【4K】ANGHIARI Walking Tour + captions guide

【4K】ANGHIARI Walking Tour + captions guide

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Welcome in Anghiari! The votive temple of the Fallen or chapel of San Tommaso di Villanova is a sacred building.The chapel was built in 1777. The interior with a single barrel vaulted nave preserves the refined eighteenth-century ornamentation with walls encrusted with precious marble. Gallery inaugurated on February 15, 1889, was dedicated to Girolamo Magi, an illustrious military engineer in the service of the Venetian Republic, who lived in the 16th century. The Gallery represents a refined example of minor architecture, offering avant-garde technical solutions.

The Logge, which date back to the period of the construction of the great galleries of Milan, Genoa and Naples, for years were the site of a covered market, reserved for the sale of seeds and grains. Statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the inhabitants of Anghiari fought alongside Garibaldi and together with the famous general erected a monument but where does it indicate ?! unequivocal the words "Rome or death" so what? "But no, Rome is not on that side ..." The statue had been prepared for another country that at the last did not want it and so Anghiari bought it, but when they did the studies to decide the location they realized that in order for the finger to correctly point to Rome they would have to arrange the statue so that it would turned "the back" to those who entered the square. May it never be such a rudeness! And then it was decided to arrange it like this, pointing to the north-west instead of the south-east Piazza dedicated to Baldaccio d'Anghiari defined as: "Brave man and full of desire for war; prudent captain; of great spirit and ferocious in war; adventurous and daring. Undoubtedly a character who was talked about, also for the numerous changes of face in the course of wars and battles. He fought for the Malatesta, for Piccinino, for the Count of Urbino, then often hired by the Florentines, then by the Pope against the Piccinino he had previously served; an extravagant type.

On 6 September 1441, in Palazzo Vecchio (Florence) he was killed by treason. "He was attacked and wounded and thrown to the ground from the windows in the courtyard and immediately so, almost dead, they had his head cut off at the foot of the captain's door, on the square, and the body stood for a few hours .." recite the conches of the time. Since then, the ghost of Baldaccio d'Anghiari has been wandering in the maze of Palazzo Vecchio waiting for the moment of his revenge, the constant presence of his imaginary figure reminds us of the injustices of the past and the warning and brutality of justice at the time. Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie (1628-1740) Inside there are important paintings of the Florentine sixteenth century: two tables by Giovanni Antonio Sogliani depicting the Last Supper (1531) and the Washing of the feet, the Deposition from the Cross by Domenico Ubaldini known as Puligo.

In ancient times here there was a moat complete with a drawbridge. On the side of the door there is an ancient Vespasian with a slit, and a bell that announced the beginning and end of the market. Just think that since 1388 the Anghiari market has been held every Wednesday. This gate is also called del Catorcio, because history tells that in 1450 the inhabitants of Sansepolcro, historical enemies of the Anghiaresi, stole its catorcio (bolt) - today it can be admired at the Museo della Battaglia. No sounds for 1 min, there was a copyrighted song playing in town, luckily it was a nice one "Nightswimming-R.E.M." The clock tower, better known in Anghiari with the name of Campano, has been part of the town's defense system for centuries. Construction began in 1234, but was completed a century later. Destroyed in the early 1500s, the Campano was rebuilt in the 1600s and the clock was installed later. The Campano is in working order and marks the hours every day, so much so that it can be heard all over the country. Although the tower is closed, you can visit the Campano up close. Alley of the poet Chiesa di Sant'Agostino built in the 13th century on the basis of an abbey dedicated to St. Anthony and completed in the 15th century, the church has a single nave with side chapels. The façade is in simple Romanesque style complete with an oculus, while the back consists of the massive apse-tower incorporated into the walls and into the old farm of Anghiari. On the back there is also a tower of the '4oo. The interior is decorated with beautiful frescoes, some of which are unfortunately ruined, and wooden statues.

The ancient square, now Piazza Mameli, is an obligatory crossroads for those who venture into the alleys of the Borgo and home to two important museums for the conservation of the memories of the land of Anghiari: the Museum of the Battle and of Anghiari at Palazzo del Marzocco is the historical museum; the State Museum of Palazzo Taglieschi is the museum of art and archeology, it also has items such as bottles of olive oil and wine. copy made by the Art School of Anghiari (next to the palace) of the Madonna di Misericordia, in glazed terracotta, was made between the 15th and 16th centuries Piazza del Popolo,this red-paved square is on a slope, like so many ancient Tuscan squares. It is located in the historic center of the town and, although it is small, important concerts and shows are often organized here. In Piazza del Popolo there is the Municipality of Anghiari (Palazzo Pretorio), on the back a bar with beautiful gardens, middle schools and a music school. the façade is decorated with the coats of arms of the various vicars and mayors who succeeded in the administration of justice on behalf of the Florentine government, it also retains traces of the original arched windows. Once the seat of the ancient Court, it preserves some 'dungeons' on the ground floor, a chapel and a fresco depicting Justice, a 15th-century work probably attributed to Antonio di Anghiari, the first local master of Piero della Francesca. The Badia di San Bartolomeo dates back to 1105 and was part of a Camaldolese monastery. It is the oldest place of worship in all of Anghiari, even if it was restored in the 14th century. Entering the view of the plain below Anghiari, still referred to now as "Piana della Battaglia" The Florentine troops, flanked by the Papal State, faced the Milanese troops, which, having conquered Sansepolcro, aimed to further expand the possessions of the Duke of Milan. It was June 29, 1440 when the two armies clashed, it was resolved at the end of the day with the victory of the Florentines. The battle was short and not particularly bloody, so much so that Niccolò Machiavelli ironically wrote that only one soldier died that day and why he was knocked off his horse, alluding to the fact that the soldiers were mostly mercenaries and therefore unwilling to fight. In 1503 the Florentine lordship entrusted Leonardo Da VInci with the task of painting the Battle of Anghiari on one wall of the Sala del Gran Consiglio in Palazzo Vecchio (Florence), while on another wall Michelangelo Buonarroti should have represented the Battle of Càscina. .

Once again Leonardo experiments with new methods, running all the risks that every novelty entails, he tried to implement the technique of the classics, deriving it from the reading of Pliny, probably the "encaustic" painting, fixed in focus, the technique that allows us to preserve still, after almost two thousand years, the Roman frescoes. But when he applied the procedure on the large wall surface in Palazzo Vecchio, lighting fires at the base, while the lower area dried regularly, at the top due to the great distance the heat did not arrive and caused the painting to flow. Due to this disastrous outcome, between the end of 1505 and the beginning of 1506, Leonardo suspended the work. However, not everything had to be irreparably ruined if, in the following years, some authors describe the scene of the Battle. Only in 1557, what remained disappeared under the frescoes with which Giorgio Vasari covered the room. It is therefore probable that, as recent studies seem to prove, by detaching this superimposed layer, autograph parts of Leonardo's memorable painting can be traced.

2021-06-10 14:51

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