"AFTER THE PREMIERE" LIVE Q&A - Benin Travel Experience

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You know how love you? check check You know, here's what can you see us? Maybe put some more light over here. Let's open up these blinds real quick. So Neil Neil can you hear us? Okay, how you doing? >> Neil Olympio: Yes, I can.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah, so this is Neil olympio. He is the founder of wademba travel. He's the one I was talking about before one second Neil. We're putting some more light in here So you can just see it Beyond these chairs. Okay. This

better. Let's see. That's much better. Okay. Yeah, and so Neil is the founder of a demo travel. He's the one that I got connected to with his brother Edwin. I'm feeling then this is Kris. You probably saw some cameos of her. She's out.

She's she's Hi, Chris. I can hear >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Oh, hey. >> Mohamed Sadik: oh. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: How are you? >> Mohamed Sadik: We're doing really well. We hear you loud and clear. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay.

>> Mohamed Sadik: And and Kris. She she's very shy and she's very humbled too, but she's really brilliant like really a person. She's an aerospace India and all and she's all an entrepreneur so she feels a restaurant and some other things to empanine. So we're grateful to have her on the call. And then this is Mr.

Rosier Willy, How you doing, sir? Can you hear us? How are you? >> Rosier Willy: Hello nice to meet you Nice to meet you everybody. >> Mohamed Sadik: Very nice to see you I okay. So hello, everyone. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Hello.

>> Rosier Willy: Hello. >> Mohamed Sadik: He's from from Guadalupe. >> Rosier Willy: Yes. >> Mohamed Sadik: And right right Neil. He's from Guadalupe.

>> Rosier Willy: Yes from we Caribbean. >> Neil Olympio: That's right. >> Rosier Willy: from work >> Mohamed Sadik: Oh, yes. All right, Neil, did you want to give some background on on Mr. Willy? >> Neil Olympio: Absolutely. So Mr. Willy Rosier is the head of

the tourism agency in Benin. relation to the promotion of the country. So the government has started a big effort in order to promote the cultural activities and the tourism and he's the one heading >> Mohamed Sadik: Thank you so much for joining us. So first

there may be some questions here in the room, but I wanted to first to kind of maybe start with Kris. Well, actually Neil's let's start with you and about like the vision that you have for this travel agency, But but for this trip because this is you've done this trip before but did you do it like this for everybody? Because I feel like ours was really special. >> Neil Olympio: years was terrorists so, you know, I know I know you in jail for exhausted because we had a lot to do I would say it's a different version right that we run for for people and so some of the stuff that you get to do that everybody gets to do that also, but that show effectively showcases the the wide variety of things that can happen there, right? And so the vision to your point was a bad building cultural Bridges. that's really my idea here in terms of people are still disconnected, right Unfortunately, and there are lots of preconceived ideas and the only way we're really to realize that this is not necessarily true is to go out there and talk to people not just look at it from a boss. We got 30 people and just looking down on people but really being immersed in in the culture and that's what we've been trying to do since 2018. >> Mohamed Sadik: you think okay. We finished Neil.

>> Neil Olympio: Yes. Yeah. >> Mohamed Sadik: Okay. >> Neil Olympio: Yeah. Just wanted to give you that brief overview on under company, you know and in terms of what division was >> Mohamed Sadik: Yes.

>> Neil Olympio: right is it bring people together through culture effectively? >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah, absolutely Kris, so I've got to ask you you were you're very involved within the you know within the economy. Can you talk a little bit about the role? You know that you see like Vietnamese women playing in society now as opposed to perhaps some of the other like West African countries like, you know, like what makes Benin a little bit different in your experience because you're also traveled in the way that women are in society. They're inventing.

>> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay. Thank you. Just maybe sometimes I really need some help from there to translate if I don't understand something. So sorry in advance. >> Mohamed Sadik: I don't know.

>> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay, don't Neil fish. They don't post a while or schedule different now. It was up Sylvia song. Okay, so my English is pretty good. So

>> Mohamed Sadik: is great you hear my >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: okay. So in in Benin we can see that we women have a very important. mission in economy, you know a lot of women. >> Neil Olympio: They carry.

>> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Yes, they're carrying the economy women here work a lot of a lot of a lot a lot a lot in village in town. We can see that women really work and in order can African country women in the culture are more like it's the man who have to care about women. It's a little bit like here here but really in Benin in the culture women have have a very strong role in economy. >> Mohamed Sadik: that's >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: And the >> Mohamed Sadik: right >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: They can. do a lot of things alone without Any help they don't need help and has we already stayed in a Benin we can you you know in the video you talked about a Amazon the Amazon so in our history women had a strong role not only as a family Chief, you know with the man but the community says as opportunity hold the gear here as I take hand as only the World Cup has a photo you >> Neil Olympio: So they've been they've been in Warriors. They have very important roles.

>> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Yes. >> Mohamed Sadik: Absolutely. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: And we can't see it in a lot of African countries. So this is quite burning is a little bit different in history. and also benides very authentic. So even

now in Dominica >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, 2023 2024. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: yes, you can see that. Okay, even if everyone wants to know a lot of things about the picture about Occidental countries, the history is very important. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah.

Absolutely, you know one thing that we didn't show in the film, but you know, we're talking about the slave the slave route when they were walking so they all had to walk 120 kilometers on with my bomi and then when they got to weeda and then weeded to the beach but there but that higher time they had the Amazon Women actually guarding them because remember that slaves are not just people they're just, you know, like Commodities it's it's you know, it's it's currently so they would have the women actually walk them down. That's how bad they were these women could fight. but and so they would be the ones to guard the slaves all the way down to the beach. So y'all have just

seen this for the first time with us. Was there any part that stuck out to you all? Whether it needed well with you, I just curious. >> Neil Olympio: I mean, I I think I can ask Chris if she has a view right the question that I can still say is the market on film. It's like actually >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: okay, La Diva City, LA Diva City the two scoreboard diversity the two convoir Leisure they pay usage. >> Neil Olympio: mmm >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: lady >> Neil Olympio: So effectively for her the key thing is diversity of what has been shown right in terms of the landscape the >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: what? >> Neil Olympio: people and everything that all the activities effectively that you see in a few minutes that you know, because it's quite condensed, but you can still feel the diversity of things there. And let me ask if he has also view there Michelle >> Rosier Willy: he yes, I think the same but the emotional as well is rarely untantique.

Very simple you have you never nature is often seek under report and every people seems really true life Is the true life? Yes. and when you when you come to Benin, it's it's like the you know, it's like when you when you go in your bath. when you go in your It's it's in. It's quite a new round. You know, you you see what's it's important in tourism.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah. >> Rosier Willy: It's the emotion. It's what it's what you will. it's your memories. It's your memories. So in Benin, it's different. Is it different from the overalls country? Because we have a countries they have a lot of And there are a lot of strong monuments or you have you have big cities you are and fashion you have everything you can see you have also different cook you you can find. the city from for

example in Europe is it's the kind of History. but when you go to Benin the history is important, but it's not the same. It's it will of >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: he >> Rosier Willy: life life of you you spoke about the Amazon.

You have a quick we have the king of the queen of the Omega is it's really a strong Kingdom before and on the verora of his kingdom in Harvard all the African territory is important. Well, they have strong culture, but for example the agriculture with all we with palm oil from down making them. for example on now you have culture of a cotton and the woman has a big big an important role in the culture of a cotton now. it's it's a Kris Nelly is is Nelly Chris. you you told before that woman is important because a woman work a lot but women you have different organization. for women because Thou have a social model in? the organization of >> Neil Olympio: Yeah.

