กางเต็นท์บนยอด 'ภูซับเหล็ก' 2 วัน 1 คืน | Solo Camping, Cooking and Enjoy the Moment || Ep.26

กางเต็นท์บนยอด 'ภูซับเหล็ก' 2 วัน 1 คืน | Solo Camping, Cooking and Enjoy the Moment || Ep.26

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Someone once said life always has tomorrow So they treat their lives with Starve sour to eat sweet But some people said.. Life may not have tomorrow. So they treated their lives as if today was their last day. And try to make the most of your life each day you wake up.

If you're one of those who have gone through a near-death experience. You must be one of the people I want to live each day to the fullest. I want to spend more time with the people you love. I want to have a little more time for myself or if more than that You will want to do something for your fellow human in .. before you are no longer happy every day I leave behind the boat, but today I was riding a motorcycle. From Bangkok to Lop Buri, Ban Khok Tum, Mueang Lop Buri District I came here to go up to the viewpoint 'Phu Sap Lek'.

Phu Sap Lek is a hill that is not very high. able to walk upstairs going up camping or watch the sunset and come down Today I come here, there are not many tourists. This will be the car park. The green part over there is a motorcycle parking lot. This part is the way up. It's the first time I've been here.

Wait.. Let's pack our luggage and go upstairs. Forgot to mention that here is free. The villagers have already made their way up.

which the way up is a stairway It will be a little easier. and there are crutches for walking up I'll just go and collect my luggage to go upstairs. The difficulty is right here.

I have to put the luggage in the box in the bag and carry it up. I don't know if I can carry it or not. Must warm-up first, everyone. We will put the stuff in the box in the bag upstairs. Let's see what I brought. The first item is that I didn't want to bring a sleeping bag at first, but I was afraid that when it rained, the weather was cold, so I brought it with me . Drinking water is very necessary. I cook and drink. Bring a cutting board up with a plate, mosquito coils.

We don't like it at all. Dog flea and tick powder to sprinkle around the tent against ants, insects, pans , kettles, condiments Let's go upstairs to take a better photo because.. We arrived here at 3:30 PM. It was already dark. So we're not filming here anymore. Hurry up to pack up and go upstairs.

Everyone, prepare to go upstairs. We'll have to warm-up first. Should we go find a place to shower first? Let's go. The backpack weight is about 25 KG.

It's fine . more than this It's 4:00 PM now, let's walk up. The motorcycle is parked here. Let's go up and see what's up there. It's never come either. We have to walk slowly because..

heavy things. This is the way up to Phu Sap Lek. We came to the way the villagers said.. It's a slope, not a steep road, it's a detour, most tourists choose a steep road.

To reach the top faster, harder to gradually go to bed a little more, well, all we have are just 2 bottles of a bottle with a bottle of 1.5 liter, 1.5 liter, will be cooking a dish wash what little part. this bottle to drink I don't know if it's enough must drink little by little I'm sweating now.

Let's move on, everyone. Now we're going to cook . It's very dark right now. subject matter I mean we wait.. Let the tourists go first Because recently, there are many tourists coming to take photos here. We were not comfortable filming cooking clips.

By the time all the tourists had gone down, it was already dark. Now let's get started. Our first menu today, shallots, garlic , raw potatoes, beef steak. Do you think you can eat it? Our steak, Freud wrapped steak, cooked or not, must be cooked. We are hungry now.

Cool! loud and clear! Our first meal of the day dinner was a bit overcooked. Overcooked it made the meat hard but the potatoes were soft. Now the fire is strong I'm afraid it's not cooked, so we add fire, so it's overcooked, but OK , next time we'll do it again, need about.. The fire must not be strong, burn for about 15 minutes , should get medium rare, it will be soft, this is overcooked, so the meat is hard. It's a very good atmosphere.

Eat steak in the midst of nature. The front is.. Phu Sap Lek Reservoir Seeing the city lights on, calm and peaceful, it's OK for dinner . Even more reminding that it is ingrained in the deep that..

Anything can happen. Because we are not bricks, not cement, not steel, that will be invincible. We are just fragile bodies. Compared to the age of rocks, trees, mountains, sky, or even with the sun Our human life is so short. We have only visited this world for a moment. Before leaving, so do whatever you want to do.

do what you can do what you can before not having a chance to do that. Who knows that.. .. Today is the last or not. Here we sit and watch the sun. Hello everyone, everyone. This is the other side of Phu Sub Lek. east side with the sunrise here The side that has a reservoir will be on the other side which will be on the west side Yesterday, when setting up the tent, it was flooded with light. This morning the weather is very good.

It was windy that night as well. I wonder if it's going to rain But fortunately it didn't rain. Otherwise the things that are placed will get wet. Because the mattress is downhill, it may be messy, and it may be difficult to do anything this morning. It went well with the first night of every match Yonder Mountain steel liner called him the Chinese, 'This is the' reservoir steel liner 'Now people are making here as a tourist.

A little bit more, this place should be known more and more. We think that one thing that is important when there are many tourists is the matter of garbage and cleanliness. I want the place to be as clean as when there are no tourists. So whoever comes up here, please collect your own trash and dump it downstairs. If you come upstairs, prepare a garbage bag.

Because there are no trash bins up here, no toilets, nothing at all. It's very natural I just made up my mind for anyone who would come to stay overnight on this place. Women can be a bit difficult. This breakfast is simple. Tuna salad. The salad may be missing many things as well.

no lemongrass no chilli I usually don't eat spicy. So I don't put chili anymore. forgot to bring lemongrass Otherwise, the alley will add deliciousness, but it's OK like this. There will be salad vegetables.

Tuna salad with tomatoes. Eat it. And a little tighter is the bread, otherwise the tuna and salad will not be full. And follow it up with orange juice. Actually, there's one more thing that I'm going to do, uh..forget it. Actually, I have to add salted egg to make it more delicious.

Actually, breakfast must have poached eggs, but this is all that's left of water. I can't do anything. I can boil tea, boil anything. Because going down, you need to drink some water. This trip is considered to have problems with water, no drinking water, so drinking water is very economical.

take as much as you can Hey.. we brought salted eggs. I'd rather put some salted eggs . I've already taken it, and we'll have to go downstairs now. because now we have no water we don't have drinking water That is, if the longer we stay here We will be even more thirsty. Doing any activity is a little difficult. because it will be tired And had to drink water, so I thought I had to go downstairs I don't want to think about the condition when I have to pack my stuff and carry it downstairs, that is, when I came up, last night my shoulder was bruised, my shoulder was very painful because the bag was heavy.

The return leg must be the same. I hope that this short trip everyone will enjoy my journey. Also, leave a track, press Sub hit like the Channel leave behind the way with it, and if I have any free time I go out to travel, then I shoot video clips and make friends, look for people who like to travel, that is. that Unable to go out to travel, watch the channel and leave the way.

Thank you. Thank you for following. See you in the next trip. Today, the boat is off the road. I have to go first. I 'm very thirsty. I don't have enough water to drink. I'll just have to spat out a little water to go.

Wipe the dishes, wipe the messy equipment. Because all the dishes or equipment that are oily, we have to put them in the backpack. Therefore, we have to clean to a certain extent first. to put it in Therefore, our drinking water will be less and less.

That's why we have to hurry to OK and see you on the next trip. Hello.

2021-08-29 14:38

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