$50 vs $500 Hotel in Santorini, Greece

$50 vs $500 Hotel in Santorini, Greece

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pretty impressive I mean where I live at in  the states and in most European countries   you can't find anything for 50 EUR so it's  impressive that you can get such bang for your   buck in an island like Santorini an island  that literally so many people dream about [Music] [Applause] [Music] visi [Music] what's  up everybody welcome back to another beautiful   day here on the island of sorini now today I got  a very interesting video for you guys because I'm   going to show you what $50 a night can get you  here in sorini but also what $500 a night can   get you here on this island so that you can go  ahead and plan accordingly and of course make   the best financial decision when coming to one of  the most beautiful islands in the world now sanini   GRE let's just go ahead and throw this out there  many people think it's one of the most expensive   places to visit and that it's really unobtainable  to make it on out here however that is completely   false there are plenty of places where you can  sleep for less than $50 a day and there are also   plenty of incredible options for great budget  food I mean you can eat gidos for literally 4   but you can also of course spend hundreds of  dollars and even thousands of dollars a day   depending on your budget and of course where  you're wanting to stay here on the island of   sanini now right now I'm actually in the gados  neighborhood of the island it's only about a   20-minute walk from fera or a 5 minute drive  and let me just tell you guys this is by far   one of the best locations to be this is actually  one of two of the most popular villages on the   island where the locals stay so you're finding  local prices local Vibes and let me just tell   you guys it is seriously a Hidden Gem now right  behind me I'm actually standing right in front of   one of the local churches now the beautiful part  about being out here is that you get to actually   see how the locals move around on a day-to-day  basis right now it's actually a Sunday and I   just got done witnessing everybody walking into  this beautiful church and everybody dressed up   in their Church attire it is truly beautiful to  see now right now we're actually going to kick   this off by showing you guys the first Airbnb  that I'm staying at which is the pension George   and it is one of my all-time favorite places  here on the island and before we jump to any   conclusions this video is not sponsored at all I  just wanted to make this video to Showcase both   sides of Santorini the luxury and of course the  still semi luxury spots on the island and at the   end of this video I'll tell you guys exactly which  one I prefer and of course um I'd like to know all   of your guys' opinions down below as well now  we're going to kick off this video by showing   you guys what $50 a night gets you here in sorini  this here is the guest house that I'm staying at   the pensan George and I've actually stayed here  twice 6 years ago when I visited sorini for the   first time this is the place that I called home  for the week and same now it is super beautiful   and tucked away right in a local neighborhood  there's no other airbnbs hotels in this area   and they of course have parking places to park  your scooters ATVs and well it's one of the most   beautiful locations I've seen on the island now  as soon as you walk in there's actually all kinds   of different tables places to Lounge reception is  actually over here on the left that's Demetrius   he's one of the owners here amazing guy they also  have a selection of water bottles beers all kinds   of beverages you can choose from then if you  walk down over in this direction well there's   all the different um little sides of yeah walkways  that take you to the different rooms but up here   good morning but up here is the swimming area the  swimming pool this here is where I've been hanging   out the majority of of um my visit here at the  pension George there's all kinds of beach chairs   what I really like about this Airbnb is that they  actually have room for all of the guests not like   some places you go to that don't have enough beds  or umbrellas for everybody to enjoy the pool here   they have it all and they actually provide beach  towels and pool towels which is something that   you don't even get in a lot of really expensive  hotels so yeah the towels are just simply right   here you pick them up take them out to the beach  and or just lay down on a beach chair and enjoy   the Vibes it's awesome and there's actually  plenty of shade covering as well which makes   the pool very enjoyable especially when it's  extremely hot now they have several rooms all   kinds of different models but we're actually up  in this corner right now and before I recheck in   cuz I was in a different room I wanted to show  you guys the room as clean as possible because   well it's let's be honest the moment I get in  there it won't look that good anymore but this   here is room