$400 Surprise in San Andres Colombia

$400 Surprise in San Andres Colombia

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so go do what you need to go do okay keep  it up all right now that's a good day she's full of so much love and life and everything  and you ask for a little she give you a lot   what's going on guys it's your boy this is  ace live listen we're gonna be doing something   special here in san andres tomorrow i'm leaving  but i wanted to do something special for two   people i met here while i was visiting the  area okay if you've been watching my videos   i met two interesting women um basically i ate  their food when i went to a restaurant and the   other person i went to their home and i want to  help them out a little bit you know what i mean   well it's not going to be really me helping out  it's going to be one of you guys one of you guys   saw my last video where i helped out people in  bogota and actually reached out to me and say   look hey i want to be a part and he sent me some  money and he said look just use it uh wherever   you travel to and i said all right i'm going to  use it when i come to san andreas i wanted to   do like a full drive but i'm not going to be here  long enough and for my understanding people really   need help with infrastructure more than food and  so i've been asking trust me and so i just came   up with the idea of this let me try to help who  i can you know i mean sometimes uh you know you   want to do big things but it's just you know you  can't but we did come across two ladies in need of   some assistance one lady was talking about how  her her furniture got flooded so maybe this uh   help we're about to give her um we'll help her  out or another lady the other lady she's um   has to deal with a lot of medical issues and so  buying a lot of different um things for for her   health and so let's surprise them and do it and i  just wanted to make something clear because i know   these videos can be very popular and some people  might look at these um videos with mal intentions   and because people say ace why do you make these  videos why don't you just help people in private   that is true but i want you to understand so  understand something if i didn't make that   bogota video the gentleman would not have felt  in the giving spirit to help somebody out this   is this is um something that has been going on  on my channel forever because you guys watch you   guys get inspired to help out some you go out and  um do it and some of you guys just donate to me   and so i'm gonna continue to give that energy  and that vibe and spread that giving spirit   to all you guys all right um i think it's  amazing yes some of these videos do have uh   advertisement on them well that helps me keep  this channel going you know what i mean so i   want to say thank you for all you guys who watch  it because you do somehow in a way help me do all   of this you know what i mean and then for those  who go out their way to just want to send me some   cash because they know it's going to go to a good  place all of you guys are awesome now let's go   surprise these ladies in san antonio's surprise  san andreas all right i hope they're there i don't   know all right i'm riding olo okay let's do it the  weather's a lot better though so maybe you get to   see a little more of the countryside this video  might be a quick video who knows but i gotta stay   uh my eyes on the road so i won't be filming as  much let's do it one more thing i had to mention   about the guy that donated basically he said use  400 and just help somebody out but he said look   i'm also going to help when i get to haiti so you  know i've never been to haiti but he knows that   i'm haitian american and so that is the awesome  part about it guys it's it's it's the gift that   keeps on giving people are learning about me  and inadvertently learning about my culture   and so that's dope like you know we haven't even  got to anybody he's like yo when you get to haiti   i'm gonna do the same thing and that's that's  what i'm talking about that spirit of giving yes guys they don't want us to give  they don't want us to help people out   but we're gonna continue to help people out  that's what we do that's what we gonna do all right guys as you can see the road looks way  different from that day we first came in this   area driving around beautiful isn't it i love san  andreas i'm going to miss san andreas san andreas   is so good man all right look it's amazing guys  it's amazing uh if you're wondering you can get   one of these for pretty much like a a good couple  hours for around 50 60 bucks i think it's a good   deal especially if you're in a group you know what  i mean if you're coming out here you should be in   a group if you're in a group get one of these  everybody split up and enjoy the ride so it it   comes it's a good price one thing about columbia  i'll say for sure is that man it can be really   cheap to get things done here even in the most  popular tourist destinations and that's awesome all right guys we're approaching  our the first spot right here   and i'm gonna just act like i want  to get some juice and surprise people baby where's my friend up yeah i don't know how to get there but  if you want me to look at how i come right   on time you see how it is i can't run out  of time so you're going to go get something   you're going to go get something to fix it don't  fix