So for example, if we fly Kyiv - Sharm El Sheikh and back then we have a meal for each direction. I can’t say that it’s delicious, but it’s very tasty. All the food onboard is tasty, even the bun with tomato juice with pepper. You get very hungry and you can’t help it.

Regarding passengers, we only feed them when we do long-distance flights, like to the Dominican Republic, Male, Thailand. - [N] But is your food different from the food you give out to passengers? - [NM] You can say so because we have the option to choose what we want: fish, chicken, beef. The passengers only have one meal - chicken with rice and vegetables. - [N] When you performed in Lviv for NECHTO, we had lunch and you said that a flight attendant can only fly for 80 hours per month. - [NM] 90 hours.

- [N] What’s your record? - [NM] My maximum was 94 hours in a month. - [N] So you can exceed that number? - [NM] Yes, it can reach up to 120 hours. Look, you can fly 900 something hours per year, so if you fly those hours in 6 months then for the rest of the year you can’t fly.

So 90 hours is a number we aim for. But the monthly limit would be 120 hours. But doing that is not healthy. So that was my maximum flight hours for work, but I also had flights for Djing during that month. [N] 94 hours in one month. - [NM] Yes. Almost every day. - [N] What was the toughest moment with the intersection of your two jobs? - [NM] When I had to go to Glasgow, and two hours after Glasgow, I had to go away for work for 5 days.

So I arrive at terminal D with two luggage bags - one for the job, the other for Djing. Because I worked here, I left one luggage piece in the office and flew to Glasgow with the other one. I flew via Frankfurt, and if you don’t know this, then I should mention that Frankfurt always has delays.

It’s a nightmare. I was stuck in Frankfurt for 7 hours one time but thank God I made it in time for work. So here I am experiencing the same thing, but I came in time, changed my luggage bags, changed my outfit in the bathroom, and went off to work. Thankfully the work flight was to Turkey, so it was just two hours. - [N] It’s risky. I would be constantly scared of that because delays happen all the time. Sometimes you even miss gigs because of that. - [NM] That flight was scheduled at the very last minute. No way could I change my tickets. - [N] What was your maximum in terms of partying? I know my limit - I can party for 1 and a half days without any substances, of course.

Maybe with some drinks, smokes. Sometimes I even take naps backstage. What’s the limit of your party stamina? - [NM] I think when I had 3 gigs in one weekend. I did go home for a nap though. But I remember that it was very hard. I played Friday night in Kyiv, then played at a bar, then flew to play somewhere else.

I think it was Minsk. Tour de France. - [N] I know this is a silly question, but what’s your formula of success? I know that you and I have one thing in common - when we were starting out, no one supported us. I know that no one took your new interest seriously.

In spite of it all, how did you become successful? What made you so devoted? You became internationally know quite fast. - [NM] Yes, no one supported me but I didn’t take it personally. It wasn’t nice but I knew that such things happen too. I aspired to what I wanted. I wanted to be a good DJ. - [N] You couldn't do otherwise. - [NM] Yeah. I proved everyone wrong.

- [N] I think every successful girl thinks that. I want to ask about the people who surrounded you. Were there people who played a role in your career and life? Maybe a simple conversation or something more meaningful? - [NM] Most likely it was the support of my DJ friends from OSNOVA when they started telling me I’m on the right path. Only they told me to play slower music. - [N] Half ass support.

- [NM] Sort of. But they were supportive. In terms of famous DJs… - [N] I don’t mean just DJs. I mean people like Slava Lepsheev. - [NM] Slava for sure, huge thanks to him for CXEMA, and for the opportunity to play Boiler Room, and Tresor. For CXEMA Backstage, for the parties, and for that massive amount of people. For the opportunity of experiencing all of that. I wish for all the DJs out there to once play a party like CXEMA. - [N] Speaking of Boiler Room - your stream is the most-watched from that party.

I watched it with envy because I, unfortunately, missed it. I had a thought that it was CXEMA’s peak moment and it’s not certain that it will ever reach that high again. We don’t know what’s going to happen with the brand, the party, Slava, the culture in general.

And so you were part of that peak. Looking back at that event, do you remember what you’ve felt? - [NM] Of course, I get shivers thinking about it. - [N] You look absolutely chill on the video. - [NM] If only you knew how nervous I was. Before the start of my set, my hands were shaking. It was horrible. The comments were like, “her face is a rock”. But if only people felt what I felt in that moment.