number 15 if you want to stay at  the pension George and stay in the same room   room number 15 gives you this incredible view  but yeah as soon as you walk in we have like a   a kitchen area with a stove top sink all kinds  of storage space also a refrigerator which is   nice to have in here we have a bathroom nice sink  modern toilet incredible shower then over in this   direction we have like a little almost like  a couch but it also works as a third bed nice   mirror space and of course the beautiful view of  the swimming pool and you can even see a little   bit out into the coastline that's the beautiful  Mediterranean the reason why everybody comes to   Greece well let's be honest everybody comes  here for the Sea and the food and let me just   just tell you the people are also great but yeah  incredible view right great place to start the   days and end the evenings it's awesome and it's  quite impressive that this place is $50 a night   guys now I did talk to the owner and he said that  around August time during the peak months this   place does get up to $100 a night so do keep that  in mind it does fluctuate however right now the   current price and most of the year it's between  between $50 to $65 a night pretty impressive I   mean where I live at in the states and in most  European countries you can't find anything for   50 so it's impressive that you can get such bang  for your buck in an island like Santorini an   island that literally so many people dream about  visiting it's amazing all right now let me show   you guys the little Loft area where the bed is  actually at which is up here yeah be careful as   you're walking up the steps but this here is the  sleeping area you got a beautiful queen-size bed   bedding is also incredibly comfortable Outlets um  two nightstands everything you need towels and as   I mentioned the bed is super cozy and one of the  pluses about being here at the pension George is   that they literally have the fastest internet I  have found in the last 3 weeks of traveling which   if you're working from home that is a huge plus  you also got a television another little window   that you can lift open and in air conditioning  so great option guys if you're coming to sorini   personally I think that you know staying in a  place like this will give you a lot more bank   for your buck but also give you you know that nice  relaxation that you're looking for when traveling   because if you stay in the in the area that we're  heading to after this one where I'm going to show   you guys the $500 Villa while there you're not  going to have any peace and quiet to yourself   that is where all the tour bus has come from all  of the cruise ships it is full it is extremely   expensive and it also gets very busy especially in  the early mornings and in the evenings so finding   a place to eat finding a place to drink all of  that can get well pretty difficult but yeah the   pension George I'll leave the link to this place  down below if you guys want to come and support   this local family business and of course that's  also another reason why I recommend this spot   it's not owned by a huge company it's owned by  a Greek family that have been here for well the   wife her whole life and the husband for like the  last 15 years so definitely recommend this spot   and there's also plenty of Local eats around the  way there's a laundry mat just across the street   that's super cheap um all kinds of markets the  beach is literally 15 minutes from here we're   only about a 20 minute walk to downtown F great  location overall um this is where I'm going to   be staying every time I come to Santorini so  if you're booking a spot on Airbnb you know   throwing my little name in there and yeah we'll  see if um I return again next time I come on out   here but yeah this isn't sponsored at all and  the owner actually just found out that I make   YouTube videos right now so um he's pretty  stoked that I threw this in there but yeah   now let's make our way to IA um it's about a  20-minute drive from here we'll make our way   there and I'll show you guys what our 500 Dollar  in night Villa is looking like I'm super excited   to stay there but you'll actually see um which  one has a lot more bang for your buck once we get [Music] there so now we are in the most popular  side of the island this here is IA and this   is where you see all the most beautiful famous  pictures of sorini and of course this is where   you're going to find all of the tourists on the  island but it's for a reason these streets are   super beautiful the streets are actually aligned  with you know jewelry shops souvenir shops all   kinds of restaurants and bars and yeah they're  just extremely vibrant I mean look at this now   during the days it's incredibly busy here on  the streets because all of the cruise ships   actually dock here and they run excursions  all around on the island so EA is the most   popular location of course and yeah you find  yourself in lines like this as you're walking   around but it's beautiful super gorgeous but  yeah this here is