>> Rosier Willy: of a society where >> Neil Olympio: And just one. >> Rosier Willy: women has a not your work only >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, one you Mr. Rosier's what? >> Rosier Willy: in the world organization >> Neil Olympio: yes, and one thing if I can summarize because of the I know that there are few other questions. they're going to be asking and I think the the idea is is in relation to the emotion that's conveyed here and the rule is different from what you see in other countries and the ability to to feel that when you go to Benin, it's not as well known for an Eiffel Tower or you know, that's your favorite, but it's variety of other things here that make it very unique if it doesn't really have saying it and I think that's that's part of what you know the film shows too.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Thank you both. Thank you all for that. I want to actually go to Jesse and have you speak so Jesse is being one of the three white people. We saw the entire trip. I'd like to know what actually stood out to you. Yeah. Oh, oh, right OVO.

>> Neil Olympio: You will. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah. she was >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Oh, you're good. I can't remember who who it was on the trip. Somebody brought up there. Like what is it? What is it like for you to be like the only white person like as far as the eye can see basically and I was like, I honestly I haven't thought about necessarily because I've been so focused on filming and I'm like, they're just looking at me because I have a camera right and I'm like well maybe but also I look very different from the rest of them. But yeah, that's a

tattoos lots of kids staring at tattoos. It's a bear tattoo on my arm here and they just look at me and go wrong, Alright, hey sound effects and stuff. But yeah, I mean to be in a place that is so culturally different from my own a place that I just knew nothing about until Kevin told me. Hey, we might go to bed and I'm like where okay. Sure. It was

amazing. It was really cool to be fully immersed in a different culture get a new understanding of some of the origins of the slave trade the influence that Europe and France still has like some of the control they still have over the country some of the things that we get to learn about like even Ben Andy's artwork that's been exported out of the country that needs to get back and there's people working hard every day to get that stuff back. I just cultural stuff that gets destroyed because of something like slavery. So just to be there and hear people talk about their their lives and their families. It was was

really powerful. So yeah, I think that for me that one of the most surprising Parts was just of course the slave trade tour was it was pretty amazing, but just like some of the circumstances around that so he was talking about that France and some of the European countries not just in Benin, but throughout the West African region, they're still really involved and I had no idea have y'all heard of the what is it called in Imperial tax? was in protein >> Neil Olympio: Oh, right, right. >> Mohamed Sadik: and and I didn't know that still in the year of Our Lord 2023 that Benin is still paying like what would be that reparations basically for slavery back to France for the Investments that they made in the country. So in that's

actually pervasive throughout several of the African, you know West African countries, and that was that was just really wild. So when you saw on the video of that cha cha square with the disuser property, it wasn't just that it's like this surrounding area and we had this moment. So we didn't put it in there, but there was this Memorial that was built behind the houses of my that this big like hotel or whatnot and it's supposed to be in homage to African Americans and also to Haitians because a lot of the Haitians, you know constraints Everywhere You Know The Roots back to to Benin and so you see like all the historical figures that we know and you know, and you don't get America Harriet Tubman and whatnot. And then we're walking through this Congress area and is a statue of this or there's white man in the middle of say who is he and they're like, oh, well, he's one of the slave masters I said, oh, And I started laughing. He said

what's so funny. I said, well, I just don't know how this would fly in America like you put a museum up to honor that can make experience and you and you put him right in the middle of it. And so it's just so it was interesting, but you also have to and this is this I just with like the name, but you know, like anywhere I always have to remind myself that I've got a different lens. My experience so not everything is like automatically like offensive, you know or whatnot but I did say I was like, oh, this is definitely a good staff in Americans, but I'm just one person but and so but but the fact that that was still just such a it's such a strong hold even today like in the country that that family owns almost like quite a bit. I think one of my aha moments and I want you to you know, like one for you. Well as we're at lunch one

day and he has a gentleman that works with him. His name is Rolan. He doesn't speak any English and so he was on tiktok. Any hands me and Jesse

like this phone and it's of the homo situation and and my family in Philly and he's like ask him asking is this real and we're like Yeah, yes about right. Yeah, it's like oh, yeah, we're tons them and he was just like he went. Whoa, and he said to the translator. He said well, why don't they just come to Africa? and he said and so he's like pointing out like, you know, what would be like for instance for us like shaqs, you know, really really, you know, it's not even modest but just you know shacks and Villages and when he's like, I mean look at this just come over here we can teach you how to fish and to farm. You don't have to pay taxes. Why

don't people come here. and so for me, it was like a big aha moment because oftentimes I feel like me with my American eyes to be like, that's so sad. Look at them. He's looking at us like, oh we have a place to live. Yeah on the streets out there come over here. You wouldn't have to and so it was just this different idea like just where you are like they're looking at us with pity. And so