They’d faint. I almost did. But I managed. - [N] The set was cool, I listened to it and I really liked it. Did you prepare for this one? - [NM] So I picked my top list tracks and copied them to a folder. So I would say yes. The worst thing is, the emergency loop occurred twice. I almost froze when it happened. I barely made it out of it, and the other one was a disaster. But hey, what can you do.

- [N] Well, you know, I always worried about making the mixing perfect, but flaws make the set alive. It’s a process and sometimes you can’t make it perfect. - [NM] I still wanted to. Like Jeff Mills. - [N] Oh yes, one might definitely learn from him. So what about agencies? How soon did they reach out to you? Who is your agent now? - [NM] In Ukraine I worked with Celestial, they managed my booking.

They did not just Ukrainian bookings, they managed the gig in Berghain, Saule and someone else wrote to them too. Then I was asked to join the Berlin-based agency Urbanum. That happened after my gig in Berghain. A year after. I worked with them for half a year and then the pandemic happened. But they did a good job with my bookings, which didn’t happen because of quarantine. Before the New Year, I was asked to join a new booking agency, but I can’t name them yet. - [N] Something interesting? - [NM] Yeah.

They have an interesting roster. We’re still in process of signing an agreement. As far as I understood, they book tours. Asia. America… - [N] Basically your dreams and plans for the future. - [NM] Pretty much. I hope it works out with them. - [N] Well I wish you luck with that. - [NM] Thank you. - [N] You’ve mentioned these gigs that didn’t happen, what were they? - [NM] Rote Sonne in Munich. Then there was a festival where Helena Hauff was meant to play. I really want to meet her, I like her a lot as a DJ. A lot.

Then there was another festival with 999999999. - [N] What are the festivals, cities? - [NM] Germany. The festival was somewhere in the area of Nuremberg. There was something else… I have it all written down.

I do remember that last April I was supposed to play 8 parties. 3 in Ukraine and the rest international. Oh, and I was supposed to play in Bratislava’s WAX with Kolosova. - [N] Do you have thoughts that you might never return to the position where you left off before the pandemic? I think most artists are concerned with that thought. Time flies, generations change, everything changes. Are you afraid of lost opportunities? - [NM] I have such thoughts. Throughout quarantine, I’ve had depression a few times and thoughts that I won’t be relevant when things get back to normal.

I don’t know how it’s all going to go but… - [N] Do you have a plan or are you working on staying relevant? For example, I came up with True Talk and Scary Beautiful to stay in sight and still be busy in the scene. - [NM] My job helps. - [N] But that’s more psychological.

- [NM] It’s hard. Even during quarantine, there were parties, and DJs were playing but I wasn’t invited to play so even that made me think that people forgot about me. But such things happen and you can’t blame anyone. You can only blame coronavirus. - [N] We all have those thoughts. So you’ve mentioned Helena Hauff and I remember you once said in an interview that women play more deeply and sensually. Let’s talk about being a woman DJ. What does it mean to you and how does your femininity blend into this profession? The red lipstick looks great on you.

- [NM] I think that’s the only way I portray femininity. - [N] You think? But I saw you wear dresses and skirts when performing. I saw a pic of you on a sofa looking very feminine. - [NM] I wear skirts, of course, sometimes I wear dresses.

- [N] But the red lipstick is your signature look. - [NM] Probably. I think it outlines the face. I’m small so people can barely see me behind the DJ booth. Jokes aside, when I was playing in Port, I asked for something to stand on, because I couldn’t reach it. - [N] What other female DJs are role models for you, apart from Helena Hauff? - [NM] I also like Anna Haleta, Rebekah. I used to like Paula Temple a lot, but now I’m more neutral about her, but her music is still cool. VTSS, Spfdj, Hyperaktivist is super cool.

- [N] I read that you dream of playing Awakenings, Rotterdam Rave, and Dekmantel Festival. From my own experience, I realized how different reality is from your expectations. Did you ever experience failed expectations? Were you disappointed in something? - [NM] I don’t think that I’ve experienced that. But sometimes I’ve had parties, in Lviv, for example, or in Antwerpen, when I played with Silent Servant and Somewhen in Ampere. 50-60 people came. I expected more people to come to see these artists play. And in Lviv the sound was horrible, few people came. Sometimes you leave a party thinking, ‘what the hell just happened?’. And you never like your sets after such situations.

