山西一座唐代古寺,2位老和尚守护一个求子洞,生男生女非常灵验,太神奇了!|Supports English subtitles and more languages

山西一座唐代古寺,2位老和尚守护一个求子洞,生男生女非常灵验,太神奇了!|Supports English subtitles and more languages

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Traveling all over the land of Sanjin to appreciate the style of loess Everyone is polite, I am Fanfan Today I found a thousand-year-old temple in the mountain Dozens of splendid courtyards, large and small Five or six teachers and fathers practice together here It is said that there is still a very effective cave in the temple Every year, many people come here to pray for children Under the protection of the ancient temple, the nearby small villages are also talented Every year, many college students and doctoral students are trained What's so peculiar about this monastery Does this quest for a child really work? Now let's go in and take a look The ancient temple in front of you is called Baiyun Temple Located in Liangjiatan Village, Pingyao County, Shanxi Province A bird’s eye view of Liugen River with Taiyue Mountain in the back Surrounded by mountains surrounded by Wanfeng, arching worship is like a blooming lotus The ancient temples are arranged in scattered locations on the northern side of the mountain and the south A total of four entrances into the courtyard, symmetrical and dignified When Baiyun Temple was founded, there are divergent opinions Professors from Tongji University were visiting Baiyun Temple I found a Buddha statue in the Tang Dynasty and inferred that this is an ancient temple in the Tang Dynasty The winding path leads to a quiet place, deep flowers and trees in the Zen room Two ancient locust trees and four ancient cypresses grow tall and straight in front of the temple Ascending the stairs is a total of two floors above and below the gate of Baiyun Temple The top is called Chunqiu Tower, and the top of the hard mountain with single eaves is dedicated to Emperor Guan. It’s called Garan Bodhisattva in the Buddha’s house, and it’s called the God of Wealth in the Taoist house Below is the arched door in the middle of the three cave dwellings is the mountain gate The upper forehead of the mountain gate is inlaid with a stone plaque Baiyun Temple The walls on both sides of the mountain gate are embossed with Nanmu Amitabha Crossing the door and in front of you is the first courtyard of Baiyun Temple The whole is relatively narrow. On the high platform on the front is the Heavenly King Hall, which was called the South Hall in ancient times. There are two underground caves hidden under the high platform foundation of the ancient temple Extraordinarily mysterious, I still don’t know where to lead There is an assorted door on each of the east and west low walls leading to the courtyard Look at things on the low wall, there is also a stone tablet inlaid The underside of the stele is carried by an animal like a tortoise This is the name of the eldest son of the nine sons of Longsheng in the legend. It likes culture and can bear the weight to look like a tortoise As the saying goes, you don’t have to worry about your first life Touching Bengquan’s neck will never get sick all his life You can make a fortune in your life I will help you feel it Follow the steps up and in front of you is the Palace of Heavenly Kings I saw the big belly Maitreya Buddha in the middle of the four heavenly kings separated on both sides Big belly can tolerate things that the world cannot tolerate Smile at the ridiculous people in the world This is the most common couplet before Maitreya Buddha In Buddhism, Maitreya Buddha is the future Buddha If all beings are Buddhas, then all beings are Maitreya Buddhas He is chubby and smiles with a big belly We have two special adjectives for this figure Shape This image comes from our traditional cloth bag monk Legend has it that the Budai monk is the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha His original name was Qiqi, a famous monk in the late Tang Dynasty. He is fat and always smiling Holding a wooden stick with a pocket hanging from it Cultivate the world by begging in the busy city So called the Budai Monk This is also a very obvious feature of the localization of Buddhism Let’s look at the four kings on both sides The concept of the four kings first came from ancient India The four heavenly kings of ancient India and the four heavenly kings in front of us But there is a fundamental difference between Jingwei In ancient Indian myths and legends, there are four heavenly kings living on the side of Mount Xumi Their duty is to protect one side of the world.