I thought that was a pretty big thing. My biggest like aha moment was coming back from the trip and going through customs and you know, they ask you where where were you were you coming from traveling all that kind of stuff and I told them up Benin and he was where and I was like, oh, it's an Africa and he's like, oh, is it is it safe and I was like I mean, they don't have people getting shot up. Like, you know, I just I was just telling I was like, it's actually very safe. It's

very beautiful country, you know, but it's I feel like a lot of people are that way they view Africa the continent as a whole in a certain way and and so to be able to make a film like this and just let people see first-hand what the country's actually like what the people are like that it's very safe place to go like that. That was a big just eye opening moment for me. I would say so delicious. I mean, we're right next to the ocean. So if you're a seafood lover, it's good. But yeah, yeah real

good. So what's your overall vision for this like moving forward? Do you explain to do the other excursions? >> Neil Olympio: Yes to me, right? >> Mohamed Sadik: to be >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I mean so the mission. o. So we've never got to go to the north part of the country.

>> Neil Olympio: That's right. And I think that's one thing to emphasize right? You've got a full, you know, if it's half an hour video on just the South so you imagine how much more there is to discover right? And it's just the time that we had but there's a lot more to do. So for us as a company starts in Benin, but other destinations, we will be exploring. So, you know Guadalupe is actually the next one on the list and then we have another one back on the continent, but the idea is all the countries of the dashboard right and they have so much to offer for a cultural perspective. that's different from what you see on TV and that's what we we hope that people will be able to experience and I think the example you gave about a long comments is telling because it's it's part of the interaction with a lot of people to have right? It's not just one way in and he explaining to you it is that we do things here and it's even reacting to something and asking you a question and that's part of what we like to be able to to build as an adventure right? It's an experience. It's it's an interaction. It's continuous

interaction and that's what we have in mind for for the future too. >> Mohamed Sadik: The job any questions at all for us or for them at all after watching. It is any part stick out. Oh,

please. Hey. Mm-hmm. Yeah, the the jahoe. I don't think the king does the king ever speak because I've never seen him. I didn't see

his lips move. He went like this the whole time. >> Neil Olympio: He had to be there to find out but effectively yes because I don't understand the stuff, but I could see that there's a way that they they communicate, you know, I saw that and and I find it very interesting but there's a way that they actually communicate, you know, so it is fascinating. >> Mohamed Sadik: oh you >> Neil Olympio: So yes, there's something happening there because I could hear stuff, but he wasn't it wasn't in French.

I think so right it is but yes, they have a way of communicating with you two of them. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah. Yeah, I thought yeah, that was the way that he kind of put that together. Yeah, and I don't

know why I mean I was trying I got really emotional after he said that because I just didn't I don't know and I used the wrong words in the video saying not feeling connected to history but sometimes you know being African American you don't know where you from from and so it was that into the fact that he's saying, you know, like you're welcome and we consider you that but then it wasn't until I got to to the tree of return where I actually appreciated what he's saying because it was much more because I'm like well I don't know I mean. was not but he was saying that the ancestors that the ones who are actually slaves. who who their Spirits are back here their blessing.