it oh man we are going to give off something oh so the government is going to  give you something okay i'm going   i love your smile you just have the best smile  you make me feel like i'm back home in miami yeah   this is colombia guys all right guys so we're  gonna take that mom seems like the government came   in to help them out but we're still gonna hook my  homie up and uh she's gonna today's her day i'm   driving her to wherever she need to go hopefully  i don't crash into anything because i don't really   know the neighborhood like that what's up girl  come on all right i waited for you all right take the bus to do what go around to the next  part where san luis no hey don't buy elsie   i don't know you don't know  where it is but we figure it out   but before before anything watch it  watch the truck i'm gonna go take a i need to use the bathroom right quick all  right what's up baby you say i'm a good guy huh   i make sure i stop to say hi i want to get some  um sugarcane juice and you uh look you shut down   for me but um we started it went already okay huh  we started the ghana already no no i live tomorrow   yeah let me go use the restroom all right  guys so now i can see the roof right here   pretty much and they got rocks holding the tarp  over sections of the house uh yeah just so uh   to keep the rain from sleeping it works or the  rain keep coming in the recon when you they   still come in it wet a lot so the the government  come through then them come and but they don't   fix it this is a private um one of a hotel who are  going to give her a couple sheets i think but that   cannot and fix the whole top so she says she go  and fix the front part and lift it back to sleep   because the okay because also some a hotel  help you guys how do you say some uh private   company help you private company i won't have  a hotel in san luis oh nice nice i'm going to   give her to fix the front part just a little to  fix the front part okay all right so we're going   to some hardware store or somewhere hardware  place oh and don't buy a cam hose or cab house   come on girl i'm your angel yeah we came just  in time we come to pick you up and bring you   over there look at that you're lucky i i have  i have time for you today we're going with you   tomorrow oh yeah you you coming with me yeah we're  going on a plane yeah okay all right i'm sorry yeah okay perfect okay and your friend i wish  they had um enough um to uh what you call it   uh you know yeah give me plenty and i'm gonna give  you then i'm gonna give you only on the front well   maybe the front will work come on sweetie come on  come on sweetie okay all right all right so you   guys gotta let me know where to go all right she  said if i remember her anytime i'm in the island i   got to come see you i don't care where i'm doing i  i got to make sure i make time to see you you yeah   because you guys are so nice to me yeah i feel  like i'm home that's why i come i said let me   see what you guys are up to you guys live  in paradise do you ever get used to it yeah   like the water doesn't mean nothing to  you you're so used to seeing paradise   oh man you've been to cartagena before   yes the what the weather over there the weather  and cracked the hand is kind of not very hot wow and the water is not as good as that here  everywhere around is blue what i love is that the   facility that you have in the market everything is  cheap it is almost you know past lessons down here where i should go next uh i said  ecuador she said ecuador and she said you guys might get your wish look you know we got  it's very soon all right so it was a big um one   big building here and it blown out they blow right  down in the hurricane so they're basically putting   out spots that had structures and now they're gone  because of the hurricane winds that blew them down   but people still have business there i was  wondering because it's it's upside down right here oh there was a place  here too yes one high five wow so people are still got their business there  but there's no it don't make sense because like   when i was driving there i said why they have  business there it seemed odd but i understand okay   so we stopped because there is a  house that has a tree growing from it   is it it go right through the  yeah through the house wow   right through the house and go up and  the main build build the house that way right yes so how you did that uh how you grow the  laser ancestry oh ancestral yeah my grandfather   wow actually had 100 years wow every year i trim  it so wow that that's awesome so you remember   it just growing and growing it but it was already  that was already here okay nice one on the crop i   go on the roof i cut from other room okay wow wow  wow wow and you give tours here i rent bike oh red   bike okay man but yeah one day maybe i ride around  here can you show me the place sure okay when   i come back maybe i'll come back all right they  got they busy right okay we go come on okay bless   so she's telling me when she comes to pick up  the grapefruit she goes in the house and they   pick it up from within the house that's super dope  you gotta love this place for real it's awesome   here we are so guys we just finished meeting her  daughter and her mother okay that wasn't amazing i   couldn't show you but uh they are some nice people  especially her mom her mom is uh she's sweet talk but this is a nice neighborhood right here  