Best Activities in and around Seoul | Travel South Korea | PeppaWho

 Best Activities in and around Seoul | Travel South Korea | PeppaWho

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel i really enjoy videos like this so today i give you my five most loved places to go in and around seoul let's start directly with the first one because i think this video will be really long if i don't hurry up speaking okay so the gangchon railroad park i love this experience it's in gangchon it's an area outside from seoul but you can easily go there by train from seoul and you should not miss out on this experience you can write there your own draizine i don't know the right word for it i googled it a lot and i always get other words for it so a rail bike or a dry zine or something like that but it's awesome i will give you some clips from old footage of me i had blue hair and my best friend and i really enjoyed this experience so check this out and watch the beautiful nature of korea it's great now [Music] [Music] on [Music] foreign okay wow [Music] patrick [Applause] okay let's go let's go to the happy bubble tunnel okay happy bubble oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so that's awesome right i really enjoyed this experience and it is good for a day trip um or you can combine it like we did going after that to nami island because you can go there by train and yeah it's not so far away okay the next one is temple stay in korea in seoul are a few temples which provide a temple stay so that means you are overnight in a temple and you get to know a monk's life so only a few things but it's an awesome experience and i really enjoyed it myself it was one of the best experiences of my life to see what they do and how they are and what they eat and all these different things that are not so usual in germany so i don't know if it's only me but my culture is so different and this was such a nice experience and i definitely will do it again so check this out i have old footage for you but only small pieces of it because i really wanted to get a idea what a monk's life is and i didn't want it to film a lot i had the feeling that it wouldn't be really nice or even that it's rude to film a lot while you are in this temple state so i didn't film much but i can show you the clothes that we got and the room i think i have footage from the room without further ado let's watch the old footage and someone hit the drum i don't know if you can hear it so we have to get up and get ready in 10 minutes [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh so yeah guys that was the bongunza temple the temple stay isn't really pricey i think for this experience i think it was something like 150 euro or so and i think this is not a price for this whole experience and the things that you been taught there it was a nice experience the worst thing on the temple's day was to wake up at 4 00 am 4 00 am i was like oh my god what and then you have to put on your bunk trainee closes and then you go to the morning ceremony it was so early in the morning and i thought oh my god okay i have to do it and i will enjoy it and then you go to the temple and you have to or we we the trainees only had to bow in front of the big buddha figures um 108 times so the traditional 108 bows but the monks that are used to the bows they told me that they do a thousand i was so tired after these 108 bows that i couldn't think about anything it was so early in the morning and after the ceremony we got our breakfast it was a traditional monk breakfast so only fruits and vegetables and i think there was rice and a soup i didn't film when we got the food because i never had my phone or anything on me but it is a nice experience and you should do that the next one is the well-known trick i'm museum museum use museum trick eye museum i have footage from this too but not so much because this museum provides many cool art where you can interact with like this i will show you some photos here and there and there are many cool illusions drawings that you can interact with and other cool stuff so it's definitely worth to go there and the last time we went there they had a mirror mace that was so cool i never wear in the mirror maze before it's only a little mirror amazing but it is really cool and i really liked it and there are some illusions that are funny or some that are romantic or only beautiful another cool thing there is that you can get a coffee with your own picture on it so in the cream a printer print your picture that you can send them and then the printer prints out the image that's really cool now the old footage [Music] okay that was the last room so let's go outside [Music] i'm so scared oh my god i'm so scared oh my god oh my god okay this is [Music] okay oh my god the next one is the zip line from the mainland to nami island that was so awesome i freaked out it was so high the zipline starting point was so so high and i was crazily nervous when we were so high and we needed to sit in this zip line seat it was crazy i was so nervous and i think it only costs around a 40 euro so that was not spicy at all i think and the whole zip line experience only around one minute or two minutes so it's really fast okay and now check out the old footage yes start above is so cool [Music] yes we can [Music] i'm so scared [Music] is oh god [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Applause] oh my god so yeah you can go to nami island by fairy or you can use the zip line and we thought why not taking the zipline because that's really a cool experience and yep i say experience all the time i think in this video i'm so sorry if that is annoying and yeah i would go by zipline every time i go to nami island so the next one is the last one for today i have a lot of more things that i can show you but for today the last one is nami island because i spoke about the zipline experience experience and that's why i want to speak about nami island because if you don't know what nami island is the zipline is not really interesting for you nami island is an island so sorry so yeah nami island is a really cool island with a lot of things that you can do there and eat there so it is definitely worth a visit old footage time i will give you some clips of nami island when i went there the last time fears belongs is okay good [Music] [Music] [Music] um hmm here oh wow this is so sure in here wow [Music] is oh oh listen okay guys i'm really sorry the old footage is really bad and i was not good at it so it's shaky and stuff like that i'm so sorry but when i travel korea again this year i hope so then i will do a lot of better video material for you guys um that's it for today so i hope you liked this video and if you liked it please give it a like and subscribe to my channel if you are not already a subscriber and yeah i see you in my next video i hope so bye guys i wish you a beautiful day

2021-04-08 11:05

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