- [N] Yeah, it’s true that it happens. - [N] I read an interview when you were asked what was the cheesiest track you’ve played. You said that you played Metallica, which you consider to be cheesy, and that you played all the Horrorist songs.

What do you think about remixes on Russian songs or on original tracks with Russian vocals? It’s a rather ambiguous trend and I’m wondering what do you think about it? - [NM] I’ll be frank, I like ‘Kisloty People’. I played it a few times. When it just came out I bought it on Bandcamp and included it in my sets, and only after I played it at 5 parties, people started saying that it’s a bad track and so on. But in reality, when you play it - people like it. They sing along and that says it all. - [N] You’ve played something else with the Russian theme. - [NM] I really like the “Ya Nichego Ne Ponimayu” track. I played it a lot but now it’s been overused. Also, there’s this new band I discovered called Brutalismus 3000. I like their track Diskotéka Avantgarde with Russian vocals.

I like adding one song like that to the set. I think it’s cool. I’d happily play Ruki Vverh! - [N] I like the way you put it - as long as people are having fun. DJs are often referred to as artists. This is also ambiguous because when you call a DJ and artist, you free him of the responsibility he holds in front of the audience.

He is free to do whatever he pleases. In my opinion, a great DJ always provides a great party and reacts to the audience. What do you think about this polarity? And who are you yourself? - [NM] I’m rather a DJ who tries to read the public instead of trying to put self-expression above all else. With outfits and stuff... - [N] But I mean in terms of music, for example, you play experimental music and you see that the public is not into it but you still keep going. - [NM] Oh yeah, that’s not me. - [N] So you are a DJ. - [NM] Yes. Nastya the DJ. - [N] High five!

- [NM] DJ Nastia. - [N] DJ Nastia, Nastya DJ. Nothing more to add. What was the craziest party you’ve been to? One you want to erase from your memory but you can’t. - [NM] Odessa, this last September. So I’m playing, and things seem to be going fine. And then someone connects a mic and some dude starts to rap.

At first, I didn’t understand what was going on. Then I realize he’s standing right next to me doing rap verses. I kindly asked him to stop, because it wasn’t quite fitting to the music. He said: “No-no, it fits great, my boys came by to hear me rap”. I had to call the promoter to help stop this chaos. - [N] But you could turn off the mic. - [NM] Which I did. But he squeezed in and connected it again.

- [N] Thanks Ballantine’s for helping us share fascinating stories of our Ukrainian artists, promoters, club owners. Don’t forget about the contest and good luck with winning the record. What about the craziest thing you’ve done? - [NM] I’m usually the one babysitting everyone else. I’m the one gathering people before going to an afterparty. “You sit still, don’t you dare move!” “Don’t smoke in the car!”. I’m the nanny. There were occasions when I drank too much while playing, but that’s only because you get thirsty and you sip on drinks.

Things seem to be ok until you leave the DJ booth. - [N] Are you, friends, with any international artists? - [NM] Not really, maybe to like each other’s pictures on IG, or leave comments, but that’s it. Overall I don’t communicate much, the quarantine numbed it all a bit. - [N] But you’re not a sociopath. - [NM] No-no. - [N] And not an introvert. - [NM] No-no, I love people and I love to socialize, it’s just a phase.

A deep depression that lasts for a year now. It’s not severe, it just is. - [N] You have about 30 tattoos on your body. What’s your favorite? - [NM] I have an airplane here with the phrase “Let’s fly home” in Japanese. - [N] That's so cute. - [NM] “Punks, hoi!”. And probably this pink one because I made it myself.

- [N] I have a few that I did myself, the tattoo artist just tattooed them. It’s pretty cool. Are you planning to get more? - [NM] I recently tattooed an acid smiley face here. But no, I don’t want any new ones. If not for my job, then I’d probably tattoo my arms somehow. - [N] Did you ever face any problems because of your tattoos? - [NM] Well I can’t have visible tattoos in my field of work.

- [N] But you can wear long sleeves. - [NM] Yes. But initially, when I was starting out they told me to remove the ones on the forearms. So I did, but they didn't seem to come off. But I was hired anyway so they just told me to wear long sleeves. I 've had 7-8 laser removal sessions. - [N] I’ve been removing tattoos as well these past few years. You skateboard, right?