guys anyways let's get back to the road i'm   just curious okay come on all right guys we  have made it to these ladies uh destination   what an adventure it's it's always adventure  with these beautiful ladies right here   i wish i could spend more time but her daughter's  saying that there might be some closures tomorrow   with the airport yeah a party nice party okay  so if they're oh there's a party tomorrow   okay so if the plane because they're saying  something wrong might be something wrong with   the planes or flying to bogota if that's  true then i'm going to the house to party   oh are we staying san andreas longer come on  come on let me see what you got going on here all right okay come on let's look at that okay we're going inside come right in this is a  church this is a camp it's a camp house oh it's   a camp for like um kids or something okay she's  my cousin oh nice meeting you cousin yeah okay i came right on time okay look at this i'm going to try  it with what then give me a fix   okay but you have to give us a phone number  or we give you a phone number you have to   give us a weekend keep in car okay you're  gonna get my number of course no problem   and whenever i'm in town i'm letting you know i'm  coming in town have my food ready my count ready   and i want to try some of that wine i  didn't have them up the grip they grew   up here and got wine without the grip we  got the grape you move the wine out of it   well if i'm still here i can probably do it  why do i know that they grip with the trees   where where are the shingles there in the  back already no they don't oh they don't they pass for it okay okay that's good  that's good oh somebody show up yeah what is that all right oh you're right so people come here just for on vacation how  about all thing oh like a birthday party or   you can't stay a week oh okay so  sometimes you have a big party here   no they don't make parties no party in  church oh excuse me yeah church okay so   maybe a birthday party or something okay  everyone come and stay awake and okay   okay nothing to have music just church things  oh okay okay okay okay this is our friend come by the restaurant i'm friendly okay  okay okay show me the drive all to them uh somebody hold up my house okay so him come are we happy we have to  about you yeah yeah yeah but i i love you um i showed up and you guys were ready to go   you needed your id and so you didn't know where it  was you and then we drove by the person who had it   and we got the id yes then we went to go see um we  went to go see your your family your daughter and   your lovely mother she's so young she  wants to marry me she said she loved me yes uh-huh no and you guys got here  extra early cause how long do you   think you still be in the bus maybe  or walking we're still in the bathroom here i would have to walk from over here  oh you know when i walk and get down here   what could make this day even perfect one more  thing i came here on a purpose okay i came to help   out your business i'm serious yes okay she doesn't  understand what i'm saying okay let me show you okay this this is for you all right many times  okay so i understand that's why i was asking   you about the rooftop when i first saw you  because i said okay this is the lady i'm   going to help out and i and i asked you about  your situation when you had to go in the container   when you had to uh when you talked  about the furniture and everything   and i see how hard you're working to keep your  business afloat and so this is from not me okay   sometimes people send me money from my channel to  bless people so you are number one i'm blessing   i'm blessing someone else uh so i got to go bless  her but before i wanted to say thank you for being   lovely people okay so go do what you need to go  do okay keep it up all right now that's a good day none of this up because i figure you know i always  just do what god wants me to do and he he showed   me today because everything locking the straight  you know what i mean you was waiting for me all right you guys take care of each other  all right and uh if the plane don't come i'm   coming if the plane does show up i'm coming  all right ladies all right now i'm gonna go   bless someone else and y'all stay uh good okay  okay all right okay god bless blessing blessings   okay okay blessing blessing okay oh man guys could you believe  it mission one completed   and now we're gonna go help out our other friend ow you guys are amazing just remember that you  are really helping people out one day at a time   oh man that one really got felt home you  know i mean i felt like i was around my   people you know what i mean shout out to all  my jewels shout out to mommy i miss you mommy   what's going on mommy for food i miss you for  fun look what your son doing for fun i miss you hey guys so i just passed the house so i'm looking  for i'm gonna try to do a loop around and um   see if i can park right because the house caught  me by surprise to be honest with you okay or miso   all right and so the house caught me by surprise  and there's no real parking area so we're gonna   try to see if we can find some parking for the  area check out this dope house right here though   okay beautiful scenery hopefully we can um get  to where we need to be real quick all right   so if you're warning how much am i giving  these women i'm giving them 200 a piece   uh so it's like i'm giving them 700 