Such as protecting the forest land of mountains, rivers, and forests And we look at the four kings in front of us The four of them each have a different weapon The southern growth king's palm, the blue light sword, and the sword's edge coldly Jianfeng’s homonym is wind, so he is responsible for wind The pipa can be tuned in the palm of the east holding the heavenly king of jasper jade In the north, it is often heard that the palm of the king is mixed with pearl umbrella The umbrella must be because of rain, so he is responsible for the rain A dragon and snake entwined in the hands of the Western King of Wide Eyes The body of the dragon snake can be stroked along So the combination of their weapons is good weather The four kings from guarding the Quartet to being responsible for the good weather This is also a very obvious feature of the localization of Buddhism I want to know whether a monastery can place an order In fact, there is a very simple way That is to go to the Heavenly King Hall to look at the back of Maitreya Buddha Behind the Maitreya Buddha, there will be an inverted statue of the Vedic Buddha Now I will give you a brief talk Behind the Maitreya Buddha, there will be a Vedo holding a vajra It is said that his name is Wei Kun and he is one of the eight generals of the Nantian King. See if a monastery can accept pending orders The most obvious sign is to look at the direction of the vajra If the vajra is carried on the shoulder, it means this is a big temple You can entertain the wandering monks here for three days free of charge If the vajra is in your hand, It means that this is a medium temple where you can eat and stay for one day for free If the vajra pestle is on the ground, it means this is a small temple Then you can't entertain, you can't eat and stay for free From this point of view, let’s talk about whether you can place orders here Stepping across the Heavenly Kings Hall is the second entrance The east and the west have five-hole cave dwellings. The east side is the guest hall, and the west side is the Jizo Hall. The eastern and western temple buildings are typical of the style of central Shanxi Cross-shaped brick voucher cave dwelling plus front porch The front is the upper and lower floors of the Daxiong Hall At the bottom is the seven-hole brick voucher cave dwelling and above are three brick houses This efficacious child-seeking hole is located in the Daxiong Hall Now let's go in and take a look In the middle of the treasure hall, the grand and majestic Buddha of Heng III is enshrined In the middle is Shakyamuni Buddha On the left is the Medicine Buddha On the right is Amitabha The surrounding walls are portraits of eighteen arhats All have glass frames in different shapes and lifelike Every June 19th is the enlightenment day of Guanyin Bodhisattva At that time, the temple will hold a grand temple fair very lively Behind the Buddha Shakyamuni is a child-seeking hole That day men and women will come here to pray for children It is said that if you touch a small stone inside The boy born is smart and the girl born is dignified and beautiful This is Qiuzidong Let’s take a look at the whole. There is a small door on the left and right. Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined here Beneath the Goddess of Mercy Bodhisattva’s platform is to seek caves Everyone see here is covered with a wooden board Just reach in if you can touch the stone It is said that it is very effective to have boys and girls Now let's try it ourselves Let's reach in and see how deep it is Can you touch the stone Take a look at how many stones you touched How many children need to be born Can't afford it, put it back quickly Let’s take a look at this hole. It’s not too deep. Almost less than one meter You can see that there are a lot of small tongues inside Men and women come here every June 19th temple fair Pray for the heirs to reach in and touch the stone is very efficacious In front of Qiuzidong is Sanjinyuan There are three Zen rooms in each of the east and the west. The main kiln is a five-hole monk cave dwelling.

In the center of the courtyard, there is an eight-treasure lotus pond built with bricks There is also a ribbed door on each side of the Zen room You can enter and exit the east and west courtyards of Baiyun Temple through Lemen The lotus leaves the lotus clean without demonizing the silt but not staining it Is a very holy flower There is nothing else in the pool, although it's just a pool of clean water But it can be retracted and retracted as much as you like It has the effect of purifying the filthy mind and mind This is also the Taoist’s saying that the best is good, if water has no desire, then righteous. Finally, let’s take a look at the Ancient Buddha Hall, the tallest temple in Baiyun Temple We are used to the Chinese architecture in the temple The ancient Buddhist temple in front of you looks a bit Western in every way That's right, this is an imitated European classical spinal column building But everyone carefully look at the distance between each pillar Still following our traditional regulations, the number of times will decrease slightly This building is not modern It was created during the Qing Dynasty Qianlong period and was overhauled during the Republic of China. The whole temple looks very beautiful Many brick patterns are carved on the stigma of the front wall There are green lions, white elephants, sun and moon There are also various character carvings, including Yin inscriptions, Yang inscriptions, regular scripts and official scripts At the bottom left corner, there is a moon inlaid with Moonlight Bodhisattva Reality Heaven Amitabha Ideal Pure Land Saint in saint Jakko On the bottom right corner, there is a day inlaid with Nikko Bodhisattva In the middle is the plaque of the ancient Buddha hall located inside the brick carving of Pilu Gate There is an arrow on both sides of the word Buddha, which means that the Buddha is in the sky.

We continue to look down and there is a couplet in front of the door All the good people are pursuing the extinction of all conditions All evils can't be done by oneself This couplet is the most basic principle of Buddhism Simply put, it is to persuade everyone to do good things and not do bad things. As the saying goes, all evils are not for all good. Pursue self-purification, which means Buddhism. This famous verse from the Buddha's house It should be that all evil should not be done before, and all good will be followed. I don’t know if it’s the engraving upside down or there are other meanings There is the change of the sun and the moon, and people have good and evil points What is good and what is evil The sun and moon seen today are no longer the sun and moon of yesterday Everything in the world is moving and developing regularly This is contradictory opposition but unity Oppositions are connected and can be transformed into each other under certain conditions It is also extremely struggle and mutually exclusive and mutually opposing and negating each other So if you want to change yourself, you must first know yourself If you want to change the world, you must first know the world Simply put, it means seeking truth from facts in four words Like my video please subscribe and comment thank you

2021-05-21 22:55

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