- [NM] Nope. - [N] I saw a picture of you on a skateboard. - [NM] Oh, I borrowed it from a friend. It’s a penny board. But I carried it more than I skated. - [N] What do you do for fun? - [NM] I like to cook. I’ve started practicing cooking during quarantine and I see cooking as a separate kind of entertainment. I love the process. It takes so long that you can watch some tv-series while you’re at it and then have a tasty meal in the end. - [N] What’s your best meal? - [NM] Everything I cook is nice. But I’m good at borsch, soups, and pancakes with a mushroom sauce.

- [N] What music are you listening to right now? Or podcasts, interviews? - [NM] I moved to a new apartment and it had a TV. I got myself a MEGOGO account, and now I watch all the shows on TV. I like “Supermom”. I’m like an old lady watching TV, but thank God I don’t watch the news. But I can watch something on YouTube. In terms of music, this past month I haven’t even searched for new music.

- [N] Are you interested in the lives of other artists? Are you curious about what they’re like and so on? - [NM] Of course. If I see an interview, then I read it. But I don’t intentionally research someone specific. - [N] What do you think Kyiv is missing? - [NM] I like everything. I wish there were Berlin kebabs though. - [N] Do you have any favorite spots? - [NM] In Kyiv I like HAHN cafe & market and THAILAND Hi.

- [N] What mark would you like to leave in the culture? - [NM] I just want to be remembered as Nastya Muravyova. I don’t know. - [N] But do you feel that you’re making a difference? - [NM] I don’t feel it. - [N] You just exist. - [NM] Every DJ leaves a mark, old or new, it’s all a part of the culture. We’re all boiling in the same pot. Together we make one. - [N] What are the side effects of your jobs? - [NM] My feet hurt after working flights. And they swell. But after long-distance ones. You’re always hungry on the plane. Eat a bun on the ground - you’re fine. Eat a bun in the sky - you become a bun yourself.

In terms of DJing - sometimes you drink a lot. - [N] So last question. Why Muravyova? - [NM] A question many ask. When I was in 9th - 10th grade I had a silly nickname in VK so I’ve decided to change it to something more ‘serious’. So I changed it to my real name Nastya Soroka. You needed authentication to change your name so I wrote to their support saying that it’s my actual name.

They didn’t approve it. Muravyova was my then best friend’s surname, and I figured, might as well use it. I changed it to Muravyova with no authentication required this time. And so it stuck with me. But come to think of it, I could think of something cooler. - ... - [NM] It’s going to be in Arabic now.

- [N] We almost discussed everything with Nastya, and we’re about to relocate to a different location to finish the interview with the photograph segment of the show. Huge thanks to Boryspil airport for letting us be here and illustrate the environment that Nastya experiences on a daily basis. This is True Talk with DJ Nastia, and our guest Nastya Muravyova. [N] We haven’t gone far from Terminal D, We’re on the 4th floor of the parking space opposite the terminal.

Great weather and great mood. And now it’s time for my favorite part of the interview - photographs. Let’s start with this one. This is near the Opera Theatre. How did that happen? - [NM] I don’t know myself. - [N] You don’t remember? - [NM] No. But I remember taking this photograph. We were just hanging out as usual. I don’t remember if these were real cops. Or people were just dressed up as cops. Nevertheless, we took pictures with them. - [N] Classic thing to do at that place. This one is from that period of…

- [NM] Yeah, when I worked at the registration desk. A pal of mine was flying somewhere and I asked him to go for a smoke. That’s when he took the photo. - [N] He wrote something like, “Muravyova did everything neat and fast”. This one was taken at one of the first parties you’ve performed at. - [NM] Yeah. It’s from the creators of Jugenhub. This was a party at the Malaya Opera. We played b2b with Jana. - [N] What was playing b2b with Jana like? - [NM] She played techno back then. So it was all dope. - [N] Here’s you all dressed up.

- [NM] Yeah, that’s me right here. - [N] Do you remember where you were flying? - [NM] Egypt probably, or Turkey. - [N] At the terminal we spoke about your flights and I asked you if you could stay in the country for a few days. You said that you fly to the Dominican Republic once or twice a month. - [NM] 19hours - 4 days, depending. - [N] So how often do you fly there, considering that you called it your second dacha? - [NM] Yeah, my first dacha is in Egypt. My second in the Dominican Republic and my third will be in Turkey. Once Turkey is open. We’ve been flying there for one and a half years.