And so I think that that's what kind of just hit home for me afterwards. we didn't put this in a video but this is one of my probably my most embarrassing moments in travel happened right before that. So it was hot. Y'all can see and I sweat easily already. So, you

know, it was really hot and I wasn't drinking a lot of water and you know, what happens when nap is you kind of cramp up. So we're all walking like this big group. And we're actually out. He's already laughing because he knows this big group and we're in so they all go and he's like I like this and so everyone bows down. Jesse's over there bound to and I go oh in my abs like lock up like the biggest Charlie horse and I stood up like this and I was like, oh and I start walking around the courtyard and he's looking at me like this African American will not come over here and then balance so I so they had to go in and I had to stand up literally and walk around for about a good three minutes so I could just at least be able to sit down because even sitting down was really uncomfortable because you know, once you're as I lock up you're just like stiff and so that was um, really really uncomfortable. So at the very

end, I was glad that he saw it wasn't like disrespect. It was just yeah, I know how to fart basically. >> Neil Olympio: Right. >> Mohamed Sadik: that >> Neil Olympio: We're Kevin. I

think I emphasize one thing which is you mentioned. What you thought of embarrassing point. I'm gonna mention also a high point that you didn't put in the video, which is when you scored on the beach playing soccer. >> Mohamed Sadik: Oh, yeah. yeah, the first day actually we went to the beach and we saw these kids playing soccer and I scored out of all of us.

Jesse didn't even score. I think you tried about twice. No, no, it wasn't ten times.

But I scored and I definitely you know, I rubbed it in their faces too the kids. But yes, that was a really nice moment, too. I appreciate that. Shout out any other questions at all. For yes. How many Native tongs are spoken there in Benin? >> Neil Olympio: oh, geez, I mean that's gonna be a >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Oh more than 50, but I don't have the exact number but more than 50, but we have three or four main language. apart from the front

apart from the >> Mohamed Sadik: yes. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: French the local language, maybe four main and a lot of a lot of a lot of all over the country. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah there there, you know, they're quite a few and some of the like in the video Even when Neil was back checking us. He was looking at some of the names and I was putting the original name and that the French name and a lot of this stuff got changed around like the way that they pronounced things because the French couldn't say it so they just changed it. And so yeah, so but so when they saying like, you know the town of Blanco it was actually spelled the way it is, but they say a Bronco because the French couldn't say the the vnl I guess together and so there's a lot of things like that. So I

think that also created different dialects too within the country. many words you It's great question. So she said that she saw that art art was a large part of this. What

are some of the other drivers of the economy there in Benin? Isn't cotton. >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, I think material Rosier. That's something you can you could summarize for us in terms of the main drivers of the the economy in Benin. If you can hear us. >> Mohamed Sadik: is that >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, maybe sit on >> Mohamed Sadik: Right you did right now. Let's uh, you can if

he's speaking. He's muted he's gonna >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, yeah for sure. Yeah windows out on there. >> Mohamed Sadik: Oh, I mean, let me see if I can unmute it myself. >> Neil Olympio: All right.

Okay. >> Rosier Willy: Yes, yes. >> Neil Olympio: So the question was what are the main drivers of the economy in Benin if you can summarize for us the key what is driving the economy today in Benin? >> Rosier Willy: It couldn't be nice in agriculture, >> Neil Olympio: mm-hmm agriculture >> Rosier Willy: you know. it's about like being in these were first to a predictor of >> Neil Olympio: Mm-hmm.

>> Rosier Willy: in the world the first one. on the on after we have now tourism. We have a big. and on different services for example new technology. on what else? I think >> Neil Olympio: But these are probably the top of the top three free from your perspective. Yeah, and so agriculture as a tourism and the services industry with new technology. That's sort of the

idea Kevin if that >> Rosier Willy: yes. >> Neil Olympio: helps. Yeah. Thank you. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah ecology is a really good one, too. What was most impressive is that even when we were walking through history, I mean that stuff I mean think about it if that was here in the states. they'd be all kinds of like stuff around it to kind of preserve it but it's just there like the history is they're just walking in history like every single day those people live outside of that 400 year old tree that slaves were walking around They're just living the lives. And so I