the neighborhood that we're   staying in right now and pretty much in every  like nook and cranny of these streets you're   going to find airbnbs hotels and undoubtedly  some of the most beautiful Airbnb locations   in the world now right now I'm going to show  you guys what we have for $500 a nights and   I think you're going to be impressed but you  also see why my preference is the local side   a place like carados where I just showed  you what you can find for $50 so yeah we're   going to keep weaving our way throughs but  yeah a lot of clothing shops more jewelry restaurants and traffic and if you think this  is crazy wait till you see what's right outside   of our door here in a second so this here is where  we're staying right along this church here and our   Airbnb is actually down this way and it turns  out that our Airbnb is actually in one of the   locations that everybody loves to stop at to take  photos so I'm going to show you guys our entrance   right now next I this hotel this one looks awesome  because when you open it it's the the whole view   yeah wow thank you all right but yeah our view  is also quite impressive let me show you guys so   yeah I guess we chose a perfect location cuz the  line's been huge for a while now but I'm going to   show you guys our spot right now I mean look at  this view guys it is absolutely gorgeous this is   actually why I booked this room was specifically  for the cave pool and the incredible um iconic   view of sorini now for $500 a night you can have  a view just like this obviously there are many   different um properties with different prices here  however this is what we're paying and yeah look at   this guys it is absolutely gorgeous I mean so  beautiful the iconic blue roofs all the little   pools down on the bottom it's awesome look you got  this little bed here with a with another jacuzzi   right in front of it man gorgeous so our room is  actually in here and there's plenty of places to   actually sit down and lounge around now this here  is like the public space area of our Airbnb cuz   it's actually shared with um other rooms but yeah  this here is the cave pool area area look at this   this here is our pool that we're going to be able  to jump on into and I love how it has that shade   covering so that you don't get absolutely cooked  out here but yeah this is what we're going to be   enjoying today this beautiful view so our Airbnb  actually has um yeah this whole area included but   our room is actually located right there with  the private plunge pool right in front and yeah   you can see Taurus you know pretty much on every  staircase stopping to take photos and right there   in front of us you can see the cruise ships and  there's two right now but the owner was actually   telling me that in the prime summer days or  summer months there can be up to seven out there   and right now it's the first week of October  and it's literally like man probably like 28°   right now it's quite hot all right now let's make  our way down and I'm going to be showing you guys   the bedroom now this here is our room right here  in this corner it's super gorgeous we got a nice   little p patio area um yeah like a little bench  seats private plunge pool that is very nice very   nice warm and then this here is their bedroom and  of course you got Andrew in here how you enjoying   it so far feels good with the AC it feels good  huh but man I must say the first impressions is   that it's tiny for what you pay it's very very  small but it's worth it for the experience I'm   actually going to be sharing the bed with Andrew  today it's pretty hard to find a room here that   has like two beds this is kind of like a romantic  spot on the island so it's more dedicated towards   couples we got a television towels beautiful  queen-size bed in my opinion it's nice but I   still feel like the other one's harder the other  one's better huh and that's exactly what I was   going for I think the $50 is is a lot better but  the view is Iconic the view is Iconic but that's   what you pay for is the view room wise the other  is a lot like newer looking and this just looks   like out of date a lot of things yeah it does  look a lot older but um here we got a kitchen   space or like you know little sink area um teapot  an espresso machine in here they left us some um   tease Cutlery you got a refrigerator that comes  with yogurt orange juice and [Music] water over   here got of places to hang your clothes I'm not  sure what this is the AC yeah AC um a safe towels   and uh two pairs of sandals and this here is the  bathroom area and the bathroom is gorgeous like I   said it's very simple but um the price points  that you pay is quite different I personally   definitely enjoy the penson George more especially  walking up in here so many tourists so many people   but I think it's a it's one of those things worth  experence Ing and personally I think you should do   both when you're in sorini this one actually  comes with wine too they gave us some sorini   wine which I'm going to try some cookies they  even gave us a power