um thousand  pesos and i mean for them that should just help   them out with the like bare necessities as  far as when it comes to like uh clothing or   other uh things like maybe getting some  medicine i know my friend needs some   to buy medicine it can be a little expensive  hold on let me i think this is a house hello is my friend in town she's there  okay can i park here okay cool cool   all right we're gonna park here real quick all right see if we can uh surprise her okay okay here we go hello you know i drove by and  i said i have to come see my friend when you're   leaving i'm leaving tomorrow what was for lunch  nothing for lunch let's let's go ah this is the   man this is the number one batman from jamaica  what's up oh my gosh she tell me she said green   eyes yeah i see you i see you brother oh yeah oh  nice to meet you brother nice to meet you man love   your mom had to come by and see if she was cooking  something saying you know i'm just driving around   the area you know okay so how you been we're  fine today i'm washing and i actually cook some   meatballs with pumpkin oh i missed i missed the  cooking because i know she starts early sorry   same thing what is your favorite fruit  from her that she makes from her yes is she looking at him fish fruit oh with the bread food i just tried  bread food here it was really good oh man   well anyway i just came to say hi to you and of um of course i was looking at the video and  i was like oh my god you did an amazing job   with the video and so much detail uh that's  why i came back for real though came back so   i can help you so i can bless you okay so  what my channel does sometimes they send   me money right and you know when i help people  out they see me helping people out and say hey   you know what i want to be a part of that if you  want to help people out you can help somebody else   and so i said i'm gonna come  to san andreas and let's see   i wanted to do something for providencia but  it's so difficult to get any contact difficult   and i mean and what took place there in  providence my goodness that was a paradise thank god we are they are getting help  from people from all over the world   his children they are improving wow they  are fun they live there in baton house and so i mean we had a we had a conversation  and i know you had uh some talk and you you   were telling me how you had to worry about medical  bills or something like that so maybe i can help   you a little bit this is believe you can help me a  little bit yes well just to think on it is natalie   plenty this is from um a subscriber of mice  yes and he wanted to bless some people so   that is a blessing to you and and it's going  to help you well my heart is full of giants and this person who also helped that may god  bless him and always give him bless his heart   and miss his son and his you are incomes okay  okay because i know you you are you are a very   she's full of so much love and life and everything  and you ask for a little she give you a lot   so you know i i'm so happy that i can give you  something back because it was all meant to be   for me to meet you okay so let's go i got to go  i don't like to tear up i know you you too crazy   you don't like to tear up too okay but take it  easy and um when i come back in town you know   okay all right blessings let's see blessings all  right all right all right but green eyes number   one batman why wha what part of jamaica because i  know people want to know what part you grew up in   in central island that's my bird parch okay sit a  little bit um jamaica yeah said jamaica okay shout   out to saint elizabeth jamaica represent all  right boss all right beast all right baby okay all right guys we've done it we  helped out as much people always can yeah man this is it this is uh  pretty much my last video here   in uh san andreas for now more more on the way and uh can't see what happens but uh we're  going somewhere new so prepare for that uh   just want to let you guys know every place  i go is somewhere somewhere special and oh watch out doggy yeah everywhere we go is somewhere new and   special they still waving they still waving  down oh man they didn't even know what's coming   love love yeah so everywhere we go  is that when i uh when i got here   people were like oh you were done with bogota  no that's not true i wanted to stay longer and that's the case with everywhere i go i fall  in love with a place and it's hard for me to leave   and so it's going to be hard for me to leave  here but i'm excited to go to the next place   whatever that may be whatever journey that is it  doesn't matter to me that's part of the adventure   that's part of the ride and just to understand we  can move from another place we spent 10 months in   one location and we we had an adventure in  one location now it's time for us to travel   travel more all right we will be leaving  columbia soon when we leave i hope you guys   still tag along because it's still going to be  the same ride it's still going to be the same   ace and we're still going to be doing some  phenomenal things and i want you guys to tag   along and don't miss any moment of the action  huh you gotta miss the action huh open your mind   man we're doing phenomenal things blessings  and i see you in the next video all right oh man let's see if we can find those hot women you

2021-01-29 21:44

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