think that that's a really Testament to the way that people see the country too that they're not trying to do anything like to destroyed and so if anything what I think what they're doing now is as they get ready for this billion dollar investment into tourism how they can make sure that stuff is safe guard. What's the rest the world starts to to come through? >> Neil Olympio: yeah, it's a very good and that speaks to the 2025 Vision to the government has I think it's important just to mention that that that's the year that they expect to be launching. you know, the big tourism initiative, right? And a lot of money has been invested through life of Mr. Rosier in terms of

trying to help make sure it's preserved and it's it's something that will be easy for people to get to the infrastructure. So people can enjoy coming to the inn and really discovering that that culture and everything has to to offer so that this is a big big initiative that they're leading at the government level. >> Mohamed Sadik: Absolutely. I won't last question. Go ahead please.

The question was how difficult is it to get around? Actually, it wasn't difficult at all. It was actually is really easy. In fact, this was way easier than you know, the Madagascar trip was very painful. This one was really really easy to get around and you could tell that they're making so much investment within the infrastructure to be able to do that because it's such a it's such a mineral rich, but also historically rich country that they're in their understanding too that the the opportunity that they have to be able to you know to like story tell and it's a different experience than going and visiting us, you know, like a spot and looking at a museum there in Benin the country is the museum and you get to walk through it and I think that's that that's the >> Neil Olympio: And maybe Kevin you can speak to the >> Mohamed Sadik: Who? >> Neil Olympio: the Visa process, right? It's a lot of people always worried. I didn't

visa to get there. there. How long is he gonna take? Actually, very smooth, right? >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah our visas took like I feel like we got him like that same day when we applied. Yeah, and we got an email. We didn't know what it

says in French, but we just know was something I was like, okay. Well, hopefully this is it. But yeah, it was it was very easy very smooth. And I think that Benin is looking at is one of those countries too that's looking into a dual citizenship. Too for I think for African >> Neil Olympio: right >> Mohamed Sadik: Americans that they're allow is there's been anyone else >> Neil Olympio: I don't know if it's been discussed Mr. Rosier.

I don't know if it's something that's been discussed in terms of the Like some other countries I've given citizenship to African Americans for example, so, I don't know if it's something that's being discussed right now. I don't have other measures in place to help people come and and you know from for various places even across the African continent, right? So we've been Visa free. So yeah, I don't know if this is something that they've officially put on the agenda just yet or they're working behind the scene on that. >> Mohamed Sadik: Okay. Well, I know oh >> Neil Olympio: Yep. >> Mohamed Sadik: please >> Rosier Willy: So the Visa is not free now. but is very easy

to >> Neil Olympio: Yep. >> Rosier Willy: drive it, you know is the so you can have your design for example in one hour? >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, exactly. And that's what we were saying. So the only other question was is are there talks about potentially giving citizenship to African descendants, right of the continent. >> Rosier Willy: It's a great question.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah >> Rosier Willy: It's it's actually question. >> Neil Olympio: mmm >> Rosier Willy: We have this question with president and I think we were Convent we welcome on this question. >> Neil Olympio: Okay. >> Rosier Willy: And we will see perhaps periods. We have a we

have the hope that we can find. a system and during the system for people who are wow interested by >> Neil Olympio: Yeah. >> Rosier Willy: any nationality because of >> Neil Olympio: heritage Yeah. >> Rosier Willy: their because of their Origins, but you know, it's not simple. It's you have to to find good reason. >> Neil Olympio: Yeah.

>> Rosier Willy: Because you have different your different. >> Mohamed Sadik: He just talked. >> Rosier Willy: you have to find the good reason for good. for >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah. >> Rosier Willy: You know.