- [N] Do you often get a chance to stay there for 4 days? - [NM] Overall yes. - [N] Lucky. Btw, in the Dominican Republic, one of Nastya’s other dreams came true… - [NM] Yes, I saw whales.

- [N] Frankly, I envy that, I’ve been dreaming of seeing whales for ages. I like this one - a trend of tattooing female DJs. - [NM] My friend drew a sketch of my photograph. And some guy said: “Oh, I want to tattoo a pic of Muravyova”. So he did. I met him in Vienna sometime after. - [N] Did it feel nice? - [NM] Overall yes. - [N] I think this is your most famous photograph. Lesha Berezovskiy took it at CXEMA. Was this in the summer? - [NM] Yeah. I look so tired here. - [N] You look very feminine here. Floral. - [NM] It was summer after all.

- [N] Thanks to Lesha Berezovskiy for a cool pic of Nastya Muravyova. - [NM] Thank you, Lesha. - [N] This is the earliest photograph of yours I managed to discover. You’re so funny here, like a schoolgirl. - [NM] I am a school girl here. That’s my classmate. She decided to put up a poster of Bob Dylan because she didn’t like herself in the picture. - [N] It was funny to see you in this cap. And this photo is from a tattoo studio? - [NM] Yes, it’s called Kingdom Tattoo, it was later renamed Eutanasia. I worked as an admin there for some time. That’s why I have so many pics from there.

- [N] What tattoo artist did the most of your tattoos? - [NM] Yarosval Putyata. He also taught me the art of tattooing. - [N] So you tattooed yourself? - [NM] Yes. I was an admin and then I asked Yarik to teach me and practiced on him. The hand poke technique. - [N] How long did that last? - [NM] The main thing is to learn the basics. The more you practice, the better you get. - [N] It didn’t go further than that? - [NM] Nah. Occasionally I can tattoo someone at home but that’s it.

- [N] Did you tattoo your own skin? - [NM] Yeah, I did this heart. - [N] I really liked this tattoo. Such a cool picture. When did you tattoo this goose? This goose is as if a meme on your FB page. - [NM] I liked the sketch so I did it for my bday in 2015-2016. - [N] The caption to this photo, “What’s up geese?”. Did you receive your diploma here? - [NM] Yeah, with that outfit. It was epic. The same day, after a few hours, my friend also received a diploma. We came together and she took the photo.

- [N] What was it like to do a shoot for Vogue? Did you feel like a part of the fashion industry? How do you feel about fashion? - [NM] Positively. I really liked the experience and the photos were great. They chose just one. - [N] Do you have the rest? - [NM] No. - [N] Too bad. I usually ask for the outtakes. I saw the video too, it’s cool. It’s nice when VOGUE contacts you.

- [NM] Yes, I agree. - [N] This is a funny photograph. - [NM] DJ ‘Broken’ with a broken arm. I played in Berlin a week before this was taken, and the next day I flew to Ivano-Frankivsk with a broken arm.

- [N] How did you break your arm? - [NM] I would rather keep this story to myself. But in Amsterdam, while playing, someone came up to me and said: “What’s up with your arm?”. I replied: “It’s my gun”. It really did look like a gun. When I broke my arm and went to the hospital to do a scan, they said that I needed a cast. It was my first broken bone so I asked them to leave two fingers out to be able to DJ. They left 3 fingers out. - [N] So the last photo with a caption saying, ‘the last photo in my IG will look like this.’

- [NM] Yeah, I was into physics and I even enrolled in the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and studied for 2 or 3 years there. I didn’t finish. - [N] Maybe you could help my Ulyana with her homework? - [NM] Unfortunately I don’t remember anything. - [N] We need help. It’s a great photo.

Well, thank you so much. You know, I’d like to wish for the airlines to pay you more for being a flight attendant influencer who happens to be a popular DJ working for an airline. You should be the face of the airline. Thank you for the interview. - [NM] And thank you. - [N] These photos are for you. - [NM] I’ll put them up somewhere, thanks. - [N] Friends, this was the third episode of True Talk in partnership with Ballantine’s.

I hope you guessed the record name and we’ll choose a winner soon. Like/Dislike, share, and leave your comments under this video. See you next week in our new episode.

2021-05-08 06:27

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