adapter I mean the host   is very nice very friendly I'm going to leave  the locations the list of the Lo the listings   down below here in this video but yeah you guys  tell me down below what do you guys prefer $500   or $50 a night I think that the pens on George is  definitely the way to go but if you're coming out   here for like a special moment an anniversary  a honeymoon I think you should definitely do   two nights here I meanon just leave the door open  look at the yeah just look at that Andrew is right   though you know but you can imagine you're not  going to have too much space real estate in area   considerably like this place stays packed all year  all year long you would think they would upgrade a   little bit or at least redo the paint job cuz  I mean a lot of it does just look more yellow   than white and yeah you're right you're right I  mean just the little things you know but you're   right it does it does need some work but you know  what the guy George telling us that he remodels   that every every year the the people at pension  George man they paint every year they um put new   bedding on every time you're going to go there  it's going to be incredible but hey it is what   it is we're blessed that we can stay in a place  like this it's we're it's a blessing that we're   here so I'm not complaining we just have to give  it to you guys as real as it is especially when   we're not getting paid to do these things like  even when I do get paid to do things man I tell   you guys exactly how it is like I'm not going to  sell myself for the paycheck you know what I mean   I'm not one of them but yeah this here is where  we're going to be hanging out today this view   is absolutely incredible I was actually going to  buy us some beers right now but guess what I left   my wallet in here so now I got to make that long  walk again and as you're walking around here man   you're constantly in a line so those are just  things that you know make this place extremely   different but this is gorgeous I'm going to  enjoy this to the fullest I'm about to jump   into the pool right now and yeah maybe even take  a Plunge in here but this does feel incredibly   warm definitely a a hot water jacuzzi but the  views no it's Priceless like you're not going to   spend your days inside of the room here with this  view let me show you guys one more time from up here yo the cave pool is beautiful though no drop dead gorgeous especially I can  imagine sunset here is going to be amazing hey   and the best part that's kind of makes this all  worth it is you don't got to make reservations   anywhere like you got a spot you got Prime real  estate for a view I mean look at this little   chair just lay here and admire the views and I  mean there are even better views I mean we do   got the big dome in front of us but right on the  edge right on the edge yeah I don't know we told   you guys our opinions let us know down in the  comments what are you I think we did it right   though I think spending the week in pencion George  was the best way to do it and then coming here for   a night to get a mix of the Both Worlds cuz man  if I had to see this every single day or walk   through those lines every single day I think I'd  be I'd be pretty over censoring pretty fast you   got to enjoy the local side of the places that's  what makes these places incredibly awesome all   right I'm sweating my butt off it is hot time  to hop into time to hop into the pool how you   been enjoying sorini so far it's amazing would you  recommend it yeah would you recommend it to just   Honeymooners or people that are traveling with  their brothers too both but it's for sure more   of a it's romantic place it's romantic place but  driving around the island on an ATVs and crushing   and just going to different beaches and viewpoints  with your brother is also a good time too and guys   I've seen a lot of single Travelers out here  as well don't make this just a destination that   seems like it's completely unachievable to go to  obviously even to spend $50 a night and have that   um to be able to spend here in sany as a blessing  and a lot of people don't have that kind of money   but but 50 there is plenty of um places you can  stay here that are very affordable $500 a night   that's not affordable that's not obtainable for  many people this year is literally a dream come   true so thank you guys so much for blessing me for  allowing me to share these experience experiences   with my brother even though we're sharing the  same bed today hey I remember plenty of times   in my life where my bank account didn't show  this this amount of money that I just spent on   this night so I'm forever blessed thank you guys  so much you guys have changed my life completely   and now I get to share these places with you guys  and yeah for now I'll leave you with a a drone   Montage of IIA and I'll see you guys again soon  for another video um from Greece later [Music] guys [Music] you are always smart I was the one today

2023-11-18 16:40

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