>> Neil Olympio: I I mean inside of you know, fully understood and what I didn't >> Rosier Willy: Because If you have a black people, okay, is that possible to say every black people? Yes, perhaps you perhaps you come from meaning so it's possible to have the passport. No, it's not possible. >> Neil Olympio: Right. >> Rosier Willy: virtue >> Neil Olympio: No that's important question that that they're asking and that other African countries have had to to deal with and one thing I didn't say on the on the introduction. is that Mrs. Is boss is the president. That's why you mentioned the president. That's how he goes.

back to you Kevin >> Mohamed Sadik: we've got one last question >> Rosier Willy: Yes, my boss is representative of business. Because you you know next week we was in Martinique nothing but in melting and the question is one of the most important question. African people African africanist people ask us it was a great question. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yeah. >> Neil Olympio: Mm-hmm. >> Mohamed Sadik: like >> Neil Olympio: So this is coming team. Yep, Kevin you

have >> Mohamed Sadik: yeah, okay. Oh, yeah, so in the Zhang beta when they were doing does anybody want to try to guess? So are we? watch it? No, seriously. Yeah, I mean we we watched them do this multiple times, you know. It's hard to fully see like in the video, but they would run around in a circle. They would stop. two

or three guys would come over and lift it up and flip it over fully to show you that there's nothing inside and then you flip it back over and they shake it for like 60 seconds and it stands up starts running around again. because you can't see it. Right like I'm thinking that it's got to be a child Maybe. That's in there or someone. That's because they're lifting the whole thing up. And so I'm like, maybe it's like a spot like inside there and when they shaking and they're like, okay. Okay, come on out.

Now, you know, I don't know that's like but I was looking hard and when they cook the spaghetti, I was watching I was like, I don't see any water upon it there. I mean I was checking and it just it was like that. So I guess maybe it is a spirit. I don't know. That's part one of your question, right? Yeah, they actually it was it was really it was really cooked and it was very hot. So and I don't know I was like how they even pull the water over there.

How do they even keep it like But it's gonna burnt it was hot. It was burning my hand. It was like just boiled so I don't know how they did that. Right,

they had they all had something. exactly Um Neil Chris Mr. Rosier. thank you all so much. I know that it's getting late there in Benin. So, you know, we'll let you go. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Thank you though for just hope for having an amazing time. Oh in your restaurant appreciate that as well. The drinks were hitting. so so >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Oh messy. Thank you. >> Rosier Willy: um >> Mohamed Sadik: and Mister you talking to you very soon Neil. Thank you so much for being a >> Neil Olympio: Yeah.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Visionary and for for curating this entire experience and being able to tell the story of Benin, you know, like to the world and interesting and Jesse to go ahead and do that. We really are. >> Neil Olympio: Yeah, thank you for trusting us and in this adventure. >> Rosier Willy: And I have one question.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Yes. >> Rosier Willy: please. Is it possible to use your your film or show for promotion of if it's possible if you have a if you think it's it's a good use for prism of office for our office. >> Mohamed Sadik: Yes. that's a big complement to us just even ask so I don't think Jesse you have a problem with that. No, we don't have any problem with that. So thank you very much

for even offering that and we'll be sure that get you like some other copies with French so that way you can go and do that. So thank you very much for that. >> Neil Olympio: Yeah. >> Mohamed Sadik: I really appreciate it Neil. >> Rosier Willy: Okay.

>> Neil Olympio: Thank you, Mr. Rosier. >> Rosier Willy: Thank you so much. I'm >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay. >> Neil Olympio: I think to Kris >> Rosier Willy: thank you >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay.

Thank you. >> Neil Olympio: on a large Pig I was gonna say thank you to be. >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Sorry. >> Neil Olympio: Good.

>> Kris-Nelly Apovo: one question to America people is America is safe. He's America safe. >> Neil Olympio: interesting see that I >> Mohamed Sadik: around here >> Rosier Willy: But you do do you think so and I >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Dude, that's not the question. >> Rosier Willy: never question another question, >> Mohamed Sadik: Kris well done. >> Rosier Willy: please >> Kris-Nelly Apovo: Okay.

>> Mohamed Sadik: Thank you all thank you all. >> Rosier Willy: do you see the >> Mohamed Sadik: for now >> Neil Olympio: Yeah. >> Rosier Willy: do you see the next president of

2023-12-24 03:21

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