AMSTERDAM Vlog Day 2 | Moco Museum | Trying Dutch Cheese | Anne Frank Museum

 AMSTERDAM Vlog Day 2 | Moco Museum | Trying Dutch Cheese | Anne Frank Museum

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good morning guys good morning this is episode 11 and don't watch when i'm filming hey guys welcome back to my channel today we are heading back to amsterdam and this time to visit the anna frank museum as i told you in the previous episode and uh also we'll try to make it to other museums uh in the city right now we're walking to a an electric car that we are going to rent that is very common here in the netherlands so you just find them a part on the street or looking for it of course and it makes it a lot more cheaper so it makes a lot more cheaper to get to amsterdam without further ado let's start this episode right away [Music] [Music] so i can't get in the car or am i going to make a mess [Music] okay can you bust in google my spell okay money [Music] i think we got the car with like 48 or something like that 45 battery charge and right now we are at 30 36 and we're still quite a few kilometers away from amsterdam and we're wondering if we're gonna make it and not only that we need to still find a parking space for the cars so it's going to be tight [Music] now we are very close to skipper and there is a plane that just took off at klm i think it's klm uh yes [Music] so we did manage to to get to amsterdam uh we still had like 23 so we made it and uh it's pretty nice residential area i think here in within the city and we're gonna check out if we can go to some other museums too now we do need as i told you in previous episodes we do need um reservations which need to be made online but we're gonna get there and see if we could do it hopefully we can so i can bring some interesting stuff for you guys today so we did manage to get tickets and we're going to go in the moko museum museum [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now all of the doors all of the exhibitions they have like laugh now heavy impact [Music] anti-capitalism and others so all of them represent some form of [Music] art [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so they have lots and lots of pieces of banski now we're wondering if they are the originals we don't know but it's interesting to see them uh in person and uh it's a little bit controversial of course and uh i believe that he's said that um he's not pro these things being in in this museum but i don't know i got the chance to see them why not [Music] so [Music] this is very very cool it's hot in here though [Music] hey it's like you feel like it's it's never ending you see like way far but it's actually like less than a meter away [Music] [Music] now although they are renovating they are renovating on the outside we finished our visit to the moko museum i don't know the name where it comes from exactly so i could check it out but i thought it was pretty interesting and well worth it the entrance we did pay 1950 euros so it's not it's not really expensive but it's not on the cheaper side of compared to other amsterdam museums you can get cheaper ones but it's certainly worth it if you're a basket fan you probably will definitely need to come here there are a lot of pieces that are on loan and yeah now uh i just want to explain a little bit uh the moko museum is there you got the fungo museum uh probably not gonna go to this one uh this time around but i've heard great things of it and you got the concert building which is supposed to be a little bit like the white house in washington now obviously it's not white but it's the concert hall and we're going to continue our walk now we have reservations for the it's a little bit windy we have reservations for the anna frank museum uh later today and so we're gonna just stroll around and see what else we can find to check out in this beautiful dutch [Music] city she didn't want to eat here and now look at her she's enjoying it even more than than we but the burger is really good so we just came from the museum right there to here pretty good and really good price super good [Music] now we're not going to stop and go in here but this is the cafe hans and chris uh pretty nice looking area uh corner maybe you could call it of a street and it's i see a a nice looking bike on the bridge i think there's like a reason they put them and at the right museum where we were on the other side we passed through the halls and come on this side we'll keep walking it must be pretty cool being a duck in amsterdam and you get to you know swim and and do your thing here we are now we just saw something here and we don't know exactly exactly what it is basics books prints and music we are going to check it out i thought that these were paintings [Music] now if you are into books and you want to get some old books this is the place to be looking it's pretty cool we've just found the smallest house in amsterdam now it is shop uh i'm gonna try to find out what they're selling at the at the lower level but we got to it smallest house in amsterdam [Music] now this is the plaza i was a couple of days ago and uh apart from just being a big nice plaza a lot of protests uh happen here or um people that fight for certain causes like this one is from bolivia and i think that uh flag i'm not i'm not sure it seems um uh recognizable um i don't want to see the country and uh you can see the lady and uh people talk about uh for example uh jesus christ i don't know which religion exactly but it's like a a protest plaza almost [Music] we are getting close to the anna frank museum we're gonna go in there now this is where i'm saying i don't know if it's a new trend or something i've asked around nobody's like really sure but many many bridges have these like these bikes with some teams and this one is like with the clocks right and they're pretty cool and certainly nice for instagram and such uh we might go into another museum because we do have to wait uh for a few minutes uh before we get into the ana farag and we might go here at the amsterdam cheese museum close here you'll find the amsterdam chulip museum and the amsterdam cheese museum let's see if we can get in first one is our ghost cheese and truffle this is six months old which is right here for you to try and this happens to be my favorite cheesecake you'll find this to be very soft very creamy [Music] now i'm going to give you the cow you can see by the color right it's definitely cow anything that's yellowish all the way to orange dark yellow orange is bound to be a cow milk cheese and if you find something that's lighter yellow whitish sort of it's either goat's cheese or um sheep cheese i don't know how adventurous you're feeling but i have something really special this is the youngest cheese we have in the store okay and this happens to be a beer cheese beer beer yes it's made with an actual beer from utrecht so this is locally made and i think it's just it's just like drinking a really and then it kicks in and then the more you let it sit in your mouth the more pure flavor you're gonna get this is three months old now of course because now i'm going to show you the oldest cheese in the store oh my god and this one [Music] and you can see how dry this one looks and of course it's a darker color and um this is this crumbles very easily when i have to cut samples for this one i have to be very careful otherwise i just end up with a bunch of crumbles really yeah but go ahead and try it you'll find it to be harder and it's a bit crunchy i would say but uh the crunchy bits and the cheese it's not salt it's the proteins of the milk it's one of the first things i learned when i started working here [Music] not my favorite it's strong cheese yeah so yeah usually you get people who like more mild and soft cheeses and then you get people who like strong flavors and harder cheeses so this is definitely for like this it's good but like not to just eat it all the time like yes yeah this is not like quantity the way for example i like to have this is red meat red wine and the side or grated on top of your macaroni for example next it was time for our visit to the ever popular anna frank museum something that i was really looking forward to during all of my trip in case you are unfamiliar with the story she was a teenage jewish girl who kept the diary while she and her family were hiding from the nazis during world war ii due to the strict museum rules it is not permitted to film or take photos once inside i did however find a few photos on their website that have been approved for publication should you be interested to learn more i highly suggest you check out the link in the description below if you're planning a visit make sure to buy your tickets weeks if not months ahead [Music] now walking around amsterdam i they noted to me that this is the oldest uh stock exchange building like this is where it all started apparently in the year 1602 um and it was apparently the dutch west indies company very interesting to learn about that i didn't know about that in amsterdam i had no idea that um the stock exchange started in the netherlands pretty interesting now we're heading to the red light district and this is a shop that cells i'm not gonna say it you know what it is [Music] now back to the plaza that we were moments ago and just wanted to give you a perspective of nighttime how it looks around here uh amsterdam is also a beautiful city at night and we'll be walking back to the station and going back to the hague um less crowded now it's about i think it's about 7 7 30. thanks for watching again guys see you in my next episode bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you

2021-03-05 01:04

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